It’s a FULL MOON weekend with emotional energy peaking in the sign of Taurus. That means we are all hitting a high point or marking an ending around something we value or involving our values.
One Saturday this emotional energy will gear up over money concerns and ask that we make some adjustments with partners or people who represent us or compete against us. Mercury and Mars meet on the same degree in Sagittarius to impassion our ideas into action over legal matters, how we broadcast, what we know, how we disseminate information, our belief system, our political view, our travel plans or concerns involving foreign places, people or import/export.
Sunday brings the Taurus FULL MOON at the final degree of the sign so expect some powerful emotional climax today, this could be a celebration as something is achieved or marking an ending around something we value, an income source, or a major purchase.
ARIES: (call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)
Saturday you will want to get serious about the money you are earning, what you have to spend or any possession that may be in question between you and another person. You MUST be willing to make some adjustments here and the best route is through trying to work on some give and take with that person, get an attorney or agent to deal with it on your behalf, or make a bee line to the travel agent, a legal source, the media, or an educational institution for results.
Sunday is a Full Moon in this income arena for you so you can feel sure that you will be celebrating some significant achievement or ending one way of earning or one source is drying up. There is great opportunity for you to stretch out through hospitals, institutions, research, artistic projects, or investigations to expand the money issue. You will still need to adapt to the needs of a woman in the picture over love or money issues.
TAURUS: (call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)
Saturday puts a whole lot of focus on you and your needs. Whatever it is about your current situation or whatever is going on with your physically or around your image or identity, there is a need to make some concessions for work or health limits and responsibilities as well as to talk things out regarding sexual issues, divorce or major financial matters. The Mercury/Mars conjunction is giving you a lot of drive here so you may meet someone sexy and interesting tonight or you may want to introduce the idea of intimacy to someone you are already involved with.
Sunday the Full Moon is in your sign and something is really hitting a high point for you in celebration of achievement or marking an ending. You may be marrying or divorcing thus changing your identity, getting a makeover, reaching a diet goal, ending a procedure with the body, or having something personal to you climax in some way. A friend, group or social occasion is linked positively to this for you. Continue to adjust to a woman’s needs at work, with health or a pet situation.
GEMINI: (call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)
Saturday is about anything hidden that you were not aware of coming up or beginning to come up for you. This may brings some serious artistic energy out to aid in your creative endeavors or something going on with a love affair that has been secret until now, some of you will be dealing with hospitals and other research, but its important to look at any limits in love, with kids or creative ventures as well as opening up lines of communications with a partner, agent, attorney, or opponent and be willing to adapt a bit.
Sunday the Full Moon is bringing a peak to this film, music, art, spiritual, romantic, hidden, secret, research, investigation, addiction, or hospital matter for you in a big emotional way. You are poised to reach a goal through what is occurring so whether there is a celebration or an ending at this point, the energy says it is working for your best interest.
CANCER: (call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)
Saturday is all about the friends, social circle, group affiliation, network, party, or aspiration for you. You need to look at how your home life, real estate matters, move, or mom is limiting or requiring responsibility that in some way should be adjusted around this and you need to have a talk or come to terms over something you are adjusting with a work, health or pet situation as well. Say it today.
Sunday is a Full Moon in Taurus that is bringing a peak moment with your friend, group, social function, or aspiration. This is an achievement recognized or marks an ending and emotions are going to be quite intense. Whichever way it goes, there is great opportunity for you to expand through broadcast, media, publishing, travel, legal means, or education. More adjustment to a woman in the home are necessary.
LEO: (call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)
Saturday should be quite goal oriented with a big push in the career arena or with reputation or father/father figures. You need to have a tough talk or deal with some adjustments around an agreement, meeting or writing project. Set limits or ask for responsibility to be rebalanced. Talk about the creative passion or something you want to see happen involving a child or lover. Single Leos should make an effort to get out and mingle today as there may be an important meeting for creative or love interests waiting.
Sunday is the Full Moon in your career Midheaven so expect to be celebrating an achievement or marking an ending now on some level with career, a goal, reputation, fame, or father/father figures or bosses. There is something quite beneficial for you in this through financial resources, divorce or intimacy with another so be open to what may peak today. You need to talk something out with a woman and be willing to work around the situation a bit.
VIRGO: (call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)
Saturday is about the trip, media or publishing matter, publicity, legal aspects, or educational matter. You need to get real about the money being earned or spent here or some object involved and be willing to accommodate the situation by setting or dealing with limits or responsibility. Talk or do something about the home, property, move, or other household situation in the picture as well, you are setting something off on a new footing today.
Sunday brings a Full Moon in travel, legal, ceremonial, educational, and media matters and it is going to be a peak emotional day around one or more of these themes. Expect to reach a peak moment, celebrate achievements or mark endings in these areas now. There is something very lucky and exciting in this for you through a partnership or a representative so be open to what this other person can do for you or with you. You still need to deal with a woman and the money being earned or spent.
LIBRA: (call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)
Saturday you will most likely find you are focusing on the bank statements, debt, credit, settlements, insurance, taxes, commissions, bankruptcy, inheritance, or other outside financial resource. Some of you will be more interested in the other areas ruled by this sign such as divorce, reproduction and sex. Whichever it is for you, it is important that you get real about your own limits and responsibilities and make some hard phone calls or meet about what can be done to adapt the situation. Passions are running high.
Sunday brings the Full Moon in your sex, divorce and financial arena and you can bet that you will be feeling strong emotions around a high point being reached or this time marking an ending around one of these areas. There is great opportunity for you in this with a work situation, a co-worker, a health matter, or involving animals so stretch out in these arenas for best bets. You are still tweaking something about your body or image today as well.
SCORPIO: (call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)
Saturday it’s important to connect with a partner, agent, attorney, specialist, competitor, or other significant relationship and deal with any talks or decisions that need to be made around the money you are earning or what is being spent. A possession may be in question as well. Look at limits around hospitals, retreat, research, an artistic project, or something that is going on behind the scenes here and be willing to make some adjustments or rebalance the responsibility.
Sunday the Full Moon is bringing that relationship to a peak moment emotionally for you. This is an achievement recognized or something being reached together that is celebratory or it marks an ending for you with or through this person. There is real opportunity for you through creative ventures, true love or children with this partner, agent, attorney or other significant relationship or because of its demise so be bold and reach out or stretch out.
SAGITTARIUS: (call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)
Saturday is about the work you are doing, a health matter or the pets and any adjustments you need to make with a friend, group or around an aspiration of yours to set limits or handle responsibilities. It is important to talk about your needs or do something to put your own needs forward today even though it requires more from you. Make sure to stay physical and push just enough to feel it but guard against accidents or injury.
Sunday is the Full Moon in your work, health or pets and you will be celebrating a peak moment of achievement through your work, with a co-worker, an employee, over a health matter or with animals, or you will be marking an ending here. Whichever it is, there is something tied into expansion and excitement or change at home that looks beneficial for you so stretch out here. You need to make more adjustments with the female friend today.
CAPRICORN: (call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)
Saturday is bringing up creative energy or issues with creative projects as well as feelings about kids or love interests. In this there is a need to make some adjustments or concessions around goals, career or reputation and any limits or responsibilities here. There is something going on behind the scenes or that is hidden, secret, mystical or muse oriented that must be talked about, acted upon, or delved into today. See what you can unearth.
Sunday brings a Full Moon around a lover, child or creative venture so expect to be celebrating a high point with something achieved here or marking an ending. There is news coming in, a talk or meeting, agreement or decision that is going to benefit you in this greatly today and looks as if it may surprise even you, be open to what comes. A woman in the career field needs some attention today as well and you will need to try to field this along with the other highly energized topic of the Full Moon.
AQUARIUS: (call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)
Saturday is all about the home, real estate deal, move or roommate situation. You need to dive into this and make some adjustments around the travel or distance involved, a legal aspect that needs attention, or something media or educationally driven that is tied to it. A talk, agreement or meeting with a friend figures into this day and as well is important especially where the home is concerned, it’s time to act on what you hear or what is decided.
Sunday the Full Moon in the home arena is bringing a peak moment around home, real estate deals, moves, roommates, or mom/mother figures. You are going to feel this quite emotionally as a peak celebration as you achieve something here or marking an ending. There is opportunity and luck tied to the money you are spending or earning from or on the home today. A woman needs to be dealt with concerning the legal, marketing, travel, or educational matter here.
PISCES: (call to schedule your reading with Zoe 818-613-6067)
Saturday is all about what is going on locally, a writing project, agreement, a talk or meeting, or something involving brothers or sisters. You must get real about limits or responsibilities to the loan, debt, bankruptcy, settlement, inheritance, insurance, taxes, or other financial matter involved and talk this out or work on the agreement. There is also a very important talk or meeting in the cards regarding your goals, career or reputation, (for some with father). It’s time to act on what is said.
Sunday is the Full Moon in your writing, agreement, short trip, talks and meetings, sibling and neighborhood arena. This is a big emotional peak around an achievement being celebrated or marking an ending for you through one of these themes. There is something very lucky and exciting, even freeing, in what occurs today so be open to what culminates as it seems to favor you in the long run. You must deal with the woman and the financial, divorce, mortality, or sexual issue and again, work around it as best your can.
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