We have two things going on today. First off, we continue with our Capricorn Moon energy that is great for getting seriously focused on our goals, career needs, or a partner, boss, or other authority figure. This is in harmonious flow with Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus, as well as with Mercury Retrograde in Virgo! So, we can align these needs with our bigger, more inventive, or social expansion through income, purchases, possessions, or products in the mix-involving travel, legal, media, educational, online, or group interests here, as well as with our do-over regarding hired help, co-workers, our job, health needs, animal needs, or paperwork. Sweet. Next, Mars moves into Libra at 9:20am Eastern and will be touring this sign until October 12th at 12:04am Eastern. That's a lot of weeks to let the fire of Mars get us motivated, active and passionate about romantic or business partners, clients, specialists, representatives, competitors, advocates, or other key relationships. We might also find we have more energy to do our yoga or perform other activities that bring balance into our lives as well as finding time to get busy about anything regarding justice or higher esthetics as well. Now, Mars in Libra is considered to be in its detriment, why? Because Mars rules Aries opposite this sign and Mars by nature wants to pursue things of the ego, for self, physically, personally, and now will need to involve these other folks, lol. So, deep breath, if you feel any challenge with these folks going on from time to time throughout the weeks ahead it could mean it brings up the other side of Mars, feeling frustrated or angry or aggressive, and we really don't want to get caught up in these feelings or situations. Just stop and note what energy combination you are going through now, it is about connection and what we can do through, with or about others and in turn this can feed our own needs, but we'll have to take their needs, time, energy, and abilities into consideration, if that makes sense. Overall, it should be a time where we can really get busy with other folks about making things happen. If you listened to the Weekly Show then you know I discussed the fact that this passage of Mars is ALL ABOUT give and take as there are more than usual amounts of adjustments going on through the alignments, if you want the stand-out dates and nitty gritty about this, the show is here: If you are entering this period already knowing what issues or needs you may have with key individuals this can truly help you get there by looking at the give and take required from them or from you to do so. Otherwise just keep an attitude of gratitude and flexibility and let's see what is possible now with these players. The WEEKLY HORORSCOPES will be up later today, check back for them here: The PRAYER TODAY is 'May we find the reflections ahead between ourselves and others ones of beauty, consideration and cooperation.' PEAK TIME is 12-12:05pm Eastern/9-9:05am Pacific. See you there! If the Daily info clicked for you, consider supporting this work and buying Zoe a coffee, coffee rocks!

If you’d like to inquire about booking a reading to look into your personal chart and what’s on the horizon, email and I’ll send you the information about what a reading involves, the rates and when we might get started!
The Zoe Moon MARS into Libra & URANUS Retrograde & PISCES FULL MOON Show 08/24 by Zoe Moon | Self Help ( SEPTEMBER MONTHLY ASTROLOGY Show #1 covers the first 10 signs, Aries-Capricorn here:
The SEPTEMBER MONTHLY ASTROLOGY Show #2 covers Aquarius and Pisces here:
The WEEKLY HOROSCOPES Aug 28-Sept 3 will be up shortly, CHECK BACK FOR THEM HERE:
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