Wednesday, March 12, 2025


Left foot blue, right foot red, yep, it feels like a twister kind of day, all bendy and stretchy, trying to win the moment! Virgo Moon kicked in at 3:56am Eastern and not only is in a powerful build to the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse climax in Virgo that perfects in the wee hours Friday morning (late Thursday night for those on the west coast), but today is in all kinds of adjustment alignments that ask for flexibility on our part. So, what are the topics that are now starting to build to completion, breakthroughs, celebrations, or endings? Work, health, or animal topics, along with cleaning, organizing, paperwork, details, or what is going on with co-workers, hired help, services offered, or being of service. So, emotions are higher about these things and will build as this energy peaks over the next 2 days and we will need to be willing to give and take or work around some things to get there today. Things to consider when being flexible; old anger, physical needs, ego in a situation, the talks, sales, or agreements in the picture, writing or meeting about it, friends in the picture, the internet, income, other financial topics, jealousy, power, control, third-party scenarios, the themes around sacrifice, or love.

The other thing going on today is the Sun/Saturn conjunction in Pisces. This is at 22 degrees of the sign, a master number that adds power to the story and it is a 29-year story that gets underway today between these two, so it is rather significant. The Sun represents each of us as individuals, our vital life force, and how we are showing up in life. Saturn represents the goals and ambitions in the picture, any time, effort, rules, regulations, limits, tests, or responsibilities about it. It can also mean endings or long-term commitments, or involve authority figures, career matters, fame, or reputation in the mix. So, as these energies merge in Pisces they are starting off on a journey involving these themes in the sign of karma and past life matters, (some new will emerge, some old will be over). This is the sign of art, film, music, painting, poetry, and dance so we start anew here. It is the sign of addictions, boundary issues, self-sabotaging tendencies, bad habits, secrets, hidden enemies, and deceptions. So again, we are done with what has been here over the past cycle and embark on a new way of moving through these minefields. Pisces rules romantic trysts and getaways and romance that is tied to past lives so some of this wraps up to make way for the new or the new begins to emerge. Pisces also rules rest, recuperation, prayer, meditation, and all things magical, psychic and spiritual. It also rules research, investigations, and institutions. So, in all of this we are starting to show up in the very first baby steps in the new story.

Examples could be; you are in a romance that has karmic past life threads, so they showed up to pick back up from that past life, or they owed you something and have been trying to pay you back from that lifetime or vice versa, or you hurt them then and they arrived to show you what that pain felt like, or you've been in a dry spell romantically and that was for karmic reasons to help you see something in the space it created. Now, as this new cycle begins that karma has been paid so you have a choice as to whether you'll move forward without the karma attached or to let it go and move into new opportunities ahead. Another example could be about your role at a hospital, spa, prison, university, or other institution and how what it was there to teach you has wrapped up or you are done with the karmic dues paid and can now step into something greater here or new karmic past life souls are about to enter your life as you get involved here. Another example could be about who you have been over the past 29 years as an artist, a filmmaker, a musician, a painter, or other type of expressive persona and that chapter is now wrapping up in some significant way as you embark on a very new 29 year chapter in how you are showing up or making your reputation or fame shine or goals be met up ahead in these artistic realms. The last example I will give is around self-sabotage, whether that is about drugs, alcohol, boundary issues, sex addiction, food addiction, the unproductive loop of dialogue in the brain that acts as a hurdle to self-fulfillment, or any other harmful issue we enact upon ourselves. Whatever karmic need it played in our lives over the past 29 years has now wrapped and a new cycle begins. Will you enter it in the same old pattern or extricate yourself from it to get a fresh new start? Look at the lists with the Sun and Saturn, make a conscious choice about where you would like to go and realize that the world will be stepping up to meet you all in new ways moving forward. PRAYER today:  'May we see clearly that all surrounding us is of our own making, for our own growth, for our own lessons, and own it. May we let go of old patterns that harm ourselves or others. May we stop projecting fear or pain onto others, creating villains to battle rather than lovers to love, and may we instead be the hero/heroine ready to face these monsters within and heal them. May we aim for a better life up ahead and achieve it.' PEAK PRAYER TIME 12pm Eastern/9am Pacific, see you there!"

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If you'd like to BOOK A PRIVATE READING with Zoe inbox asking about it here or at and I'll shoot you the details regarding details to set it up, dates, and rates!

The WEEKLY HOROSCOPES March 10-16 are up, READ THEM HERE: Zoe Moon Astrology: Zoe Moon Astrology WEEKLY HOROSCOPES March 10-16

The WEEKLY ASTRO SHOW is up, LISTEN HERE: Zoe Moon Astrology WEEKLY SHOW March 7-14

The MARCH MONTHLY SHOW is up, LISTEN HERE: Zoe Moon Astrology HealthyLife.Net Radio Show Archive (Click the March episode) OR go directly to the player here:

The MARCH HOROSCOPES are up, READ THEM HERE: Zoe Moon Astrology: Zoe Moon Astrology MARCH MONTHLY Horoscopes

REMINDER: I will not contact you to ask you for money, send you a form to fill out, ask to meet up with you somewhere, or to chat on the phone. There are scammers out there trying to rip people off so again be aware. I am just here to offer my insights as I have been doing consistently for the past 15 years.  If you do book a private reading with me there is of course a rate for this, but you will be calling my phone number that is the same number I've had posted for the past 15 years and no other-I do not offer written readings. If you do decide to donate as a thank you for the work I do, it would be through my Buy Me a Coffee link above and nothing else. Ugh, sorry to have to post this again but I don't want you guys taken advantage of or for that matter my work to be taken advantage of, so hope this helps. DISCLAIMER: No posts, shows or readings by Zoe Moon Astrology/Zoe Moon should be considered legal, medical, or financial advice. You should always use your own judgment, do your own research and consult with professionals. Zoe Moon Astrology and Zoe Moon's insights are general by sign and for entertainment purposes only.   

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