Monday, June 26, 2023



Yay, we move past the last of the Mars/Uranus square this morning so if there are any last, sudden, shocking, changing, shake-ups to go, they pass their peak this morning. I know there were a lot of global moments with this energy but I looked up the chart for Russia with the attempt on Vlad and his response and there you see between the 2 different charts for the country, in the one preferred by their astrologers the leadership is at 21 degrees of Gemini so it would have been directly impacted by Mars at 21 degrees of Leo squaring Uranus at 21 degrees of Taurus, and in the other chart given out generally we find Pluto representing death and transformation and power in the chart at 21 Scorpio, so again a direct hit with this powerful combo. I hope you guys fared better getting through it! My dogs tried to throw a coupe when I didn't feed them on time yesterday, lol! Luckily, I survived :) Libra Moon is in adjustment mode this morning, so we are being adaptive with our partners, clients, specialists, representatives, competitors, or other key players. The give and take is around goals, career, authority figures, institutions, research, artistry, romance, spirituality, income, purchases, possessions, or any legal, travel, educational, or media needs in the mix. Mercury adjusts with Pluto today so more give and take when in talks, meetings, short trips, moves, or about sales, writing, agreements, vehicles, electronics, siblings, or neighbors. It's about the financial, sexual, birth, death, divorce, or third-party goals in the story, be flexible. I'm thinking at this point we just be the willow when it comes to everything today because that is a lot of adjustment! Finally, Mercury moves into Cancer at 8:24pm Eastern and will tour here until July 11th. This means our next 2 weeks are giving us more potential to talk, meet, make sales, make decisions, take short trips, sign agreements, or come up with ideas about our home, a move, renovations, any real estate deals, or with family, parents, or roommates. The alignments are really positive throughout, with standout days coming Friday and Saturday the 30th and 1st, and again next week Thursday the 6th through Sunday the 9th, make the most of it! The WEEKLY ASTRO SHOW June 23-30 is up now with a focus on the importance of this upcoming Neptune Retrograde, LISTEN HERE:

                                                                                                                                                     PRAYER TODAY is 'May we make positive choices about home, emotional needs and family in the weeks ahead.' PEAK TIME is 8:20-8:25pm Eastern/5:20-5:25pm Pacific. See you there! If you’d like to inquire about booking a reading to look into your personal chart and what’s on the horizon, email and I’ll send you the information about what a reading involves, the rates and when we might get started! 

If the Daily info clicked for you, consider supporting this work and buying Zoe a coffee, coffee rocks!                             Buy Me A Coffee                                                                             

The WEEKLY HOROSCOPES June 26-July 2:                    

JULY MONTHLY SHOW first 10 signs Aries-Capricorn: (Click on the July episode on this links page)

JULY MONTHLY SHOW for Aquarius & Pisces:

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