VOID MOONS THIS WEEK (Eastern Standard Time):
MONDAY no void moon
TUESDAY 9:45pm-midnightp>
WEDNESDAY 12am-2:12am
THURSDAY 3:16pm-midnight
FRIDAY 12am-2:49am
SATURDAY 10:11pm-midnight
SUNDAY 12am-214am
Merry Christmas week everyone! Our week starts out with Scorpio Moon leading the way on MONDAY. This helps us with our intimacy, changes, financial interests, or triangles. Today we revisit past or ongoing passions, anger or activities in our local arenas, with our neighbors, siblings, moves, short trips, vehicles, electronics, or sales, or with talks, meetings, or decisions with an eye on being flexible or making adjustments in the situation. There is also potential after this adjustment to open up when it comes to goals about love or money, beauty or pleasure, door open.
TUESDAY Jupiter moves back into Aries at 9:32am Eastern where he will now tour until May 16th. This is a window that favors what we do to take charge of expanding our horizons, being more adventurous, taking steps towards our happiness or prosperity, and doing what we might want to do about legal, travel, educational, media, ceremonial, religious, or political interests. So, what might you do of a personal nature or what does your physical involvement look like here, or could you apply yourselves through a look at your image, body, brand, title, name, or needs in the story towards growth? It starts now.
WEDNESDAY the Sun moves into Capricorn at 4:48pm Eastern for a 30-day tour here. This marks the Winter Solstice so happy winter! We are showing up, getting involved or pursuing our interests in a more serious, goal-oriented, or responsible way, or we find ourselves dealing with rules, regulations, limits, endings, commitments, or ambitions during this 30-day period. It is about showing up and getting more personally or physically involved with career, status, fame, personal goals, or higher-up individuals. It’s about promoting ourselves, involving our name, title, brand image, body, or needs in this story, standing out and leading ourselves forward. Today the Sun in its new position in Capricorn squares Jupiter in its new placement in Aries. We are therefore showing up for this goal, career matter or authority figure and going bigger with the travel, legal, educational, media, ceremonial, religious, or political interests in the mix.
THURSDAY may lean into travel or distant situations, learning, teaching, law, media, ceremonies, happiness, prosperity, adventure, or religious or political interests. This is in flow with friends, groups, the internet, or aspirations, while testing us when it comes to rest, recuperation, secrets, addictions, institutions, research, artistry, spirituality, or romantic needs in the mix.
FRIDAY is the Super New Moon at 1 degree of Capricorn. This kicks in at 5:17am Eastern and will hold sway in the potential we have for what comes next over the next 2 weeks. The focus here is on personal goals, career interests, the boss, parent, judge, director, mentor, or other authority figures in our lives, our status, or fame. Look at what you would like to start that is brand new here or how you might like to take current interests in these areas forward. You have a cosmic boost behind it.
The WEEKEND is one of the more solid, yet magical, I’ve seen in some time for Christmas Eve Day and Christmas Day. SATURDAY, Christmas Eve Day, the Moon in Capricorn, with its New Moon momentum gathered up, is meeting with Venus, then Mercury, then Pluto, all on the same degree in Capricorn. It will also form an opportunity alignment with Neptune in Pisces, while Mercury and Neptune align themselves between Capricorn and Pisces opening up an opportunity, wow. So, talks, short trips, meetings, love, money, beauty, and pleasure are solid, inspired, magical, dreamy, generous, hopeful, and deep. SUNDAY, Christmas Day, the Moon heads into Aquarius in the wee hours and aligns with Jupiter in Aries, as well as Mars in Gemini throughout the day, both in positive flow. So we might be more social on this day or feeling our aspirations, online pursuits, or charitable interests coming to the forefront. This brings out our own generosity, sense of adventure, happiness, or growth, while opening up talks, meetings, short trips, proposals, offers, or decisions that bring out our passion or help us take action on something in our do-over, door open. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays <3 p=""> 3>
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MONDAY is a good day to dig into things and bring them up for more intimacy, or to purge them once and for all. This may help you with love or money, beauty or pleasure, anger or actions needed to come to an understanding. Jupiter moves back into your sign on TUESDAY where he will now tour until May 16th. This should help bring up more optimism within yourself and help you when it comes to expanding your horizons over the months ahead. You may wish to start out by focusing on your body image, brand, name, title, or needs. Possibilities may lie with learning, teaching, certification, travel, legal, media, ceremonial, religious, or political realms. WEDNESDAY the Sun moves into your Midheaven where he'll tour the next 30 days. This brings Winter with the Winter Solstice and kicks off a period that asks you to get more personally or physically involved with personal goals, career, status, fame, or authority figures. It can help you stand out and shine so make the most of it. Today the Sun will square Jupiter in your sign so something big is going on for you between Tuesdays and Wednesday’s themes. THURSDAY puts you into flow with love or money goals, higher up types, purchases, possessions, gifts, social scenarios, or online pursuits. The Moon in Sagittarius gets you into travel or distant situations, legal or educational pursuits, media or ceremonial interests, or religion or politics, or you may just want to go bigger with your own happiness or prosperity today. This is in flow with friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, or gatherings, but tests you regarding institutions, research, secrets, addictions, karmic matters, artistry, spirituality, or romance. FRIDAY brings the New Moon in your zone of career, status, fame, personal life goals, and/or authority figures. You now have 2 weeks of cosmic boost to help you start something new here or take current interests forward into what comes next. SATURDAY keeps you in this New Moon forward motion with goals, career or authority figures. This opens up talks, short trips, sales, writing, meetings, offers, or decisions, along with love, money, beauty, pleasures, or any artistic, romantic, spiritual, institutional, recuperative, third-party influences that flow and bring opportunity. SUNDAY your focus is on friends, groups, gatherings, the internet, astrology, charities, or aspirations. This is in flow with your own involvement or needs, opening up big opportunities if you want to pursue them, and bringing potential to communicate about old passions, anger or actions with the promise of readdressing something here. Merry Christmas Aries! <3 p=""> 3>
If you’d like to inquire about booking a reading to look into your personal chart and what’s on the horizon, email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com and I’ll send you the information about what a reading involves, the rates and when we might get started!If the Daily info clicked for you, consider supporting this work and buying Zoe a coffee, coffee rocks!

DECEMBER MONTHLY ASTROLOGY show for 11 signs ARIES-AQUARIUS: http://healthylife.net/RadioShow/archiveZM.htm
DECEMBER MONTHLY ASTROLOGY show for PISCES: https://www.blogtalkradio.com/zoemoon/2022/11/18/the-december-monthly-for-pisces
MONDAY is a good day for you with partners, clients, specialists, representatives, or other relationships. You’ll want to be flexible when it comes to what’s happening with income, purchases, gifts, or possessions, but open to love or money, beauty or pleasure with them as opportunities open up after the give and take. You may bring travel, legal, educational, media, ceremonial, religious, or political interests into it if you’d like. TUESDAY Jupiter re-enters Aries where he will now wrap up his tour now through May 16th. This is a period of personal or physical growth for you through what you are doing in development, through research, with your dreams, imagination or investigations, with institutions, tackling addictions or bad habits, or pursing artistic interests, spiritual practices, or romance. What do you need to be happy or prosperous here? Do you need some adventure in your life in these areas? Could you make it legal or travel to kick it off? Is there something in media, marketing or educational pursuits that would open it up? What about your beliefs, could you bring religious, political or philosophical elements into it? Jupiter is in Aries once every 12 years for about a year, this is the second part of that year-long tour so make the most of it while it’s here! WEDNESDAY the Sun heads into Capricorn, marking the Winter Solstice (Happy Winter), and kicking off 30 days of spotlight on what you are doing with travel, distant, legal, educational, media, ceremonial, religious, or political interests. It’s about you showing up and pursuing your interest, involving your name, brand, title, or needs, or standing out in some way. Today this squares Jupiter in Aries so it is big and involves what we talked about for Tuesday in this story, as you push yourself forward. THURSDAY you have flow with the travel, distant, legal, educational, media, ceremonial, religious, or political interests. Look for excitement or spontaneity, love or income, beauty or pleasure in the story. The Moon in Sagittarius is focusing on financial, sexual, divorce, triangles, or reproductive matters today or you may be purging, making changes or transforming things. This is in flow with personal goals, career or authority figures but a bit shady with friends, groups or online. FRIDAY is the New Moon in your zone of travel, distant, legal, educational, media, marketing, ceremonial, religious, and political matters. This opens up 2 weeks of forward motion with a bit more cosmic boost behind it that is helping you to start something new or take current interests into what comes next in these areas. It kicks in at 5:17am Eastern so off you go! SATURDAY keeps your New Moon energy front and center, so you are engaged in talks, meetings, short trips, sales, writing, love, beauty, financial, or shared interests so look for this going on with what you are doing with its themes. This is adding fresh start energy and opening up possibilities with friends, groups, online, or with aspirations in the mix. SUNDAY is focused on personal goals, career or parents, bosses, or other higher ups. This is generous and happy or growth oriented, opportune, linked to recuperative, romantic, spiritual, artistic, institutional, or research interests in open ways, and in flow with income, purchases, gifts, or possessions and what you are doing here today. Merry Christmas Taurus! <3 p=""> 3>
If you’d like to inquire about booking a reading to look into your personal chart and what’s on the horizon, email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com and I’ll send you the information about what a reading involves, the rates and when we might get started!If the Daily info clicked for you, consider supporting this work and buying Zoe a coffee, coffee rocks!

DECEMBER MONTHLY ASTROLOGY show for 11 signs ARIES-AQUARIUS: http://healthylife.net/RadioShow/archiveZM.htm
DECEMBER MONTHLY ASTROLOGY show for PISCES: https://www.blogtalkradio.com/zoemoon/2022/11/18/the-december-monthly-for-pisces
MONDAY is good for getting work done or pursuing work, focusing on your health or what’s going on with animals, cleaning, organizing, or getting busy with co-workers, hired help or paperwork. You’ll have to be willing to bend a bit on a personal or physical level or when it comes to your name on the dotted line, your title, or needs at first but you should then find you are in flow financially, sexually or with third-party situations, or with love, beauty, or pleasure in the mix. On TUESDAY Jupiter moves into Aries to wrap up the second half of his tour here, now through May 16th. This is a period of personal or physical growth for you through what you are doing with your personal aspirations, original projects, friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, or gatherings. What do you need to be happy or prosperous here? Do you need some adventure in your life in these areas? Could you make it legal or travel to kick it off? Is there something in media, marketing or educational pursuits that would open it up? What about your beliefs, could you bring religious, political or philosophical elements into it? Jupiter is in Aries once every 12 years for about a year, this is the second part of that year-long tour so make the most of it while it’s here! WEDNESDAY the Sun enters your zone of loans, debt, inheritance, taxes, insurance, alimony, child support, a partner’s money, or other financial interests, as well as your zone of sexual interests, reproductive needs, birth, death, divorce, and third-party interests. This is your time to show up, get more personally or physically involved, pursue your interests, and stand out in these areas. Today this squares Jupiter in his new placement in Aries so there is something big going on here tied to yesterday’s topics that pushes you harder or takes it over the top. THURSDAY you find your flow with yesterday’s topics through love or income, beauty or pleasures and something exciting or surprising and in flow with artistic, romantic, spiritual, institutional, or research interests. The Moon is focused on your relationships, so you are emotionally charged with partners, clients, specialists, reps, or other key players. This is in flow with travel, legal, educational, media, ceremonial, distant, religious, or political themes, just don’t push too hard when it comes to a personal goal, career need or authority figure in the mix with them. FRIDAY is the New Moon in your zone of financial, sexual, reproductive, mortality, divorce, and third-party stories. This kicks in at 5:17am Eastern and opens up 2 weeks of cosmic boost behind moving these things forward or starting something new here. SATURDAY keeps you in that New Moon focus and brings lots of opportunities tied to its topics through talks, meetings, short trips, love, income, sales, beauty, pleasure, or decisions, along with potential with artistic, romantic or spiritual goals, career momentum or a parent, boss or other authority figure in the mix. SUNDAY turns your focus to travel or distant, legal or educational, media or ceremonial, or religious or political interests. It is in flow with what you are doing or what you want as well as with friends, groups, online, with aspirations, or gatherings, Merry Christmas Gemini! <3 p=""> 3>
If you’d like to inquire about booking a reading to look into your personal chart and what’s on the horizon, email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com and I’ll send you the information about what a reading involves, the rates and when we might get started!If the Daily info clicked for you, consider supporting this work and buying Zoe a coffee, coffee rocks!

DECEMBER MONTHLY ASTROLOGY show for 11 signs ARIES-AQUARIUS: http://healthylife.net/RadioShow/archiveZM.htm
DECEMBER MONTHLY ASTROLOGY show for PISCES: https://www.blogtalkradio.com/zoemoon/2022/11/18/the-december-monthly-for-pisces
MONDAY is goof for getting creative, recreating, or being active with the kids or lover. You’ll have to be flexible when it comes to institutions or research in the mix, or with recuperative needs, artistic, romantic, or spiritual matters, or addictive qualities in the story at first, but this then gives way to opportunities with partners, clients, specialists, representatives, or other quality relationships in the mix. TUESDAY Jupiter heads back into Aries at 9:32am Eastern. He will now tour here through May 16th. This is a period of personal or physical growth for you through what you are doing with personal goals, status, fame, career, or a boss, parent, judge, director, mentor, or other authority figure. What do you need to be happy or prosperous here? Do you need some adventure in your life in these areas? Could you make it legal or travel to kick it off? Is there something in media, marketing or educational pursuits that would open it up? What about your beliefs, could you bring religious, political or philosophical elements into it? Jupiter is in Aries once every 12 years for about a year, this is the second part of that year-long tour so make the most of it while it’s here! WEDNESDAY the Sun heads into your relationship zone, kicking off the Winter Solstice, Happy Winter, and a 30-day tour through your zone of partners, clients, specialists, agents, attorneys, competitors, advocates, or other relationships. This is your cue to show up and get more personally or physically involved in with these folk, pursuing your interests or making it about your body, image, brand name, or title with them. Today this squares the new Jupiter placement, so you have something to wrestle with in a big way here with yesterday’s topics. THURSDAY you have flow with the relationships and social interests, online pursuits, aspirations, or original projects. This involves love or money, beauty or pleasure, excitement or spontaneity and is in flow. You also have focus on work, health or animals, cleaning or organizing, or paperwork, hired help, or co-workers. This is open to financial, sexual or third-party influences but out of sorts with travel, legal, educational, media, ceremonial, religious, or political themes. FRIDAY is the New Moon in your zone of partners, clients, specialists, agents, attorneys, competitors, advocates, and the like. This opens up 2 weeks of forward momentum and cosmic boost behind starting something new or taking current interests forward into what comes next so be proactive! SATURDAY keeps your New Moon momentum going with those key figures. Today there is a lot of opportunity and fresh-start energy through talks, meetings, sales, short trips, love, beauty, pleasure, income, or third-party involvement with them, as well as doors open when it comes to travel, distant, legal, educational, media, ceremonial, religious, or political matters in the mix. SUNDAY focuses on deep connections, intimacy, financial matters, purging, changing, evolving, scenarios. The flow is positive from these topics so you may involve big goals, career objects, or happiness or prosperity with a boss, parent or other higher-up, as well as making a lot happening artistically, romantically, spiritually, or with recuperative, imaginative, institutional, or research interests, doors open. Merry Christmas Cancer! <3 p=""> 3>
If you’d like to inquire about booking a reading to look into your personal chart and what’s on the horizon, email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com and I’ll send you the information about what a reading involves, the rates and when we might get started!If the Daily info clicked for you, consider supporting this work and buying Zoe a coffee, coffee rocks!

DECEMBER MONTHLY ASTROLOGY show for 11 signs ARIES-AQUARIUS: http://healthylife.net/RadioShow/archiveZM.htm
DECEMBER MONTHLY ASTROLOGY show for PISCES: https://www.blogtalkradio.com/zoemoon/2022/11/18/the-december-monthly-for-pisces
MONDAY looks good for home projects, family get-togethers, or anything else that is at the root of your chart. You’ll have to also deal with social activities, online interests or other aspirations with an eye on give and take between these to. Once you get past that there are lots of opportunities for love or money, beauty or pleasure here through co-workers, hired help, health interests, animals, your job, or paperwork in the mix. TUESDAY Jupiter re-enters Aries where eh will now wrap up his tour now through May 16th. This is a period of personal or physical growth for you through learning, teaching, getting certified, legal pursuits, travel, distant situations, media, marketing, ceremonies, religion, or politics. What do you need to be happy or prosperous here? Do you need some adventure in your life in these areas? What might bring you growth? Jupiter is in Aries once every 12 years for about a year, this is the second part of that year-long tour so make the most of it while it’s here! WEDNESDAY the Sun enters Capricorn, marking the Winter Solstice, Happy Winter, and kicking off 30 days of spotlight on your work, health, animals, paperwork, hired help, or co-workers. This is your cue to show up, get more personally or physically involved, take the lead and make it about you in these areas. Today this squares Jupiter in his new position so look at yesterday's situation and release you may have something big still to tend to today about it. THURSDAY keeps you in flow with work, health, animals, paperwork, hired help, or co-workers, especially about love or income flow, beauty or pleasure, and the exciting goals going on. There is also focus on kids, lovers, creative ventures, or recreational pursuits today. This links to partners, clients, specialists, reps, or other significant relationships in serious or ambitious opportunities but tests you over financial, sexual or third-party influences. FRIDAY is the New Moon in this zone of work, health, animals, paperwork, hired help, and co-workers so you now have 2 weeks of cosmic boost that can help you to launch into something new in these areas or take current situations forward into what comes next. SATURDAY keeps your New Moon momentum going, bringing talks, meetings, sales, offers, short trips, love, income, beauty, or pleasure in to the story, as well as opportunities that look financial, sexual or involve third-parties. SUNDAY is about the partner, clients, specialists, representatives, advocates, or other key players. This is in flow with travel or distant situations, media or educational pursuits, ceremonies, religion, or politics, and anything social, online or with gatherings. Merry Christmas Leo! <3 p=""> 3>
If you’d like to inquire about booking a reading to look into your personal chart and what’s on the horizon, email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com and I’ll send you the information about what a reading involves, the rates and when we might get started!If the Daily info clicked for you, consider supporting this work and buying Zoe a coffee, coffee rocks!

DECEMBER MONTHLY ASTROLOGY show for 11 signs ARIES-AQUARIUS: http://healthylife.net/RadioShow/archiveZM.htm
DECEMBER MONTHLY ASTROLOGY show for PISCES: https://www.blogtalkradio.com/zoemoon/2022/11/18/the-december-monthly-for-pisces
MONDAY looks busy with talks or meetings, short trips, writing, sales, or interviews. Some of you may be focused on siblings, neighbors, moves, vehicles, or electronics, it’s all 3rd house stuff. You’ll need to be adaptive when it comes to goals or career needs or the boss or other authority figure but once you are past this you find opportunities open up with creative ventures, lovers, kids, or recreational pursuits in the mix. TUESDAY Jupiter re-enters Aries where he will now wrap up his tour now through May 16th. This is a period of personal or physical growth for you through what you are doing with financial interests, (insurance, taxes, loans, debt, inheritance, bankruptcy, or other such sources), or with your sex life, reproductive interests, a divorce, or third-party situations. What do you need to be happy or prosperous here? Do you need some adventure in your life in these areas? Could you make it legal or travel to kick it off? Is there something in media, marketing or educational pursuits that would open it up? What about your beliefs, could you bring religious, political or philosophical elements into it? Jupiter is in Aries once every 12 years for about a year, this is the second part of that year-long tour so make the most of it while it’s here! WEDNESDAY the Sun heads into your zone of lovers, kids, creativity, and fun. This marks the Winter Solstice, happy winter, and kicks off 30 days of spotlight on you in these arenas. It’s your cue to show up, get more personally or physically involved, pursue your own needs, and shine. Today this is in square to yesterday’s Jupiter move so you’ll have something bigger to contend with involving those themes today. THURSDAY puts you into flow with lovers, kids, creativity, fun, income, beauty, or pleasure. It links to something exciting through travel or distance, legal or educational, media or ceremonial, or religious or political realms. You also have a lot going on at home, with family, roommates, property matters, or history today. This may test you a bit when it comes to partners, reps, clients, specialists, or competitors in the mix, but it is in flow with your work or health interests, your animals, paperwork, hired help, or co-workers. FRIDAY is the New Moon in your zone of true love and lovers, creative ventures, children, and recreation, so you now have 2 weeks of cosmic boost helping you to launch into something new or take current scenarios into what comes next in these arenas. SATURDAY keeps your New Moon momentum going, opening up potential to talk or meet about it, take short trips, write, focus on sales, the love, beauty, money, or pleasures, and linking these topics to partners, clients, specialists, agents, attorneys, or other key relationships. SUNDAY puts you in flow with work or health pursuits, your animals, paperwork, hired help, or co-workers. It should help you set or reach goals, involve higher ups, career interests, financial matters, sexual attractions, or third-party interests, doors open. Merry Christmas Virgo! <3 p=""> 3>
If you’d like to inquire about booking a reading to look into your personal chart and what’s on the horizon, email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com and I’ll send you the information about what a reading involves, the rates and when we might get started!If the Daily info clicked for you, consider supporting this work and buying Zoe a coffee, coffee rocks!

DECEMBER MONTHLY ASTROLOGY show for 11 signs ARIES-AQUARIUS: http://healthylife.net/RadioShow/archiveZM.htm
DECEMBER MONTHLY ASTROLOGY show for PISCES: https://www.blogtalkradio.com/zoemoon/2022/11/18/the-december-monthly-for-pisces
MONDAY looks busy when it comes to earning money, making purchases, your possessions, gifts, or products. You’ll have to bend a bit when it comes to travel, legal, educational, media, ceremonial, religious, or political interests but once you get past this there is opportunity for love, money, beauty, or pleasure at home or with family, roommates, or property matters. TUESDAY Jupiter re-enters Aries where eh will now wrap up his tour now through May 16th. This is a period of personal or physical growth for you through what you are doing with partners, clients, specialists, representatives, competitors, advocates, or other important relationships. What do you need to be happy or prosperous here? Do you need some adventure in your life in these areas? Could you make it legal or travel to kick it off? Is there something in media, marketing or educational pursuits that would open it up? What about your beliefs, could you bring religious, political or philosophical elements into it? Jupiter is in Aries once every 12 years for about a year, this is the second part of that year-long tour so make the most of it while it’s here! WEDNESDAY the Sun enters your zone of home, family, parents, roommates, moves, renovations, and real estate deals. This marks the Winter Solstice, happy winter, and kicks off 30 days of spotlight on you in these areas. It’s your cue to show up, get more personally or physically involved, and pursue your own interests while you shine in these interests. Today this squares Jupiter in your zone of relationships so there is something frictional going big between your involvement at home, with family, real estate , or roommates, and these key players. THURSDAY Venus is active at home, with family, in real estate deals, or with roommates so look for the love or money, beauty or pleasure here. There is something exciting going on with a financial, sexual, or third-party influence here that is in flow. You also have more going on with talks, meetings, short trips, or decisions today. This is testing you over work, health, animals, paperwork, hired help, or co-workers, but opening up opportunities with lovers, kids, creative ventures, or recreational pursuits, have fun. FRIDAY is the New Moon in your zone of home, real estate deals, moves, renovations, family, parents, and roommates. You now have 2 weeks of forward momentum that can help you to start something new here or take current situations into what comes next. SATURDAY keeps you going with your New Moon topics. Today there is a ton of opportunity and fresh start energy around it. It opens up talks, short trips, writing, sales, siblings, neighbors, moves, love, income, beauty, or pleasure here. It also opens up potential for third-parties, work, health, animals, paperwork, hired help, or co-workers in the mix. SUNDAY turns your focus to creative ventures, lovers, kids, or recreational pursuits. This is in flow today, look to include partners, clients, specialists, agents, attorneys, or other key relationships, and to get busy with any travel, legal, educational, media, ceremonial, religious, or political interests in the story. Merry Christmas Libra! <3 p=""> 3>
If you’d like to inquire about booking a reading to look into your personal chart and what’s on the horizon, email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com and I’ll send you the information about what a reading involves, the rates and when we might get started!If the Daily info clicked for you, consider supporting this work and buying Zoe a coffee, coffee rocks!

DECEMBER MONTHLY ASTROLOGY show for 11 signs ARIES-AQUARIUS: http://healthylife.net/RadioShow/archiveZM.htm
DECEMBER MONTHLY ASTROLOGY show for PISCES: https://www.blogtalkradio.com/zoemoon/2022/11/18/the-december-monthly-for-pisces
MONDAY is about you, so focus on body, image, brand, name, title, or needs. Make adjustments when it comes to financial, sexual divorce, or third-party matters, but once you do you should find lots of opportunity for love or money, beauty or pleasure through talks, meetings, short trips, sales, writing, or offers. TUESDAY Jupiter re-enters Aries where he will now wrap up his tour now through May 16th. This is a period of personal or physical growth for you through what you are doing about your work or health, animals, paperwork, hired help, service to others, organic/holistic world, cleaning, organizing, or co-workers. What do you need to be happy or prosperous here? Do you need some adventure in your life in these areas? Could you make it legal or travel to kick it off? Is there something in media, marketing or educational pursuits that would open it up? What about your beliefs, could you bring religious, political or philosophical elements into it? Jupiter is in Aries once every 12 years for about a year, this is the second part of that year-long tour so make the most of it while it’s here! WEDNESDAY the Sun enters your zone of communications, commerce and community, marking the Winter Solstice, happy winter, and kicking off 30 days of spotlight in these areas. This is your cue to show up and get more personally or physically involved, promote your brand, image, name, title, or physical self in the story, take the lead and shine. It can give you an edge with your ideas, talks, meetings, sales, writing, interviews, short trips, local activities, neighbors, siblings, moves, vehicles, or electronics. Today this squares Jupiter so something about his new placement and topics of yesterday are tied up in this new Solar focus for you and it’s big today. THURSDAY puts you in flow with talks, meetings, sales, short trips, offers, or decisions when it comes to love or income, beauty or pleasure. This looks exciting or innovative and involves a partner, client, specialist, rep, or other key player. You also have energy popping up around income, purchases, possessions, or products. This is out of flow with lovers, kids, creative ventures, or recreation, but in opportune flow at home, with moves, renovations, real estate deals, family, parents, or roommates. FRIDAY is the New Moon in your zone of ideas, talks, meetings, sales, writing, interview, offers, or decisions, as well as about your siblings, neighbors, moves, vehicles, electronics, short trips, or local activities. This opens up 2 weeks of cosmic boost and helps you to launch into something new or take current interests in these arenas forward into what comes next. SATURDAY keeps your New Moon energy moving and the alignments look great. This ties your themes into love or money, beauty or pleasure, going deeper or making positive changes, and anything involving a lover, the kids, a creative venture, or recreational pursuit. SUNDAY is about home or family, roommates or property and again the alignments look lovely. This may inspire service to others, tending to the details in a big way, work or health pursuits, focus on the animals, paperwork, hired help, or co-workers, as well as time for passion or activity of a financial, sexual or third-party nature. Merry Christmas Scorpio! <3 p=""> 3>
If you’d like to inquire about booking a reading to look into your personal chart and what’s on the horizon, email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com and I’ll send you the information about what a reading involves, the rates and when we might get started!If the Daily info clicked for you, consider supporting this work and buying Zoe a coffee, coffee rocks!

DECEMBER MONTHLY ASTROLOGY show for 11 signs ARIES-AQUARIUS: http://healthylife.net/RadioShow/archiveZM.htm
DECEMBER MONTHLY ASTROLOGY show for PISCES: https://www.blogtalkradio.com/zoemoon/2022/11/18/the-december-monthly-for-pisces
MONDAY looks to hold a lot of energy behind the scenes for you so you might be into artistic, romantic or spiritual interests, resting and recuperating, or researching or dealing with institutions today. Make adjustment when it comes to partners, clients, specialists, reps, and other relationships, once you do you should find opportunities to earn, make purchases, or get busy with possessions or products in the loop. Your ruler, Jupiter, re-enters Aries on TUESDAY and will now wrap up his tour here today through May 16th. This is a period of personal or physical growth for you through what you are doing with creative talents or projects, the kids, your love life or lover, or any recreational pursuits. What do you need to be happy or prosperous here? Do you need some adventure in your life in these areas? Could you make it legal or travel to kick it off? Is there something in media, marketing or educational pursuits that would open it up? What about your beliefs, could you bring religious, political or philosophical elements into it? Jupiter is in Aries once every 12 years for about a year, this is the second part of that year-long tour so make the most of it while it’s here! WEDNESDAY the Sun enters your zone of income, purchases, gifts, possessions, and products. This marks the Winter Solstice, happy winter, and kicks off 30 days of spotlight on these matters. This is your cue to show up and get more personally or physically involved in these interests, to pursue your agenda, promote your ideas, and take the lead if need be. Today this is square Jupiter so big things in the mix with the kids, lover, creative endeavor, or recreational pursuit. THURSDAY brings good flow with the love, money, beauty, pleasure, gifts, possessions, or products, and something exciting or innovative going on with work, co-workers, hired help, animals, paperwork, or health interests. You also have potential for at least one serious talk, offer or decision today that looks opportune. FRIDAY is the New Moon in your zone of income, purchases, possessions, and products so you now have 2 weeks of forward momentum. This can help you to start something new in these arenas or take your current situation into that next chapter. SATURDAY keeps your New Moon topics in focus, moving forward, and in good alignments. This brings in talks, meetings, sales, writing, offers, or decisions, along with love, money, beauty, or pleasure when focused on these income, purchases, possessions, or products. It also opens up potential at home, with family, real estate deals, moves, renovations, parents, or roommates. SUNDAY then turns focus to the opportunities you have to talk, meet or make choices involving lovers, kids, creative projects, or recreational pursuits, and get busy with partners, clients, specialists, reps, or other relationships. Merry Christmas Sagittarius! <3 p=""> 3>
If you’d like to inquire about booking a reading to look into your personal chart and what’s on the horizon, email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com and I’ll send you the information about what a reading involves, the rates and when we might get started!If the Daily info clicked for you, consider supporting this work and buying Zoe a coffee, coffee rocks!

DECEMBER MONTHLY ASTROLOGY show for 11 signs ARIES-AQUARIUS: http://healthylife.net/RadioShow/archiveZM.htm
DECEMBER MONTHLY ASTROLOGY show for PISCES: https://www.blogtalkradio.com/zoemoon/2022/11/18/the-december-monthly-for-pisces
MONDAY can help you online or with friends, or in pursuit of your aspirations or with associates or groups. This is opening up opportunities for you regarding love or money, beauty or pleasure. There is an adjustment to make when it comes to the work, health, paperwork, or animal needs so be flexible. On TUESDAY Jupiter enters Aries and will now wrap up his tour here today through May 16th. This is a period of personal or physical growth for you through what you are doing at home, with moves, renovations, parents, roommates, real estate deals, history, ancestry, or security needs. What do you need to be happy or prosperous here? Do you need some adventure in your life in these areas? Could you make it legal or travel to kick it off? Is there something in media, marketing or educational pursuits that would open it up? What about your beliefs, could you bring religious, political or philosophical elements into it? Jupiter is in Aries once every 12 years for about a year, this is the second part of that year-long tour so make the most of it while it’s here! WEDNESDAY the Sun enters your sign, marking the Winter Solstice, happy winter, and kicking off 30 days of spotlight on you, your body, image, brand, name, title, involvement, or needs. It’s time to show up for you, put in the time and effort to go for what you need Capricorn, it’s your time to shine. Today this is squaring Jupiter in his new placement, so something pushes you harder between your needs or involvement and what’s going on with home, real estate deals, family, or other 4th house matters. THURSDAY puts you into flow with kids, lovers, creative ventures, or recreational pursuits, especially if you are in the moment, willing to try different things, show your excitement, or focus on the love, money, beauty, or pleasure in the story. There is also energy focused behind the scenes, with research, recuperation, institutions, romance, artistic pursuits, or spirituality. This is helpful when it comes to making money, your purchases or what you are doing with possessions, gifts, or products. There is, at some point, a square to Neptune involved so you might have a weepy moment or find you are a bit more confused, tired, or otherwise uncertain about something here so feel your way through it. FRIDAY is the New Moon in Capricorn. This kicks off early in the morning and opens up 2 weeks of cosmic boost that can help you to start something brand new or take current situations forward into what comes next. Again, this is about you so make it about what you’d like to get involved in physically or what is going on with your body, image, brand, name, title, identity, or needs. SATURDAY keeps the New Moon vibe going strong and pushes you forward with a ton of good alignments. This opens up what you are showing up for or going after personally or physically with your talks, meetings, sales, short trips, writing, interviews, the love, income, beauty, or pleasure, as well as with local activities, moves, siblings, neighbors, vehicles, electronics, intimacy, or third-party interests, all in flow. SUNDAY focuses on the purchases, gifts, possessions, or income. This opens up opportunities at home, with family, roommates, or property matters in happy, optimistic or generous ways, as well as get you active with the animals, paperwork, hired help, job, cleaning, organizing, health interests, or co-workers, also in flow. Merry Christmas Capricorn! <3 p=""> 3>
If you’d like to inquire about booking a reading to look into your personal chart and what’s on the horizon, email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com and I’ll send you the information about what a reading involves, the rates and when we might get started!If the Daily info clicked for you, consider supporting this work and buying Zoe a coffee, coffee rocks!

DECEMBER MONTHLY ASTROLOGY show for 11 signs ARIES-AQUARIUS: http://healthylife.net/RadioShow/archiveZM.htm
DECEMBER MONTHLY ASTROLOGY show for PISCES: https://www.blogtalkradio.com/zoemoon/2022/11/18/the-december-monthly-for-pisces
MONDAY is good for setting or achieving goals, getting busy with career needs, or connecting with the boss, parent or other authority type. Mars has things fired up with the kids, lover, creative venture or recreational pursuit so you’ll have to do some give and take or juggling there. At some point there should be opportunity to slip away into more romantic, artistic or spiritual matters behind closed doors, or to focus on the money, beauty or pleasure going on in private. On TUESDAY Jupiter moves back into Aries for a last time and will now wrap up his tour here today through May 16th. This is a period of personal or physical growth for you through what you are doing with your ideas, talks, meetings, offers, or decisions, or what is going on with sales, writing, siblings, neighbors, moves, vehicles, electronics, short trips, or local activities. What do you need to be happy or prosperous here? Do you need some adventure in your life in these areas? Could you make it legal or travel to kick it off? Is there something in media, marketing or educational pursuits that would open it up? What about your beliefs, could you bring religious, political or philosophical elements into it? Jupiter is in Aries once every 12 years for about a year, this is the second part of that year-long tour so make the most of it while it’s here! WEDNESDAY the Sun enters your zone of rest, recuperation, romance, spirituality, tackling bad habits/addictions, dealing with secrets or deceptions, research, or what’s going on with institutions in your life. This marks the Winter Solstice, happy winter, and kicks off 30 days of spotlight on these matters. It is your cue to show up and get more personally or physically involved, to pursue your interests and shine. Today this squares Jupiter so something you heard, wrote, signed, sold, or decided is in the mix in a big way today with these topics. THURSDAY brings love, money, beauty, or pleasure together in your artistic, romantic or spiritual life or when doing your research or dealing with institutions. There is something exciting or different at home, with family, roommates, or prosperity matters that kicks things up a notch and is in flow for you here. There is also a social side of the day. This can mean you are doing more with friends or associates, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, gatherings, or aspirations. This actually brings solid opportunities for you but may tests you a bit when it comes to income, purchases, gifts, possessions, values, or how you are being valued at some point. FRIDAY is the New Moon in your 12th house. This means the next 2 weeks hold potential to help you launch into something new or take a current situation forward if it has to do with art, film, music, painting, poetry, dance, romance, prayer, mediation, yoga, research, investigations, kicking bad habits or addictions, tackling a secret or deception, or what you’re doing with an institution. SATURDAY keeps your New Moon topics front and center and moving forward with a lot of good alignments today. This can bring more talks, news, offers, meetings, short trips, writing, sales, or decisions about it, open up more love, income, beauty, or pleasure about it, involve third-parties, purchases, gifts, possessions, or values, all in flow. SUNDAY lets you focus on yourself, pursue your interests, show up and be involved, and the alignments are again very positive. This opens up happy or optimistic and generous conversations, brings joy to short trips, writing, sales, meetings, or decisions, and gets you active with the kids, lover, creative venture, or recreational pursuits. Merry Christmas Aquarius! <3 p=""> 3>
If you’d like to inquire about booking a reading to look into your personal chart and what’s on the horizon, email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com and I’ll send you the information about what a reading involves, the rates and when we might get started!If the Daily info clicked for you, consider supporting this work and buying Zoe a coffee, coffee rocks!

DECEMBER MONTHLY ASTROLOGY show for 11 signs ARIES-AQUARIUS: http://healthylife.net/RadioShow/archiveZM.htm
DECEMBER MONTHLY ASTROLOGY show for PISCES: https://www.blogtalkradio.com/zoemoon/2022/11/18/the-december-monthly-for-pisces
MONDAY looks busy with travel, distant or legal matters, educational pursuits, anything with media or marketing, your ceremonies, or what’s going on with religious or political matters. You will have to juggle this with what is going on at home or with family, property matters or roommates but after you do it seem doors open for fun, love, money, or pleasure, especially if you pursue aspirations, are social or online with it. TUESDAY and will now wrap up his tour here today through May 16th. This is a period of personal or physical growth for you through what you do about making money, your purchases, possessions, values, products, pleasure, or things you build. What do you need to be happy or prosperous here? Do you need some adventure in your life in these areas? Could you make it legal or travel to kick it off? Is there something in media, marketing or educational pursuits that would open it up? What about your beliefs, could you bring religious, political or philosophical elements into it? Jupiter is in Aries once every 12 years for about a year, this is the second part of that year-long tour so make the most of it while it’s here! WEDNESDAY the Sun enters y our zone of friends, associates, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, gatherings, aspirations, and original projects. This marks the Winter Solstice, happy winter, and kicks off 30 days of spotlight on these matters. This is your cue to start showing up and getting more involved personally or physically in these interests, to take the lead, pursue your interest with them, and shine. Today this squares Jupiter so something is pushing you here in a big way regarding the money, purchases, values, or possessions in the mix. THURSDAY your social, online, or aspirational interests are in flow. This can bring news, talks, short trips, writing, sales, meetings, and something about love or money, beauty or pleasure through these realms. You also have a lot going on today with a personal goal, your status or fame, a career matter, or someone in authority like a boss, parent or mentor. This does seem to push you a bit so you might need to pace yourself but on the other hand it looks like it brings solid opportunities when it comes to artistic, romantic, spiritual, recuperative, institutional, or research interests in the story. FRIDAY is the New Moon. This kicks off early in the morning and is in play for 2 weeks. This period can help you to launch into something new or take current interests into what comes next, all with forward momentum and the focus for you is on aspirations, original projects, freedoms, friendships, associations, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, or gatherings. SATURDAY keeps this New Moon energy moving and up front, adding a lot of really good alignments. It can help open up talks, meetings, ideas, flirtations, love, income, beauty, sales, writing, short trips, or pleasure in the story. It also is opening up something directly linked to you so step up, step forward, be in this moment. SUNDAY is another day where the flow is lovely. This ay is imaginative, inspiring, magical, dreamy, sleepy, restful, recuperative, or focused on artistic, romantic, spiritual, institutional, or research interests. This can bring good vibes through earning, purchases, gifts, or possessions, values and being valued, and home, family, roommates, or property matters. Merry Christmas Pisces! <3 p=""> 3>
If you’d like to inquire about booking a reading to look into your personal chart and what’s on the horizon, email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com and I’ll send you the information about what a reading involves, the rates and when we might get started!If the Daily info clicked for you, consider supporting this work and buying Zoe a coffee, coffee rocks!

DECEMBER MONTHLY ASTROLOGY show for 11 signs ARIES-AQUARIUS: http://healthylife.net/RadioShow/archiveZM.htm
DECEMBER MONTHLY ASTROLOGY show for PISCES: https://www.blogtalkradio.com/zoemoon/2022/11/18/the-december-monthly-for-pisces
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