Zoe Moon Astrology WEEKLY HOROSCOPES Sept 16-22
CLICK above player to HEAR MORE about the WEEK AHEAD!
VOID MOONS THIS WEEK (Eastern Standard Time):
MONDAY 1:04am-5:39am
TUESDAY no void
WEDNESDAY 5:02am-5:24am
THURSDAY no void
FRIDAY 4:39am-5:03am
SATURDAY no void
SUNDAY 6:14am-6:24am
OUR WEEK AHEAD will be all about the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Pisces with different peaks and valleys taking us through these days, so let’s take a look at it.
MONDAY is about the build-up to the climactic Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on TUESDAY. So, we are more emotional, and things feel more intense today and tomorrow. The focus is vast because it is in Pisces. Our sleep can be impacted with more dreams or sleeplessness, feeling drained or sad, focused on the past or past life energy. It can be a highly spiritual couple of days when signs and messages come in from beyond the veil. It can stir the muse and bring music, painting, film, and glamour into the story in some climactic way. It can show us what has been swept under the rug, hidden, deceptive, or secretive as things out themselves. It is karmic so cycles may be wrapping up or new ones starting to show themselves or a rebalancing of the karmic give and take is up for debate. It is about romantic interludes and past life unions at their zenith. It is about institutions, bad habits, self-sabotaging tendencies, or addictions culminating. It is about research, recuperation, or investigation at its peak. It is surreal, ephemeral, magical, delusional, boundaryless, watery, and/or completely otherworldly. On MONDAY it is asking us to think of what we need to know, to hear, to say, to ask for in the story with one of these Piscean themes above that is culminating for each of us. On TUESDAY it is asking us to look at the reality verses the fantasy, getting serious, giving ourselves some fresh starts, and looking at what makes us happy or brings growth through these realms. The Full Moon Lunar Eclipse peaks by 10:34pm Eastern so we are at the peak of breakthroughs, wrap-ups, celebrations, endings, or achievements in one or more of these arenas in life. If you have not listened to the Show I did all about this Eclipse you really should give a listen: The Zoe Moon Astrology FULL MOON LUNAR ECLIPSE Weekly Show 09/13 by Zoe Moon | Self Help (blogtalkradio.com)
WEDNESDAY we stay in the Trigger Field of this Eclipse, actually through FRIDAY and so we continue to see things climaxing in these realms although the biggest moment should have occurred on Tuesday. WEDNESDAY picks back up on the talks, ideas, or decisions and how important it is to commit to what we are going to do in reality to make the dream go the way we want it to go. We have to be serious with others today, set boundaries, make commitments, end what is done, structure support, get ambitious, make a promise. The ego comes back into the story under the Aries Moon and we are ready to go deeper, purge, fight for what we want, and make changes that help get us there. There could be some letting off of steam at home today/tonight so take care that any anger, frustration or passion is not misdirected.
THURSDAY still in the Trigger Field of the Eclipse we are still feeling what is at its height with our artistic, romantic, spiritual, magical, deceptive, secretive, addictive, karmic, institutional, research, or investigative scenarios. We have potential today to have talks or make decisions that are favorable. There is also something brewing when it comes to getting in there and doing the work or taking steps towards our health, animals, paperwork, or what’s possible with hired help, or co-workers. We may do something last minute or innovative with income, purchases, or possessions today that is in flow.
FRIDAY is the last day of the Trigger Field with the Eclipse, and we are definitely being asked to put ourselves into the story and find a balance with what is at its peak in the Pisces arenas and what we can do about said work, health, animals, paperwork, hired help, or co-workers. Taurus Moon pushes us to follow the things we value and to be in our values and value others. Slow and steady wins the race today and by tonight we should be back in flow with what we are doing at home or with family, or on an emotional level.
SATURDAY we are carrying over whatever we got into on Friday and it is in flow. The positive is that we come out from under some of the intensity that the Eclipse brought our way. Today and on SUNDAY love requires some added effort. Do what is possible to soften the edges and come out from hiding or that secretive place and open up. There are some deep chasms ready to be plummeted and it is only happening if we all participate. I’m afraid if we’re not ready to face a thing or two over this weekend it is not going to go so well. The same goes for anything involving income needs, things of beauty, or our pleasures. Be flexible and ready to dive into the unconscious.
SUNDAY also has 2 planets changing signs. First, the Sun enters Libra at 8:44am Eastern and will tour this sign of relationship now through Oct 22nd. This puts the spotlight on partners, clients, specialists, representatives, competitors, advocates, and other key players. It is our turn to get in there physically or personally with them, pursue our interests and shine. Next, at 10:36pm Eastern Venus moves into Scorpio and will tour here until Oct 17th. Venus is heading down into the underworld for a few weeks to unearth a thing or two about love, money, beauty, or pleasure. She will be digging for the truth, tackling power, control or jealousy in the mix, working through third party situations, looking at shared or outside financial resources in the mix, focusing on sexual attractions or disfunctions, births or deaths, divorce, or criminality in the mix, and she’s going to be intense. Gemini Moon will assist today in getting us into conversations or helping us think through something about these new placements, here we go.
If you’d like to inquire about BOOKING A READING to look into your personal chart and what’s on the horizon, email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com and I’ll send you the information about what a reading involves, the rates and when we might get started!
If you’d like to help support this work you can buy Zoe a coffee, it’s much appreciated!

The SEPTEMBER MONTHLY HOROSCOPES: Zoe Moon Astrology: Zoe Moon Astrology SEPTEMBER MONTHLY Horoscopes 2024
The SEPTEMBER MONTHLY Show #1 for signs Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, & Capricorn: Zoe Moon Astrology HealthyLife.Net Radio Show Archive
The SEPTEMBER MONTHLY Show #2 for signs Aquarius & Pisces:
The SEPTEMBER MONTHLY Show #3 for Sagittarius:
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