Think of today as a transitional day when it comes to the energy at hand. It's about prepping for something, or saving up energy by sleeping a bit more, or resting to recharge, or perhaps digging into information to figure something out, or working to move the Karmic needle with someone today. I am not saying it's a day of complete clarity because I don't think it is, it's more like talking to those who matter, thinking on a thing or two, letting things ruminate, and sponging up what you can by way of the vibes out there without being so hard on yourself since I think it's tomorrow and Saturday when things sling into place and we are a 'go'. Pay attention to your dreams, the signs around you and your intuition since this may be trying to come through with a message and that as well won't be straight forward but worth digging into. For some there may be a secret or deception nagging at you, but I doubt you'll get to the bottom of it today so perhaps let that go for now and just watch your gut about it until we get more clarity. For the artists, the romantics, and the spiritual out there today may bring the push you need to tackle an obstacle or break a block, but it will require more by way of writing, thinking, listening, or negotiating. Finally, days like this can be nostalgic and pull on your heartstrings a bit more so keep it in mind if you are feeling teary and wondering why, just move through the process or reach out to someone for some grounding. Oh, and there could be an issue with boundaries today that comes up, if so, it is time to address this, either through talking it out or thinking it out, but again let your mind process rather than push your needs to the max with what is brought to bear. I'm pretty sure we are cloud walkers today, a bit observant of the reality below but more connected to the higher possibilities. All of this passes by around 1am Eastern/10pm Pacific when the Moon moves into Cancer and we start to pick up on the potential of our day tomorrow so make the most of the weird and wonderful today, don't be rigid, look for the magical, your guides may have a beautiful detour in mind! Don't forget to TUNE IN TONIGHT for the WEEKLY ASTRO Show, I'll be looking at the major shift in Virgo energy on tap as we reach our New Mon here and Mercury finally ends his Retrograde in the same territory! LIVE at 8pm Eastern/5pm Pacific: The PRAYER TODAY is 'May we allow ourselves a day of free floating.' PEAK TIME is 6:20-6:25pm Eastern/3:20-3:25pm Pacific. See you there! If the Daily info clicked for you, consider supporting this work and buying Zoe a coffee, coffee rocks!

If you’d like to inquire about booking a reading to look into your personal chart and what’s on the horizon, email and I’ll send you the information about what a reading involves, the rates and when we might get started!
The WEEKLY ASTRO SHOW Sept 1-8 is up, LISTEN HERE: The WEEKLY HOROSCOPES for Sept 4-10 are up, READ THEM HERE: Zoe Moon Astrology: Zoe Moon Astrology WEEKLY HOROSCOPES Sept 4-10 The SEPTEMBER MONTHLY HOROSCOPES are up, read them here: Zoe Moon Astrology: Zoe Moon Astrology SEPTEMBER MONTHLY HoroscopesThe SEPTEMBER MONTHLY ASTROLOGY Show #1 covers the first 10 signs, Aries-Capricorn here:
The SEPTEMBER MONTHLY ASTROLOGY Show #2 covers Aquarius and Pisces here:
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