Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Zoe Moon Astrology OCTOBER MONTHLY Horoscopes

Zoe Moon Astrology

We start the month with a New Moon Solar Eclipse on the 2nd in the sign Libra. This is at 10 degrees of Libra and kicks in at 2:49pm Eastern/11:49am Pacific. So, Libra is the sign of justice, balance and higher esthetics. It is also the sign of serious relationships such as romantic partnerships, business partnerships, clients, specialists, agents, attorneys, competitors, opponents, and advocates. With a New Moon here we have 2 weeks of momentum to start something brand new or take current interests into what comes next involving these topics and people. With this being a New Moon Solar Eclipse we have the potential to eclipse out whatever might be blocking forward momentum in these areas of life. Examples could be eclipsing out something that is not equitable in a relationship so the relationship can move forward on higher ground or eclipsing out a period of no relationship so that a new one could arrive. This Eclipse is in the Aquarius decan of Libra so freedoms, originality, aspirations, friends, groups, the internet, or causes could be part of the story helping this move forward. On this first day of the Eclipse it will merge with Mercury so at least one bit of information, talk, offer, idea, or decision helps get this thing moving.

Jupiter began to Station on Sept 25th as it arrived on the 21st degree of Gemini. It has been grinding to a halt on this degree since then. On Oct 9th, Jupiter will Retrograde on this 21st degree at 3:05am Eastern/12:05am Pacific so we will start our day with a shift in this energy of generosity, growth, happiness, adventure, and prosperity. Now through Feb 4th Jupiter will be taking us back over old territory to reassess, release or rework something. It is backing from the 21st to the 11th degree of Gemini which will predominantly cover relationship topics we are going to revisit. This will occur around talks, news, meetings, sales, agreements, offers, or decisions with partners, clients, specialists, reps, opponents, advocates, or other key players. It will be about travel plans, relocation at a distance, distant interests, foreign affairs, legal matters, educational pursuits, media ventures, ceremonies, religion, or politics. What stays, what returns, what goes, what can be reworked? We can expect something major in these first couple weeks of October involving one of these relationships since we still have the Solar Eclipse taking place with a similar focus as this Jupiter Retrograde. I might also add that from Oct 1-19 Jupiter will be locked on Chiron at 21 degrees of Aries, forming an opportunity alignment, first moving forward, then in the Retrograde, to look at any personal or physical wounds and what can be done through these Jupiter arenas to heal them, doors are open.

On September 1st Pluto returned to Capricorn in Retrograde on the critical, anaretic 29th degree of the sign. It has been hammering our focus on what we are willing to commit to long term and what needs to end, what our true goals are when it comes to financial matters, sexual interests, reproductive needs, power, control, births, deaths, divorce, or third-party situations. How our own authority or the authority outside ourselves is impacting, if status or fame is involved, or if career needs are intertwined. On the world stage it has taken us back one last time to address crime, power, leadership, the establishment, and any Machiavellian influences at work as the upheaval and ruthless changes that began in 2008 are addressed before the planet takes us forward again. It has been a time of do-over, reworking, releasing, or reassessing. Now, on Oct 11th, Pluto goes Direct on this 29th degree of Capricorn and absolutely everything above will shift and we will begin to see action come into play that will bring about any last changes meant to occur in our lives and on the world stage in these arenas. Pluto will be Direct from Oct 11th through Nov 19th in Capricorn before exiting the sign for good, not to return until the year 2254. Expect this month plus with it in forward motion to bring some very powerful long-term options or intense endings.

On the 13th Mercury enters the sign Scorpio and will tour here until Nov 2nd. Mercury is the bringer of news, ideas, offers, or decisions, it gets us into talks and meetings, interviews and auditions, brings agreements and negotiations into play, pushes for short trips, moves or local activities, time with or about siblings, neighbors, vehicles, or electronics, as well as what is going on with sales, writing, duality, and flirtations. In Scorpio this will be more intense, profound, jealous, power hungry, destructive, transformative, about financial matters, sex, reproduction, birth, death, divorce, or third-party influences. Our minds will be triangulating, purging and empowering through change. Our words and choices will reflect this during this transit. On the 22nd the Sun will also move into Scorpio and tour here over the next 30 days. This puts a spotlight on the financial, sexual, reproductive, mortality, divorce, power, jealousy, control, or third-party interests. It is our cue that we will be showing up and spending more of our physical time involved in some of this or that we can pursue our personal interests, promoting our needs, and moving things along.

On the 17th we have a Full Moon in Aries that peaks at 7:26am Eastern/4:26am Pacific. This begins to build to its peak starting on the 15th at 4:34pm Eastern/1:34pm Pacific so we can have climactic events anytime between the afternoon on the 15th and the morning of the 17th in Aries. This is about what is finally reaching its end, wrapping up, or what is achieved or celebrated at this climactic peak of the year in this sign. It is focused on the ego, the body, the blood, the head, combat, weaponry, fires, identity, the image, brand, name, title, or personal needs. Aim high, seek to reach goals here or mark endings.

Venus is in Scorpio until the early afternoon on the 17th so this portion of the month we are more intense, going deeper, making changes, and forging intimacy, financial interests, divorce, or third-party alliances when it comes to love, income, beauty, or pleasures. On the 17th, at 3:28pm Eastern/12:28pm Pacific, Venus moves into Sagittarius. With this move love and income needs, beauty and pleasure, become less intense or dark and more expansive and optimistic. We may find love or income needs, beauty or pleasure through travel or distant situations, legal agreements or educational pursuits, media or marketing ideas, ceremonies, religion, or politics. We may be more adventurous in love or about what we do to earn money, we may be in a growth spurt here or more generous of spirit during this transit. Women may take on more of a role in these arenas during this period. Venus tours Sagittarius until Nov 11th.

In our third week of October we will have a rare event involving the balance of planets around the Earth, last occurring in the decade of 70 AD. This is the decade that saw the siege of Jerusalem by the Romans, destroying the city and the 2nd temple. Let us pray that we do not see a repeat of this kind of violence again but a better way of resolving conflict. Or let us pray it is not a repeating pattern this time around. I would also note that the imbalance of energy pushing and pulling on the earth, all amassed on one side now brings the potential for more earth events such as earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes, volcanic eruptions, and the like. I am expecting that if it has the potential to disturb the Earth in such a lobsided, powerful way, it may also be felt as a stronger imbalance for people as well. I believe we will experience this in the last 2 weeks of the month with the peak on the 23rd so do what you can to maintain balance and stay safe out there.

Back in the summer, from July 7th-Aug 7th, we experienced Uranus passing over the fixed star Algol, with Mars in accompaniment from July 1st-16th. This was a dangerous time when we had more potential for loss. Uranus is going to Retrograde back over this fixed star between Sept 27th and Oct 29th so we will be revisiting whatever occurred in our own lives as well as on the world stage so that we can reassess it, release it or rework it in come way. This does involve the collective and our values, money, possessions, or the things we are building. It can involve big tech, digital anything, the internet, gatherings, the throat, the neck, the losing of one’s head figuratively or literally, crowds, or anything that impacts in mass. Think back to what was going on July 7-Aug 7 and especially what occurred July 1-16 and how if there is a revisiting of anything challenging we can be proactive about safety in any of these arenas. As a reminder on the global stage, this period in July coincided with the attempt on President Trump, the decision to remove Biden from the upcoming race, and the CrowdStrike global tech outage, we will be revisiting these topics again or fallout from them in some way that could be dangerous to the collective so we should each do our part to NOT escalate things if something occurs again. Here we go.

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If you’d like to inquire about BOOKING A READING to look into your personal chart and what’s on the horizon, email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com and I’ll send you the information about what a reading involves, the rates and when we might get started!

The OCTOBER MONTHLY ASTRO SHOW for all signs is up, LISTEN HERE: Zoe Moon Astrology HealthyLife.Net Radio Show Archive   OR click the player here: hrnradio.com/media/ZM092024.mp3

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