Weekend highlights!
Saturday, Capricorn Moon trines Venus in Virgo and that’s a lot of goddess energy in harmony with a lot of earth energy. This could be a day filled with passion or building something solid, ambitions will play a part along with lots of energy towards earning money through the work you put forward or finding love through healthy, holistic outlets. Spending time with pets looks good as well or working with animals.
Sunday morning the Moon trines Mars so you will be able to take action or express more passion in the same arenas, quite a lovely way to start the day. In the afternoon the Moon moves into Aquarius and friends or group activities will take over. There is a great tie-in to something you can do with a partner or representative here that is social and positive. You will be expressing Uranus energy through physicality so you may even surprise yourself but again it seems to align beautifully with your social energy. The FULL MOON in Aquarius tonight brings a peak moment with a friend, group, party, social activity, networking event, or around an aspiration of yours. This is about celebrating the climax here or wrapping something up and ending it.
ARIES: (call to schedule your reading 818-613-6067)
Saturday is all about your ambitions and feelings as a leader in areas of work, health or with pets. You have lots of female energy here so you may be involved with at least one in this work or health activity today, with pets or in a service you provide. The energy is positively aligned to support your efforts and as always with Venus the topic of love or money is the key.
Sunday your ruler, Mars gets into the action so passions are interspersed with the dynamic playing out over work, health or pets. Again the energy is harmonious so put your heart into what you are doing. The rest of the day is all about the friend, group or aspiration. This is what the Full Moon is bringing to a peak for you today so something is in celebration mode or ending here. There is positive energy around the change you make and the issue with a partner, representative or competitor.
TAURUS: (call to schedule your reading 818-613-6067)
Saturday is golden for the trip for love, a creative project or children. You can also dive into the media venture, educational outlet, or legal matter that involves the kids, lover or creative project with positive energy. Women figure beneficially. You should be feeling pretty good about where you are in this and the steps you take are aligning with love or money.
Sunday Mars gets into the action so there is more drive, determination, courage, passion and motivation to show the love, do something with the creative project or kids. The rest of the day is all about something in your career, with reputation, standing in the world, fame, ambition, a big goal, or father/boss/authority figure, coming to a climax under this Full Moon. You should be celebrating a peak moment or wrapping something up and ending it here. Group energy or friends will color this peak moment. There is good energy behind the work you do and efforts with health or pets involved as well as something unforeseen changing in some beneficial way for you at the last minute.
GEMINI: (call to schedule your reading 818-613-6067)
Saturday brings very positive energy your way to do something at home, with a move, real estate deal, renovation or redecorating, roommate, or mom/mother figure. This is about getting to the core of something going on that puts you in the middle of a triangle or power play. Finances, divorce or sex will likely be key players in the undercurrent here. Be true to yourself and share what you are feeling.
Sunday Mars jumps into the picture so you will be driven to do something today based on this scenario. This can look like tackling something in the home, expressing your passion there, or acting on a move or real estate deal. The rest of the day is all about the Full Moon that brings something around your belief system to a climax. This could involve something legal, media/publishing related, educational, or travel oriented and you will see it peak with a friend or group most likely. This can be a celebration or ending with positive ties to something solid with creative outlets, lovers or children and a turnabout opportunity with a friend.
CANCER: (call to schedule your reading 818-613-6067)
Saturday communications are what it’s all about and pretty much nothing else. This is a GREAT day to write, catch up on phone calls and emails, look at or discuss agreements involving partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, or competitors, take meetings, pitch ideas, or connect with something local going on. A woman will likely be key here and the energy of love or money will color what is said.
Sunday Mars dives into the fray in a positive, motivating way so you will see some action on the writing or agreement, meeting or talk, again the partner, representative or competitor is part of this and under harmonious alignment. The rest of the day is all about the Full Moon bringing something deep, powerful, involving a triangle, sex, finances, or divorce to a peak. This will most likely involve a friend or group and be a celebration as something culminates financially or an ending. There is positive energy tied to this and the home or move and something surprising with opportunity for goals or career as well.
LEO: (call to schedule your reading 818-613-6067)
Saturday brings an income matter into alignment for you and should have you feeling pretty good about the work you are doing or reaching for. This could also be a great day to spend on health, pets or for something that will aid you in the work you do or in procuring work, or to earn through health or pets. Women are beneficial today in these arenas.
Sunday Mars is in on the action here so it will kick up a notch, there will be motivating forces getting to the money and passion expressed around it. The rest of the day is all about the Full Moon bringing a relationship to a peak for you. This could be about a partnership, relationship with an agent, attorney, specialist, or competitor, but it will be a celebration of the moment or an ending as something wraps up. Your social circle or friends will be part of this or an aspiration. Talks should go well and there is a nice surprise with travel, media, law, or education.
VIRGO: (call to schedule your reading 818-613-6067)
Saturday looks oh so good for you, Virgo! There is wonderful energy flowing for you today between creativity, recreational outlets, fun, kids, and lovers. You may find you are expressing love with someone today or making money through one of these connections or outlets. Women will be beneficial to you and it all looks good.
Sunday Mars gets into this mix so same as yesterday but with more dynamic, motivation, energy, passion, and drive. This energy is playing out through you towards the lover, child or creative project so motivate yourself to go after what you want. The rest of the day is about the Full Moon in your work, health or pet zone. This is bringing something here to a climax for you and will look like a celebration or ending. It will most likely involve a friend, group or aspiration of yours as well. There is good energy to what occurs and earning money and to nice surprises via outside resources, sex or divorce.
LIBRA: (call to schedule your reading 818-613-6067)
Saturday is all about the flow at home or with property that ties into what is going on behind closed doors with a woman, love or money. You should do what you can to retreat and spend time with a loved one at home or to work on research or film/fantasy work that could lead to money here. You may need to look into hospital matters, investigate, or delve into the spiritual world as well. Whatever you are working on behind the scenes is under positive stars today.
Sunday Mars gets into this picture so you will be doing the same thing only today you have drive, passion, motivating energy to make it happen. The rest of the day is about the Full Moon occurring in your house of true love, children and creative projects. This is bringing something here to a peak through celebration as something is reached or an ending as you wrap it up. Friends or a group may be part of this energy along with a nice opportunity for you to partner, represent or be represented or to deal with an opponent/competitor.
SCORPIO: (call to schedule your reading 818-613-6067)
Saturday is an important day to connect with a friend or group, attend a social affair, do some networking, or pursue your aspiration. It will involve an idea of yours, a talk, meeting, something written, or an agreement and lead to love or money with a woman involved. It looks positive so dive in.
Sunday Mars gets into the same arena so you will be diving in for certain today as the energy amps up with drive, motivation or passion here. The rest of the day is about the Full Moon bringing something to a peak at/with home, property, moves, real estate, roommates, security needs, or mom/mother figures. This is a celebration or ending here and will be colored with your social needs or a friends involvement. You can accomplish much behind the scenes and should look forward to a nice surprise or change to work, health or pets tied to this home culmination.
SAGITTARIUS: (call to schedule your reading 818-613-6067)
Saturday is all about the income and career for most of you. There is great flow between the money you earn or spend today and the goal, ambition, career, reputation, fame, boss, or father figure and the love you are feeling. A woman is significant to the goal or in the position of authority here and you should feel pretty good about what is going on.
Sunday Mars gets into the action by creating action in these same realms. You can experience this as passion or motivating forces making things happen on the career front or with the goal. The rest of the day is about the Full Moon in your communications zone so you will likely be hearing or saying something that brings an issue to a climax now, this will be about a celebration or ending. A friend or aspiration will likely color your decision as well. This could also be about a writing project, agreement, brother or sister, neighbor or neighborhood issue coming to a peak. Look for solid decisions with the friend and something exciting or surprising coming through a lover, child or creative project.
CAPRICORN: (call to schedule your reading 818-613-6067)
Saturday looks pretty great and I’m sure that is good news after such a tumultuous week! It is bringing love or money to you through travel, someone at a distance, import/export, beliefs, a ceremony, legal means, teaching or taking a class, or media, publishing, publicity, or marketing. A woman may be beneficial to you in this, expect good things.
Sunday Mars gets into this picture so it will build on what started yesterday but today there will be passion expressed, motivating forces to make something happen and amped up energy at play. The rest of the day is about the Full Moon bringing an income matter to a peak for you. This will be a celebration as something is achieved, earned or spent, or an ending as you wrap up something about the money scenario. There is great alignment to solid career support to the money and to something exciting, surprising or about a change at home or with a real estate matter, again good for income/spending.
AQUARIUS: (call to schedule your reading 818-613-6067)
Saturday brings some nice energy to the matter involving sexual conquest and love, another woman or a triangle, power and high finance, the divorce or something deep and connected with another individual. Women should be beneficial for you today and what you can do behind closed doors or through research or retreat is positive as well.
Sunday Mars gets into this mix so passions are ignited, there is motivating drive behind the sex, divorce, loans, debt, inheritance, insurance, bankruptcy, taxes, alimony, child support, royalty, commission, or joint finances. This is as well positively aligned to what you are doing behind closed doors or through research or fantasy. The Full Moon today is bringing something about you, your needs, ego, identity, image, or body to a peak. This is about celebrating reaching a goal here or about an ending as you wrap up one way of being you. There is positive alignment here to legal, media, travel, or educational outlets and to a surprising talk or news that changes your opinion.
PISCES: (call to schedule your reading 818-613-6067)
Saturday is smooth energy for you where your aspirations, friendships, group affiliations or a social occasion is involved. This is opening up the partnership, representation or competition to let love or money flow through. Say yes to connections between the social realm and partnering/representation. Women are beneficial here today.
Sunday Mars gets into the picture so you can expect the same theme as yesterday but with more drive, passion or action in the picture. The rest of the day is about the Full Moon in your hidden part of your chart. This is bringing something to a peak that you didn’t see coming, that was hidden, involves hospitals, self-sabotaging, secret enemies, secrets, fantasy, spirituality, clandestine romance, film, music or any other art form. You will be celebrating as something climaxes here or seeing something end through one of these doors. There is positive energy around divorce, sex or high finances tied to this and something solid (think commitment or severing ties) as well as a nice surprise via income.
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