Tuesday, December 6, 2022



Our desire to earn or get our purchases wrapped up, or our need to deal with possessions or products today is in flow with our personal goals, higher up types or career objectives. There's also opportunity to travel, get legal needs tended to, involve media, educational interests, or beliefs in the mix. So, dig deep, evolve the story, involve others, and go big. At 3:49pm Eastern the Moon enters Gemini where it will officially start its build-up to its climactic peak tomorrow night, late night, in its Full Moon culmination. So, for the rest of today our emotions are likely to be building to a peak over news we hear, our decisions, talks, meetings, sales, or with siblings, neighbors, moves, vehicles, electronics, short trips, or local activities. Between this time today and 11:20pm tomorrow night something is ending, coming through or worth celebration in one or more of these areas in a powerful way. To add to our story, we have Mercury entering Capricorn at 5:08pm Eastern. Mercury rules this Full Moon so it will add a flavor to these topics involving our personal goals, career or the boss, parent, judge, director, leader, or other authority figure in the mix. It will also impact our thinking, communications, commerce, or community influences on those goals, career objectives, or authority figures over many weeks ahead. Things will be more serious or ambitious, or we will be more aware of the time or effort involved, or we may be ready to make commitments or end things, or look at structures that support or do not, any karmic impact, responsibilities, rules, or regulations in the mix. Now through Dec 12th Mercury is moving us forward, then Dec 12th through the 29th we are in the Shadow of the Upcoming Mercury Retrograde where we start to get inklings about what we will be reassessing in the Retrograde, from the 29th through Jan 18th we are in Mercury Retrograde in Capricorn so we slow, and start to release, rekindle or rework ongoing or past scenarios or take a break from these goals, career needs or authority figures here, from Jan 18-Feb 8th we are in the post Shadow where we move forward over the things we figured out in our do-over, and from Feb 8-11th we continue to move forward but over new degrees/new possibilities until we finally exit this sign on the 11th. So, pay attention to what is said, heard or decided over these next couple days because it is setting the stage for what you'll be working with over the next 2+ months. also note that the first alignments from Mercury it this new territory will play out between the 15th-17th this month so that as well will be giving you insight as to what will be the focus of this lengthy Mercury transit. PRAYER TODAY is around the theme 'May we be impeccable with our words and decisive with our choices.' Peak time is 5:05-5:10pm Eastern or 2:05-2:10pm Pacific, see you there! If you’d like to inquire about booking a reading to look into your personal chart and what’s on the horizon, email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com and I’ll send you the information about what a reading involves, the rates and when we might get started!

If the Daily info clicked for you, consider supporting this work and buying Zoe a coffee, coffee rocks!

Buy Me A Coffee                                                                                                                                                                          

WEEKLY HOROSCOPES Dec 5-11 are up, READ THEM HERE: Zoe Moon Astrology: ZOE MOON ASTROLOGY WEEKLY HOROSCOPES Dec 5-11                                                                                                  WEEKLY ASTROLOGY SHOW Dec 1-9 is up, LISTEN HERE: The Zoe Moon Astrology NEPTUNE DIRECT & Gemini FULL MOON Show 12/01 by Zoe Moon | Self Help (blogtalkradio.com)                                                                             


are up, READ THEM HERE:  Zoe Moon Astrology: ZOE MOON ASTROLOGY DECEMBER MONTHLY HOROSCOPES                            

DECEMBER MONTHLY ASTROLOGY show for 11 signs ARIES-AQUARIUS: http://healthylife.net/RadioShow/archiveZM.htm

DECEMBER MONTHLY ASTROLOGY show for PISCES: https://www.blogtalkradio.com/zoemoon/2022/11/18/the-december-monthly-for-pisces



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