We are in an Aquarius Void Moon from 6:15am - 3:31am Eastern today so this part of the day we let go, let God, and allow for what might transpire without specific intentions on the outcome. We will see what unwinds with friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, gatherings, aspirations, original projects, or Aquarians in our life. There may be some crazy stuff going on or something unusual in the mix regarding what we value, how we're valued, or what's going on with income, purchases, possessions, or products that amps things up a bit during this period as well.
At 3:31pm Eastern the Moon moves into Pisces turning our emotional needs and drive towards spiritual matters, our artistic interests, romantic life, institutions, recuperative needs, bad habits, addictions, secrets, or research. This territory is overly emphasized over the next handful of days as the Moon takes its place here, Venus Retrogrades into it, Mercury Retrogrades into it, all cross Saturn and Neptune here, while Neptune, the ruler of Pisces, on the most powerful degree, is stationed here (stopped in the sky), ready to exit on Sunday.
Yeah, it may feel as though the days ahead are quite a haze, surreal, imaginative, sad, boundaryless, inspired, or strange. We are definitely releasing something major in our lives, major. It can be that during this period the signs and messages from the other side pick up, or collectively we go through something karmic, or time slippage is experienced, or major magical events take place. Or it could be we feel like we've stepped out of our normal life to go into something that absorbs us for this period while the world fades away, or that we are starting to notice something in the midst that is becoming known to us, something that wants to make itself present now.
So, everyone be aware we are all navigating this incredible swell of energy and be gentle with each other and with oneself. The veil between realms is transparent now, whatever that may mean for each of us, here we go.
PRAYER today: 'May we see all with our inner eye and wisdom.' PEAK PRAYER TIME 12pm Eastern/9am Pacific, see you there!"If you'd like to BOOK A PRIVATE READING with Zoe inbox asking about it here or at https://www.facebook.com/zoemoonastrology and I'll shoot you the details regarding details to set it up, dates, and rates!
The APRIL MONTHLY SHOW is up, listen here: Zoe Moon Astrology HealthyLife.Net Radio Show Archive OR go straight to the player here: hrnradio.com/media/ZM032125.mp3
The WEEKLY HOROSCOPES are up, READ THEM HERE: Zoe Moon Astrology: Zoe Moon Astrology WEEKLY HOROSCOPES March 24-30
The WEEKLY ASTRO SHOW March 21-28 is up, LISTEN HERE: Zoe Moon WEEKLY ASTRO SHOW March 21 28
REMINDER: I will not contact you to ask you for money, send you a form to fill out, ask to meet up with you somewhere, or to chat on the phone. There are scammers out there trying to rip people off so again be aware. I am just here to offer my insights as I have been doing consistently for the past 15 years. If you do book a private reading with me there is of course a rate for this, but you will be calling my phone number that is the same number I've had posted for the past 15 years and no other-I do not offer written readings. If you do decide to donate as a thank you for the work I do, it would be through my Buy Me a Coffee link above and nothing else. Ugh, sorry to have to post this again but I don't want you guys taken advantage of or for that matter my work to be taken advantage of, so hope this helps. DISCLAIMER: No posts, shows or readings by Zoe Moon Astrology/Zoe Moon should be considered legal, medical, or financial advice. You should always use your own judgment, do your own research and consult with professionals. Zoe Moon Astrology and Zoe Moon's insights are general by sign and for entertainment purposes only.