Thursday, July 13, 2023



Gemini Moon kicked in early this morning, so our day is a bit more upbeat with a focus on local activities or short trips, writing, sales, or time with siblings, neighborly moments or flirtations, our vehicles or electronics, or our talks, meetings, interviews, ideas, or decisions. The alignments look a bit like a rollercoaster, lol. First, we start out in square to Mars with these topics so there is a push to do more or a challenge when it comes to what we want to get done regarding the work, health or animals in the story, or with co-workers, hired help or paperwork about it. Next, there is an opportunity alignment with Mercury, ruler of Gemini, so we can hear from or talk to lovers or kids or connect about creative ventures or recreational pursuits, doors open. Finally, there is a square to Saturn, so we push ourselves a bit more or are tested when it comes to our goals, status, higher-ups, time, endings, commitments, or ambitions about the artistic pursuits, romantic needs, spiritual side of things, need for sleep or recuperation, time to research, tackle addictions, deal with secrets, or work with institutions. So, I'm thinking the day looks like a scramble to get the work done, tend to health concerns or animals, that then opens up to some uplifting news or talks with a lover or the kids, or about creative ventures or opportunities to recreate, and then drains us a bit regarding our energy level and sleep needs and says get to bed, you've done enough, lol! Sounds productive to me. Don't forget that tonight's show is going to be in important one covering the shift of the North Node of Destiny and the Karmic South Node into new signs, as they arrive in Aries and Libra for the first time in 18 years to stay here for 18 months. This will start out squaring Pluto in Capricorn from July 17-July 28 so we have a lot to look at in the weeks ahead. I'll also cover the impact of the New Moon in Cancer kicking in on Monday. TUNE IN TONIGHT at 8pm Eastern/5pm Pacific: PRAYER TODAY is 'May we remember our thoughts become words become things in the manifest world, and master our thoughts accordingly.' PEAK TIME is 12:35-12:40pm Eastern/9:35-9:40am Pacific, see you there! 

If the Daily info clicked for you, consider supporting this work and buying Zoe a coffee, coffee rocks!                                                                Buy Me A Coffee                                                                         If you’d like to inquire about booking a reading to look into your personal chart and what’s on the horizon, email and I’ll send you the information about what a reading involves, the rates and when we might get started!                                                                                                                                                                                            The JULY MONTHLY HOROSCOPES are up, READ THEM HERE:  

The WEEKLY HOROSCOPES July 10-16 are up, read them here: Zoe Moon Astrology: Zoe Moon Astrology WEEKLY HOROSCOPES July 10-16

JULY MONTHLY SHOW first 10 signs Aries-Capricorn: (Click on the July episode on this links page)

JULY MONTHLY SHOW for Aquarius & Pisces:

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