TUNE IN Thursday nights at 5pm pacific/8pm eastern on CBS Worldwide Radio The New Sky Radio: http://www.psychiconair.com/pages/5643781.php? to listen to or call in with astrology questions for THE ZOE MOON ASTROLOGY SHOW! You can also follow this link to scroll down and listen to past shows archived there!
Monday the Moon and Mercury engage to look at past work issues or people involved in the way you were approaching work, any past health issues or anything going on with animals tied to the past. This is harmonious energy that is trying to help you find a way to come to terms, make decisions and address value issues or where the money is coming from in these fields, open up!
Tuesday stirs up money matters as you try to contend with what is going on with someone important in the matter. You will also need to deal with any foggy conditions with a friend, group or networking matter involving income/spending. As the day progresses there is an opening up of ideas or understanding and you are very much key in this scenario, in other words, speak up about what you want or need you just might get it.
Wednesday aligns the talks, agreements, meetings, and ideas going on that involve partnership, representation or competition so that something serious can be decided. This is under positive aspect so try to commit to, confirm or gently resolve the relationship. On the other hand, you will have to really speak up or deal with challenges over what you want related to a work effort, health issue or the pets today, watch ego conflicts or any strain on your body.
Thursday is one of the best all around days for talks and agreements, meetings and understanding with partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, or competition around the action you want to see happen, the passion, settling anger issues, the money, love, or women. The same goes for any communications involving friends, groups or aspirations. Mark your calendar for meetings today.
Friday may stir up deep emotional triggers around home, security, loyalty, and powerful changes, ambitions or significant others. You may do very well today if you avoid focusing in on these areas of relationship, balance/fairness, goals and home but instead pour all your efforts into work, health, pets, and any talks, agreements or meetings that would happen to stimulate home.
ARIES: (call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)
Monday is a yes where income and work are concerned, look for new ways to earn, spend on things that will enhance income, settle monetary matters involving possessions. You have the green light to tackle money and health issues as well, spend on the gym, a work-out tape, diet, doctors, or earn from the health field. Pets are the other arena where you may want to focus in on the money under such good stars.
Tuesday a woman is in the money picture, see what you can do to make this work or start the process to move it along. A friend or group is in the grey area today over money so don’t lend it if you can wait and don’t expect to get a honest answer just now, they may not know themselves. The good news is something you are working on behind closed doors is bringing some exciting energy to your income potential so keep at it now, you may have a conversation or hear news that bears this out!
Wednesday brings something serious by way of a talk or meeting with a partner, agent, attorney, specialist, or competitor. This is positive and solid so say what needs saying, ask for what you need, and let the chips fall where they may since it seems to be in your best interest. It is not the best day to try to ask for more money, a raise, the pay back of money owed, or to negotiate money matters around work, health or animals. You may have something from the past back up and on the table now to be dealt with.
Thursday brings your ruler along with Venus into alignment with the Moon for lots of action, passion and good vibes with partners, representatives or specialists. You can get in there and handle money matters, love issues, connect for romance, and make things happen! The talks, meetings or agreements you have with friends, groups or in pursuing your aspirations are just as strong especially around artistic outlets, spiritual pursuits, dealing with hospitals or other institutions, addictions, or something strategic.
Friday the home may be a bit of a battle ground as you have to deal with changes to accommodate career or something that is heavy coming from a boss or authority figure. There is also a lot of tension from a relationship and the limits you are feeling here. On the other hand, the good that can come out of the home today or through your need for security will come from the talks or agreements you have around work here, health attended to at home or in handling pet situations here.
TAURUS: (call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)
Monday is an open door for you with the Moon in your sign and all connections leading to love, creative endeavors and children, take your pick, pick them all, it’s all good! Mercury is in the mix so see what you can do to open up the lines of communications to the past here and find some kind of positive road forward. It’s a great day to audition for the role, tackle health issues or get health with the kids, share feelings and ideas together with loved ones.
Tuesday the Moon still resides in Taurus so you will want to get real about any physical fitness or feel-good matters you may have let slide. A woman at work needs some of your attention as well. The career, goal or dealing with an authority figure is a bit in a cloud of confusion or something is unclear, pace this one. Good times with friends, groups or at a social occasion, if you get a last minute invite or hear from a pal out of the blue, go with it.
Wednesday is about making money or dealing with income matters, good energy is brewing here through strategy, research, film, music, artistry, spiritual pursuits, hospitals, addictions, and anything you seriously put effort into working on in these areas how. Your image or needs are being tested by the creative project, lover or child today and that will as well be felt monetarily, step up to the challenge.
Thursday it all falls into place, the theme is income or spending and there is a whole lot of action going on in your work efforts, health or pet zone connected to this so go after new work, tackle work at hand, seek raises, spend on health, pets, and pour artistry into the career field. Passion may find you today as well through something connected to all of this money.
Friday brings up emotional energy around legal issues, travel, media or publishing matters, or a class you are teaching or taking. Saturn is testing limits or adding responsibilities through work, health or pets as well so the talks you have today or the agreements you come to, the news you hear or the meetings you have will be focused in on these serious themes. The positive energy is flowing through your creative fields so stress projects or pitches in these fields now and connect with lovers, love interests or children or open talks about these subjects.
GEMINI: (call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)
Monday will offer up positive communication with mom, about home, real estate deals, moves, roommate situations, or security issues while helping you to work through any hidden or buried emotions you have here. Your values will be at play in all that you say or decide now in a big way, open up and don’t be afraid to reconnect with your own past now.
Tuesday you may feel like taking some time to really disconnect and figure a few things out, it’s a bit unsettling to look at love and money issues from the angle you are currently in and you need to feel your way around this a bit all on your own. Look at any challenges that are arising around the legalities, distance, broadcasting, or educational approach in what is happening, then be willing to go after your aim in a new way, this will bring the best results. A friend or group is going to help today in a big way.
Wednesday brings a nice solid link between you and a loved one, something involving a child or on the creative front. If you need to talk about how you feel or write on the creative project, do it now. Something involving your needs at home or with mom/mother figures will be up in the mix at some point today and you will do best to meet the challenge by honestly conveying your needs here.
Thursday is just an all around great energy day with lots of personal mojo for you and any passion you wish to share with a lover, anything creative you want to delve into, time with a child, looking for money to do any of this or ways to spend here, all favored. The day also offers something artistic, romantic, spiritual, or that brings a hospital or other institution into alignment. This should benefit legally, with the media, marketing, publicity, publishing, education, distance involved, or with travel needs.
Friday is about money and how you are earning or spending it. There is something major you need to handle around an outside resource so double check credit cards, debt, settlements, inheritance, and be ready to set some limits or deal with them involving the creative project, child or lover. You will need to talk or meet today about home, moves, mom, or real estate deals and what your needs are in the picture. This in turn could lead to some positive earning potential for you.
CANCER: (call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)
Monday is your day to connect within your social circle, you may need an extra cup of joe to get you through all the communication coming your way but it looks quite positive so enjoy. It’s also a great day to write something up with a friend or group, make a decision or look into a past agreement, or just meet and share the vibe.
Tuesday your social demands remain high but today you will need to contend with something going on at home, with a move, real estate deal, or mom. Whether this involves a friend or group or you have to make some concessions keep your eye on the outside financial resources in the picture. A nice surprise comes through travel, a distance, media, legal, or educational avenues tonight and the talks you have behind closed doors offer something big on the career front.
Wednesday you should try to take some time to yourself, recharge and do any work you need to attend to that draws in the muse, the mystic or just lets you rest or strategize. You can make solid headway on anything serious at home or with security needs today. There may be something you need to say to someone or something that you hear today that will challenge, don’t let ego issues mar what can be a great day otherwise.
Thursday anything you want to pour your spiritual, romantic or artistic nature into should bring a lot of satisfaction and positive results for you. This will play out at home, with moves, roommates or connecting with passion or excitement in the home, as well as open up something powerful financially, through sharing, in intimacy, or in helping you deal with divorce or a major transition someone close is making now.
Friday emotions are rather intense between you and someone significant, there could be a power play in motion and limits or frustrations at home, with moves, mom, real estate deals, or security could as well find their way into the action. You will want to go where the meetings and communications take you as this is the golden field for you today, write, pop off the emails, make the phone calls, pitch the ideas.
LEO: (call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)
Monday is all about the talks or decisions you make regarding money, the pitch you give that generates income, the writing project and how to monetize it, and overall, any communications you can engage in that will pull from past experience or connections and bring you one step closer to earning and raising your career profile, it’s all good.
Tuesday the focus will be career, status, bosses, dad, ambition, and the talk you have with a woman about making some changes here or finding ways to adapt the situation. You will have to deal with a challenge where a relationship is involved in this but the good news is there is something exciting or surprising coming through outside resources, joint finances, an intimate connection, or in settlements or divorce proceedings. If you need to deal with legal issues, travel plans, media/publicity matters, or a class, to it today.
Wednesday is social so connect with friends or groups, pursue your dreams, enjoy the connections. At least one serious talk or meeting could solidify something with a friend or within the group, commit or end it. You will need to deal with making money or money that is between you and a friend or group and this may challenge a bit, whether you are being held back because of lack of funds, money owed or find that spending is out of control.
Thursday the winds shift and you will find that you are doing a lot of stuff locally with a friend or group or that you are talking it up, sharing passion, tackling the money matter, and all of it is coming up positively today. There is also positive energy between the social activities and representatives or partners, friends you partner with or what you bring a partner to do socially today.
Friday emotions are intense over the big things happening with work, health or pets and talks with authority figures or communications that in some way spell out limits or responsibilities. Something that has been brewing behind closed doors is coming out now. Your best bet is to talk about your own needs regarding income or spending and then see what you can make happen on your own, in working behind the scenes, strategizing, researching, or using your imagination.
VIRGO: (call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)
Monday is an all clear to travel, connect with someone far away, open up a dialogue about what you want to do in a media venture, look at contracts from the past or a past project coming up, talk about how to market yourself or any publicity matters, make a decision about schooling whether that is you teaching or taking a class, and pretty much stretch your beliefs around who you were and what you want to take forward from there.
Tuesday again will seize on the travel, education, legal, or media matters but today you will want to handle the woman and money matter in this by making the concessions needed and then do what you can to work around any artistic, spiritual or romantic challenges on the job, with the work, over health issues, or involving animals. Do you need to deal with a hospital or addiction in all of this? Good energy comes in exciting ways through partners, representatives or specialists today and something opens up in a big way through sex, divorce or an outside resource.
Wednesday will align your feelings about ambitious prospects, career, status, and leadership, with a solid way to earn money. Commit to what you can, put in the effort and if you need to spend on promoting your business do so in a slow and steady manner for best results. There is something you need to say about your place in the grand scheme here or over something involving a boss, father, or career that may be a bit challenging, speak up, it’s your story.
Thursday is a whole new picture where career, income and work come together in the most lovely way. You can really get things done today by being proactive, dive in, make it happen and bring your artistry or spirituality into the work you are doing as you will likely be recognized for it, if not today then stemming from today.
Friday brings intense emotions over friendship, aspirations or groups and the powerful shifts going on through creative ventures, with children or lovers/love interests. The money involved will be limited or require more responsibility so be aware of what the real picture is here. A talk about what you want or need is likely, especially where past issues are resurfacing. Later there is great opportunity to speak openly and effectively with a friend or to hear of an opportunity from a friend that should have you feeling better.
LIBRA: (call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)
Monday you should be feeling some pretty deep emotions regarding information you have come by clandestinely or talks or meetings you are having behind closed doors. There is something of a financial or sexual nature to the conversations and the past is back up to be dealt with in some new way. For some of you today offers a chance to reconnect intimately with a past lover in secret.
Tuesday finances, divorce, inheritance, bankruptcy, settlements, or sexual interests are in the mix. Your own needs are going to be front and center as you look at what you need to do to make money or at how your body or image are in some affecting the outcome to a love scenario. There is a tendency to get a bit nostalgic or find yourself in a fog around this today so keep it focused on the work at hand, your own health or time with pets for better times. Someone seems to be coming through for you tonight.
Wednesday brings a commitment, end or something serious that you are going to do about your own well being. Focus on your body, image, identity, and what you really want and then put in the time and effort or end bad habits now. You may feel like you want to hide out a bit or work on your own needs behind closed doors but the trip, media, legal, or educational matter will likely be pulling on your time.
Thursday is as up as yesterday was down. The energy is great and wrapped around you and your needs. There is plenty of action and passion for you and the trip, media project, publicity, legal matter, or class you are taking or teaching is aligned to bring a smile to your face. Find ways to express your creative side, play, enjoy time with children or lovers, it’s all good.
Friday emotions are likely to be intense where home, moves, real estate deals or other security matters are involved. You may be wondering if you will reach your goal and feeling the frustrations personally. You need to write something up or have a talk in private about what you need. Research may aid you as well in a big way, see if something involving your imaginative abilities can come into play and if you can meet or talk to someone in charge.
SCORPIO: (call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)
Monday brings talks or meetings with friends, groups, through networking, social occasions, and over aspirations. You may find that you can represent someone in something or they you, that there is potential to partner, or that you want to share something about your partner with a friend. The past is locking back in as you decide what you want moving forward.
Tuesday the partnership, representation or competition will be the focus and you will need to deal with a woman behind the scenes in something here, see what you can do to bring in money. If there is an institution involved, go around the back to get at the situation. You may be feeling a bit out of alignment where you are living now and that is somehow affecting the relationship, do your best to focus instead on the positive energy around the creative potential with this person or the love or child involved. Talks later tonight about finances and work or health open some big doors.
Wednesday you should focus on the big financial picture, the sex or intimacy, divorce, or something powerfully transformational. Be willing to commit or end something here under this positive and solid flow. Look at what you can do behind closed doors, through investigations, research, imagination, artistry, or dealing with hospitals or other institutions. You need to have a talk about your needs or something about you that is as yet un-divulged with a friend or group. You may be the one learning this yourself.
Thursday the energy lights a great deal and you should find that you either want to spend the day behind closed doors in sexually charged embraces with someone or that you have all kinds of motivation to tackle research, film, music, art projects, spiritual pursuits, hospitals, or any other work you can do alone and in privacy. Home, moves, and anything going on involving property will flow positively, financially or intimately as well.
Friday brings up powerful emotions over someone far away, a trip, media or publishing matters, legal issues, or classes you are taking or teaching. You may hear news today or have a talk or meeting that shines a very intense light here. Look at limits seriously and see what you can work through. Talk with a friend or group, approach them over something or make a decision today regarding them. You will find that they can either help you or show you what you need to do to make it all work.
SAGITTARIUS: (call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)
Monday is an easy flow through work and reaching the goal or gaining recognition, through health and any ambitions you have set here or needs you have to meet with someone in charge, or over pets and what you want to see happen with them. The past figures in what you say or hear, possibly a past boss or position you wanted then and can now decide or agree upon.
Tuesday is all about the work you are doing or going after, your health and any pet matters. You will need to deal with a female friend in one of these realms and see what adjustments can be made so it all works out. Talks can be a bit confusing today if not downright deceptive so be extra vigilant to spell things out and make sure you know exactly what you are agreeing to. Something positive at home or regarding a move, roommate or renovation is in the works. Expansion comes through creative outlets, love or children.
Wednesday the partner, agent, attorney, specialist, or competitor is going to require attention and this is really going to focus on a social event, friendship, or group activity and what you can either commit to or wrap up now. The energy is positive here so put in the effort. You may have a goal in mind with this person that may be challenged a bit today or that shows you any limits, be willing to listen and speak up over what you need.
Thursday the flow is golden and should have you feeling pretty great about an important relationship. You can get really motivated through this connection on the social event and if single you could meet someone significant at a social event. Do something with a group or friend, or in pursuit of an aspiration together. Romance may be in the cards big time today. There is a dreamy vibe in all communications so let them know how you feel and share inspired ideas, meetings aimed at artistry or romance fare well.
Friday may be a bit intense when you get down to the finances in play, how much is going out, how much is someone else contributing, is it all being shared properly, that kind of thing. A group, friend or social occasion seems to be limiting you here or straddling you with a few too many responsibilities so do your best to talk about your goals and personal needs in the situation and see if you can come to an agreement.
CAPRICORN: (call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)
Monday is all about fun, play, love, creativity, or kids. You have permission to combine one or more or all of these themes and you can open up travel, media, education, or legal matters to get to this fun or love or creativity. Have the talk, meet up, share ideas, get out and about and know that your past is going to be showing up interwoven through all of this.
Tuesday is still about the lover/love interest, creative project, fun or recreational opportunity, or child but today you must deal with a woman on the career front to assure you work things out or to handle her needs. Income or spending is a bit in a fog today as well when it comes to loved ones or creative projects so tread lightly here. The positive news could be news, a talk, or exciting and unexpected meeting that is fun, leads to love, brings a love interest onto the scene, or gives you a green light on the creative endeavor. Luck is in the home or real estate matter today.
Wednesday the focus is on work, health or pets and the serious goal or ambition you have before you. The flow is positive so dive in, commit time and effort or wrap something up. Something happening far away, regarding a trip, media or publicity matter, legal issue, or education may get you a bit frustrated over work, health or pets. Do your best to handle any complications through double checking information, past details and messages.
Thursday brings amazing energy around the work you are doing, your health or your pets. You can motivate big time to reach goals, get active on the career front, be recognized for what you contribute, passion and romance could bloom in the midst of all of this or you could find more money attracted to your efforts. Income is aligned with artistic, spiritual or romantic interests and/or hospitals or other institutions so earn or spend in these areas for work, health or pets.
Friday emotions are going to be a bit more than deep when it comes to you and someone significant in your life. Things could change pretty intensely now or you could feel an obsessive or overpowering emotion towards them. This is likely stemming from any limits or frustrations you are experiencing over a shared goal or career agenda. Talk about what you need or make decisions today based on your needs and the trip, media, legal, or educational matter.
AQUARIUS: (call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)
Monday brings positive energy around any talks or meetings over divorce, loans, debt, bankruptcy, settlements, inheritance, insurance, taxes, joint finances, or any other outside resource. Bring up how the home or living situation figures in or tackle this money matter at home or regarding the real estate matter or move. Some of you may enjoy passion with someone intimate today at home as well!
Tuesday will focus on home, renovation, roommates, moves, real estate deals, and any security issues you may have. Today you will need to deal with a woman far away on this matter or one involved in travel, media, legal, or educational matters and see how you can adapt the situation. You may be feeling a bit out of whack today or just more in the mood to fantasize or play in the artistic realm, just do your best to handle home matters as you feel your way through it. Good energy is coming through income, so see if you can earn from home or spend here. Tonight is about talks or meetings with lovers or creative outlets.
Wednesday is all about the creative project, lover or child and something serious you can commit to or wrap up around the travel, media, education, or legal prospects. This is solid and positive so get in there and do it. You may have to deal with an ego issue involving outside financial matters or a divorce, or sexuality and your own needs for love in the situation being met.
Thursday is the fun day with lots of good energy around play, recreation, true love, romance, time with children, or creative outlets. The action is all about what you are doing here today involving the media, travel, education, or making it legal, there is a good tie in with romance and money as well as opening up your own connection to the muse or the mystic, enjoy!
Friday emotions will be intense over health and hospitals, retreat and rest, the work you need to attend to or what is going on with a co-worker, any hidden agendas or compulsive needs. Look at any legal, travel, media, or educational limits and what you can do to work through these. You may want to talk or meet about the divorce, debt, loan, or any other outside resource or joint financial matter. See how this could help you open doors around the work situation, health or pet matter.
PISCES: (call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)
Monday is all about the partner, agent, attorney, specialist, or any dealings with competition. The energy is great and best used to talk, meet, come to understandings over what has happened in the past or over something in the past you wanted to do something with or pull forward.
Tuesday holds talks or meetings over financial matters that are pending and need a bit of adjustment, as well as any matters over divorce or intimacy. You may be speaking with a woman who is going through an enormous life transformation now and again, adjustments are in the mix through what you hear or what is said. Your ruler, Neptune, is messing about in your subconscious today so if you start to feel a bit confused or lost know it is a passing influence, don’t sign agreements today. There is something pretty exciting coming your way later in the day through a local meeting or talk that catches you by surprise. You may also expand earnings today.
Wednesday offers some stability at home or with real estate matters and the outside financial picture, see if you can shore up any debt or investments under this influence. If you’ve been trying to reach a settlement over the home through divorce proceedings or in bankruptcy, put in effort today for good results. A talk with a partner, agent, attorney, or specialist will likely challenge you to come up with new solutions about the home or living situation.
Thursday again brings up home and financial matters but today there is all kinds of positive action going on here so dive in, do what you need to do on the home front to secure the loan or sell the property, tackle the bankruptcy, handle the inheritance, taxes, insurance, you get the picture. Intimacy and outright passion may find it’s way into the home today as well so save some time for romance and excitement. There is great energy around romantic liaisons at home or anything you want to do behind closed doors that connects you to the muse or fantasy.
Friday emotions are focused on a lover/love interest, a child or a creative endeavor. There is something pretty profound going on with a friend or group as well and you will have to do a balancing act to deal with all of it. Saturn is drawing a line in the sand over the finances, divorce, death, or sexual attraction in some way as well. You will need to speak up or meet up with a partner, agent, attorney, specialist, advocate, or the competition, if you do the doors open with the love, creativity or child.
Thursday nites at 5pm pacific/8pm eastern on CBS Radio: http://www.psychiconair.com/pages/5643781.php?
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