Sunday, August 18, 2024

Zoe Moon Astrology WEEKLY HOROSCOPES Aug 19-25

Zoe Moon Astrology

CLICK above player to HEAR MORE about the WEEK AHEAD!

VOID MOONS THIS WEEK (Eastern Standard Time):

MONDAY 2:26pm-6:52pm

TUESDAY no void

WEDNESDAY 5:54pm-7:02pm

THURSDAY no void

FRIDAY 8:44am-8pm

SATURDAY no void

SUNDAY 9:40pm-11:04pm

MONDAY is about : 1) a powerful Full Moon in Aquarius, culminating around 2:26pm Eastern. We are now at the peak of the energy with friends, groups, associates, clubs, organizations, charities, astrology, the internet, big tech, causes, aspirations, gatherings, and original projects. This may bring major endings, wrap-ups, achievements, or celebrations. 2) the Full Moon Sun and Moon are in a T-square to Uranus in Taurus. This puts more friction into what is building and ending, achieved, or celebrated with the above Aquarius themes. It gets us to look at lovers, kids, creativity, drama, entitlement, or recreation in the story, while Uranus brings a wild card, something unexpected, last minute, surprising, or suddenly changing around what we value, how we are being valued, around our income, or involving possessions, gifts, products, or purchases in the mix. 3) another T-square (frictional energy pattern) between Venus in Virgo, Jupiter in Gemini and Saturn in Pisces. This one pushes us regarding love or money flow, beauty or pleasure needs, and our work or health, animals or paperwork, or hired help or co-workers. Big news, talks or decisions are in play here along with any limits, no’s, endings, or ambitions involving institutions, secrets, addictions, karmic matters, research, artistic pursuits, romance, or spirituality. 4) the peak of the Jupiter/Saturn square. We are at the height of the first challenge arising from these two and the story they began back in Dec 2020. Look at growth verses reality. There could be a really frustrating conversation or challenging news or choices to make. There is something to work out here between communications and decisions around legal, travel, distant, media, educational, ceremonial, religious, or political themes, and what is serious, involving rules, endings, authority figures, or commitments with institutions, research, investigations, addictions, secrets, artistic matters, romance, or spirituality. It's one heck of a day.

TUESDAY is a continuation around any growth verses rules, limits, or endings. Look at institutions, research, addictions, secrets, karma, artistic, romantic, or spiritual matters verses talks, news, meetings, short trips, vehicles, electronics, siblings, neighbors, moves, and anything legal, travel, educational, media, ceremonial, religious, or political to still be front and center today.

WEDNESDAY we will want to be flexible when it comes to our own involvement or needs with lovers, kids, creativity, dramas, or recreation. Institutions, research, recuperative needs, addictions, secrets, artistic, romantic, or spiritual influences are still front and center in our day and where we should adapt.

THURSDAY the Sun moves into Virgo for a 30-day tour, urging us to show up and get more involved in our own interests at or about work, with health, the animals, paperwork, hired help, or co-workers. Today this asks for some adjustment financially, sexually, with divorce, or third-party matters. Venus and Mars square so there is more spark and attraction/repulsion around love and sex, motivation and making money, or what we are doing about beauty, pleasure, talks, sales, meetings, short trips, work, health, animals, paperwork, hired help, or co-workers. There is potential tonight into early tomorrow morning for some really positive news or ideas, talks or meetings, sales or offers to come through, think big!

FRIDAY we have flow with mercury Retrograde so talk, meet, revisit, rekindle, release, or rework things with past or ongoing stories involving our love life, lover, children, creative ventures, or recreational pursuits. The Moon moves into Taurus at 8pm Eastern and squares Pluto in Aquarius for the first 17 minutes. So we may be taking on something about income, purchases, possessions, products, and other financial resources right off the bat but this then shifts into flow with the Sun in Virgo the rest of the night. This should link earning, spending, and what we do with possessions or products to the work or health needs, co-workers or hired help, paperwork or animals, or cleaning and organizing, sweet.

SATURDAY puts Mercury Retrograde into flow with Mars. This is great for talking, meeting, or making choices involving past or ongoing stories with lovers, kids, creative ventures, or recreational pursuits, and how this is linked to passion or more action or motivation locally, in talks or meetings, with sales, offers, or decisions in the mix. There is also potential to open something up around institutions, research, artistic, romantic, or spiritual interests the further the day goes, and this would be solid.

SUNDAY morning may start off with some challenging news or talk but this should give way quickly and open up the rest of the day in flow with love or money, beauty or pleasure, earning, purchasing, or possessions, any social influences or online pursuits, the magic, inspiration, romance, artistry, or spirituality. Gemini Moon kicks in at 11:04pm Eastern and forms a positive alignment with Pluto so we may wrap the night with more offers, talks or choices tied to financial, sexual, or third-party influences, doors open.

If you’d like to inquire about booking a reading to look into your personal chart and what’s on the horizon, inbox me here or at and I’ll send you the information about what a reading involves, the rates and when we might get started!

If you’d like to help support this work you can buy Zoe a coffee, it’s much appreciated!

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The SEPTEMBER MONTHLY Show #1 for signs Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, & Capricorn: Zoe Moon Astrology HealthyLife.Net Radio Show Archive    OR

The SEPTEMBER MONTHLY Show #2 for signs Aquarius & Pisces:

OR Zoe Moon Astrology SEPTEMBER MONTHLY Show #2 for signs AQUARIUS & PISCES 08/17 by Zoe Moon | Self Help (

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