Did you forget to say something? Has some bit of information been bothering you? Were you supposed to find something that was lost or hidden? What's bugging you?! Today lets you figure it out, perhaps address it, sift through it, hear about it, or say it. I wouldn't say it's a day of clarity, nope, but one of hope that if we could just get to that thing, poke around on it a bit, give it a nudge, that somehow all would be revealed or made right. So, have at it, I do believe we will be in the thick of this energy until tomorrow morning, and that it's not a straight line but more a meandering on the open sea, picking our way through, trusting our gut, and being open.br These kind of days do offer another piece to the story but not in the way that we think so it is all about diving in or following that thread or opening our arms wide and saying, 'Bring it!'. On the other hand, if you don't really want to go there, it can be a day where there is more interaction with the muse, getting into the arts, or daydreaming, catching up on sleep, or hashing out broader ideas.
PRAYER today: 'May we cast our lines far and wide, and there hook a sunken treasure.' PEAK TIME 12pm Eastern/9am Pacific, see you there!"If you'd like to BOOK A PRIVATE READING with Zoe inbox asking about it here or at https://www.facebook.com/zoemoonastrology and I'll shoot you the details regarding details to set it up, dates, and rates!
REMINDER: I will not contact you to ask you for money, send you a form to fill out, ask to meet up with you somewhere, or to chat on the phone. There are scammers out there trying to rip people off so again be aware. I am just here to offer my insights as I have been doing consistently for the past 15 years. If you do book a private reading with me there is of course a rate for this, but you will be calling my phone number that is the same number I've had posted for the past 15 years and no other-I do not offer written readings. If you do decide to donate as a thank you for the work I do, it would be through my Buy Me a Coffee link above and nothing else. Ugh, sorry to have to post this again but I don't want you guys taken advantage of or for that matter my work to be taken advantage of, so hope this helps. DISCLAIMER: No posts, shows or readings by Zoe Moon Astrology/Zoe Moon should be considered legal, medical, or financial advice. You should always use your own judgment, do your own research and consult with professionals. Zoe Moon Astrology and Zoe Moon's insights are general by sign and for entertainment purposes only.
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