Thursday, August 1, 2024

Zoe Moon Astrology AUGUST MONTHLY Horoscopes

Zoe Moon Astrology
AUGUST MONTHLY Horoscopes 2024 

So, we enter the month with Uranus still sitting upon Algol, a fixed star associated with danger, so we want to take extra care from the 1-7th in social situations, at gatherings, online, with our money, our purchases, possessions, around our neck or throat, with sharp objects, weapons, fire, electricity, anger, and rebelliousness.

The New Moon kicks in on the 4th, commencing at 7:13am Eastern and in play over the next 2 weeks. This gives us the momentum we need to start new projects or situations, or to take our current scenarios forward with more gusto. The focus is on our love life or a lover, with children, in creative opportunities, around dramas, dealing with entitlement, or in recreational pursuits. We may see something shift or move forward with royalty during this period as well. The creative potential is expanded at this particular New Moon due to the degree it holds so bring your divine spark to all of these areas of life now!

Venus changes signs this month, exiting Leo and entering Virgo on the 4th. She will now tour this territory until August 29th so most of our month is about Venus in Virgo. Venus is of course about where we want to enjoy ourselves, where we can smooth out issues or seek more fun, where love and income flow are at the forefront and beauty is key. So, in Virgo we are more detail oriented in these areas of life, perhaps even critical, we want to focus on the work required or how health is impacting what is going on. We can also involve the animals, hire help, clean, organize, work with others, or bring paperwork into the story. So get into the nitty gritty with love or money, beauty or pleasure now.

Mercury Retrogrades on the 5th and will be Retrograding part of the time in Virgo, part of the time in Leo, giving us a do-over in both territories. So, from the 5th-14th Mercury Retrograde helps us slow down and revisit work, health or animal needs, any paperwork, co-workers, or hired help, and figure out what can be rekindled, reworked, or released. From the 14th-28th Mercury Retrogrades through Leo giving us a chance to revisit past or ongoing stories involving the kids, a lover, our love life, any creative ventures, dramas, entitlement issues, or recreational pursuits. We can have mix-ups, miscommunications or malfunctioning items during the Retrograde tied to the topics at hand so double check facts and figures, make sure your communique went through, and back things up. Examples could be you run into an old co-worker, a current co-worker quits, or info you use on the job site gets lost in a computer breakdown while in Virgo, and then perhaps you run into an old lover, get the play date directions wrong for the kids, or lose your script in a malfunctioning computer. These would be glitches so again, double check things and back things up. Once Mercury goes Direct on the 28th he will move forward through Leo until Sept 9th, then re-enter Virgo on Sept 9th and exit Virgo on Sept 26th so it’s a long story, one meant to help us figure out something through the process, so pace yourselves!

The Sun enters Virgo on the 22nd and will tour here for the next 30 days. This puts a spotlight on work and health, animals, paperwork, cleaning, organizing, simplifying, co-workers, and hired help. It is a call to show up, get more physically involved in these matters, pursue one’s own interests and shine. It obviously overlays the Mercury Retrograde and will add more personal involvement in this territory during both signs that the Retrograde moves through so plan on showing up.

There is a Full Moon on the 19th in Aquarius at the 27th degree of the sign. This peaks by 2:26pm Eastern and so we may experience this in the build-up on the 26th or at culmination on the 27th or both. It is about what we are wrapping up or ending, achieving or celebrating, or where breakthroughs are happening as the energy is at its zenith. The focus is on aspirations or original projects, friends, groups, or associations, the internet, big tech, or digital anything, electrical matters, the collective, astrology, or charities, or any gatherings, parties, or events. It can also be a time of culminating energy around revolution, rebellion, or an Aquarius in our lives. This is likely to be a very interesting Full Moon as it shows the Moon at 27 degrees of Aquarius, opposite the Sun and Mercury Retrograde at 27 and 26 degrees of Leo, square Uranus and the Part of Fortune at 27 degrees of Taurus. This is a highly charged T-Square Full Moon meaning it may be very active, surprising, shocking, suddenly changing, last minute, about past people, events or ideas, and our fortunes in the mix.

We’re not even done! On the same day as the Full Moon, the 19th, Jupiter will square Saturn on the 17th degrees of Gemini and Pisces. So, we have the planet of growth, law, politics, media, education, travel, foreign affairs, and religion, pushing against Saturn, the planet of rules, authority, the establishment, time, limits, responsibilities, no's, endings, and commitments. This comes via the news we hear or talks, meetings, sales, offers, or decisions about it and what is going on behind the scenes, in private, in secret, around addiction, in karmic arenas, with institutions, through research or investigations, or over artistic, romantic or spiritual topics. Mars is going to trigger this a few days early, between the 15th and 16th so expect BIG NEWS or some fired up choice on the table at this juncture of the month, the 15-19th.

Finally, Venus enters Libra on the 29th and will tour here until Sept 22nd. This period should help us smooth out issues (if we have them), with partners, clients, specialists, competitors, advocates, or representatives. It should also help us to enjoy these relationships more, to attract the love or money with or through these connections, focus on beauty, or have fun. Venus in this sign is more attracted to higher esthetics, justice, and balance so lean into this if you are trying to attract love or money with a partner, client, specialist, rep, etc.


Remain careful around the neck or throat, in crowds or with gatherings, and any anger issues from the 1-7th. The energy around this plays out when you are focused on income, purchases, your possessions, or how you are being valued.

New Moon energy is giving you a boost with your love life or lover, the kids, your creative ventures, or recreational pursuits from the 4th-19th, be proactive about starting something new or taking current interests into what comes next!

Mercury Retrograde is going to slow you down and ask you to revisit the past or an ongoing situation for a do-over between the 4-28th. This is a two-parter. From the 4-14th it is about revisiting work, health or animal needs, or anything with co-workers, hired help or paperwork. From the 14-28 it is about revisiting lovers/love life, kids, creativity, or fun. Double check facts and figures, mix-ups, miscommunications, or malfunctioning mechanicals/electronics around these topics during the Retrograde but do make the most of the time you now have to revisit, rekindle, release, or rework something here.

The Sun moves into Virgo on the 6th and will tour here for 30 days. This period can help you show up and get more personally or physically involved with work, health or animals, paperwork, co-workers, or hired help. This is your turn to pursue your interests and promote yourself and shine.

The Full Moon on the 19th is bringing things to a climax in your world around aspirations or original projects, with friends, groups or online, with astrology, charities or gatherings, or your freedoms. Look to wrap things up or mark endings, or for achievements or celebrations here at the zenith. The T-square the brings more dynamic to what is culminating involves lovers, creative ventures, kids, recreation, or drama, and something going on with your fortunes and income, purchases, possessions, or products, so look for some of these topics to play into the climax of the Full Moon.

Jupiter and Saturn are in square on the 19th which means there is likely really big information or news coming in, an important talk to be had, or a big decision on the line. It may involve siblings, neighbors, moves, sales, writing, agreements, something at a distance, involving legal, travel, educational, or media themes, and that has a karmic cycle tied to it, or is secretive, hidden, developing, and is serious.

Venus moves into Libra on the 29th and from now through Sept 22nd you have the goddess of love and money, beauty and pleasure, touring through your zone of relationships! This is fab for attracting this positive energy through partners, clients, specialists, reps, or other key players, it’s your time to make connections and make them count.

If you’d like to inquire about BOOKING A READING email me at so I can tell you the rates, dates and details of how to set one up!

If the Monthly info clicked for you and YOU’D LIKE TO SUPPORT THIS WORK you can buy Zoe a coffee here, it’s much appreciated: Buy Me A Coffee


Remain careful around the neck or throat, in crowds or with gatherings, and any anger issues from the 1-7th. This may make you a bit more accident prone so take care.

New Moon energy is giving you a boost with your family interests, what you are doing at home, with a move, any renovations, real estate deals, your interests with history or ancestry, with a parent, or roommates from the 4th-19th. This should give you momentum in creative endeavors here or with love or fun in the mix, be proactive about starting something new or taking current interests into what comes next!

Mercury Retrograde is going to slow you down and ask you to revisit the past or an ongoing situation for a do-over between the 4-28th. This is a two-parter. From the 4-14th it is about revisiting creative ventures, your love life/lover, the kids, or recreational pursuits. From the 14-28 it is about home, family, moves, renovations, real estate deals, parents, or roommates. Double check facts and figures, mix-ups, miscommunications, or malfunctioning mechanicals/electronics around these topics during the Retrograde but do make the most of the time you now have to revisit, rekindle, release, or rework something here.

The Sun moves into Virgo on the 6th and will tour here for 30 days. This period can help you show up and get more personally or physically involved with a lover, your love life, the kids, a creative endeavor, or recreational pursuits. This is your turn to pursue your interests and promote yourself and shine.

The Full Moon on the 19th is bringing things to a climax in your world around personal goals, your status, reputation, fame, career, or with a boss, parent, judge, mentor, director, or other authority figure. Look to wrap things up or mark endings, or for achievements or celebrations here at the zenith. The T-square the brings more dynamic to what is culminating involves dramatic or creative energy at home, with moves, renovations, real estate deals, parents, family, or roommates, and something going on with your fortunes physically, personally, or with your name, brand, image, body, or desires, so look for some of these topics to play into the climax of the Full Moon.

Jupiter and Saturn are in square on the 19th which means there is likely really big information or news coming in, an important talk to be had, or a big decision on the line. It may involve income, purchases or possessions, something at a distance, involving legal, travel, educational, or media themes, and that has a karmic cycle tied to it, or is secretive, hidden, developing, and is serious where friends, groups, the internet, or your aspirations are involved.

Venus moves into Libra on the 29th and from now through Sept 22nd you have the goddess of love and money, beauty and pleasure, touring through your zone of work and health, animals, paperwork, hired help, and co-workers! This is fab for attracting this positive energy through these arenas, it’s your time to enjoy what is going on here, smooth out issues, or attract the good stuff here.

If you’d like to inquire about BOOKING A READING email me at so I can tell you the rates, dates and details of how to set one up!

If the Monthly info clicked for you and YOU’D LIKE TO SUPPORT THIS WORK you can buy Zoe a coffee here, it’s much appreciated: Buy Me A Coffee


Remain careful around the neck or throat, in crowds or with gatherings, and any anger issues from the 1-7th. This may involve a secret, addiction, institution, your research, or what is going on with an artistic, romantic or spiritual matter.

New Moon energy is giving you a boost with your talks, meetings, or sales, your writing or agreements, anything involving siblings, neighbors, moves, short trips, vehicles, electronics, or local activities from the 4th-19th. This should give you momentum in creative endeavors here or with love or fun in the mix, be proactive about starting something new or taking current interests into what comes next!

Mercury Retrograde is going to slow you down and ask you to revisit the past or an ongoing situation for a do-over between the 4-28th. This is a two-parter. From the 4-14th it is about revisiting matters at home, with moves, renovations, real estate deals, parents, roommates, or family. From the 14-28 it is about talks, meetings, sales, writing, interviews, or what is going on with siblings, neighbors, vehicles, electronics, moves, short trips, or local activities. Double check facts and figures, mix-ups, miscommunications, or malfunctioning mechanicals/electronics around these topics during the Retrograde but do make the most of the time you now have to revisit, rekindle, release, or rework something here.

The Sun moves into Virgo on the 6th and will tour here for 30 days. This period can help you show up and get more personally or physically involved with the home, family, move, renovations, real estate deals, parents, or roommates. This is your turn to pursue your interests and promote yourself and shine.

The Full Moon on the 19th is bringing things to a climax in your world around travel plans, distant situations, legal agreements, media ventures, educational pursuits, ceremonies, religion, or politics. Look to wrap things up or mark endings, or for achievements or celebrations here at the zenith. The T-square the brings more dynamic to what is culminating involves dramatic or creative energy around vehicles, electronics, siblings, moves, neighbors, talks, meetings, sales, writing, or decisions, and something going on with your fortunes tied to institutions, research, karmic matters, artistic pursuits, romance, addictions, secrets, or spiritual matters, so look for some of these topics to play into the climax of the Full Moon.

Jupiter and Saturn are in square on the 19th which means there is likely really big information or news coming in, an important talk to be had, or a big decision on the line. It may involve you personally or something about your image, brand, name, title, or needs, something at a distance, involving legal, travel, educational, or media themes, and that has a karmic cycle tied to it, or is secretive, hidden, developing, and is serious where your goals, career or an authority figure are involved.

Venus moves into Libra on the 29th and from now through Sept 22nd you have the goddess of love and money, beauty and pleasure, touring through your zone of true love and lovers, creative ventures, children, and recreation! This is fab for attracting this positive energy through these arenas, it’s your time to enjoy what is going on here, smooth out issues, or attract the good stuff through these realms.

If you’d like to inquire about BOOKING A READING email me at so I can tell you the rates, dates and details of how to set one up!

If the Monthly info clicked for you and YOU’D LIKE TO SUPPORT THIS WORK you can buy Zoe a coffee here, it’s much appreciated: Buy Me A Coffee


Remain careful around the neck or throat, in crowds or with gatherings, and any anger issues from the 1-7th. This may involve a friend, group, the internet, astrology, charities, or your aspirations.

New Moon energy is giving you a boost with your income, purchases, possessions, or products from the 4th-19th. This should give you momentum in creative endeavors here or with love or fun in the mix, be proactive about starting something new or taking current interests into what comes next!

Mercury Retrograde is going to slow you down and ask you to revisit the past or an ongoing situation for a do-over between the 4-28th. This is a two-parter. From the 4-14th it is about revisiting something with siblings, neighbors, moves, vehicles, or electronics, or through talks, meetings, flirtations, sales, writing, or agreements. From the 14-28 it is about what is going on with income, purchases, possessions, or products. Double check facts and figures, mix-ups, miscommunications, or malfunctioning mechanicals/electronics around these topics during the Retrograde but do make the most of the time you now have to revisit, rekindle, release, or rework something here.

The Sun moves into Virgo on the 6th and will tour here for 30 days. This period can help you show up and get more personally or physically involved with a move, short trip, the writing, sales, siblings, neighbors, electronics, vehicles, talks, meetings, flirtations, or decisions. This is your turn to pursue your interests and promote yourself and shine.

The Full Moon on the 19th is bringing things to a climax in your world around loans, debt, inheritance, taxes, insurance, investments, alimony, child support, a partners money, or other financial matters, or with your sex life, reproductive needs, a divorce, birth, death, or third-party situations. Look to wrap things up or mark endings, or for achievements or celebrations here at the zenith. The T-square the brings more dynamic to what is culminating involves dramatic or creative energy around income, purchases, possessions, or products, and something going on with your fortunes tied to friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, gatherings, aspirations, freedoms, or original projects, so look for some of these topics to play into the climax of the Full Moon.

Jupiter and Saturn are in square on the 19th which means there is likely really big information or news coming in, an important talk to be had, or a big decision on the line. It may involve artistic, romantic or spiritual matters, secrets or addictions, institutions or research, something at a distance, involving legal, travel, educational, or media themes, and that has a karmic cycle tied to it, or is secretive, hidden, developing, and is serious where your travel, legal, educational, media, ceremonial, religious, or political interests are involved.

Venus moves into Libra on the 29th and from now through Sept 22nd you have the goddess of love and money, beauty and pleasure, touring through your zone of home, family, moves, renovations, real estate deals, parents, and roommates! This is fab for attracting this positive energy through these arenas, it’s your time to enjoy what is going on here, smooth out issues, or attract the good stuff through these realms.

If you’d like to inquire about BOOKING A READING email me at so I can tell you the rates, dates and details of how to set one up!

If the Monthly info clicked for you and YOU’D LIKE TO SUPPORT THIS WORK you can buy Zoe a coffee here, it’s much appreciated: Buy Me A Coffee


Remain careful around the neck or throat, in crowds or with gatherings, and any anger issues from the 1-7th. This may involve or play out around personal goals, career needs, fame, reputation, or with authority figures.

New Moon energy is giving you a boost with your body, image, brand, name, title, involvement on a physical level in the things important to you, or desires from the 4th-19th. This should give you momentum in creative endeavors here or with love or fun in the mix, be proactive about starting something new or taking current interests into what comes next!

Mercury Retrograde is going to slow you down and ask you to revisit the past or an ongoing situation for a do-over between the 4-28th. This is a two-parter. From the 4-14th it is about revisiting something with income, purchases, possessions, or products. From the 14-28 it is about what is going on with your body, image, brand, name, title, involvement, or needs. Double check facts and figures, mix-ups, miscommunications, or malfunctioning mechanicals/electronics around these topics during the Retrograde but do make the most of the time you now have to revisit, rekindle, release, or rework something here.

The Sun moves into Virgo on the 6th and will tour here for 30 days. This period can help you show up and get more personally or physically involved with income, purchases, possessions, or products. This is your turn to pursue your interests and promote yourself in these arenas and shine.

The Full Moon on the 19th is bringing things to a climax in your world around partners, clients, specialists, agents, attorneys, competitors, advocates, or other important relationships. Look to wrap things up or mark endings, or for achievements or celebrations here at the zenith. The T-square the brings more dynamic to what is culminating involves dramatic or creative energy around what you are doing personally, physically or is occurring with your body, image, brand, name, title, or needs, and something going on with your fortunes tied to big goals, career matters, reputation, fame, or an authority figure, so look for some of these topics to play into the climax of the Full Moon.

Jupiter and Saturn are in square on the 19th which means there is likely really big information or news coming in, an important talk to be had, or a big decision on the line. It may involve friends, original projects, freedoms, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, or gatherings and something financial, sexual, reproductive, about divorce, births, deaths, or third-party influences.

Venus moves into Libra on the 29th and from now through Sept 22nd you have the goddess of love and money, beauty and pleasure, touring through your local community, short trips, writing, sales, talks, meetings, interviews, and offers, as well as when you are involved with siblings, neighbors, moves, vehicles, or electronics! This is fab for attracting this positive energy through these arenas, it’s your time to enjoy what is going on here, smooth out issues, or attract the good stuff through these realms.

If you’d like to inquire about BOOKING A READING email me at so I can tell you the rates, dates and details of how to set one up!

If the Monthly info clicked for you and YOU’D LIKE TO SUPPORT THIS WORK you can buy Zoe a coffee here, it’s much appreciated: Buy Me A Coffee


Remain careful around the neck or throat, in crowds or with gatherings, and any anger issues from the 1-7th. This may involve or play out around travel plans, distant situations, legal matters, educational pursuits, media ventures, ceremonies, religious experience, or politics.

New Moon energy is giving you a boost with your artistic interests, romantic life, karmic scenarios, spiritual practices, dreams, signs from beyond the veil, tackling addictions, dealing with secrets, institutions, investigations, recuperative needs, or research from the 4th-19th. This should give you momentum in creative endeavors here or with love or fun in the mix, be proactive about starting something new or taking current interests into what comes next!

Mercury Retrograde is going to slow you down and ask you to revisit the past or an ongoing situation for a do-over between the 4-28th. This is a two-parter. From the 4-14th it is about revisiting something about your body, image, brand, name, title, involvement, or personal needs. From the 14-28 it is about what is going on with institutions, research, recuperative needs, romance, spirituality, or artistic pursuits. Double check facts and figures, mix-ups, miscommunications, or malfunctioning mechanicals/electronics around these topics during the Retrograde but do make the most of the time you now have to revisit, rekindle, release, or rework something here.

The Sun moves into Virgo on the 6th and will tour here for 30 days. This period can help you show up and get more personally or physically involved with your own interests, promoting yourself, standing out, or focusing on your body, image, brand, name, title, or needs. This is your turn to shine.

The Full Moon on the 19th is bringing things to a climax in your world around work or health interests, with animals, any paperwork, or with co-workers or hired help. Look to wrap things up or mark endings, or for achievements or celebrations here at the zenith. The T-square that brings more dynamic to what is culminating involves dramatic or creative energy around what you are doing with artistic, romantic, spiritual, addictive, secretive, institutional, or research realms, and something going on with your fortunes tied to media, education, law, politics, religion, travel, ceremonial, or distant situations, so look for some of these topics to play into the climax of the Full Moon.

Jupiter and Saturn are in square on the 19th which means there is likely really big information or news coming in, an important talk to be had, or a big decision on the line. It may involve a personal goal, your career interests, fame, reputation, or an authority figure and something with partners, clients, specialists, representatives, competitors, or advocates.

Venus moves into Libra on the 29th and from now through Sept 22nd you have the goddess of love and money, beauty and pleasure, touring through your income, purchases, possessions, and products territory! This is fab for attracting this positive energy through these arenas, it’s your time to enjoy what is going on here, smooth out issues, or attract the good stuff through these realms. Examples could be purchasing something beautiful or for love, having more luck with income all around, or earning through the sale of your possessions.

If you’d like to inquire about BOOKING A READING email me at so I can tell you the rates, dates and details of how to set one up!

If the Monthly info clicked for you and YOU’D LIKE TO SUPPORT THIS WORK you can buy Zoe a coffee here, it’s much appreciated: Buy Me A Coffee


Remain careful around the neck or throat, in crowds or with gatherings, and any anger issues from the 1-7th. This may involve or play out around financial scenarios, with your sex life, reproductive needs, divorce, a birth, death, power, control, jealousy, or third-party situations.

New Moon energy is giving you a boost with your aspirations, original projects, freedoms, friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, or gatherings from the 4th-19th. This should give you momentum in creative endeavors here or with love or fun in the mix, be proactive about starting something new or taking current interests into what comes next!

Mercury Retrograde is going to slow you down and ask you to revisit the past or an ongoing situation for a do-over between the 4-28th. This is a two-parter. From the 4-14th it is about revisiting something about your artistic interests, romantic life, spiritual needs, addictions, secrets, recuperative needs, research, investigations, or institutions. From the 14-28 it is about what is going on with friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, gatherings, aspirations, freedoms, or original projects. Double check facts and figures, mix-ups, miscommunications, or malfunctioning mechanicals/electronics around these topics during the Retrograde but do make the most of the time you now have to revisit, rekindle, release, or rework something here.

The Sun moves into Virgo on the 6th and will tour here for 30 days. This period can help you show up and get more personally or physically involved with institutions, research, recuperation, artistry, spirituality, romance, or dealing with those secrets or addictions. This is your turn to pursue your own interests here and to shine.

The Full Moon on the 19th is bringing things to a climax in your world around creative talents or ventures, children, lovers, or recreational pursuits. It could be about drama or entitlement as well. Look to wrap things up or mark endings, or for achievements or celebrations here at the zenith. The T-square that brings more dynamic to what is culminating involves dramatic or creative energy around what you are doing with friends, groups, the internet, astrology ,charities, or gatherings, and something going on with your fortunes tied to financial matters, sex, reproduction, a birth, a death, a divorce, or something with third-party situations, so look for some of these topics to play into the climax of the Full Moon.

Jupiter and Saturn are in square on the 19th which means there is likely really big information or news coming in, an important talk to be had, or a big decision on the line. It may involve media, education, legal matters, travel, distant situations, ceremonies, religion, or politics, and something with work, health, animals, paperwork, hired help, or co-workers.

Venus moves into Libra on the 29th and from now through Sept 22nd you have the goddess of love and money, beauty and pleasure, touring through your sign! This is fab for attracting this positive energy through just showing up, focusing on your body, image, brand, name, title, or needs, it’s your time to enjoy what is going on here, smooth out issues, or attract the good stuff through these realms. Examples could be purchasing something beautiful to wear, getting a makeover or new hairstyle, expressing more love, seeing your brand draw more money to you, or falling in love.

If you’d like to inquire about BOOKING A READING email me at so I can tell you the rates, dates and details of how to set one up!

If the Monthly info clicked for you and YOU’D LIKE TO SUPPORT THIS WORK you can buy Zoe a coffee here, it’s much appreciated: Buy Me A Coffee


Remain careful around the neck or throat, in crowds or with gatherings, and any anger issues from the 1-7th. This may involve or play out around partners, clients, specialists, agents, attorneys, competitors, advocates, or other such relationship.

New Moon energy is giving you a boost with your personal goals, fame, status, reputation, career, and/or authority figures from the 4th-19th. This should give you momentum in creative endeavors here or with love or fun in the mix, be proactive about starting something new or taking current interests into what comes next!

Mercury Retrograde is going to slow you down and ask you to revisit the past or an ongoing situation for a do-over between the 4-28th. This is a two-parter. From the 4-14th it is about revisiting something about your friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, gatherings, aspirations, freedoms, or original projects. From the 14-28 it is about what is going on with personal goals, career needs, fame, status, reputation, or authority figures. Double check facts and figures, mix-ups, miscommunications, or malfunctioning mechanicals/electronics around these topics during the Retrograde but do make the most of the time you now have to revisit, rekindle, release, or rework something here.

The Sun moves into Virgo on the 6th and will tour here for 30 days. This period can help you show up and get more personally or physically involved with friends, associates, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, gatherings, your aspirations, or original projects. This is your turn to pursue your own interests here and to shine.

The Full Moon on the 19th is bringing things to a climax in your world around home matters, moves, renovations, real estate deals, parents, roommates, or family. Look to wrap things up or mark endings, or for achievements or celebrations here at the zenith. The T-square that brings more dynamic to what is culminating involves dramatic or creative energy around what you are doing with goals, career, status, fame, or authority figures, and something going on with your fortunes tied to partners, clients, specialists, reps, competitors, or other key players, so look for some of these topics to play into the climax of the Full Moon.

Jupiter and Saturn are in square on the 19th which means there is likely really big information or news coming in, an important talk to be had, or a big decision on the line. It may involve financial, sexual, reproductive, jealous, controlling, divorce, death, birth, or third party situations, and something with a lover, the kids, a creative venture, or recreational pursuit.

Venus moves into Libra on the 29th and from now through Sept 22nd you have the goddess of love and money, beauty and pleasure, touring through your 12th house! This is fab for attracting this positive energy through artistic pursuits, romantic interludes, spiritual practices, institutions, or research, it’s your time to enjoy what is going on here, smooth out issues, or attract the good stuff through these realms. Examples could be earning through creative outlets, romantic getaways that are private and pleasurable, enjoying the art at a museum or other institution, or having a beautiful experience through prayer or meditation, look at the combinations!

If you’d like to inquire about BOOKING A READING email me at so I can tell you the rates, dates and details of how to set one up!

If the Monthly info clicked for you and YOU’D LIKE TO SUPPORT THIS WORK you can buy Zoe a coffee here, it’s much appreciated: Buy Me A Coffee


Remain careful around the neck or throat, in crowds or with gatherings, and any anger issues from the 1-7th. This may involve or play out around work situations, with co-workers or hired help, around the animals, while doing something about your health, or via paperwork, cleaning or organizing.

New Moon energy is giving you a boost with your travel plans, distant situations, media interests, educational pursuits, ceremonies, religion, politics, or legal needs from the 4th-19th. This should give you momentum in creative endeavors here or with love or fun in the mix, be proactive about starting something new or taking current interests into what comes next!

Mercury Retrograde is going to slow you down and ask you to revisit the past or an ongoing situation for a do-over between the 4-28th. This is a two-parter. From the 4-14th it is about revisiting something about your personal goals, career, status, fame, or authority figures. From the 14-28 it is about what is going on with travel, legal, distant, media, educational, ceremonial, religious, or political matters. Double check facts and figures, mix-ups, miscommunications, or malfunctioning mechanicals/electronics around these topics during the Retrograde but do make the most of the time you now have to revisit, rekindle, release, or rework something here.

The Sun moves into Virgo on the 6th and will tour here for 30 days. This period can help you show up and get more personally or physically involved with career matters, personal goals, fame, status, reputation, or authority figures. This is your turn to pursue your own interests here and to shine.

The Full Moon on the 19th is bringing things to a climax in your world around offers and agreements, sales and writing, talks or meetings, with siblings or neighbors, about moves, vehicles, or electronics, or with short trips, local activities, flirtations, or duality in your life. Look to wrap things up or mark endings, or for achievements or celebrations here at the zenith. The T-square that brings more dynamic to what is culminating involves dramatic or creative energy around what you are doing with travel, distant, legal, educational, media, ceremonial, religious, or political matters, and something going on with your fortunes tied to work, health, animals, paperwork, hired help, or co-workers, so look for some of these topics to play into the climax of the Full Moon.

Jupiter and Saturn are in square on the 19th which means there is likely really big information or news coming in, an important talk to be had, or a big decision on the line. It may involve a partner, client, specialist, representative, opponent, competitor, advocate, or other key relationship, and something about or at home, with real estate deals, moves, renovations, parents, roommates, or family.

Venus moves into Libra on the 29th and from now through Sept 22nd you have the goddess of love and money, beauty and pleasure, touring through your 11th house! This is fab for attracting this positive energy through friends, groups, associates, the internet, astrology charities, gatherings, or your aspirations or original projects, it’s your time to enjoy what is going on here, smooth out issues, or attract the good stuff through these realms. Examples could be earning online or with an original project, falling in love at a party or other gathering, doing more social and enjoyable activities with a current love interest, or splurging for some beauty product online or through a friend, look at the combinations for more!

If you’d like to inquire about BOOKING A READING email me at so I can tell you the rates, dates and details of how to set one up!

If the Monthly info clicked for you and YOU’D LIKE TO SUPPORT THIS WORK you can buy Zoe a coffee here, it’s much appreciated: Buy Me A Coffee


Remain careful around the neck or throat, in crowds or with gatherings, and any anger issues from the 1-7th. This may involve or play out around your kids, lovers, involving creative activities, or recreational pursuits.

New Moon energy is giving you a boost with your financial interest, sex life, reproductive needs, divorce proceedings, or third-party situations from the 4th-19th. This should give you momentum in creative endeavors here or with love or fun in the mix, be proactive about starting something new or taking current interests into what comes next!

Mercury Retrograde is going to slow you down and ask you to revisit the past or an ongoing situation for a do-over between the 4-28th. This is a two-parter. From the 4-14th it is about revisiting something about your travel plans or distant situations, legal needs, educational pursuits, media ventures, ceremonies, religion, or politics. From the 14-28 it is about what is going on with your sex life, reproductive needs, financial interests, divorce, or third-party situations. Double check facts and figures, mix-ups, miscommunications, or malfunctioning mechanicals/electronics around these topics during the Retrograde but do make the most of the time you now have to revisit, rekindle, release, or rework something here.

The Sun moves into Virgo on the 6th and will tour here for 30 days. This period can help you show up and get more personally or physically involved with travel, distant situations, legal matters, educational pursuits, media ventures, ceremonies, religion, or politics. This is your turn to pursue your own interests here and to shine.

The Full Moon on the 19th is bringing things to a climax in your world around values, being valued, income needs, purchases, possessions, gifts, or products in your life. Look to wrap things up or mark endings, or for achievements or celebrations here at the zenith. The T-square that brings more dynamic to what is culminating involves dramatic or creative energy around what you are doing with sexual attractions, reproductive needs, financial matters, divorce, or third-party situations, and something going on with your fortunes tied to your love life or a lover, the kids, a creative venture, or recreational pursuit so look for some of these topics to play into the climax of the Full Moon.

Jupiter and Saturn are in square on the 19th which means there is likely really big information or news coming in, an important talk to be had, or a big decision on the line. It may involve the details of a situation, a service being offered, work situations, health needs, animals, paperwork, cleaning, organizing, hired help, or co-workers, and something about a sale, the writing, agreements, meetings, moves, short trips, local activities, meetings, or involving siblings, neighbors, vehicles, or electronics.

Venus moves into Libra on the 29th and from now through Sept 22nd you have the goddess of love and money, beauty and pleasure, touring through your 10th house! This is fab for attracting this positive energy around your personal goals, career, status, fame, or with authority figures, it’s your time to enjoy what is going on here, smooth out issues, or attract the good stuff through these realms. Examples could be getting a promotion at work that elevates your status on the career front and brings in more money, or reaching a love goal during this period, or impressing someone in a higher-up position in life with your grace and beauty, look at the combinations for more!

If you’d like to inquire about BOOKING A READING email me at so I can tell you the rates, dates and details of how to set one up!

If the Monthly info clicked for you and YOU’D LIKE TO SUPPORT THIS WORK you can buy Zoe a coffee here, it’s much appreciated: Buy Me A Coffee


Remain careful around the neck or throat, in crowds or with gatherings, and any anger issues from the 1-7th. This may involve or play out at home, around moves, renovations, or real estate deals, or with family, parents, or roommates.

New Moon energy is giving you a boost with your relationships so look for fresh energy with partners, clients, specialists, representatives, competitors, advocates, or other important one-on-ones from the 4th-19th. This should give you momentum in creative endeavors here or with love or fun in the mix, be proactive about starting something new or taking current interests into what comes next!

Mercury Retrograde is going to slow you down and ask you to revisit the past or an ongoing situation for a do-over between the 4-28th. This is a two-parter. From the 4-14th it is about revisiting something about your financial scenarios, sex life, reproductive needs, divorce, or third-party situations. From the 14-28 it is about what is going on with your partners, clients, specialists, representatives, competitors, advocates, or other relationships. Double check facts and figures, mix-ups, miscommunications, or malfunctioning mechanicals/electronics around these topics during the Retrograde but do make the most of the time you now have to revisit, rekindle, release, or rework something here.

The Sun moves into Virgo on the 6th and will tour here for 30 days. This period can help you show up and get more personally or physically involved with financial matters, your sex life, reproductive needs, divorce, or a third party situation. This is your turn to pursue your own interests here and to shine.

The Full Moon on the 19th is bringing things to a climax in your world when it comes to you and your needs, what’s going on with your body, image, brand, name, title, or involvement with anything around social scenarios, freedoms, the internet, or your original projects or aspirations. Look to wrap things up or mark endings, or for achievements or celebrations here at the zenith. The T-square that brings more dynamic to what is culminating involves dramatic or creative energy around what you are doing with partners, clients, specialists, reps, or other key players, and something going on with your fortunes tied to your home, family, move, renovation, real estate deal, parents, or roommates, so look for some of these topics to play into the climax of the Full Moon.

Jupiter and Saturn are in square on the 19th which means there is likely really big information or news coming in, an important talk to be had, or a big decision on the line. It may involve the kids, a lover, a drama, an entitlement issue, an artistic talent/project, or something recreational, and something about values, being valued, your income, purchases, possessions, gifts, or products.

Venus moves into Libra on the 29th and from now through Sept 22nd you have the goddess of love and money, beauty and pleasure, touring through your 9th house! This is fab for attracting this positive energy around your travel plans, distant situations, legal agreements, media ventures, educational pursuits, ceremonies, religion, or politics, it’s your time to enjoy what is going on here, smooth out issues, or attract the good stuff through these realms. Examples could be taking a trip with a love interest or falling in love with someone at a distance, upping your income potential through education or signing legal agreements tied to earning, attending or planning a beautiful wedding or graduation party, look at the combinations for more!

If you’d like to inquire about BOOKING A READING email me at so I can tell you the rates, dates and details of how to set one up!

If the Monthly info clicked for you and YOU’D LIKE TO SUPPORT THIS WORK you can buy Zoe a coffee here, it’s much appreciated: Buy Me A Coffee


Remain careful around the neck or throat, in crowds or with gatherings, and any anger issues from the 1-7th. This may involve or play out on short trips, with vehicles, electronics, locally, with siblings or neighbors, in talks or meetings, with flirtations, in sales, with writing or agreements, or with diplomacy or dualistic situations.

New Moon energy is giving you a boost with your work and health, with animals, paperwork, hired help, or co-workers, as well as with any cleaning or organizing from the 4th-19th. This should give you momentum in creative endeavors here or with love or fun in the mix, be proactive about starting something new or taking current interests into what comes next!

Mercury Retrograde is going to slow you down and ask you to revisit the past or an ongoing situation for a do-over between the 4-28th. This is a two-parter. From the 4-14th it is about revisiting something involving a partner, client, specialist, agent, attorney, competitor, advocate, or the like. From the 14-28 it is about what is going on with your work, health, animals, paperwork, hired help, or co-workers. Double check facts and figures, mix-ups, miscommunications, or malfunctioning mechanicals/electronics around these topics during the Retrograde but do make the most of the time you now have to revisit, rekindle, release, or rework something here.

The Sun moves into Virgo on the 6th and will tour here for 30 days. This period can help you show up and get more personally or physically involved with partners, clients, specialists, agents, attorneys, competitors, advocates, or other significant one-on-ones. This is your turn to pursue your own interests here and to shine.

The Full Moon on the 19th is bringing things to a climax in your world when it comes to artistic talents/projects, a romance, your spiritual practices or beliefs, addictions, secrets, bodies of water, boundary issues, research, institutions, a recuperative time, or investigations. Look to wrap things up or mark endings, or for achievements or celebrations here at the zenith. The T-square that brings more dynamic to what is culminating involves dramatic or creative energy around what you are doing with work or health, animals or paperwork, or co-workers or hired help, and something going on with your fortunes tied to your talks, meetings, sales, writing, offers, moves, short trips, vehicles, electronics, siblings, neighbors, flirtations, or decisions, so look for some of these topics to play into the climax of the Full Moon.

Jupiter and Saturn are in square on the 19th which means there is likely really big information or news coming in, an important talk to be had, or a big decision on the line. It may involve something at home, with a move, renovations, or real estate deals, your parent, roommates, or family, and something about your own needs or involvement, your body, image, brand, name, title, or desires in the mix.

Venus moves into Libra on the 29th and from now through Sept 22nd you have the goddess of love and money, beauty and pleasure, touring through your 8th house! This is fab for attracting this positive energy around your sex life, reproductive needs, divorce, financial interests, or third-party situations, it’s your time to enjoy what is going on here, smooth out issues, or attract the good stuff through these realms. Examples could be taking a sexual attraction into love, earning through investments, seeing a beauty specialist/third party influence, look at the combinations for more!

If you’d like to inquire about BOOKING A READING email me at so I can tell you the rates, dates and details of how to set one up!

If the Monthly info clicked for you and YOU’D LIKE TO SUPPORT THIS WORK you can buy Zoe a coffee here, it’s much appreciated: Buy Me A Coffee

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