Are you starting to see just how important certain relationships are becoming? Have you begun to let go of those that don’t work anymore? It’s a serious theme for all of us over the next couple years as Saturn brings tests and achievements here.
On Saturday we get another glimpse into this realm. Look at the balance. Are the scales hitting the floor on your side? Theirs? It just won’t do going forward in an unbalanced or co-dependent way even if it’s worked that way for years so whatever comes up for you, see this as the time to get real about why you are connected in the first place and how you can own your own ambitions, lead yourself forward, take responsibility for your own happiness, and connect in equitable, fair and balanced ways.
If there is someone you are considering partnering with or there is potential for representation, make sure that you are giving as good as you are getting and vice versa. I hate to put it so crassly but truly right now the bonds we are forming are that important as the leadership of the Aquarian Age is stepping into their individual destinies at this point. Whatever your talent, gift, vision, it is now that you will form alliances that will serve you, them and the rest of us as we benefit from what you will be doing together, choose wisely.
And if you question whether or not you are part of this important frontline of the Aquarian Age, are you breathing here, now, at the end of a 25,800 year world age, are you one of those alive to help seed the next one? I’m assuming if you are reading this the answer is yes, lol, so no fear based choices, no old patterns, get it in gear, you know what you came to do, it’s time to start doing it. Every bit of love, hope, beauty, and understanding you can plant, flowers for those who will come after us, what do you want the world to look like? It’s all about what you do.
Sunday brings up any money matters involved as you look for ways to ‘monetize’ your quest, your vision, dream, artistry, gift. Put in some real effort to shore this up in some way today as the universe is backing your diligence and commitment now. Again, a relationship is part of the picture, be that a partner, agent, attorney, specialist, consultant, or competitor. Make some adjustments regarding money with this person today.
ARIES: (call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)
Saturday brings a chance for you to speak, hear news, write, meet or look at an agreement that is important for your own success at work, with health or involving pets. Expect to have to tweak this a bit. The action is with a relationship and how the balance suits you. Are your partners, agents, attorneys, competitors, or best friend’s actions pleasing and supportive or angering and destructive? It could go either way today but you are the one who has to get real about the connection and make choices to commit, release or re-balance.
Sunday brings an opportunity for artistic or spiritual connections with friends or a group, say yes. Income takes center stage today as you look for ways to increase earnings or better handle what is coming in and going out at this point. Positive stars align from efforts with authority figures, bosses, focused ambition, and real effort to get the work lined up. You will again need to deal with an important relationship, are they contributing financially, are you, can they attract income for you? How can you tweak things with them to help with the bottom line.
TAURUS: (call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)
Saturday is a good day to tackle things behind the scenes, work on bringing the imagination through your work, your artistry to bear in all that you do. A talk about the creative venture is necessary or one that focuses on a child or lover. See what can be worked out. Find the balance between what you can create completely on your own and what inspires creativity through another.
Sunday should have you feeling pretty good about a career opportunity or a goal being met that involves artistry, romance or spirituality. Focus on what you can do or how you can work on your body or image to increase income, you can also utilize this energy to spend on enhancing your looks with positive results. It’s all aligning with a trip, people at a distance, the media or publishing matter, a class you are teaching or taking, or the legal matter. Love may be in the mix for you today.
GEMINI: (call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)
Saturday will bring opportunities to hash things out with friends or a group from your home, if you are planning a party or get-together expect to be busy up until the last minute in preparation. See if you can really put the cards on the table with a certain close person about what is needed at home, especially over topics of work, health or pets. Recreation, love or creativity will be high on the list later today and will balance with the friend or group activity.
Sunday shows positive energy around the social occasion, friendship or group and the travel plans, media venture, legal issues, or class you are taking or teaching. Take some time for yourself today to rest and recharge. You may want to hide out with a lover or tackle a financial matter, this looks positive, especially if you can stay at home.
CANCER: (call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)
Saturday is rather ambitious and you may find that you are talking to more than one person about career opportunities or changes you would like to implement in your present situation. There is great energy at home involving motivation towards the goal, ambitious projects, passion and money making ventures here, be proactive.
Sunday is powerful for career or a major goal where the outside finances are concerned. You may find the goal leads you to intimacy with another or a way around the divorce issue. The rest of the day is about friends or social occasions and powerful connections with significant people in your life. It’s a day for you to shine, speak up, get out and embrace others. The only glitch regards limits or responsibilities at home.
LEO: (call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)
Saturday stirs up your emotional nature over a trip, media venture, legal issue or educational matter. Do what you can to talk about the money involved and make adjustments. There is a connection in all of this to passion and sharing in one-on-one relationships through what you say, agree on, the idea you pitch, a writing project, or something that spurs you on in the local neighborhood tonight.
Sunday brings opportunity for something dreamy with a significant person and the trip, media, legal, or educational need. This could be through artistry, romance, spirituality, or the mystic. Career and major goals take precedence the rest of the day with huge universal support over getting the work done or transformed, tackling the health, and standing in your own spotlight for efforts well done.
VIRGO: (call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)
Saturday could be a ‘heavy’ day as you get in deep over shared resources, inheritance, bankruptcy, loans, taxes, insurance, or any other financially connected matter. You must stand up for your own needs in this, take a serious look at income, see if there is an action you can take to increase earnings or protect current financial realms, or decide what you can spend right now. A past intimate partner may be involved in your way forward financially and possibly passionately.
Sunday brings an opportunity in the financially shared realm through something artistic, spiritual, or in dealing with hospitals, addictions or other institutions. So see about work, handling health or animals tied to these themes. The rest of the day opens up over legal, travel, media, or educational matters with powerful support through your creative moves, love interests, children, and standing in your own authority in the matter. What you do is towards resolution of the earning matter.
LIBRA: (call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)
Saturday puts the focus on a partner, representative or the competition with quite a bit of suppressed emotional energy in the mix. See if you can air a bit of those feelings or if topics involving film, music, the arts, hospitals, addictions, spying, research, secrets, or spiritual pursuits can be worked through. You may see the day evolve to passion between the two of you or anger, action taken or money issues surfacing.
Sunday brings something fun, loving, or creative into the picture with the significant relationship so you may have worked things out last night, either that or you wake with quite the brainstorm. The rest of the day turns to intimacy and sexual union at home, behind closed doors, or if you aren’t with someone now, this energy will empower financial strategies and breakthroughs or efforts on divorce issues, inheritance, bankruptcy, taxes, or other shared resources. Be willing to adapt a bit.
SCORPIO: (call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)
Saturday will stimulate work efforts, health activities and time with pets. A talk with a friend or group is part of this equation and there is a need to try to work something out here. Your best bet is to spend some time alone developing or strategizing in the area, perhaps working to research it a bit, then dive into the opportunity to express passions here or tend to money matters before the day is out.
Sunday the work, health or pet matter has reached a lovely connection to Neptune so something dreamy, artistic, spiritual, or romantic at home or a chance to release any sentimental weepy feelings in the mix. Relationship takes center stage for the rest of the day as you connect via internet, phones, meetings, or write, the news is powerful, communications empowering, a positive feed is streaming to you through these important connections today.
SAGITTARIUS: (call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)
Saturday the energy is all about true love, children or your creative projects with at least one important talk or meeting in the mix. Take your time when making decisions today as something needs a bit of adjusting to. The rest of the day kicks in with these creative impulses or bouts of love streaming through friendships, group activities, social occasions, or pursuing your aspirations. This is where the passion and money will seek your attention.
Sunday there is something lovely being said, agreed upon, written, or done locally with a lover, child or involving the creative project. Neptune is saying, “Dream big.” The rest of the day will be about work you want to get done, health regimes or issues being tackled or anything you need to attend to with animals. If any of this can make you money, you need to spend on it, or there is a big goal involved, expect to be happy about how much you achieve! A friend, group or social affair will demand some of your time, so deal with any limits here asap so you can get ahead.
CAPRICORN: (call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)
Saturday will really get you going at home or over real estate matters as you talk or make decisions about the trip, with someone far away, over media or publicity matters, classes, or legal issues that need attending to. It’s quite the juggling act. You are going to apparently be quite driven today where career or certain ambitions show up, just do your best to balance it all, you can achieve a great deal where passions and love or money come together.
Sunday brings a positive opportunity to earn at home or from home or to spend on something home or real estate related. The rest of the day is all about the lover, child, recreational interest, or creative pursuit. There is a trip, legal, media, or educational matter aligned with this in a very positive way and something very empowering for you as well, just find some time to attend to any left-0ver responsibilities or limits left from yesterday on the career front.
AQUARIUS: (call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)
Saturday is a bombardment of communication for you, meetings, errands, talks, phone calls, emails, you name it and the topic seems to be two-fold. First you are opening up about a divorce issue, death, financial matter, or sexual connection and this will require a bit of adaptation. Second you will be pretty passionate about a trip, media or marketing matter, educational topic, or legal matter, make sure to attend the details in this and ask for what you need.
Sunday aligns with fantasy, artistry, romance, and spirituality in your communications or meetings so take advantage of this dreamy energy around you. The rest of the day will thrive on home activities and what you do sexually or financially behind closed doors here, again, quite intense and powerful. If any lingering legal, media, educational, or travel matters arise, tackle them straight up so you can enjoy the rest of this day.
PISCES: (call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)
Saturday the focus is on earning money or on something you want to purchase. You will want to talk to or meet with a partner or someone who can represent you in this so make what effort you can to make this happen even if it is challenging. There is active energy at work around sexuality, divorce and high finance so expect some fireworks here as well.
Sunday brings some dreamy retreat or recharging of batteries as you strategize about the money matter, it’s possible that your research or imagination are leading to hope in this department. The rest of the day is about the communications you have, talk, meet, write, look at terms, all involving a friend or group and something very powerful happening here. You are going to be in the spotlight with someone important to you today and it looks like it will go well. Continue to deal with the serious matter involving outside finances and any limits you feel you are facing in this.
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