The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse took place this morning at 6:02am Eastern and wow was that an amazing Moon to look at last night! So, what are you eclipsing out? What have you finished, finally, or what is ending, altogether? Are you celebrating an achievement or breakthrough? It's a power day and the next 6 months within the span of its influence will demonstrate what this is to be within the world and in our own lives. The focus is on our products, possessions, income, money, purchases, land, food, the things we build, values, how we are being valued, or pleasures. There are other players in the game so let's look at their influence. 1) Financial considerations play into it such as loans, debt, inheritance, taxes, insurance, alimony, child support, a partner's money, investments, mortgages, or other financial matters, as well as what is going on sexually, with births, deaths, divorce, power, control, jealousy, or third-party situations and the other people we are dealing with over these topics. 2) Mercury and Venus are involved, bringing news talks or decisions about these financial, sexual, reproductive, mortality, divorce, or third-party matters as well as a real look at love, money, beauty, or pleasure in those realms. 3) Saturn tests, slows down, brings the need to get real, deal with limits, endings, commitments, responsibilities, or ambitions in the mix. 4) And finally, Uranus is the wild card, the sudden change, the shocking moment, the lightning bolt idea, the innovation, the excitement, the social/collective involvement, friendships, groups, the online influences, freedoms, or aspirations in the story. There are a lot of influences around this particular Eclipse as you can see, so take a look at what culminated last night in the build-up or is culminating today and wrap it up, mark that ending, achieve that goal, or celebrate how far you've come. PRAYER TODAY is around the theme 'May Good win over Darkness in the battle for control of the people through products, money, food, and values.' Peak time is 11:40-11:45am Eastern/8:40-8:45am Pacific, see you there!
If you’d like to inquire about booking a reading to look into your personal chart and what’s on the horizon, email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com and I’ll send you the information about what a reading involves, the rates and when we might get started!If the Daily info clicked for you, consider supporting this work and buying Zoe a coffee, coffee rocks!

The NOVEMBER MONTHLY HOROSCOPES are up, READ THEM HERE: http://zoemoonastrology.blogspot.com/2022/11/zoe-moon-astrology-november-monthly.html
The WEEKLY ASTRO SHOW is up, LISTEN HERE: https://www.blogtalkradio.com/zoemoon/2022/10/21/the-zoe-moon-astrology-solar-eclipse-saturn-direct-show
The NOVEMBER MONTHLY ASTROLOGY show for ARIES-CAPRICORN: http://healthylife.net/RadioShow/archiveZM.htm
The NOVEMBER MONTHLY ASTROLOGY show for Aquarius - Pisces is up, listen here: https://www.blogtalkradio.com/zoemoon/2022/10/21/the-zoe-moon-astrology-november-monthly-for-aquarius-pisces
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