Thursday, October 12, 2023



I need to talk to you about what is currently going on and about changes I am making personally so please hang in with me. It is enraging and heart-wrenching what is going on right now in the Middle East. The images and stories are brutal and terrifying and as a collective conscious we are being hit with a terrible stream of unspeakable acts of hatred and aggression. There is for each of us, in this, a choice to make about good and evil. Whether you believe this is occurring exactly as being broadcast as a result of one group against another or you believe there is a third-party of powerful people who orchestrated these terrible acts and/or is puppeteering them to keep us all at each other's throats while they maintain power, it's still happening. My writing about this is as per usual to show you the energy at play and what it might mean for the long haul or up ahead so that we can work with what occurs as best we can, so from this point forward that is what I am trying to lay out without letting my own emotions get in the way of sharing this with you. We have a stream of aggressive, active astrological energy triggering each other and the activation of these combinations are all tied together, running from Sept 30-Oct 14, then reactivating at the second Eclipse around the 28th as Mars reactivates, making October a month of tremendous forces in play.

How it lays out: between Sept 30 and Oct 1st, Mars, the energy of passion, action, war, and blood, in the sign of allies and open enemies, activated Uranus, planet of the collective, technology, revolution, groups, and shocking changes. Between the 4th and 5th Mars still in the sign of allies and enemies and Neptune in the sign of secrets, karmic matters, and hidden agendas activated, followed by tense squares from Mars, still in the sign of allies and enemies, with the Moon (emotions, the land and the public) and Pluto (power, death and transformation) over the weekend of Oct 7-8th. Pluto, ruler of power, death and rebirth, went direct on Tuesday the 10th, shifting into forward gear, in the sign of leadership, the establishment and goals. Mars the ruler of passion, action, war, and blood, moved into Scorpio, (ruled by Pluto), the sign of power, death and rebirth, this morning, Oct 12th, to tour here until Nov 24th. Mars is then active today and Friday with Saturn, ruler of the establishment, leadership and goals, in Pisces, the place of hidden or secretive and karmic things. And we have a Solar Eclipse in Libra on Saturday (we are in the trigger field now for it, overlaying all of this and magnifying it) in the sign of allies and open enemies. And you may recall that I told you guys a while back that Pluto shifting into forward gear would be about massive change through power, death, leadership, financial matters, the establishment, or third-parties as he is at the tail end of Capricorn, a story that began in 2008, and is now throwing everything but the kitchen sink at grabbing for power through ruthlessness as the story winds out now through Jan 21, 2024 and reappears one last time Sept 1-Nov 19, 2024. So please, when one of the leaders calls for a global action involving all of these topics to occur on Friday the 13th, and he did, do take it seriously and be extra cautious out there. For those who believe in version A of what is occurring and that it is about one group attacking another and now they battle, or version B that a group of powerful people as a hidden third party have used Machiavellian tactics to do these things as a way to ignite battle between sides so that they could maintain power, either way we could see an escalation of brutality happening Friday and over this weekend under this Eclipse, and either way they have and are occurring, so we need to be careful.

On a personal note, yes, when a fight is brought to one's door or one sees evil in the world, one is called upon to act to protect and thwart. At the same time, I find it most urgent that we pray for all of humanity now, through this terrible time. There HAS been ascension in consciousness, we have been rising vibrationally, and an overwhelming number of us across the globe want good for everyone. I do believe our recent rise in consciousness and love for each other far, far outweighs the destructive nature being spurred on at present by those in high places. We are witnessing atrocities, and it is a soul-testing time, it's been crippling for so many and so this is not an easy thing to do in the midst of it all. So, as we are pushed to step up, to protect, to defend, to be truly in the Saturn-reality of the situations looming, the Mars combative state, the Pluto destruction and rebirth, try to equally put in time and energy to bring the Light forward to counterbalance as much as we can, be present in ways that might relieve suffering in real-world ways and pray because contrary to current propaganda, prayer in mass is the most powerful thing granted us here on Earth to change stories unfolding.

Now, is anything as it seems? Quite unlikely with Neptune in Pisces. Nothing has been as it seems since 2011 and we do not exit this field until the beginning of 2026. Is the world a powder keg? I've covered that in posts over the past few years noting what was coming and that we have for the first time in a very long time, outer slow-moving planets returning to roost in the signs that led, here in America, to the Revolutionary and Civil Wars the last time they were in play, both will be overlapping this time. This really becomes clear (if you haven't noticed by now) between 2024-2026 with April and July 2024 times to watch. Since Pluto/Scorpio also hold rulership over the financial systems we can be sure that they are at the core of much of the conflagration that presents over this period as well. Could the war in the Middle East resolve and we then wait for whatever the next round might be next spring/summer, yes, anything is possible, especially with prayer aimed at this Eclipse energy this weekend. It could 1) eclipse out the open enemy side of things in favor of balance moving forward (Eclipse in Libra) or 2) it could continue on course wanting to eclipse out the enemy in the name of justice moving forward (Eclipse in Libra). Either way, the energy of the cosmos and its divine clock are not easing up, but rather revving up so we then move into what comes next in the series unfolding and this is why prayer is so FREAKING IMPORTANT RIGHT NOW. What the astrological wheel/clock is locking into place can become a rapid fire that consumes all if we do not combat it with Light, PLEASE PRAY.

Signs? We had a sign in Heaven in 2017 that was the only one over the past couple of thousand years to display the signs spoken of in Revelations 12:1-12:5, we are between two important Eclipses that cross the U.S. dividing it into sections, the first in 2017, the completion of this pattern 7 years later in 2024, and then the UNs agenda 2030 carrying our last 7 years, these just agreed upon officially by world leadership in September this year. The red heifers of Israel are being readied to sacrifice. We're told biblically that the opening 7 years are when we are to store up because the final 7 years, we will find things hard to come by (to say the least) and I'm assuming most of you have noticed that we are winding down from the first 7 years as our supply chains and other factors are being manipulated as we get closer to entering this last 7 years. These are just a few of the signs.

Down here on earth we have a few individuals buying up most of our farmland in the US who fervently espouse eugenics, cultivate crops with pesticides and vaxs inside them, and are introducing 'let them eat bugs' going forward. We see floods of fighting age men to the tune of millions over borders in most countries, a cry to defund our police, legislate the releasing of criminals without bail, I mean you can be willfully ignorant of what is being set in place if that is the way you find you can deal with it, and trust me it's human nature to need to tune this out from time to time, but to deny it now seems self-sabotaging in the face of what is coming.

I've been debating my own role in this story for a while now, (as I'm sure all of you do as this gets crazier and crazier) and have come to believe for myself that posting the astrology about it has come to an end. Although I have already written the Weekly Forecast for the week ahead and the Monthly Forecasts until the end of the year. I have given you what I can about getting prepared and doing our part to give Light and Love back out in the world and you now know what is coming. You have all given me so much back in return and I am always so amazed at how much soul you have in sharing your own insights and helping better what is taking place as well as teaching me along the way. I'll be eternally grateful to have you in my life. As some of you know, I have been targeted by some on the darker side of energy through my attempts to prepare others and to bring some kind of uplifting Light around it, so I am asking for your prayers in this transitional time for me as well. Moving forward from here I will be posting prayers Daily or Weekly that I believe will align with the current energy and stand as some kind of beacon before God that we are trying to live up to our potential at this volatile time on planet Earth. I invite you to join me, to contribute your beautiful Light to them, and to hold the line as we move forward. When times are most intense, I will chime in with astrological insights and/or timing or maybe I'll just lean into the more worldly astrological side of the story. I don't know what the balance will be between prayer and astrology now as I will feel it out as I go forward but I have decided to make the change now. It has been a privilege to interact with all of you over the past 15 years in this body of work. I do hope you move forward with me and embrace this new approach. God bless us all.

If you'd like to help support me during this transition, you can always buy me a coffee here, it's much appreciated:           Buy Me A Coffee

As far as private readings go, for a while I will still do them, but I will be transitioning over time into more of a focus on what each person's role may be as we enter this period and how best to take care of ourselves and others, etc. Booking readings can be done through sending me a message asking about the details for a reading here: and I will respond as best I can.

PRAYER TODAY is 'May the strength of our combined prayer be heard by God. May the vibrational force of our combined intention and love move the world towards healing.' PRAYER TIME will here forward be between 12-12:05pm Eastern/9-9:05am Pacific. See you there! 



The OCTOBER MONTHLY ASTRO SHOW for Aries-Sagittarius (first 9 signs):

The OCTOBER MONTHLY ASTRO SHOW for Capricorn, Aquarius & Pisces:


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