TUNE IN Thursday nights at 5pm pacific/8pm eastern on CBS Worldwide Radio: http://www.psychiconair.com/pages/5643781.php? THE ZOE MOON ASTROLOGY SHOW or follow this link to scroll down and listen to past shows archived there!
A gift of love right in the middle of all the Grand Cross changes is very much appreciated and right on target here it comes as our week opens up with a New Moon in Leo, signaling fresh starts in the true love department! This New Moon on Monday opens a wide door to love, creative projects, recreational outlets, and children so take advantage of this nice boost from the universe to push these areas forward. Get out and meet new people if you are single and interested in finding someone, launch the creative venture, get busy practicing if you want to conceive or see the adoption agency if you want to adopt, it’s forward we go! Venus opposes Jupiter today so there is quite a boost in relationship energy as well. This can help you to turn a corner with a marriage or business partner, agent, attorney, specialist, or anyone else who represents your interests.
Tuesday Venus squares Pluto and you will feel a rise in any obsessive desire to make something happen. Watch for this today to see where you are willing to do whatever it takes to get what you want. Then take a step or two back and ask your ‘thinking’ self, the one not all caught up in the deep emotion of want, “Is this the way to go about getting it?” If you can go about it without mowing someone else down to get it then fine, it’s just best to watch out for how intense this energy can be and make sure you are using it to drive the goal forward, not engage in a scorched earth policy to win.
Wednesday is one of those days with pure focus and it will be on working deliberately and critically on something detail oriented. You can clear something out, organize, fine tune it, find a way to be of service to others, pour total effort into it, or you can instead focus on health above work and really look at what needs attending here. Any environmental or animal issues as well are good focus for this detail oriented day.
Thursday begins with work, health or pet issues involving friends or groups. You will need to do it, just do it, the faster you get in there and work it, the better you will feel about the rest of your day. The rest of your day is bound to be about a relationship that is important to you and all the energy bubbling up here through surprise, excitement, change, expansion, happiness, open doors, and the commitment or ending in sight.
Friday the Moon sits with Mars and Venus so you know that emotions are with the romantic combination of passion and love, all playing out in the sign of relationship! Will you express this as a new beginning with romantic gestures of love and passion or storm out in the other side of Mars-anger?
Uranus Retrogrades back into Pisces today to give you the very last taste of this amazing innovator in this part of your chart this life time. Uranus won’t be back here for another 84 years so PLEASE take advantage of all that is offers in the area of artistry, spirituality and romance between now and March 12, 2011 when it reenters Aries. This means that your friendships, group affiliations, aspirations, internet work and networking, astrological influences, revolutionary ideas, original concepts, brilliant changes, will all come through this mystical, artistic doorway. It is a major time of incubation with the muse for all of us who will bring forth amazing breakthrough theories, approaches and inventions that benefit the arts, spiritual work, hospitals, ways to help addictions, and through the realm of dreams.
Expect dreams last night and tonight to be fairly major, write them down, see what message your higher self intends for your waking self to awaken to at this point.
ARIES: (call to schedule your reading 818-613-6067)
Monday brings you a New Moon in true love, children and creative ventures. It is important that you initiate any new projects in the next 2 weeks so you can ride the crest of this universal wave over the months ahead. Launch the creation, get out and meet someone romantic who sparks your interest, take your current love to another level, look into adopting, sign your child up for art class or music lessons, do something NEW! There is something big in the air today with a relationship, look at how the love or money is balanced, expand where you can.
Tuesday brings compulsions and obsessions with partners and career or major goals. Know that you or they may be a bit demanding or there may be some manipulation going on by way of third party antics. This energy can help you to move the mountain to get what you want, just make sure you can live with your methods or theirs! The rest of the day is about tweaking a work, health or pet matter. If a friend is a bit out there then keep your interest on the creative venture or love interest until another day.
Wednesday is ALL about the work you can get done, fine tuning or throwing things out, cleaning and organizing it, making the calls about the health issue or pet situation. You can meet with others over any of this or make lists, write out what needs doing, but set your mind to the matter and get it going under this positive supportive energetic.
Thursday will again begin with the work, health or pet matter but you will need to deal with a friend or group that may be off in a cloud of dreams as best you can tell. Try not to get frustrated but see if you can find a way to still keep to your course. The rest of the day is all about the relationship for you and something surprising or exciting coming in, a change, luck, a big gesture, and finally a serious note of commitment or endings.
Friday when the Moon meets Mars and Venus at the same degree you will feel the whole ball of wax in your significant relationship house. This can be very dynamic with passion and romance all coming through someone attractive to you or you could see action finally taking place with an attorney or agent by way of money you are after. Uranus Retrogrades back into Pisces today to give you on last transit through making the changes you want, pulling on some original ideas or making some new friends all involving the arts, spiritual pursuits, psychic outlets, astrology, the internet, hospitals, addictions, or work you do behind the scenes.
TAURUS: (call to schedule your reading 818-613-6067)
Monday brings a New Moon in Leo and lots of new energy to your home, moves, roommates, real estate deals, land, mom/mother figures, or renovations. This is where Leo wants to see new creative starts for you in the next 2 weeks or something new kicking off that will open doors for love to come in or expand or for children to flower. The Venus/Jupiter opposition is bringing your attention to something with a work, health or pet matter and the money, love or woman involved there. You are seeing a big door opening through hospitals, prison, institutions, film, music, other art forms, spiritual pursuit, or research, investigations, and work done behind closed doors.
Tuesday brings a bit of obsessive energy around the trip, legal matter, media/publicity issue, or education. This will play out over a job, work you are doing, health issue, or pet and the woman involved. Is it love or money motivating you in this? Do your best to move the mountain but make sure you are not running anyone over to get what you need. A third party is very likely involved. Home again is emotionally charged and feelings about kids, love or creativity will end the day as you adjust to what is changing.
Wednesday is all about the creative project and the work you can get done here. Make the call, pitch the idea or hold the meeting. You may need to look at the way your health is affecting this or how animals are involved in it. It is also about the children and how the news you hear or the talk or decision you make puts things into a new pattern. Or it is about the lover or love interest and how work or health is affecting the feeling. Communications are key in all of these arenas today so open up because you can set things on new foundations.
Thursday again will begin with creative projects, children or love interests but you will need to stretch bit towards the artistic goal or romantic desire, the spiritual pursuit or see what you can find to inspire you on the career front. The rest of the day is about work or health and the person involved in this with you. There is great energy here to change something, expand, and to either commit or end what is going on.
Friday brings the Moon to Mars and Venus so you will find that the work you are doing, the health issue at hand or the pets will have your attention through passion and action and love and money. You may meet someone attractive while at work, the gym, doctors, or out walking the dog today! Uranus Retrogrades back into Pisces and will give you the last major open door to interesting and inspiring new friends, group affiliations, socializing, networking, and pursuing your aspirations through the artistic, romantic, spiritual waters of Pisces. Look for excitement, original concepts, internet, astrology, brilliant minds, visionary thinkers, and let yourself connect because they are bringing something up for you that is ready to come forth.
GEMINI: (call to schedule your reading 818-613-6067)
Monday’s New Moon in Leo is opening up a strong two week period of fresh beginnings with writing projects, contracts, agreements, meetings that may lead to creative ventures, true love or something new with children, talks and ideas that are opening up your inner expression, short trips, neighborhood activities, and fresh interactions with siblings. The Venus/Jupiter opposition today is about wide open possibilities or expansion through a friendship or group and how that is balanced with your love or money needs with a creative venture, lover or child.
Tuesday will bring up any obsessive energy around the sexual interest, divorce or major financial matter such as a loan, debt, credit, inheritance, bankruptcy, insurance, taxes, settlements, alimony, child support, or other joint finances. This is going to play out over love or money needs with a lover, child or creative venture. Watch that triangles are opened up and not used in any manipulative manner and that whatever you go after today is fair and above board. Home situations and friendship are under an aspect that requires some adjustment around change or expansion.
Wednesday is all about the home. This can be about your home, a move, renovation, roommate, real estate deal, or mom/mother figure. The way to use this focus today is to have the talk or come to terms/sign agreements about the work needed here, the effort going into the situation, the health issues involved, or what is going on with the pets here. Then get to it.
Thursday will bring up the home topic again in the early part of the day but with a need to make some adjustments over the distance or trip involved, the media or publicity about it, the educational matter going on here or the legal aspects. The rest of the day is all about you and another person over the love affair, child or creative project and any changes, surprises, shock, or excitement coming from a friend or group about this.
Friday the Moon meets Mars and Venus so you just know that you are in for an emotional encounter that wraps passion and romance or action and money around a lover, love interest, child, or creative venture. Work your chart! If you are looking to make any of this happen, put yourself out there today. Uranus Retrogrades back into Pisces for the last time in 84 years so use the next months to make any changes, get inspired, connect with friends or groups, delve into the internet or astrology, all in an effort to bring change and breakthroughs to the career arena. This is a time to let your artistry, romantic nature and spirituality shine through these groups or friends, internet or astrology to reach a goal or seed something original on the career front.
CANCER: (call to schedule your reading 818-613-6067)
Monday brings a New Moon in your income zone and this is opening up two very strong weeks for you to seed new income opportunities in creative fields, with lovers or about love, for children or about children. You should look for ways to increase current income or find new outlets to attract income. You may also decide to spend on creative ventures, kids or loved ones now as well. Venus opposing Jupiter today is all about career expansion and the love or money issue at home or with a real estate deal, a move or mom/mother figure. See what you can make happen.
Tuesday brings up any obsessive energy around or through a partner, representative or competitor. This will focus you in on home or moves, living situations or mom/mother figures and ask you to look at the love or money here. Watch for triangles playing out and make sure that whatever corner you are turning you are keeping your foundations solid. Talks or agreements today will require some adjusting around the change or expansion occurring on the career front.
Wednesday is all about a writing project, agreement, talk, meeting, short trip, sibling, neighbor, neighborhood activity, or idea. You need to speak up, listen, pitch it, send it, but focus in on the work, the effort and how your services can move forward from here. It is possible some health or pet issues must be addressed today as well, again, open it up and work through it.
Thursday will bring the third party into the work, health or pet talk, writing project, agreement or meeting. You will be looking at how to deal with the finances, any shared responsibilities, and if there is any sexual/romantic connotations involved these should be looked at as well. The rest of the day is all about the relationship at home or about a move, real estate deal or living situation. The changes or expansion on the career front again is in play and you will need to get serious about either committing or ending something at home.
Friday the Moon meets Mars and Venus to bring some romance and passion into the home or something you do today about a move or real estate deal will move you towards this energy. Action is the key word today at home and you may have something going on there that you are spending on or earning from as well. Uranus Retrogrades back into Pisces for the last time in your lifetime and you will want to take advantage of any excitement, stimulation, change, inspiration, new ways of doing things, friends or groups, internet or astrology connections playing out through media, publicity, marketing, broadcasting, publishing, travel, import/export, ceremonies, beliefs, legal matters, or education over the next few months.
LEO: (call to schedule your reading 818-613-6067)
Monday brings a New Moon in your sign! What a wonderful time for you to begin just about anything you really have your heart set on and give it a strong universal push out into the world. You can really get any new look or image going, start something new in the way you approach your body from diets, holistic routines and organic foods, to new wardrobes or haircuts. The Venus/Jupiter opposition is stimulating something big through travel, education, media, or law so look at what you can talk or meet about, sign agreements, write, or pitch ideas in an effort to secure the money or love.
Tuesday any obsessive energy around work, a co-worker, employee, health matter or healthcare worker, or pet, pet caregiver, may surface. You will feel the big push here as you hear news or have a talk or meeting about the love, woman or money. Triangles are involved and should be opened up, take the high road in going after what you want. Income will come into the picture later today as you deal with the changes or expansion going on through the trip, media, legal, or educational matter.
Wednesday is all about income. You will want to have the talk about this or take a meeting, you may hear news or just pitch an idea or you may write something up that targets earnings or is intellectual property that can attract money. See what work you can do here and if you need to write something up about money and a health issue or pet matter that is favored as well.
Thursday income is still in the picture but you will need to adapt to what the partner needs or the agent, attorney or specialist is bringing into the picture. Talks or agreements the rest of the day will focus on the significant relationship and any changes or expansion that is going on through the trip, media, legal, or educational matter. The serious energy here will help you to commit or end something.
Friday the Moon meets Mars and Venus in your local environment which means if you are single and looking get out to your local haunts, it’s a great day for something exciting to happen. It is also great for sharing passion and romance with someone you love on a short trip. You may use this energy to do something through agreements or writing as well or with siblings or neighbors. Uranus Retrogrades back into Pisces for the last time in your lifetime so take advantage of the innovator by making any changes or trying unusual approaches, free actions or inspired thinking over sexuality, divorce or major financial matters. Your friends or group affiliations may help you now through these connections.
VIRGO: (call to schedule your reading 818-613-6067)
Monday’s New Moon is occurring in the area of hidden agendas and strategies, clandestine love affairs and secrets, film, music and other art forms, hospitals, prisons and other institutions, research and investigations, addictions and any self-undoing tendencies. The New Moon is offering you two strong weeks from the universe to start something new here, to tackle the addiction, launch the film, deal with the hospital matter, write the musical number or promote it, you get the idea. There is something big going on sexually, through divorce or pertaining to a major outside financial resource and you should take some time today to look at how your money and a woman can help you here.
Tuesday any obsessive energy that is around a lover, child or creative project is likely to surface. This could be from your end or another’s but there will likely be a triangle involved and you will want to again look at the income or spending here. Be willing to deal with your own emotional needs/issues and then make some adjustments to reach the sexual, divorce or financial conclusion you are looking for.
Wednesday is all about you. Yep. There should be plenty of energy around to amp up the meetings or talks you need to have about yourself, your body, your needs, your image, and you may find that others are all the sudden ringing in to chat you up as well. See what you can work on about your own image, body or needs today and tackle any health matters that may be present as well.
Thursday you will be doing what you can to stretch a bit over a work, health or pet/animal matter. Don’t get disillusioned, it just requires some adjustment. The rest of the day is about the relationship involved with income. You will be trying to balance this with debt or other outside resources and the changes or expansion going on here. Try to commit or end something going on with this today, a divorce or sexual union may play into it.
Friday the Moon meets Mars and Venus so you will be ready to make money or spend it on something or someone you are passionate about. This is opportunity to meet someone attractive while out earning or spending as well. Uranus Retrogrades back into Pisces for the last time in your lifetime to give you one last chance to open up the relationship, find some freedom, meet someone unique or brilliant, quirky or genius, form a romantic or business partnership with someone tied to the internet or astrology, meet a partner through friends or groups, and express your artistic, romantic or spiritual side through this connection in a completely new way.
LIBRA: (call to schedule your reading 818-613-6067)
Monday brings a New Moon in your friendship and aspirations zone. This is a strong two week push from the universe for you to open doors for yourself through the networking you do, your friendships, the socializing, group affiliations, and pursuit of your aspirations. A new friend may come onto the scene now who becomes significant up ahead or you may do something with a current friend that gets things moving. Venus opposing Jupiter today puts a relationship into the spotlight as you see how big things can get.
Tuesday any obsessive energies will surface around home, moves, a living situation, or roommates. This is about control or manipulation and a triangle that you will want to address by looking at the love or money you are spending on yourself. The rest of the day is all about any feelings that are hidden and doing what you can to stretch a bit towards the relationship that is front and center right now.
Wednesday is all about the talk, agreement or writing project that is stemming from a film, music project, other art form, research, investigation, hidden agenda, hospital, other institution, spiritual, psychic or mystical pursuit, or clandestine love affair. Put the effort and work in to these communications today.
Thursday you will wrap up whatever you got started in talks or negotiations yesterday but you will need to make some adjustments around the creative input, lover or child involved. The rest of the day is about the relationship with a partner, representative or competitor and the changes, expansion and serious decision you make here to commit or end something.
Friday the Moon meets Mars and Venus on the same degree in your sign so you can expect lost of action, passion, emotional love and excitement brewing around you and what you do today. If single you could meet someone if you decide to get out there, you can also attract the money to you that you need today. Watch for over spending on yourself as the only possible extravagance. Uranus Retrogrades back into Pisces today for the last time in your lifetime so you will want to take advantage of this revolutionary energy applied to your work, health or pet situation. This means involving friends, groups, the internet, astrology, unique people, original ideas, freedom, and causes to the work you do, your health or your pets.
SCORPIO: (call to schedule your reading 818-613-6067)
Monday’s New Moon is opening up brand new beginnings for you on the career front and you have two strong weeks to work this energy to move up the ladder, interview, launch a new business, make a career move, get promoted, take on more responsibility, make a bid for fame, or deal with an authority figure. The Venus/Jupiter opposition is about something big happening in the work you do, with health or pets and the way you are dealing with love or money behind the scenes, find the balance to do both.
Tuesday any obsessive or control energy will rise up around news that you hear, a talk you have or meeting, a writing project, an agreement, or with a neighbor or sibling. The mind is where this is playing out so you may use this constructively to communicate needs but watch it if you see yourself or others trying to work a triangle to manipulate. Something going on with a film, music or other artistic work, a hospital or addiction, or something romantic, secret or research oriented is the playing ground for this idea, talk or writing. Is there some work you can do with a friend today and if so is there a new idea you have that could open things up?
Wednesday is all about the friend, group or aspiration. You will want to have a talk or take a meeting with them or pitch the aspiration to someone. If you write, this day is about getting it down on paper or out the door. Connect with your social circle now, it is important to your work, health or animal cause.
Thursday the continued friend or group affiliation plays into the day but you will need to deal with home or moves in this as well. The rest of the day is all about the relationship that is secret, romantic, involved in the film/fantasy/artistic outlet, or the hospital, research or other hidden agenda. See how you can expand or open up things through work, health or pets here.
Friday the Moon meets Mars and Venus in this hidden part of the chart so you could be secreting off with a lover behind closed doors, meeting someone attractive or getting something moving on the money matter involving a hospital, film, music project, artist outlet, research project, investigation, or working on something behind closed doors. Uranus Retrogrades back into Pisces for the last time in your lifetime to bring new ideas, new innovative and unusual friends, the internet, or astrology into your creative projects, love affairs, or matters concerning children. See if you might bring a friend met through the internet into a creative process or fall in love, if you can originate new ideas to be used for children through internet outlets or through astrology, you get the idea.
SAGITTARIUS: (call to schedule your reading 818-613-6067)
Monday is a New Moon in your travel, beliefs, ceremonies, import/export, media, publishing, publicity, marketing, education, and legal zone. These are all areas of the higher mind and places that you can make a strong fresh start over the next two weeks by launching in these areas. Plant the seed at the very least now while the universe is supporting you here. The Venus/Jupiter opposition is all about what is expanding creatively, with a child or lover and how you are dealing with the love or money aspiration or a friendship or group involved.
Tuesday any obsessive or control issues will arise over income so watch that triangles are kept in check and you don’t attempt to control or allow yourself to be controlled through money. A female friend is part of this equation. You may be trying to figure out what to do about one of the New Moon issues today and talks may just be a bit foggy so hold it for another day. See what you can do to tackle career agendas and keep the creative energy afloat, the lover and child needs adaptable.
Wednesday is all about your career. This is a big day to focus on the talks you need to have, any pitches, meetings or agreements that you need to come to involving your career, a promotion, launching a business, or around a major goal, fame, or reputation. See what work you can talk about and if health or pet issues need to be added to the plan.
Thursday you will continue to focus on career and goals but today you will need to adjust to an idea or agreement in an artistic, romantic or spiritual way. The rest of the day is all about the relationship within a group or someone who is representing you here or competing with you. Again, the expansion or changes going on within a love affair, with children or over a creative project will be focal, see if you want to commit efforts long term or end it.
Friday the Moon meets up with Mars and Venus so you can expect that there will be lots of action or passion playing out with a friend, group, social affair, or around an aspiration of yours. This can be how you meet someone attractive to you if you are single today or you may find the money you need for an aspiration through this person or group. Uranus Retrogrades back into Pisces today for the last time in your lifetime and will be asking you to make any changes, introduce new ideas, people and situations, into the home, living situation, roommates, moves, renovations, or with mom/mother figures. This may be an important few months when home is with friends or as part of a group, when the internet or astrology plays a part in where you hang your hat, or where you invent something or come up with an original idea at home that changes things for you.
CAPRICORN: (call to schedule your reading 818-613-6067)
Monday’s New Moon is opening up a big new beginning for you sexually, through reproduction, a divorce, or through the major financial realms of loans, debt, credit, bankruptcy, inheritance, settlements, alimony, child support, taxes, insurance, commissions, royalties, or other’s money. The next two weeks are when you should launch into these realms with new ideas, people, actions, or attitudes. The Venus/Jupiter opposition is about something big with a home or property matter and the woman, love or money playing out on the career front, how do you balance it?
Tuesday any obsessive energy that may arise will come through you. Yep. So look at how you are feeling about your needs being met and if you are feeling frustrated in some intense way over anything. The goal is about love, money or a woman and you are really going to need to make sure that there is not a triangle, manipulation, or control issue going on being used against you or that you are instigating to get what you want. Open up anything that feels this way to see what is really there. You can use this energy to go after the prize but you should come from the spiritual side of Pluto which is evolutionary and seek to understand the true power you have here. Watch you don’t find yourself in the middle of two others trying to pull at you from both sides! Feelings about a trip, media, educational, or legal matter are also up today and will focus light on security issues or needs for adaptation to home or property matters. Feelings about a major financial matter are under a fog where your own income is concerned, don’t go there.
Wednesday is all about a talk, meeting, writing project, short trip, or agreement that will be focused on the trip, person or situation at a distance, legal matter, media or publicity, or education. You should see what you can work on here through the open communication or if health or pet needs should be woven into the topic that as well can be attended to today.
Thursday feelings about the travel, media, legal, or educational matter will push your buttons a bit as you stretch over the money you earn and the romantic, artistic or somewhat foggy issues around this. The rest of the day is all about a relationship that involves a big goal or your career. See what you can do about the home, living situation or real estate matter involved with this person through changes, expansion and finally something serious towards commitment or ending.
Friday the Moon meets Mars and Venus so you will feel pretty great about the career agenda or the big goal wrapped up in actions taken, romance, passion or money. You may meet someone attractive while out in your career field today or you may pursue a goal with a love interest or go after the money, it’s all good. Uranus Retrogades back into Pisces for the last time in your lifetime and opens up a last few months to meet unusual and brilliant people in your local scene who will have an influence, to open up your mind to new ideas and ways of thinking, through friends, groups, the internet, and astrology, to invent something or patent an original concept, to sign agreements with a friend or group or to take a new approach on something with a neighborhood, neighbor or sibling.
Monday the New Moon is highlighting your relationship zone. This is good news! It gives you two strong weeks to launch something with a business partner, form the partnership, meet someone who may be marriage potential, propose, marry, end any relationship that is in the way of a permanent relationship, hire an attorney, agent, specialist, or tackle your competition. The Venus/Jupiter opposition is about looking at an agreement, talk, news, meetings, or something going on locally, through a move, neighborhood or with a sibling that is expanding or getting big, focuses on your happiness or something you believe in. You should look at the love or money issue that is tied to a trip, legal or ceremonial matter, education, or media matter as well.
Tuesday any obsessive energy will rise over hidden agenda, affairs, secrets, artistic projects, hospitals, addictions, self-undoing tendencies, or research/investigations or spying. Make sure that the triangle involved here is opened up and that manipulations or control tactics are not fallen prey to. You need to again look clearly at the love or money matter percolating around a legal, travel, ceremonial, media, or educational matter and then decide what you really want. It’s ok to go after it just be clear about how you are doing it. There is some fog around a relationship today so know this going in. Talks about the divorce, finances or intimacy are a stretch as well.
Wednesday is all about the news you hear or the talk you have, the meeting or agreement you come to or the idea you come up with regarding sex, intimacy, reproduction, divorce, or the major financial picture including loans, debt, credit, bankruptcy, inheritance, severance, alimony, child support, settlements, insurance, taxes, or any other outside resource. Open up about this and see what you can work out.
Thursday one or more of these lines of communications will still be topical but today you will feel a bit out of alignment with it on a spiritual, romantic or artistic level. Do your best to meet your own needs here. The rest of the day is all about a relationship tied to travel, media, legal, or educational matters. Look at the expansion or changes going on here and talk about this or come to terms, it’s important that you get serious about either committing or ending what is up here.
Friday the Moon moves to meet Mars and Venus so you can expect action, passion, love, or money to come together for you through the trip, media or publishing matter, education, or legal outlets. This means if you are single you could meet someone attractive while flying, at college, in the courthouse, law library, on set for a show or at a publishing house or you can use this energy to move a monetary matter forward here. Uranus Retrogrades back into Pisces for the last time in this lifetime to open up potential for a last time through ways to make money through friends, groups, the internet, astrology, or anything new, original, inventive, based on freedom, change and innovation. Don’t miss the opportunity to get this moving!
PISCES: (call to schedule your reading 818-613-6067)
Monday brings a New Moon in your house of work, health and pets. This is giving you two strong weeks from the universe to bring your creativity to a new work venture, launch the new service, interview for a new job, hire an employee, do something for a co-worker, start a new diet or work-out regime, tackle a health issue at a doctor’s office, adopt a pet or do something new with your pets. The Venus/Jupiter opposition is asking that you look at the big thing going on with your earnings or spending and then to deal with a woman about the debt, bankruptcy, inheritance, insurance, taxes, or any other outsider resource in question.
Tuesday any obsessive energy will kick up over a friend, group or aspiration. Watch out if you are feeling this compulsive energy take place and look for the triangle in use here. There may be an issue over manipulation or control and it will be playing out over the woman and your financial picture, sexual interest or divorce. Feelings about the relationship in focus are strong today as you adapt to changes and expansion on the income front or over money.
Wednesday is all about the partner or representative. You will want to talk it out, you may hear news from them today or be the one to pick up the phone or go meet them, whichever way it turns out you need to talk to the partner, agent, attorney, specialist, or competitor and see what you can work out.
Thursday feelings will again be on the significant relationship but today there will be something hidden or clandestine, or going on behind closed doors here that will need to be adapted to. The rest of the day is about the relationship issues over sex, divorce or major financial matters. Look at what is expanding or changing around your own income or spending and then see what you can get serious about committing to or ending to settle the shared resources.
Friday the Moon meets up with Mars and Venus so you can be assured that there will be action, passion, love, and/or money coming up for you today and it will play out through this very deep 8th house. Expect this to look like lots of sexual passion going on or action that deals with the finances or divorce. Uranus Retrogrades back into your sign for the last time in your lifetime to give you one last infusion of brilliance, genius, innovation, unique inspiration, and it will flow through you connected through friends, groups, the internet, astrology, and inventions. It is about you finding yourself, your true unique individuality, look for it in your independence and courage to be yourself in the face of whatever else is going on around you.
Thursday nites at 5pm pacific/8pm eastern on CBS Radio: http://www.psychiconair.com/pages/5643781.php?
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