Monday, July 17, 2023



Here we go! The morning brings big news, ideas or talks regarding the lover, kids, creative venture, drama, entitlement issues, or recreational pursuits. Our beliefs are informed, our wisdom called upon, growth acted upon, or something with happiness or value addressed in the mix. Next, Venus stations today, sitting down on the degree she will Retrograde on by Saturday so her influences this week are in a holding pattern as we prepare for this upcoming do-over. This means when it comes to love, income, beauty, pleasure, lovers, kids, creative ventures, dramas, entitlement issues, or recreational pursuits, deep breath, things shift in 6 days. Next, the New Moon in Cancer kicks in at 2:32pm Eastern. So up until this time we are in the Dark of the Moon without boost but from that time onward we have 2 weeks of cosmic boost that can help thrust us forward into something new or take our current situations into what comes next when it comes to our home, family, emotional needs, history, moves, renovations, real estate deals, parents, security, or roommates. We want to show up and be proactive about these themes over the next 14 days. Next, the North Node of Destiny and the Karmic South nodes change signs at 4pm Eastern. They enter Aries and Libra respectively, the last time here Aug 1967-Feb 1969, Apr 1986-Dec 1987, and Dec 2004-June 2006. This time they tour here from July 17, 2023-Jan 11, 2025. The North Node in Aries brings destined situations, people, ideas, or decisions over the next year and a half when we show up physically, pursue our own interests, focus on our courage, our body, image, brand, name, title, or needs, come from our passion or fighting spirit, and center ourselves in the 'I Am'. The Karmic South Node in Libra brings rebalancing of karmic give and take with another, letting go or loss, or the return of past life souls, and any of these 3 possibilities would play out through relationship: partners, clients, specialists, agents, competitors, opponents, advocates, attorneys, or other such important one-on-ones. Finally, the North Node of Destiny and the Karmic South Node start a square to Pluto in Capricorn today that lasts until next Friday, the 28th. This puts tension on the Destined path forward and the rebalancing, letting go or returning souls energy of the Karmic scenarios with others. It will stem from financial matters, sexual attractions or issues, power struggles or self-empowerment, control issues, things that are buried, the goals in the situation, a boss, parent, judge, director or other authority figure, the time or commitments involved, responsibilities, a death, a birth, or a divorce, career needs, status, what needs to be purged, intimacy, or third-party situations. I went into all of this by sign on the show last week if you'd like to hear more, you can catch it here:

 PRAYER TODAY is a continuation of yesterday's prayer because it is that important in my opinion (just the time has changed) 'May we move from a period of fixed, immovable circumstances to a period of leadership and courage with ease.' PEAK TIME is 3:55-4pm Eastern/12:55-1pm Pacific, see you there! If the Daily info clicked for you, consider supporting this work and buying Zoe a coffee, coffee rocks!                                                                Buy Me A Coffee                                                                              If you’d like to inquire about booking a reading to look into your personal chart and what’s on the horizon, email and I’ll send you the information about what a reading involves, the rates and when we might get started!                                                                                    The WEEKLY HOROSCOPES July 17-23 are up, read them here:  Zoe Moon Astrology: Zoe Moon Astrology WEEKLY HOROSCOPES July 17-23                                                                   The WEEKLY ASTRO SHOW July 14-21 is up, LISTEN HERE:  The Zoe Moon Astrology NODES of DESTINY & KARMA change signs Show! 07/13 by Zoe Moon | Self Help (                                                                                  The JULY MONTHLY HOROSCOPES are up, READ THEM HERE:  

JULY MONTHLY SHOW first 10 signs Aries-Capricorn: (Click on the July episode on this links page)

JULY MONTHLY SHOW for Aquarius & Pisces:

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