ORDER ZOE MOON'S 2012 ASTROLOGY CALENDAR!!! http://astrologyscopes.com/ This is an AMAZING gift to give, it is affordable, filled with astrological insights from Zoe for each sign and the year ahead, and features the tremendous artistic work of 14 different artists listed below and the most inspiring quotes gathered from Zoe's circle of friends and featured throughout the calendar year! Portions of the proceeds are geared for charity and all around this is a great, uplifting tool to have as you enter such a powerful year! Share the love, share the link! Order the calendar! This supports all the work Zoe does writing all year so get behind it if you can :) Scroll down after you read your forecast to check out some of the great artists sites.
December is all about moving forward again as 3 planets move from Retrograde to Direct motion. Uranus has been backtracking through Aries since July, on December 9th/10th Uranus will station Direct and we will be ready to make the personal and physical changes that we’ve been contemplating up until now.
A Full Moon lunar Eclipse accompanies this Uranus shift on the 10th so a big decision or idea hits its peak to coincide with this turn around. Gemini Full Moon’s bring agreements, writing projects, meetings, talks, decisions, ideas, sibling or neighbor issues, vehicles, electronics, moves, local activities, and ways of thinking to a climax so expect to be celebrating or wrapping something up here as you free yourself to move ahead.
Mercury goes Direct on the 13th and you are now ready to move ahead on legal matters, travel plans, ceremonies, media or publishing projects, marketing or publicity, higher education, political or religious interests, import/export, adventure, and ways to expand your horizons. You have the green light to sign documents or purchase electronics or vehicles after today as well.
Jupiter goes Direct on the 25th after being Retrograde since July. You now will see luck and expansion open back up as you look for ways to find value in what you do, earn money, bring happiness or prosperity into your life, and deal with any possessions.
With all this forward motion again the month should pick up steam. Venus will change signs on the 20th so use the first part of the month to smooth things out with love, women and money matters involving career, bosses, authority figures, ambitions, and goals. From the 20th forward Venus works her magic by smoothing things out and attracting love or income through social interaction, friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, and pursuit of your aspirations. Venus is very active in the week around the 20th as she squares Saturn on the 18th, Jupiter on the 20th and sextiles Uranus on the 21st. Expect the female contention to be active in direct proportion.
The Sun moves into Capricorn on the 22nd marking the Winter Solstice and putting the spotlight on our career, goals, ambitions, reputation, fame, and those leaders and authority figures in our world over the next 30 days. The Sun trines Jupiter and Squares Uranus today as well so the next 30 day cycle of focus will also mean some potential to expand earning potential and to overcome some personal or physical issue.
The New Moon on Christmas Eve is in Capricorn so this marks the 2 week window to initiate new beginnings on the career front, with a business, some major goal or ambition, your reputation, bid for fame, or matter involving dad, bosses or authority figures.
ARIES: (Call to schedule your reading with ZOE 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
Your ruling energy continues to motivate health changes, bids for work, action with services you procure or offer, pets or animal interests, and organization all month long. A decision or talk on the 4th will help you to clarify this if you look at some past legal, travel, media, publishing, marketing, or educational factor in the mix.
December is your month to make a big decision, this may mean an agreement you have been waiting on to come through, a writing project you finish, an offer that finally arrives, or a talk or meeting that peaks by the 10th. You may see something ‘eclipsed’ out to bring the issue to a climax or celebratory state. You may also see anything involving a sister, brother, neighbor, move, short trip, local activity, vehicle, electronic, or idea hit a high point as well in gain or ending.
At this time you are also ready to make the personal or physical changes that you have held off on in the last few months. There may be this sense of needing freedom or independence in some action or you may decide to take a completely new approach on how you dress, handle your physical well being, your looks or image, or identity or brand. Pay attention to any urges you feel right now because in 2012 there will be the first of several squares involving this energy to Pluto on June 24th and September 18/19th and at those times you will be pushed to make the changes you are feeling now.
Communications begin to move ahead in legal, educational, media, marketing, publishing, and travel arenas from the 13th onward. You have been reviewing and reworking your media and publishing ideas, renewing contacts from the past or releasing issues you have had here since late November. It’s been a time of revisiting legal matters, travel issues or topics involving people at a distance, import/export, higher education, ceremonies, politics, and religion as well. Now you have the green light to move ahead, to sign agreements, purchase electronics or vehicles, book that flight, launch the broadcasting or publicity campaign, go back to school or teach that class, dive into legal matters, or get married.
A new female friend or money making idea you initiate with a friend picks up from the 20th and all social interests should smooth out. Over the course of the next few weeks there is a lighter and more luxurious feel to social outlets, you should enjoy the high life at parties and events, find that any group activities bring charm and accord, that women are beneficial for you in social context, networking, the internet, astrology, or charities, and that you can now attract what you need via love or income more easily through these connections or interests. Venus is particularly active this week so if you drew a line in the sand with one woman partner,
representative or opponent or committed to some serious endeavor, you can push that envelope now on the social field to earn money and find opportunities that benefit your own new direction.
New career opportunities, business plans and ambitions begin to take the spotlight on the 22nd and will put your focus on achievements and goals over the next 30 days. This will really kick off at the 24th and take you into the New Year with a bang since you have 2 strong weeks now to initiate new career projects or agendas, business plans, bids for promotion, dealings with authority figures, dad or bosses, interests involving fame or reputation, and your ambitions and goals. There is particular luck on your side in ways to increase income now so be proactive and willing to make personal or physical changes to open that door.
Luck in income is back on your side from the 25th forward as Jupiter the planet of expansion and growth finally goes Direct again in your house of earnings. This means you can begin to expand your horizons, look for new ways to increase income, expand possessions, and prosper. Jupiter remains here through June 11, 2012 and then won’t return for another 12 years so take this growth spurt seriously, do what you can to make it now and remember Jupiter wants you to be happy so if you are not happy at what you do to make your living there may be some real opportunity out there for you to make that change, you will only know if you look around for it.
Don't forget to order your Zoe Moon Astrology Calendar for 2012: http://astrologyscopes.com and help Zoe spread the word about it by SHARING THE LINK with friends!
TAURUS: (Call to schedule your reading with ZOE 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
Your ruling energy changes signs this month from Capricorn to Aquarius so you will spend the first 20 days of December feeling quite pleasant and focused on ambitions and goals involving legal, travel, media, marketing, publishing, educational, or ceremonial interests. There may be a woman smoothing things out for you here or you may find attractions, love or income are flowing through these interests. From the 20th forward you will experience the shift into Aquarius and a more social vibe will take over that relates to goals, career, ambitions, and authorities. There may be more parties or events on the job or with bosses, a friendship that takes shape, or an easier time attracting love or income through social connections and those in charge.
Making money or getting your personal income to flow more intensely reaches a high point by the 10th as something comes through or wraps up. This is a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse so you may experience something being ‘eclipsed’ out to wrap up a cycle of earning or just see the end to a waiting game on a paycheck. There may also be a culmination of some prized possession that wraps up or you achieve the acquisition at this time.
You are ready to make some changes now behind the scenes or tied to a film, music, art, spiritual, institutional, or clandestine matter. Think about ways you can personally or physically engage in new endeavors or actions that move you into new territory on the artistic project, with your own psychic or intuitive facilities, at a hospital or in tackling an addiction, through a research or investigative project, meditation, yoga, retreat or spiritual interest. Personal freedom and original concepts will help you move through these areas now with dynamic clarity.
Communications are back on track and decisions can now be made regarding divorce, high finance and any sexual attractions or issues from the 13th onward. You have been revisiting past people, situations or issues in these areas over the last few weeks and can now make a move to sign the divorce papers or embark on that path, to sign loan papers, settle the inheritance or bankruptcy issue, meet with new investors or bankers, begin the insurance or tax matter, put alimony or child support agreements into play, purchase any electronics or vehicles you need to make things work, and to open up the door to new sexual attractions or interests.
A woman enters the career field on the 20th or you find that making money and big ambitions flow more easily from this period forward. You may have a new female boss or your father may meet a new woman, there could be a flirtation that begins while you are pursuing career objectives or you may note that you are now seeing things lock into place much easier when ambitious or goal oriented. Something surprising seems to be in the mix under pretty positive stars here so say yes to exciting proposals or opportunities that arrive this week.
Opportunities to travel or to begin something in the media, publishing, marketing, educational, ceremonial, or legal fields arrive on the 22nd and get wings from the 24th forward, taking you into the New Year with promise. You have 2 strong weeks to initiate fresh starts in these arenas so be proactive in pursuing your projects, education, trips, foreign interests, import/export ideas, legal agendas, contracts, publicity, and marketing campaigns. Teaching and learning, globalization, dissemination of ideas, adventure, and expansion are opening up. Find a way to step up and take your place in one or more of these areas, luck is on your side.
In fact, luck is back working for you from the 25th onward as Jupiter goes Direct in your sign. From now through June 11th 2012 you host the planet of luck, expansion, prosperity, and happiness in your sign meaning that you are the favored sign for growth and big things on the horizon. You will not get this kind of overall boost from the universe for another 12 years so take it seriously and trust that what is flowing in and out of your world now is for this protected and beneficial cycle.
Don't forget to order your Zoe Moon Astrology Calendar for 2012: http://astrologyscopes.com and help Zoe spread the word about it by SHARING THE LINK with friends!
GEMINI: (Call to schedule your reading with ZOE 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
Your ruler remains Retrograde this month through the 13th so you will spend the first 2 weeks of December still revisiting and reworking past issues, situations or people in your world/past involved in relationship dynamics. So look to partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, advocates, competitors, and opponents and ways of releasing or reconnecting with the past at this time. From the 13th onward you are moving ahead again so you now will know what decisions you would like to make, any agreements can now be signed, electronics or vehicles purchased that deal with them, and you can go out and meet or talk to new partners or representatives going forward.
A personal or physical goal reaches a climax by the 10th as you are recognized for who you are, your achievements are noted or you wrap things up involving image, identity or your body. Something may be ‘eclipsed’ out as you end one form of identity to make room for the new or let go of one way of treating your body to reach your goal, etc, but the peak is a high point for you on a personal level.
You are now ready to make the changes and try new things with friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, or involving aspirations. There may be some big new open door involving one of these themes for you or you are ready to strike out in bold new ways in concert with this big personal or identity peak you are experiencing. If you have felt like your internet project, astrology interest, charity, or circle of friends has been stagnant or stuck in the past this will give you the boost to excite and stimulate for change.
Communications begin moving ahead again on the 13th via partners, agents, attorneys, or other significant people so expect important meetings or decisions to begin to fall in place. You have spent the last weeks revisiting during the Mercury Retrograde and now you are ready for new ideas, people, interests, agreements, and decision making.
A female enters the picture via travel, media, publishing, marketing, education, or legal channels on the 20th or you see things involving your income or love smooth out or become positively affected by a trip, import/export deal, person at a distance, media, publishing, marketing, or publicity interest, class you take or teach, legal contracts or interests, or ceremonies. Something very exciting is occurring here that ties into a friend, group, the internet, astrology, a charity, or aspiration of yours so be open to the opportunities that arrive now.
A big financial interest, sexual attraction or divorce matter opens up from the 22nd through the 24th and begins to focus your attention on these shared matters over the next 2 weeks. This will take you into the New Year with much promise as you make new attractions, set the divorce into action or attract that new loan, investment, inheritance, settlement, or find new ways to deal with bankruptcy, debt, alimony, child support, commissions, royalties, insurance, taxes, or a partner’s money. Something exciting is opening up for you in this through a film, music or other artistic project, hospital or other institution, spiritual interest, clandestine affair, or developmental project.
Luck arrives through artistic, spiritual, romantic, and institutional avenues again on the 25th forward as Jupiter goes Direct. You have through June 11th to take advantage of this growth spurt occurring in development, research, investigations, time behind the scenes, retreats, hospitals, dealing with addictions, getting into film, music, art, dance, spiritual, psychic, yogic, or meditative practices. This kind of expansion and luck won’t be back here for another 12 years so dive in, dream big, allow your intuition to guide you.
Don't forget to order your Zoe Moon Astrology Calendar for 2012: http://astrologyscopes.com and help Zoe spread the word about it by SHARING THE LINK with friends!
CANCER: (Call to schedule your reading with ZOE 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
Your ruling energy as always has the most intense meetings with all energetic fields each month and therefore continues to rule the emotional and receptive realm of life. This month brings a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse so your ruler is going to be wrapped up in this peak moment more so than other signs. This occurs on the 10th and you may feel it in the week prior as it builds to this climax. It is in the Karmic field of your 12th house placement so there may be some big ending to a Karmic connection in your life or you may see a celebration or achievement with this person around this time. There may be something hidden or unexpected about to peak for you and if so it will likely come via a communication, writing, agreement, a brother or sister, neighbor, local activity, short trip, vehicle, or electronic device. Allow for the fated quality to this moment in time and ask that what is meant to be happens.
Uranus moves Direct on the 9th/10th and will have a big affect on the peak experience you are having so you can expect that change and innovation, your career, reputation, fame, ambitions, goals, and standing in the community will be about to move ahead again on some new level. At this time you may celebrate something hitting with a film, music, or other art project, spiritual interest, affair, research project, or hospital or other institution you have been working with. There may be a social context to this as in a friend involved, group tied to the shift, the internet, astrology or a charity in some way influencing the career or goal that begins to open up now, but overall it is your personal originality and trailblazing in some aspiration of yours that is about to set you up and push you out into the world on some new level.
Communications begin to flow in work, health or pet arenas from the 13th forward so news may come in or you are ready to make a decision. You now have the green light to sign work contracts, sign up employees or meet new co-workers, to make a decision about the gym, diet or healthy lifestyle, to adopt the pet, get involved in the animal rescue, environmental activity, or to begin offering your services in some new way. You can purchase electronics or vehicles related to work, health or animal care now as well.
A woman enters the scene with big money promises or to help with divorce or sexual interests on the 20th or you may just see personal income smooth out due to these shared financial or divorce interests. Look at the loans, investments, commissions, royalties, back-end payoffs, bankers, settlements, inheritance, insurance policies, taxes, alimony or child support payments, deferred payments, or partner’s money as beneficial with some exciting potential connected to a boss or career goal. You may also see an attraction spark on the job or with the boss or finally work out the divorce issues.
New beginnings come with a partner, agent, attorney, specialist, or other significant person on the 22nd and really begin to take off on the 24th. You will have 2 strong weeks to initiate fresh starts with important people now that will carry you into the New Year with much promise so set up meetings with new potential partners or representatives, launch new ideas with current partners or representatives and put strategies into play to tackle the competition now. Something involving a friend, group, the internet, astrology, or a charity may be very lucrative in this relationship.
Jupiter goes Direct on the 25th and luck is now working for you again through these friends, groups, internet projects, astrological interests, charities, and your aspirations. These are your growth areas and things are about to get really big for you here from now through June 11th. You will not have this kind of universal boost for another 12 years with these connections and interests so open up, the skies the limit.
Don't forget to order your Zoe Moon Astrology Calendar for 2012: http://astrologyscopes.com and help Zoe spread the word about it by SHARING THE LINK with friends!
LEO: (Call to schedule your reading with ZOE 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
Your ruling energy is touring through Sagittarius through the 22nd so the first 3 weeks of December you are really going to be stepping it up with your creative projects, tying your face, image, identity, name, to the creative things you do, being seen and noticed for your efforts, and pushing to reach new ground. You are also on fire with lovers, love interests, children, and recreational needs during this time so if you are single make sure to be out and about, the stars are inclined to bring love your way. If you are currently in love this trend will bring more fun and attraction to the mix. You can get behind your kids, decide to have children or lend your name or identity to a children’s campaign or cause with positive results. On the 22nd the Sun moves into Capricorn and you will spend the last week of the month with more energy focused on ambitious work ideas, getting healthy or goals you have with animals.
A major culmination occurs with a friend, group, internet project, astrological or charitable interest, or aspiration by the 10th as you reach a goal or wrap things up. There may be some recognition for you in this, you may be at a party or other event, celebrating with pals or associates, reaching that goal with the internet project, astrological interest or charity, or wrapping things up and marking an end to a cycle here.
You are now ready to move ahead in new ways or make changes through legal, travel, media, marketing, publishing, educational, or ceremonial avenues. Uranus is going Direct on the 9th/10th and any past interests or slow-downs in these areas fall away as you free yourself up, look for the new and exciting, and bring original or inventive ideas into play through your media outlets, published works, trips you take, classes you teach or sign up for, and legal or ceremonial intentions.
Communications are moving ahead again with love, lovers, children, or creative projects on the 13th and you hear news, come to terms or make a decision. You have been dealing with past issues, people or situations over love, kids and creative interests since late November, with Mercury going Direct today you have the green light to begin meeting with new people, making forward reaching decisions, signing agreements, and making purchases that influence growth for you with lovers, kids and creative ideas.
A woman enters the scene to represent or partner with you or you see some smoothing out of income matters through the other person from the 20th onward. This may be about an attorney, agent, marriage or business partnership, advocate, specialist, or the way you have been dealing with an opponent but Venus on the scene means things smooth out, flow more easily, you can now attract what you need via love or income with or in relationship to these people, and women will be beneficial in these efforts.
Work, health and animal interests take the lead in your focus from the 22nd through the 24th at which time you get a major boost from the universe to seed new ventures or start new regimes that take you into the New Year with energy. Give yourself 2 good weeks from the 24th to start new jobs, set up new interviews or auditions, launch new services, start new health regimes, join the gym, hire a trainer, start the diet, adopt an animal, or start any new venture that would benefit animals or environment. A lucky career break may be tied to this or some big goal may be reached.
Speaking of Luck, it is working for you again on the career front or through authority figures from the 25th onward. Jupiter is now moving ahead on your career front, with bosses, dad, authority figures, goals, ambitions, reputation, and fame from now through June 11th and this is the kind of big backing you can only dream of from the universe since it won’t be this lucky again for another 12 years. Take advantage of this by being proactive, going after your goals, expanding your business in profitable ways, and generating the positive spin on your reputation and limelight that this transit affords.
Don't forget to order your Zoe Moon Astrology Calendar for 2012: http://astrologyscopes.com and help Zoe spread the word about it by SHARING THE LINK with friends!
VIRGO: (Call to schedule your reading with ZOE 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
Your ruling energy remains in Retrograde motion through the 13th so you enter December still dealing with your past, past people, issues or situations involving your home, moves, mom, family, real estate, roommate situations, and security needs. Spend the time necessary to revisit these topics, rework and release what you need to. From the 13th forward you are moving ahead again and you now have the green light to make decisions, meet with new people, sign documents, write up new proposals, and make new electronic or vehicle purchases that tie into home, moves or real estate needs. If you have been trying to come to a decision about where you live wait until the 14th onward to come down on one side of this or the other.
One major goal, career matter, or something involving a boss, authority figure or dad is going to reach a high point by the 10th as you celebrate, mark achievements or wrap things up. This may mean that you receive some form of recognition on the career front, see your name in lights or your reputation hits some high point or you could see the promotion come through, the business you launched hit a peak, an authority figure wrap something up for you, or an end of one job or boss.
You are now ready to move ahead in new ways or make some changes involving a loan, debt, inheritance, bankruptcy, insurance or tax matter, settlement, divorce, or other shared financial matter on the 9th/10th as well when Uranus goes Direct. It’s time to claim your independence or make some new inroads into life via outside financial interests, divorce or sexual interests.
Communications regarding home move ahead again from the 13th onward so decisions or news may come in at this time that help you choose. As discussed above, this is your ruling energy so if you have felt held back or slowed down, this shift will begin to release that feeling and put you back in the saddle.
A woman enters the work or health scene on the 20th or you see income matters smooth out here from this point on. Venus is about helping you attract the money you need through your work efforts or bring in some money flow to help you with health or animal needs. You may earn through healthy outlets, animals or environmental interests as well now. Women will benefit your interests here and you may also attract the love of a co-worker or someone at the gym, health food store, vet, or out walking the dog now.
Love, kids and creative projects take over from the 22nd and really kick into new territory on the 24th taking you into the New Year with a bang! You have 2 strong weeks from the 24th onward to seed new creative projects, to meet new love interests or do something new and exciting with a current paramour, to begin something with your kids or to help children, and to do something recreational and fun. There is real opportunity for you in this tied to a trip, legal, ceremonial, educational, media, publishing, or marketing ideas.
Luck is actually back working for you through travel, people at a distance, import/export, media, publishing, marketing, education, ceremonies, and legal channels from the 25th onward. Jupiter will move forward now to open up these fields for you and your chance at growth, happiness and expansion from now through June 11th next year. This is the last time you get this much universal support at increasing your prospects here for another 12 years so be proactive and say yes to what comes along.
Don't forget to order your Zoe Moon Astrology Calendar for 2012: http://astrologyscopes.com and help Zoe spread the word about it by SHARING THE LINK with friends!LIBRA: (Call to schedule your reading with ZOE 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
Your ruling energy remains in the home base through the 20th this month so you will be focused on luxury in the home, making money or sharing love tied to home activities, real estate, moves, roommates, family, and security needs in the first 3 weeks. On the 20th Venus moves into Aquarius and brings more emphasis on true love, children and creative projects. The rest of the month is great for attracting love, sharing money ideas involving kids or creative outlets, and smoothing things out with current lovers, kids or around your creative aspirations.
You reach a goal, celebrate an achievement or mark an ending legally, with a media, publishing, or marketing matter, ceremonially, educationally, or through travel by the 10th. This is a Lunar Eclipse so something may be ‘eclipsed’ out to reach this high point. This may mean recognition for your part in the media or educational pursuit, reaching a goal through travel, import/export, legal means, or a ceremony, or you may be wrapping things up and ending them in one or more of these fields.
At this time you are ready to make changes or try something new with a partner, agent, attorney, specialist, or competitor/opponent. Uranus goes Direct on the 9th/10th so change is the name of the game with at least one significant person. Look for ways to bring in new ideas or people, innovate, free yourself up or shake things up with a new vision of the future.
Communications begin to open back up as writing, agreements, siblings, neighbors, talks, meetings, ideas, and interests in vehicles, short trips, local activities, and electronics begin to move forward from the 13th onward. Mercury is now moving forward and you have the green light to sign those documents, make the choice, set up new meetings or talks, write the new idea, or purchase the new electronic or car.
A woman enters the scene on the 20th bringing fun, creativity, kids, or love interests into focus. This may also be about income flowing in these areas again as discussed with your rulership above. There is reason to believe that you may have an opportunity open up through a partner, agent, attorney, or other significant person that benefits you creatively or with lovers or kids today.
New opportunities open up at home, with moves, real estate, mom, family, or roommates from the 22nd-24th and really take you into the New Year with lots of positive energy. You have 2 strong weeks from the 24th to initiate new starts here so begin your look for your new abode, improvements to your current home, start that real estate class or put the property up for sale, take in the roommate or run the ad for one, start the new project for family or mom, or start your family now.
Jupiter goes Direct on the 25th and you have luck back working for you through other people’s money, loans, inheritance, settlements, alimony, child support, dealing with bankruptcy, taxes, insurance, a partner’s money, divorce issues, and in sexual attractions or issues. This expansion and protection continues through June 11th next year and won’t be back again for another 12 years so open up to new attractions, dealing with the divorce or tackling big financial matters now.
Don't forget to order your Zoe Moon Astrology Calendar for 2012: http://astrologyscopes.com and help Zoe spread the word about it by SHARING THE LINK with friends!
SCORPIO: (Call to schedule your reading with ZOE 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
Your ruling energy continues to slowly grind through your third house this month as it will for many years to come. This is effectively helping you to see any fatal flaws in your logic, help you to deal with obsessive thinking, open up your mind to ways of communicating through third party situations, help you to master your own authority and control of your words and information flow, and transform your writing, relationship with siblings, neighbors, and ideas through the agreements you form. To this end you are on the world’s biggest learning curve, slow and steady wins the race, continue to embrace the phoenix rather than the snake in all your thoughts and to open up triangles rather than keep them secret and you will continue on as the zodiacs most likely to become the next major influencer of opinion and ideas.
A divorce, sexual attraction or issue, or major financial matter reaches a peak by the 10th as you achieve your goals or wrap things up. This is a Lunar Eclipse at work so you may have something ‘eclipsed’ from your world as part of this major peak and emotions may be high as you celebrate or mark the ending. On the table is a sexual attraction or issue, reproductive matters, a divorce, alimony, child support, a loan, debt, inheritance, taxes, insurance, settlements, royalties, commissions, or a partner’s money.
As Uranus turns Direct on the 9th/10th you are now ready to make some changes or try new things in work, with health or with pets. This is about breaking the mold, pushing yourself out into new territory, experimenting, opting for original or unique over conformity, reaching for freedom or independence, and letting your work take you there, it to influence your healthy choices or help you care for animals.
Communications open back up regarding income from the 13th forward so expect news or decisions at this time about money opportunities. You have had weeks of slow-downs or revisiting past issues, people or situations to look at the money you earn, want to earn or how you make your living and deal with possessions. You now have the green light to forge ahead and look for new income producing opportunities, sign agreements regarding income or write up proposals, pitch ideas or interview. It’s also ok to purchase electronics or vehicles that benefit earnings.
A woman enters the home arena on the 20th with some impact or you may have an income opportunity involving home or real estate open up now, things will go more smoothly at this point onward. Look for beneficial money making ideas from the home or through women that you have in the home, working on real estate, involved in moves, family matters, roommate situations, or renovations. New ways to work here are favored.
Writing, agreements, talks, meetings, local activities, sibling interactions, short trips, and ideas begin to open up for you from the 22nd – 24th that will take you into the New Year with gusto. You have 2 strong weeks from the 24th to initiate new writing projects, sign new agreements, pitch new ideas, audition, interview, get out there and start some new local activity, take a short trip to some new place, get your brother, sister or neighbor into some new venture or approach them from some new perspective, or make a new purchase of a car or electronic.
Jupiter stations Direct on the 25th at which time luck is back working for you through partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, advocates, or the way you deal with competitors or opponents. You have this great expansive energy of protection, happiness and prosperity here through June 11th next year so continue to reach out to these people for growth opportunities, the energy will not return in this way for another 12 years.
Don't forget to order your Zoe Moon Astrology Calendar for 2012: http://astrologyscopes.com and help Zoe spread the word about it by SHARING THE LINK with friends!
SAGITTARIUS: (Call to schedule your reading with ZOE 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
Your ruler moves through December in Retrograde motion through Taurus until the 25th so most of the month you are continuing an inner growth spurt tied to past work ideas, people or situations, past health issues or ideas, and any animal or environmental interests that tie into your past or some internal processing. It has been a time of catching up to anything you set in motion that still needed tweaking or reworking so it could grow alongside of your dreams. From the 25th forward you begin to move ahead again with new abilities to open up work opportunities, health interests or animal needs so wrap up what you can before the new kicks in.
A climax comes with some matter involving a partner, agent, attorney, specialist, competitor, advocate, or opponent by the 10th at which time a goal is achieved, a celebration takes place or you mark an ending with them or that they are experiencing. It’s a Lunar Eclipse so something going on here may be ‘eclipsed’ out to reach this high point.
You are now ready for new approaches or changes in love, with kids or creative projects. Uranus the planet of surprise and change turns to Direct motion on the 9th/10th so you can expect some excitement and new direction involving a lover or love interest, your kids or a creative project at this time. Look for original, innovative, unique, and independent opportunities here, trail blaze and be open to spontaneous moments because they will take you the furthest.
Communications open back up for you about personal or physical needs from the 13th so expect to make some decisions or hear news you’ve been waiting on about you, your needs, body, image, or identity now. You have the green light to say ‘yes’ to sign the agreement, write it up, take meetings or have talks about what you want, who you are becoming, if you wish to remain single or married, become some other title or change your image or body through some means.
A woman arrives that can benefit you locally, through siblings, neighbors, a short trip, or about an agreement or writing project on the 20th. You could also see income matters begin to smooth out around that agreement or writing project, with the sibling or neighbor, over the vehicle or electronic. Nice surprises come through the information and meetings tied to creative ventures, love or kids today.
Income opportunities open up from the 22nd – 24th that will take you into the New Year with more hope and expansion available if you launch in new ways. You have 2 strong weeks to initiate new money making ideas, interview, audition, start to sell your product, ask for the raise, or take on the second job from the 24th onward. The stars are inclining that you have potential here to broaden your work scene so go for what you want.
Jupiter, your ruler, goes Direct on the 25th and as talked about up above, you now have luck on your side again through the 11th of June next year. This means it’s time to open up the job search, bring big ideas to your current job, climb the ladder of success, start a big health regime or find lucky ways to handle health issues, and open up through animals or environmental interests.
Don't forget to order your Zoe Moon Astrology Calendar for 2012: http://astrologyscopes.com and help Zoe spread the word about it by SHARING THE LINK with friends!
CAPRICORN: (Call to schedule your reading with ZOE 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
Your ruler continues his slow tour through Libra in December and you continue to redefine your leadership abilities on the career front, with any big goals or ambitions you have in your life, and to hone your reputation, build your slow and steady rise to fame, and learn about handling those in positions of authority. Your relationship building is a key part of this through partnerships, representatives and the way you handle competition or opponents. Continue to strive for fair and equitable scenarios where the balance is equally measured between both parties.
A work matter, health issue/goal, or animal interest reaches a climax by the 10th as you achieve your aims, celebrate or wrap things up and end them. This may involve a co-worker, job search, employee, current occupation, work procedures, gym membership, diet plan, physical situation with your body, current pet, animal or environment interest or cause, and something may be ‘eclipsed’ out to reach the high point.
Uranus goes Direct on the 9th/10th and you are now ready for new approaches or changes at home, with real estate, a move, mom, family, or roommates. This is the planet of innovation, change, surprise, excitement, and original ideas or trailblazing so get ready to move ahead in spontaneous or unique ways that allow for freedom or independence.
Communications begin to open back up about hidden affairs, hospitals, addictions, film, music, or other art interests, spiritual interests, investigations, or research from the 13th so expect news or decisions from now. You have the green light to sign agreements, to meet new people or pitch new ideas, to start new writing projects associated with these fields or start learning new ways to facilitate things. You can purchase electronics or vehicles for these areas as well.
A woman enters the scene to benefit income on the 20th or you just see that making money becomes easier now. Venus is all about smoothing things out, helping you attract the love or income you need and bringing a bit of luxury into the area she inhabits so expect your money making abilities to grow a bit stronger and for you to be able to earn more easily at this time. Love may wrap itself around wherever you are out there earning and you may feel like indulging in objects of affection.
You will want to focus on your image, identity or personal needs from the 22nd – 24th as this attention to yourself will take you into the New Year with fresh starts and promise. You have 2 strong weeks to make new choices about your body, take a new name or decide on a new identity, attach your image to a project or brand your name, buy a new wardrobe or get that new haircut, or make a cosmetic improvement.
Jupiter goes Direct on the 25th and luck begins to officially move ahead for you again in the area of true love, children and creative projects. This is a major deal since Jupiter is known for protecting, bringing growth and expansion, happiness and prosperity, so from now through June 11th you have the best opportunity to open up these areas in a 12 year cycle, be proactive.
Don't forget to order your Zoe Moon Astrology Calendar for 2012: http://astrologyscopes.com and help Zoe spread the word about it by SHARING THE LINK with friends!
AQUARIUS: (Call to schedule your reading with ZOE 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
Your ruler is moving through your communications sector in December but until the 9th/10th he is in Retrograde motion so it is the past that your mind will be most focused upon up until this time. You may still be dealing with an agreement or decision on the table involving a past issue, person or situation, a past writing project, something in the past involving a sibling, neighbor, move, vehicle, or electronic, or your past need for freedom. On the 9th/10th this energy turns Direct and you are ready for new ideas, meetings, talks, writing projects, agreements, and decisions that take you into the future, you may now approach siblings or neighbors with new ideas or make new vehicle or electronic purchases.
A love interest, lover, child, children’s project, or creative project reaches a high point by the 10th as you celebrate achievements or end things. This is a Lunar Eclipse so something may be ‘eclipsed’ out emotionally for you to reach this high point. You may see a lover succeed with something or you and your love interest reach a new level of intimacy or make a big decision, you may meet someone amazing if single or make some decisions about your life that will end one past cycle of love scenarios, you may celebrate your child’s achievements or a pregnancy runs its course, you may see your creative project have it’s opening night or get greenlit or wrap up the production and move on to the next one. You are now ready to make a decision that frees you on some level or allows you to express yourself more closely with your true nature.
Communications open back up for you with a friend, group, the internet, astrology, a charity, or aspiration from the 13th forward so expect news or a decision here at this point. You have been revisiting past people, situations or issues over the last few weeks and can now move ahead. New friends may begin to enter the picture or you are ready to dive into something new with a friend or group, you can start your internet project, astrology interest or charity drive, go after new aspirations, and be social on a whole new level. You are open to sign agreements and purchase electronics again.
A woman enters the scene that can benefit you personally or help you with your body, image or identity. You may just see money flowing around your own needs is happening more easily again. It’s a great time to hire a personal image consultant, to spend on wardrobe or haircuts, beauty supplies, new ways to pamper yourself, spa indulgences, or to move towards an identity based on love. You may market yourself now in some money making way that benefits.
From the 22nd – 24th you will begin to either retreat, begin some project behind the scenes, get into an artistic outlet such as a film, music project, fine art interest, or poetry, enter a clandestine affair, start a spiritual interest, psychic or intuitive ability, meditation, yoga, enter a hospital, rehab, start dealing with addictions, or start a research project, or investigation. This will take you into the New Year with promise of new things. You have 2 strong weeks from the 24th to launch these new ideas.
Luck is working for you again at home, with moves, real estate, roommates, mom, or family from the 25th forward. Jupiter is now moving Direct again in these areas and will take you through June 11th next year to help you to grow, expand, benefit, find happiness and prosper through these realms so take advantage by opening up here. You do not get this kind of protection and luck again for another 12 years in these areas.
Don't forget to order your Zoe Moon Astrology Calendar for 2012: http://astrologyscopes.com and help Zoe spread the word about it by SHARING THE LINK with friends!
PISCES: (Call to schedule your reading with ZOE 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
Your ruler continues to journey through your Karmic 12th house in the month of December giving you a rare window to settling Karmic debt accumulated from many lifetimes and to balance and realign with Karmic connections that you wish to rework things with going forward. This is playing out through social connections, group affiliations, networking, friends, the internet, charities, astrology, and your big dreams and aspirations for your life. There is a focus on film, music, the arts, spiritual interests, psychic abilities, meditation, yoga, retreat, hospitals, prisons, addictions, research, investigations, hidden enemies, clandestine affairs, and dreams in this and you have only December and January through to the 3rd of February next year to complete the process. It’s important to see each connection in this light and to tune into your inner wisdom and knowing as you allow that process to complete.
Home matters reach a climax by the 10th as you celebrate an achievement or end something tied to your home, a move, real estate deal, mom, family, or roommate. This is a Lunar Eclipse so emotional peaks may be involved and something may be ‘eclipsed’ out to help you reach this high point in the home, with a house, real estate deal, renovation, move, mom, family, or roommate.
You are now ready to make some changes or initiate new approaches involving income as Uranus, the planet of change and excitement, turns Direct on the 9th/10th and shakes things up to get you on the right track. Be spontaneous and independent, follow your own drummer, any independent contractor or maverick approach, invention or innovation is preferred as you see things begin to open up again with money flow.
Communications open back up on the career front, with authority figures, dad, bosses, ambitions, and goals on the 13th so you may hear news or make a decision at this time involving some of these areas. You have been experiencing slow-downs or retracing steps involving past people, situations or issues here over the last few weeks, now you will begin to take new meetings, pitch new ideas, meet new people, and have new opportunities on the career front or with authority figures. You have the green light to sign agreements or purchase electronics or vehicles tied to career, dad, bosses, authority figures, goals, and ambitions.
A woman enters the scene tied to an artistic outlet such as a film, music or art project, a spiritual interest such as yoga, meditation, psychic interests, or dreams, a retreat, hospital, addiction, research project, or investigation on the 20th or you will see income flow through these areas more easily now. You can attract what you need more readily through these arenas and may find that love or money is readily available if you put energy here.
New beginnings open up with friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, and aspirations on the 22nd – 24th that will take you into the New Year with hope and opportunity. You have 2 strong weeks from the 24th to initiate new friendships or start new things with your current friends, to join or form a group, to start an astrology project or internet site, to join or form a charity, and to really get behind a big dream or aspiration of yours and push it out there.
Luck is back working for you through agreements, writing, meetings, talks, ideas, short trips, siblings, neighbors, vehicles, and electronics from the 25th onward. Jupiter has been Retrograde here for months so past issues and interests have drawn you in these areas but now he is moving forward through June 11th next year and you can really see growth come as you open your mind, get involved in big things locally, sign a big contract or make a big decision, write a big project or proposal up, take a big meeting or have that major talk, and expand your world through siblings, neighbors, short trips, vehicles, and electronics. Jupiter will not be back in these areas for another 12 years so take advantage of those big ideas and opportunities as they arrive.
ZOE MOON’s 2012 CALENDAR can be ordered here: http://astrologyscopes.com
SPECIAL THANKS to RICK SMOLKE and QUIK IMPRESSIONS GROUP of Chicago for their outstanding work on the calendar, if you need any print work done professionally, quickly, and with great care and assistance you can reach them here:
http://www.quikimpressionsgroup.com or call them at 630-495-7845 I HIGHLY RECOMMEND THEM for all your needs!
Check out the great artists graciously contributing works to the calendar here:
Richard Grieco, http://www.richardgrieco-official.com/
Albane Navizet, http://www.albanenavizet.com/
Sally Kirkland, http://www.sallykirkland.com/
Davyd Whaley, http://www.davydwhaley.com/
Taylor Negron, http://www.taylornegron.com/
Annie Abbott, http://www.anniemarieabbott.com/
Olivia Wilder, http://www.olivia-wilder.com/
Daniel B. Holeman, http://www.awakenvisions.com/
Norn Cutson, http://www.nornsisland.com/
Carlos Alejandro, http://www.caphoto.com/
Roberta Weir, http://www.weirgallery.com/
Dawn Fairies, http://fineartamerica.com/art/all/dawn+fairies/all
Shadavar Stock, http://shadavar-stock.deviantart.com/
ORDER YOUR CALENDAR NOW! http://astrologyscopes.com
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