It’s the Solar Eclipse weekend and there are big shifts afoot!
Saturday, Venus, the ruler of love, money, beauty, and women, moves out of Leo where it was all about the show, fun, creative outpouring, and drama, into Virgo where it is going to be about purity of spirit, service, the work involved, and the details. Watch for a tendency to criticize loved ones under this influence.
The Cancer Moon is opposing Pluto today so your needs for comfort, home, security, nurture, or mom may be on edge as major change or transformation is rocking this boat a bit or you may find the perfect balance and rock your own world on the home fronts.
Venus then moves into an odd kind of angle to the even odder Uranus and all bets are off. The craziest kinds of attractions and actions can take hold tonight so never say never. Rebellion, ye are my maker, or something like that! Stand back, stand back. You may take a turn in the road even you weren’t expecting, so take care out there. And if you throw all caution to the wind and get unleashed with the first hottie who crosses your path, try to refrain from running off to Vegas with the Elvis minister until this trend passes.
Sunday the Sun dances with Mars so all kinds of positive physical activities come up, you should be comfortable in your own skin and where you are standing while attending to the work, health or pets. Mercury glides around Jupiter and pushes at Pluto so talks or meetings will be important today, big, expansive, happy or about what it will take to be happy, but consistently about changing the look of the goal in some profound way.
The New Moon Solar Eclipse is going to ask you one big question, “Hey, you, yeah, you, what are you doing here, what are you building upon?” Pretty much all of what comes in the next intense and positive push over the next 6 months is going to stem from how you answer that question for yourself. Remember this is a question you are to ask YOURSELF, ask it and then think about how your answers align with your true goals and needs. Look for something that happens this weekend or over the course of the next two weeks to point you STRONGLY in the direction you need to be, some of you have already found it.
This is a new beginning around home, property, real estate, family, mom/mother figure, roommates, renovations, security, childhood issues, the foundations you are building upon, and pretty much the entire roots of your life. You are ready for something new here and it ties in strongly to the major overhaul your life has been undergoing where your goals are concerned, where the kind of work or health issues have been strained or you’ve needed to take on more, where change, excitement and expansion have shown themselves to be available through friends and actions you take to be true to yourself, and directed at questions you ask yourself about how your current situation is supporting or detracting from the kind of partnership you wish to take part in or move past. They don’t call it a Grand Cross for nothing, these are very significant corners of your life that are being shaken up this summer and this Solar Eclipse is helping you to get real and make some decisions about where you hang your hat so the rest can fall in place.
ARIES: (call to schedule your reading 818-613-6067)
Saturday you should feel the shift of Venus as she brings her ability to attract love and money into the work you do, your health and with pets. You will find things run more smoothly here, that work aimed at women or involving them will benefit, that a woman may get involved in your healthcare who is supportive, and that you may earn more now in these areas or spend/settle money matters on pets or health. Emotions at home or over a living situation are supercharged today as you try to meet a goal or deal with a powerful boss. Look for that wildcard Venus/Uranus aspect today to play out over the female involved with work, health or pets or the love or money you are experiencing here and a change you make in the spur of the moment.
Sunday brings great energy for you to tackle things at home or with a property matter you are in the spotlight here in work you do, health or with pets again and it is going to be active and positive. Talks are important today, or meetings, writing, communications of some sort, because they are opening big doors for you, again focusing on who you are and expansion in your life but they are also going to require you either make some adjustments when speaking to the boss or trying to take on more authority yourself. The New Moon Solar Eclipse is all about the big fresh start at home, with real estate, renovations, interior designs, living situations, roommates, moves, mom/mother figures, family, or your foundations you are building upon. This is about opening the doors and giving yourself permission to begin again on some level. Ask the Eclipse question, “What am I doing here, what am I building upon?”
TAURUS: (call to schedule your reading 818-613-6067)
Saturday your ruler, Venus, changes signs and moves into earth friendly Virgo. This will help take the edge off of those love, children and creativity issues you have been a bit at odds with and give you some relief from any feelings about love or creativity that you have been wrestling with at home or around a move. This influence will help you show love through service and effort to those you care for and through your own creative endeavors. You may meet a new love interest now if single and money should flow nicely through your creative projects. Emotions are intense today and will likely display over talks or meetings involving legal, media, educational, or travel matters. The Venus/Uranus wild card could send you into a pretty wild tryst behind closed doors or send your creative venture into some new artistic or spiritual realm.
Sunday the Sun/Mars configuration should give you lots of energy for the ones you love, passions are sparking, this could lead to a meeting that moves towards love or sharing your creative gifts, or being seen for what you bring to the table. Trust that you are in the right place at the right time today. Talks or meetings about home, property, living situations, mom, or family are going to be important and you can expand in some way here as long as you are willing to make some changes to the travel, media, publicity, educational, or legal matter involved. The New Moon Solar Eclipse is giving you a very big new start in writing, talks, meetings, ideas, agreements, decisions, short trips, neighborhood matters, moves, or interactions with siblings. Ask that question, ‘What am I doing here, what am I building upon?’ and then launch.
GEMINI: (call to schedule your reading 818-613-6067)
Saturday Venus moves into Virgo and brings women, love and money issues to the home, move, real estate deal, or what’s going on there. You will see that women are beneficial now in these realms, things smooth out, if you need to attract money for a home renovation or rent, you should have an easier time finding it. You may have a female move in or out of the home environment at this time. Emotions are intense today over finances on all fronts so take it easy on yourself here if you can and attend to those bills. The Venus/Uranus aspect tonight is fairly radical and will play out with friends and home so you may have some kind of popover at the last minute or plans change or you run into love at a house party that takes you by surprise, change and unconventional moments are par for the course.
Sunday the Sun/Mars alignment will give you lots of great energy at home, for a move or for anything you want to accomplish around property with a spotlight on you and earning or spending here. Talks, writing, agreements, or meetings will be important today for you involving friends or groups and something rather major on the financial or sexual front, again changes are part of the course. The New Moon Solar Eclipse is opening up a huge door for you in your income department so you have a big push from the universe by way of a big paycheck, a new source of income, the motivation to go after more income or another source, or you may decide to make a rather important purchase now, keep the Eclipse question in your mind, “What am I doing here, what am I building upon?” before you go and spend the money or launch into new earning possibilities, the answer should help you make your decision.
CANCER: (call to schedule your reading 818-613-6067)
Saturday Venus moves into your communications zone so at the least you can expect to hear from a woman today but over all this influence will make talks or agreements with women run more smoothly, help you to attract love or money through your communications or writing, ideas or agreements, and help you to patch up any issues with neighbors or siblings. Emotions are intense today over a significant relationship and you will need to do your best to balance the overwhelming feelings you may have or to stand in your own power as you meet this powerful person. The Venus/Uranus aspect is a pretty major wild card and will come via a talk or meeting that shifts things around goals or it could be something that involves short trips and an authority figure so watch yourself out on the road. Some of you will no doubt be in the arms of a boss tonight and you never saw it coming, take care.
Sunday the Sun/Mars energy is amping you up to get busy locally or through talks, emails, writing and other forms of communications. Passion is expressed easily today and you are right in the center of the positive experience, enjoy. Talks about income are on the agenda as well and you will see ways to expand your career horizons but only through making some compromises to a partner, agent, attorney, or other representative. The New Moon Solar Eclipse is opening up the world for you on a new level, this is in your sign and you should take full advantage by stepping out in the new version of who you wish to be. If you want to get a new look or begin something to get your body into better condition, this energy will help you make it so. Don’t forget the Eclipse question, “What am I doing here, what am I building upon?”
LEO: (call to schedule your reading 818-613-6067)
Saturday Venus leaves your sign and enters your earnings zone. This will help you to attract the income you need, make for an easier flow here and women or beauty will benefit earnings. You may spend on luxury items now as well. The emotional energy today is quite intense and playing out over what is hidden away and what is transforming through health, work or with animals so go easy on yourself here. The Venus/Uranus aspect is going to toss a wild card in through legal, media, educational, or travel zones to affect your money or a woman you are earning or spending upon, passions unleashed through travel or in one of these other arenas may cost you but it will be exciting and change things nonetheless.
Sunday the energy is gearing up in a positive way around earning and the film, music, artistic, fantasy, spiritual, hidden, or retreative/hospital arenas of your life. You will stand out in the work you do behind the scenes here and find ways to motivate towards the money, it’s supportive of your efforts. Talks or meetings are important today regarding you, your body or needs and the trip, law, media, or education that is opening up for you in a big way. Be willing to make or adapt to changes in health, work or with pets. The New Moon Solar Eclipse is opening up a new start for you in this mystical part of the chart so launch in areas of film, music, poetry, dance, painting, or any other art form, in spiritual, mystical, psychic or intuitive work, in strategies, investigations, research or hidden agendas, in dealing with addictions, self-sabotaging or hospitals/prisons or other institutions. Ask yourself as you do so, “What am I doing here, what am I building upon?”
VIRGO: (call to schedule your reading 818-613-6067)
Venus moves into your sign on Saturday bringing the love, the money or the woman to you. Are you ready? Well, I should hope so. You will find that you are minding the details about these things now and that everything flows more smoothly. If you want to spend on something for yourself, your body, looks, etc, this is a good time to do so. Emotions are intense today and playing out over the love/friendship axis or perhaps around creative ambitions and aspirations or groups. Venus and Uranus mix it up throwing you into one of the wildest sexual connections you’ve had in a while or getting your ire up over “Is this just sex, where is the love” issues. If you aren’t treading where no man has gone before then this combo could be about changing something with the divorce or financial matter in some exciting or shocking way.
Sunday the Sun/Mars connection will motivate you with friends, groups or aspirations, bring your passion and expect to make things happen. Talks or meetings are important today involving something hidden, secret, artistic, spiritual, or involving an institution. You will be looking at the wide open space in the arena of sex, divorce or finances and how things must change or be adapted to involving a lover, child or creative project. The New Moon Solar Eclipse is pretty powerful for you opening up a new beginning within a group, with a friend or towards a cherished aspiration. You should say yes to social invitations in the weeks ahead and be on the lookout for a new friend approaching who will become significant. You may form a group or give yourself a new start around the one you already connect with and if you have something you have wanted for a while, please know, this is wish fulfillment time if you believe it and send it out there. Ask that Eclipse question, “What am I doing here, what am I building this upon?”
LIBRA: (call to schedule your reading 818-613-6067)
Venus sneaks in the back door on Saturday and spends the next few weeks helping you to research, delve into artistic works such as film or music, deal with secrets or hidden agendas, tackle hospitals or other institutions, or attend to any self-sabotaging tendencies. This means that a woman may be beneficial in these arenas or if you need money to deal here it should be easier to attract. A clandestine love affair may find you at this time as well. Emotions run deep today over goals, career, reputation, and home or property so find your balance. The Venus/Uranus contact tonight is pretty certain to bring a wild card into the mix with a significant other or a representative or competitor. This will come from out of the blue and could mean crazy attractions, sexy secret moments, or shocking/surprising change.
Sunday the Sun/Mars aspect motivates in positive behind the scenes energetics to tackle the art, spiritual pursuit or hidden romantic agenda to reach the goal, you shine. Talks or meetings are important today with friends, groups or in networking and this will show you positive expansion through partnerships, representation or specialists while helping you to deal with the change to foundations, home or security. The New Moon Solar Eclipse is opening up a huge doorway for you in fresh starts on the career front, with reputation, goals, ambitions, fame, or with father/father figures/bosses. You should launch your business or go for the career brass ring now, the sky’s the limit. Don’t forget to ask the Eclipse question, “What am I doing here, what am I building upon?”
SCORPIO: (call to schedule your reading 818-613-6067)
Venus enters your house of friendships, groups, networking, social occasions, and aspirations on Saturday so you can be certain a female friend will be important during this time period, that love and money will flow through your connections and socializing and that if you want to spend on an aspiration or group affiliation, this would be a good time to do so. Emotions are deep today as the Moon opposes your ruler and draws your attention to media, publishing, publicity, marketing, travel, people at a distance, higher education, or legal matters. It’s about changing your mind or working towards what you really want. The Venus/Uranus connection today is hot and will likely come through a female friend and something that changes on the work front or with health or pets, this can stir sexual attractions you weren’t expecting or change something monetarily for you through the connection.
Sunday the Sun/Mars dance will fuel action with the friend or social occasion and put you in the spotlight as the teacher, legally, in a media, publishing or publicity capacity, or through travel/distance, this is very positive so take action. The talks or meetings today are important and focus on career, fame or goals and expansion and luck happening through the work you do now or through health or pets. Be willing to change your mind a bit or have a talk or meeting with someone powerful over this making a bit of an adjustment here for the best results. The New Moon Solar Eclipse is opening up a fresh start for you in a very big way through what you take on through travel, with people at a distance, in import/export, through media, publishing, publicity, marketing, politics, religion, ceremonies, teaching, going back to school, or in legal matters. Don’t forget to ask yourself the Eclipse question, “What am I doing here, what am I building upon?”
SAGITTARIUS: (call to schedule your reading 818-613-6067)
Venus enters Virgo on Saturday and shows you the love and money through career and goals you have set. This may bring a woman onto the career front who will benefit your aims or help things to go more smoothly. It’s a good time to ask for a raise or spend on promoting your business. Emotions are deep today around finances so do your best to balance spending against earnings. The Venus/Uranus connection later in the day will bring quite the wild card into the mix around a lover, child or creative project. This could be a wild attraction that sideswipes you or something that changes on a dime with a lover, child or creative project that changes the goals you have set, it is exciting or shocking but it’s definitely in the stars.
Sunday the Sun/Mars sextile will have you connecting sexually or over divorce or finances as you drive the matter home more or less around the goal you have set here, this is opportunity and positive energy so be proactive. Talks and meetings are important today about travel, media, law, or education and you will see that one of these topics leads to some happiness or expansion with the lover, child or creative venture. You will need to be willing to make some adjustments around the amount of income involved or what you are willing to spend. Share the ideas as the back end is promising. The New Moon Solar Eclipse is opening the door wide for you to embark on a new major financial matter, sexual conquest, intimate connection, reproductive matter, or divorce. It is powerful and don’t forget as you launch here to ask yourself the Eclipse question, “What am I doing here, what am I building this on?”
CAPRICORN: (call to schedule your reading 818-613-6067)
Saturday Venus moves into your travel, media, legal, and educational arena so love is coming at you through these means, money may as well stem from these areas or a woman may show up in one of these arenas who will be important in the next few weeks. It is a good time to spend on these higher minded topics or earn from them and life is smoother here. Emotions are very powerful today and are playing out between you and a partner, representative or competitor. This can be highly charged sexually or over a divorce or financial matter. The Venus/Uranus connection means that there is something exciting or shocking about to spark at home or with a property matter and the love or money there via the trip, media, legal, or educational topic. You may have a wild attraction blindside you here or see something changes at the last minute through these means.
Sunday the Sun/Mars aspect will have you expressing passions with someone far away or over a trip, through media, education, or legal matters and you will shine in the partnership or through representation here. Talks and meetings are important today and will play out sexually or over the divorce or financial matter, with much happiness or luck in the home or over property matters. Be careful that you do not overpower today, it is within you and there is a need to adapt a bit for the other person or situation. The New Moon Solar Eclipse is opening up a huge new horizon for you today in the arena of marriage, business partnerships, with agents, attorneys, specialists, or competitors, you are on your way, don’t forget to ask yourself the Eclipse question, “What am I doing here, what am I building upon?”
AQUARIUS: (call to schedule your reading 818-613-6067)
Saturday Venus moves into your sex, divorce and financial realm so you will see things go more smoothly here, sex could become love and vice versa, money flows more readily, in and out, a female may become important for your benefit in one of these topics and you should have an easier time attracting what you need. Emotions are running deep today over secrets and work or pleasure conducted behind closed doors against the work, health or pet matter. The Venus/Uranus aspect is about something exciting, shocking or a change you weren’t expecting but have to adjust to occurring sexually, with the divorce or over finances. This could come via a talk, news or a meeting so if you are single you may wish to get out and mingle.
Sunday the Sun/Mars connection is all about getting busy sexually, doing something about the finances or acting on the divorce. You shine in the work you do here or through your own vitality and health. Talks and meetings are important today with partners, representatives, specialists, or competitors. You will want to open up and ask for what you want and share your happiness or plans for expansion but be willing to adapt to what is changing behind closed doors. The New Moon Solar Eclipse is giving you a fresh start on the work front, with co-workers or employees, with health or pets. You have a strong push from the universe to start anew here so step it up. Don’t forget to ask yourself the Eclipse question, “What am I doing here, what am I building upon?”
PISCES: (call to schedule your reading 818-613-6067)
Saturday is bringing Venus into your partnership zone and smoothing out the rough waters here. You may see a female enter the scene as a business partner or representative or romantically. If you need money to get the partnership going this will help you attract it, you may as well decide to spend on it at this time. Emotions are running deep today over aspirations, social occasions, friendship, and partnership. The Venus/Uranus connection is going to spark some wild attractions or changes, excitement or shock around partners and income, relationship and spending, hold onto your hat, it’s all shifting again. This could be very sexy or just full out crazy time.
Sunday the Sun/Mars connection means that passions are on the rise with the partner and you are shining in the arena of true love, with children or in a creative venture, so be proactive with this person, whether they are a romantic or business partner or an agent, manager or attorney, you can make things happen today. Talks and meetings are important and will focus on the work that needs doing, the health or the pets. You will find that money is aligned in these arenas but that you will need to make some adjustments around the aspirations as they transform or regarding a social occasion. The New Moon Solar Eclipse is a brand new start for you with true love, children or creative projects. This is a fresh start to find love or amp up the love you have, to have a child or see something new begin with your child, to launch the creative venture, and get a fresh start in FUN! Don’t forget to ask yourself the Eclipse question, “What am I doing here, what am I building upon?”
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