The ZOE MOON ASTROLOGY SHOW debuts on CBS radio this Thursday May 20th, at 8pm eastern/5pm pacific.
I hope you all listen in or call in! It is going to be on every Thursday night and I will be giving you the jump on the weekend energy as well as talking about the major astrological events coming up. You can call in with your personal questions about love, money or the path you find yourself on in life, whatever you like! I can’t wait :)
So, about this weekend! Yes we are finally moving forward again and I know you are all feeling it! This weekend will open up the talks in earnest, help you get the meetings underway, the pitches out the door, the writing projects in gear, and you will get a positive boost to tackle any of your neighborhood to-do list from running to the stores to mailing off the packets to just enjoying coffee at the local shop with a friend.
Saturday the recently Direct Mercury aligns with Mars who is just about to clear his shadow from his long Retrograde so everyone is gearing up and excited to share things and do things. This will best be experienced in something that brings you or others joy so look into creative endeavors, talks with kids or about them, connecting with lovers or someone you have had your heart set upon. Sign agreements today.
Sunday divides between more talks and meetings but there is a more serious note to the day, some positive connection to a group or friend, and something coming at you to handle that you didn’t see coming. The rest of the day hones in on home and property matters, family and security, sounds like a good way to wind down the weekend. Just know that emotional energy here is tweaked out a bit over differing goals. Talks and agreements can be to your benefit if you concentrate on the bottom line monetarily.
Saturday is really a day geared to suit you! Set your appointments with kids, lovers and any creative matters you need to discuss for today. Phone your loved ones, pitch the creative idea, write and meet up for fun or something recreational. You can dare to go for it today because the universe has your back. If there is an agreement or contract in question, get to it now.
Sunday the talks or meetings hit their first obstacle around the limits, structure or time needed for the work, health or pet involved. An older male may be in the picture here or an authority figure who wants more from you. Friends and group affiliations are with you and will support you through the day, especially where artistry, romance or spiritual pursuits are involved. Talk about the money you need to make at home or spend on home.
Saturday is a motivated day at the house or over property matters with opportunity to earn money or spend it in some positive fashion on your surroundings. It’s a great day to throw a gathering at home with the intent to raise money or to bring in a decorator to begin a project. It’s good for putting down the deposit on a home or bringing in a roommate to offset finances here as well as setting up a space to work from or a business focused out of the home.
Sunday making or spending money is the focus again but today you need to deal with obstacles or limitations involving a lover, children or creative outlets tied to it. If you can keep your bigger goal or career agenda in mind you should get through it since this is where you are favored today financially. An important talk or meeting comes your way today so step up and be heard, it benefits you greatly.
Saturday is a day with your name written all over it! It is a great motivating day of communications and not just for the sake of sharing knowledge and ideas but today these talks and agreements, meetings and ideas lead to positive action. Work on the writing project, get it out there, put out the word about something important and involving you, take the meeting, push for your voice in local affairs, meet up at the corner with your friends and expect the best out of the day.
Sunday you will be focusing on yourself through body or image but will need to deal with limits or responsibilities at home as well. This may be a bit annoying since you have so much to accomplish but do your best to handle both. There is something magical aligning between you and the trip, media venture, teaching or class you are taking, or a legal agreement or matter you are connected to, it is beneficial so get into it today. A talk about something spiritual, artistic or romantic is tied to income opportunity so engage this as well, sign if need be.
Saturday is a day to bore into your private cave and do all of that mystical, artistic, spiritual, recuperative, deeply connected stuff you have been working on behind the scenes because today it leads right to money. You have been developing something and you really want to push on ways to link it to income today because the universe has your back in a big way. A few of you may be dealing with hospitals and this day is going to help you with the money.
Sunday will be more of the same private, inner sanctum energy but today you will need to deal with a talk or agreement that is limiting or in some way requiring more structure, responsibility or time. There may be tough decisions to make regarding someone in a hospital or news about what is going on there and surprises that amp up the playing field around the trip, media, education, or legal side of things. The good energy for you here lies in shared finances, loans to settlements, and intimate connections or the divorce proceedings that are due to benefit you. Talk or meet with the friend or group about what you need, they have your back.
Saturday is a wonderful day to spend with your friends! There is great opportunity here for you to do anything you wish involving a friend, group, networking, a party, charity event, cause, or pursuing an aspiration near and dear to your heart. The doors are open wide to you so get ready to dazzle them and say yes to any invitation that comes your way!
Sunday there is more connection with the friend, group or aspiration but today you will need to deal with limits or responsibilities with them tied to income and any last minute surprises or changes that involve the shared or outside financial resources. The energy that is supporting you in this is through a partner, agent, attorney, specialist, or competitor so look to these people for the artistic, spiritual or romantic guidance (for some involving addictions or hospitals). A talk or decision about travel, media, education, or legalities in on the slate and is filled with opportunity for you.
Saturday gears up in all kinds of positive ways for you through what you can accomplish on your own or in private, behind the scenes efforts. You can delve into the imagination, fantasy, film, music, or other artistic connections, deal with a hospital, retreat or institution, do your research, investigation or follow your intuition, uncover secrets, meditate or just rest up and recuperate. Any of the action you instigate in these more or less sequestered internal arenas benefit your goals, career, reputation, father, or reach for fame!
Sunday you should focus again on these areas but today you will need to deal with any physical limits or personal responsibilities that are in the way or you will need to make the decision to step up more as a leader or authority in the mix. At the same time, expect the partner, agent, attorney, competitor, or specialist to toss a wild card into the mix to be dealt with as you go. The benefits come through work and health today so keep it moving here. Talks about a media, publishing, travel, foreign, educational, or legal matter are due to benefit.
It’s all about who you know on Saturday and getting to them. Find the time to connect with friends, groups, associates, do your networking, agree to social opportunities, and motivate on your aspirations because there is a beneficial and direct link to expansion and opportunity through travel, media, education, or legal routes if you do.
Sunday brings more focus on travel, media, education, or law but today there is something restrictive or limiting coming from a hidden arena that you must overcome and this could be a person working at cross purposes to you, a secret or hidden bit of information, something involving a hospital or something artistic or spiritual that is not clearly defined. Work, pets or health could spin a bit because of this. The positive reinforcements come through children, lovers or creative projects so pour into these areas. A talk or meeting leads to major financial matters, divorce or sex, regardless of which it is this looks positive.
Saturday gives you all the drive you need accompanied by the real opportunity to make something happen on the career front, to achieve a goal or set it in positive motion, to do something for dad or a boss that helps you as well, or to launch a business. There is financial backing or some kind of financial draw tied to this in a beneficial way. If you have been going through divorce, dealing with reproductive or sexual issues, these as well can be moved on today with positive results. If the goal is sex, well you should be smiling.
Sunday brings more financial, sexual or divorce energy into play for you. Today you will need to deal with the limits or responsibilities involving a friend or group in this as well as any last minute surprises or changes to creative output/ideas, or with children or lovers. The positive energy flows through what is happening at home or with property here so see that you give this attention. A talk with a partner, representative or competitor works in your favor legally, or regarding a trip, media venture, or education.
Saturday is one of those truly great days when you can set out on the trip and make it sing with the partner, representative or competition. If you aren’t traveling, the energy is just as strong in the other areas ruled by this house so look at things you can dive into with media, publishing, publicity, marketing, education, or legal matters. Again, it is the person involved in this with you, the partner, agent, attorney, specialist, or competitor that makes it work for you.
Sunday will again focus on this important person but today there will be some limits or responsibilities on the career front or around the goal you have set that must be worked through and there may be something hitting you out of the blue or changing at the last minute at home or with property that affects them or your relationship. The positive energy comes from the truly romantic, artistic or spiritual talk you can have with them that benefits the whole situation. Later in the day a talk or agreement about work, health or pets leads to positive financial or intimate connections.
Saturday brings all kinds of positive amplification around going after the big money and getting it or putting something into place that leads to it. This is going to enhance work or come from your efforts here. Besides the great push in the financial realm today there is opportunity to connect passionately and sexually or to get into gear over the divorce. It is all the connected, shared energy between others and you that is steamy and positive. Health and pets will benefit from the energy of the day as well so if you need to spend on them do so.
Sunday you will want to focus on work, health or pets but today there is a need to deal with any limits or responsibilities tied to travel, media, education, or legal matters. Don’t expect all news or talks to go smoothly today as there seems to be a wild card in the mix. The positive news is that regardless of the obstacles you are fielding, if you do so there is a great link to making money through efforts extended. A talk or meeting later in the day with a lover, child or about a creative venture is bound to please. If you need to bring in a specialist, representative or make something into a partnership, this looks positive as well.
Saturday you should write these words across the mirror after giving it your best smile, “Play Date”. Then you should kiss it and get out the door to all the fun and love you can muster. The energy has been so push and pull for a while now with the retrogrades but today you can gear up and make something happen, express your passions, or just have fun with a partner through creative outlets, love or with children. If you need to meet up with an agent, specialist, attorney, or any other representative to get what you want via love, kids or creative projects, do it today!
Sunday the focus on kids, love or creativity is key again but today there is some kind of financial, divorce or sexual limitation you must surmount. There is also some wild card tossed in over income so you may be called into work at the last minute or have to spend on something you weren’t anticipating. The good news is that you are linked through romantic, artistic, spiritual ties to the lover, child or creative project in the most amazing way today so it probably won’t matter all that much whatever pops up to be contended with. A talk later in the day about home or living situations should go well.
Saturday is a brilliant day if you need to work at home, get work done at home, if your work involves selling homes or renovating, remodeling or decorating homes. There is opportunity in the mix for you so motivate and go for it. If you have any kind of health equipment or a work out space or idea for the home, this is a great day to implement it and if you want to set up something special for your pets or bring a new one into the home, again, perfect day to do so.
Sunday will be focused on home and living situations again but today there will be a limit or responsibility tied to a partner, agent, attorney, specialist, or competitor here so do your best to put in some time and effort on this now. You may be feeling some bit of frictional energy welling up inside of yourself as well as you need your space or freedom to maneuver at home or with the living situation. The positive energy is flowing through romantic, artistic or spiritual prospects behind closed doors or through your inner, imaginative world. A talk you have later in the day benefits you with a lover, child or creative outlet.
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