Saturday, August 31, 2024


It's the calm before the storm, as tomorrow we have major energy shifts in play. So, for today, let's look at our creative needs, what's going on with love interests or children, what we'd like to do recreationally, and then use today's energy to make any adjustments. Saturn is the planet in adjustment mode so it's about give-and-take where responsibilities, rules, authority figures, goals, time, or ambitions are concerned, and this plays out with institutions, research, artistic interests, boundaries, romance, recuperative needs, secrets, or spiritual matters. Examples could be you are supposed to do something with the kids but want to rest and recuperate a bit more first, or you have something to do with a lover regarding an institution or secret that requires some flexibility, or there is a boundary issue that you could give and take a bit on in a recreational pursuit, you get the idea, see where you can be more malleable. On another note, we are at the end of the 8th month in 2024 and the majority of us are still doing all we can for a more loving, peaceful world, so let's remind ourselves of all the potential we have to continue on this path. We will need the courage of our convictions in the coming months. 
The WEEKLY ASTRO SHOW Aug 30-Sept 6 is now up, LISTEN HERE: The Zoe Moon Astrology URANUS, PLUTO, NEW MOON, & MARS Show 08/29 by Zoe Moon | Self Help ( 
PRAYER TODAY: May we renew our promise to be peaceful and loving in a chaotic world.

If you'd like to help support this work you can always buy Zoe a coffee, it's much appreciated!

Buy Me A Coffee

If you'd like to book a private reading with Zoe inbox asking about it here or at and I'll shoot you the details regarding details to set it up, dates, and rates!

The WEEKLY HOROSCOPES Aug 26-Sept 1 are up, READ THEM HERE: Zoe Moon Astrology: Zoe Moon Astrology WEEKLY HOROSCOPES Aug 26-Sept 1

The WEEKLY ASTRO SHOW Aug 30-Sept 6 is up, LISTEN HERE: The Zoe Moon Astrology URANUS, PLUTO, NEW MOON, & MARS Show 08/29 by Zoe Moon | Self Help (

LISTEN to the SEPTEMBER MONTHLY Show #1 for Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, & Capricorn here:

LISTEN to the SEPTEMBER MONTHLY Show #2 for Aquarius & Pisces here:

LISTEN to the SEPTEMBER MONTHLY SHOW #3 for Sagittarius here:

REMINDER: I will not contact you to ask you for money, send you a form to fill out, ask to meet up with you somewhere, or to chat on the phone. There are scammers out there trying to rip people off so again be aware. I am just here to offer my insights as I have been doing consistently for the past 15 years.  If you do book a private reading with me there is of course a rate for this, but you will be calling my phone number that is the same number I've had posted for the past 15 years and no other-I do not offer written readings. If you do decide to donate as a thank you for the work I do, it would be through my Buy Me a Coffee link above and nothing else. Ugh, sorry to have to post this again but I don't want you guys taken advantage of or for that matter my work to be taken advantage of, so hope this helps. DISCLAIMER: No posts, shows or readings by Zoe Moon Astrology/Zoe Moon should be considered legal, medical, or financial advice. You should always use your own judgment, do your own research and consult with professionals. Zoe Moon Astrology and Zoe Moon's insights are general by sign and for entertainment purposes only.   

Friday, August 30, 2024


TODAY we have a dreamy morning or a good morning for doing anything artistic, romantic or spiritual, we have flow. Between 11:24am-1:09pm Eastern we are in a short Void so coast along. Then the Moon moves into Leo, and we turn our attention to creativity, fun, the kids, or lover/love life. This puts us one-on-one with another regarding financial, sexual or third-party interests and then into opportunities for love or money flow, beauty or pleasure, and connecting with partners, clients, specialists, reps, or other relationships the rest of the day, again in flow! Sweet. 
The WEEKLY ASTRO SHOW Aug 30-Sept 6 is now up, LISTEN HERE: The Zoe Moon Astrology URANUS, PLUTO, NEW MOON, & MARS Show 08/29 by Zoe Moon | Self Help ( 
PRAYER TODAY: May we love, pray, dream, and grow in the Light.

If you'd like to help support this work you can always buy Zoe a coffee, it's much appreciated!

Buy Me A Coffee

If you'd like to book a private reading with Zoe inbox asking about it here or at and I'll shoot you the details regarding details to set it up, dates, and rates!

The WEEKLY HOROSCOPES Aug 26-Sept 1 are up, READ THEM HERE: Zoe Moon Astrology: Zoe Moon Astrology WEEKLY HOROSCOPES Aug 26-Sept 1

The WEEKLY ASTRO SHOW Aug 30-Sept 6 is up, LISTEN HERE: The Zoe Moon Astrology URANUS, PLUTO, NEW MOON, & MARS Show 08/29 by Zoe Moon | Self Help (

LISTEN to the SEPTEMBER MONTHLY Show #1 for Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, & Capricorn here:

LISTEN to the SEPTEMBER MONTHLY Show #2 for Aquarius & Pisces here:

LISTEN to the SEPTEMBER MONTHLY SHOW #3 for Sagittarius here:

REMINDER: I will not contact you to ask you for money, send you a form to fill out, ask to meet up with you somewhere, or to chat on the phone. There are scammers out there trying to rip people off so again be aware. I am just here to offer my insights as I have been doing consistently for the past 15 years.  If you do book a private reading with me there is of course a rate for this, but you will be calling my phone number that is the same number I've had posted for the past 15 years and no other-I do not offer written readings. If you do decide to donate as a thank you for the work I do, it would be through my Buy Me a Coffee link above and nothing else. Ugh, sorry to have to post this again but I don't want you guys taken advantage of or for that matter my work to be taken advantage of, so hope this helps. DISCLAIMER: No posts, shows or readings by Zoe Moon Astrology/Zoe Moon should be considered legal, medical, or financial advice. You should always use your own judgment, do your own research and consult with professionals. Zoe Moon Astrology and Zoe Moon's insights are general by sign and for entertainment purposes only.   

Thursday, August 29, 2024


TODAY Venus enters Libra at 9:23am Eastern/6:23am Pacific and will tour here until Sept 22nd. Venus in Libra is more refined, she seeks balance, beauty, and relationship. She brings love or income interests, as well as beauty or enjoyment through partners, clients, specialists, representatives, and other key players. She elevates.
 Today she meets with Pluto in Aquarius to go deeper, make changes, involve intimacy, other financial matters, or third parties, and focuses this through aspirations in the mix or with friends, groups, the internet, or original projects. Cancer Moon continues to keep our heart in the story, to come from our emotional center, to focus on home or family, and this is in flow with Saturn in Pisces. So, we can get serious, ambitious, put in time or effort, and bring artistic, romantic or spiritual interests into the story, or involve institutions, recuperative needs or research. Sweet. TUNE IN TONIGHT for the WEEKLY ASTRO SHOW. I will be looking at Uranus Retrograding, Pluto moving back into Capricorn for the last time in our lifetime, the Virgo New Moon, and Mars moving into Cancer for his once every 2 year tour here. LIVE ON AIR: 8pm Eastern/5pm Pacific. PRAYER TODAY: May we reflect that which we'd like to attract, may we partner with love and beauty.

If you'd like to help support this work you can always buy Zoe a coffee, it's much appreciated!

Buy Me A Coffee

If you'd like to book a private reading with Zoe inbox asking about it here or at and I'll shoot you the details regarding details to set it up, dates, and rates!

The WEEKLY HOROSCOPES Aug 26-Sept 1 are up, READ THEM HERE: Zoe Moon Astrology: Zoe Moon Astrology WEEKLY HOROSCOPES Aug 26-Sept 1

The WEEKLY ASTRO SHOW Aug 23-30 is up, LISTEN HERE: The Zoe Moon Astrology MERCURY GOES DIRECT & VENUS enters LIBRA Show 08/22 by Zoe Moon | Self Help (   

LISTEN to the SEPTEMBER MONTHLY Show #1 for Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, & Capricorn here:

LISTEN to the SEPTEMBER MONTHLY Show #2 for Aquarius & Pisces here:

LISTEN to the SEPTEMBER MONTHLY SHOW #3 for Sagittarius here:

REMINDER: I will not contact you to ask you for money, send you a form to fill out, ask to meet up with you somewhere, or to chat on the phone. There are scammers out there trying to rip people off so again be aware. I am just here to offer my insights as I have been doing consistently for the past 15 years.  If you do book a private reading with me there is of course a rate for this, but you will be calling my phone number that is the same number I've had posted for the past 15 years and no other-I do not offer written readings. If you do decide to donate as a thank you for the work I do, it would be through my Buy Me a Coffee link above and nothing else. Ugh, sorry to have to post this again but I don't want you guys taken advantage of or for that matter my work to be taken advantage of, so hope this helps. DISCLAIMER: No posts, shows or readings by Zoe Moon Astrology/Zoe Moon should be considered legal, medical, or financial advice. You should always use your own judgment, do your own research and consult with professionals. Zoe Moon Astrology and Zoe Moon's insights are general by sign and for entertainment purposes only.   

Wednesday, August 28, 2024


TODAY we have flow and shifting energy! First off, we are in Cancer Moon energy, great for connecting with our emotional needs, nurturing others, focusing on home matters, family, history, roommates, real estate deals, property matters, parents, moves, or renovations. 1) This is in flow with the Sun in Virgo so we can get involved on a personal or physical level with the work at hand, a job, health needs, animals, paperwork, hired help, cleaning, organizing, or co-workers in the mix.
 2) Venus is active in the same territory of Virgo, so she is helping us beautifying things or focus on the love or income flow in the story or just enjoy ourselves a bit more as we go. 3) She is opposing Neptune, so this brings in one-on-ones with others involving research, recuperative needs, institutions, artistry, spirituality, or romance. So that is a lot going on tied to Cancer Moon, Sun in Virgo, Venus in Virgo, and Neptune in Pisces. Finally, the really big energy today is with Mercury. He has been taking us back in Retrograde do-over since Aug 5th. The Retrograde started in Virgo from the 5th-14th and then moved into Leo from the 14th until today. So, we are shifting back into forward motion in Leo as Mercury goes Direct at 5:14pm Eastern. We will move ahead now with whatever we figured out about a lover, our love life, a creative project or talent, the kids, a drama, any entitlement issues, courage, a Leo, or recreational pursuits. Talks, news, ideas, and decisions will guide this forward movement now over these topics until Sept 9th at which point Mercury will move back into Virgo and go forward with those topics (more on that in Sept). So, expect something to be the catalyst for this forward momentum today but do keep an eye out for any last glitches, mix-ups, or miscommunications that could pop up around the shifting of this planet.  PRAYER TODAY: May we enthusiastically move forward again with love.

If you'd like to help support this work you can always buy Zoe a coffee, it's much appreciated!

Buy Me A Coffee

If you'd like to book a private reading with Zoe inbox asking about it here or at and I'll shoot you the details regarding details to set it up, dates, and rates!

The WEEKLY HOROSCOPES Aug 26-Sept 1 are up, READ THEM HERE: Zoe Moon Astrology: Zoe Moon Astrology WEEKLY HOROSCOPES Aug 26-Sept 1

The WEEKLY ASTRO SHOW Aug 23-30 is up, LISTEN HERE: The Zoe Moon Astrology MERCURY GOES DIRECT & VENUS enters LIBRA Show 08/22 by Zoe Moon | Self Help (   

LISTEN to the SEPTEMBER MONTHLY Show #1 for Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, & Capricorn here:

LISTEN to the SEPTEMBER MONTHLY Show #2 for Aquarius & Pisces here:

LISTEN to the SEPTEMBER MONTHLY SHOW #3 for Sagittarius here:

REMINDER: I will not contact you to ask you for money, send you a form to fill out, ask to meet up with you somewhere, or to chat on the phone. There are scammers out there trying to rip people off so again be aware. I am just here to offer my insights as I have been doing consistently for the past 15 years.  If you do book a private reading with me there is of course a rate for this, but you will be calling my phone number that is the same number I've had posted for the past 15 years and no other-I do not offer written readings. If you do decide to donate as a thank you for the work I do, it would be through my Buy Me a Coffee link above and nothing else. Ugh, sorry to have to post this again but I don't want you guys taken advantage of or for that matter my work to be taken advantage of, so hope this helps. DISCLAIMER: No posts, shows or readings by Zoe Moon Astrology/Zoe Moon should be considered legal, medical, or financial advice. You should always use your own judgment, do your own research and consult with professionals. Zoe Moon Astrology and Zoe Moon's insights are general by sign and for entertainment purposes only.   

Tuesday, August 27, 2024


TODAY the Gemini Moon meets with Jupiter and Mars in its sign and opportunes Mercury Retrograde, opening up lots of potential for us with talks, news, short trips, moves, meetings, sales, writing, or decisions, as well as with siblings, neighbors, vehicles, or electronics. Speak up, take action, go big, it's that day, oh and don't forget it involves the do-over with the past or ongoing story with a lover, creative venture, drama, the kids, or recreational pursuits. Can there be a reworking of things, a releasing or rekindling? Let's make the most of this potential!
  PRAYER TODAY: May we speak it now or forever hold our peace.

If you'd like to help support this work you can always buy Zoe a coffee, it's much appreciated!

Buy Me A Coffee

If you'd like to book a private reading with Zoe inbox asking about it here or at and I'll shoot you the details regarding details to set it up, dates, and rates!

The WEEKLY HOROSCOPES Aug 26-Sept 1 are up, READ THEM HERE: Zoe Moon Astrology: Zoe Moon Astrology WEEKLY HOROSCOPES Aug 26-Sept 1

The WEEKLY ASTRO SHOW Aug 23-30 is up, LISTEN HERE: The Zoe Moon Astrology MERCURY GOES DIRECT & VENUS enters LIBRA Show 08/22 by Zoe Moon | Self Help (   

LISTEN to the SEPTEMBER MONTHLY Show #1 for Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, & Capricorn here:

LISTEN to the SEPTEMBER MONTHLY Show #2 for Aquarius & Pisces here:

LISTEN to the SEPTEMBER MONTHLY SHOW #3 for Sagittarius here:

REMINDER: I will not contact you to ask you for money, send you a form to fill out, ask to meet up with you somewhere, or to chat on the phone. There are scammers out there trying to rip people off so again be aware. I am just here to offer my insights as I have been doing consistently for the past 15 years.  If you do book a private reading with me there is of course a rate for this, but you will be calling my phone number that is the same number I've had posted for the past 15 years and no other-I do not offer written readings. If you do decide to donate as a thank you for the work I do, it would be through my Buy Me a Coffee link above and nothing else. Ugh, sorry to have to post this again but I don't want you guys taken advantage of or for that matter my work to be taken advantage of, so hope this helps. DISCLAIMER: No posts, shows or readings by Zoe Moon Astrology/Zoe Moon should be considered legal, medical, or financial advice. You should always use your own judgment, do your own research and consult with professionals. Zoe Moon Astrology and Zoe Moon's insights are general by sign and for entertainment purposes only.   

Monday, August 26, 2024




CLICK the player above to hear the WEEKLY ASTRO Show about our week ahead!  TODAY sits us in the 90-degree angle between the Sun in Virgo and the Moon in Gemini. This acts as a driver but potentially a frustrater (squares bring friction one way or the other) when it comes to the work we need to do or go after, the health needs, our animals, any paperwork, cleaning or organizing, the hired help or co-workers. Expect it to come from talks or meetings, sales or moves, short trips or local activities, siblings, neighbors, vehicles, or electronics in the mix. That's it, we push harder or deal with tests in these areas today. The WEEKLY HOROSCOPES Aug 26-Sept 1 are up, READ THEM HERE: Zoe Moon Astrology: Zoe Moon Astrology WEEKLY HOROSCOPES Aug 26-Sept 1

PRAYER TODAY: May we be protected with all things spoken and in all things set in motion today.

If you'd like to help support this work you can always buy Zoe a coffee, it's much appreciated!

Buy Me A Coffee

If you'd like to book a private reading with Zoe inbox asking about it here or at and I'll shoot you the details regarding details to set it up, dates, and rates!

The WEEKLY ASTRO SHOW Aug 23-30 is up, LISTEN HERE: The Zoe Moon Astrology MERCURY GOES DIRECT & VENUS enters LIBRA Show 08/22 by Zoe Moon | Self Help (   

LISTEN to the SEPTEMBER MONTHLY Show #1 for Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, & Capricorn here:

LISTEN to the SEPTEMBER MONTHLY Show #2 for Aquarius & Pisces here:

LISTEN to the SEPTEMBER MONTHLY SHOW #3 for Sagittarius here:

REMINDER: I will not contact you to ask you for money, send you a form to fill out, ask to meet up with you somewhere, or to chat on the phone. There are scammers out there trying to rip people off so again be aware. I am just here to offer my insights as I have been doing consistently for the past 15 years.  If you do book a private reading with me there is of course a rate for this, but you will be calling my phone number that is the same number I've had posted for the past 15 years and no other-I do not offer written readings. If you do decide to donate as a thank you for the work I do, it would be through my Buy Me a Coffee link above and nothing else. Ugh, sorry to have to post this again but I don't want you guys taken advantage of or for that matter my work to be taken advantage of, so hope this helps. DISCLAIMER: No posts, shows or readings by Zoe Moon Astrology/Zoe Moon should be considered legal, medical, or financial advice. You should always use your own judgment, do your own research and consult with professionals. Zoe Moon Astrology and Zoe Moon's insights are general by sign and for entertainment purposes only.   

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Zoe Moon Astrology WEEKLY HOROSCOPES Aug 26-Sept 1

Zoe Moon Astrology WEEKLY HOROSCOPES Aug 26-Sept 1

CLICK above player to HEAR MORE about the WEEK AHEAD!

VOID MOONS THIS WEEK (Eastern Standard Time):

MONDAY no void

TUESDAY no void

WEDNESDAY 3:14am-6:47am

THURSDAY no void

FRIDAY 11:24am-1:09pm

SATURDAY no void

SUNDAY 8:25pm-11:48pm

MONDAY looks like one of those days where we have a lot of work to catch up on but would rather not, lol. Slow and steady perhaps is the best approach. Ditto if there is any writing, health needs, animal interests, or paperwork to get through. It doesn’t look too bad but yeah, probably just rather not or maybe they would rather not? Take it with a grain of salt.

TUESDAY brings some interesting moments with women, love interests, income pursuits, beauty, or pleasures thanks to Venus finding her groove with Uranus. So, friends, groups or the internet may play a part or there might just be something unusual and spontaneous about it. This brings flow to income needs, purchases or possessions in the mix as well. The last Mercury Retrograde aspect occurs today so pay attention to anything past or ongoing popping up regarding true love, kids, creativity, or fun, doors are open.

WEDNESDAY the Cancer Moon takes over and we shift our energy towards emotional needs. This may involve home or family, moves, renovations or real estate deals, parents, roommates, or history. We have flow today with these topics as they pertain to work or health interests, the animals, paperwork, hired help, or co-workers. Venus is again active today, bringing topics of love or money, beauty or pleasure, into these work, health, animal, paperwo0rk, hired help, or co-worker stories. Today it is about finding balance or dealing with opposing forces with someone about an institution, the research, any artistic, romantic, or spiritual matters, or with addictions or secrets in the mix. The big news today is that Mercury Retrograde ends at 5:14pm Eastern as Mercury shifts back into Direct motion, yay! It can mean some mix-ups or mechanical issues today but is great for shifting gears with our lovers, kids, creative ventures, or recreational pursuits, forward we go having figured out what stays, what goes, what could be reworked here.

THURSDAY Venus moves into Libra at 9:23am Eastern and will tour here until Sept 22nd. This is our cue to focus the love or income interests, beauty or pleasure pursuits, on partners, clients, specialists, representatives, or other such relationships. It is a time of higher esthetics in these arenas, seeking balance or justice, and attracting the more enjoyable stuff via these connections. Venus connects with Pluto this morning from this new position so it might be quite sexy and intimate, deeper and more profound, financially viable, or involve third-party influences. Cancer Moon is in flow with Saturn in Pisces today so we should feel more stable and grounded emotionally and perhaps inspired, magical or imaginative.

FRIDAY morning is a wrap up of our Cancer Moon energy and in good flow so tackle things at home, with family, roommates, moves, renovations, real estate deals, history, parents, or emotional needs as we continue to be inspired and either artistic, romantic or spiritual about it. At 1:09pm Eastern the Moon moves into Leo and almost immediately is in opposition to Pluto so it would seem we have a spike in energy around a one-on-one with someone involving lovers, kids, creativity, drams, or recreational pursuits, and any social, online, financial, jealous, or third-party influences. We then find our flow the rest of the day with lovers, kids, creativity, or fun, as it links to our partners, clients, specialists, reps, advocates, or others over love or money, beauty or pleasure.

SATURDAY we just need to be flexible when it comes to commitments, responsibilities, limits, rules, time, effort, authority figures, goals, endings, or ambitions tied to the artistic pursuit, romance, spiritual interest, institution, recuperative energy, or research needs. Again, this is with the kids, lover, recreational pursuit, or creative project in the mix.

SUNDAY is supposed to be a day of rest, right, huh? Well, it’s rather powerful today so I guess we’ll see. First off, Uranus Retrogrades at 11:18am Eastern and will be taking us back over old territory now through Jan 30th. This shift in the sky may cause some crazy moments in the morning/early afternoon. Shake-ups, excitement, shockers, sudden changes, electrical moments, earthquakes, or something involving our money, possessions, or purchases. Now through the end of January next year we get to reassess what has occurred with our aspirations, original projects, friends, groups, associates, online pursuits, big tech influences, astrology in the mix, charities, or freedoms as it pertains to our income, purchases, possessions, or products, or as it pertains to our values or how we are being valued. Watch for clues now as to what it is that is most important in the do-over as this energy is turning around. Sometime between the beginning of the Retrograde today and around dinner time the Leo Moon will perfect it’s square to this do-over with Uranus so there can be something pushing buttons or needing attention involving the kids, a lover, a drama, any entitlement issues, a creative project, or recreational pursuit in the mix.

Finally, at 8:10pm Eastern Pluto, who has been in Retrograde in Aquarius since early May, will now take that Retrograde out of Aquarius and into Capricorn. Bang! We enter the very last movement of Pluto through Capricorn now through Nov 19th, with it Retrograding here today through Oct 11th and then going Direct Oct 11-Nov 19th. Pluto first entered Capricorn back in 2008 with the directive to destroy or deconstruct things and then rebirth them over the years ahead, from Jan 2008 through Nov 2024. Pluto takes 248 years to go around the zodiac once so after it departs Capricorn in Nov this year it won’t be back to this sign for a very long time. Therefore, we will see some powerful changes going on in the world around us as well as in our own lives as we meet this last big push through the sign. Capricorn rules the establishment, our leaders, corporations, authority figures, time/aging, things that are final or that we commit to long-term, our ambitions and goals, and all other forms of structure and getting serious. Pluto is the wrecking ball that tears things down and then we build like a phoenix from the ashes, rising again. It may bring death or birth, divorce, financial matters, sex, power, control, the criminal underworld, jealousy, or third-party influences into the story to get us from point A to point B. Look back at how much your life has changed since 2008 or our world in general. What still needs to be overhauled? This may come from outside of us and we must react, or it may be the catalyst that compels us to act. In this do-over part of the story now through Oct 11th look at what can be released, rekindled or reworked. Here we go.

If you’d like to inquire about booking a reading to look into your personal chart and what’s on the horizon, email and I’ll send you the information about what a reading involves, the rates and when we might get started!

If you’d like to help support this work you can buy Zoe a coffee, it’s much appreciated!

Buy Me A Coffee

The SEPTEMBER MONTHLY Show #1 for signs Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, & Capricorn: Zoe Moon Astrology HealthyLife.Net Radio Show Archive OR

The SEPTEMBER MONTHLY Show #2 for signs Aquarius & Pisces:

OR Zoe Moon Astrology SEPTEMBER MONTHLY Show #2 for signs AQUARIUS & PISCES 08/17 by Zoe Moon | Self Help (

The SEPTEMBER MONTHLY Show #3 for Sagittarius:

OR Zoe Moon Astrology SEPTEMBER MONTHLY Show #3 for sign SAGITTARIUS 08/18 by Zoe Moon | Self Help (




CLICK the player above to hear the WEEKLY ASTRO Show about our week ahead!  TODAY we have flow, well, after around the 9:30am Eastern mark. If you are up and at 'em before that we are still in the push regarding our do-over and the creativity, fun, lover, or recreational pursuits, any dramas or entitlement issues, or the possessions, income, or purchases. Anyway, the rest of the day then is grooving when it comes to purchases, income, possessions, or products via a Grand Trine. This should help to get us moving more easily with the workers, hired help, paperwork, job, cleaning, organizing, health interests, animals, goals, or higher-ups. There is love and or money flow, pleasure and power, deep changes or evolving storylines, as well as some excitement, unexpected moments, friends in the mix, artistry, spirituality, romance, or research, all in flow with these topics. At 11:04pm Eastern the Moon enters Gemini and things shift focus. There may be more flirtation or interest in learning something new, a bit of gossip, or we could be more focused on local activities, short trips, writing, sales, or ideas. The WEEKLY HOROSCOPES Aug 26-Sept 1 are up, READ THEM HERE: Zoe Moon Astrology: Zoe Moon Astrology WEEKLY HOROSCOPES Aug 26-Sept 1

PRAYER TODAY: May we move a mountain or two while saving time to smile and enjoy.

If you'd like to help support this work you can always buy Zoe a coffee, it's much appreciated!

Buy Me A Coffee

If you'd like to book a private reading with Zoe inbox asking about it here or at and I'll shoot you the details regarding details to set it up, dates, and rates!

The WEEKLY ASTRO SHOW Aug 23-30 is up, LISTEN HERE: The Zoe Moon Astrology MERCURY GOES DIRECT & VENUS enters LIBRA Show 08/22 by Zoe Moon | Self Help (   

LISTEN to the SEPTEMBER MONTHLY Show #1 for Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, & Capricorn here:

LISTEN to the SEPTEMBER MONTHLY Show #2 for Aquarius & Pisces here:

LISTEN to the SEPTEMBER MONTHLY SHOW #3 for Sagittarius here:

REMINDER: I will not contact you to ask you for money, send you a form to fill out, ask to meet up with you somewhere, or to chat on the phone. There are scammers out there trying to rip people off so again be aware. I am just here to offer my insights as I have been doing consistently for the past 15 years.  If you do book a private reading with me there is of course a rate for this, but you will be calling my phone number that is the same number I've had posted for the past 15 years and no other-I do not offer written readings. If you do decide to donate as a thank you for the work I do, it would be through my Buy Me a Coffee link above and nothing else. Ugh, sorry to have to post this again but I don't want you guys taken advantage of or for that matter my work to be taken advantage of, so hope this helps. DISCLAIMER: No posts, shows or readings by Zoe Moon Astrology/Zoe Moon should be considered legal, medical, or financial advice. You should always use your own judgment, do your own research and consult with professionals. Zoe Moon Astrology and Zoe Moon's insights are general by sign and for entertainment purposes only.   

Saturday, August 24, 2024




CLICK the player above to hear the WEEKLY ASTRO Show about our week ahead!  TODAY we are vibing on the Mercury Retrograde meets Mars alignment. This is an opportunity to talk, hear from folks, make short trips, write, focus on sales, moves, ideas, or meetings that spark more activity and help us with our releasing, rekindling or reworking of things past and present. Lovers, kids, creative ventures, or recreational pursuits can be part of it, as can siblings, neighbors, vehicles, or electronics. We were in the build-up to the energy yesterday and moved over the peak in the wee hours so today we are just coasting on what can come from it, doors open. We also have an opportunity building today around what we are wrapping up with our possessions, purchases or income interests as it pertains to efforts behind the scenes, commitments, time, or ambitions with our goals in the mix, anything involving institutions or research, or the artistic, romantic or spiritual side of the story. Sweet!

PRAYER TODAY: May we make our voice heard, move ourselves to act in accordance, and manifest our dreams.

If you'd like to help support this work you can always buy Zoe a coffee, it's much appreciated!

Buy Me A Coffee

If you'd like to book a private reading with Zoe inbox asking about it here or at and I'll shoot you the details regarding details to set it up, dates, and rates!


The WEEKLY ASTRO SHOW Aug 23-30 is up, LISTEN HERE: The Zoe Moon Astrology MERCURY GOES DIRECT & VENUS enters LIBRA Show 08/22 by Zoe Moon | Self Help (   

LISTEN to the SEPTEMBER MONTHLY Show #1 for Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, & Capricorn here:

LISTEN to the SEPTEMBER MONTHLY Show #2 for Aquarius & Pisces here:

LISTEN to the SEPTEMBER MONTHLY SHOW #3 for Sagittarius here:

REMINDER: I will not contact you to ask you for money, send you a form to fill out, ask to meet up with you somewhere, or to chat on the phone. There are scammers out there trying to rip people off so again be aware. I am just here to offer my insights as I have been doing consistently for the past 15 years.  If you do book a private reading with me there is of course a rate for this, but you will be calling my phone number that is the same number I've had posted for the past 15 years and no other-I do not offer written readings. If you do decide to donate as a thank you for the work I do, it would be through my Buy Me a Coffee link above and nothing else. Ugh, sorry to have to post this again but I don't want you guys taken advantage of or for that matter my work to be taken advantage of, so hope this helps. DISCLAIMER: No posts, shows or readings by Zoe Moon Astrology/Zoe Moon should be considered legal, medical, or financial advice. You should always use your own judgment, do your own research and consult with professionals. Zoe Moon Astrology and Zoe Moon's insights are general by sign and for entertainment purposes only.   

Friday, August 23, 2024



I recorded the WEEKLY ASTRO Show early yesterday and it is up, LISTEN HERE:

Today we are in an all-day Void Moon from 8:44am - 8pm Eastern (5:44am-5pm Pacific), arg! So, there is no astrological guidance through this period, hands off the wheel. It can be a good time to wrap things up that are already in play, to think about what we'd like to do next or to just allow for whatever transpires. This Void period is in Aries Moon so personal or physical interests are at the helm of this rudderless ship. The alignment that is last activated as the Moon heads into this Void period is to Mercury Retrograde in Leo so we may be daydreaming about past loves or talking to them today however, since this is in a Void we want to wait until the next talk or meeting past 8pm Eastern/5pm Pacific tonight to determine if anything will come of it. The same goes if we hear from or make choices regarding something with the kids, a drama, a creative endeavor, or recreational pursuit. Yes, it is do-over mode but no, we don't know how this will eventually flow.

Once the Moon exits the Void at 8pm Eastern/5pm Pacific and heads into Taurus we have guidance again from the astrological influences, now about income, purchases, possessions, gifts, products, values, or being valued. This is straight away going to square Pluto so we are grappling with power, control, change, sex, jealousy, financial influences, divorce, or a third-party tonight about it, and it could come through friends, groups, the internet, or an aspiration in the mix. This peaks by 8:17pm Eastern/5:17pm Pacific and then we move into flow with our Taurus Moon energy and topics as the Moon will be harmonizing with the Sun in Virgo the rest of the night. This is great for tending to the details, getting some work done, focusing on health interests, connecting with the animals, working with others, hiring help, dealing with paperwork, organizing, or cleaning things up.

Also, tonight into tomorrow we have Mercury Retrograde in play with Mars in Gemini. This is so good for wrapping up the old, revisiting the past, or tackling ongoing stories via talks, meetings, short trips, writing, sales, moves, local activities, or involving siblings, neighbors, vehicles, electronics, or decisions that are active. There is more passion and motivation here to do something in these realms and it is part of the do-over with the kids, lover, creative venture, or recreational pursuits that we are revisiting, releasing or reworking. Mars should give us the momentum and drive to make something happen now!

PRAYER TODAY: May we release control and let God.

If you'd like to help support this work you can always buy Zoe a coffee, it's much appreciated!

Buy Me A Coffee

If you'd like to book a private reading with Zoe inbox asking about it here or at and I'll shoot you the details regarding details to set it up, dates, and rates!


The WEEKLY ASTRO SHOW Aug 23-30 is up, LISTEN HERE: The Zoe Moon Astrology MERCURY GOES DIRECT & VENUS enters LIBRA Show 08/22 by Zoe Moon | Self Help (   

LISTEN to the SEPTEMBER MONTHLY Show #1 for Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, & Capricorn here:

LISTEN to the SEPTEMBER MONTHLY Show #2 for Aquarius & Pisces here:

LISTEN to the SEPTEMBER MONTHLY SHOW #3 for Sagittarius here:

Thursday, August 22, 2024



At 10:55am Eastern/7:55am Pacific the Sun enters Virgo for a 30-day spin. This puts a spotlight on our work and health, a great time to show up and get more personally or physically involved in pursuing our interests here. It is a good time to tend to the details in life, to make plans, tackle routines, simplify, organize, or clean things up. We can focus on animals as well or what we are doing with paperwork, hired help, or co-workers. This is where the vital life force flows over these weeks ahead so make the most of it. Today it will form an adjustment alignment with Pluto so we can be flexible and involve purging of things, third parties in the story, financial needs, sexual attractions, or big changes. Perhaps this involves a friend, group or the internet in some way or is about your aspirations and how things are moving forward. Keep in mind that on Sept 2nd we have a New Moon in Virgo so we can really get a jump-start on all that forward potential coming in the first 2 weeks of September by tackling these topics starting now!

The other influence in our day is the square between Mars and Venus. Venus is also in Virgo, so she brings the love or money needs into the story around work or health scenarios-helping attract it through these realms, or she is present in what's going on with the paperwork, hired help, co-workers, or animals today. She could also be about smoothing out issues, focusing on beauty in the story, or what is pleasurable here. Mars is fired up and about making things happen with a short trip, the vehicles, electronics, writing, sales, siblings, neighbors, move, flirtations, talks, writing, or meetings. The friction of the square between them heats things up, brings more passion or fighting spirit to the story or the tension to push harder to make things happen or to see what is not happening so we can figure something out. Nope, it's not laid back, it's dynamic today. So that's it, don't forget to tune in tonight for the Weekly Astro Show, I'll be looking at Mercury Retrograde finally ending (yay) and what the Direct motion brings, Venus moving into the relationship zone of Libra over the weeks ahead, and perhaps some fixed stars on the world stage, live at 8pm Eastern/5pm Pacific: 

PRAYER TODAY: May we be clear, pure, and straight to the point, minding the details in all things today. May the circle be clean and full of hope.

If you'd like to help support this work you can always buy Zoe a coffee, it's much appreciated!

Buy Me A Coffee

If you'd like to book a private reading with Zoe inbox asking about it here or at and I'll shoot you the details regarding details to set it up, dates, and rates!



LISTEN to the SEPTEMBER MONTHLY Show #1 for Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, & Capricorn here:

LISTEN to the SEPTEMBER MONTHLY Show #2 for Aquarius & Pisces here:

LISTEN to the SEPTEMBER MONTHLY SHOW #3 for Sagittarius here:

Wednesday, August 21, 2024



We are wrapping up Pisces Moon energy today by 7:02pm Eastern so focus on efforts behind the scenes, any research, artistic pursuits, romance, spirituality, or dealings with institutions. Or, if you don't feel like doing much you could use this part of the day to rest and recharge batteries. We may hear news this morning that asks us to be flexible when it comes to the kids, a lover, a creative venture, or recreational pursuit, and this then carries into the rest of the day so do bend a bit here. Some opportunities that are last minute, unusual or unexpected may show up involving income, purchases, possessions, or products. A friend or group could help here or perhaps we find it online, be open. We enter a short Void at 5:54pm-7:02pm Eastern, a period without the guidance of the alignments when we just take our hands off the wheel or wait it out, that we coast through. Then at 7:02pm Eastern the Moon enters Aries and we shift focus to ourselves, what we want to get involved in physically, what is going on with our bodies, brand, image, name, title, or needs. This is in flow with Pluto so we may find opportunities to bring this energy into sexual intimacy, deeper changes, transforming opportunities, what we are interested in financially, or in third-party situations. It may tie in with aspirations in opportune ways or again bring a friend, group, or the internet into the story. Sweet.

PRAYER TODAY: May we exit the cocoon as a glorious butterfly ready to fly.

If you'd like to help support this work you can always buy Zoe a coffee, it's much appreciated!

Buy Me A Coffee

If you'd like to book a private reading with Zoe inbox asking about it here or at and I'll shoot you the details regarding details to set it up, dates, and rates!



LISTEN to the SEPTEMBER MONTHLY Show #1 for Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, & Capricorn here:

LISTEN to the SEPTEMBER MONTHLY Show #2 for Aquarius & Pisces here:

LISTEN to the SEPTEMBER MONTHLY SHOW #3 for Sagittarius here:

Tuesday, August 20, 2024



Today we just carry over whatever our Jupiter/Saturn Square brought to the forefront for us. On the world stage hopefully we got through ok although some scary stuff did go down. I saw that there was an exodus of leadership from the capital of R, while at the same time in the US the multi-domain security systems were activated over the country, a 'boom' over in the Middle E during peace talks, and Chicago and D-N-C activating emergency preps over chem threats. I'm sure I missed some but that's enough, ugh. (Do you guys want me to continue to include the global side of things in what I write or is it too much? Let me know!)

On a personal level I found the energy very draining but experienced most of my key events in the build-up rather than on the day, how about you? Today the Pisces Moon will conjunct Saturn and square Jupiter, building throughout the day on an emotional level and perfecting this evening between 10-11pm Eastern. It is likely an extension of yesterday's peak between Saturn and Jupiter in square for you. This brings up hidden objectives, private matters, secrets, karmic scenarios, dealings with institutions, research, boundaries, water, magical influences, or anything with artistic, romantic or spiritual needs in the story between these two outer planets. Again, it's about growth, going big, happiness, or prosperity, verses limits, rules, regulations, time, responsibilities, endings, commitments, or ambitions in the mix. How do we honor both needs?   

PRAYER TODAY: May we nurture our soul today and when possible, nurture the souls of those around us.

If you'd like to help support this work you can always buy Zoe a coffee, it's much appreciated!

Buy Me A Coffee

If you'd like to book a private reading with Zoe inbox asking about it here or at and I'll shoot you the details regarding details to set it up, dates, and rates!



LISTEN to the SEPTEMBER MONTHLY Show #1 for Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, & Capricorn here:

LISTEN to the SEPTEMBER MONTHLY Show #2 for Aquarius & Pisces here:

LISTEN to the SEPTEMBER MONTHLY SHOW #3 for Sagittarius here:

Monday, August 19, 2024



 It's our Full Moon in Aquarius and Jupiter square Saturn Monday! A Full Moon is a time when we can look back at how far we have come, what we have accomplished, what is finally over, and what we may wish to celebrate. This one in Aquarius is about our dreams and aspirations, our original projects, our friendships, group activities, and online pursuits, what we do with astrology or charities, our freedoms, causes, and reinventive nature, as well as our parties, events and gatherings. So, what is wrapping up or ending here? What are you having breakthroughs about, achieving or celebrating?

This Full Moon is in a T-Square to Uranus. So, the Sun is in Leo, the Moon in Aquarius and Uranus is in Taurus forming this frictional dynamic as things culminate. It brings in our needs or involvement with lovers or kids, creative ventures or recreational pursuits, and any wild-card stuff around income, purchases, possessions, or products in the mix. We may have last-minute changes, surprises or different ways of doing something in this story.

Jupiter is in Gemini all about really big news or decisions, ideas or information, talks, meetings, sales, writing, short trips, moves, or what is going on with vehicles, electronics, siblings, neighbors, or community. Jupiter has been doing his part to get us to focus on our happiness, growth or prosperity in these realms. He has asked us if there is anything we want to do involving the law, media, higher education, travel, distant, ceremonial, religious, or political influences in these realms to get there.

Saturn is in Pisces all about getting serious, spotting any limits, endings or no's, dealing with rules or regulations, time, effort, or ambitions, authority figures, commitments, responsibilities, and goals. He is focusing this on what is going on with institutions, research, addictions, secrets, karma, spirituality, romance, or artistic needs. Look at the Jupiter topics and then look at the Saturn topics, what is your story playing out here? Today they square each other so we feel the push between them, it's as if something has to give. Have you expanded too quickly and need to rein something in or is there more effort needed structurally or foundationally to grow this thing further? Has something run out? Are you over the top? What is the test here that you can rally behind and figure out? We are at the peak with this today however it will stay relevant through Friday as they slowly move from this alignment.

Venus is in Virgo creating a T-Square to Jupiter and Saturn today, adding more frictional energy here involving love or money, beauty or pleasure, and the work being done, any health issues, what's going on with the animals, co-workers or hired help, or with paperwork, cleaning or organizing. So, all in all, quite the powerful day ahead of us!  PRAYER TODAY: May we exceed our expectations, reach for the stars, kick whatever obstacles that are trying to obstruct our dreams to the outer reaches, and shine, baby, shine.

If you'd like to help support this work you can always buy Zoe a coffee, it's much appreciated!

Buy Me A Coffee

If you'd like to book a private reading with Zoe inbox asking about it here or at and I'll shoot you the details regarding details to set it up, dates, and rates!



LISTEN to the SEPTEMBER MONTHLY Show #1 for Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, & Capricorn here:

LISTEN to the SEPTEMBER MONTHLY Show #2 for Aquarius & Pisces here:

LISTEN to the SEPTEMBER MONTHLY SHOW #3 for Sagittarius here: