Sunday, June 25, 2023



This is one of those days that either tests us with obstacles or frustrations or pushes us out of our comfort zone and gets us a lot busier. A lot of it in the first part of the day has to do with news, talks, meetings, sales, or short trips that push us a bit or bring something foggy, sad or weird with another regarding what's going on behind the scenes or in secret or that is hard to pinpoint. If we are on the road we could have moments that come from out of nowhere to shake things up so we want to be extra careful if driving today, or we could just find we are lost all of sudden or took the wrong exit, you get the idea. If doing sales keep the receipt or buy the warranty. We do have energy on tap that is powerful for making changes or evolving the story in ways that help us purge, go deeper with financial or sexual interests, deal with third-party influences, or reach goals so this can be how we find some relief from the other stuff, but it doesn't replace it. We don't really reach the peak of this first square until 6:36pm Eastern/3:36pm Pacific so it's with us for a while today. For some this may be one of those powerful days where a Karmic situation is tilted a bit so whether that means something going on with a person or a situation in your life, news or decisions today may bring this to bear and be about boundaries, self-sabotaging tendencies, addictions, deceptions, institutions, research, artistic, romantic, or spiritual matters coming to a peak about it. We are also now in the build-up to the peak of the Mars/Uranus square which perfects at 5:23am Eastern/2:23am Pacific Monday morning and will likely come to its peak later tonight for most, thereby making the last part of the day about this energy (unless you are one of those early birds in which case it could be on tap throughout the day/night). This can stir anger and fights or spark more passion or bring more accident prone situations, or make everyone more explosive with spur of the moment, sudden changes made in the heat of the moment. Mars rules fire, anger, sharp objects, weapons, blood, the head, passions, and taking action, while Uranus rules surprises, sudden changes, electricity, the nervous system, shaking of things, shock, innovation, big tech, the internet, friends, groups, the collective, revolution, freedom, and accidents. Together they are quite the combo and will likely get many to 'pull the trigger' on a situation that brings a lot of this to light so you may wish to hold your tongue or avoid volatile situations, places or people, and definitely stay away from weapons or sharp objects, fire or electrical tests. For the crazier types out there you may be diving head-first into something exciting and active that pops up last minute but make sure you are not chasing something that will bring more harm than good. In other words, deep breath, you won't want to think it out first but it would be a good idea to take a few moments and try to do so. As we move from the Mercury/Neptune square into the Mars /Uranus square it may feel like we are coming out of a surreal, slowed down dream into full-out action and bravado, that part could be a good thing, just watch where you are going. The WEEKLY ASTRO SHOW June 23-30 is up now with a focus on the importance of this upcoming Neptune Retrograde, LISTEN HERE:

                                                                                                                                                     PRAYER TODAY is 'May we stay grounded when all around us swirls.' PEAK TIME is 6:35-6:40pm Eastern/3:35-3:40pm Pacific. See you there! If you’d like to inquire about booking a reading to look into your personal chart and what’s on the horizon, email and I’ll send you the information about what a reading involves, the rates and when we might get started! 

If the Daily info clicked for you, consider supporting this work and buying Zoe a coffee, coffee rocks!                             Buy Me A Coffee                                                                             

The WEEKLY HOROSCOPES will be up later today, check back for them here:                    

JULY MONTHLY SHOW first 10 signs Aries-Capricorn: (Click on the July episode on this links page)

JULY MONTHLY SHOW for Aquarius & Pisces:

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