You can still read the 2011 YEARLY OVERVIEW for all signs here: http://zoemoonastrology.blogspot.com/2010/12/zoe-moons-yearly-overview-for-2011.html
January opens with a Solar Eclipse in Capricorn on the 4th, this is on the same day that Jupiter and Uranus form their last conjunction! Talk about kicking the New Year off with a bang! This is about a huge new beginning with career, goals, ambitions, leadership, the spotlight, fame, achievement, and personal authority. It is also about excitement, awakening, and surprise coming from out of nowhere and helping us make changes that benefit. Venus is very active today as well so there may be women who help or a money matter tied into the day in positive ways, for some sexual attractions will play in and for others divorce will smooth out.
Venus changes signs on the 7th moving into Sagittarius. This brings a love of adventure and an ability to attract love or money through travel, classes we take or teach, media and marketing outlets, ceremonies, or legal avenues.
Mercury moves into Capricorn on the 13th and the mind focuses on goals, ambition, fame, reputation, and career. We may have important talks with father or bosses, meet someone who can open up our minds in new ambitious ways or help us reach a goal. It’s a good time to sign contracts or ask for promotion. Talk up your business ideas and get your name out there.
Mars enters Aquarius on the 15th stirring up energy with friends, groups and aspirations. You are going to feel driven here, like expressing passions and making things happen. You may also find that arguments break out amongst pals so watch for this. A new male friend may enter the picture now and bring a lot of energy to bear.
The Full Moon in Cancer on the 19th brings a peak emotional matter around home, moves, roommates, mom, real estate deals, or your sense of security. This is the house of endings as well so you may be seeing one matter reaching its end. Celebrations at home are focused here as are achievements being reached. The Sun in the last degree of Capricorn sextiles Jupiter in Pisces and we can open a door towards a goal or something that will be known by many. Look at spiritual, artistic, romantic, or hospital matters to be the avenue.
The Sun enters Aquarius on the 20th and our social circle, friends, group affiliations, networking projects, social events, and aspirations take on more interest. We shine through these connections as well as through interactions with the internet or astrology, and issues involving freedom, originality or the unusual.
Jupiter, the planet of luck and expansion, ends his year long trip through Pisces and moves into Aries on the 22nd. This begins a brand new LUCK CYCLE for everyone. Jupiter typically spends about a year in each sign but this year he is barreling through Aries between now and June 4th. This means you get 4 months and 12 days of luck in the Aries part of your chart and that this luck will speed by you and favor those who dive courageously into opportunity as it arrives. Action, passion, courage, and a focus on your own needs will be favored as well.
Saturn Retrogrades on the 26th and makes committing to partners a slower process or takes us back to past commitments to be resolved, revisited or released. There will be a bit of a weight lifted around our relationships and more of an internal process going on regarding our responsibilities, need for freedom and desire to find balance with another person in business or romance. With Jupiter opening up personal frontiers and Saturn shifting perspective about commitments in partnerships, we will see a lot of changes coming at this time in how we relate and with whom.
ARIES: (See what the New Year holds in your personal chart, schedule your private reading with Zoe! 818-613-6067)
The Eclipse on the 4th is opening a huge new door on the career front. Look for ways to increase your profile, launch your business, seek promotion, target goals, build reputation, or find fame. Excitement, change and lucky expansion is involved through film, music or other artistic outlets, hospitals or other institutions, dealing with addictions, retreats, spiritual pursuits, secrets, research, investigations, or clandestine affairs. You should find that women are beneficial today and you can attract the outside resources you need or an ardent admirer. If divorce is on the table today helps you smooth things out here.
Venus moves into Sagittarius on the 7th and you will find that women are helpful to your media ventures, marketing, publishing, travel, in the class room, or in legal matters. This is a time period when you can attract love or money through opening up and seeking adventure in these areas.
Mercury moves into Capricorn on the 13th and puts your thoughts on career, reputation, fame, father, bosses, ambitions, and goals. It’s a time when your mental concentration, writing, meetings, and agreements can benefit your career and help you achieve or gain recognition.
Mars moves into Aquarius on the 19th and really stirs up energy with friends, groups and aspirations. You may find that you are very busy now on the social scene, that there is a lot of action here and that your passions are stirred while out at parties or through networking events. You might find that anger surfaces with a friend or group now as well with eruptions clearing the air.
The Full Moon on the 19th is in your home base so this is about a culmination here. You may be moving, see a real estate deal go through, the mortgage paid off, a roommate move in or out, something with mom or family coming to a peak, a celebration in the home or something ending here. Any changes that occur here are the last in an 18 month Karmic cycle of rebalancing over living situations and home. You will not revisit anything like this again for another 18 years.
The Sun moves into Aquarius on the 20th and illuminates your social sector. This begins a 30 day cycle where you shine in all social matters so don your best party dress and prepare to make the rounds. It is a great time to make new friends, join or form groups, network, and pursue your aspirations. You should be on everyone’s guest list.
After a year of Jupiter trying to clear out any self-sabotaging or hidden issues in your life and open up opportunities through artistic outlets, spiritual pursuits, research, and hospitals, this lucky energy is moving into your sign! This is a high point in a 12 year cycle for you and you should do everything in your power to take advantage of what it means. You have from now through June 4th to go after your most cherished desires, to expand your world, to recreate your image, take care of anything with your body, and bring prosperity and happiness into your life. All you really have to do is decide what you want and then be willing to go after it.
Saturn Retrogrades on the 26th shifting responsibilities, limits or commitments with business and marriage partners, romantic partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, advocates, competitors, or opponents. You may see a weight lifted or a change in what you wish to work on here or they may take on more responsibility or limit their access to you through some internal processing they are going through. The shift is meant to free you up to pursue your luck cycle.
TAURUS: (See what the New Year holds in your personal chart, schedule your private reading with Zoe! 818-613-6067)
The New Year brings new beginnings for you in a major way with the Solar Eclipse on the 4th. This is about a trip, import/export opportunity, media, publishing or marketing venture, class you want to take or teach, legal matter, political or religious pursuit, or new adventure calling. There is a major push accompanying this with luck, excitement and new experiences through a friend, group or shift with an aspiration today. An important relationship with a woman may also be involved, it’s all good.
Venus moves into Sagittarius on the 7th and brings a woman onto the scene who is sexually magnetic and interesting or she is going to help you with the divorce or attract the financial backing or settlement you need. It is a great time to deal with loans, taxes, royalties, commissions, or any other outside financial resource.
Mercury moves into Capricorn on the 13th to help you negotiate, sign contracts, write, meet, or make decisions about the trip, media, publishing, marketing, education, or legal matters. It’s a good time to put your ideas out there and open your mind to new ideas.
Mars enters Aquarius on the 15th to kick up the energy on the career front. This may be a male entering or exiting the scene or just a whole lot of motivating drive to achieve. You should be actively pursuing your career agenda, fighting for your place in the sun and coming from your passions as you build your reputation, claim your fame or make the career move. The only thing to watch out for is arguments with those in a position of authority over you.
The Full Moon on the 19th is in your communications zone so you may see a writing project wrap up or achieve some notoriety and success. You could wrap up meetings, see a high point in a talk or with an idea. It may bring a peak experience with a brother or sister, a move or neighbor. Agreements wrap up or are broken and short trips culminate as well.
The Sun moves into Aquarius on the 20th and puts you in the spotlight over the next 30 days on the career front. This is your time to shine, to take on a leadership role, boost your career, gain recognition, achieve ambitions, and launch your business. Others will notice you now so if you need to ask for a promotion or interview for a better career, do so now.
On the 22nd Jupiter ends his luck cycle through Pisces and moves into Aries. He is now going to be moving very quickly through your 12th house from now through June 4th. This will be the area where you can find doors opening for you and prosperity smiling on you. So look for music, film or other artistic outlets, retreat and time working on something behind closed doors, secret love affairs, dealings with hospitals, prisons or other institutions, research and investigations, and spiritual or psychic pursuits as ways to open up your world. If you are dealing with an addiction or some other self-sabotaging tendency, this cycle may make it bigger so you must deal with it, all in an effort to clear it and bring happier times ahead.
Saturn Retrogrades on the 26th in your work, health and pet zone. This is where you have had to deal with more responsibilities, limits, losses, or burdens and where you are supposed to be gaining a new level of mastery and leadership. The Retrograde cycle will lift this weight for a while and give you a reprieve, a time to do serious internal work so you can meet the next round of responsibilities here on stronger footing.
GEMINI: (See what the New Year holds in your personal chart, schedule your private reading with Zoe! 818-613-6067)
January opens up strongly with a Solar Eclipse on the 4th in your shared experience part of your chart. This means major new beginnings through sexual bonds, reproduction, divorce, or any financial matter shared with another such as loans, settlements, bankruptcy, inheritance, debt, insurance, taxes, alimony, commissions, or joint finances. Some of you may be dealing with the issue of mortality and someone’s passing or the idea of it now as well. There is some major change that looks exciting and prosperous occurring today around your career, reputation, fame, an ambition or goal, or through father, father figures or bosses. Women at work, tied to health or pets are beneficial as well along with the ability to attract love or money through these fields.
Venus moves into Sagittarius on the 7th and your relationship zone. This bodes well for love entering the picture or for money coming through partners, agents, attorneys, or other significant relationships. Any rough edges should smooth out now and flow more easily. You may decide to partner with a woman in a media, travel, educational, or legal matter or seek her as a representative in these matters and this should go well.
Mercury enters Capricorn on the 13th bringing news or decisions, talks, meetings, agreements, or writing projects that focus on the financial picture or deal with finances, focus on sexual attractions or issues, reproduction, divorce, or mortality. It is a good time to sign contracts or write while you can concentrate on what you want to achieve here.
Mars enters Aquarius on the 15th motivating you to take action legally, to travel, to delve into a media or publishing project, or to take or teach a class. This is a time of motivation and energy here, you may see a male enter or exit the picture around these themes, passions ignite while involved in one of them or anger erupt over beliefs or ideals.
The Full Moon on the 19th highlights your income. This is the time of year where earnings peak as you achieve a certain level or when you see one source of income wrap up. This is about major purchases as well so you may be buying some important object now or dealing with a final matter with a possession already in question. If you have been trying to get paid, your payday may happen now.
The Sun enters Aquarius on the 20th and puts you in the spotlight for the next 30 days through travel, media or publishing ventures, education, politics, religion, or legal routes. It is your time to shine so get out there and make your presence known.
Jupiter ends his luck cycle through Pisces and your career, goals, father and reputation zone and moves into your house of friendship, networking, group affiliations, and aspirations on the 22nd. This is an important time of expansion and happiness for you when wishes can come true but Jupiter is speeding through this sign and will finish up by June 4th so it’s important to get out there and say yes to new friends, pursue your dreams and aspirations and join those groups!
Saturn Retrogrades on the 26th in your sign of true love, children and creative projects. He has been touring this part of your chart to slow you down, make you serious and teach you more responsibility and limits with those you love or any creative venture. This Retrograde cycle will ease the weightiness of this for you and allow you time to process the level you have achieved to do some internal work from where you currently find yourself.
CANCER: (See what the New Year holds in your personal chart, schedule your private reading with Zoe! 818-613-6067)
The New Moon Solar Eclipse on the 4th opens a huge new doorway for you in significant relationships. This can mean a new business or romantic partner is entering the picture or a fresh start in a current relationship. For some you may clear out a poor connection at this time to make way for better ones that will follow. This is also a great time to seek representation or deal with competition. There is excitement, change and luck being triggered today as well with new media, travel, educational, or legal matters so remain open here. Love, children or creative projects are looking attractive and positive as well today, women may benefit.
Venus enters Sagittarius on the 7th and may introduce a woman at work, regarding health or involved with pets onto the scene. It is a time when you will see thing smooth out in these areas and you should find you can attract love or money through the work you do, a co-worker or employee, a health regime, or around time with pets.
Mercury moves into Capricorn on the 13th and opens up talks, brings news, sparks meetings, agreements, and decisions along with writing projects involving partners, agents, attorneys, or competitors. You will be thinking a great deal about these relationships now and if single you will do best meeting potential partners locally, through siblings, neighbors, or writing.
Mars moves into Aquarius on the 15th and kicks up the energy another notch in sexual attractions, around divorce, or with financial matters. You will be motivated to go after the loan, fight over the divorce, and bring passion to the attractions. Anger could rear its head over settlements, bankruptcy, jealousy, triangles, divorce, or other financial matters. A man may enter or exit the picture now tied to these themes.
The Full Moon in Cancer on the 19th is bringing something very personal to a peak for you. This could be a personal celebration or achievement or an ending to something going on with your body, image or identity. Recognition is possible now and you will feel this Full Moon has something important to bring to a close for you.
The Sun moves into Aquarius on the 2oth and lights up your 8th house of sex, divorce, and financial matters. This is where your vital energy will be best spent over the next 30 days. You should find that you are in the throes of a passionate attraction now, pouring your energy into the divorce proceedings or stepping up to attract the loan or settle the debt. Some of you will be dealing with issues around mortality now as well as you look at the deeper side of life.
Jupiter ends his luck cycle in Pisces and moves into Aries on the 22nd. After a year long tour of your media, education, legal, and travel sector trying to open up your world through these fields, he is now entering your career Midheaven. This is a pinnacle time in your life when luck and prosperity find you through achievements, recognition, fame, reputation, career, goals, ambitions, bosses or others in a position of authority, or father. Jupiter is making haste through this sign so you have from now through June 4th to make your move and claim your prize.
Saturn Retrogrades on the 26th in your home base and after months of more responsibilities or limits at home, with roommates, mom, moves, or real estate matters, you will now feel that burden lifted for a while. This is about a lightened load and more internal processing of leadership and mastery regarding the roots of your life and what you are building upon while out from under the restrictions.
LEO: (See what the New Year holds in your personal chart, schedule your private reading with Zoe! 818-613-6067)
The New Moon Solar Eclipse on the 4th is a major new beginning for you with health, in your work, with co-workers or employees, or involving animals. Focus ambitions on fresh starts in these arenas now. Excitement, change and expansion is pouring in through sexual attractions, divorce or outside financial matters today as well so open up here to what is changing. You may find that a woman is beneficial at home or with real estate matters now or that you can attract the love or money you need here now.
Venus enters Sagittarius on the 7th and activates your house of true love, creative projects and children. This is a lovely time when energy smoothes out with loved ones and you find you can attract the love or money for kids, fun experiences with lovers or the creative ventures. Women may benefit here or enter the picture at this time with opportunity.
Mercury moves into Capricorn on the 13th to help you negotiate, write, meet, talk, share ideas, or sign agreements at work, for work, for services rendered, with co-workers or employees, or over health matters, gyms, diets, healthcare providers, or pets. It’s a good time to think about what you want and to pursue ambitious talks, interviews or meetings.
Mars moves into Aquarius on the 15th and brings a male onto the scene to partner with or who can represent you in your needs. It could also motivate an exit from said male or trigger anger with partners or representatives. It is a good time to motivate and make things happen or to express and share your passions within your relationships. You may notice your partners have more determination and drive now as well.
The Full Moon in Cancer on the 19th brings a peak around something hidden, secret, a clandestine affair, film, music or artistic project, hospital matter, addiction, research project, investigation, or spiritual pursuit. This is a culminating influence that will bring a time of celebrating achievements or marking endings.
The Sun moves into Aquarius on the 20th and lights up your partnership, representatives and competitors sector for the next 30 days. This is where you shine and where you will want to stand out. Make the effort to connect in your relationships or foster new ones, take meetings with agents or attorneys, specialists or advocates, and be willing to face the competition or opponent head on.
Jupiter ends his luck cycle in Pisces and moves into Aries on the 22nd. This ends a year long cycle of expansion and openings through financial roads, divorce or sexual connections. You are now entering a very exciting time where doors will open through travel, foreign people and ideas, import/export, politics and religion, ceremonies, education, media, publishing, marketing, or publicity. It is up to you to jump on these opportunities or get yourself out there in these ways, you only have until June 4th for major breaks here, be proactive.
Saturn Retrogrades on the 26th in your house of writing, talks, meetings, ideas, agreements, siblings, neighbors, short trips, and moves. This has been a time of testing and limits, more responsibility and mastery in these areas and that will now lighten and let up on you a bit. It is now a time to internalize the process, look at where you are and commit to yourself to maintain your position before the next round of tests.
VIRGO: (See what the New Year holds in your personal chart, schedule your private reading with Zoe! 818-613-6067)
The New Moon Solar Eclipse on the 4th is opening up a huge new door for you with true love, children or creative ventures. This is about new beginnings and ways to except love into your life, amp up love in current relationships, have children, start new ventures for or with children, or get your creative juices flowing in a new way. Luck, excitement and change is happening through partners, agents, attorneys, or other important relationships today as well so open up here. At least one talk today should bring a woman, love or money your way over an idea, meeting, writing project, or agreement.
Venus enters Sagittarius on the 7th and brings her ability to attract love or money to your home. This could mean a woman entering the home, helping you to sell real estate or earn money at home or love entering the home now. It’s a good time to teach or involve media, law or travel ideas with women from home or involving property as well.
Mercury moves into Capricorn on the 13th and brings agreements, news, talks, meetings, writing, and ambitions to creative projects, or involving children or lovers. You will be thinking about what you want here and writing it up, making proposals, signing documents, or meeting others over fun and creative outlets. Single Virgos may meet a love interest locally, through siblings, or involved in ambitious writing projects.
Mars moves into Aquarius on the 15th and kicks up the energy at work, with co-workers, employees, health issues or regimes, and pets. This is a very active time when you will feel more energy and motivation in these areas. Just watch for accidents or tempers flaring in these same zones. Find ways to express passions and drives.
The Full Moon in Cancer on the 19th is bringing a peak moment with a friend, group, some kind of social or networking event, or a major dream or aspiration of yours. This is a time of achievement, recognition, celebration, or marked endings so you may find yourself whooping it up with friends or associates or an ending to a friendship or aspiration.
The Sun moves into Aquarius on the 20th and puts you in the spotlight with work, health or pet matters over the next 30 days. This is a big time for you with standing out and being noticed for the work you contribute, a service you provide or it can help you to go after work, interview or sell your service. It is a good time to focus in on healthy living, starting diets or work-out regimes, getting check-ups and taking an interest in animal rights or helping pets.
Jupiter ends his luck cycle in Pisces and moves into Aries on the 22nd. This marks the end of major expansion and openings through partnership, representation, or competition of the last year and begins a new luck cycle through sexual connections, reproduction, intimacy, divorce, and outside financial resources. You have until June 4th to open up your future through these opportunities so if you need to get a loan, settle debt or bankruptcy, take care of an inheritance, tax matter, insurance, alimony, child support, commissions, royalties, or any other outside financial matter do so now. You should find you attract more sexual energy now and may find happiness in the arms of another or find ways to get through a divorce favorably.
Saturn Retrogrades on the 26th and alleviates the limits, restrictions and added responsibilities you have been being tested by with income for a while. This is going to feel a bit easier for you where earnings aren’t so hard to come by or spending is not so heavy. Use this time to internalize leadership and personal authority issues, catch up with where you find yourself financially and ready for the next level of mastery.
LIBRA: (See what the New Year holds in your personal chart, schedule your private reading with Zoe! 818-613-6067)
The New Moon Solar Eclipse on the 4th is opening up a major new beginning for you at home, with real estate, a move, roommates, mom/mother figures, or around your roots and sense of security. You need to make fresh starts now in these areas and look at ways to bring ambitions or work around father issues into the new approach. Luck, excitement and change is in the air today around work, health or pets so open up to bigger shifts here that should benefit. A woman may enter the picture today that can help you earn more money or you may just find you are finally receiving that paycheck.
Venus enters Sagittarius on the 7th and begins to attract money to writing projects or ideas. She will smooth out talks, bring her charms to meetings on your behalf and help you to find love in your local surroundings, through siblings or neighbors, or it may spring out of phone calls, letters, emails, or declarations. If you are in a loving relationship now, this energy will help you to communicate your feelings more easily.
Mercury moves into Capricorn on the 13th and brings news about your home, roommate, move, real estate matter, mom/mother figure, or security matters. This is a good time to sign contracts, negotiate deals, meet or talk to others about what your needs are at home, or make decisions that have been put off.
Mars moves into Aquarius on the 15th and brings the fire into your house of true love, children and creative projects. This is a time of heightened activities and passion. You may have a younger male move onto the scene or exit now in these areas. It will help motivate you by fueling your energy reserves to tackle any creative pile-ups, push your will ahead, and help you fight for what you need, on behalf of kids, love or creative outlets.
The Full Moon in Cancer on the 19th is bringing a career matter to a peak for you. This is a time of celebrations or achievements coming through with career, goals, ambition, fame, or anything tied to father or authority figures. It can also be a time of endings in these same realms.
The Sun moves into Aquarius on the 20th and puts you in the spotlight in all things creative, tied to children or involving love/lovers for the next 30 days. This is your time to shine so step up, be noticed, have fun. The more you pour your solar, vital energy into expressing your joy, the more you will see positive outcomes to creative projects or find loves embrace.
Jupiter ends his luck cycle in Pisces and moves into Aries on the 22nd. He has been working to open up the work you do, get you to look at your health and make it better and bring happiness into your life through pets or animal advocacy. Now he is moving into the realm of relationships for the first time in 12 years to help you expand, prosper and find happiness through romantic or business partnerships, agents, attorneys, specialists, advocates, or any other significant relationship. He is speeding through this part of the chart this year so you only have this from now through June 4th, trust and seek out opportunities to combine with others now.
Saturn Retrogrades on the 26th in your sign. This means that the added responsibilities, losses, limits, and restrictions you have been handling in the last months will lighten a great deal. You are under the testing time of your life right now as you are being pushed to master a new way of being you, it’s that big. Take this break in the weight of this to really process just how far you have come since late July 2010. Your ambitions are going to ebb a bit so you can find your footing on this new ground and enjoy yourself a bit before the next round kicks in.
SCORPIO: (See what the New Year holds in your personal chart, schedule your private reading with Zoe! 818-613-6067)
The New Moon Solar Eclipse on the 4th is opening up a writing project, speech, talk, meeting, agreement, decision, neighborhood activity, short trip, or something involving neighbors or siblings in a major new way for you. This is the start of something big and your reputation or ambitions are playing a role as well. This is not a time to stay quiet, speak up, ask for what you need, pitch the idea. Luck, excitement and change is in the air today as well with creative projects, lovers, love interests or attractions, and children! Venus is very active in your sign at the end of her cycle here and all eyes are on you, you don’t get many moments like this one, dare to have it all.
Venus enters Sagittarius on the 7th and brings her ability to attract with ease into your income zone. This should smooth out any rough edges you have had around earnings or spending or over a possession in question. It will help you to attract more income if this is your priority. It may also inspire a desire to spend on luxury items to keep an eye on this. You may find a woman or women become pivotal to your income at this time in a positive way.
Mercury moves into Capricorn on the 13th and helps you to negotiate, pitch, write, meet, or start talks regarding something ambitious. This is a time of more communications and a good time to think about what you want to achieve and then communicate those ideas to others. Your local scene may pick up and siblings may be involved more with you at this point as well. This time may mark an agreement that comes in to be signed around an idea, writing project or ambitious goal.
Mars moves into Aquarius on the 15th and amps up the energy at home, with moves, roommates, real estate deals, and mom/mother figures. This is a great time to tackle anything physical around the house but you should watch for being more accident prone here as well. This energy will bring drive and determination to fight for what you need here but may as well raise anger at home or around home/property/mom issues. This can also mark a time when a younger male enters or exits the home or comes onto the scene tied to real estate, renovations, moves, or mom.
The Full Moon in Cancer on the 19th is bringing a peak moment around a trip, import/export matter, with a person at a distance, with a media, publishing, marketing, or publicity matter, a class you are taking or teaching, a ceremony, or with a religious or political matter. This is a time of achievement and celebration or one that marks endings in these areas. It’s a time to bring out the nurturer or ‘mom’ in you and to find a more powerful sense of grounding due to what culminates.
The Sun moves into Aquarius on the 20th and puts you in the spotlight over the next 30 days in all things home related. Again this means home, moves, roommates, real estate deals, renovations, remodels, redecorating, family, mom/mother figures, childhood issues, and security needs/roots. Your needs and physical presence are on stage in these areas now so step up, make sure you are in the mix and making this time about grounding yourself for the year ahead.
Jupiter ends his luck cycle in Pisces and moves into Aries on the 22nd. For the last year Jupiter has been doing everything in his generous nature to open up lucky connections for creative projects, happiness through creative outlets, lucky moments for or through children and opening up potential for love through bringing in the right love interest or helping you to release the wrong one. Now he is taking on your work opportunities bringing luck and expansion here or helping to push you out of the nest so you can begin to move towards work that will make you happy and prosperous. He will also be helping you to take care of any health matters under protected stars so you will want to follow up on any physical ailments now, seek medical attention with the best possible time to find solutions, and if you need to start a diet or work-out program, begin it now. He will also help you find happiness through pets or the care of animals. This is a shorter transit so for the first time in 12 years you have him here but it last until June 4th so you should get busy on work, health or pets now.
Saturn Retrogrades on the 26th in your house of hidden, mystical, muse orientation where he has been adding more responsibilities, setting limits, bringing losses, or testing you to take on more mastery in the last months. This is the house of film, music, artistic outlets, spiritual pursuits, clandestine affairs, secrets, retreat, hidden enemies, hospitals, addictions, research, and investigations. You will now get some relief from burdens here and find time to do the inner processing to catch up to this new level of mastery you have gained in these arenas before the next round of testing begins.
SAGITTARIUS: (See what the New Year holds in your personal chart, schedule your private reading with Zoe! 818-613-6067)
The New Moon Solar Eclipse on the 4th is opening up a major door for you with income, spending, values, and possessions. This is about a fresh start that can really send you out there to make more money or find a way to earn that is more aligned with your ambitions, the quest for fame or recognition. It may be about a time when you wish to spend a large sum of money on something ambitious as well and this would most likely be around a career matter or home. There is luck, excitement and change in the air today as well and this is playing out over home, moves, roommates, mom/mother figures, or real estate deals. It seems there is quite a bit going on behind closed doors, in secret, with a film, music or other artistic project, a hospital or investigation that should benefit you in the day’s energy.
Venus enters Sagittarius on the 7th and brings her attractive charms to your sign! This is a lovely transit when things should come more easily to you and when you can attract what you need by just getting out there and being in the mix. It is a good time to make an update in looks, get beauty treatments, new haircuts or clothing, photos taken, or get in front of a film camera. Enjoy this time of love and money flow.
Mercury moves into Capricorn on the 13th and brings contracts, meetings, agreements, decisions, talks, or writing projects based around money you earn or spend. This is a good time to negotiate and get what you want out of agreements. Put your mind to the matter of making more money or spending on what you need. If you are trying to work out who gets a certain possession or what needs to be done with it, this energy helps you to find solutions as well.
Mars moves into Aquarius on the 15th and kicks up the action in your local scene, with brothers and sisters, neighbors, and in all communications. This is an active time for writers when you will be motivated to bring passions or anger to paper or to pitch ideas with energy. A younger male may enter or exit your local scene or have influence on the writing or agreements now as well. If single you could find passion locally or by sharing your ardent feelings with someone. Any anger issues during this transit will most likely focus locally, verbally, in writing, or with neighbors or siblings as well so watch out for this.
The Full Moon in Cancer on the 19th brings a peak moment to loans, debt, bankruptcies, inheritance, settlements, commissions, royalties, alimony, child support, insurance matters, taxes, your partners income, or any other outside financial matter. It can also be a peak moment with sexual attractions, issues or needs, reproductive matters, divorce, or someone’s mortality. This is a time of achievements and recognition in these areas or endings being marked.
The Sun moves into Aquarius on the 20th and puts you in the spotlight over the next 30 days in your local scene, with siblings, neighbors, over writing projects, agreements, negotiations, meetings, talks, speeches, short trips, and decisions. This is a very interactive time for you and you should be able to land meetings or be taken seriously in talks, find favor in agreements, or get attention from your siblings during this time.
Jupiter ends his luck cycle in Pisces and moves into Aries on the 22nd. Jupiter is not only the planet of luck, happiness, expansion, and prosperity, he is your ruling energy and he has spent the last year trying to open up your world in positive ways through your home environment. This should have brought changes that would help you grow at home, with moves, real estate deals, roommates, family, mom/mother figures, or renovations. Now he moves into your house of true love, children and creative projects where he will try to bring love into your life or help you extricate yourself from bad love scenarios, bring children into your life or open up opportunities to find joy and prosperity through kids or projects aimed at them, and to help you grow your creative nature in positive directions. This transit is shorter than normal so you want to jump in and experience what comes when it comes, it will be over on June 4th.
Saturn Retrogrades on the 26th and the added responsibilities, limits, burdens, restrictions, or testing you have been dealing with involving friends, groups, networking, social occasions, or around your greatest dreams and aspirations for yourself will ease a bit. You now have a bit of a break to catch up to where you find yourself and assimilate this new level of mastery you are gaining before the next round of tests begin.
CAPRICORN: (See what the New Year holds in your personal chart, schedule your private reading with Zoe! 818-613-6067)
The New Moon Solar Eclipse on the 4th is like a birthday for you in many ways. You are evolving at a more rapid rate than many other signs right now, taking on more and stepping up into your power and authority in ways you would not have even dreamed you were capable of prior to the last few years. This Eclipse is a huge new beginning for you, a time to again step out with some new understanding of yourself, empower your image, body, identity, take on a new sense of who you want to become and go for it. There is luck, change and excitement in the mix today as well in your communications zone which may bring news, talks, meetings, agreements, or something involving writing, neighbors/local scene, or siblings into the mix in some expansive way. Venus is active in your social arena so there may be positive love or financial matters coming through via friends, groups or aspirations as well.
Venus enters Sagittarius on the 7th and you will find that your love or money matters take a more hidden or behind the scenes feel for a few weeks. This is a positive transit for bringing ease of attraction and smoother sailing where it moves and for you this means in retreat, secret, research, investigations, film, music, fantasy, artistic outlets, spiritual pursuits, clandestine affairs, hospitals, or other institutions. A female may be beneficial here or you may find you are drawing love or money through these areas.
Mercury moves into Capricorn on the 13th and will aid you greatly in any talks, meetings or agreements that arise involving you, your body, needs, ego, image, or identity. This is a great time to ask for what you want and put your ideas out there. You may make a decision now about your looks or body or take on some ambitious project to write about yourself or be interviewed.
Mars moves into Aquarius on the 15th and kicks up the action in your income zone. This is highly active energy when you will be motivated to go after more income or come from your passions when earning. A younger male may exit or enter the scene now tied to earnings or spending and if you need to drive a point home this energy helps you fight for what you need. Any anger that did get stirred up during this transit would most likely be over money being brought in or spent.
The Full Moon in Cancer on the 19th is bringing a relationship to a peak moment. This is about celebrations, achievements or endings and will involve romantic or business partners, attorneys, agents, specialists, advocates, or competitors. You may see the relationship itself reach a high point or ending or your partner, representative or opponent may have something peaking in their lives. This very well may play out on the home fronts or over property matters.
The Sun moves into Aquarius on the 20th and puts you in the spotlight for the next 30 days over making money, values you are working on, possessions you are concerned about, and spending. You shine here so step up, be seen, put yourself in the mix and make it happen.
Jupiter ends his luck cycle in Pisces and moves into Aries on the 22nd. You have had this benevolent giant helping you in writing, negotiations, agreements, talks, meetings, neighborhood activities, short trips, and with siblings over the last year to open things up, bring luck and prosperity your way or to move things into a position so you can move towards luck and prosperity. Now he moves into your home base. This means that you will see growth, openings, luck, expansion, happiness, and prosperity working through home, real estate, moves, roommates, renovations, interior design, land, restaurants, family, mom/mother figures, and security needs. This is the first time in 12 years you have had this kind of potential for growth and it will only last until June 4th so seize the day, open up and expand your horizons.
Saturn Retrogrades on the 26th where he has been testing you on the career front, with goals, ambitions, fame, reputation, authority figures, or father/father figures, adding more responsibilities, limits, restrictions, and helping you to step up as a leader to take the reins of your life. You will now get a breather for a while here, a time to catch up to where you find yourself and assess the situation. Ambitions can mellow a bit while you get a handle on the scene and ready yourself for the next round of tests up ahead.
AQUARIUS: (See what the New Year holds in your personal chart, schedule your private reading with Zoe! 818-613-6067)
The New Moon Solar Eclipse on the 4th is a huge new beginning for you in areas of retreat, research, fantasy, imagination, film, music, or other artistic outlets, hospitals or other institutions, spiritual or psychic pursuits, dealing with addictions or self-sabotaging ways, secrets, or clandestine affairs. Put your ambitions to work and make moves towards a new you in these areas. There is excitement, change or surprise in the mix around income, spending or a possession as well so be open to what comes here. Venus is active today on your career front so a woman may benefit here or a goal you have involving a woman may be attainable.
Venus enters Sagittarius on the 7th activating your social realm in lovely ways. This is about smoothing out any issues with friends or groups, finding ways to meet love out at social occasions or through friends, attracting money through group efforts, or spending on your social activities. A woman may benefit you in your aspirations now as well.
Mercury moves into Capricorn on the 13th and will help you to write up the research or secret agreement, send off the clandestine note or make the meeting in private, it’s a time of communications that go on in hidden ways or ideas that fuel the imagination. You may make a decision now that involves a hospital or other institution, meet with an private investigator, or sign documents behind closed doors.
Mars moves into Aquarius on the 15th and gives you added energy resources to draw from. This can fuel you to take on a new work-out regime or spark your physical passions to new heights. It can also bring your anger more readily so keep an eye on this. Watch out for being a bit more accident prone as you will do things more quickly now. You may opt for surgery to take care of some physical matter now as well.
The Full Moon in Cancer on the 19th is bringing a work, health or pet issue to a climax in your world. This could be an achievement or recognition at work, with a co-worker or employee, or one that involves a health issue or goal. It could also mark an ending to some kind of work you were doing or a pile up of work at home, with a health issue that has bothered you or involving something going on with your pets.
The Sun moves into Aquarius on the 20th and puts the spotlight on you for the next 30 days. This is a wonderful time of the year for you to really focus on yourself. Take a good look at your body, image, identity, ego, and needs and make a list of what you would like to tackle. Others are more receptive to you during this time so step out and take your place in the Sun.
Jupiter ends his luck cycle in Pisces and moves into Aries on the 22nd. Jupiter has been moving through your income zone trying his best to expand your income, bring better opportunities to earn or help release you from a dead-end position, he has been trying to help you make any major purchases that would aid in your growth and to handle any possessions in question with another. He now moves into your communications zone where he will be bringing the luck, expansion, and potential for prosperity and happiness through writing, talks, meetings, agreements, decisions, short trips, neighborhood, moves, and siblings. This luck cycle last until June 4th so grab it while it’s here, you may have a million dollar idea!
Saturn Retrogrades on the 26th and eases up on the added restrictions, responsibilities, limits, or testing you have been going through since late July in areas of travel, media, publishing, import/export, marketing, education, legal matters, ceremonies, or political or religious ideas. You are learning to master a new level here for yourself and it challenges you to step up and take on more here but you are getting a break now to catch up to where you find yourself, do the internal work necessary to take on the next level of tests coming up ahead.
PISCES: (See what the New Year holds in your personal chart, schedule your private reading with Zoe! 818-613-6067)
The New Moon Solar Eclipse on the 4th is a brand new beginning for you with friends, groups, networking, and aspirations. This is a very powerful new start and you will want to remain open to new friends coming in, old ones exiting, groups you want to join or form, social affairs or networking events you should attend, and pursuing your dreams and aspirations now. There is the last bit of major luck, expansion and excitement in changes you make about yourself today, evolving your identity, image, body, needs. Venus is active from your house of travel, publishing, media, education, and legal realms helping you to attract what you need here as well.
Venus enters Sagittarius on the 7th and moves into your career Midheaven. This is a wonderful time to attract the attention you need to your career, with a goal or ambition, to smooth things out regarding reputation, attract fame, or deal with love or money issues with dad or an authority figure. A woman may be beneficial to your career or goals now as well.
Mercury moves into Capricorn on the 13th and helps you to talk, meet, sign agreements, or share ideas with friends, groups, out networking, at social affairs, or around your dreams and aspirations for yourself. The lines of communication are open and ambitions are at play.
Mars moves into Aquarius on the 15th and takes your passionate, motivating energy behind the scenes. This transit can trigger time at hospitals and surgery or passions that arise in secret, clandestine ways with others, it can motivate you on film, music or other artistic projects, to research or investigate, or to pursue spiritual or psychic interests. You would tend to hide any anger at this time and will need to watch that you don’t bottle up too much, find outlets for it through yoga or other meditative practices. If you feel a younger male is working against your interests now, keep an eye on this, it may be true in which case it won’t be out in the open until late February.
The Full Moon in Cancer on the 19th brings a peak moment for a creative project, child or love interest/lover. This is a time of celebrating achievements so you may see your creative project reviewed or receive recognition in some other way, your lover may achieve something or declare his/her feelings for you, or you may have your child or find that your child is reaching some peak moment now. This time also marks endings so a child may be moving out, a project wrapping or a love affair ending.
The Sun moves into Aquarius on the 20th and your vital energy follows suit. This is the place of retreat and for the next 30 days you will best utilize your energy behind the scenes, in research, retreat, recuperation, meditation, spiritual pursuits, artistic outlets such as film projects, music or painting, working with your imagination, or dealing with hospitals, prisons or other institutions.
Jupiter ends his luck cycle in Pisces and moves into Aries on the 22nd. Jupiter has been in your sign for a year doing his best to release you from circumstances that would inhibit happiness and prosperity and to open up better situations or ideas for you to pursue. This has been a year when you should have found ways to tackle physical ailments or image, body matters, or ego issues towards the same goals of reaching more happiness and prosperity. Now Jupiter moves into your income zone and opens up potential for you to earn more money, seed ideas that will grow to bring in more money up ahead, spend on large items, and handle any issues involving possessions under protected stars. You have until June 4th to jump in and find your happiness through better ways to earn, spend or expand earnings.
Saturn Retrogrades on the 26th and eases up on the debt, bankruptcy, alimony, child support, insurance, taxes, or any other outside resource you have been feeling restricted or limited by. This area also rules sex, sexual issues, reproduction, divorce, and death. If you have been taking on more responsibility or dealing with more tests in these areas you will now see some relief. This is a time period to catch up to current status and to do the internal processing around your own sense of mastery here before the next round of tests. You are learning to be more responsible and take more leadership in these areas during this transit and this reprieve should be embraced with that in mind.
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