TUNE IN Thursday nights at 5pm pacific/8pm eastern on CBS Worldwide Radio: http://www.psychiconair.com/pages/5643781.php? THE ZOE MOON ASTROLOGY SHOW!!!
When I look at the week ahead I see some rather monumental shifts as we swim deeper to the heart of the Grand Cross taking place.
The Moon is still riding on Cancer New Moon/Eclipse energy so we are all taking a look at fresh starts where the roots of life are concerned, asking ourselves how we are nurtured and how we nurture others and what needs to change to make this more stable. We are looking at where we live, with whom, who we call family and why, and what we believe about country and security.
This week between Monday and Friday the Moon will move through Scorpio, Sagittarius and Capricorn coloring emotions over intimacy, finances, power, the broadening of the mind, beliefs, expansion, and ambitions or relationship to bosses or authority figures.
Monday we will get a nice opportunity to connect financially through work, health, pets, women, and make change that benefits. We will be challenged to find common ground over creative ideas, love or children in the mix.
Tuesday the actions we expend on the work front, with health or animals pays off and we should feel pretty good about how things are transforming or how our own sense of empowerment is unfolding. The ego will be attached to something at home or with a living situation and what is transpiring with a friend or group. This will require some concession or adaptation where artistry, romance or spirituality is concerned. Once the Moon enters Sagittarius there is a nice open channel between unique and independent actions involving travel, beliefs, media, education, or law.
Wednesday is big as we seed the beginning of Saturn into Libra once and for all. You had a preview last Oct. 29-April 7th when Saturn first entered Libra but Saturn then went back into Virgo to tidy up any loose ends with work, health or pets. Today that transit through Virgo is officially over, you have graduated to a new level of mastery in work, health or pets areas and now we begin the official start of our journey into the classroom of relationship. The last time Saturn journeyed through Libra was September 21, 1980 – November 29, 1982 with a Retrograde back into Libra between May 6, 1983 and August 24, 1983. Of course we were not under that added friction of a Grand Cross that involved Saturn at that time but you can look back to get an idea of how this felt if you are old enough to remember the time period.
Tests, limits, loss, commitment, effort, structure, serious approaches, time, ambition, leadership, and finally mastery will be the course ahead of us with marriage partners, business partners, specialists, agents, attorneys or other representatives, and competitors or opponents. This will play out in a different area of life for each sign as described below. As you approach any of these tests try to keep foremost in your mind that Saturn rewards the work and the straight and narrow here through the doorway of Venus in her higher vibration, so apply fairness, equitable options, balance, and a higher esthetic to all of your interactions.
THE SATURN IN LIBRA TEST from July 21, 2010-Oct. 5, 2012:
ARIES= Saturn tests relationships through one on one significant interactions such as marriage, business, competition
TAURUS= Saturn tests relationships through working environment, with co-workers or employees, approach to work, in health, and with animals
GEMINI= Saturn tests relationships through love, with creative projects, recreation, children, or ideals in these areas
CANCER= Saturn tests relationships at home, over property matters, moves, living situations, security, elderly parents, family, mom/mother figures
LEO= Saturn tests relationships through talks, ideas, writing, meetings, decisions, agreements, neighborhood, short trips, siblings
VIRGO= Saturn tests relationships over earning or spending money, over possessions, and through your value system
LIBRA= Saturn tests relationships through your own needs, limits, body, image, identity, ego
SCORPIO= Saturn tests relationships in secret, through spiritual pursuits, artistic endeavors such as film or music, isolation, hospitals, addictions, or research
SAGITTARIUS= Saturn tests relationships through friends, groups, networking, associates, social occasions, and aspirations
CAPRICORN= Saturn tests relationships through career, reputation, ambition, goals, father/father figures, bosses, authority, leadership
AQUARIUS= Saturn tests relationships through legal means, beliefs, travel, distance, media, publishing, publicity, or higher education
PISCES= Saturn tests relationships through loans, settlements, bankruptcy, inheritance, insurance, taxes, alimony, child support, shared resources, sex, intimacy, reproduction, or divorce.
You can listen to my last CBS broadcast here where I talk about what each sign will be dealing with in this Saturn transit for further clarity, you should listen to your Sun sign and your Rising sign in this and the signs of those you will be partnering with: http://www.psychiconair.com/topic/play_window.php?audioType=Episode&audioId=4803053
Thursday the Sun changes signs, beginning a month long cycle through Leo. This is his favorite place to be and will bring energy to love, creativity and children and play out in the Leo part of your chart. The Sun sextiles Saturn in his new placement in Libra from here so we know that these energies are trying their best to align our relationships with our sense of joy and fun.
We have felt how the Aries portion of our chart has felt like breaking loose, where our passions have pushed us to make changes and seen the kind of wide open spaces that can come from such action with Jupiter’s move into this territory back on June 6th. On Friday Jupiter will Retrograde in this portion of the sky and we will begin to adjust to the changes already made. You may see one last shift or turnabout where Jupiter sits in your chart as it does so. The Sun will trine Uranus in the same part of the chart today so there should be some good feelings about any changes that do occur.
ARIES: (call to schedule your reading 818-613-6067)
Monday put your efforts into the financial picture, any intimate connections, power plays, or something controlling going on at work, with health or the pets. You can make some progress here with a woman but the talk you have about love, creative projects or kids is going to be challenging.
Tuesday will be even more dynamic at work, with health or pets as Mars will activate here in positive alignment financially, intimately or in shared reserves. Ego at home will meet some kind of disarray from a friend or group that requires clear thinking on an artistic, romantic or spiritual front. Some of you will as well be pulled between home and hospital, do your best to balance. Tonight is great for making travel, media, legal, or educational moves.
Wednesday Saturn FINALLY leaves Virgo and all those tests you have been under in health, work and pets hits the end note. You can consider yourself graduated now. The new tests will begin to enter with partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, competitors, or opponents. Remember that this next 2 year phase is about mastering relationship for you so you can find perfect balance and keep the Libra motto of fair and equitable in your mind in all connections. It may be worth the added effort for single Aries may leave this cycle married and business partnerships can stand the test of time (Saturn) if you do the work.
Thursday the Sun moves into Leo and lights up your house of true love, children and creative projects for the next 30 days. This should really open up some energy for you here and put you in the spotlight with your kids, a project or perhaps falling in love or doing something special with your loved one. Partnering or representation are linked beautifully to any of this today with long term, solid energy behind it.
Friday the Capricorn Moon meets Pluto so emotions will be strong over ambitions and Jupiter will Retrograde in your sign so the expansion you have undergone recently will slow a bit so you can catch up to your current position. The Sun/Uranus trine today is highlighting your place in the Sun with a creative project, child or lover and the excitement that is coming from something new here.
TAURUS: (call to schedule your reading 818-613-6067)
Monday is pretty amazing for alignments involving your one on one relationship with lovers, children or creative projects. Look at linking up here but know that talks about home, living situations, moves, or security with someone significant could be challenging.
Tuesday brings the passionate planet Mars into the mix with lovers, children and creative endeavors so full steam ahead, especially where someone significant is involved or where you need to reach out for representation, this looks quite positive. Your ego is in the mix with some bit of news or a talk involving career or a goal of yours and this one will require some adjustment on your part. Once the Moon enters Sagittarius intimate and shared energy takes center stage behind closed doors, cutting to the heart of the matter.
Wednesday Saturn FINALLY leaves Virgo where he has tested or limited you in areas of true love, children or creative projects. Today you can consider yourself officially graduated in these arenas having mastered something of a new level here. The new tests will begin with relationships involving work, health and pets. Keep the Libran idea of balance and fairness in all dealings with partners, representatives and competitors in these arenas up ahead as you begin this new phase of mastery.
Thursday the Sun moves into Leo for the next 30 days and lights up your home, family, roots, security, and property matters. This puts you in the spotlight here and the link today with Saturn newly into Libra means something positive can come out of this through the work you do, way you approach health or handle pets here. Link to long term or solid efforts that reward your needs in the situation.
Friday is powerful emotionally around interests of law, travel, media, beliefs, or education. Jupiter Retrogrades in your hidden part of the chart and will slow the expansive action oriented energy that has been pushing you since June 6th in areas of secrets, hidden enemies, retreat, isolation, hospitals, addictions, clandestine love, spiritual pursuits, imagination, film, music or any other artistic endeavor, or through your meditative or mystical intuition. This is giving you a chance to catch up to where you find yourself. The Sun/Uranus connection speaks of positive change to something going on here that should make you feel good about home, family, property, or living situations.
GEMINI: (call to schedule your reading 818-613-6067)
Monday opens on positive energy around the work you do at home or with property, a health matter playing out here or over the animals in the home or the place they are located. A woman plays a positive role monetarily here. Talks about the subject will test your skills however.
Tuesday the actions heats up over the living situation, move, home, property matter, or security issue and feelings should again be positive around what is being accomplished via work, health or pets here. Your image, identity or ego needs tied to income are coming forward today to realign in some way with a media venture, trip, legal topic, or educational matter. Once the Moon moves into your opposite sign, relationships take center stage with positive changes or exciting options socially.
Wednesday Saturn FINALLY leaves Virgo for good, ending the tests you have been through over home, living conditions, roommates, moves, real estate, family, mom/mother figures, and security. You have worked through limits and tests here to finally consider yourself officially graduated, mastering some new level of grounding. Now Saturn moves into relationship testing through true love, children or creative projects for your sign so between today and October 2012 you will be getting serious, setting limits, dealing with tests, and mastering one on one relationships with partners, representatives and competitors through love, kids and creative projects. Some of you will meet the person you are going to marry, decide to have a child or set up your creative future during this transit so do the work.
Thursday the Sun enters Leo and kicks off a 30 day transit through your communications zone. This puts you in the spotlight in all talks, meetings, writing projects, pitches, speaking engagements, ideas, agreements, decisions, short trips, neighborhood activities, and interaction with siblings. The link to Saturn in his new placement in Libra today bodes well for this in some way linking to a declaration of love, a commitment or severing of ties with a lover that benefits you, something involving children or your creative projects that can be agreed upon under positive energy.
Friday emotions are going to be powerful around high financial matters, sex or intimacy, reproduction, or divorce. Jupiter is Retrograding in your house of friendship, groups, and aspirations today so the growth you have seen since June 6th will level out a bit as you are granted some time to catch up with your new position. The Sun’s trine to Uranus here today means talks or agreements may come out of no where with this group or friend that lead to something positive for you or that a change is going to do you good.
CANCER: (call to schedule your reading 818-613-6067)
Monday brings some really nice energy to light around talks or meetings, ideas or agreements with women regarding creative projects, love or children. The communication about the money being earned or spend however may be a bit more challenging with these topics.
Tuesday Mars gets into the act by bringing passion or action to the talks, writing, agreements, meetings and the creative project, child or lover in the picture, again, very positive energy so express yourself. You are in the spotlight today via an intimate connection, divorce or financial matter and you will need to make some adjustments around the dreamy vibe here to get what you want. Once the Moon enters Sagittarius work, health and major goals take over with career surprises bound to please.
Wednesday Saturn FINALLY leaves Virgo and his placement exam through your communications zone. For the last few years you have been tested in what you think, how you write, speak, through the agreements you were offered or signed, and in your local environment, connection with neighbors or siblings. You can officially consider yourself graduated from this transit, a master of a new level here. Now Saturn takes his testing into relationships that will play out over home, real estate deals, moves, elderly parents, mom/mother figures, roommates, leases, security, and roots. Remember to keep the idea of fair and equitable balance in all dealings with partners or representatives here.
Thursday the Sun moves into Leo to start a 30 day cycle through your income zone. This puts you in the spotlight around earnings and the link to Saturn in his new home of Libra today bodes well for earning at home, spending on home, moves, renovations, mom, or for long term solid results from what you put in motion here today.
Friday emotions will be intense regarding a partner, agent, attorney, specialist, or competitor. Jupiter will Retrograde in your house of career and ambition giving you a rest from all the expansion you have seen since June 6th and allowing for you to catch up to your current situation. The Sun/Uranus connection here means that something exciting is about to align for you through income and career, be open to change.
LEO: (call to schedule your reading 818-613-6067)
Monday brings positive energy to home, property and income so look for ways to earn from home or spend on moves or improvements. Talks about what you need here or something you want for yourself may be a challenge but well worth it.
Tuesday Mars gets into the action and you will see income amping up, more energy pouring into making or spending, and again the home or living situation is part of the picture. Something you are doing behind closed doors, through research, film, music or other artistic projects, hospitals or hidden agendas will require some kind of adjustment due to the travel, media, educational, or legal matter arriving. Once the Moon enters Sagittarius you will see open energy channels between love, fun, kids, creative projects, and the trip, media, legal, or educational matter.
Wednesday Saturn FINALLY leaves your income zone after testing you through limits and responsibility over the last couple years. You have now officially graduated and can consider yourself a master of a new level where earning is concerned. You should now find it easier to make money and more fun to spend it. Saturn now takes his tests into relationships and your communications zone so you can expect to see limits, take responsibility and learn new skills with significant others, representatives or competitors through ideas, your way of thinking, writing, agreements, short trips, neighbors, or siblings.
Thursday the Sun moves into your sign and opens up a 30 day cycle where the spotlight will be on you. This is a great time to pay attention to your needs, take care of image or identity matters, as well as your physical body. The connection today to Saturn just into Libra means that there is at least one contract or decision, meeting or talk that will help you solidify something for yourself long term and favorably.
Friday emotions will run deep at work, with health or pets. Jupiter is Retrograding so the growth or big space you have felt through legal matters, media, travel, or education will now slow a bit allowing you to catch up to your current position. The energy playing out between Sun and Uranus bodes well for positive change or excitement that involves you and a media venture, travel plan, education, or legal issue.
VIRGO: (call to schedule your reading 818-613-6067)
Monday brings the opportunity to have a talk or sign an agreement with a woman about something important for you. This could involve a high financial matter, divorce or sexual issue/proposition but it looks positive whichever it is. Talks about something going on that is hidden will be a bit more challenging, watch that secrets don’t spill out.
Tuesday Mars gets into the action and you will feel like doing something proactive in the local arena, with neighbors or siblings, or you will want to express your passions through words, writing, agreements, decisions that affect you personally. A friend or group is where it’s at for you so plan on doing something social, you will just need to make some adjustments around work, health or pets. Once the Moon enters Sagittarius, home and new ideas about money or intimacy are on their way, all good.
Wednesday Saturn FINALLY leaves your sign!!! Put on the party hat. You have been through the test of a lifetime, you have seen limits and added responsibilities in all areas of life over the last couple years and you can now consider yourself officially out from under many of the burdens, a master of a new level of ‘you’. You are now going to experience Saturn transiting through your income zone until October 2012. This means that you will need to be serious and streamline a bit where earning or spending is concerned and that your relationships will be integral along the way in this. That means partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, and competitors will be integral to earning or spending. This next round of mastery will only send tests into this realm for you, lightening up the other areas that have been under stress.
Thursday the Sun moves into Leo and you will most likely feel like shining your light in hidden or behind the scenes ways over the next 30 days. This is great for film, music, or any other art form, spiritual pursuits, research or investigations, strategies, secrets, clandestine love affairs, hospitals or other institutions, addictions, or psychic abilities. The connection to Saturn’s new placement in Libra today bodes well for income coming in through these channels long term with someone significant involved.
Friday emotions will run deep especially around lovers, children or creative ventures. Jupiter is Retrograding today in your house of outside financial matters, sex, reproduction, and divorce. This means that the expansion or wide open space that you have seen open up here since June 6th is now going to slow as you catch up with your new position in the matter. The Sun/Uranus trine indicates that you can shine in the behind the scenes artistry, romance, spiritual endeavor, through any changes or fresh approaches to financial matters, sex, reproduction, or divorce.
LIBRA: (call to schedule your reading 818-613-6067)
Monday is looking good for any research or behind the scenes efforts you can make to earn money. You may connect with a woman now who can help you with the artistic project or hospital. Talks with a friend or group about the income will be challenging or present an obstacle to overcome where the money is concerned.
Tuesday Mars will motivate you to dive into the research, film, music, art, spiritual pursuit, clandestine love affair, or hospital matter so that you can get what you want financially. You are in the spotlight on the career front today and will need to make some adjustments where creativity, children or lovers are concerned to reach the goal. Once the Moon enters Sagittarius there is great alignment regarding talks, meetings or agreements with partners, agents, attorneys, or specialists.
Wednesday Saturn FINALLY leaves your 12th house in Virgo where you have been tested through isolation, efforts behind the scenes, secrets, spying or investigations, hidden enemies, self-sabotage, addictions, hospitals or other institutions, research and strategy, film, music and other artistic projects, spiritual ideals and clandestine love affairs. You can pat yourself on the back because you are officially graduated from these tests and have mastered some new level of inner work here. Saturn has also at this point helped you to officially close the door on a 29 year cycle of your life. You are now entering Saturn in Libra and you will find that everything you do from now until October 2012 will be putting you on the new course and next 29 year cycle leading yourself forward. This is a time to streamline all aspects of life, to decide what is really important and cut everything else away, to step up and get serious, take the helm, do the work, take responsibility for the future outcome of your life, and start building the new you. Focus on your body, image, identity, and ego as you progress into this new beginning.
Thursday the Sun moves into Leo and lights up your social house for the next 30 days. This puts you in the spotlight with friends, groups and aspirations so expect more invitations and know that networking will benefit your aims. The link to Saturn in your sign today means that at least one connection is about to put you on your new road forward in solid, opportune laden ways.
Friday emotions run deep at home or with living situations. Jupiter is Retrograding today in the partnership, opponent and representatives arena giving you a rest from all the expansion that has occurred here since June 6th. You can now catch up to where you are in the situation. The Sun/Uranus link here bodes well for the social place you find yourself or the connection to a friend or group and this change or excitement coming through for you with a partner, agent, attorney, or competitor.
SCORPIO: (call to schedule your reading 818-613-6067)
Monday brings very positive social energy your way, look to a female friend for love or money today. Talks about your needs on the career front meet with an obstacle today so be prepared to make your case.
Tuesday Mars gets into the action with a friend, group or aspiration so you can expect lots of motivation, passion or male influence from the friend and positive energy beaming to you. The trip, media or publicity venture, education, or legal matter is putting you in the spotlight more or less but you will need to make some adjustments to home or living situations, property or moves to make it all happen. Once the Moon moves into Sagittarius the focus will move to income and positive changes in work, with health or pets.
Wednesday Saturn FINALLY leaves Virgo and your social realm. The tests of isolation, limits, responsibilities, or more work with friends, groups, networking, social occasions, and your own aspirations is finally at an end. You have officially graduated and can feel proud that you have mastered a new level of connection with like minded souls or you are now ready to go there. Saturn is now moving into the hidden part of your chart where fantasy, film, music and other forms of artistic expression, research and investigations, hospitals and addictions, spiritual pursuits and romantic secrets will be the playing field for your new tests. These will come through significant relationships that play out here either through partnering or representation and will help you to master this new arena.
Thursday the Sun moves into Leo and lights up your career Midheaven for the next 30 days. This is the time of year when you can really be noticed for your efforts, when your reputation and fame will come to light, when you can launch a business or make career strides by putting in an appearance. The connection between this and Saturn’s new place in Libra bodes well for what you do behind the scenes today to solidify your goals.
Friday emotions are deeply felt and most likely communicated that way. Jupiter Retrogrades in your work, health and pets zone so all of the expansion and change that you have felt here since June 6th will now slow a bit so you can catch up to the new situation you find yourself in. The connection between Sun and Uranus from here means that you can shine on the career front today through new and unique approaches to work, health or animals.
SAGITTARIUS: (call to schedule your reading 818-613-6067)
Monday brings positive energy around a woman on the career front or a goal you have that aims at women, money or love (Venus’s realm). Look at what you can do behind the scenes to go after your goal. The talk about the trip, media, legal, or educational matter poses a challenge and may require more research.
Tuesday Mars is active on the career front bringing positive motivating energy to bear, again what you do behind closed doors leads to the results you want or gets you closer. You are in the spotlight sexually, in divorce or over some major financial matter today and you will need to make some kind of decision or have a talk that stretches it a bit for you, try to be clear. Once the Moon moves into your sign energy flows in positive alignment from you to the lover, child or creative venture.
Wednesday Saturn FINALLY leaves Virgo where he has been testing you over your goals in life, your reputation, career, ambitions, fame, father/father figures, bosses, authority, leadership, and structures. You have had to take on more responsibility here or deal with restrictions on some level but now you can officially consider yourself graduated from this level of mastery. Today Saturn moves into your social quarter to bring tests through partners or representatives that play out in friendships, your social circle, group affiliations, networking needs, and over your aspirations. It’s time to get serious about how you balance your significant relationships with your dreams for yourself and your friends or groups.
Thursday the Sun moves into Leo and sparks a 30 day cycle putting you in the spotlight through travel, with people at a distance, in media, publishing or publicity arenas, through education, or legal matters. The link to Saturn’s new placement in Libra today bodes well for something solid happening here with a friend, group or aspiration that is beneficial.
Friday emotions are going to run deep where income or spending is concerned. Your ruling energy Retrogrades today and all the expansion that Jupiter’s placement in Aries has brought to your life through lovers, children and creative projects will now slow so you can catch up with your current position. The Sun/Uranus link here today opens up a nice potential for you to travel, do something in the media, with education, or legally involving the lover, child or creative project. Be spontaneous, change is good.
CAPRICORN: (call to schedule your reading 818-613-6067)
Monday brings an opportunity with a woman far away or through travel, in media or education, or through legal matters that will benefit your friendship, group affiliation or an aspiration of yours. If this is not about a woman then other Venus themes of love or money can open up to you through these doors. The talk about sex, major finances or divorce is challenging with this friend or group.
Tuesday Mars gets into the picture so the trip, media, legal, or educational matter is moving right along, there is passion or motivating forces here that are positive and again will influence your feelings with the friend or group in a nice way. You are in the spotlight with a partner, agent, attorney, specialist, or competitor and will need to make some concessions or adjustments around your earnings or spending today to reach your needs. Once the Moon enters Sagittarius you have the green light to retreat and enjoy the excitement at home or with real estate.
Wednesday Saturn FINALLY leaves Virgo and the lessons you have been going through with legal matters, media and publicity, publishing and marketing, classes or teaching, travel or people far away. You can consider that you are now graduated from this testing period here and have mastered some new level of the higher mind. Saturn now moves into your career Midheaven, a peak time in your life. This is a culmination of all efforts began about 14 and a half years ago and you will now see if the choices and decisions you made then are reaping the rewards that you envisioned. This is a time when you will take on more responsibility and work on the career front, with reputation, fame, ambitions, authority, and possibly with father/father figures. If you feel as though what you seeded then is not going to produce for you this transit will help you to end it and start on something else to finish out the cycle. If you are happy with where you find yourself, prepare, you are about to get much busier. If you have a career position terminate at this time or some sort of loss occur at this transition, know it is in keeping with putting you onto the right career path for your own growth and maturing. Because this is Saturn in Libra partners, representatives, specialists, and competitors will be part of the learning process and tests to your leadership ability in these years.
Thursday the Sun moves into Leo and puts you in the spotlight over the next 30 days through sex, intimacy, reproduction, divorce, or major financial matters such as loans, debt, credit, insurance, taxes, inheritance, bankruptcy, mortgages, alimony, child support, or joint finances. The Suns connection to Saturn just in Libra here means that long term goals can be reached through efforts spent.
Friday emotions run deep within you and about your own needs sexually or financially. Jupiter Retrogrades in your home, real estate and family house and all the expansion and change you have seen here since June 6th will finally slow down a bit so you can catch up to where you find yourself. The Sun/Uranus trine from here means that you may find yourself in positive sexual embraces, intimate encounters, divorce proceedings, or financial benefits stemming from home or real estate.
AQUARIUS: (call to schedule your reading 818-613-6067)
Monday Is positive for sex, finances or divorce and the goal you have set over love or money. A woman will be beneficial to your cause here. Talks with or about a partner, agent, attorney, specialist, or competitor will be challenging but necessary to reaching the goal.
Tuesday Mars is active so passions spark sexually, motivation is on your side with the finances and actions taken on the divorce should lead to positive results. You are in the spotlight at work, with health or pets today and will need to make some artistic, romantic or spiritual adjustments to get to it all. Once the Moon enters Sagittarius friends and group activities align with talks or meetings so expect invitations, positive chats and nice times together.
Wednesday Saturn FINALLY leaves Virgo after a couple years of testing and limits for you through sexual or intimate unions, reproduction, power, control, triangles, divorce, major financial realms such as loans, debt, bankruptcy, inheritance, insurance, taxes, alimony, child support, or joint finances. You have now officially graduated and can consider yourself a master in some new level here. Saturn now enters travel, media, publicity, marketing, publishing, beliefs, politics, ceremonies, legal matters, and education. This is where you will be tested now through one on one relationships in these arenas. Look to partners, agents, attorneys, or competitors and how you set limits, deal with restrictions, or take on more responsibility through these realms.
Thursday the Sun enters Leo and brings the spotlight on your partnership, representatives and competitors over the next 30 days. This is where you will shine and the link to Saturn today in his new position in Libra bodes well for you and this significant relationship in something serious and long term through legal, travel, media, or educational avenues.
Friday emotions are deep over hidden agendas or secret affairs, the arts or something going on in a hospital. Jupiter Retrogrades in your communications zone so the expansion and changes that have come through news, talks, agreements, neighborhood, or siblings since June 6th will finally slow down so you can catch up to your current situation. You are shining with the partner or representative today in talks or meetings that surprise and put a nice new twist on the situation.
PISCES: (call to schedule your reading 818-613-6067)
Monday brings deep feelings over legal, media, travel, or educational matters with a partner, representative or competitor. This is about the love or money and is opening a door you can bridge. A woman is beneficial here. Talks about work, health or pets do not go so well or at least meet with some challenge.
Tuesday Mars is active so expect positive passion or action from the partner, agent, attorney, or specialist and good feelings again from travel or through distance, over media, education, or legal matters. You are shining in the creative field, with lovers or children today and will want to make some adjustments around any self-sabotaging or isolating experiences you might encounter. Once the Moon moves into Sagittarius the day opens up to positive energy on the career front and to nice surprise with income.
Wednesday Saturn FINALLY leaves your opposite sign of Virgo and all the major tests of a lifetime with relationships that you have been through in the last 2 and a half years will finally end. You are now considered graduated to a new level of mastery where partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, or competitors are concerned. Saturn now moves into your house of sex, intimacy, reproduction, divorce, loans, credit, debt, bankruptcy, mortgages, inheritance, insurance, taxes, alimony, child support, and joint finances. These arenas will be where your relationship skills or connections to representatives or partners will be tested, new responsibilities will arrive and a chance to master this deeply shared area of the chart will open up over the next 2 years.
Thursday the Sun moves into Leo and lights up your work, health and pets zone for the next 30 days, putting you in the spotlight in these arenas. The connection from the Sun here to Saturn in his new placement in Libra bodes well for something serious or long term connected to finances, sex or divorce and your place at work, with health or pets.
Friday emotions run deep over friends, groups or aspirations. Jupiter Retrogrades in your income/spending zone so all the expansion or wide open space here will finally slow so you can catch up to where you find yourself. The Sun/Uranus trine to this part of the chart means that you shine at work, in health or with pets today in ways that open up some new income or spending potential.
Thursday nites at 5pm pacific/8pm eastern on CBS Radio: http://www.psychiconair.com/pages/5643781.php?
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