Sunday, October 13, 2024

Zoe Moon Astrology WEEKLY HOROSCOPES Oct 14-20

Zoe Moon Astrology

CLICK above player to HEAR MORE about the WEEK AHEAD!

VOID MOONS THIS WEEK (Eastern Standard Time):

MONDAY no void

TUESDAY 4pm-4:34pm


THURSDAY 3:26pm-4pm

FRIDAY no void

SATURDAY 3:33pm-4:07pm

SUNDAY no void

MONDAY we have the Sun squaring Mars which is coming off of its peak in the wee hours but still may be felt as more tension with key players at home, with moves, renovations, or real estate deals, or playing out with the family, parent or roommates. Pisces Moon is meeting with Saturn to confirm a reality when it comes to artistic, romantic or spiritual matters, or in dealing with institutions, addictions, secrets, or research. This does give us some fresh start boost behind any commitments, endings, responsibilities, time, effort, or ambitions here so make the most of it. Finally, Venus in Scorpio is sitting opposite Uranus in Taurus, bring some spark and excitement or some last-minute changes into the day when it comes to lovers or income matters, beauty or pleasure, the sexual chemistry or financial interests, or with purchases, possessions, the internet, or social influences. This can be one of those love at first sight moments or compulsive buying of high-end items or some other excitement on the list!

TUESDAY I’m guessing, will be jam-packed since there are like a kabillion alignments in play. I guess this is balanced by the fact that Wednesday has no classical alignments, arg. So, up until 4:34pm Eastern we are in the last of our Pisces Moon energy. This is great for art, film, music, painting, poetry, romance, spiritual practices, signs from the other side, dreams, psychic abilities, magic, tackling addictions, dealing with secrets, or getting busy with institutions, research, or investigations. Venus and Neptune play a major role in this today so the love, money, beauty, or pleasure is mixing with the magic here and may again lean into sexual interests, reproductive needs, financial pursuits, or third-party stories, in flow. The Moon enters Aries at 4:34pm Eastern and we start to focus more on our own interests, body, image, brand, name, title, or needs. Whatever news comes in the rest of the night we are best advised to be flexible, regardless of our own desires, for best results.

WEDNESDAY the Aries Moon is a bit, or a lot of bit, over the top. There are no alignments today, we are building to an opportunity with Jupiter in the wee hours tomorrow, and we are building to the Full Moon in Aries peak by tomorrow morning, and we're building to some crazy between Mars and Pluto (more about that on Thursday) so things are majorly amped up today. Some may experience their Full Moon moments today and some on THURSDAY when it perfects at 7:26am Eastern. Either way, we are reaching an apex with our own involvement in something or with our personal needs, or with what is going on with our body, image, brand, name, title, or desires. Fights and passions can come to a head either day as part of this climax. So aim high and for the best possible potential either day. Jupiter opens up news, talks, offers, or decisions about legal needs, travel plans, foreign interests, distant situations, educational pursuits, media events, marketing ideas, ceremonies, religion, or politics as part of the peak moment.

THURSDAY we wake at the peak of the Full Moon in Aries and again this may mean we have reached the zenith of something going on personally or physically, wrapping things up, marking endings, achieving goals, or celebrating, that is if it didn’t occur last night in the build-up. This Full Moon is also in the crosshairs between Mars and Pluto so we may wake hearing about some combative attack or dark blow that occurred in the night, stay clear of iffy places or people. Fires, military moves, explosives, things underground, criminals, financial matters, and/or third-party players all could get swept into this peak in Aries on a global level. Venus kicks off a new transit today as she enters Sagittarius at 3:28pm Eastern and will tour here until Nov 11th. This puts women into Sagittarius energy along with love and money flow, beauty and pleasure. So, it should start to feel more expansive, about the legal, educational, media, or travel interests, or involving distant, foreign, ceremonial, religious, or political themes. Venus wants to attract the good stuff here but will meet with a couple obstacles on Oct 28th, Nov 3rd and Nov 9th. Tonight’s Show will be addressing the tilt of the planets and the new transit of the Sun through Scorpio, tune in here: See you there!

FRIDAY our Taurus Moon is in charge, so we shift focus to income needs, purchases, possessions, or products. There are conversations to be had here or news or offers coming in. We also have opportunities with higher-ups, goals, or the time and effort we put in regarding institutions, research, artistic pursuits, romance, or spirituality. Sweet.

SATURDAY asks for some give and take when it comes to partners, clients, specialists, reps, competitors, or other key players, or perhaps if we are going it alone today we should be flexible when it comes to the balance in our lives. If you are shopping for something unusual or for a good deal you may find it this morning. There could also be unexpected opportunities to earn. Gemini Moon kicks in at 4:07pm Eastern and forms a one-on-one with Venus in Sagittarius so we should find we have flow with talks or meetings, short trips or local activities, sales, writing, or offers, and the love or money flow, beauty or pleasure, and our happiness or prosperity.

SUNDAY seems a bit tiring in the morning so pace yourself. I would suggest that today may not be the best day for talks or meetings, short trips or local activities, sales or writing, you get the idea, we have some kind of slow-down or blockage from Saturn in the mix. So, perhaps catch up on rest and recharge for the week ahead or at least wait until after 2:30pm Eastern as we start to move out of this combo and towards more expansive potential with Jupiter (perfecting in the wee hours) for the rest of the day!

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If you’d like to inquire about BOOKING A READING to look into your personal chart and what’s on the horizon, email and I’ll send you the information about what a reading involves, the rates and when we might get started!

The WEEKLY ASTRO SHOW Oct 11-18 is up, LISTEN HERE: The Zoe Moon Astrology MERCURY & VENUS Sign changes & FULL MOON Show 10/11 by Zoe Moon | Self Help (

The OCTOBER MONTHLY HOROSCOPES are up, READ THEM HERE: Zoe Moon Astrology: Zoe Moon Astrology OCTOBER MONTHLY Horoscopes

The OCTOBER MONTHLY ASTRO SHOW for all signs is up, LISTEN HERE: Zoe Moon Astrology HealthyLife.Net Radio Show Archive OR click the player here:

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