Tuesday, July 11, 2023



Omg that Mercury/Pluto opposition combined with the Moon squaring both yesterday sure hit me, lol. I spent an hour on the phone with a credit card company who had shut down my card thinking someone had done fraud on the card because it was used on purchasing a lamp out of the country, after a 20 minute wait on hold it took 4 times of fixing it before it worked, then I lost my other card and spent an hour looking only to find it where it was supposed to be, then the water company said we were going through 30 gallons an hour with some kind of leak which had to be fixed, got it fixed, then our whole area went through an internet outage that lasted a few hours, so yeah, I don't know if it felt like a Mercury Retrograde to you guys but that is sure how it hit me! I share because Mercury has now exited this territory and moved into Leo this morning where he will tour until July 28th, starting today. So, we turn our minds to our creative endeavors, the kids, our love life or lover, or recreational pursuits. Mercury should help us with ideas in these areas of life or to get into talks, meetings, sales, or writing focused on these topics, or to take short trips, move, or do more locally about it. Sweet. We also have Taurus Moon active today with Saturn and Jupiter, both in positive alignments. So, we should have some solid and expansive potential with income needs, purchases, possessions, or products that we can focus on. Saturn brings time and ambitions abound these topics with opportunities to involve artistic, romantic, or spiritual influences, the imagination, our goals or career needs, authority figures, institutions, or research around the matter. Jupiter brings a bigger potential to any legal agreements, travel plans, distant situations, media ventures, educational pursuits, politics, ceremonies, or religious influence in the story, or it helps us focus on those Taurus themes of income, purchases, possessions, or products with more of a nod to our happiness or prosperity or growth in the story. So, there we go, wishing everyone a lovely day! PRAYER TODAY is 'May we lift our spirits with the shift in the stars, lasso the Moon and the planets afar, and make all kinds of joy in the day we've been blessed as the energy tilts in our favor.' PEAK TIME is 4-4:05pm Eastern/1-1:05pm Pacific, see you there! If the Daily info clicked for you, consider supporting this work and buying Zoe a coffee, coffee rocks!                             Buy Me A Coffee                                                                         If you’d like to inquire about booking a reading to look into your personal chart and what’s on the horizon, email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com and I’ll send you the information about what a reading involves, the rates and when we might get started!                                                                                 The WEEKLY SHOW July7-July 14 is up, listen to it here:                                                                                                           The JULY MONTHLY HOROSCOPES are up, READ THEM HERE: https://zoemoonastrology.blogspot.com/2023/06/zoe-moon-astrology-july-monthly.html  

The WEEKLY HOROSCOPES July 10-16 are up, read them here: Zoe Moon Astrology: Zoe Moon Astrology WEEKLY HOROSCOPES July 10-16

JULY MONTHLY SHOW first 10 signs Aries-Capricorn: https://healthylife.net/RadioShow/archiveZM.htm (Click on the July episode on this links page)

JULY MONTHLY SHOW for Aquarius & Pisces: https://www.blogtalkradio.com/zoemoon/2023/06/16/the-zoe-moon-astrology-july-monthly-for-signs-aquarius-pisces

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