It’s been a while since we have had a month that was so absolutely focused for all of us but that is exactly what April 2011 is going to be. There is so much power behind this it may feel like a freight train has just come through town and you are hopping that ride for all its worth. This is going to be about the Aries position in your chart and it has never been more important for you to truly focus in on who you are and who you are becoming. What do you want? Get clear on this. Focus in on your body, your image, your needs in the world, and if you are happy with your current identity. What can you change? It is going to be about opportunities that arise to test who you are, push you to physically get into the action and to fight for what’s right if need be.
Recap on this Aries energy field:
Uranus thundered into this placement on March 11th, shaking the world and your personal vibratory rate up a level. You have never experienced this before, it has not been here for 84 years and when it was in 1927, there were not powerful frictional forces upon the position from other outer bodies. Now there is:
March 20th the Sun moved into this placement and illuminated just what you needed to start seeing.
March 28th Jupiter stood his ground against Saturn and brought a turning point from energy set into play in May 2000.
March 30th Mercury Retrograded in Aries to help you begin the 3 plus week process of reclaiming, revisiting or releasing something from the past in this placement, the Retrograde continues through April 23rd.
So put some thought into who you are, what you need, how you personally and physically can get in there and make a difference, and what you want to become. You are going back into the past this month to find the new you, to lay claim to something you need, to reinvent yourself or reach for that goal, to start fresh based on what you decide about the past, are you ready?
The month opens like no other, the April 2nd -4th is extremely volatile, EXTREMELY. This energy will supercharge you to act on something powerful…at the same time, this period on a global scale is aggressive and shocking with heavy potential for triggering earthquakes, revolution, firestorms, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, war, acts of aggression/terrorism, accidents through fire or air, forces through our oceans, chemicals, spikes in the market, or our communications systems, so please make sure you have water and food and other necessities in place in case any of this happens near you. Places of most concern again are the places that triggered the last time Uranus activated in Aries in 1927: Japan, China, California, the Holy Lands, the Crimean Sea. The New Madrid Fault Line that runs up through the Midwest is also highly vulnerable.
April 2nd is the day that Mars enters Aries and acts as a trigger for surprising or change oriented events, action, passion, anger, or battles. The motivating energy will activate you physically to begin tackling the area of your chart that will be most important this month. Venus sextiles Pluto on this same day so there is an opportunity to transform or deconstruct something at the top through efforts made behind closed doors.
The 3rd is a HUGE day as Mars meets Uranus in Aries. It was these two meeting on the same degree back in 1994 that brought the Los Angeles earthquake from cardinal energy, now they square that sign, coming together with a NEW MOON in Aries today that gives a push to something new and active. This is also the sign where Uranus just stirred is freshly vibrating at a new, higher rate in fire. Besides being another trigger for revolution, earthquakes, firestorms, volcanic eruptions, tsunamis, war, aggression, power spikes, and any other massive sudden explosion out there, this is the day to begin in earnest to put your new agendas into play and to step off towards what you desire. The Sun and Saturn oppose today so someone out there is serious that you are dealing with, they may try to limit or compete, war or demand you get more responsible or deal with real limits.
The 4th is a HUGE day as Neptune moves into Pisces for the first time since 1848. You and I have never experienced this true placement of the lord of dreams, the ocean, the arts, film, music, poetry, chivalry, our psychic potential, spiritual pursuits, and romantic nature strengthened and purified in his own field. This is going to mark the beginning of a renaissance in these areas, a very romantic time when masterpieces will come to fruition and spiritual advancements will resound. However, Neptune diving into the oceans of the world after being absent for 163 years and on the heels of this very supercharged shaking and electrical/fire energy of shock and quakes, warring and spikes, could bring massive floods, tsunamis or other overwhelming surges from our seas. This is the ruler of chemicals as well so if we see nuclear plant explosions or other explosions then this day could mark chemical fallout.
As you can see the first few days may be very challenging, they are significant for embarking on the next leg of your journey in very positive ways that will empower you up ahead but you do need to know the potential for danger in these days so that you have the option to put together safety measures.
The Sun conjuncts Jupiter in Aries on the 6th to illuminate something very big going on here and open up the new direction you may shine starting today.
Pluto Retrogrades on the 9th and the deconstructive process, the climb for power, any major financial arenas that are shared with lending institutions, government, or significant others, sexual triangles and power struggles, divorce issues, or control issues will now begin to peak and ebb over the next few months. These areas have been driving some but during this period we will really catch up to where we find ourselves in rebuilding or doing inner work to align with our current position.
Mars squares Pluto on the 11th from Aries which is very powerfully driven energy in our actions, aggression, anger, battles, passions, and the desire to change something or deal with powerful forces that seem above us. Mercury sits with Jupiter today so news or ideas are big.
The FULL MOON on the 17th is in Libra and will be bringing a relationship dynamic to a peak. This is about a partnership, someone who represents you or an opponent/open enemy. It is followed on the 18th with Mars opposing Saturn in Libra so you know that whoever is in the picture here, there is a very strong dynamic to reaching some goal or ending the relationship. Again, Mars is erratic right now so passions or anger, warring or actions will be rather intense as something culminates.
The 20th brings the Sun into Taurus and into a dance relationship with Neptune. This will illuminate the values you hold dear and shine a light on what you are willing to work to earn, help you to set out on something instinctive that calls to you and offers opportunity to dream a higher vision.
Venus moves into Aries on the 21st where she will do her best to begin trying to smooth things out on a personal or physical level. She helps you to attract what you need more easily, calling for love or helping in money situations. She will sit with Uranus here on the 22nd so expect a wild card in the mix.
Mercury will end his Retrograde on the 23rd, stationing DIRECT today. Look around, you made it through one of the most intense and epic shifts of your lifetime. You should have a better idea of what you are willing to do going forward, who you are and what you want. You are in the clear to sign contracts or make that decision about what you want to do after today.
ARIES: (Call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
April is about you. You are going to enter this month on one level and exit it on another, completely and this is big. You need to tell yourself going in that you will set time aside in all the crazy moments that are coming your way to breathe, to go within, to allow your mind to catch up with what is about to happen. On every single one of these trigger dates ahead, you need to think about what you want, what you need, how your body is being affected, what you should DO, how you can do it, how your image is intertwined, what identity you wish to put forth, and how ego is helping or impeding progress.
On the 2nd your ruler moves in and gives you the energy to begin. Passion may enter now, anger will be more easily expressed and you will feel more aggressive in going after what you want. Goals can be reached today at hospitals, with artistic work, spiritual pursuits, or clandestine affairs. Watch for being more accident prone now and if you do need surgery this time may get you there.
The New Moon on the 3rd is your new year. You have 2 strong weeks to begin something very personal or physical for yourself. Make your move, get into shape, get your image out there, do something you want to do, reach for new identity in the world, the sky is the limit. Your ruler meets with Uranus today bringing surprise, change or shock into what you do or need, acting in the spur of the moment drives you. This could bring something exciting into your life now so be open. The Sun/Saturn opposition means you need to deal with limits or responsibilities and the other person in the mix.
Neptune moves into the mystical part of your chart on the 4th for the first time in your life to tour here until 2025. This means your psychic and artistic gifts will be heightened and you will find your most inspired work comes from behind the scenes, through film, music, poetry, dance, sculpture, fine art, and spiritual or psychic practices. You may enter into a journey to understand the occult world more intimately, delve into research and investigations more, retreat and work behind the scenes, deal with hospitals, prisons or other institutions, or tackle addictions or self-destructive tendencies. This energy may bring a secret romance to your life or a new sense of the romantic ideal to a current love that you keep private.
The 6th is a lucky day for you so mark it on your calendar and do what you will to make yourself happy personally or physically.
Pluto Retrogrades on the 9th and the drive for empowerment on the career front will ebb a bit as you get a break now to catch up to your current position. You may see someone in authority step down or retreat if you have been dealing with control issues here. If you have a shared financial goal or sexual conquest you have been in hot pursuit of, this shift will allow for that to mellow and settle as well. An opportunity from the past may show back up now that could have powerful effects on transforming your career standing, if so you should really consider it, even if it means sharing power or leadership with someone else.
The 11th is intense as your ruler squares Pluto and you feel driven to react to something involving career or bosses, dad or authority figures, ambition or reputation. News comes in that is big or you decide to have a talk or meeting about a big idea, all good. It’s a day to put things into motion to tackle the goal or ambition and contracts could be offered now. If this is something from the past you are alright to sign during the Retrograde, if it is a brand new situation then you may want to ask for a couple weeks to sign.
The Full Moon on the 17th brings a relationship to a peak. You may be celebrating an achievement of a partner, agent or attorney or celebrating a milestone in your relationship. This can be about something ending with this person as well. If you are competing with someone or have an open enemy in your life, this time will bring something to a head here as well. Your ruler opposes Saturn here on the 18th so you will either be doing something to cement the relationship or acting on the limits, responsibilities or endings in a dynamic way.
The Sun moves into your income zone on the 20th which puts you out there making money now and over the next 30 days. This is where you will want to pour your physical energy so either hitting the pavement to find income or out there making a splash and getting noticed at what you already do to earn a living. The sextile to Neptune here today suggests that there is opportunity in this with something in film, music, other artistic endeavors, spiritual pursuits, research, investigation, hospitals or other institutions, or development.
Venus enters your sign on the 21st which will radiate in a very positive, firey way for you. This brings love and money into your realm more readily and helps you to attract what you desire physically as well as urging you to spend on things for yourself and self improvement. She dances with Uranus on the 22nd which means you may earn or spend on something surprising today. You may spend on changing something about your looks or body, or earn in some interesting and unique way that involves your image and the internet, groups, astrology, or charities.
Mercury goes Direct on the 23rd in your sign and you should have retraced your efforts into the past deeply enough to know now what you want to do moving forward. Past passions, actions and anger has now been revisited and you will want to do something now to release or take forward in new ways what you have reclaimed.
TAURUS: (Call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
The month ahead is ALL about you going back into the past and making decisions, taking action, that will involve your personal needs or physical body, and make a fresh start from what you learn. It is going to play out for you in the mystical part of your chart associated with the veil, the muse and hidden things. This means that your focus needs to be on music, film, the arts, spiritual pursuits, psychic abilities, hospitals, prisons or other institutions, addictions, secrets, clandestine affairs, research, or investigations. You are going to enter the month with one set of circumstances in the area above that you find your energy focused, and exit it on a completely different understanding.
Mars moves into these areas on the 2nd and your passions or anger will be stirred motivating you over the next few weeks to do something about what is going on. You should be on fire now to make headway and you are heading into past affairs, issues, situations, to revisit, reclaim or release. There is opportunity today with friends, the internet, astrology, charities, or groups to transform something legally, in media, through education, or travel.
The New Moon on the 3rd is opening up a strong 2 week new beginning for you. This is the time out of the whole year to seed new potentials in the music, art, film, spiritual or psychic pursuits, clandestine affairs, dealing with addictions, hospitals, other institutions, to make your move on the fresh new energy you want to spark here. Again, anger or passion will run high as Mars triggers Uranus and surprise and excitement mingle with shock and actions. Whatever you want or do in these areas today you will need to balance with someone else and the work, health or pet aspects involved.
Neptune moves into Pisces for the first time since 1848 on the 4th. This opens up your psychic and artistic abilities on a completely new level within the social circle you move, your friendships, group affiliations, connection to astrology, over the internet, or to charities. In these fields you will now be operating on an entirely new empowered level and you may begin right away to meet and cement new friendships that are more dreamy, spiritual or artistic that you have experienced up until now. This field also rules hospitals, prisons and other institutions, addictions and retreats, investigations and research so you could form or join groups dealing with these areas, make friends associated in these fields, start something on the internet or with charitable causes in connection, or befriend astrology in some new way. This cycle is in place through 2025 so begin to trust your intuition and artistic abilities within the dynamic and open up your circle.
Mark the 6th on your calendar as a lucky day for you in film, music, art, romance, spiritual pursuits, investigations, research, development, inspiration, or dealings with hospitals, prisons, or addictions. You are being given a fresh start in these areas or some offer to expand your world, it puts you in the spotlight and opens up opportunities.
Pluto Retrogrades on the 9th and any ruthless drive or power struggles, sexual drives or divorce issues that have been playing out over travel, distance, legal channels, media, publishing, politics, ceremonies, higher education, or marketing, will now subside a bit and allow you the time to catch up with the rebuild phase. You may see someone in power retreat now in these areas or something from the past return.
Mars squares Pluto on the 11th driving you to achieve or tackle what is going down with the artistic, spiritual, romantic, or hospital, prison, addiction issue, and the legal, travel, media, or educational change. News is big again today or you sign contracts from the past, meet or talk about something here that gives you a new lease on life.
The FULL MOON on the 17th is bringing a relationship at work, involving health or animals to a peak for you. This could be a celebration as an achievement on the work you have done is reached or an ending to a job. It could be about reaching a health goal or seeing an illness finally end, or about achieving something for animal causes or ending something that has been going on with your pets. Mars opposes this position on the 18th so looking at any limits or responsibilities with someone will be important as will again looking at your place in the artistic, spiritual, institutional, or romantic dynamic is going to be.
The Sun moves into your sign on the 20th and dances with Neptune from this new position. This opens up a whole 30 day cycle ahead that illuminates you, your needs, body, image, or identity. It’s a great time to be seen, to make changes to the body, to upgrade the image, to let your persona step up in situations, and to be recognized. Today that dance means a friend, group, astrology, the internet, or charities could be a positive opportunity for you to do so.
Venus moves into the artistic, spiritual, romantic, hospital, prison and other institutions, dealing with addictions, investigations, or research area of your chart on the 21st. This is your ruling energy so you will feel this as a relief and more comfort and ease in these areas now. A woman may enter the picture to help you in these areas or you will find that love or money is flowing now through these connections. She meets Uranus here on the 22nd so something surprising or an unexpected change or excitement is stirred here.
Mercury stations Direct on the 23rd and you are now ready to move forward. You have taken the journey into the past, looked at how your actions, passions or anger stirred up things in your life and you are now ready to make some decisions about what or who to take forward with you in your artistic endeavors, secret love affairs, spiritual pursuits, institutional dealings, and what addictive influences you are ready to release.
GEMINI: (Call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
April is going to be all about who you are and who you want to be, your physical and personal feelings and desires, in relationship to your social circle, friends, group affiliations, social networking, astrology, the internet, and charities. It is a month that is all about wish fulfillment and your aspirations and how who you are is morphing. You will enter this month and exit this month in entirely different ways from this field. You are going to take a journey into your past actions, passions and anger through these realms so that you can revisit, reconnect or release issues and then make a brand new start that will or will not incorporate these past people, situations and actions, depending on what you decide, here we go.
Mars moves into this area and activates movement, passions are stirred, any anger will surface, and you will now be motivated to dive in and make things happen through these arenas towards your own needs. Take hold of your dreams, act on them. There is opportunity today to reach a career or love goal and transform a financial or intimate situation.
The NEW MOON on the 3rd opens up a 2 week window of new beginnings for you through the internet, astrology, charities, friends, groups, any social occasions you are planning or attending, and around those dreams of yours. You may do or react to something surprising, exciting or a big change here today. Expect to balance all of this with someone creatively or through any limits or responsibilities around love or kids.
Neptune moves into your career midheaven on the 4th to flood this arena from now through 2025 with a new level of artistry, psychic abilities, spiritual pursuits, dreams, dealings with institutions, addictions, research, and powerful inspiration. Film, music, fine art, poetry, and intuitive directions will play a stronger part in achievements and recognition. You could become famous for your psychic or artistic abilities, find that hospitals, prisons or other institutions are part of the work you do or that you are researching or investigating more on the job. You may have someone enter your life now who is defined by these elements and has a major affect on your goals. You may find that romance or spiritual pursuits become more important goals to you now over career.
Mark the 6th as a lucky day for you with friends, groups, astrology, the internet, charities, or aspirations and put yourself out there or reach for those stars.
Pluto Retrogrades on the 9th in the part of your chart associated with sex, divorce and major financial matters so the turning point is here and any ruthless pursuits, passionate obsessions or deconstructive ordeals around these arenas should mellow now as you enter a more internal process of rebuilding upon your current position.
The 11th may spark a lot of social activity around the sexual attraction, divorce issue or financial matter. This could bring passions to a boil or trigger anger within the friendship or around the aspiration. Do something with the friend, group, internet situation, communication is the key to lucky resolutions in the financial or intimate matter.
The FULL MOON on the 17th is bringing something personal or physical to a peak for you with a lover or love interest. You could be reaching the goal you have set or deciding to call it quits. Children and projects involving children peak now as well so your child may win the award or wrap up what they have been working on or you could see your own desires for children culminate in some way. Creative projects are also ruled by this placement so you could gain attention or recognition for your creative productivity now or wrap up a project that is near and dear to your heart. Mars opposes this peak on the 18th so something is going on with the friend, group, astrology, the internet, or a charity in relation to this moment.
The Sun enters Taurus on the 20th and lights up the mystical, retreat area of life for the next 30 days. This means you will want to pull back, focus your physical or personal energy on film, music, art projects, hospitals or other institutions, research, development, spiritual pursuits, a secret or private romance, and rest and recuperation. Today that may involve a major goal of yours or career matters and bodes well for inspiration here.
Venus enters Aries on the 21st and then conjuncts Uranus on the 22nd there. This will bring some mellowing in the friendships, groups, internet, astrology project, or charity. A woman may enter the scene here that is beneficial to what you are doing or that you become close friends with or there could be a new influx of love or income coming through these zones. New and exciting changes will do you good here.
Mercury stations Direct on the 23rd and you are now ready to move forward having spent the last weeks revisiting, reconnecting and releasing anything necessary with your closest associates, friends, groups, internet activities, astrology projects, charities, social events, and aspirations. Who you are in relation to these arenas is now at a different level and you should know just what you want to do going forward.
CANCER: (Call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
April is going to be a game changing month for you on the career front Cancer. The entire focus for you ahead is to decide who you want to be, how you want to represent your leadership, the images you want to project out there, how you want to handle fame or reputation, the way you physically or personally get behind goals and ambitions, and if there is something going on with your father or a boss, that as well will be a major theme for your month. You are going back into the past to revisit, reconnect or release with people and situations, through your actions and decisions now so that you can plant seeds for the future here with or without some or all of that intact.
Mars kicks things off by moving into this arena on the 2nd and getting you motivated to dive in, take action, bring your passions to the table and aggressively pursue your goals. Remember that Mercury is Retrograde here so connecting with past ideas, projects, people, will be part of what carries you forward. The Venus/Pluto sextile offers you opportunity today to set up a money flow through travel, media, publishing, legal contracts, or higher education with another person.
The NEW MOON on the 3rd is your 2 week window to really begin seeding the new ideas and career moves in earnest. Launch the business, go for the promotion, raise your profile, pitch ideas, set off on new pathways with dad or towards fame, the actions you take or respond to today change things in a split second and in major ways. You will need to try to balance limits or responsibilities at home, to family or mom in this.
Neptune moves into Pisces on the 4th and is one of the biggest shifts we will experience as a new level of spirituality, romance, artistry, and ways of dealing with dreams, institutions, and addictions explodes into our consciousness from now through 2025. This renaissance will flower for you through travel, foreign interests or people, media, publishing, marketing, publicity, ceremonies, politics, religion, higher education, and legal realms. You could stand out in film, music, poetry, psychic abilities, spiritual pursuits, dance, addiction counseling or breakthroughs, hospital or prison reform, entertainment or international law, or teaching others about art, spiritual matters or trade.
Mark the 6th as a lucky day to expand your world on the career front, through bosses or dad, with ambitions or goals, or with fame or reputation. Step up and take the lead.
Pluto Retrogrades on the 9th in your relationship arena. This means that any ruthless or powerful deconstructing through sex, divorce or financially shared matters with partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, competitors, or opponents will now mellow a bit as you enter a rebuild cycle. Inner work to catch up to where you find yourself in this relationship is now where it’s at.
The 11th will motivate you to act on the goal, career matter, something involving father or fame, as you deal with the changes or power through partners, representatives or competition. Communication is key today and you may hear something huge or pitch ideas, meet, talk, write, or sign agreements about career, dad or ambitions.
The FULL MOON on the 17th is bringing a peak experience with home, moves, mom, family, land, real estate deals, roommates, or the foundations you are building upon. This is about celebrating an achievement here or wrapping something up and marking an ending. Relationship is at the root of this moment. Mars opposes this on the 18th so expect that what is going on with career or dad or what you need to act on to get things going will in some way color this experience.
The Sun moves into Taurus on the 20th at which time you will see your social life light up a great deal. This puts you in the spotlight for the next 30 days with friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, social networking, parties, and your aspirations. This is where you will best spend your physical and personal energy. The connection to Neptune today is offering you a chance to shine in these areas through travel, distance, media, publishing, marketing, higher education, or through legal matters.
Venus moves into Aries on the 21st and brings an ease on the career front and with ambitions. Women will benefit you now more here and you should have an easier time attracting the love or money you want through your leadership, company, goals, reputation, fame, or with father. She meets Uranus here on the 22nd so expect something exciting or surprising to change things on the career front today or something unexpected from dad.
Mercury goes Direct on the 23rd and you are now ready to face forward having retraced your actions, passions and anger, past relationships and situations, and anything you had decided or written then that had any impact on career, leadership, ambitions, goals, reputation, fame, or father. You are now ready to move ahead with some or all of something from the past to tackle new frontiers.
LEO: (Call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
April is going to be all about going back into your past, looking at your personal desires, body, image, identity, (married, single, divorced, doctor, teacher, etc), what you did, who you were, what you want to be now, what you agreed to then, what you think now, written matters, contracts, agreements, ideas, and to revisit these, reconnect or release as you seed a new beginning for yourself. You will enter the month one way and exit another. This is going to play out for you through travel, media projects, publishing, marketing or publicity, teaching or classes you took or want to take, legal matters, political or religious ideas, ceremonies, or adventure.
Mars moves into these arenas on the 2nd to motivate you to take action or respond to something going on. This will mean expressing passions or anger, putting things into motion with a trip, media, publishing, educational, ceremonial, or legal matter. Love or money matters transform today through efforts taken in shared arenas.
The NEW MOON on the 3rd is your 2 week opportunity to really start seeding your new beginnings in legal matters, sign the documents or file your legal brief, launch your media or marketing campaign, publish your story or send your work out to publishers, hop the plane or book your tickets, set up your import/export deal, get married or plan the ceremony, go back to college or start teaching a class. Actions today change things in very sudden or exciting ways. Today the partner, competitor or representative in the mix communicates or decides something here and the yes or no they give you is cementing it long term in that direction.
Neptune moves into Pisces for the first time since 1848 on the 4th and will tour here through 2025. This is going to completely change the way you intimately connect with others bringing a more spiritual, romantic, psychic level to your sexual encounters and the deep bonds you forge with others. Any children you conceive during this cycle will be more highly attuned psychically, artistically, and with fewer boundaries. This energy will push you to find your true romantic, chivalrous love so if you enter this cycle in the wrong relationship divorce is likely to be on your mind as you free yourself to connect with the right relationship. This arena also rules all outside financial resources which means in the years ahead you will now attract outside funds to you through your artistic vision, your films, music, poetry, fine art, or other expressions, that you will see royalties or commissions flower here, that psychic or spiritual work will attract financial support, any dealings with hospitals, prisons or other institutions or help for addictions can mean an outside flow of money. Those of you with addictive issues will need to watch this phase as boundaries will widen even more so if you feel yourself slipping reach out for help right away, your higher powers are closer now and help should be beneficial to you in conquering issues.
Mark the 6th as a lucky day for you to stand out in the media, travel, educational, ceremonial, or legal fields, doing something here that affects you personally or physically or delving into something here that is about your image or identity.
Pluto Retrogrades on the 9th and any ruthless or powerful drive you have been dealing with around work, health or pets in third party scenarios or over shared financial matters will now ease. You are entering a rebuild phase now where inner work on power and transformation through work, health or pets is evolving.
The 11th will push you to act or react to the travel, media, educational, ceremonial, or legal matter as you deal with big changes or transformations on the work front, with pets or involving health. The talks, news you hear, writing, agreement, or meeting is big today and sets the whole thing on another level.
The FULL MOON on the 17th is bringing a culmination for you on a writing project, major decision, issue with a brother or sister, something going on with a neighborhood issue or move, involving an agreement or contract, talk or meeting, or short trip. This will be about celebrating the resolution, achievement or recognition, or about ending something going on here. Mars opposes this on the 18th so the actions, passion or anger sparked with someone over the legal, media, educational, or travel part of the picture will play in strongly.
The Sun enters Taurus on the 20th to illuminate your career Midheaven so you can expect to be in the spotlight over the next 30 days out there leading the way with your ambitions and goals, on the career front, with reputation or fame, or in dealing with your father or a boss on something. This is where your physical or personal energy is best spent and the Neptune connection today in this bodes well for the financial energy involved through loans, credit, inheritance, bankruptcy, taxes, insurance, alimony, child support, or a partners resources.
Venus enters Aries on the 21st to mellow things out and help you attract the love or income you need through travel, media, publishing, marketing, legal means, ceremonies, or education. A woman may enter or exit the scene in one of these areas to benefit you. Expect something exciting or surprising on the 22nd in this as things change.
Mercury stations Direct on the 23rd and you are now ready to turn around and face forward, having gone back into the past through legal doors, ceremonies, travel, media or publishing, marketing or publicity, or educational means. You got to revisit, reconnect and release past passions, anger, actions, decisions, and choose what you wanted to take forward from the situation. If you got in there and did something about it, you learned a great deal more about who you were then and who you want to be going forward.
VIRGO: (Call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
April is going to be one of the more powerful and transformative months of your life if you are willing to go there. Your ruling energy is in Retrograde in the sign of action, passion and anger and he along with most all of the other energies are conspiring to get you to revisit your past this month through people or situations to revisit, reconnect or release anything that was done or decided then and to pick things up from that time that you still want to take forward with you. In the process you will discover something about who you are, who you were and what you want to become. Your body is in the mix here physically so you will be doing it, sharing it, making things happen, your identity is in there so single, married, professor, doctor, etc, is part of it, and your image is involved as well. This is going to play out for you through sexual attractions or issues, divorce issues, dealing with someone’s mortality, or any financially shared matters such as loans, debt, inheritance, bankruptcy, taxes, insurance, alimony, child support, a partners finances, royalties, or commissions. You enter this month one way, exit it another.
Mars moves into the deeply shared sexual, divorce and financial arena on the 2nd to activate it. This sparks action from you, passions are stirred, anger rises, you are motivated to make a move. The Venus/Pluto sextile today offers an opportunity to transform something powerfully with a partner or representative through creative projects, true love or children. This opens the doors for love or money to flow.
The NEW MOON on the 3rd is your 2 week window to seed new beginnings with sexual attractions or issues, meet that person, connect, or meet the specialist who can help you with your dysfunction or issue. Go after the loan, settle the debt, file for your bankruptcy, deal with inheritance matters, work through your insurance policy, turn in your taxes, work through partners finances, make alimony or child support payments, or get your royalty or commission check in the bank. If you need to make a move on the divorce this is your window. Excitement or sudden changes could occur here today. Look at your own income situation and what you are spending to balance.
Neptune moves into Pisces on the 4th for the first time since 1848 and he will flood this sphere through 2025! This means that for the first time in your life you will see a flowering of spirituality, artistry and chivalrous romance through the partners in your life, this could attract a marriage partner to you unlike anything you have experienced before or it could shift the depth and experience of the romance and artistic or spiritual vision within the current partnership. If you are an artist or do spiritual work, agents or attorneys will now be able to represent your work to the fullest. You may find that hospitals, prisons or other institutions are places your partners are involved in or that you seek representation to handle issues, projects or reform here. If there are addiction issues in a partnership or you have issues with boundaries this energy will bring it into more powerful focus so you can tackle it together or through specialists. Overall, this is the energy of dreams and the muse, strengthening to its fullest and playing out for you in your closest personal relationships now.
Mark the 6th as a lucky day for you to step up and connect intimately with someone, to reclaim your identity through divorce, or to put yourself out there to go after the loan, settlement, inheritance, or deal with any other outside financial matter.
Pluto Retrogrades on the 9th and any ruthless or driven pursuit that has been deconstructing through your love affairs, lovers, children, or creative ventures is now going to mellow. The power struggles and third party antics, along with financial, divorce or intimate struggles here will now enter a more internal phase of rebuilding upon where you now find yourself.
The 11th is dynamic as you respond or take action on the financial, sexual or divorce matter through the love, creative or child’s issue. Powerful changes are enacted today and luck comes through communications, news, writing, talks, decisions, meetings, or agreements.
The FULL MOON on the 17th is bringing an income matter to a head. This means that you will be celebrating reaching a goal in earnings, getting some recognition for what you have achieved or that you may be ending one form of income. There could be something major that you are spending on today as well or a possession in question that the issues are peaking around now. Mars opposes this on the 18th so you can expect someone else in the picture and actions they take or you have to respond to in them to focus in on settlements, joint finances, inheritance, loans, debt, bankruptcy, support, divorce, or intimacy.
The Sun moves into Taurus on the 20th to illuminate your house of media, publishing, marketing, legalities, travel, ceremonies, and education for the next 30 days. This means you will stand out in these fields and will do best pouring your physical and personal energy into these things now. The connection to Neptune in this today means there is a positive opportunity for you to connect with a partner or representative in this to benefit artistic, spiritual or romantic goals.
Venus moves into Aries on the 22nd where she will mellow things out and help you attract love or money through those deeply shared intimate, financial or divorce matters. A woman may enter the scene now who brings love and intimacy together for you or who can help you with the divorce or financially shared issues. Expect something surprising or exciting on the 22nd in this.
Mercury stations Direct on the 23rd and you have made it through the gauntlet. You have successfully revisited your past, looked at your actions, anger and passions, dealt with the sexual attractions, issues, divorce, and/or financially shared matters, looked at what was said, decided, agreed upon, written, or thought. You have give your identity and image a once over in this picture, looked at who you were and who you want to be, and now you are ready to move forward with some or all of that left behind or coming with you into the future in new ways.
LIBRA: (Call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
April is one of those months that is mega for you Libra and it really needs to be taken seriously. The entire period is about your relationship to a partner and who the heck you are in this picture. It is ALL about you figuring out who you are and what you want for yourself or in a nutshell, those relationships with partners, representatives or competitors are extremely reflective of your relationship with yourself this month. You are going to be going into the past in this situation and revisiting your actions, how your image or identity is playing into this, the choices you made and are making, how your thoughts about who you were in relationship to this person and who you want to become are evolving. Are you giving away your identity to another person and getting swallowed up by them? Are you single and partnership is eluding you? What choices have you made involving body, image, identity, or ego that you can revisit or bad habits can you release? Are you wild about someone and want to commit, thereby changing your identity from single to married? When someone from the past comes back this month, will you give them and you another chance? What about competiveness? Is there someone in the past you made mistakes with out of self-image issues? Librans are hosting Saturn so it can be hard to see others excel now when you have more burdens, were you fair? Did Saturn’s ambitions to get your image out there stomp someone, can you go back and fix that? You get a reconnect to the past and a huge fresh start that will help you enter this month on one level, exit it on another and it is through your partners, agents, attorneys, specialist, competitors, or opponents that you will find your answers.
Mars moves into this arena on the 2nd so expect the action to begin now. Partners, agents, attorneys, or competitors are on the move, you will want to express your passions or revisit anger issues, but overall really motivate with these people and past issues. The Venus/Pluto sextile means there is positive opportunity for you to earn money through work you do today at home or through real estate.
The NEW MOON on the 3rd is giving you a 2 week window to seed new ventures with a partner, agent, attorney, specialist, or competitor. You can go for what you want with this person and should really expect something exciting or surprising today as you set out. Personal limits, responsibilities or ambitions will need to be balanced for best results.
Neptune moves into Pisces on the 4th for the first time since 1848 do begin flooding this sign through the year 2025. You have never experienced just how powerful this artistic, spiritual, romantic energy is as it will now be in it’s own field. For you this means you are now embarking on a new level of work and the more you bring your artistic vision through film, music, poetry, fine art, or other forms, bring your spiritual vision, psychic abilities, meditative practices or beliefs to the work, and the more you bring romantic ideals, tie-ins with hospitals, prisons or other institutions, self-undoing tendencies or healing addictions to the table, the stronger your work will become. This arena also rules health and animals so you will see a flowering in these areas as well with the same bent towards spiritual approaches, artistic outlets or settings, and institutions in the mix for best results.
Mark the 6th as your lucky day with a partner, representative or competitor to step up and connect, expand your world in some positive way and open things up with them.
Pluto Retrogrades on the 9th so all of the ruthless or driven energy around deconstructing and power struggles at home, with real estate matters, moves, roommates, mom, or family will now mellow. You are now entering an internal process here that will be a rebuilding phase upon the position you find yourself in now.
The 11th is dynamic as you get some kind of push from a partner, agent, attorney, or competitor regarding the home, real estate deal, mom, or roommate situation. Be ready to act in the moment and know that luck comes through communications today so talk, meet, write, sign documents, make short trips, or pitch ideas.
The FULL MOON on the 17th is bringing something personal or physical to a peak for you in a very big way. This is about being recognized on some grand level for who you are, achieving a goal and celebrating your accomplishment, you could have set a goal to lose weight or get your name out there, get married or divorced, or reach another personal goal. It can also mark an ending around one important part of your identity or image out there. Mars opposes this on the 18th so the partner, agent, attorney, or competitor will be in the mix in some dynamic way.
The Sun enters Taurus on the 20th to illuminate your house of sex, divorce and high finance for the next 30 days. This means you will be in the spotlight here and will want to spend your physical or personal energy in connecting sexually with someone, dealing with any reproductive or sexual issues, tackling the divorce, or handling settlements, inheritance, loans, debt, bankruptcy, insurance, taxes, royalties, commissions, or a partners finances. There is positive influence from artistic or spiritual work projects, health matters or pets interests in this today.
Venus moves into Aries on the 21st and your ruler is going to feel all wired up in this position as she tried to mellow the relationship dynamic for you and help you attract the love or money you need now through partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, or competitors. Expect something surprising or a big change through this on the 22nd. A woman may enter the picture now to partner or represent you and if so it looks good.
Mercury stations Direct on the 23rd and you are now ready to turn forward having revisited your past partnership, representatives and competitors and looked squarely at your part in the matter. How your image, ego, identity, or body played into choices you made and results you got, and you are now ready to move forward with some or all of these people intact or left behind as you step forward on a new level.
SCORPIO: (Call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
April is going to be about going back into the past and revisiting how your actions, passions or anger and the words you chose to use, decisions you made, writing you did, agreements you reached for, all contributed to your current image, identity, ego, or physical well being. It’s about your body and mind being one and how they converged in the past to bring you here, what is still left undone that needs rallying. All of this plays out through work, health or pets arenas so in other words, through connecting with the past issues at work, over your work efforts, with co-workers or colleagues, employees or services you provide, health matters or pets. You are going back into what you chose or did before here based on your self-image issues, personal or ego needs, passions and physical desires, and identity issues. Examply: you go back to a past situation, your current identity or image is important in this, you are bringing work or a service into the situation, and past and future converge. It is important as any old passions return through work, health or pet settings, or anger issues arise here, that you ask yourself who you were then and how your actions or message aligned with who you are or want to be now.
Mars moves into this arena on the 2nd so right from the start passions or anger gets stirred up within you or through a younger male and the work, health or pet arenas. You will act here now, express passions or anger, do something to get that work moving forward based on past topics, deal with past health matter and body image, move on the pet matter. It seems true love wants to confess itself or meet today, or that a positive bit of news comes in about children or creative ventures that could lift you up.
The NEW MOON on the 3rd is your 2 week window to seed new beginnings with your work, health or pets. Your past is still a big part of this. Did you invent a product long ago that you can launch or reinvent now at work? Did you write something then that can bring work now? Is there a past job that you marveled at that you can go back and reclaim as a future work? Someone who worked for you then or was an associate then that can help you with work going forward? What about health issues, is there something in the past that you want to reintroduce to a healthy lifestyle or take care of at the doctors or gym? Did you do rescue animal advocacy then or raise money for animals and want to do it now? Get excited, make a change, balance this against the retreat you feel you are in.
Neptune moves into Pisces on the 4th to flood this field through 2025. This is the first time he has been in his own sign since 1848 and it is going to bring incredible flowering for you in ways you can’t yet imagine because you have never experienced its influence. It will be a flood of chivalrous romantic energy, artistic inspiration, spiritual intuition and psychic connections flooding into your house of true love, children and creative projects. Expect the arrival of someone ideal and dreamy to fantasize about, for music and film, poetry and imagination to fuel love relationships and for current love affairs to enter into a fantasy driven direction. Your children will excel now in new artistic or spiritual directions or perhaps find romance for the first time themselves. You may be deciding to have children now for the first time and those born to you now will be very strongly endowed with talent and spiritual gifts. Your creative projects enter a new level of evolvement and any tie-ins with music, film, art, spiritual pursuits, psychic abilities, dreams, or fantasy will bring them to new levels. You may meet your romantic ideal while working on a creative project together. The only issues this brings into the picture is around addictions, deception or boundaries and these matters will need to be watched with children, creative endeavors and lovers as well. In short, expect the best but take off the rose colored glasses from time to time to make sure that prince/princess is not a toad with a crown
Mark the 6th as your lucky day to shine at work, in health matters or with pets. Step out, take the lead, do something to vault your image or identity in these arenas, it’s all good.
Pluto Retrogrades on the 9th and since this is your ruling energy you will likely feel this personally. It is happening in the house of communication for you so all the ruthless pursuit and drive that has been going on over power and control and change and finances, divorce or sexual issues will finally mellow a bit. This means the writing projects, talks, meetings, agreements, and decisions you have been involved in with this chill a bit now as the deconstructive phase gives way to a more internal processing and rebuilding phase for you as you catch up to where you find yourself. Mortality issues are part of this and any connections to brothers or sisters that was amped up over the last months mellows now as well.
The 11th may be dynamic as Mars activates something on the work level, with health or pets. This will push you to do something in reaction to news or regarding a writing project, meeting, talk, or pitch. You may hear about something very big today or talk about it, luck is in what you open up about or create from here.
The FULL MOON on the 17th is bringing a peak for you in the time of retreat and recuperation that you have been going through. This actually marks the end of this isolated feeling or time to rest, strategize or develop something. You may see a climax with an achievement in film, music, art, spiritual pursuits, clandestine affairs, research, dealings with hospitals, other institutions, or addictions, or this time can mark an end to something going on here as a project wraps or you are released from the hospital, etc. Mars opposes this on the 18th so you can expect activity around work, health or pets to again be part of the scenario and likely playing out between you and another person.
The Sun moves into your opposite sign Taurus on the 20th to illuminate this arena for you over the next 30 days. This means you will find yourself physically engaged or your personal energy being poured into romantic partners, marriage partners, business partnerships, connections with agents, attorneys, specialists, or competitors. This is where you shine and where you will best spend your efforts. The connection to Neptune today brings potential for great romance, artistry or spiritual efforts.
Venus moves into Aries on the 21st where she will bring a woman onto the work or health scene to benefit your efforts or where she will help you to attract love or income at work, through your work efforts, around health matters, or involving animal activities. Expect a surprise or new change on the 22nd tied to this.
Mercury stations Direct on the 23rd and you are ready to turn forward again having gone back into the past work, health or pet arenas to revisit your ego, passions, anger, actions, writing, agreements, meetings, decisions, and how who you were then is morphing into a new image, identity, or personal desire for the future here. You are now ready to take some or all of the people, situations and options with you in some new way or to leave all or some behind as you march ahead.
SAGITTARIUS: (Call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
April is all about a transformation that is open to you regarding who you are, who you were, how you acted, what you said or decided, and how your passions or angers affected your current situation in life. It is ALL about who you are as a creative individual so you will be going back into your past to recover and revisit, release or reconnect with past creative endeavors, the people associated with them or the opportunities that you began but didn’t finish to balance things and help yourself to awaken to who you want to be going forward. You will be doing this as well through past lovers or love interests, issues with love, revisiting or releasing any actions, anger, passions, or decisions here. Lastly it will play out through children so your children now and past issues with them or the idea of having children, helping other children or doing projects involving children. Ask yourself how your body, image or ego is playing or played into what went down and where you are in love, creativity or with kids today. This is a do-over and you will exit this month on another level of personal understanding than you enter it if you are open to going back and starting over on different levels.
Mars moves into these realms on the 2nd and kicks things into gear so expect action, passions or anger to stir now with kids, lovers or creative ventures. There is opportunity to do something now, pursue your desires, remember going back is part of it. There is potential to earn from home or with real estate today.
The NEW MOON on the 3rd is your 2 week window to start the new love affair, do something big with a lover, begin a new project with a child, adopt, decide to have your own child, or to launch or seed that creative project. Expect lots of action and surprise in this today as you get things going. A friend or group may be in the way or drawing your energy from this so balance in this as best you can.
Neptune moves into Pisces on the 4th to flood this field through the year 2025. It is the first time it has been here since 1848 so you are going to feel this for the first time in your life as a new level of spirituality, romance, artistry floods into your home arena. This will mean that you will have more potential to live a very romantic life at home, to get into interior design or some other artistic projects involving home, you may host gatherings of artists or spiritual classes at the home, set up a room for yoga or meditation, spiritual studies or an easel to paint. Research, investigations, and dealing with hospitals and other institutions is ruled by this as well so you could do research work at home or research could become your friend when doing anything for home, real estate, family, mom. You could go into investigations in home settings or do work for a hospital at home. The only thing to watch out for during this period is that Neptune rules fluids so you must check things out and get insurance for covering floods, water damage or chemical leaks.
Mark the 6th as a lucky day for you in love, with kids or on a creative project. You stand out today and should put yourself out there in the name of love, for children or in your project.
Pluto Retrogrades on the 9th in your income zone so all the ruthless push and power struggles or drives you have had around income earned, how you make your living, the income being spent, or over possessions will now ease and mellow. You are exiting the deconstructive phase and entering the internal processing phase, catching up with where you find yourself and rebuilding on this.
The 11th is dynamic as Mars kicks things into gear with the creative venture, child or love interest and again you will be dealing with the recent shift around income or spending or possessions in this. Luck favors communications so talk, meet, write, sign agreements.
The FULL MOON on the 17th brings a peak experience for you with a friend, group, astrology, the internet, a charity, social occasion, social networking, or with a major aspiration of yours. A relationship dynamic is at stake here as you are either celebrating achievements or enjoying some goal being reached or you are wrapping up or ending something. Mars opposed this on the 18th so expect action around this to come from lovers, children or creative endeavors in the mix.
The Sun moves into Taurus on the 20th to illuminate your work, health or pet interests over the next 30 days. This puts you in the spotlight here and is the place you should pour physical or personal energy as you will stand out to others. Audition, interview, step up at work, get your body into shape, start the diet, get to the doctors or gym, and put your energy into helping animals. The connection to Neptune today means that something positive can happen in this from home or with moves, real estate, roommates, or mom.
Venus moves into Aries on the 21st to smooth things out with lovers, children or creative projects, to bring women onto the scene who can benefit you in these areas and to help you to attract the love or income through efforts here. Expect something quite surprising in this or a new change to occur on the 22nd with a lover, love interest, child, or creative endeavor.
Mercury stations Direct on the 23rd and you are finally ready to turn towards the future after revisiting past issues, people, places, and situations, how your actions, body, image, identity, and ego played into decisions, words spoken, agreements, and meetings in love, with kids or creativity. You may have picked back up with a past lover, creative project or idea, or something involving kids and now you are ready to move ahead with part or all of that past intact in a new direction.
CAPRICORN: (Call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
April is going to be all about going back into the past to reconnect, revisit or release around home, real estate, moves, mom, family, early childhood issues, security needs, or roommates. You are going to enter this month on one level in this and exit on another and it is all based on your willingness to look at your self-image in this, past actions, anger, passions, ego issues, and the words said, written, agreements in question, ideas that could be revamped, and anything involving siblings in the mix. It is a major month because it is almost solely focused in on these issues. You are getting a do-over where you will backtrack a bit, pick back up on anything you feel is left unsaid or done here, look at who you were and who you are now and how they jive with this information, and then start to plant fresh seeds for the future with or without what you get from the past here.
Mars moves into this arena on the 2nd bringing all kinds of action, passion or anger into home, real estate, moves, mom, family, or roommates. You are going to have drive and motivate on these themes now and past opportunities or issues are strongly in the mix. The Venus/Pluto sextile today gives you power to meet, talk, sign documents, or deal with news that can empower financially.
The NEW MOON on the 3rd is your 2 week window to seed new beginnings at home, with your living situation, roommates, to move or renovate, take in a roommate or decorate, get into real estate, buy or sell real estate, begin something new with restaurants or architecture, see new beginnings with mom, family, dealing with early childhood issues, or your security needs. Remember the past figures into the new beginnings on some level. Expect exciting or surprising moments today as things move. You will need to balance this with career limits or responsibilities.
Neptune moves into Pisces on the 4th for the first time since 1848 and floods this field through the year 2025. This is the first time in your life to feel what this is going to mean in your communications zone, local scene, sibling and neighbor interactions, and through short trips. This is bringing a very powerful artistic energy around your writing, more interactions with the arts in your local neighborhood, you may have a museum go in or an art community, it could bring more spiritual activity locally like a yoga studio or spa, it could also bring the darker side of Neptune to the neighborhood through drugs, alcohol or flooding/water issues. You will find that those who are attracted to you will now be much more poetic and chivalrous in their communications with you, this could bring out your poetic or lyrical writing, inspire an epic masterpiece about romance, or you could find you are communicating or writing about addictions, hospitals, prisons, or other institutions, researching, dealing with investigations, and this could be local or involving brothers, sisters or neighbors. If you have wanted to take up an art, film or music class locally or begin to learn to write creatively there has never been a better time.
Mark the 6th as your lucky day for home, real estate, moves, roommates, or mom. This is about you getting out there and expanding on something in a beneficial way here so take the reins.
Pluto Retrogrades in your sign on the 9th which is going to really be a big shift for you. With this monster pushing you to completely deconstruct parts of yourself through image, body, identity, or ego you have been driven to transform something and empower yourself. Now this will mellow a bit and you will get some internal processing and time to catch up and rebuild from where you have reached so far.
mars is going to be quite dynamic on the 11th as he pushes something at home, with family, mom, or real estate for you and you will need to act or react. The news or agreement, talk or meeting is big so be ready.
The FULL MOON on the 17th is bringing a major goal to a peak for you. This can be achieving something on the career front or shutting the door as it ends or a career project wraps up. It can be about a personal goal or ambition reached or finished. You can be reaching a zenith with fame or reputation or see something hit a high note with dad or a boss or other authority figure. Mars opposes this on the 18th so expect actions around home, real estate or mom to figure in prominently.
The Sun moves into Taurus on the 20th to light up your house of true love, children and creative projects for the next 30 days. This is where you will stand out so step up and make it work for you, pour your energy into these areas and connect personally or physically. At least one talk or meeting today could really inspire you in this romantically, artistically, spiritually, or from a hospital or other institution.
Venus moves into Aries on the 21st to smooth things around home, mom, moves, real estate, and help you to attract love or money more easily. A woman may enter or exit the scene now benefiting you in these areas. Expect something surprising or a sudden change in love, with a woman or money coming in on the 22nd.
Mercury stations Direct on the 23rd and you are finally ready to turn to face forward on the home, real estate, move, or mom front. You have had time to go back into past issues with your body, image, identity, ego, or personal or physical needs here and to revisit past words or deeds, passions or angers that affected it. You should know better now how to proceed going forward and who or what you want to take into that future.
AQUARIUS: (Call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
April is going to be all about going back into your past and looking at how your decisions, agreements, local activities, sibling interactions, neighborhood issues, writing, thinking, actions, passions, or anger have all melded to bring you to where you are now. You are getting a do-over to rethink, revisit, reconnect, or release based on who you were then and who you are becoming now. Do your old thinking patterns still serve you? Did the decision you made then still work? Did your passions or anger lead you into some decision or did you write or sign documents that need revisiting? Is there an issue with your brother or sister that needs a look at or an old neighborhood that needs revisiting? What about an old writing project you abandoned in the past, can you save it or move forward on it again? You will be looking at the past in these areas and launching a new fresh start tied to this past this month ahead.
Mars moves into these areas on the 2nd and will spark action, passions or anger with brothers, sisters, neighbors, through short trips or vehicles, contracts and agreements, speaking or writing assignments, and motivate you to do something. The Venus/Pluto sextile today suggests that you can attract income or spend in this endeavor behind closed doors.
The NEW MOON on the 3rd is your 2 week window to launch a new writing project, contract, pitch ideas, do something new with siblings or neighborhood, start something new in speaking engagements or meetings, talks or negotiations, with a vehicle or short trip and remember that the past is in some way tied into this. Expect something to happen today in one or more of these areas that surprises or excites. This could spark accidents on the road so watch for that. You will need to balance what you begin today with media, legal, travel, or educational matters.
Neptune moves out of your sign after traveling through your energy field since 1998! This in itself is major for you as last month your ruling energy changed fields moving into Aries for the first time in 84 years, you are just getting adjusted to that high, fire sign action oriented energy, seeing things start to happen left and right. Now a major body moves out of your sign on the 4th so again, you will feel this as the fog lifts, the dream clears and meets reality, you are going to feel more like your true energy has felt for years and years, sharper, higher vision, brilliant! As Neptune moves into Pisces he begins a tour here through the year 2025 and will be flooding your income zone. What this means is you have never had a better time period in your life to earn your living through music, film, fine arts, magic, psychic abilities and spiritual pursuits, hospitals, prisons or other institutions, romance, research, investigations, or secrets behind the scenes development or strategy.
Mark the 6th as your lucky day for standing out and expanding in something personally or physically in the local scene, writing projects, agreements, meetings, talks, or through short trips, siblings or neighbors.
Pluto Retrogrades on the 9th which means that the ruthless, deconstructive, power struggle energy around clandestine affairs, film, music or other artistic projects, psychic or spiritual pursuits, hospitals, prisons or other institutions, research or investigations, will mellow and you enter an internal process of catching up to where you find yourself and rebuilding from here.
Mars will activate on the 11th so you can expect news, talks, agreements, meetings, sibling or neighborhood activities, vehicles or short trips to amp up and passions or angers to stir as you react and move on something here. Communications are lucky in this so open up about what you need or want.
The FULL MOON on the 17th is bringing a peak experience through travel, someone at a distance, import/export, media, publishing, marketing, publicity, ceremonies, legal matters, or higher education. This will tie into a relationship dynamic with a partner, competitor or representative and be a time of celebrating achievements or marking endings. Mars opposes this on the 18th so expect more action stirred regarding this.
The Sun moves into Taurus on the 20th and illuminates your homebase for the next 30 days. This means that this is where you will stand out and feel like pouring your physical or personal energy so focus in on home, moves, roommates, mom, or real estate deals. The connection to Neptune here today means you can earn or spend money on something in this.
Venus moves into Aries on the 21st to smooth things out in talks, agreements, writing, with siblings, neighbors, or short trips. This can bring a woman onto the scene that benefits you in these areas or it can help to attract the love or income you need through local arenas, writing, agreements, siblings, short trips, or neighbors. Expect a surprise or change to arrive in this on the 22nd.
Mercury stations Direct on the 23rd and you are finally ready to get your head around your new decisions and direction. You have revisited, released, reconnected with the past and looked at who you were and who you are becoming, how your decisions, passions, anger, or actions are affecting your image, identity, body, and who you are. You are ready to move now into the future with or without any part of that past that you are ready to take forward.
PISCES: (Call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
April is major, MAJOR for Pisces. Regardless of your age, if you are a Pisces alive on this planet right now, this is the month of your true birth, as your ruling energy Neptune moves into your sign for the first time since 1848 and floods and expands your true energy to its purest form! I will get into what that means ahead but the month itself is really going to be about values, money and possessions for you as you go back into your past to look at how your self-image, actions, passions, anger, use of your body, image, identity, or ego and the decisions you have made are affecting what you do now to earn your living. Are you happy with what you are doing or where you are in this? Is there something you can radically change to get where you want to be? Do the choices you made then fit with who you are becoming? This is your do-over as you revisit, reconnect or release issues from the past, through people or situations in the past and refinesse your income. You are getting a new beginning in this that will in some way relate to this past potential and you will exit this month on another level than you entered it if you are open to the process.
Mars moves into this income zone on the 2nd to kick things into gear, to motivate you to act on that past income, spending or possession, to stimulate your passions or anger and drive you on. The Venus/Pluto sextile today supports financial transformation through a friend, group, charity, astrology, the internet, or an aspiration.
The NEW MOON on the 3rd is your 2 week window to launch new income making prospects, interview, put your services out there, ask for a raise, secure a second source of revenue, make an important purchase, or begin a fresh approach to an issue involving a possession. The past again is tied to this new start. Expect surprises or changes today as you take action towards the money making venture. You will need to balance this with outside financial influences or debt, divorce, or intimacy.
Neptune moves into Pisces on the 4th for the first time since 1848 and will tour through your sign until the year 2025. This is a complete saturation of your energy field with heightened psychic and spiritual abilities, artistic talents rise in film, music, all art forms, your strengthened through institutions such as hospitals, prisons or retreats, your research and investigative skills soar, and chivalric romance and poetry will pour forth from you on new levels. If you are an artist or spiritual guru you will reach heights in your craft unparalleled before. You will have to watch for the strengthening of the dark side of the energy as well with addictions, escapism or deception and work to release any of these tendencies.
Mark the 6th as your lucky day for income when you will be noticed or be able to sway the money your way by your presence. You may make a major purchase for yourself today as well and it would be happy making.
Pluto Retrogrades on the 9th and the ruthless deconstructive cycle that has pushed you to power or deal with life or death, finances or sex with a friend, group affiliation, the internet, astrology, or charity will mellow and you will enter a rebuilding stage that is more internal and allows for you to catch up to where you find yourself.
The 11th is dynamic as Mars will motivate you around income in response to the friend, group, charity, astrology, or the internet. Luck is with communicating, writing, meeting, or signing documents about the money earned or spent.
The FULL MOON on the 17th is bringing a peak experience for you with sex, intimacy, reproduction, divorce, mortality, or a major financial matter such as a loan, debt, taxes, insurance, settlement, inheritance, bankruptcy, alimony, child support, royalty, commission, or a partners finances. This is celebrating something achieved or marking an ending. Mars opposes this on the 18th so expect action around income or spending tied to this then.
The Sun moves into Taurus on the 20th and illuminates your communication zone for the next 30 days. This puts you center stage out there in talks, meetings, agreements, interacting with brothers or sisters, neighbors, short trips, vehicles, writing, or pitching ideas. You will want to pour your energy and put yourself physically into the mix here. The connection to Neptune in this today means you will shine for your artistry, romantic nature or spiritual abilities.
Venus moves into Aries on the 21st smoothing out income or spending, bringing a woman onto the scene who is beneficial here, helping you to attract the money you need or bringing money to spend through lovers. Expect a surprise or change in this on the 22nd.
Mercury stations Direct on the 23rd and you are now ready to turn forward after your do-over with the past income or spending matter. You should understand who you are now and the identity or image issue tied into what you do for a living, know how any limits with your body must be considered while earning your living, and having met past people or situations who played into money matters with you are now ready to make decisions to move ahead with or without parts of the past attached.
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