Zoe Moon Astrology WEEKLY HOROSCOPES Oct 28-Nov 3
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VOID MOONS THIS WEEK (Eastern Standard Time):
MONDAY 11:54pm-midnight
TUESDAY 12am-12:30am
THURSDAY 12:57pm-1:29pm
FRIDAY no void
SATURDAY no void
SUNDAY 12:51am-1:19am
MONDAY whatever Venus/Saturn issues we had going on on Sunday carry over into the morning today so we may have to deal with issues involving women, love, income, beauty, energy level, recuperative needs, institutions, an authority figure, goals, time, addictions, secrets, artistic interests, romance, or spirituality. Luckily this peaks by 9:35am Eastern so we should be able to pull ourselves out of this with the help of Mars who is quite vital and in flow. He wants to give us energy, passion or activities that motivate us at home or with family, any real estate deals, moves, or renovations, or with parents or roommates and help us achieve here throughout the day. Be meticulous with the detail, do the work, and see results.
TUESDAY is interesting as we are now in Libra Moon conjunct the South Node. This means the day is about rebalancing something via any clients, specialists, partners, representatives, competitors, or other key players or rebalancing something ourselves. The interesting part is that with the South Node it may A) mean this is about letting go of someone, B) finding a more equitable solution in one-on-ones or C) meeting someone new who we feel we’ve known before (because we have).
WEDNESDAY look very optimistic when it comes to these partners, clients, specialists, reps, etc, and/or our balance in life as we find things in flow with love or money, beauty or pleasure, travel or legal, educational or media, ceremonial or religious, or political or philosophical interests. Talks, meetings, sales, offers, or decisions flow as well. There is one wild card with Uranus today so at some point we hear from someone or run into them randomly or some situation changes last minute and this impacts purchases, income, possessions, or values, as well as could involve friends, groups, or the internet.
THURSDAY is a bit crazy up until around 1:30pm Eastern so buckle up, take it in stride, expect somewhat of a crapshoot when it comes to one-on-ones. The Moon then moves into Scorpio at 1:29pm to get us more interested in the dark and mysterious just in time for Halloween. Invitations, talks, local activities, or decisions now hinge on the occult, things buried, sexy moments, financial interests, morbid topics, power, or third-party situations and this is in flow with Neptune in Pisces bringing the magic, psychic, spiritual, artistic, or romantic into the story. If EVER there was a night to hear from those on the other side or have a paranormal experience, this is it (if you want it) so make the most of this deeper, more tangible potential and Happy Halloween!
FRIDAY is about fresh starts! Happy All Saints Day, Happy November and Happy New Moon to everyone. The New Moon kicks in at 8:47am Eastern and opens up 2 weeks of forward momentum that can help launch us forward when it comes to loans, debt, inheritance, taxes, insurance, alimony, child support, investments, a partner’s money, or other financial interests, or it can help us launch forward with sexual attractions, reproductive needs, divorce, a birth, a death, or any third-party situations. We can take what we are already involved in and move into new chapters or start something new altogether here. This is in flow with Saturn so making some solid, long term choices regarding time, effort, goals, authority figures, institutions, research, artistic interests, romance, addictions, secrets, or spirituality could be part of this new beginning.
SATURDAY is all about Mercury so expect more news, talks, ideas, flirtations, short trips, writing, sales, offers, moves, or focus on vehicles, electronics, siblings, or neighbors. It starts out aligned with Mars in flow so whatever it brings should open up activities or passions at home, with moves, renovations, real estate deals, parents, family, or roommates. It then links to opportunities with Pluto so we can go deeper, purge things, make changes, get sexual, make it financial, empower, or involve third-parties. Finally, Mercury exits Scorpio and moves into Sagittarius at 3:18pm Eastern where he will now tour for a while. In Sagittarius it means we are now involving our religious or political needs, travel plans, foreign interests, distant situations, legal needs, educational pursuits, the media, any marketing ideas, ceremonies, growth, happiness, or prosperity in the mix. Do note, we are moving forward with this now, then, by Nov 7th we enter the Shadow phase of the upcoming Mercury Retrograde in Sagittarius so we start to get wind of what our do-over will be about in these arenas. On Nov 25th Mercury Retrograde will begin and we will head back over past or current situations in these arenas to revise, release, rekindle, or rework things in legal, travel, educational, media, foreign, distant, ceremonial, religious, or political areas. Mercury Retrograde ends on Dec 15th and passes the other side of its Shadow on Jan 3rd. So, this is a long story, one that moves forward, slows, heads back over things, revises, then moves forward again. Definitely expect this to impact election results, it will take a while to unwind.
Late SATURDAY into early SUNDAY Mars and Pluto will be active together so it can be highly passionate and sexual or motivating and transformative, or combative and deadly. Therefore, stay clear of scary places or people and lean into the positive side of this combo. It can play out at home, with family, a country, our land, a move, renovation, or real estate deal, a parent, roommate, a fire, the basement, or historical matters, and a leader, authority figure, corporation, system, the establishment, personal goal, or career objective.
SUNDAY Mars moves into Leo where he will tour for an extended time as well, again due to his upcoming Retrograde in this sign. So, Mars in Leo means we are ready to take action or get more passionate or deal with anger regarding our love life or lover, the kids, any dramas, entitlement issues, creative ventures, or recreational pursuits. It is go time, we haven’t had this kind of added energy here in 2 years and if we can manage to avoid the confrontational side of angry Mars we can really make things happen here over the weeks ahead. Mars will Retrograde on Dec 6th and back from 6 degrees of Leo back to zero degrees by Jan 6th and then Mars will take his Retrograde into Cancer (more on that in January). Mars returns in Direct motion to Leo April 18th-June 17th, 2025 so it is a story that will have 2 major chapters, now and then, and a segment of this will be reviewing, releasing, rekindling, or reworking things in these areas. Finally, we have a Venus/Jupiter alignment today which can put a woman, love interest, income pursuit, beauty, or pleasure at the forefront via the media, legal, political, religious, travel, distant, or educational avenues. Talks, offers or decisions reflect this potential!
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If you’d like to inquire about BOOKING A READING to look into your personal chart and what’s on the horizon, email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com and I’ll send you the information about what a reading involves, the rates and when we might get started!
The NOVEMBER MONTHLY ASTRO SHOW is up, LISTEN HERE: https://healthylife.net/RadioShow/archiveZM.htm OR here: https://hrnradio.com/media/ZM101824.mp3
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