Monday, September 25, 2023



Today is interesting. It's about Mercury and Jupiter harmonizing with one another while the Aquarius Moon squares Jupiter and inconjuncts Mercury. So, I'd say it's an important day for news, talks or decisions that focus on something of detail, the paperwork, a co-worker, hired help, a job, health, or animals. Jupiter is in flow helping us tackle the legal needs or travel involved or looking at the media, marketing or educational side of the story, or going big with an income scenario, a purchase or our possessions, or any ceremonies in the mix, or what is happening with politics or religion in the story. This should all be in flow, which is typically a good thing, so let's look at the potential. The interesting part is that the Moon in Aquarius is at odds with it so we might have some emotional turmoil associated with this moment, or we could be dealing with an Aquarius that is out of sorts with the story, or we might find there is some detachment or isolating energy around it for some reason, or something about friends, a group or online activities are out of whack. An easy example could be that you get news that you have landed the job and will have income coming in now (yay) but emotionally you hate to give up your freedom, or you land the job with income but now you'll have to learn some new online skills and feel nervous about it, or you are packaging up an item to ship back to a seller or company and it is saving you money or it will bring a refund, however after shipping you notice you forgot something and have to send a second package, or maybe there is a big decision today about what you are doing with your money or a possession and the people you hired to help and this part goes well but emotionally it tests you around your aspirations. You get the idea; we have an opportunity to get things in motion that looks really good if we can get past our own emotions or any surprises that pop up later about it. On another note, it's possible that the good stuff comes early and then later today/night the emotional stuff kicks in, so pace yourself! PRAYER TODAY is 'May we embrace the largess of the moment and the potential this day holds, even if that means a surprise or two or getting out of our own way.' PEAK TIME is 12-12:05pm Eastern/9-9:05am Pacific.

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If you’d like to inquire about booking a reading to look into your personal chart and what’s on the horizon, email and I’ll send you the information about what a reading involves, the rates and when we might get started!


The WEEKLY HOROSCOPES will be up later today, check back for them here:

The OCTOBER MONTHLY ASTRO SHOW for Aries-Sagittarius (first 9 signs):

The OCTOBER MONTHLY ASTRO SHOW for Capricorn, Aquarius & Pisces:

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