We have 4 things today: 1) The bulk of the day we wrap up Capricorn Moon with a lot of positive alignments. This is good for setting or reaching goals, dealing with higher-ups, putting in time and effort, making commitments, easier endings, or getting ambitious. This flows with financial interests, changes being made, online pursuits, friends or groups in the mix, possessions or purchases going on, institutions, research, or any artistic, romantic or spiritual interests. 2) Mars opposes Chiron. This can go one of two ways and some of you may have already experienced this one since Mars notoriously likes to arrive early. One way is there is some really wounding, angry one-on-one with someone, the other way is there is the potential to take action or express passion that is aimed at healing a wound, you choose how you act or react in this moment. Do of course be careful with sharp objects, fire, and volatile people. 3) The Sun adjusts to Saturn, so we are asked to be flexible or adaptive when it comes to what we are doing with a partner, client, specialist, representative, competitor, or other such relationship. 4) The Moon moves into Aquarius at 7:29pm Eastern and our emotional needs then are more about aspirations, freedoms, original projects, friends, groups, or online interests. That's a lot for a Sunday! PRAYER TODAY is 'May we wield Mars energy today like cupids bow, piercing only for love.' PEAK TIME is 4-4:05pm Eastern/1-1:05pm Pacific.
If the Daily info clicked for you, consider supporting this work and buying Zoe a coffee, coffee rocks!

If you’d like to inquire about booking a reading to look into your personal chart and what’s on the horizon, email and I’ll send you the information about what a reading involves, the rates and when we might get started!
The WEEKLY HOROSCOPES will be up later today, check back for them here:
The OCTOBER MONTHLY ASTRO SHOW for Aries-Sagittarius (first 9 signs):
The OCTOBER MONTHLY ASTRO SHOW for Capricorn, Aquarius & Pisces:
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