I talked in-depth about the KARMIC MEANING of Neptune’s Retrograde that begins on Friday, June 3rd and what it means for each sign romantically, artistically, spiritually, and through your karma connections on my CBS radio show. If you missed it and would like to listen to it for free, you can go here and click on the June 2nd show: http://itunes.apple.com/ug/podcast/the-zoe-moon-astrology-show/id411444258
You can still read the JUNE MONTHLY FORECAST here: http://zoemoonastrology.blogspot.com/2011/05/zoe-moons-june-monthly-forecast-2011.html
It’s a really great time to book a PERSONAL READING and get Zoe’s insight into your year ahead as we kick off this new LUCK CYCLE, if you are interested in booking, email Zoe at zoemoonastrology@gmail.com or call to schedule your reading at 818-613-6067.
Let’s start the new Jupiter Luck Cycle out with a bang! Listed below I’ve given you some ideas of things to wish for that Jupiter is likely to grant to you in the year ahead, all you have to do is focus your intentions and energy in this field to begin to see the doors opening wide!!!
Saturday Jupiter moves into Taurus and begins to open doors for everyone in the area of personal income, spending, possessions, photography, pleasure, and values. It is a luck cycle that will be in effect until next year around this time. Today you should be able to take actions at home, with a move, real estate deal, mom, family member, or roommate that will aid in these lucky areas. Talks or news coming in today are due to surprise and excite, change things or offer you unexpected opportunities!
Sunday the Leo Moon will kick in with all kinds of adjustments so you can expect to have to adapt and adjust to the kids, lover or creative projects. Talk about it, write it up, meet about it, try to negotiate or break through barriers of understanding. If you need more then you need to express that.
ARIES: (call to schedule your reading with ZOE 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
Saturday’s WISH LIST for your new Jupiter Luck Cycle: I would like to earn more money. I would like to make a living doing something I truly value. I would like to be paid what I am worth. I would like to find pleasure in what I do to make a living. I would like to explore photography. I would like to have the best photo shoot of my life. I would like to learn to sing or be discovered for my voice. I would like to purchase objects of beauty or art. I would like to have enough money left over to make purchases that put a smile on my face. I would like a year of evolving values and values being met. I would like for all of my creature comforts to be met. THERE! These are the areas that Jupiter is trying to deliver on in the year ahead, grab hold of the ones that spark your interest and focus your energy here, lucky doors should begin to open in these areas if you are proactive.
Sunday is going to focus in on a child, lover or creative ventures and ironing out the issues you have going on. It seems a powerful talk, meeting or news is coming in today that requires some adjustments. This could be from an authority figure, about career, or involve an ambition, reputation or goal. Open up those lines of communication, tackle the paperwork, run your local errands, but focus and get busy.
TAURUS: (call to schedule your reading with ZOE 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
Saturday’s WISH LIST for your new Jupiter Luck Cycle: I would like to reach a new level of happiness. I would like to reach a new level of prosperity. I would like to be recognized for who I am. I would like my identity to align with a new sense of belief in myself. I would like to reach a personal goal in a big way this year. I would like to have the body I have always wanted. I would like a new image to go along with my new found sense of happiness and prosperity. I would like to be discovered or become known for my achievements. I would like to reach a new identity=married, single, doctor, lawyer, etc. I would like to spend on myself. I would like to earn based on my persona. I would like the spotlight on me. I would like for my needs to be met. THERE! These are the areas that Jupiter is trying to deliver on in the year ahead, grab hold of the ones that spark your interest and focus your energy here, lucky doors should begin to open in these areas if you are proactive.
Sunday the focus is on home and any adjusting around what is going on there or needs doing with friends, cleaning up after a social gathering, working towards goals on renovations, moves, with roommates, or mom, and most importantly, it is about having a talk or dealing with any income/spending issues through legal means, or regarding travel, education, or media/publishing matters.
GEMINI: (call to schedule your reading with ZOE 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
Saturday’s WISH LIST for your new Jupiter Luck Cycle: I would like a breakthrough with a film I am working on. I would like to be cast in a film. I would like to direct. I would like a breakthrough in music or financial gain through my compositions. I would like to learn a musical instrument. I would like to sell my screenplay. I would like to paint. I would like a major gallery to take on my art work. I would like to go on a yoga retreat. I would like to go on a spiritual retreat. I would like to expand my spiritual or artistic base in life. I would like to prosper in these areas and find happiness. I would like something positive to happen through a hospital or other institution. I would like to kick an addiction. I would like some time away from the hustle and bustle of this world to relax and unwind. I would like a big project to begin that takes me into mystical realms or utilizes my imagination to the fullest. THERE! These are the areas that Jupiter is trying to deliver on in the year ahead, grab hold of the ones that spark your interest and focus your energy here, lucky doors should begin to open in these areas if you are proactive.
Sunday is about news or talks regarding any shifts on the career front or with some artistic project. You may need to deal with news or decisions about the divorce, loan, debt, bankruptcy, inheritance, taxes, insurance, settlement, alimony, child support, or other financial matter. Sexual or intimate connections may require a bit of finessing as well, talk things out.
CANCER: (call to schedule your reading with ZOE 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
Saturday’s WISH LIST for your new Jupiter Luck Cycle: I would like to have more fun with friends. I would like new friends to enter my life who can open up my world to happy or prosperous levels. I would like to start a project with a friend that reaches great heights and prospers. I would like to join or form a group that opens up the world through media, publishing, beliefs, travel, or learning. I would like to learn astrology or take my astrological interests to a higher level, prosper and find happiness here. I would like to learn to fly. I would like to start a charity. I would like my greatest wish to come true this year. I would like to take an internet project to the next level. I would like to find happiness through social networking or the internet. I would like my internet interests to bring prosperity into my life. I would like to socialize more. I would like my aspirations to expand. THERE! These are the areas that Jupiter is trying to deliver on in the year ahead, grab hold of the ones that spark your interest and focus your energy here, lucky doors should begin to open in these areas if you are proactive.
Sunday the focus may be on earning or spending on something involving media, travel, education, or legal matters. You need to talk with a partner, agent, attorney, or other significant person about the film, music or other art project, hospital, addiction, spiritual pursuit, or emerging romance and be willing to work through whatever is in the path here.
LEO: (call to schedule your reading with ZOE 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
Saturday’s WISH LIST for your new Jupiter Luck Cycle: I would like a huge breakthrough on the career front. I would like to be discovered or reach a new level of fame. I would like to see my name in the spotlight. I would like to start my own business and see it expand in prosperous ways. I would like to reach a big goal this year. I would like my ambitions to pay off in a very big way. I would like my boss or other authority figures to favor me. I would like a breakthrough with dad or something beneficial to happen involving our relationship. I would like recognition for my achievements. I would like a promotion. I would like my reputation to open doors for me. I would like a banner career year. THERE! These are the areas that Jupiter is trying to deliver on in the year ahead, grab hold of the ones that spark your interest and focus your energy here, lucky doors should begin to open in these areas if you are proactive.
Sunday you should take it easy on yourself physically as you do what you can to tackle work, health or pets. You need to have a talk with a friend or group, or one regarding the internet, astrology, charities or your aspirations. See if you can find new ways to deal with work, health or pets in this.
VIRGO: (call to schedule your reading with ZOE 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
Saturday’s WISH LIST for your new Jupiter Luck Cycle: I would like to be published. I would like my publishing company to take off in big, prosperous ways. I would like to land my dream job in the media. I would like great publicity. I would like to find lucky ways to market my product. I would like to travel to some far away place for happiness or profits. I would like foreign interests to open doors for me. I would like import/export deals to favor me. I would like to expand my student base as a private teacher. I would like to go back to school or graduate with honors. I would like legal issues to go in my favor. I would like beneficial contracts. I would like to get married. I would like a year of great wisdom and learning. I would like a year of great adventure. THERE! These are the areas that Jupiter is trying to deliver on in the year ahead, grab hold of the ones that spark your interest and focus your energy here, lucky doors should begin to open in these areas if you are proactive.
Sunday you may want to retreat and work on something artistic behind the scenes or develop something a bit further. Work with partners on this or deal with competition or opponents as best you can. News coming in today will focus on career or goals and you should be ready to talk about any shifts necessary with kids, lovers or regarding the creative process.
LIBRA: (call to schedule your reading with ZOE 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
Saturday’s WISH LIST for your new Jupiter Luck Cycle: I would like an intimate, sexual connection with someone that brings great happiness. I would like any sexual or reproductive issues to be resolved in beneficial ways. I would like more power in my life. I would like a financial backer to come through for me or my project. I would like the settlement, alimony, child support, or bankruptcy to go in my favor. I would like luck with tax or insurance situations. I would like any inheritance issues to benefit my happiness. I would like commission based opportunities to prosper. I would like to understand the mysteries of life on a new level. I would like a deeper understanding of something that has puzzled me. I would like the divorce to be dealt with in a way that protects my needs. THERE! These are the areas that Jupiter is trying to deliver on in the year ahead, grab hold of the ones that spark your interest and focus your energy here, lucky doors should begin to open in these areas if you are proactive.
Sunday the focus will be on friends, groups, the internet, astrology, or charities and any adjustments you need to make here due to work, health or animals. You need to have a talk about legal matters, travel, media, or educational issues regarding home or moves. Be willing to adjust to shifting circumstances.
SCORPIO: (call to schedule your reading with ZOE 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
Saturday’s WISH LIST for your new Jupiter Luck Cycle: I would like a romantic partner that knocks my socks off, is generous and opens up my life to new vistas. I would like to get married. I would like a bad marriage to end under protective energy. I would like an agent or attorney to enter the picture who can benefit me in prosperous, happy ways. I would like big opportunities coming through current representatives. I would like to resolve an issue through the great insight of a specialist or advocate. I would like a generous confidant who I can lean on for beneficial counsel. I would like to partner with people this year who have great things to share with me and can lead us to prosperous outcomes and merging. I would like my competitors to end up benefiting me in some unforeseen way. I would like fair and equitable balance with all things in my life. THERE! These are the areas that Jupiter is trying to deliver on in the year ahead, grab hold of the ones that spark your interest and focus your energy here, lucky doors should begin to open in these areas if you are proactive.
Sunday the career will take energy and this is requiring some adjustments with creative input, kids or love interests. You need to tackle the major financial matter, divorce issue or intimate encounter today with a view on adjusting. Make an effort to move a step closer to the goal.
SAGITTARIUS: (call to schedule your reading with ZOE 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
Saturday’s WISH LIST for your new Jupiter Luck Cycle: I would like breakthroughs at work. I would like more happiness and prosperity at my place of work. I would like to find another line of work that brings me more happiness or earnings. I would like a co-worker or employee to enter the picture who will open up happiness or prosperity in my world. I would like to expand my employees. I would like detrimental co-workers to exit the work place or stop being detrimental towards me. I would like to expand the service I provide. I would like great prosperity to come through my services. I would like better health. I would like to start a new health regime that benefits me greatly. I would like someone close to me to find great relief with their health. I would like to adopt a pet or get involved with animals in happy, generous ways. I would like my pet to win the contest or my horse to win the race. THERE! These are the areas that Jupiter is trying to deliver on in the year ahead, grab hold of the ones that spark your interest and focus your energy here, lucky doors should begin to open in these areas if you are proactive.
Sunday the focus is on travel, media, educational, or legal matters as you tackle things at home or with real estate. You need to talk to the partner, agent, attorney, or other significant person in the picture about the income or spending and what needs to be adjusted here.
CAPRICORN: (call to schedule your reading with ZOE 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
Saturday’s WISH LIST for your new Jupiter Luck Cycle: I would like happy, lucky, expansive, true love to find me this year. I would like happy breakthroughs and expansion with the lover in my life now. I would like the Fates to clear out anyone who might be wrong for me in love to make room for the love of my life to enter this year. I would like lovers who are generous and good for me. I would like big things to happen for my children. I would like more happy times with my kids. I would like my child to get a financial break this year. I would like to start something relating to kids that prospers. I would like to have a child. I would like my current kids project to take off. I would like my creative inspiration to be huge this year. I would like to prosper from my creative efforts. I would like my creative project to reach new heights, expand and prosper. I would like more fun and recreation in the year ahead. THERE! These are the areas that Jupiter is trying to deliver on in the year ahead, grab hold of the ones that spark your interest and focus your energy here, lucky doors should begin to open in these areas if you are proactive.
Sunday the focus should be on finances, intimacy or divorce issues as you have talks or meetings to work through these areas. Home and real estate are beneficial here. The most important talk today is aimed at work, health or pets and will be about you taking one step closer to personal empowerment or physical transformations. Be willing to work through issues and evolve.
AQUARIUS: (call to schedule your reading with ZOE 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
Saturday’s WISH LIST for your new Jupiter Luck Cycle: I would like more happiness at home. I would like to prosper from real estate. I would like to learn real estate. I would like a home business to prosper. I would like to learn interior design or prosper form home related industries. I would like to move. I would like to open up my home in some prosperous way. I would like to start a family. I would like to have more happiness or start something prosperous with family members. I would like to benefit from a roommate. I would like to find my foundations and security needs are protected and generous. I would like to feel more grounded and stable. I would like my home to reflect my evolving beliefs. THERE! These are the areas that Jupiter is trying to deliver on in the year ahead, grab hold of the ones that spark your interest and focus your energy here, lucky doors should begin to open in these areas if you are proactive.
Sunday is about the partner, representative or competitor and working through any money matters with them. You will want to have talks today or meet in unexpected places because these look exciting. The talk you have about creative projects, love or kids today will be powerful and focus in on any changes that may still be required or issues that are evolving around secrets, hospitals, retreat, clandestine affairs, spiritual beliefs, or artistic matters.
PISCES: (call to schedule your reading with ZOE 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
Saturday’s WISH LIST for your new Jupiter Luck Cycle: I would like better news this year. I would like my meetings to go well. I would like to get into public speaking. I would like to prosper through speaking roles or writing. I would like my script to get green lit. I would like my writing abilities to expand. I would like beneficial contracts to open up my world in some new way. I would like to hear ‘yes’ more often. I would like a breakthrough idea. I would like new levels of happiness with brothers or sisters. I would like to start something prosperous with a neighbor or sibling. I would like my move to bring more happiness or prosperity. I would like to benefit from short trips. I would like to meet someone generous and good for me while out at the local spots. I would like a new car. I would like to find a good way to deal with current transportation dilemmas. THERE! These are the areas that Jupiter is trying to deliver on in the year ahead, grab hold of the ones that spark your interest and focus your energy here, lucky doors should begin to open in these areas if you are proactive.
Sunday is about the work, health or pets and adjusting around your personal or physical needs. Income or spending should be flowing positively here. You do need to have a talk or deal with information regarding home, real estate, moves, roommates, mom, or family today and be willing to adjust to the social aspect here (friends, internet, charities, groups, astrology, or aspirations).
Thursday nights at 5pm pacific/8pm eastern on CBS Radio: http://sky.radio.com/shows/the-zoe-moon-astrology-show
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