Thursdays at 8pm eastern/5pm pacific for the WEEKLY RADIO SHOW
The third Friday of each month at noon eastern/9am pacific for the MONTHLY RADIO SHOW
What is Destiny? How does Karma really affect us? These are questions to ponder as we move into November 2015 because the Nodes responsible for pointing towards our Destiny and Karmic balance are moving into new territory. On the 12th of this month the North Node of Destiny will enter Virgo for the first time since it's last tour here between Jan. 1997-Oct. 1998. The NN of Destiny will now tour again through Virgo between Nov. 12, 2015-May 9, 2017.
Since the Karmic South Node travels exactly opposite the same dates apply to its new tour through Pisces starting on Nov. 12 this month and wrapping up here in May 2017. Again this has not been an area of Karmic concentration since Jan 1997-Oct 1998. So what does it mean for us?
First of all, you can look back to get a clue about where Destiny opened up for you and how during that last transit or where Karmic debt was balanced or past life souls exited or entered the game. What Destiny means in Virgo is that we are being drawn to that next chapter calling us to do the work we are here to do, towards the right co-workers or people we can hire to help, towards the right paperwork to set things in motion, the organization we need to make it flow more readily, and the details that we now tend to getting us moving in the right direction. Virgo is also about our health and animals so Destiny is calling us towards our best future here over the next 18 months. Expect people to show up or situations to arise that point the way and read for your Sign and your Rising Sign about where this will most likely play out for you.
Karma on the other hand can test us, it can be where we experience loss, limits, the paying off of Karmic debt, or it can be that portal opening to past life situations and people that are meant to return now to show us that Karma or rekindle something that was cut short previously. In Pisces this means we will have somewhat of a blind spot to it, that there is something romantic but secret or clandestine to it, or something involving our art, film, music, poetry, dance, or other muse related passions in the mix. That there is something going on with addictions, healing or hospitals, other institutions like retreats, psychiatric wards or prisons, more isolation or retreat, research or investigations, spiritual practices, magical or psychic interests, or something involving boundary issues, hidden enemies or deception in the mix. We want to tread VERY lightly here since this is the Karmic Node in the sign of Karma while it's ruler, Neptune, is amplifying it, and the wounded healer, Chiron, is sharing in the experience. Tread lightly in these matters, do not create more karma for yourself, take the high road in all to best experience the better side of this transit. People and situations will arise over time to point out what you need to do about Karma here and you should read for your Sign and your Rising Sign for added information about what to expect.
So what else is happening this month?! Well, the month kicks off with Mercury arriving in Scorpio on the 2nd. This begins 18 days of talks, meetings, offers, agreements, sales, writing, interviews, and decisions about sex, divorce, finances, mortality issues, reproductive needs, and third party matters. So if single you may meet someone while out and about who shares a spark of attraction with you or if in relationship you might start talking about taking things to the next level sexually or even about having a baby. You can address reproductive issues with specialists, get into see the banker, estate planner, tax man, insurance broker, or other financial guru about what to do with funds, or sit down with the divorce attorney about separating assets. A New Moon on the 11th will give you a 2 week boost forward in these same matters, helping you take things to the next level or enter into brand new opportunities here so be proactive.
Both Venus and Mars will move into the relationship sign, Libra, on the 8th and 12th respectively. This means more love, income, beauty, women, passion, action, fighting spirit, and motivation regarding partners, clients, specialists, attorneys, agents, competitors, and other key relationships in the weeks ahead! Time to do it. It's been approximately a year and 2 years since these 2 have trekked through the zone of one-on-one connections so take advantage of all this personal energy here to move forward with current interests or enter into new ones over the weeks ahead.
Speaking of Neptune when I discussed the Karmic South Node transit above, the giant planet of imagination and illusion has been asleep in Retrograde for months. On the 18th he goes Direct and you will now start to see new opportunities and interests opening up with magic, psychic, artistic, spiritual, romantic, healing, hospital, and research themes in the months ahead. Those of you who read my columns or listen to the show know I've talked about this year-long square between Saturn and Neptune that began to form back on Sept. 17th and will be over in September 2016.
During this squaring year between the Reality planet/Saturn and the Imagination planet/Neptune there will be 3 times when the square is exact and these time frames are known to bring things to a head. The first such exact square arrives on Nov. 26th this month so as Neptune turns to start moving things forward it will be this period between the 18th and 26th when things seem to be the most intense regarding limits, endings, responsibilities, authority types, commitments, structures, no's, and ambitions in the mix. Watch what is pulling you this way and that between the Sagittarius field of legal, educational, media, marketing, publishing, wedding, travel, foreign, religious, or political interests, and the Neptune field of art, film, music, poetry, dance, meditation, yoga, magic, psychic abilities, spirituality, addictions, healing, hospitals, research, romance, or overall Karma, it will have a place in your life over this next year as you figure out how to support your dreams and ditch the illusions.
As if to highlight the Sagittarius part of the sky, Mercury enters this territory on the 20th followed by the Sun arriving here on the 22nd. Over the next 3-4 weeks you will find you are entering into more talks, meetings, agreements, sales, writing opportunities, interviews, offers, short trips, and decisions about these legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, publishing, wedding, religious, and political interests. You'll also start getting a bit more personally or physically involved, showing up, putting your name, title, image, or brand to it, making it about your needs in the mix, and taking the lead.
Whatever issues you might have that will need to be met or faced in these areas will arrive by the FULL MOON on the 25th and the first Neptune/Saturn square on the 26th. These two days bring some very big peaks for you via the decisions you make or news you hear, the meetings or offers on the table, what you write or sell, sign or pitch, and it may also bring a sibling, neighbor, short trip, or local activity into the scenario. This is a time of endings, achievements and celebrations, a time when you must look at serious matters and get real about where you're at and think long term.
November kicks off with Mercury moving into your 8th house on the 2nd. This begins 18 days of talks, meetings, agreements, short trips, offers, writing, interviews, and decisions involving sex, reproductive needs, divorce, finances, mortality issues, or third party matters for you. If you need to set up an appointment with a banker, investment broker, insurance salesman, tax man, or other financial planner do it now. It may be the perfect time to meet someone new if single since the attraction may be off the charts or if you are with someone you may talk about taking the relationship into a sexual place or work on sexual or reproductive needs. You may sit down with a divorce attorney or air your feelings about divorce now as well. The NEW MOON on the 11th is all about these same themes so note that between now and the 25th you have your best window of the year to take things to the next level or launch into something new in one of these areas.
Both Venus on the 8th and Mars on the 12th will be moving into your relationship zone to tour there for weeks to come! This is really going to light things up for you with romantic partners, business partners, agents, attorneys, clients, specialists, and even the competition. You'll be much busier than usual with or about these people. You'll have more passion or experience more fire here with others. It will motivate you to make things happen and if you have any repressed anger it will surface so you can work things out or move on. Venus will be there to smooth things out or attract the love, income, beauty, or women into the mix via these relationships and her presence here should make it all that much more pleasurable. So make a list of who you would like to contact and start as this energy begins to amp things up for you.
There is another major shift occurring on the 12th and that is the arrival of the North Node of Destiny in your 6th house zone of work, health, paperwork, co-workers, people you hire, organization, details, services, and animals, while the Karmic South Node shows up in your 12th house zone of retreat, secrets, clandestine romance, research, investigations, healing, addictions, hospitals, deception, boundary issues, spiritual practices, magic, psychic interests, artistic projects, and Karmic relationships. So get ready to pursue your future growth and Destined experiences via 6th house topics and to balance Karmic debt, see Karmic situations or relationships end or reconnect with past Karmic souls returning via our 12th house topics over the next 18 months. Timing wise, if you are trying to figure out when this might occur, it's most likely to come when these points are on and opposite your Sun, so if you are born in the last third of your sign, expect this in the next 6 months, if you are born in the middle of your sign, expect it between mid-May 2016 and mid-Nov 2016, and if you were born in the first third of your sign it's more likely to peak between mid-Nov 2016 and May 2017. If you need a past illustration of what this can be like for you, look to the period between Jan. 1997 - Oct. 1998, that is the last time that the North Node and South Node traveled these pathways.
Everyone is experiencing the building Saturn/Neptune square which will be exact 3 times between now and Sept. 2016. The first exact square arrives this month on the 26th. So note how you feel and what's going on as Neptune ends months of Retrograde motion and goes Direct on the 18th. Between this turnaround and the square on the 26th you'll have 8 days that indicate where you need to get real about legal, travel, people at a distance, media, marketing, educational, wedding, religious, or political themes, and what is happening with healing, hospitals, addictions, romance, artistic interests, spiritual pursuits, magic, psychic interests, deception, boundary issues, or research needs. Whatever you are dealing with will then go on to play a role over this year ahead until the final square in Sept. 2016. To that end it's best to get serious about what needs doing now.
Mercury moves into these 9th house matters of legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, publishing, wedding, religious, or political themes on the 20th, followed by the Sun's arrival here on the 22nd. So over the weeks ahead you'll have plenty of energy to help you get into talks, meetings, writing, interviews, sign agreements, make sales, hear offers or news, and make decisions about these themes. You'll also start to show up, get more involved personally or physically and take the lead. It's really ok to make this about you now.
Note that whatever you are discussing or deciding about with these Mercury and Solar themes in your 9th house will come to some kind of peak by the FULL MOON on the 25th. At this point you'll definitely be in there with someone else over the choices, ideas and information about it. Some of you may have some peak moment with a brother or sister about it, some over transportation or electronics, neighbors or short trips in the mix. Because the Full Moon is the day before the first Saturn/Neptune square you can expect to circle both days as impactful when it comes to big emotions and endings or achievements. There is so much more to uncover in a private reading that focuses on your unique birth chart. To go deeper into your own stars and look at what's coming up for you email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com and ask about what's involved in booking a session!
Alright Taurus, it seems there's plenty to meet about, say, hear, sign, sell, or decide this month with romantic partners, business partners, clients, specialists, agents, attorneys, the competition, or other key relationships! This kicks in on the 2nd as Mercury enters the fray and you'll have 18 glorious days to make it count. If this weren't enough, note that there is also a NEW MOON on the 11th in this arena of relationships, giving you a powerful 2 week window to move what you're doing to the next level or to even get in there with new people if need be. So, do you need to sit down with a specialist over a loan, the taxes, your insurance, the investments, a bankruptcy, the commissions, or any other financial interest or is it about the divorce, estate planning, birth, or sex life? This month gives you what you need to open doors.
Both your ruler, Venus, and Mars are going to head into your work, health, paperwork, pets, co-workers, organizing, and hired help zone so you will also have some real focus here this month. Venus shows up on the 8th, Mars on the 12th and they both then start moving things here over the weeks ahead. Venus will bring women on board who might help or help you focus favorably on the women so look at that female co-worker, health practitioner, veterinarian, dog trainer, or any woman who's health or work life needs some smoothing over or paperwork could use some working out. Venus will also bring love or income flow via the job, job search, paperwork, co-workers, hired help, health interests, and what goes on while out with the animals, so pick and choose accordingly. Mars on the other hand may show up as a highly charged male figure who wants to motivate things here, express the passion or pick a fight. Mars may also stir inside of you to do the same things about these topics. All in all a time when much can be accomplished if you keep an eye on any short fuses.
Now, let's take a look at Destiny and Karma. You've been in the same energy field with both of these influences for a year and a half and this month that changes on the 12th. At this point Destiny will enter into your zone of true love, creative projects, children, and recreation. It will be here that your future beckons and where things will open up to suit your personal growth moving forward. The Karmic energy will move into the social realm where friends, groups, the internet, charities, gatherings, your own aspirations, freedom, or original ideas will be where Karma is dealt, settled or balanced in some way. You may experience some loss in one of these Karmic areas if you've completed something that is not meant to go any further based on that balance. You may also find that past life souls may show up via these areas of life to rekindle something going forward based on Karmic balance with you. So note that over the next 18 months this is where forward motion and growth via love, kids, fun, and creativity will call you and Karma and past life needs will show up for you via these social connections and outlets as well as your personal aspirations. Timing wise, if you are trying to figure out when this might occur, it's most likely to come when these points are on and opposite your Sun, so if you are born in the last third of your sign, expect this in the next 6 months, if you are born in the middle of your sign, expect it between mid-May 2016 and mid-Nov 2016, and if you were born in the first third of your sign it's more likely to peak between mid-Nov 2016 and May 2017. If you need a past illustration of what this can be like for you, look to the period between Jan. 1997 - Oct. 1998, that is the last time that the North Node and South Node traveled these pathways.
Neptune is going to end his months long Retrograde on the18th and go Direct so you may feel a turnaround at this point with a friend, group, the internet, a charity, your gatherings, parties, events, personal aspirations, freedom, or original projects. All that past focus on these matters is now a wrap and it's time to look to new interests with current social connections and situations or move into brand new directions. It's likely that between the 12th and 18th the Karmic point and this shift of Neptune will overlap one another for at least one major theme that stands out to you and may be part of your lesson or balance moving forward so pay attention to what is changing.
Fresh energy pours into your zone of sexuality, reproduction, divorce, mortality, finances, and third party situations between the 20th and 22nd. First Mercury, then the Sun, are entering into these topics to tour over the weeks ahead so you will now be entering into more talks, meetings, agreements, sales, pitches, interviews, offers, short trips, writing, and decisions about these themes, as well as starting to show up and get more personally or physically involved. So look at the list, what would you like to dive into and how can you start?
You can expect some kind of big culmination that will somehow be influenced by one or more of these themes between the 25th and 26th and here is why: there is a FULL MOON on the 25th that will bring a peak high point around your income, purchases or possessions as something comes through, wraps up, ends, is achieved, or celebrated. It will involve another person and what's going on with that shared or third party financial, sexual, divorce, mortality, or reproductive them in some serious way.
By the 26th the first of 3 Saturn/Neptune squares completes pushing you to get real about that financial, sexual, divorce, mortality, reproductive, or third party matter and the dream you have or the out of boundary situation going on with an aspiration, a friend, the group, your internet interests, a gathering, charity, party, event, your freedom, or original projects. The combination between these two days is intense and will push you to reach for something higher or bring something to a close, all the while with an eye on any challenges you need to step up to and overcome. Work towards what you'd like to see peak now. There is so much more to uncover in a private reading that focuses on your unique birth chart. To go deeper into your own stars and look at what's coming up for you email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com and ask about what's involved in booking a session!
It's time to dig deeper into the mystery of your work or what's going on with a health interest, the paperwork, someone you've hired or work with, or the animal situation around you. This month you will have the tools you need to uncover any secrets here or to enter into the right talks or meetings to empower change or transform what's been occurring/not occurring. You will have 18 days thanks to Mercury starting on the 2nd to communicate or sign things, make sales, write them up, interview, field offers, or make some important decisions about these topics. The NEW MOON on the 11th will offer you the 2 most powerful weeks of the year to launch into new territory or take current themes to the next level, so you get the idea, jump in from the start in pursuit of a job, furthering your work agenda, starting projects with co-workers, hiring people or tackling new directions with them, making choices about health and following through by showing up, perhaps adopting a pet or getting more involved with animals in some way, all good, right now.
You will also have some of the more interesting energy than you've had in some time when it comes to true love, creative projects, recreational pursuits, or children. This is because both Venus and Mars will take up residency here in these matters on the 8th and 12th respectively. You'll have them both working for you in these areas over the weeks ahead, Venus to smooth things out and attract the love, women, beauty, and income more easily via creative outlets, love affairs, fun activities, and what you do with kids, while Mars amps up the heat, motivates action, passion and a fighting spirit so things happen. Your only pitfall is anger so guard any outbursts and instead propel these matters forward while you have so much working for you.
November is bringing a big change in the direction of Destiny and Karma for everyone starting on the 12th. For Gemini this means you are closing one 18 month chapter and entering into a new year and a half where Destiny will call you towards your future via what you do at home, about home, with moves, real estate deals, land, renovations, security needs, history, country, family, parents, and roommates. This is where future growth is indicated, where your life can open up the best that you can count on by accepting the things that come your way in these matters or pursuing what you will within reason of your circumstances. Karma on the other hand is now going to enter into an 18 month cycle focused on your personal goals, career, reputation, fame, and dealings with authority figures such as a boss, parent, judge, mentor, director, or such. Usually but not always, when it comes to parents in your particular scenario here showing up in both the Destiny and Karmic placement, it will be the Father where Destiny calls and the Mother where Karma plays out. There are cases where it is opposite but you should be able to tell rather quickly which parent is representing future growth and which one is requiring Karmic balance. With the other topics in your Karmic list, you may have some losses here or you may be balancing Karma with someone or you may see that a portal is opening to a past life and someone or some situation returns to carry forward from that cut-off point and it would be associated with goals, career, fame, etc. So be fair and above board in the Karmic arenas and don't take risks here beyond what feels right. Do pursue the opportunities that open up for you in the Destined part of the sky. Timing wise, if you are trying to figure out when this might occur, it's most likely to come when these points are on and opposite your Sun, so if you are born in the last third of your sign, expect this in the next 6 months, if you are born in the middle of your sign, expect it between mid-May 2016 and mid-Nov 2016, and if you were born in the first third of your sign it's more likely to peak between mid-Nov 2016 and May 2017. If you need a past illustration of what this can be like for you, look to the period between Jan. 1997 - Oct. 1998, that is the last time that the North Node and South Node traveled these pathways.
Neptune has been Retrograde for months allowing you to work something out, release it or rekindle it on the career front, with that personal goal, authority figure, or reputation/fame. Now on the 18th Neptune goes Direct and you should be ready to start moving to the next chapter or new horizon in these matters. Since we see Karmic energy pouring in here on the 12th and this planet in charge shifting direction on the 18th this period between these dates may be significant for something going on with at least one of these themes. Pay attention.
One last major influence coming into play this month will occur between the 20th and 22nd as first Mercury and then the Sun moves into your relationship zone. Over the weeks ahead this will mean more talks, meetings, agreements, sales, writing, offers, and decisions, as well as more personal or physical involvement with romantic partners, business partners, agents, attorneys, clients, specialists, opponents, or other key players. It's time to get in there with or about them and make it count.
Expect big things to be brewing and then cresting between the 25th and 26th, partially about what's going on with this key relationship. You can thank the FULL MOON that arrives on the 25th and brings a big ending, celebration or achievement around you. This may affect your body, image, brand, name, title, signature, or something personal to you, and as it is cresting it will tie in with this key person in some serious way.
By the 26th the first of 3 Saturn/Neptune squares completes which will push you to get real about the partner, agent, specialist, attorney, client, opponent, or other player and look at the goal, career, reputation, or authority figure in the mix and what's going on with Neptune themes of healing, hospitals, research, romance, artistic direction, or spiritual pursuits. So work towards what you'd like to see peak at this period and focus it in on these themes. There is so much more to uncover in a private reading that focuses on your unique birth chart. To go deeper into your own stars and look at what's coming up for you email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com and ask about what's involved in booking a session!
It looks like November is either bringing lots more potential for you to meet and fall in love or take your current love life to the next level, to launch into a new creative project or further your creative talents and endeavors, to start something with or for children or enter into new levels with the kids, or to really gather some momentum behind your recreational life. This begins as soon as the 2nd as Mercury enters the story and opens up 18 days of talks, meetings, offers, agreements, sales, writing, short trips, and decisions that will focus on these themes. Plan that getaway or sign those papers, propose or pitch that creative idea! The NEW MOON on the 11th will add a 2 week boost to these topics, again giving you more energy behind that next chapter so be proactive and say yes to the potential awaiting you in these matters.
You will also experience both Venus and Mars moving into your 4th house of home, family, real estate deals, moves, renovations, parents, roommates, and security needs on the 8th and 12th respectively. That means that over the weeks ahead you will benefit from Venus showing up as good things here via a woman, the love, your income, or beauty so it's a perfect time to express the love at home or for family or mom, to bring beauty there via decorating or art, to earn from home or in real estate, family businesses, renovations, etc, and smooth out any issues that might have come up in the past. Mars will bring the action and you haven't had him here in 2 years so expect to get a lot busier in these areas and to feel motivated, passionate and have more of a fighting spirit about what is going on here. A vibrant male may play a role in what is going on as well. Your only hang-up would be the temper that can flair while Mars is here so guard against anger or accidents in these areas but do let this energy bring forward all you desire and get you busy making things happen.
Now, let's talk about a very interesting topic; Destiny and Karma. Every sign has had the North Node of Destiny and the Karmic South Node traveling in the same arena for the last year and a half. This month, on the 12th, that changes. The Destiny point will move into your 3rd house. This means that over the next 18 months Destiny will await you through your ideas, talks, meetings, writing, agreements, sales, short trips, local activities, siblings, neighbors, vehicles, electronics, offers, interviews, auditions, and big decisions. This is where the future is calling and where things can open up your world so follow what arrives here. The Karmic point will move into your 9th house of travel, foreign interests, law, higher education, media, marketing, weddings, religion, and politics. These areas may bring some loss for you if you have Karmic matters to be settled, there can be the balancing of Karmic debt with another over these themes or these may be the portals to past life souls ready to re-enter your life for some reason. So when pulled between the North Node of Destiny and the Karmic South Node you may wish to choose to focus on the Destiny side of the equation and be certain to be fair and above board in all matters pertaining to Karmic direction. Timing wise, if you are trying to figure out when this might occur, it's most likely to come when these points are on and opposite your Sun, so if you are born in the last third of your sign, expect this in the next 6 months, if you are born in the middle of your sign, expect it between mid-May 2016 and mid-Nov 2016, and if you were born in the first third of your sign it's more likely to peak between mid-Nov 2016 and May 2017. If you need a past illustration of what this can be like for you, look to the period between Jan. 1997 - Oct. 1998, that is the last time that the North Node and South Node traveled these pathways.
Neptune has been Retrograde for months and now on the 18th that ends as Neptune goes Direct. You will feel this as a readiness to now move forward again into new territory or that next chapter in your legal interests, travel plans, wedding plans, media ventures, marketing ideas, educational pursuits, religious interests, or political agendas. You may note something changing about this around this date and since we know that the Karmic South Node has just moved into this territory on the 12th it may be that you experience something big between the 12th-18th over these themes. Trust your inner guidance and again, stay above board in all things.
Mercury will move into your 6th house on the 20th followed by the Sun on the 22nd so it's likely that at this point you will start to get far more invested in the talks, meetings, agreements, sales, writing, interviews, short trips, offers, and decisions about your job, the paperwork, a health matter, the pets, your co-workers, or with someone you've hired or want to hire. It's an opportune time to come to terms or introduce new ideas, to field opportunities and to show up and get more personally or physically involved in what you want here over the weeks ahead. If you want to sign something, put forward your brand, image or personal needs, even advance your title or name in the matter, this is a great period to go for it.
It is important to note that between the 25th and 26th things are likely to get intense and some of it will involve at least one of these themes you're talking and deciding about with work, health, paperwork, hired help, co-workers, or pets. To begin, the FULL MOON on the 25th will bring a major ending, celebration or achievement around something Karmic that has been going on or about something involving your art, film, music, poetry, or muse-related interests, a romantic tryst or clandestine affair, the meditation, yoga, magic, or psychic interests, an addiction, healing or hospital matter, or the research and development. As this comes to a head it will involve another person and that theme of work, paperwork, hired help, health, pets, or co-workers. It is serious when it comes to this with them so get real about where you are.
By the 26th we see the first of 3 Saturn/Neptune square perfect and whatever that serious issue or interest is for you with the health, paperwork, hired help, co-worker, pet, or job, will be pushing you regarding what is happening with legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, wedding, religious, or political themes. So you see, these two days will bring things to a climax and show you any issues or challenges you might have or want to push forward, the latter one being an ongoing affair that won't complete until the 3rd square in Sept. 2016. So work towards what you'd like to see peak at this time and how you'd like to move past any issues that could slow you down. There is so much more to uncover in a private reading that focuses on your unique birth chart. To go deeper into your own stars and look at what's coming up for you email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com and ask about what's involved in booking a session!
November is going to start off with energy amping things up in your home, with any real estate deals, moves, renovations, the family, a parent, or your roommates, thanks to Mercury's arrival on the 2nd. He will give you 18 days to get in there in talks, meetings, sales, with agreements, writing, offers, short trips, the siblings, neighbors, and with any decisions you need to make so you can move things forward here. The NEW MOON on the 11th will also bolster momentum in these matters, giving you 2 weeks of power behind moving things to the next level or getting into something brand new here, so be proactive!
Both Venus and Mars are going to show up in your 3rd house on the 8th and 12th respectively, so you are about to get very busy over the weeks ahead in this zone as well. For you this means women or a woman may become important for you now with those talks, meetings, offers, the writing, agreements, sales, siblings, neighbors, vehicles, electronics, interviews, or decisions. You may see things smooth out in these areas or you might see you are now attracting love or income more easily via these avenues. Mars will amplify the activity, get you busy, motivated, passionate, and possibly bring more fighting spirit here so expect to be running around your community more, more vigor and passion with your words and ideas, and even a few angry outbursts may pop up. It's time to bring ideas to life and get involved with your immediate environment.
Now let's talk about Destiny and Karma. For the last year and a half we've all experienced these matters in a certain field. This month that changes as the North Node of Destiny enters your income, possessions and purchases zone for the first time in 18 years on the 12th and the Karmic South Node enters your zone of all other financial matters, your sex life, divorce needs, mortality issues, reproductive matters, and third party situations the same way. You'll now have a year and a half of these points touring here so here's what you should know. Destiny awaits you through income opportunities that may now appear, through what is going on with your possessions, so perchance you may take some of your items to storage, take them out of storage, purchase new things at a yard sale or department store, or come into some possessions via an inheritance or as a gift, and as this happens it opens up some Destined moment for you. This is where the future calls you and good things can grow. The Karmic South Node may bring some loss or tests about Karmic debt between you and another or it may be the portal to a past life soul who is now ready to reappear in your life via the themes it represents. So you will need to stay above board and careful with loans, debt, inheritance, bankruptcy, insurance, taxes, alimony, child support, commissions, and partner's money, as well as in your sex life, with the divorce, over mortality needs with others, a birth, the reproductive matters, or any triangles playing out. Timing wise, if you are trying to figure out when this might occur, it's most likely to come when these points are on and opposite your Sun, so if you are born in the last third of your sign, expect this in the next 6 months, if you are born in the middle of your sign, expect it between mid-May 2016 and mid-Nov 2016, and if you were born in the first third of your sign it's more likely to peak between mid-Nov 2016 and May 2017. If you need a past illustration of what this can be like for you, look to the period between Jan. 1997 - Oct. 1998, that is the last time that the North Node and South Node traveled these pathways.
Neptune has been Retrograde for months and now on the 18th is going to go Direct taking you back out there into new territory or that next chapter in the months ahead with those financial, sexual, divorce, mortality, reproductive, or third party matters. You may note something shifting in one or more of these areas around this date and truth be told, since the Karmic South Node just arrived here 6 days prior you may have something big starting to happen in one of these areas any time between the 12th and 18th. Expect Neptune to introduce the healing or hospital themes, artistic or spiritual direction, romantic interest, or research and development into the mix.
Between the 20th - 22nd energy pours into your zone of true love, kids, creative projects, and fun. This means you can start to meet others, get into talks, interviews, writing, short trips, offers, agreements, sales, and decision-making about these matters in the weeks ahead as well as start to show up and get more personally or physically involved, yay! Make a list, go for it.
I do need to tell you that between the 25th and 26th things are likely to get intense and part of it will involve at least one of these themes of love, kids, creative efforts, or fun. First, on the 25th there is a FULL MOON that is going to bring a big climax in some social area of life so you might have a big party, event or charity to attend, something going on with a friend or group activity, a social networking or internet interest reaching a climax, something with astrology or a cause that is peaking, or it may be about your aspirations, original projects or freedom. As this culminates in a big achievement, ending or celebration, there will be another person in the mix regarding those themes of true love, kids, fun, or creativity and they are somehow serious or limiting, want more commitment or have a no for you, and you'll have to take them into account or get real about whatever this brings up for you. It may be that you are on the flip side of this and making a commitment with a partner and this is being celebrated at a wedding or gathering, so the serious matter can go either way.
By the 26th the first of 3 Saturn/Neptune squares completes and again any serious matters going on with the lover, kids, creative project, or fun, will be up in the mix but now it will need to contend with whatever is occurring with the big financial matter, the sex life, divorce, mortality issue, reproductive need, or third party matter. So stay in the light, be true, and expect big things around these dates. There is so much more to uncover in a private reading that focuses on your unique birth chart. To go deeper into your own stars and look at what's coming up for you email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com and ask about what's involved in booking a session!
There is a lot of hope in November for Virgo starting with the amplified energy gathering in your 3rd house of talks, meetings, writing, ideas, offers, agreements, sales, short trips, local activities, siblings, neighbors, moves, vehicles, electronics, interviews, and decisions. Yes, that's a long list but here's the thing, starting on the 2nd and for 18 straight days you will be the one with the silver tongue here and the ability to connect and get across. By the NEW MOON on the 11th a 2 week window will open up that is all about helping you get into something brand new or take current situations or interests in these matters to the next level. So you want to figure out what you need to ask for, speak up about, meet over, sign, sell, or decide, and go for it.
Next, both Venus and Mars are going to move into your earnings, purchases and possessions zone on the 8th and 12th respectively so over the weeks ahead you will have lots more action and good things going on when it comes to making money, your valuables and any purchases you want to make. Venus may bring women or a woman onto the scene who benefits you in these matters or you might focus some of those purchases or gifts on this particular female. Venus will help you smooth things out and attract the love or money via possessions, purchases and income as well. Mars will stir up the heat, motivate you and others, bring more passion to the topics, and give you a fighting spirit if you need it to make things happen here. Younger or vibrant males may instigate this for you or you may feel this vigorous male energy within!
Now let's look at the interesting topics of Destiny and Karma! For the last 18 months you've been focusing these in one territory each. Now on the 12th of this month that changes as the North Node of Destiny arrives in your sign for the first time in 18 years while the Karmic South Node arrives in your relationship zone at the same time. Over the next year and a half this is where these points will take you so let's look at it. Destiny is now calling you towards what you do for or about yourself, getting in there in person, making it about your body, image, brand, name, title, signature, or personal needs, doing it yourself, it's your turn to make it about you and the Cosmos will likely have some good things awaiting you. This is where your future calls you. The Karmic South Node in the relationship zone means you may experience some loss based on balancing Karmic debt in a relationship. These relationships consist of romantic partners, business partners, agents, attorneys, clients, specialists, opponents, competitors, or other key players. It may be that whatever Karma you have had with this person has run its course so the relationship is done or it may be that they go through something and you owe them the Karmic energy to support or help them, it may be that someone arrives who feels you owe them or that this acts as a portal to a past life experience and past life souls arrive who are ready to team up with you again. Just use caution when engaging others, stay above board, rely on yourself and please, Virgo, put your own needs first for a change, since Destiny will favor you much of the time. Timing wise, if you are trying to figure out when this might occur, it's most likely to come when these points are on and opposite your Sun, so if you are born in the last third of your sign, expect this in the next 6 months, if you are born in the middle of your sign, expect it between mid-May 2016 and mid-Nov 2016, and if you were born in the first third of your sign it's more likely to peak between mid-Nov 2016 and May 2017. If you need a past illustration of what this can be like for you, look to the period between Jan. 1997 - Oct. 1998, that is the last time that the North Node and South Node traveled these pathways.
Neptune has been in a month's long Retrograde cycle and on the 18th is going to go Direct so you should now be ready to move into that next chapter or something brand new with partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, clients, opponents, and other key relationships over anything healing, addictive, Karmic, about hospitals, research, romance, artistic projects, spiritual practices, magic, psychic interests, or hidden agendas and strategies. Since the Karmic South Node just entered this territory on the 12th it's likely that between the 12th and 18th is when to expect something big shifting about some of these matters if it is going to do so.
Plan on tackling home, moves, renovations, real estate deals, family, parent, or roommate matters once your ruler, Mercury, and the Sun move into these territories on the 20th and 22nd respectively. This will give you the opening to get into talks, meetings, write, sign agreements, make sales, deal with siblings, neighbors, vehicles, electronics, short trips, local activities, and decisions about these matters in the weeks ahead. It will also get you more personally or physically involved in interests here and help you stand out and take the lead, so dive in!
You should note that between the 25th and 26th things seem to amp up in some of this for you thanks to 2 events hitting their peak now. First, the FULL MOON on the 25th will bring a big climax for you with a personal goal you've been working towards, a career matter, something about your reputation or recognition, or something involving an authority figure like a boss, parent or judge. You'll be marking endings, celebrating or noting achievements in these areas now and it will involve another person and something serious about the home, move, real estate deal, renovation, family, parent, roommate, or security need in the mix. By the 26th Saturn perfects his first of 3 squares with Neptune so again that serious commitment, ending, structuring, limits, no, responsibility, authority figure, or ambition in the home matter or what's going on with real estate, moves, renovations, family, parents, or roommates is half of this square. The other half is about the partner, specialist, client, competitor, opponent, attorney, agent, or other key relationship. So work towards what you'd like to see hit its stride and how you can overcome obstacles as these days approach. There is so much more to uncover in a private reading that focuses on your unique birth chart. To go deeper into your own stars and look at what's coming up for you email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com and ask about what's involved in booking a session!
November is holding some good cards for you Libra when it comes to making money, your purchases or what you're doing with your possessions, and it starts on the 2nd. This is when Mercury arrives in these matters and opens up an 18 day window for you to enter into talks, interviews, auditions, sales, agreements, negotiations, meetings, short trips, local activities, offers, writing, and decisions about these matters. With the NEW MOON on the 11th another window will open about these same topics, this one last 2 weeks and boost you into new opportunities here or helps you reach that next level in what you're already doing, so be proactive.
Both Venus, on the 8th, and Mars, on the 12th, are entering your sign to move together through what it is you want over the weeks ahead. This means some pretty smooth sailing, an ability to attract what you want via women, love, beauty, or income, and more action, passion, fighting spirit, and motivation to make things happen. You'll want to set your goals, make it about you, show up, get involved, focus on your body, your image, brand, name, title, signature, and personal needs, it's time to make love or make money, enjoy yourself more or further your goals.
So now let's talk about Destiny and Karma. For the last 18 months these matters have played out in 2 fields and that is now going to change. On the 12th the North Node of Destiny moves into the mystical 12th house where it will tour for the next year and a half, while the Karmic South Node enters your 6th house for the same period. So this is what it means; Destiny is going to await you in private, secret or behind the scenes channels, with time alone, resting, recuperating, connecting with your spiritual practices, meditating, doing your yoga, learning about the magical realm or your psychic abilities, healing, tackling addictions, or at the hospital. It will find you in romantic getaways, romantic trysts and clandestine affairs. It will find you at museums, theaters, movie houses, concerts, while playing music, making films, dancing, writing poetry, acting, painting, or in other ways accessing your muse. Destiny opens doors and it is where your future is calling you. The Karmic South Node on the other hand is going to be showing up at work, in pursuit of work, with co-workers, people you hire, paperwork, organizing events, health matters, pets, and criticism. This is where you may experience a loss or lesson, where Karma is being balanced and debt paid, where past life souls may re-enter to start again with you, and situations arise that teach you what's fair and what's not. So in moving forward, stay always in the light and above board with any of the Karmic subjects and trust your inner guidance if you feel something is off, while following the opportunities Destiny is ready to bring your way. Timing wise, if you are trying to figure out when this might occur, it's most likely to come when these points are on and opposite your Sun, so if you are born in the last third of your sign, expect this in the next 6 months, if you are born in the middle of your sign, expect it between mid-May 2016 and mid-Nov 2016, and if you were born in the first third of your sign it's more likely to peak between mid-Nov 2016 and May 2017. If you need a past illustration of what this can be like for you, look to the period between Jan. 1997 - Oct. 1998, that is the last time that the North Node and South Node traveled these pathways.
Neptune has been in Retrograde for months and now on the 18th is going Direct so you will feel this as a shift and readiness to now move forward into the next chapter with your work, health, paperwork, co-workers, people you hire, or pets. Since this is right after the Karmic South Node enters these matters on the 12th, it's likely that the period of the 12th - 18th may bring some shift for you in one or more of these topics. Neptune adds the spiritual, artistic, romantic, healing, addictive, hospital, or research themes in forward motion.
Mercury then moves into your 3rd house on the 2oth, followed by the Sun on the 22nd, so over the weeks ahead you will now see way more talks, meetings, agreements, writing projects, interviews, sales, short trips, interactions with brothers, sisters, neighbors, vehicles, electronics, and some important decisions and ideas coming up. You'll be front and center, others will notice and it's ok to make it about you! Step up, connect and make some choices.
It's important to note that it is likely to get intense between the 25th - 26th thanks to the FULL MOON on the 25th and the first of 3 Saturn/Neptune squares completing on the 26th. What that means for you is that something is coming to a climax with a travel, foreign, legal, educational, media, marketing, wedding, religious, or political interest at the FULL MOON and it will involve another person over all that communication energy that just revved up between the 20th and 22nd. So a talk, agreement, sale, offer, sibling, the transportation, etc, may be key in this with another person and since Saturn brings it it's likely serious too! By the 26th the Saturn/Neptune square means that talk, agreement, sale, writing, meeting, offer, short trip, brother, sister, neighbor, vehicle, electronic, interview, idea, or decision is again front and center in some serious way, think; commitments, endings, limits, structures, authority figures, goals, no's, responsibilities, or ambitions here. Neptune will be about that job, co-worker, health need, pet, paperwork, or hired help in the matter. So keep talking and work towards what you'd like to see climax at this point in the story. There is so much more to uncover in a private reading that focuses on your unique birth chart. To go deeper into your own stars and look at what's coming up for you email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com and ask about what's involved in booking a session!
November opens up with lots of personal energy charging into your sign, Scorpio! This means that from the 2nd you will find you can enter into more talks, meeting, agreements, sales, writing opportunities, interviews, auditions, short trips, local activities, offers, and decisions that hinge on your needs being met or are about you in some way. You'll have 18 days to make this count and to add to this momentum, the NEW MOON on the 11th is in your sign so this opens up a golden 2 week window that will help you put your interests out there and move you into that next chapter or into something brand new. Focus on your body, image, brand, title, signature, name, and personal goals and be proactive. I do think this may have a positive impact on some financial interests, your sex life, any third party matters, or even a divorce scenario for you.
Both Venus and Mars are showing up in the mystical part of your chart on the 8th and 12th respectively. This means that over the weeks ahead you'll have way more love, women, income, beauty, action, passion, and fighting spirit motivating activity when you're working on things behind the scenes, privately, secretly, or when you are focusing on art, film, music, poetry, dance, meditation, yoga, magic, psychic interests, romantic trysts, clandestine romance, healing, addictions, hospitals, or research. Venus may smooth things out if they've been choppy or help you attract the love or money flow more easily here, and bring some pleasure your way while Mars will heat things up and help you get there, possibly via an ardent male figure. So don't be shy!
Now let's talk about Destiny and Karma. You've been in the same boat with these two directions for the last year and a half. This month that changes on the 12th as the North Node of Destiny moves into your 11th house of aspirations, friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, gatherings, social networking, personal freedom, and original ideas and inventions. This is where the future beckons and where Destiny will open some interesting doors for you so move towards what you see flowering here. The Karmic South Node on the other hand is moving into your 5th house of true love, children, creative projects, and recreation. This is where you may experience loss or lessons, where Karma may be owed or paid, where you must strive for balance, and where past life souls may arrive to rekindle things this life time in these areas of interest. So there's more to the love, creative outlets, kids, and fun stuff you pursue now, there's a deeper message, and you'll want to trust your inner guidance here and always, but always stay on the light and high ground of anything playing out in these areas to avoid creating future Karma. Timing wise, if you are trying to figure out when this might occur, it's most likely to come when these points are on and opposite your Sun, so if you are born in the last third of your sign, expect this in the next 6 months, if you are born in the middle of your sign, expect it between mid-May 2016 and mid-Nov 2016, and if you were born in the first third of your sign it's more likely to peak between mid-Nov 2016 and May 2017. If you need a past illustration of what this can be like for you, look to the period between Jan. 1997 - Oct. 1998, that is the last time that the North Node and South Node traveled these pathways.
Neptune has been adrift in the past via his month's long Retrograde but that changes on the 18th as he turns to go Direct. This means that you are now ready to take things back out there with lovers, kids, creative projects, and fun. Since the Karmic South Node just entered this picture on the 12th these days between the 12th and 18th may hold something big for you in one of these matters. Know that Neptune is now adding something new via artistic, romantic, spiritual, healing, hospital, or research themes to the mix.
Both Mercury and the Sun are going to move into your income, possessions and purchases zone on the 20th and 22nd respectively so this kicks off several weeks with more talks, interviews, offers, agreements, sales, writing, meetings, short trips, and decisions about ways to make money, what's going on with your income level, what you're doing with valuables, any gifts in question, and what's up with the purchases. The Sun will ask that you get more personally and physically involved in it and show up to take the lead here so plan on putting yourself out there towards what you'd like to get going in these matters starting now, others will notice.
It's important to note that something in these income, possessions or purchases matters will be tied up in the big peak energy escalating between the 25th and 26th. This is because on the 25th we have a FULL MOON bringing a big achievement, ending or celebration for you about a loan, partner's money, investment, the taxes, insurance, commissions, royalties, inheritance, bankruptcy, or any other outside financial resource, or if this Full Moon is not about a big financial matter peaking for you it will focus on the personal side of this energy and bring some climactic moment involving sex, reproductive matters, divorce, mortality issues, a birth, or a third party situation. As this peaks there will be something serious going on involving a key individual and the income, possessions or purchases. By the 26th Saturn will perfect the first of 3 squares that he is making with Neptune bringing up any issues or challenging you to push harder with that creative venture, lover, recreational pursuit, or the kids. So you'll need that gift of gab and can expect a big peak at this point with some of these themes, work towards what you'd like to see come through or wrap up. There is so much more to uncover in a private reading that focuses on your unique birth chart. To go deeper into your own stars and look at what's coming up for you email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com and ask about what's involved in booking a session!
Sage, you have some great energy pouring into the 'behind the scenes' arena of your chart starting on the 2nd with Mercury. This will help you get into talks and meetings, write, interview, sign agreements, make sales, field offers, take a few private short trips, and make any important decisions that happen behind closed doors or are about artistic pursuits, romantic interests, research, healing, hospitals, or spiritual pursuits. You'll have 18 days of active energy here so open up about what you want. To add to this, the NEW MOON on the 11th opens up your best 2 week window about the same topics helping you to either take current interests to the next level or enter into something brand new here, so again, be proactive!
Next up, both Venus and Mars will be showing up on the 8th and 12th in your social arena to travel there over the weeks ahead and bring some really active and positive moments. First, Venus will help smooth out any issues going on with friends, groups, the internet, charities, gatherings, or your personal aspirations. She will open up the possibilities of love or money flow around these social situations so you might meet the love of your life while at a party or out with friends or throw a party or wedding to celebrate your love, or you could earn online or within a group setting, for a charity or with a friend, all good. Mars will spark passion, bring a fighting spirit and motivate all kinds of activity, keeping you busier than you've been in 2 years in these social arenas and towards your aspirations. So other than the potential for outbursts of anger flaring under Mars, the skies look very positive for you in these areas.
Now let's look at Destiny and Karma. Over the last 18 months they've played out in one certain energy each so you've experienced them in one special way. Now that ends on the 12th as the North Node of Destiny moves into your Midheaven where Destiny will play out over career ambitions, personal goals, your reputation, fame, and any dealings with higher-ups or authority types like the boss, judge, parent, or mentor. This is where the future will call you and favor you so look to any progress or good potential arriving here and follow it through! The Karmic South Node on the other hand will arrive on the same date in your home, real estate deals, moves, renovations, family, parent, and roommates sector. This is where Karma may need to be balanced, debt paid, a loss or lesson experienced, or where a past life soul may re-enter your life. Since you have parents in both areas you may have some cross-over or you may find that it is your Mother or Mother figures where Destiny awaits and the Father/Father figure where Karma is being met. Timing wise, if you are trying to figure out when this might occur, it's most likely to come when these points are on and opposite your Sun, so if you are born in the last third of your sign, expect this in the next 6 months, if you are born in the middle of your sign, expect it between mid-May 2016 and mid-Nov 2016, and if you were born in the first third of your sign it's more likely to peak between mid-Nov 2016 and May 2017. If you need a past illustration of what this can be like for you, look to the period between Jan. 1997 - Oct. 1998, that is the last time that the North Node and South Node traveled these pathways.
Neptune has been in his month's long Retrograde cycle and that ends on the 18th as he turns to go Direct. This means you are ready to get back out into forward motion or new things when it comes to home, real estate deals, moves, renovations, family, parents, or roommates. Since the Karmic South Node has recently entered this territory on the 12th it may mean that between the 12th and 18th something will be heightened or shifting in one of these areas for you. Neptune will add artistic, romantic, spiritual, healing, hospital, or research themes to the mix.
A nice focus on you and your needs arrives between the 20th and 22nd as first Mercury and then the Sun moves into your sign. This means over the weeks ahead you'll have a whole lot more meetings, talks, writing, agreements, sales, short trips, offers, interviews, or decisions that are about what you want, what's going on with your body, image, brand, name, title, signature, or needs in the mix. With the Solar light on you it will help you to step up, take the spotlight, get noticed, and take the lead in whatever you are trying to further. It will ask that you get more personally and physically involved in your life and it should be a good thing.
It's important to note that between the 25th and 26th things will get intense thanks to a FULL MOON and the first of 3 squares between Saturn and Neptune perfecting. The FULL MOON will bring things to a head with partners, agents, attorneys, clients, specialists, competitors, opponents, or other key players on the 25th as you hear something or wrap up agreements, sales, talks, or decisions with/about them. At this point Saturn will be activated in your sign asking that you get serious about commitments, endings, responsibilities, ambitions, and where you're at with or about them. By the 26th the Saturn/Neptune square will again focus on serious matters for you and show you where any obstacles or ways you want to push things are with the home, real estate deal, move, renovation, family, parent, or roommates are, so expect to work towards what you'd like to see peak in all of this at this time. There is so much more to uncover in a private reading that focuses on your unique birth chart. To go deeper into your own stars and look at what's coming up for you email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com and ask about what's involved in booking a session!
Expect to hear from more friends and associates and to get into more talks, meetings, writing, short trips, agreements, sales, offers, and decisions with friends, associates, group situations, parties, gatherings, events you attend, online, with social networking, via astrology, with charities, or about your aspirations starting on the 2nd. You have 18 amazing days to open up here and come to terms or share ideas. The NEW MOON on the 11th will add a 2 week window overlapping this that is all about pushing things to the next level in these matters or helping you enter into something brand new so you might further group efforts or online interest, etc, or you might now meet some new friends, join new groups or start new internet or charitable pursuits, all good.
Both Venus and Mars, on the 8th and 12th respectively, are moving into your Midheaven! This is great news for you since the Midheaven is about your personal goals, career interests, fame/reputation, and what goes on with authority figures like the boss, mentor, parent, judge, etc. So Venus will start to smooth things out and help you attract love, income, beauty, or women here, possibly making part of the focus a woman, and help you reach goals or align this with career or authority types. Her presence here over the weeks ahead should make it all more pleasurable or easy. Mars will stir passions, bring more action, bring out your fighting spirit, and get you busier in these areas than you've been in 2 years and he's staying 7 weeks here. He may show up as an ardent male in the picture or he might spark anger from time to time when pushing those goals forward, but overall this combination is personal and vibrant and going to help you achieve, so aim high.
Now, let's talk about Destiny and Karma. You've experienced these two in the same way for a year and a half now but that is about to change. On the 12th the North Node of Destiny is moving into your 9th house of travel, people at a distance, legal matters, weddings, religion, higher education, politics, media, marketing, and adventure. This is where the future is calling you and where you may see some opportunities start to arrive. This is going to be an ongoing theme over the next 18 months. The Karmic South Node on the other hand is showing up on the same day in your 3rd house where Karma is going to be tied to your neighborhood, neighbors, brothers, sisters, short trips, vehicles, electronics, writing, agreements, sales, meetings, talks, and meetings for the next year and a half. This is where you may experience loss or lessons, where you may have Karmic debt owed or the need to balance it or pay it back, or where past life souls may arrive to rekindle their story with you. Pay attention to your gut reaction to anything happening in this territory and always stay on the high road, above board in all talks, meetings, agreements, sales, writing, and with the mundane list of siblings, neighbors, transportation, electronics, and decisions. Timing wise, if you are trying to figure out when this might occur, it's most likely to come when these points are on and opposite your Sun, so if you are born in the last third of your sign, expect this in the next 6 months, if you are born in the middle of your sign, expect it between mid-May 2016 and mid-Nov 2016, and if you were born in the first third of your sign it's more likely to peak between mid-Nov 2016 and May 2017. If you need a past illustration of what this can be like for you, look to the period between Jan. 1997 - Oct. 1998, that is the last time that the North Node and South Node traveled these pathways.
Neptune has been in a month's long Retrograde but that ends on the 18th as Neptune turns Direct. For you this means you are now ready to take things out there again and enter into new things via talks, meetings, neighbors, siblings, neighborhood, short trips, writing, agreements, sales, offers, interviews, and decisions. Since the Karmic South Node just entered this territory on the 12th it may be that something big is brewing for you here between the 12th and 18th. Neptune will add the artistic, spiritual, romantic, healing, hospital, or research theme to the mix.
And speaking of that last list of topics, between the 20th and 22nd both Mercury and the Sun will arrive in your 12th house of secrets, behind the scenes activities, romantic trysts, clandestine romance, spiritual practices, magic, psychic abilities, artistic projects and interests, and research. This opens up several weeks where you can get more talks, meetings, sales, writing, agreements, offers, short trips, and decisions focusing on these themes. It will also invite you to get more personally or physically involved in these matters. You'll get noticed, stand out, shine your light, take the lead, make it count.
Do note that between the 25th and 26th things are going to amp up big time. This will likely have some tie into this last energy so let's look at how it breaks down. First, the FULL MOON on the 25th brings a climax around your work, job, co-workers, people you hire, paperwork, health, a big clean-up, organization project, or pets. This is when you see things wrap up, come through, celebrated, achieved, or ending. At this point there is another person in the mix over these above themes of romance, artistry, spirituality, healing, addictions, secrets, behind the scenes activities, or hospitals. They are represented by Saturn so they or what they are about is serious. By the 26th Saturn perfects his first of 3 squares he will be making with Neptune over the year ahead. This again brings that serious topic with secrets, romance, artistry, spirituality, healing, addictions, hospitals, or research to bear. It will also be about a challenging or amped up talk, piece of news, offer, agreement, sale, writing, meeting, or decision in the mix. So work towards what you'd like to see peak in these areas as you move towards these dates and pace yourself over this 2 day intense climax. There is so much more to uncover in a private reading that focuses on your unique birth chart. To go deeper into your own stars and look at what's coming up for you email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com and ask about what's involved in booking a session!
It's looking like a good month, Aquarius, and it kicks off with energy pouring into your zone of personal goals and achievements, your career, reputation, fame, and dealings with authority figures like the boss, judge or parent on the 2nd. This means you now have 18 days that favor talks, meetings and offers in these areas as well as any writing, sales, agreements, negotiations, interviews, auditions, and decisions that you may wish to initiate or field. This gets backed up even more when the NEW MOON arrives on the 11th and opens up your best 2 week window of the year to launch into something brand new or take current interests to the next level with these personal goals, career ambitions and authority figures. So be proactive, you can definitely gather momentum by opening up and pushing ahead.
You will also see energy begin to gather around your 9th house topics thanks to both Venus and Mars arriving here on the 8th and 12th respectively. They will now tour together through your 9th house of travel, people at a distance, legal interests, media, marketing, publishing, education, weddings, religion, and politics, over the weeks ahead giving you a leg up on what you are doing. Venus is going to either show up as women in the mix and this should be beneficial or she will show up to smooth something out, help you attract what you need via love or money flow, or bring more pleasure and enjoyment from these matters. Mars is going to light a fire under it, motivate you and others, bring out the passion and fighting spirit, and possibly stir anger if it needs to be addressed in these matters. You haven't had his energy here in 2 years so expect to get busy and make things happen.
Now let's talk about Destiny and Karma. You've been working on these topics in the same way now for a year and a half. That changes this month on the 12th as the Nodes of Destiny and Karma move into new territory. The North Node of Destiny is entering your zone of financial resources: loans, inheritance, insurance, taxes, bankruptcy, alimony, settlements, investments, commissions, child support, a partner's money, or any other outside financial matter, as well as into your sex life, reproductive needs, mortality issues, divorce themes, controlling interests, personal empowerment, and third party matters. It will tour here the next year and a half and this is where your future calls you, where the door is open and Destiny awaits your future growth. The Karmic South Node on the other hand is moving into your income, possessions and purchases zone for the same period of time. This means you may experience loss or lessons here, you may need to be aware of Karmic debt and balance something in these areas with another person or it may be through these doors that a past life soul re-enters your life now to carry forward in some way this lifetime. So keep things above board in these areas at all times, certain that you don't create new Karmic debt and do move towards the open doors of Destiny. Timing wise, if you are trying to figure out when this might occur, it's most likely to come when these points are on and opposite your Sun, so if you are born in the last third of your sign, expect this in the next 6 months, if you are born in the middle of your sign, expect it between mid-May 2016 and mid-Nov 2016, and if you were born in the first third of your sign it's more likely to peak between mid-Nov 2016 and May 2017. If you need a past illustration of what this can be like for you, look to the period between Jan. 1997 - Oct. 1998, that is the last time that the North Node and South Node traveled these pathways.
Neptune has been Retrograde for months and now on the 18th he turns to go Direct. This means that you are now ready to start to focus on new interests or that next level with your income, possessions or purchases. Since the Karmic South Node just entered this picture on the 12th it's possible that the period from the 12th - 18th will be significant for any changes in these areas. Neptune will bring the artistic, spiritual, romantic, healing, hospital, magical, psychic, or research interests into the mix going forward.
Between the 20th and 22nd new energy arrives to focus on your social energy over the weeks ahead thanks to first Mercury and then the Sun taking up residency here. So you can plan on entering into more talks and meetings, offers and agreements, sales and writing, short trips and local activities, ideas and decisions with your friends, associates, group activities, internet interests, astrology, charities, parties, gatherings and events you attend, as well as with your personal aspirations and original ideas. Over the weeks ahead this energy will help you to get more personally or physically involved in these social affairs and to stand out in the crowd, all good for furthering your own interests and enjoyment.
Do note that between the 25th - 26th things are bound to get amped up with some of these social interests or connections thanks to first a FULL MOON on the 25th and then the first of 3 Saturn/Neptune squares on the 26th. The FULL MOON will be bringing a climax in your love life, with a lover, the kids, a creative project, or something recreational. As you celebrate this high point or mark your endings about these matters it will also activate something serious with someone else about the friendship, group activity, gathering, internet, astrology, charity, or aspirations. By the 26th Saturn will take the serious energy around friends, groups, the internet, charities, gatherings, your aspirations, and original ideas even further so you'll be looking at goals, ambitions, commitments, endings, limits, responsibilities, and where you want to get real here. At the same time Neptune will be about that income, purchase or possessions in the mix and where you are at with that so plan on giving these 2 days your full attention as things peak and you challenge yourself to reach higher. There is so much more to uncover in a private reading that focuses on your unique birth chart. To go deeper into your own stars and look at what's coming up for you email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com and ask about what's involved in booking a session!
There are some wonderful new trends kicking in this month Pisces and it starts on the 2nd with energy showing up around travel, people at a distance, legal interests, media, marketing, education, weddings, religion, or politics. These higher minded arenas will have the benefit of more talks, meetings, offers, agreements, sales, writing, interviews, or decisions over the next 18 days that put you in the driver's seat. To back this up even more the NEW MOON on the 11th opens up your best 2 week window of the year to launch into new opportunities or take current interests to the next level in these matters so be proactive and make things happen.
Next, both Venus and Mars are going to show up in the sexiest and most financially powerful part of your chart on the 8th and 12th respectively. Over the weeks ahead this bodes well for Venus bringing love and money flow more easily to you, helping to smooth out issues that you might have in these areas, bringing women into the mix who can help, and helping you enjoy yourself more. Mars will heat things up and kick them into action so you are going to be busier in your sex life, with reproductive interests, divorce proceedings, any big financial interest like with loans, inheritance, bankruptcy, insurance, taxes, investments, settlements, commissions, alimony, child support, or a partner's money, and any third party interest that might merit action. Between the two you are pretty much unstoppable so motivate!
Now let's talk about Destiny and Karma. For the last year and a half you've been dealing with these areas in the same way but that changes this month on the 12th. First, the North Node of Destiny is entering into your relationship zone and will now travel here for the next 18 months. This means that it will be through your romantic partners, business partners, agents, attorneys, clients, specialists, and even situations involving opponents or competitors, that Destiny is calling you. The door is open and not only should you be able to find the right situation but opportunities that are future oriented may start to arrive via these types of people starting now. The Karmic South Node on the other hand is arriving in your sign where it will also travel for 18 months. This means you yourself will be experiencing any Karma that you may have accumulated in this or a past life. To that end things that involve your body, image, brand, name, title, or personal desires may experience loss or lessons now, you may find that you feel drawn to do for someone else out of a need to pay off Karmic debt or you may have a past life soul re-entering your life to pick up where you left off, in this case you would likely pursue this. So pay attention to your instincts about any of this and do be certain to present yourself in an honest manner that keeps you in the light over this period so you don't create new Karma, and do by all means reach out and rely on those key relationships because with this paradigm it is more likely that you will do better when involving others rather than going it alone. Timing wise, if you are trying to figure out when this might occur, it's most likely to come when these points are on and opposite your Sun, so if you are born in the last third of your sign, expect this in the next 6 months, if you are born in the middle of your sign, expect it between mid-May 2016 and mid-Nov 2016, and if you were born in the first third of your sign it's more likely to peak between mid-Nov 2016 and May 2017. If you need a past illustration of what this can be like for you, look to the period between Jan. 1997 - Oct. 1998, that is the last time that the North Node and South Node traveled these pathways.
Your ruling energy, Neptune, has been in Retrograde for months and now on the 18th he turns to go Direct again. This means you are also ready to get back out there, perhaps to head into something new or step things up when it comes to your body, image, brand, title, name, or personal needs moving forward. Since the Karmic South Node just entered this picture on the 12th it may be that the period between the 12th and 18th holds special significance for you and your needs moving forward. Note that Neptune themes include healing, hospitals, research, retreat, romance, artistic interests, and spiritual development, so these are now on board with new potential as you start to feel this shift occurring for you.
Personal goals, career, reputation, fame, and dealings with authority types like the boss, parent or judge, gets a boost from both Mercury and the Sun between the 20th and 22nd. Over the weeks ahead they will both tour these topics opening up more talks, meetings, offers, agreements, sales, writing, interviews, and decisions about it. It will be a good time for you to step up, get more personally or physically involved and take the lead, you will definitely be noticed and that should be a good thing now.
Do note that it is going to get intense between the 25th and 26th thanks to the FULL MOON on the 25th and the first of 3 Saturn/Neptune squares on the 26th. First, the Full Moon is bringing something to a climax at home, with a move, a renovation, the real estate deal, your family, a parent, or the roommates. This is when things will be celebrated, achieved or you will be marking endings. As this peaks it will stimulate an opposition that involves someone else in a serious way about your goals, career or that authority figure/parent, boss, judge, etc. so you'll need to consider what is going on here as part of this big climax. By the 26th Saturn takes that serious goal, career need or what's going on with the boss, parent, judge, or other authority type and again in a serious way pushes you with Neptune in your sign. This means you are challenging yourself today or being challenged over Neptune themes of healing, hospitals, addictions, deception, boundary issues, clandestine romance, romantic getaways, artistic projects, spiritual practices, research, or Karmic ties. It will play into your identity, body, image, brand, title, name, or personal needs in the mix. So work towards what you'd like to see peak and give yourself some leeway for the challenges that might arise now at this epic peak. There is so much more to uncover in a private reading that focuses on your unique birth chart. To go deeper into your own stars and look at what's coming up for you email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com and ask about what's involved in booking a session!
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