Happy Spring! On Saturday, the Equinox is upon us and it is time to either write out what it is you would like to bring into your life and create or share with others, or to create a vision board as a daily reminder to manifest it over the year ahead.
For those of you who have not made vision boards before, I assure you they really work. Gather old magazines or newspapers, glue, scissors, a poster board and then begin going through the pages cutting out words, phrases and pictures that attract you or represent something significant about who you are or what you want to attract. When you have a good stack, begin pasting to your board and hang it someplace you can see it. It will focus your energy on what you are about to manifest and it has worked for me and others.
Mercury is squaring Pluto so what is said or agreed to changes things on a profound level or you are trying to convince someone of something intense. Major financial aspects will be part of this discussion as well as control, depth and something intimate or subterranian. The Sun in Aries wants you to go after things with vital force, get physical, be courageous and fight for your needs in any situation you are moving through in the next 4 weeks.
Sunday brings a Gemini Moon that will sextile Mercury so talks and decisions will lighten and should open doors to opportunity. The Aries Sun is going to meet with Mars in a positive alignment so you can do something with a lover, child or creative endeavor that puts you into the mix in a physical or vibrant way. The Sun does oppose Saturn today as well so you will have to balance your desires against the person who is the boss or has authority. Be willing to engage them through any limits they may set or responsibilities they may encourage. By doing so, the spotlight falls brilliantly upon you.
You have to have noticed that the week has started to bring some positive energy back around to you after what may have felt like a dry spell. Saturday is going to really charge you up physically as the Sun moves into your sign. It’s all about you going after what you want or need now, take action on physical needs as well as personal desires. You are still at a challenging moment in talks or decisions about goals, ambition, reputation, or career and will need to be willing to work around the person who has the power right now to reach an agreement.
Sunday the energy shifts to a more social vibe in talks or meetings and you should find it easier to explain your needs or get others to do your bidding. Get involved in something active with a lover, child or creative project today and put your image or identity into the mix. You will have to deal with the demands or limits of a partner, agent, attorney, specialist, or opponent.
The Sun into Aries means a month ahead with the spotlight on how you perform in the arts, at a hospital, in retreat or spiritual pursuits, in research or investigations, film or fantasy projects, or in clandestine romantic connections. This is energy that will vitalize you physically so you may work out alone or share passions behind closed doors, secrets are connected to your body at this time, literally. It gives you a the edge if you find a way to express the muse. One talk or decision today about any of these topics pushes intensely on travel, media, publishing, educational, or legal matters changing.
Sunday the talks you can have again about any of these more isolated or private matters will be focal but there will be ease around what is conveyed monetarily here, so earning or spending aligns nicely. You will want to engage physically in something you are passionate about behind closed doors at home or in doing something to the home or property. The only challenge seems to be with limits or responsibilities around the work, health or pets involved.
The Sun entering Aries is like kicking up your social chi to the highest power. You have a full month ahead where your vibrant energy and physical body will most likely be spent with friends, groups, socializing, networking, and in the pursuit of your aspirations. You will need to have a talk with one of these people about something pretty powerful and shared, so look at major financial matters, sexuality, reproduction, or divorce as the weighty topic that must be dealt with deeply today. Empowering your dreams seems to line this particular decision or direction.
Sunday you will find that the talks or agreements that you make with the friend or group will go much better, there will be a friendly inquisitive side to what you are sharing. You will want to put yourself into the aspiration front and center or at the center of the group activity or friends as you do something active locally or involving a writing project, idea or agreement. You will have to deal with limits or responsibilities on the creative level or involving a lover or child as you balance your needs against the authority figure or effort.
The Sun enters your career Midheaven on Saturday to keep you in the spotlight over the next month as an authority in your field, person in charge, leader, person at center stage before the public, or in some way that allows you to physically or by way of your image or identity to climb the ladder of success or make your reputation. You will need to deal with a very powerful partner, agent, attorney, specialist, or opponent today as you talk about what it is you want, who you are going to be in the ambitious goal, and what needs to change or how control is going to be shared.
Sunday the talks will take on a more private, working behind the scenes energy or you will find the time to write alone on something that is involved in your goals. There is opportunity here so allow the flow to take you and see what you can do to be seen on the career level that lets you go after the income in a positive way, the universe is supporting your efforts. You will have to balance the limits or responsibilities at home or to mom in this as well.
Saturday brings the spring as the Sun moves into Aries and your house of travel, media, education, and legal matters. This is putting you out in the spotlight over the next 30 days in physical ways so book the flight, put yourself before the cameras, promote yourself, go back to school or teach the class, put yourself front and center in the ceremony, or make it legal. As you are feeling the push to express your individuality in these avenues you will need to talk or come to an agreement today that requires some challenge in the transformation through work, health or with pets. Do your best to express your needs or advocate theirs.
Sunday talks will lighten up considerably with the focus on friendships or groups that tie into the travel, media, education, or legal matters. You will once again want to do something in one of these areas and it looks very motivating as you find yourself diving in and enjoying the action. Just remember that there is some limit or responsibility that you are tied to locally, through siblings, in writing or a written project, or through an agreement. Do your best to balance.
The Sun’s move into Aries will put the spotlight on your sexual desires and vital life force as it is expressed here, in matters pertaining to your personal needs or physical application in high finance, with major loans, settlements, taxes, joint finances or other outside resources, or in dealing with a divorce. This is about 30 days where you will be in these areas standing out in some way body and image. Talks today about one or more of these powerfully shared experiences will challenge you to transform a creative project, love affair or something involving children.
Sunday the talks about major finances, sexual matters or divorce continue but now they are under much lighter, opportunity laden alignments with goals in sight. You will want to dive in to an intimate affair that seems to be secret or have some kind of private, behind the scenes or fantasy tinge to it. This looks very passionate and positive. Again if you are not expressing this energy intimately, it will be about the huge financial matter or the divorce and what you can achieve behind closed doors, through research or in digging around on your own. You will need to balance this against limits or responsibilities in earnings or spending.
Saturday is all about the spring Equinox and the way this event illuminates your presence in a partnership, through representation or with a specialist. You will have the center stage over the next 30 days to step up and be counted with this person so get ready to make some things happen. The talk or news you hear today regarding this person will push or challenge you at home, with a living situation or security need. It’s a powerful day when you will really want support from someone and will do what it takes to put yourself in this place or moment.
Sunday the talks or meetings with this person will lighten considerably as the focus will now open up with them to travel arrangements, media ventures, education, or legal matters. This has opportunity with it so express or listen carefully as many ideas may be touched upon. There is great energy behind doing something with this person socially or with friends, or towards the pursuit of an aspiration. Again, active is the key word. You will need to balance this against any physical limitations you are feeling in body or image, or responsibilities or loss you are dealing with personally.
Saturday is all about the Sun’s move into Aries and your house of work assignments, health and pets. It’s a big push for you to motivate and to find yourself over the next 30 days in the spotlight over the work you contribute, with the people you hire to work for you or with co-workers, in anything pertaining to your health and regime, or with your pets. It’s a great time to kick up the activities to get your body into shape whether that is through work, working out or out on the trails with the pets. One talk or piece of news or a major change going on in the neighborhood or with siblings will be the only powerful challenge to navigate today.
Sunday the talks about work, health or pets take a much lighter tone and there is positive opportunity to connect financially or intimately here. You will want to get out there today doing the work, taking a healthy stab at body or image, or doing something with the pets. There is every reason to believe you will make your goal if you do as Mars is giving you great drive to reach for the stars. You will need to balance all this positive energy with something limiting at a hospital or retreat, depression from someone or something going on behind closed doors.
Saturday is the Spring Equinox and you will feel this as a boost to your creative drive, ardent nature with lovers or motivation with children. You are going to be center stage in these areas of life over the next 30 days so you should take advantage of this time to shine your light and motivate physically or around your image or personal needs in regards to creativity and love. You will need to deal with an income matter tied here or spending that is going on in relation to the project or person. This is about changing things in a powerful way for the better once you find your way around it.
Sunday the talks about love, children or creativity are due to take a much lighter, social tint with the opportunity to connect nicely with a partner or representative towards what you want. Put yourself into the recreational, creative or love situation with full vigor and go after the travel, media, educational, or legal outcome you wish to achieve. You will have to balance all this with the limits or responsibilities to a friend, group or around your own aspirations.
Get ready to charge into all things home or property related over the next month because with the Spring Equinox on Saturday you are going to find yourself in the spotlight in a very motivated way in all thing real estate and renovation, move and living situation related. This is the time to put yourself into a new home, get out onto the real estate market, stand out in some physical or personal way at home or with roommates, or put your needs at the forefront where your own security is involved. You will have to come to a decision or have a talk or meeting that will likely challenge in some way and it is tied to your identity and what is changing.
Sunday the talks or agreements will lighten quite a bit as the energy flows from work to home or real estate and from health or pets to decisions made at home. You can gain ground today with home or property and what you go after that involves big money. You are key in this so motivate and make it happen. If it’s not about the money and property for you it could just be about great passion at home with someone, so get busy! You will need to deal with any limits or responsibilities on the career front or from someone in a position of authority today.
Saturday brings a magical quality to you and what you have to say as the Sun enters your house of communications and marks the Spring Equinox. This will put you and your needs, your body and image at the core of all talks, agreements, decisions, meetings, local agendas, short trips, or interactions with neighbors or siblings over the next 30 days. You will shine now so let yourself be noticed and say what is in your heart. You will have one conversation or meeting that goes on in private or secret today that is challenging either financially, involving a divorce or sexually.
Sunday the talks or decisions lighten a great deal as you connect with a lover or child or creative endeavor so express your ideas and come to agreements. You will find that you are in the spotlight with the talk or meeting that involves going after a partnership or doing something with them or a representative or specialist. This is positive and dynamic. You will have to balance this against responsibilities or limits involving travel, media, education, legal or ceremonial matters.
Saturday is the Spring Equinox and a big push for you to make or spend money. This is about you being at the center of the stage in this area and finding what it is you can do physically, linked to your image or body that will bring in more money. Perhaps you will spend on yourself during this time as well and this is a good time over the next 30 days to do so. You will need to talk or decide something powerful about an aspiration of yours to get to where you want to be monetarily. This may involve a friend or group as well.
Sunday the talks or decisions are going to be much lighter and positive around earnings or spending and will involve your home or living situation, a roommate or property matter. You wil want to put yourself into the mix making or spending money as you go after work, health or pet goals. There is great motivation here to make a go of it so make or spend in these areas to enhance your needs today. You will have to balance this against the limits or responsibilities occurring in your major financial house over loans or debt or some other outside resource, or involving an intimate matter or divorce.
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