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This is the wind down week from the Eclipse so we can enter it with the idea that we are wrapping up any last legal matters, tiding up any media projects already in the works, making last pushes with publishers or publicists, finalizing marketing strategies, handling the school or other educational topics, winding down the trip or ceremony, and more or less making any last attempts and decisions based on where you are now so you can start new ventures in July.
Monday is a trigger date for these areas so you may find yourself highly motivated to connect with people over any threads still hanging. Mars moves into Gemini today so all communications are gearing up, this brings more passion and anger into conversations with an underlying motivation to make something happen. Mars in Gemini will move us to do things with brothers or sisters, writing projects, neighbors, local activities, short trips, and agreements as well.
Tuesday is the Summer Solstice, can you believe it’s here already?! The Sun enters Cancer and illuminates all things mom, home, country, and apple pie. This is a 30 day cycle where your living situation, property matters, moves, renovations, roommates, mom, and security needs will be lit up in your life and you will find you are pouring more of your life force into handling situations attached to these themes. Mercury squares Saturn today which can simply mean a ‘no’ or it can be that information, talks, agreements, etc, are going to require more work than they are worth? You may say ‘yes’ but need to accept limits from another person if you decide to go forward or it may be you need to draw a line in the sand with someone today or bring up something that just has to be dealt with.
Wednesday Mars squares Neptune which can be highly motivating where music, film, the arts, spiritual pursuits, hospitals, dealing with addictions, deception or hidden enemies is concerned. It can also toss an obstacle into the mix or bring a person or situation where actions are masking something secret or subversive, it could prompt you to do the same, so tread lightly with passion and anger, choose words wisely and don’t promise more than you are going to deliver. This aspect can also be a time when you feel like giving up, don’t. Remember if it were easy everyone would do it/have it/be it. Listen to your dreams and trust that any obstacle is just there to test your veracity, believe in yourself and stay the course. The Sun trines Neptune today which is a lovely aspect putting you and your home or base of operations in harmony with any artistic projects, spiritual path, romance, research, development, imaginative outlet, or dealing with hospitals or other institutions.
Thursday the Aries Moon will get our emotions geared up to make personal or physical changes, to step out on an adventure or try something completely outside the norm. You may find you are saying things you have wanted to say for quite some time and all of a sudden today it just comes flying out. You could meet someone very exciting today or launch into new exciting territory. A big change on the career front or with a goal or an authority figure is likely part of the mix.
Friday you may have a lot of different balls in the air as you try to juggle home, your own needs and a partner or representatives issues. Look at long term with the other person, again the question of commitment or endings is involved and a talk about the home, property, move, or any other living situation seems to be part of it. Venus is in a lovely aspect today to your needs so see about talking to a female, communicating or writing about love or towards income, getting out in the local scene to earn or spend, and opening up about the good things in life.
ARIES: (Call to schedule your reading with ZOE 818-613-6067 or email )
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Monday the first part of the day may pull you online or out with friends or groups as you have talks about your needs, introduce yourself to a bigger circle of people or write from personal experience. You will be motivated to earn or deal with any money tied to the internet or friends. Your ruler is moving into a new energy field tonight at 10:50pm eastern so the day will be highly active on that last degree of Taurus=money. Positive talks and meetings open up later tonight.
Tuesday the Sun enters your home arena and those talks and ideas you started last week will now put you into the mix with energy playing out at home, any renovations or remodels, anything that puts you on the stage in the home, with your needs or physical well being tied to home, roommates, mom, moves, real estate deals, or any other living situation. This is a 30 day cycle so get ready to get busy here. A talk or news, agreement or decision today about this will involve a partner, agent, attorney, specialist, or competitor and show up any limits or responsibilities, endings or commitments in the mix that must be dealt with.
Wednesday your ruler, Mars, is frictional with Neptune so you could be very driven and inspired over ideas, doing something locally, with siblings, or someone younger involved in film, music, the arts, hospitals, research, romance, or spiritual matters, OR it could trigger anger and frustration in these same areas. This energy is known for pushing people to give up on a dream, listen to your gut not what anyone else is telling you and stay true to your vision. The Sun will trine Neptune which shows that you can reach good connections to these themes through your efforts at home or involving real estate, roommates, moves, or family.
Thursday the Aries Moon suits you just fine and kicks you into gear over changes you want to make. You may feel like breaking free, doing something unusual or out of character, and your passions will be stirred when talking to others, pitching ideas in meetings, or looking at agreements or decisions. Keep an eye out for any big financial goals, career or authority issues that could pop up and be willing to get in there and give it your best.
Friday will be a juggling act between what you are trying to do for yourself, what is being talked about or decided over home, moves, roommates, real estate, or security needs, and any commitments, limits, ambitions, or endings in the mix with partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, or competitors. The positive energy is in writing or talks you have about love or income, getting out locally in pursuit of earnings or spending, and connecting with women.
TAURUS: (Call to schedule your reading with ZOE 818-613-6067 or email )
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Monday kicks off a highly motivated time period of pursuing income. You may find you are taking on more physical activity while you earn or that you are spending on passion or that you a driven to get out there and get physically into the mix interviewing or auditioning. Good luck comes through friends, groups, the internet, astrology, or charities today.
Tuesday the Sun moves into your local arena and puts you in the spotlight here over the next 30 days. This can mean you are more vital out in your local hotspots, making more short trips, involved with brothers, sisters or neighbors, dealing with vehicles or writing, or that you are at the center of agreements, meetings or talks now. Where you put down roots may be thematic for you at this point but today the talks or news focuses in on work, health or pets and any limits or ambitions here that must be worked out.
Wednesday brings up issues over income and your aspirations as Mars either gears you up to motivate and make any changes necessary around the internet, friends, groups, charity, or other social matter, OR it makes you feel like giving up on something you have dreamed about for a while now due to the financial angle. Don’t quit now! Listen to your inner voice on this and trust your vision. Talk about it, write, get into the mix locally, but pour that energy into making a stand for your best version and rely on your artistic integrity, true needs in romance or spirituality, or how you best can handle hospitals, research or addictive issues.
Thursday brings lots of energy around the film, music, poetry, painting, or other artistic pursuit. It will rev up secret romances, research and development, the imagination, your spiritual activities, and any dealings with institutions. There is positive action here to take towards earnings or spending and any new original ideas, unique situations or approaches, and exciting change in the mix. Reinvent yourself or step out with your own thing! There is a big legal, media, publishing, marketing, travel, or educational matter on the table in this that you will want to work through or around.
Friday is again about these artistic, spiritual, romantic, or institutional matters. Today you will need to talk about your ideas, writing, or agreements, there may be a need to connect with siblings or neighbors or to deal with vehicles in the mix and to set limits, focus on ambitions or handle responsibilities with work, health or pets. The good news is the income is aligning again, today through women, love, beauty, and pleasure, look for ways to connect this with the art, spiritual pursuit, romantic attraction, hospital, or other institution for best results.
GEMINI: (Call to schedule your reading with ZOE 818-613-6067 or email )
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Monday Mars enters your sign, get ready to launch! This is a whole lot of fire energy motivating you to get active, do something physically, express your passions, and push your image or personality to the next level. Goals, ambitions, career, and authority figures figure prominently in your day with some luck coming later tonight through film, music, art, poetry, spiritual pursuits, hospitals, research, or development.
Tuesday the Sun moves into your income zone and lights it up over the next 30 days. This is a time when you will be in demand personally if your body or image is in any way tied to your earnings and it will push you to get out there physically and earn more. You may find that you are interested in spending on a new look or something to help you get in shape as well. A talk or piece of news today involves income and limits you are feeling around a creative project, child or lover so open up about what you can or cannot commit to and where responsibilities lie.
Wednesday Mars motivates you personally over a big goal, ambition or career issue. You are going to be passionate about getting in there or putting your image or identity on the business matter, your looks or body may figure into what you are dealing with or it could be ego or personality issues. Either way, you know who you are and what you want to achieve here, there may be a feeling of despair or that you should give up, don’t! You are closer than you think, just trust in yourself and stay the course. Income and ways to earn are aligned for you today so focus here and work through the rest.
Thursday is social with friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, or a drive to reach aspirations in tow. You are going to be motivated, passionate and feel like doing something different, taking a new approach, you may meet someone new or set off on a totally different course here. Facing financial, divorce or sexual challenges or changes is most likely part of the day.
Friday is again about the friends, networking, internet, astrology, groups, charities, or dreams and aspirations. Today you will be talking about issues you have with earning or spending and working through solutions as well as dealing with any creative or love limits or responsibilities in the mix. The good energy is pouring from you through Venus so put yourself out there, share the love, the beauty, and do good things for yourself.
CANCER: (Call to schedule your reading with ZOE 818-613-6067 or email )
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Monday Mars moves into the mystical part of your chart to get you motivated on a developmental stage of some project, to share your passions in secret or privately, to motivate on film, music, art, poetry, painting, spiritual pursuits, romance, research, or to deal with hospitals, addictions, or hidden enemies. You have good opportunities through legal, travel, media, publishing, marketing, or education if you connect in this through a friend, the internet, astrology, or through charities or groups.
Tuesday the Sun moves into your sign and puts you in the spotlight over the next 30 days. This can be a more focused time on your body or image, getting physically active and bringing your personality into everything you do, and it can be a time when others are noticing you more. As you kick this cycle off it means a talk or decision about home, how you have things set up here or what you need regarding moves, real estate deals, mom, or roommates. Again media, publishing, travel, education, or legal matters are part of your focus today.
Wednesday Mars is squaring off with Neptune so this can motivate you to make a move regarding film, music, fine art, spiritual pursuits, hospitals, imagination, romance, research, or development as it ties into the travel, legal, media, publishing, marketing, or educational outlets. OR is can make you feel like giving up, don’t! Trust your vision and believe in yourself in this, you can take the spotlight in something if you focus on your needs, image, physical presence, personality, and bring it to bear on the situation.
Thursday gears up over career, goals, ambitions, and lots of change, excitement and original potential working for you. Be spontaneous, try new things, motivate more on the film, music, art, imagination, fantasy, or any tackling of institutions in the mix. Put energy into developing the project or sharing passions behind closed doors. The only challenge today is with a partner, agent, attorney, or competitor and dealing with changes here involving sex, divorce or finances.
Friday is again about the big goal, career, ambition, reputation, or fame. Today you will need to talk or make a decision about your needs, image or physical presence in the objective and deal with any limits or responsibilities at home, with real estate, moves, roommates, or mom. The good news is that again the gods are favoring you through research, development, film, music, art, poetry, imagination, retreat, research, fantasy, hospitals, dealing with addictions, and strategy. A female may benefit you in this today or you may find an opportunity to earn or share the love through one of these areas.
LEO: (Call to schedule your reading with ZOE 818-613-6067 or email )
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Monday Mars moves into your social realm gearing up more invitations, networking, activities with friends and groups, motivation on the internet or with astrology, and action on charitable fronts. You will feel driven to achieve your aspirations at this time and your passions will mix best in all of the above realms. Just watch for anger sparked here as well. You may meet a younger male today who becomes a close friend in the weeks ahead or get into it with a younger associate. Good energy is with you to expand financially, through divorce or a sexual attraction.
Tuesday the Sun moves into your hidden part of the chart and you may take the next 30 days to retreat and recuperate after a while of being out there or you could see this time as getting into a film, music project, fine art opportunity, research project, clandestine affair that keeps you occupied, or a time to visit a hospital for some work or rehab for an addiction. At least one talk or decision today will reflect what you are thinking about this and any commitments or limits you see in the mix.
Wednesday Mars gears up around some big aspiration, social matter, friendship or internet project, to motivate about the sexual attraction, divorce or major financial matter. This energy can spark your passions and get you moving on funding the internet project or making commissions on a project there or with a friend or aspiration OR it can make you feel like giving up. Don’t. You can pull out the stops with your image and imagination, with the artistic, spiritual or romantic interest, with any connections to hospitals or dealing with addictions, with your talents and Karmic direction right now, and get things going in the right direction with the finances, divorce or sexual attraction.
Thursday is all about the trip, media, publishing or marketing outlet, education, ceremony, or legal matter. There is excitement and change in the air and your passions and actions should align to get things going with a friend, group, the internet, astrology, a charity, or pursuing your dreams, it’s an open opportunity if you are willing to be original and spontaneous. You do need to deal with any powerful issues around work, health or pets as you delve into it all.
Friday is again focusing on the travel, media, education, or legal matters but today you need to talk, write, look at agreements, or make decisions about the film, music, art, addiction, hospital, clandestine affair, or research and deal with any limits or responsibilities that may by holding things up. It may feel heavier than it is as your mind is colored with Saturn today. There may be a serious ‘yes’ or ‘no’ that needs to come down in terms of commitment or endings. The good news is social as friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, or dreams are places to share the love. Good income opportunities may arise through the trip, media, publishing, marketing, education, or legal matters as well.
VIRGO: (Call to schedule your reading with ZOE 818-613-6067 or email )
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Monday Mars moves into your career Midheaven which can bring all kinds of motivation to achieve a big goal, passion into your career and ambition, action or anger involving authority figures, attacks on your reputation, actions that bring fame, and overall a few weeks when you will have more drive and determination to see things to fruition. There is luck for you today with a media, publishing, travel, educational, ceremonial, or legal matter and any partner, agent, attorney, or opponent in the mix.
Tuesday the Sun moves into your social arena and puts you in the spotlight with friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, and aspirations over the next 30 days. You will be on everyone’s invite list and your image or personality may tie in well with the charity or internet project. These areas of connection are where you will most want to spend your vital energy. Today that means having a talk or making a decision in one of these areas as it relates to any limits or responsibilities around earning income or spending.
Wednesday Mars squares Neptune and the actions of an authority figure, actions on the career front, drive towards goals or ambitions, attacks on reputation, or pursuit of fame comes into play and will tie in directly with a partner, agent, attorney, specialist, competitor, or opponent. This is going to motivate you to achieve and inspire or it could make you feel like giving up, don’t! You are closer to your goal than you realize and your friends, group support, the internet, astrology, charities, these areas are where you will feel it and where part of the answer may lay. Put yourself with these themes and continue to listen to your vision of your future.
Thursday emotional energy will focus in on any shared or outside financial matters such as loans, inheritance, settlements, insurance, taxes, commissions, royalties, alimony, bankruptcy, child support, or divorce or sexual matters. It’s a day when you can make exciting changes through actions you take with career or authority figures and new approaches. The only challenge today involves a creative project, love interest or child and how these changes are playing out here.
Friday is again on the finances, sex or divorce but today news, talks, agreements, or meetings will be challenging around the aspiration, friend, group, internet, astrology, or charity and any income or spending in the mix. You need to deal with limits or responsibilities where earnings are concerned. The good news is coming through a career matter or authority figure and deals with love, income, a woman, and the shared/outside financial matter, sex or divorce.
LIBRA: (Call to schedule your reading with ZOE 818-613-6067 or email )
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Monday Mars enters the arena of travel, education, media, publishing, marketing, education, and ceremonies for you and will tour here over the next weeks kicking you into gear, motivating, bringing out your passions and anger, and getting you to take action on anything you desire in these fields. A younger male may enter the scene through one of these areas now to get you moving. Luck is in high finance, sex or divorce and the efforts you make here today.
Tuesday the Sun moves into your career Midheaven and puts you in the spotlight over the next 30 days in all ambitions, attaching your image or personality to the launch of a business or career goals, involved with reputation and the quest for fame, and in dealing with authority figures. This is where you will put vital physical energy and personal needs. At least one talk, bit of news, decision, or agreement today will focus in on this and any limits or responsibilities you need to tackle.
Wednesday Mars squares Neptune to amp up action, passion or anger over trips, media, publishing, marketing, education, ceremonies, or legal matters and any connection this has to artistic or spiritual work, health and/or hospitals or addictions, retreat, and pets. This can be inspired and motivating or it can make you feel like giving up, don’t! You are closer now than you think so trust your vision and believe in yourself. You should have a chance to shine today, take on the work, your health or anything tied to animals.
Thursday will shift focus to a partner, agent, attorney, specialist, or competitor. Something exciting is changing here and new ideas, approaches or opportunities are in the mix if you take action on the trip, media, publishing, marketing, education, or legal matter. The only challenge here is over changes at home or with real estate.
Friday is again about that other person, be it the partner, representative or competitor but today you will need to write, deal with agreements, news, or talks involving career, a goal or an authority figure. Working around issues and dealing with any personal or physical limits or responsibilities in the mix. The positive news is through love, money or a woman who can help with the trip, media, legalities, or education.
SCORPIO: (Call to schedule your reading with ZOE 818-613-6067 or email )
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Monday Mars moves into the deep and shared area of your chart to stir the waters big time. This can mean more motivation and drive to get things moving with a financial matter, divorce or sexual attraction or issue, OR it can mean anger surfaces over these issues. You will want to tackle how things are shared, motivate on loans, debt, settlements, alimony, child support, inheritance, bankruptcy, commissions, royalties, a partner’s money, divorce proceedings, and bring your passions to the intimate side of life. Luck is with you today through partners, representatives and any creative projects or issues with kids or love.
Tuesday the Sun moves into your zone of travel, media, publishing, marketing, legal matters, ceremonies, and education. You will be in the spotlight through these fields for the next 30 days so expect to be physically on a plane, in the courtroom or classroom, attaching your name or image to a media project or publishing deal, getting out there and being seen and pouring your vital life force into moving these things to the next level. This starts today with serious talks or decisions about something karmic, going on behind the scenes or behind your back, or with something regarding ambitions and a film, music, art, or other spiritual project, a hospital, or development deal.
Wednesday Mars squares Neptune which can motivate you on the finances, sex or divorce issue and how it is affecting creative projects, kids or love, OR it can make you feel like giving up, don’t! You are closer than you know in these deeply shared intimate and financial arenas and you should listen to your vision and believe in yourself now more than ever. You have an opportunity to shine through that trip, media, publishing, marketing, educational, ceremonial, or legal matter today and this should help you see how the creative project, child or love interest is aligning.
Thursday the focus turns to work, service, health, or animals. There is something exciting and unique about today and any efforts you make to do things differently, to step outside of your comfort zone, to be spontaneous and act on your passions or any of those financial or divorce issues. Opportunity is in the mix. One talk or decision seems to be heavy and may require you look at how things are changing.
Friday is again on work, health or pets but today you will need to talk about serious matters or limits around the travel, media, education, or legal aspects. You also have to balance work, health or pets with the karmic influences that are appearing in your life for attention right now, try to get real about an artistic, spiritual, romantic, or addictive aspect in play, look at setting limits around anything that feels like it has to be kept secret. The good news is in the financial realm, the divorce or the sexual attraction or issue as there is opportunity to work through things here, find healthy solutions or open up through women.
SAGITTARIUS: (Call to schedule your reading with ZOE 818-613-6067 or email )
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Monday Mars moves into your relationship zone and heats things up big time. This is a few week transit that will motivate you about partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, or competitors as well as mark a time when they will seem more proactive. Passions and anger will stir through these connections and today the luck will come through work, health or pet matters you tackle at home.
Tuesday the Sun moves into the deep waters of sex, high finance and divorce. This is how you share your body and the money, how your needs are met, the physical energy you expend here, how you are admired, and how your image or identity can draw these influences towards you over the next 30 days. Ready to be a magnet? If you are having any reproductive or sexual issues then this physical transit can help you to tackle them. Today a talk or meeting with a friend, regarding a group affiliation, through the internet or astrology, involving a charity, or about your aspirations will push you to look at how you shine in these areas and get real about any limits or ambitions you have here.
Wednesday Mars squares Neptune and either motivates you to do something about or with the partner, agent, attorney, specialist, or competitor over home issues OR it may make you feel like giving up, don’t. This can be very inspired artistic, romantic, spiritual energy and a need to make things happen here or it can feel confusing or sad like all is lost, you are closer than you think to getting it together here so have faith in your vision and yourself. Again it is through your outside financial interests, divorce or sexual attractions that you will shine today.
Thursday the focus shifts to creative projects, kids or lovers/love interests. There is excitement and change in the air, you want to take advantage of this day by being open to new ideas and approaches, and motivating with a partner, agent, attorney, specialist, or other significant other. Passions fly, you may meet someone quite unexpectedly if single and out at anything creative or child related. The big challenge in the day comes around income or spending so watch this.
Friday is again on the lover/love interest, child or creative venture but today there is a need to write, talk, meet, or deal with news or agreements involving financial matters, divorce or attraction and this may challenge you to get serious with a friend, group, internet project, astrological interest, charity, or your own aspirations. Don’t be afraid to take on more or set limits. The good energy is flowing through the partner, agent, attorney, specialist, or advocate and will help you with love or money through your creative venture, child or love.
CAPRICORN: (Call to schedule your reading with ZOE 818-613-6067 or email )
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Monday Mars moves into your work, health and pet arena and will motivate you to tackle things here over the next few weeks. This energy kicks things into higher gear and will bring out passion or anger at work, over services, with co-workers, employees, health issues, and your animal interests. You may get surgery now to cut something away or just simply get your blood up in more active work-outs. A younger male may enter the scene in one of these areas to drive things forward as well. Luck is with you today through creative ventures, kids or love interests and the talks, meetings, agreements, or decisions you make.
Tuesday the Sun moves into your relationship zone and puts you in the spotlight in all one-on-one relationships over the next 30 days. This means you shine through connections with romantic, marriage or business partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, advocates, or dealing with competitors. One of these people may be helping you with your image, physical issues, identity, or towards personal aims. Today there is a talks or decision in the mix that may be serious regarding a goal, career, an authority figure, or reputation.
Wednesday Mars squares Neptune to motivate you on health, work or pets over any information coming in around hospitals, addictions, retreat, research, film, music, artistic outlets, spiritual pursuits, or clandestine affairs. This can inspire and drive you to achieve OR it can make you feel like giving up, DON’T. You are closer to the finish line than you think and you will find that through this significant other person that you will see that a bit more clearly if you believe in your vision and yourself. Look to the partner, representative or specialist.
Thursday the focus shifts to home, real estate or mom and some excitement or change that is on offer here. You can take new approaches to work or health here, bring original ideas, meet with new and unusual types or just gear up to do it differently, it all seems to benefit you. The only challenge it this big change that you are still in the midst of personally, physically or with your image or identity.
Friday is again focusing on home, real estate, mom, family, moves, roommates, anything home or rooted in your security. Today that means that you will be talking about something serious with the partner, agent, attorney, specialist, or advocate regarding what is going on here and what limits or commitments you want around the goal, authority or career. The good news is coming through a woman or love and income matters that are opening opportunity for you in health, work or with pets.
AQUARIUS: (Call to schedule your reading with ZOE 818-613-6067 or email )
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Monday Mars moves into your house of true love, children and creative projects and will tour here over the next few weeks. This can rev up the passions with your love interest or drive you to go out seeking a lover, it can bring a lot more activity with kids, and get you motivated to make things happen with your creative ventures. It can also bring up anger with lovers, kids or over creative outlets so watch this. Luck is with you today in combination between home and income or spending.
Tuesday the Sun moves into your work, health and pet zone and will put you in the spotlight here over the next 30 days. You will stand out and it’s a good time to attach your image or identity to any service or work effort, to get physically out there and interview or audition, to ask for that raise, or to get yourself to a gym, sign up for a new healthy regime, eat better, or get involved with animal rescue. Whatever you start here, today it means one serious talk or decision about travel, media, publishing, marketing, legalities, or education.
Wednesday Mars squares Neptune to drive things with a lover, child or creative venture over the money. This can inspire you to do something about any artistic, spiritual, addictive, research, hospital, romantic, or self-sabotaging issue that is affecting income or spending, OR it can make you feel like giving up, don’t. You are closer than you think with the lover, child, creative project, or income matter and you need to listen to your inner voice, trust your vision and yourself. Bring your service, work ethic, healthy life approach, and love of animals to the day and one or more of these will show you how you are going to get there.
Thursday the focus shifts to local activities, talks, meetings, writing, agreements, siblings, vehicles, or neighbors. There is excitement and change in the air and you have an opportunity here to do something with a lover or towards finding love, with a child or with any child related project, or in creative endeavors. Open up the dialogue, meet someone new, be original and spontaneous to what comes your way, it’s all good. The only challenge is one of a Karmic connection or playing out through hospitals, retreat, art, spirituality, or clandestine affairs, don’t let these communications slow you down.
Friday the focus is again on communications and today this means something involving work, a health issue or pet. Meet this with enthusiasm and get ready to get serious in talks about a trip, with a person far away, over import/export, anything artistically inclined like film, music or painting, any spiritual pursuits like yoga or meditation, secret romances, or research. You need to set limits or look at commitments. The good news is in talks or news around love, kids or creative ventures today and a woman who can help or the opening of the flow.
PISCES: (Call to schedule your reading with ZOE 818-613-6067 or email )
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Monday Mars moves into your home base and will spend the next few weeks trying to motivate action here. This means a time of motivation and determination over home, real estate, moves, mom, family, roommates, and security needs. This is where the action is and it will also be the playing field for passions and anger. Today the luck is with you through news you hear, writing, an agreement, short trip, sibling, neighbor, vehicle, interview, audition, speaking part, or idea you have.
Tuesday the Sun moves into your house of true love, kids and creative projects. This is the beginning of a 30 day cycle that will cast you in the leading role here. You will shine in your creative efforts and can attach your image or identity to these projects or physically get in there and stand out for your efforts. It is great for anything you do with children or for them, and you may find you are embarking on new love now or putting yourself out there with a current flame, any way you cut it, this is not the time to hide your light. Today brings the need to have a serious talk about one of these subjects regarding a divorce, the financial issues or a sexual attraction or issue. For some of you this may be about clearing the decks so love can come in, saying ‘the end’ to anyone who is not heading towards love, it could also mean this phase starts with you getting a ‘no’ and if so know it is because this is not going there and something else is trying to come through.
Wednesday Mars is squaring Neptune which can motivate you a great deal at home, with property, moves, real estate, mom, family, roommates, or security needs as you try to bring out your artistic, spiritual, romantic nature, or set the tone for retreat, hospital recuperation, or dealing with addictions. It can also show up as a moment when you feel like giving up, don’t. You are closer than you think in these areas and if you let your love shine today you will see how your creative and love energy is radiating and opening doors even as you are feeling this turning point.
Thursday the focus shifts to income. It is a very exciting and change oriented day with opportunities in the air for you so get ready to take action. You may start a home business, spend on a move or renovation, earn from home, or in any other motivate between home, property and money, it all looks good. Remember the new, original, and unique is favored, be spontaneous. Your aspirations are under intense change energy today where income is concerned so allow for what is transforming here.
Friday income is again the focus but today this means you need to have a talk or deal with news about a creative project, child or lover/love interest and handle any major financial limits or responsibilities, sex or divorce issues. Get real, face the music, step up and take the lead, you are ready to take the lead and this test is going to teach you that in a great way. The positive energy that is flowing to you is coming again at home, with moves, real estate, mom, family, or roommates and should have you feeling better about money and love.
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