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What to expect on the last weekend of March? Here’s a word to take with you, ‘organize’. The Moon will be transiting Virgo so you will do well if you utilize the time to clean out, straighten up, itemize, purify, make lists, scrutinize the details, and organize in the area of life that your sign defines Virgo (read your sign and your rising sign).
There is powerful energy at your disposal on Saturday to really transform something in a positive way through your attention to detail and your drive to wipe the slate clean or organize. The angle to the Sun suggests you may feel a bit more like indulging something active for your own amusement but will want to do the work anyway.
Sunday all that ripping apart of closets or tearing down the desk may look a bit overwhelming, you could be asking yourself, ‘What in the heck did I start here?!” Just do your best to make spaces everywhere you go because the week ahead is bringing all kinds of interesting opportunities your way and you don’t want to feel distracted by clutter. If you are trying to itemize or fine tune a project down to the minutest details and feel overwhelmed by the magnitude of it all, just stay focused on what is before you.
You may feel emotions building on Sunday towards someone significant in your life and this is probable since the Full Moon in the sign of partners and representatives peaks on Monday evening. Keep cleaning out the space!
Saturday will give you the impulse to get down to the work you need to organize or detail as you empower your position on the career front. You need to tackle the little things and get it all cleared away. You can also dive into what is ailing you on the health front or cleaning out the pet situation. Focus on one or more of these goals and see how pure you feel after you have made some concessions to move physically today.
Sunday the work is still before you whether that is about a job list, your health needs or your pets. You will feel as though rest and hiding out is what will make you happy but it is far more likely that if you just push yourself to get to the matter before you next week will run a lot more smoothly. If you need to ask for help do so but with today’s energy you may have to buckle down and do much of it yourself, take what help you can get but don’t go overboard if it’s not all you wanted.
There is fun to be had on Saturday but you should find a way to tackle the details or clear something out or organize it in the process. Your best bet is involving the kids or lover as you try to make some significant changes with legal papers or actions, travel, media matters, or education. If you are involved in a creative project you can really get things going by focusing in on the nuts and bolts of it all today. Pull yourself out of hiding and get on it or do your best to channel your vital energy into what is before you and where you secretly want to be.
Sunday the energy around lists and organization with kids, lovers or creative outlets continues but you may seem as though it has all gotten over your head or beyond your goals. The group mentality is where the happiness is today so don’t forget that as you make your way through the details. A private talk will push you just that much further but you may have to make some concessions.
Saturday is a great day to tear the house apart and reorganize drawers, closets, basements and bedrooms. You can share your emotions with someone sexual at home but watch that you don’t get too picky or critical or ask for too many details at this time. If friends want you to come over you may have to decide which is more important or do a balancing act. See if you can engage them to help you around the house. If you are in financial moves or divorce issues over a home or living situation, detail benefits your outcome.
Sunday whatever you started at home is now pretty much overwhelming the happiness factor or you may feel torn between what needs doing at the house and the goal or career agenda you would like to be expanding upon. Again the balancing act comes into play. You want your space in a positive flow so try to tackle this as best you can. Tell your friends what you need and see how much they can bend so everyone is happy.
All those details are flooding in over the weekend and need attending to or organizing into some kind of coherent thought. It is all about writing, making lists, having talks, sharing ideas, or bustling about the neighborhood on errands and you will find your best bet on Saturday comes from engaging a powerful ally or partner to help you manage your way through it and transform what you are working on. You are going to find in the process today that your image of yourself in charge or on the career front is just a bit out of alignment, make some concessions.
Sunday brings more talks, writing, detailed lists and organization, meetings and sharing of ideas in detail, neighborhood activity and possibly sibling interaction. Be specific, even when you are feeling a bit like you have bitten off more than you can chew with the trip, media project, education, or legal matter. This is after all where the happiness is courting you so just keep your head down and work through it. Again, communicating what you need to lead or talking to an authority will help but require finesse.
Saturday you will want to make money, spend money or do something to go after making money and this is all about getting very specific, cleaning out something, organizing, putting in effort and utilizing your critical thinking. You can transform the work situation through this or make some positive changes to your health or pet situation through getting your list together and going for it. Be willing to see yourself just a bit differently where travel, media, law, or education is concerned to make the most headway with money. Example, buy a coach seat instead of first class.
Sunday gives you more juice to make or spend money, tackle the details of a resume or send out and follow up on leads to earn money, clean out the desk or files, or in some way attend to the organization of earning. The divorce, debt or loans, or any other type of major financial resource that is looming may feel a bit overwhelming to you but you must keep your focus on the smaller picture and get the work done today. Talk about or write up the travel, education, media, or legal matters/needs but again be willing to make concessions.
Saturday you really need to mind the details of you. Sound funny? Well you must focus this weekend on what you need, your body and what you can clear out or organize about your image or wardrobe, any physical issues, clean up your act a bit and critically look at what you are doing. On the positive side to this attention to yourself, there can come positive transformative experiences with a creative outlet, child or lover. You will need to make some concessions to your sexual needs, the divorce proceedings or major financial picture and how it is affecting you personally.
Sunday brings more attention to detail surrounding you and your needs, image, body, or ego. How can you streamline or clear out something that in turn will help you to feel more balanced in dealing with a partner, agent, attorney, specialist, or competitor? They are a bit over the top for you just now, it’s getting big and happiness is lurking whether that is someone being cleared out of your life to make room for a better situation or the connection that is growing at present. Talk about the financial matter, divorce or sexual topic but again be willing to adapt your stance.
Saturday you will do best if you shut the door and get inside your imagination. While you are in there you really need to clean out some self-destructive or addictive tidbits, organize the fantasy, film, art, music, or spiritual ideas that you have percolating and really do some detailed work on any of this over the weekend. Make lists, clean out anything in your private world that is cluttering up your ability to express your muse. You can make great headway at the house today as you go about this. You may have to make some concessions to a partner or representative as you do your thing but keep the focus on what you need to free up and clear out.
Sunday brings more internal, magical, hidden, inspired focus on what comes from your imagination, time alone, hospital stay, film or music project, any research you can get to and get cleared out. You may feel overwhelmed with the work you have created for yourself or a big lack of work, or it could be the big space left by a pet or something going on with your health that is over the top. Keep focusing on the clearing, organizing, there is happiness coming again in the rest with Jupiter’s promise so make space and be willing to talk to the partner or representative, specialist or competitor today as you work through the details.
Saturday you really should be ready to get into something detail oriented or organizational with a group, friend, social occasion, networking opportunity, or aspiration of yours. You must clear out, structure the tiny aspects, make lists, and apply your critical thinking in this if it is to come off without a hitch. One talk or meeting or something going on locally is big and powerful here today so work towards the fine points. You will need to make some adjustment around what you need to do for your body, image, health, pet, or tackling your own work but it is worth it.
Sunday brings more with friends or groups, aspirations or social occasions and you may feel as though you are over the top or overwhelmed when you look at the creative project, lover or love interest, or child/children’s topic. You just need to continue to focus on the steps you must take with the people around you and know the rest is preparing to fall into line. If you feel as though you would rather be off having fun, know this is so important to get a handle on, the kids or lover will understand. Talk about the work, health or pet matter and be willing to ask for what you need.
Saturday is really not going to feel much like a restful weekend because there is so much to attend to on the career front or towards an important goal. You need to make a list or clean out what is in the way, get down to the details and be precise as you approach the ambitious project or get things organized to land a new job or promotion. You have powerful energy supporting you making big money through what you put your effort into today. You will need to adjust to any needs you feel about having fun, being with lovers or children, or in the creative project you are involved in, focus.
Sunday brings more energy around getting the work done or putting in the effort and critical attention on the career agenda. You may feel a bit overwhelmed by something going on at home that is over the top but again, keep yourself on the details before you and organize or work on what you want to achieve. Talk to the lover, child or person involved creatively about what you need but be willing to make some concessions.
Saturday is the day to buckle down and attend to lists, organization, clearing out of space and approaching with critical thinking the trip before you, the class you are taking or teaching, the legal papers or issues before you, or the publicity or broadcasting of your services or business. God is in the details and the effort you make this weekend is going to really put you in the running and empower you. You may feel as though you are needed at home or to be out on something real estate or renovation oriented and you may have to make some concessions to this but don’t forget what you must tackle.
Sunday is the same, more focus on the travel arrangements, media or publishing, legal or educational matters, get in and clear out or put in effort. The agreements, written word, talks, meetings, or local craziness may seem over the top today but there is protection around it so in your balancing act realize that you still have to get the time and work in on what’s at hand. Talk about what you need at home or with the property matter and be willing to adjust to circumstances brought on by the trip, legal, media, or educational matter.
Saturday you really need to get down to the details regarding the credit cards or debt, joint financial picture or taxes, insurance or inheritance, or any large, monetary matter that is shared with an institution or person. It is all about organizing, cleaning out, doing the work and using your critical mind to reach a solution. You will find that you can gain great ground through research or what you do behind closed doors today. Clandestine trysts please but make sure your needs are being heard. This may be a weekend when you get down to the details about the divorce as well, if so don’t shy away from the work you must do to itemize what goes where.
Sunday is more of the same, you will be focused on the finances, sex or divorce, maybe all three. There is some spending that is over the top that must be addressed or you may feel as though your earning potential is out of control at the moment, just continue to focus on what you can handle, the details to the shared financial picture, divorce or finding time for intimacy. Talk about what needs to shift, it’s important to get clear about parameters.
Saturday is all about focusing in on the cleaning out, organizing or working on something tied to a partner, agent, attorney, specialist, or competitor. Make lists, de-clutter, put in the effort, bring your critical focus on what is happening between you and them or through them or in the space left by them. You’re moving towards a big aspiration or something social or with friends or groups that can transform so continue with your efforts. You may need to be out there making money today and if so do your best to make concessions around your needs and the significant other in the picture.
Sunday is more of the same as the partnership, representation, or competition is where you will want make an effort, get things cleaned out, organize, or critically take a look at and this may feel as though your own happiness or what is happening to you is expanding too fast or too big. Try not to be overwhelmed as you balance out what is happening with you against what the focus is on them. Talk about the money you are earning or spending and be willing to make some adjustments as you grapple with the energy.
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