every Thursday night 8 eastern/5 pacific on CBS Worldwide Radio - http://www.newskyradio.com/ Listen or call in!
Weekend prognosis: Busy Saturday with ENORMOUS shifts late Saturday through Sunday.
While the Moon is in Virgo we are influenced by the Saturn energy here so do what you can on Saturday (Saturn’s day) to clear out, clean up, organize, and attend to the details. There is a whole lot of push from the universe to dust out the cobwebs. Keep in mind that this isn’t just about the work in front of you but also about your approach to your own health as well. When Saturn moves back into Libra we will be entering a long cycle of relationship and you will want to be in fighting order (I mean that in the nicest way of course!). Some of you will find today is an important day to tend to animals as they fall in Virgo’s realm so pay attention to what your furry friends need.
The building energy between Jupiter and Saturn floods Saturday and is exact at 1:36 am eastern Sunday or 10:36pm pacific on Saturday so you may get your blast from this on Saturday night or anytime on Sunday. You know that Saturn has been in opposition to Uranus over the last year and a half and will be so until July 26th so Jupiter getting into the mix to side with Uranus and oppose Saturn is truly going to make it all bigger by perspective. Jupiter meets Uranus on June 8th.
Think back to when Jupiter and Saturn began this journey together on May 19, 2000. This was a big, bold new push from the universe to begin building towards some new way to support yourself financially based on your own beliefs and values and ability to master yourself on some new level. Support systems that had been in place in your life were going to end or change and you were meant to begin finding ways to step up as an authority or leader in some way in your life over the arc of this cycle. You are at the mid-point and it is more emphasized because Uranus is in the mix this time. If what you began then is not working then do whatever you can NOW to move in a new direction. This is a ‘build on what is working or cut your losses so you can salvage’ point in the cycle. This cycle between Jupiter and Saturn will wrap December 21, 2020. What is working is going to flesh out over this period.
PAY ATTENTION to the part of you that wants to break away, run for freedom, change something, or act out in some rebellious way today. This is where your happiness is waiting and it may take you until the end of the summer to make your move but this basic fact is not going to change. Whatever comes up to limit or restrict you, whatever is asking for major responsibility from you today, that is going to gear up more between now and then. You have to find a way to move towards the change, buck up, take it on, you CAN do this. You have genius written in your back pocket, take it out and read it instead of sitting on it.
Uranus, the energy that wants to see change, is moving into a new sign for the first time in 7 years next week on the same day as the Full Moon! This is also the first time Uranus has been in Aries since 1929. You are going to want to CHANGE something major, please pay attention to this, it is where YOUR HAPPINESS AWAITS YOU! Again, it may take until the end of the summer for everything to transition into the new paradigm but these are the gunshots fired round the world: This Weekend, on the Full Moon of the 27th and on June 8th.
You are not abandoning everything from the past, what is meant to move forward with you will but you are NOT advised to dig in and hold onto people, situations or ideas as if your life depended upon it or theirs did, this is a time of courage and faith that we are being directed towards our best end goal through CHANGE.
Oh, and that’s not all that is going on for Sunday but it is the biggest, here’s the rest…Libra Moon today will have you thinking about relationships and balance. The positioning of this Moon to the outer gods will be pointing out all your reasons you have in your head for why things could go terribly wrong or what it is that needs to be this way or that way before you move. Do yourself a favor and ask yourself what YOU are afraid of, take the projection off of the other person for a moment and talk the scenario out as if you are completely in the world on your own, then take some time putting them back in the equation to see what changes for you.
Finally and not at all least here, Venus who has spent the entire week up to this point butting heads with the outer planets to see what they were made of steps up and shouts it out with Pluto today. This can be all out war and destruction over a woman, love or money or it can be incredibly deep, intense, powerful, obsessive, lusty, sexual, love…pull the blinds there are children and elderly on your block!
Venus is newly into Cancer so if this ends up being some big blowout expect it to occur over feelings tied to security or protection, nurture and roots, the home, moves, family, or mom. For those of you trying to sell property that has been sitting, today will be a turn in the road in some major way for you, could be external events or internal combustion. Moves and shake-ups could rattle the cage. Think back to January 25, 2008 when Venus started out with Pluto at 0 degrees Capricorn. There was something ambitious you were setting out to achieve and there may have been a third party in the mix to deal with, financial aspects to it and a woman who is central. You are at the mid-point in this cycle. Have you achieved what you wanted to achieve?
Look at where this is playing out for you by sign to get more details on what is evolving here. Something had to be deconstructed for the growth to occur, how far are you on that road? February 10, 2011 is when Venus makes her way to the end of this particular cycle with Pluto. What part of your heart had to be destroyed to grow three times larger? Are you at this turning point ready to reach out for love again or will you spend the rest of this cycle healing? For some of you this cycle has not been about ambitions but about fame or father and a powerful change here. If so, again look at where you are at this mid-point and ask if you are ready to move forward or need to reassess. These are the big background questions buffeting your weekend.
To those of you who tuned into my show on Thursday night, thanks! Same time next week, CBS Worldwide Radio – www.newskyradio.com Thursday at 8pm EST/5pm PST
ARIES: (To schedule a reading 818-613-6067)
Saturday is all about the health situation, your dogs or cats, a co-worker, the work piled up in front of you, or the work you want to land. Pick an arena and then get busy cleaning things out, making lists, getting organized, putting a plan together, and structuring a positive framework that will make your life easier up ahead. Expect a few surprises today.
While the Moon is in Virgo we are influenced by the Saturn energy here so do what you can on Saturday (Saturn’s day) to clear out, clean up, organize, and attend to the details. There is a whole lot of push from the universe to dust out the cobwebs. Keep in mind that this isn’t just about the work in front of you but also about your approach to your own health as well. When Saturn moves back into Libra we will be entering a long cycle of relationship and you will want to be in fighting order (I mean that in the nicest way of course!). Some of you will find today is an important day to tend to animals as they fall in Virgo’s realm so pay attention to what your furry friends need.
The building energy between Jupiter and Saturn floods Saturday and is exact at 1:36 am eastern Sunday or 10:36pm pacific on Saturday so you may get your blast from this on Saturday night or anytime on Sunday. You know that Saturn has been in opposition to Uranus over the last year and a half and will be so until July 26th so Jupiter getting into the mix to side with Uranus and oppose Saturn is truly going to make it all bigger by perspective. Jupiter meets Uranus on June 8th.
Think back to when Jupiter and Saturn began this journey together on May 19, 2000. This was a big, bold new push from the universe to begin building towards some new way to support yourself financially based on your own beliefs and values and ability to master yourself on some new level. Support systems that had been in place in your life were going to end or change and you were meant to begin finding ways to step up as an authority or leader in some way in your life over the arc of this cycle. You are at the mid-point and it is more emphasized because Uranus is in the mix this time. If what you began then is not working then do whatever you can NOW to move in a new direction. This is a ‘build on what is working or cut your losses so you can salvage’ point in the cycle. This cycle between Jupiter and Saturn will wrap December 21, 2020. What is working is going to flesh out over this period.
PAY ATTENTION to the part of you that wants to break away, run for freedom, change something, or act out in some rebellious way today. This is where your happiness is waiting and it may take you until the end of the summer to make your move but this basic fact is not going to change. Whatever comes up to limit or restrict you, whatever is asking for major responsibility from you today, that is going to gear up more between now and then. You have to find a way to move towards the change, buck up, take it on, you CAN do this. You have genius written in your back pocket, take it out and read it instead of sitting on it.
Uranus, the energy that wants to see change, is moving into a new sign for the first time in 7 years next week on the same day as the Full Moon! This is also the first time Uranus has been in Aries since 1929. You are going to want to CHANGE something major, please pay attention to this, it is where YOUR HAPPINESS AWAITS YOU! Again, it may take until the end of the summer for everything to transition into the new paradigm but these are the gunshots fired round the world: This Weekend, on the Full Moon of the 27th and on June 8th.
You are not abandoning everything from the past, what is meant to move forward with you will but you are NOT advised to dig in and hold onto people, situations or ideas as if your life depended upon it or theirs did, this is a time of courage and faith that we are being directed towards our best end goal through CHANGE.
Oh, and that’s not all that is going on for Sunday but it is the biggest, here’s the rest…Libra Moon today will have you thinking about relationships and balance. The positioning of this Moon to the outer gods will be pointing out all your reasons you have in your head for why things could go terribly wrong or what it is that needs to be this way or that way before you move. Do yourself a favor and ask yourself what YOU are afraid of, take the projection off of the other person for a moment and talk the scenario out as if you are completely in the world on your own, then take some time putting them back in the equation to see what changes for you.
Finally and not at all least here, Venus who has spent the entire week up to this point butting heads with the outer planets to see what they were made of steps up and shouts it out with Pluto today. This can be all out war and destruction over a woman, love or money or it can be incredibly deep, intense, powerful, obsessive, lusty, sexual, love…pull the blinds there are children and elderly on your block!
Venus is newly into Cancer so if this ends up being some big blowout expect it to occur over feelings tied to security or protection, nurture and roots, the home, moves, family, or mom. For those of you trying to sell property that has been sitting, today will be a turn in the road in some major way for you, could be external events or internal combustion. Moves and shake-ups could rattle the cage. Think back to January 25, 2008 when Venus started out with Pluto at 0 degrees Capricorn. There was something ambitious you were setting out to achieve and there may have been a third party in the mix to deal with, financial aspects to it and a woman who is central. You are at the mid-point in this cycle. Have you achieved what you wanted to achieve?
Look at where this is playing out for you by sign to get more details on what is evolving here. Something had to be deconstructed for the growth to occur, how far are you on that road? February 10, 2011 is when Venus makes her way to the end of this particular cycle with Pluto. What part of your heart had to be destroyed to grow three times larger? Are you at this turning point ready to reach out for love again or will you spend the rest of this cycle healing? For some of you this cycle has not been about ambitions but about fame or father and a powerful change here. If so, again look at where you are at this mid-point and ask if you are ready to move forward or need to reassess. These are the big background questions buffeting your weekend.
To those of you who tuned into my show on Thursday night, thanks! Same time next week, CBS Worldwide Radio – www.newskyradio.com Thursday at 8pm EST/5pm PST
ARIES: (To schedule a reading 818-613-6067)
Saturday is all about the health situation, your dogs or cats, a co-worker, the work piled up in front of you, or the work you want to land. Pick an arena and then get busy cleaning things out, making lists, getting organized, putting a plan together, and structuring a positive framework that will make your life easier up ahead. Expect a few surprises today.
Saturday night or Sunday Jupiter is bringing a giant torch light and aiming it onto your film or fantasy project, music endeavor, artistic outlet, research subject, investigation, hospital involvement, retreat, spiritual pursuit, or clandestine romance. PAY ATTENTION to what is pulling at the seams today. Your happiness is wrapped up in one of these things above and you have to look at how limitations at work, with health or involving pets is in any way detracting from your happiness factor. Let me be clear that Jupiter also wants to bring luck, expansion, prosperity and protection through these happiness doors. A partner, agent, attorney, competitor, or specialist is in the mix, look at what is in the way here. Then get real about the love, money or female involved at home and how this is affecting goals. Explosive matters or passions could play out for you here today so take care.
TAURUS: (To schedule a reading 818-613-6067)
Saturday is about the details of a creative venture, love or recreational matter, or something involving children. You want to pour your energy into tackling the organization and structuring of anything here that could help make your life run smoother up ahead. There is an aspiration of yours that is in some way at opposition poles and that will be brought to your attention as well through a few surprises.
Saturday night or Sunday Jupiter is blowing amplifying the dream you have for yourself, the aspiration, the social circle you are affiliated with, the group you belong to or would like to belong to, the friendship, or the social event you are attending. PAY ATTENTION to what is pulling you between the world of your highest aspirations and the changes you would like to make here or in your social circle and the limits or responsibilities around love, children or creative projects. Your happiness is wrapped up in CHANGE and restructuring here. Luck and prosperity are involved in what you are willing to stretch towards at this point. Emotions run the gambit around how your partnering will or is effecting work or health or pets and there is a major connection today between your ruler, Venus, and Pluto. This will mean that something said, agreed to or met about is going to put love, money or a woman in your life into a new level through legal means, ceremony, travel, media, education, or publishing. Fireworks one way or the other.
GEMINI: (To schedule a reading 818-613-6067)
Saturday it’s important to focus your energy on the home situation and what you can do to organize, toss out, clean up, and tackle work piled up here. You may need to tend to a health matter on the home front or pitch in with pets as well. Look at how your goals and ambitions are being met in all of this.
Saturday night or Sunday Jupiter is going to throw the switch on your goals, ambitions, career, reputation, fame or father and it is going to illuminate what it is that you need to be happy here in a big way. Are your roots in the right place? How limited are you at home or with a living situation? What are your responsibilities to the property or mom/mother figure and what needs to CHANGE? Emotions will gear up over a love interest, creative project or child and whatever is building in tension over sexuality, divorce or finances. The Venus/Pluto opposition today is going to bring the money issue up for you in a big way, a woman may figure into the scenario prominently or you will be looking how love plays into the balance between earning and spending and debt and outside resources. Make some decisions now and you will do better over the summer.
CANCER: (To schedule a reading 818-613-6067)
Saturday is about putting in the effort to organize a writing project, communications endeavor, written agreement, to clean up or clean out the setting where you write or what you have written. It is a good day to handle the details of a meeting or get to the specifics in a conversation, to handle something analytical or critical involving a sibling or neighbor, and to really just think through anything that is holding you stagnant or needs a more precise approach.
Saturday night or Sunday there will be a major flood light thrown on the media venture, publishing deal or topic, publicity or marketing campaign, travel itinerary, person at a distance or foreign situation, import/export matter, educational matter, or legal issue. THIS IS WHERE YOUR HAPPINESS AWAITS. So, let yourself look into change and some new approach here and be willing to look at any limits you may not see or responsibilities you must deal with in the writing project, talks or meetings, agreements, or topic involving the sibling or neighbor. Emotions are playing out over home, living situation or mom and the energy flowing into partnership. Venus and Pluto face off between you and another person in the pursuit of something deconstructing and rebuilding upon the ashes or some type of major powerful transformation involving sex, divorce or big money.
LEO: (To schedule a reading 818-613-6067)
Saturday asks that you get serious and busy dealing with the finer points of your income. You may need to itemize or get the accounting figured out, compile lists or organize in a way that will help you earn more, clean out and de-clutter so that you are more productive or put in effort on the health front so as to move yourself towards the income you desire. The opposite side of the fence, meaning other people’s money through loans, settlements, and any other outside resource will be pointing towards shifts and expansion for you, something big coming in or going out and this should affect your choices today.
Saturday night or Sunday Jupiter opens up on the area that is receiving big change and expansion. For you this is through a loan, settlement, debt, credit, insurance, taxes, alimony, child support, inheritance, bankruptcy, joint finances, or sexual intimacy, reproductive matters or the divorce. This is where your HAPPINESS IS WAITING and this is going to make you get real about earning money or spending. Emotions focus on talks or agreements that affect health, work or pets. Venus moves into oppose Pluto and will kick up the hidden agendas or something going on through hospitals, retreat, research, fantasy, or artistic outlets that affects love, money or a woman. Change or deconstruction at work, with health or around pets is part of the scenario again.
VIRGO: (To schedule a reading 818-613-6067)
Saturday you will want to contend with yourself a bit, tidy up, take care of any minor details surrounding your physical health or well being, throw out the old identity or image or do what you can to tackle or organize who you are becoming so it all works for you. Take a good look at who you are today Virgo, what are the isolated arenas? A partner, agent, attorney, specialist, or competitor is going to help cast a light on what you need to change or expand.
Saturday night or Sunday Jupiter is going to swoop in on the scene by flooding the marriage or business partner/partnership, or the relationship with the representative or competitor. This is where change and expansion is working and this is WHERE YOUR HAPPINESS IS AWAITING. You will have to get clear about any limits or losses you are holding around yourself that you’ve tied into your identity or image and ask if you are ready to release old fears to embrace the changes ahead through relationship. Emotions are very much tied into income/spending today and the challenge you feel involves the creative project, lover or child. Venus moves into oppose Pluto and you will see that an aspiration involving a woman, love or money is going to need to express itself through deconstruction, deep intimacy, power, control, triangles, or financial realms. What do you aspire to, what or who do you love, and what are you willing to share or tear down?
LIBRA: (To schedule a reading 818-613-6067)
Saturday the emotional energy is private, inner fantasy and artistically inspired. You will want to focus on organizing, cleaning out and setting up anything meticulous around work you do involving research, investigations, hidden agendas, dealing with hidden enemies, addictions, retreat, hospitals, film, music or other art forms, and mystical or spiritual pursuits. Get rid of anything that may be sabotaging your efforts here through disciplined effort today.
Saturday night or Sunday Jupiter is going to flood the work you do, the work you still need to do, the work you want to attract, co-workers, people you hire to work for you, the service you provide, your health, approach to it and effort to change it, and your relationship to pets. This is where YOUR HAPPINESS IS WAITING. This is where things need to CHANGE! Through this you should see any old habits of snooping, hiding out, retreating, withholding, escaping in drugs or alcohol, or living within the fantasy or in limiting artistic projects is holding you back from this happiness. Emotions are charged over your needs and what is going on at home or with roommates. Venus opposes Pluto and pushes you to look at a woman, love or money matter playing out on the career front or with a major goal. What is changing or deconstructing at home or how can you change things to make your foundations and security stronger? If passions explode today they happen with someone tied to career or goals and at home.
SCORPIO:(To schedule a reading 818-613-6067)
Saturday is all about working on the details or organizing something involving friends, a group or a big aspiration of yours. You could be cleaning out something for an event or party, helping to analyze a friend’s issues or work space, getting real about the time and effort certain social or group affiliations are requiring or put in the time to get a social event or group idea off the ground. A lover, child or creative venture is going to show you any big issues you might have here.
Saturday or Sunday night Jupiter jacks up the mojo on the love affair, love topic or interest, child or children, recreational outlet, or creative project. This is big and about CHANGE, Growth, expansion and this is where your HAPPINESS AWAITS. So look at any limits or responsibilities around friends, groups, aspirations or associations that are in any way isolating you from this or restricting the change that needs to happen. Emotions are somewhat hidden or buried today and the talk or meeting, news or idea that comes in will be about helping you to uncover these feelings. Venus opposes your sign, Pluto and asks that you look at the woman, love or money matter tied to media, travel, education or legal channels. What is it that you are obsessing over here and how can you make the turn in the road to empower your own mind towards your own needs? If it’s an attraction you or they are going to talk about it today.
SAGITTARIUS: (To schedule a reading 818-613-6067)
Saturday should give you the boost to tackle the fine points or organize something on the career front. Put ambitions or goals into one category and clear out anything that isn’t going to get you from point A to point B, see what ways you can implement to make your work achieve the success you wish or to align your health to reach the goals you have set. Something shifting at home will help you see more clearly what needs doing.
Saturday night or Sunday Jupiter, your ruler, is going to make a big move by spilling over the home, living situation, security needs, mom, or family matter. This is where your HAPPINESS AWAITS and this is where you must look at embracing CHANGE while still dealing with any limits or responsibilities to career, fame or father/father figure. Emotions are amped up over the group or friendship and the money you are making or spending will be the point that helps you figure out what the connection really means. Venus opposes Pluto and asks that you get real about the financial picture by dealing with loans, debt, settlements or any other outside resource tied to a woman or love. Look at how what is occurring around the income you have at your disposal and then deal accordingly. You may hear something is changing greatly today around the balance between what you provide and what the other party is contributing.
CAPRICORN: (To schedule a reading 818-613-6067)
Saturday will be about attending to the details, organizing, clearing things out and applying critical thinking to the legal matter, travel itinerary, media or publicity topic, or educational issue. You really need to make this work more seamlessly for you and the effort you give it today will pay off up ahead. Take a look at your health and make sure that you are taking care of yourself in all of this. Expect news that surprises or changes of mind or agreements today.
Saturday night or Sunday Jupiter is going to make his move to open something up in a very big way around an agreement, writing project or written subject, talk or meeting, short trip, brother or sister, neighbor or neighborhood. This is going to embrace CHANGE and it is where your HAPPINESS AWAITS. Expand and go with what comes. Look at how limits or responsibilities must be dealt with through legal, travel, media, or educational channels. Emotions will be amped over career, reputation, and what is occurring with you personally through financial, divorce or sexual realms. Venus opposes Pluto so a woman is going to push buttons through partnership, representation, her specialty, or competition. This is to point out how love or money are working through someone else towards your own empowerment, what do they have that you don’t? Answer…probably nothing. For some of you this will be rather explosive sexually with someone today so watch that its passion not obsession.
AQUARIUS: (To schedule a reading 818-613-6067)
Saturday is about tending to the details of the financial matter, divorce or sexual connection. This is a day to focus on clearing out anything that is holding you up in one of these shared arenas. Make lists, analyze your options, you need to step it up and pull all of the threads together so this works for you up ahead.
Saturday night or Sunday Jupiter is going to open up the income situation for you in a big way. This could be something changing in the way you make your living, a purchase you make that is big, something lucky pouring into the money you attract or a big space created by something leaving here. This earning your own income in some unique way is where your HAPPINESS IS AWAITING. This is opposing the shared financial picture, divorce or sexual conquest and that is where Saturn is limiting or making you more responsible. Emotions are aimed at legal or ceremonial matters, travel, education, or media ventures and the hidden or behind the scenes maneuvers today will help you to see this. Venus opposes Pluto so a woman at work or involved in your health or pet situation will be bringing something to a peak for you. Big change again is coming from the hidden aspects here or something you just didn’t see coming. Remember change is good.
PISCES: (To schedule a reading 818-613-6067)
Saturday you will be very focused on the effort and details of a partnership, connection with an agent, attorney or specialist, or specifics involved in a competition. There is the need to organize, clean up and clear out, simplify, get things so they are working for you with this person and watch out for over critical engagement with them. It is your own happiness and independence that is important while looking at the balance.
Saturday night or Sunday Jupiter is going to aim the big flood lights on you. This is about something changing in who you are, how you look or something with your body. There is big CHANGE in the mix for you and this is where your HAPPINESS AWAITS. This is in opposition to the partner, agent, attorney, specialist, or competitor so this other person is there to show you limits or responsibility so you can measure how far you need to go to feel free. Emotions are tied into financial matters, sex or divorce and the big transformative matter that has been building in a social circle, with a friend or group you are involved with is helping you see this obstacle in a new light as well. Venus opposes Pluto so expect love, kids, creativity and social circle, friends or groups to be the playground of this obsessive, powerful energy. Passion or explosive moments around sex, love, finances, divorce or women.
Thursday’s at 8pm eastern/5pm pacific on CBS radio http://www.newskyradio.com/
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