Your two best days to hear more or get in there with talks, meetings, writing, pitches, agreements, sales, offers, interviews, auditions, or decisions are MONDAY and TUESDAY. Stir it up, open up, ask for it or state your case. If you need to sign papers or brainstorm ideas, jump in right from the get-go this week.
By WEDNESDAY you will either hit a few roadblocks in getting that meeting underway or selling your idea, etc, or you will need to summon up more energy than you would have at the first of the week to make it happen. This isn't necessarily a bad thing, it will give you a clear idea of where you stand and what you may need to do regarding that other person if you want a stronger base in your current affairs.
THURSDAY and FRIDAY will turn attention to making money, your purchases, gifts, possessions, and values. Taurus is strongly present on these days so you may be focused on a bull in your life. In my opinion you may be able to make headway on these themes with a little imagination, some faith, setting of realistic goals (especially if there is some way to evolve the situation, make changes, work with more than one person, and be ambitious), and by Friday to really lock down the financial, divorce or sexual interest in the mix.
SATURDAY Mercury moves into Aquarius so thoughts turn to friends, groups, independence, shake-ups, innovations, inventions, rebellion, the internet, astrology, charities, and your aspirations. This may get you thinking about what you want here but it is really more likely that you will see opportunities to open up ideas or make choices come next Thursday or Friday. Since you know this, take the time to form your plans now.
SATURDAY holds a very powerful combination involving the Sun and Venus coming together and opening a door to Saturn. The alignments are sweet, the energy is fresh and promising, and there is a focus on career, status, reputation, fame, goals, ambitions, or some authority like a boss, parent or judge. You should be able to look at reaching for love or income in the mix. The door that is open ties into deeper connections, soul longings, secrets, financial situations, sexual attractions, reproduction, facing mortality, divorce, triangles, or your sense of empowerment. The opportunity here says commit, end something, get your structures in place, lead yourself forward, make it real.
SUNDAY is bringing the need to be heard and this will lead to adjustments you are willing to make around those goals, the career, boss, parent, judge, or ambition. It will also lead to some passionate or active connections with partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, clients, or other key relationships. Say it and then do something about it. It's frisky in a good way!
Don't let down on the momentum you have gained so far towards starting this year with a strong goal and doing everything necessary to see that you are on that path. You still have this week to seed the intention or take an action that will get the ball rolling. Seek a mentor, outline your game plan and know that you are the one who can make this happen. MONDAY and TUESDAY are great for reaching out to others, getting into the meeting, writing, selling, signing agreements, or making some choices. Whatever comes up will push you harder Tuesday night and into WEDNESDAY. By today you will want to motivate regarding the partner, rep, client, specialist, or competition. If you want to find greater security or do something big on the home front these other people will be key as well. THURSDAY and FRIDAY are your days to make money or engage in pursuit of money making opportunities. Both days look good for what you will drum up. If you would rather use the days to get out there and make purchases or deal with possessions this is favored as well. Between Friday and SATURDAY ask that you get serious about financial needs; the loan, debt, inheritance, bankruptcy, insurance, taxes, investments, commissions, partner's money, or whatever else is front and center. There is opportunity to structure these matters or get ambitious about them. On a personal level the same energy will benefit any serious commitments, endings or ambitions about sexual attractions, reproductive needs, mortality issues, intimacy issues, or divorce. SATURDAY stands out when stepping up towards goals, with career matters, the boss, parent, judge, or other authority. SUNDAY brings lots of ideas, talks or decisions and these will mean making some adjustments but then kicking into gear with that partner, rep, client, specialist, or competitor, all good. Private readings give you even more information and they are tailored to your unique birth pattern. To learn more about rates and dates for your own reading with Zoe email
What part of your belief system have you edified, what goal have you set in motion for 2014 that means learning more, traveling, making it legal, tying the knot, or engaging the media towards your end? The week ahead is still powerful and your best period to develop those ideals a bit further so jump in. MONDAY and TUESDAY are your best days to make this real through talks, meetings, agreements, sales, writing, offers, or the decisions you make. Key people are in the mix on Monday. Tuesday into WEDNESDAY will push you harder over what comes up so know that you will either meet your obstacles now and need to barrel through or you will just feel that much more ambitious and take things even further on these days. There is an interesting Karmic tinge to these days so you may be isolating yourself to get in touch with your muse or recharge your batteries, or you may be holing up with someone or dealing with hospitals or other places of retreat. All in all development is important now. WEDNESDAY also will fuel your energy around work, paperwork, health, or pets so expect to be active over these themes. THURSDAY and FRIDAY are great for you and your needs so turn energy to your body, image, name/identity, title, brand, or personal goals. As with most of the week, this will tie in powerfully to your travel, legal, educational, wedding, or media interests. Both of these days put you into the mix positively and by Friday you can get serious with the partner, rep, client, specialist, or other key player as you go about your chosen expansion. SATURDAY Mercury moves into Aquarius and thoughts turn to career, goals, parents, the boss, your own business, or reputation. You will be making some plans now that should begin to pay off by the end of next week. Involve your social circle in some way. Today is very powerful again for the partner, rep, client, specialist, or other key relationship and what you are doing on the legal, travel, wedding, media, or educational front. Opportunity is your key word and a way to commit long term, end things positively, set up structures, or take the lead. SUNDAY turns focus to possessions, purchases or income. Make a few adjustments and then motivate on the work, paperwork, health needs, or pets, all good. Private readings give you even more information and they are tailored to your unique birth pattern. To learn more about rates and dates for your own reading with Zoe email
2014 started with a bang and for Gemini that may have been literal. The energy is amped up in your sex life but also around divorce, reproduction, mortality issues, and all of the big financial topics. You should be ambitious about these themes now, what can you do to move things along or take them up a notch? This week ahead is all about getting it moving. MONDAY and TUESDAY are your best days to have the talk or meet, sign agreements or make sales, write or pitch ideas, receive offers or proposals, and make choices about the above topics. You should be able to cement things or open the door to something positive. Tuesday into WEDNESDAY will show you any issues you may have here or motivate you much harder over these themes and at this time you will see any aspirations come into view or deal with a friend, group, the internet, or your need for freedom in the mix. WEDNESDAY will also bring some real passion, action or anger around your love life, with the kids or over a creative topic, the question is, can you make money, is the spending in balance or are the possession or gifts big enough/ too big? THURSDAY and FRIDAY ask that you pull back a bit. This may mean you need to rest up or that you have some ideas ticking that involve artistic talents, romantic getaways, spiritual pursuits, or hospitals. Both days again hold positive energy around your sex life, divorce or financial proceedings so retreat with this in mind. Friday into SATURDAY there is golden energy around getting the paperwork together, the job done or moving along, the health in order, or pets cared for, and this all comes through setting some limits or getting more ambitious, the more serious you are the better. An example is if you are trying to get the financial paperwork together, today holds opportunity or if you are trying to evolve a health situation through working out some third party situation, it's a go. SUNDAY is about you, what do you want? I guess it depends on which twin you ask, right? Well, look at your personal needs, physical interests, image, or identity aims, make a few adjustments around that sexual, financial or divorce situation, and then get busy doing something fun, with kids, your lover (or in pursuit of love), or on creative projects, you are sitting pretty. Private readings give you even more information and they are tailored to your unique birth pattern. To learn more about rates and dates for your own reading with Zoe email
Hopefully you have launched into that new direction or started taking things to the next level with that partner (romantic or business), an agent, attorney, specialists, your clients, competitors, or other key relationships. You have a lot riding on what you do in the week ahead to continue that momentum and amp it up a bit more, develop things along the lines you want to manifest, because it is setting up an at least 6 month cycle for you. MONDAY and TUESDAY this means hearing the news or offer, having the talk, taking the meeting, coming to terms, signing agreements, making sales, writing, or planning a short trip with or about them. These days are positive and Monday especially may help you cement something creative or involving love or kids with them. Tuesday into WEDNESDAY will begin to pour more fuel on the fire with that key person so you will either be seeing just what obstacles you need to overcome or you will be that much more motivated to reach ambitious goals. You may be focusing on career or a parent, boss or other authority in the mix as you go about it with them. WEDNESDAY will also get you motivated over something at home, with real estate, family, a parent, roommate, move, or renovation. THURSDAY and FRIDAY are opening things up with friends, groups, online, with astrology, charities, aspirations, inventions, your freedom, or originality. Both days shows this aligning with that partner, rep, client, specialist, or other key players so engage. Mercury moves into Aquarius on SATURDAY so thoughts will begin to turn to sex, divorce, death, birth, triangles, and the big financial needs like loans, inheritance, bankruptcy, insurance, taxes, commissions, investments, alimony, child support, or a partner's money. You may wish to begin planning now since it seems by the end of next week you will see some doors opening. SATURDAY is also stellar for your relationship with one of these key people and what you can do creatively, in love, with kids, or recreationally. SUNDAY brings you back behind the scenes to rest or romance, connect with the muse or the mystic, deal with institutions or research. You will have to make a bit of an adjustment with the partner, rep, client, specialist, or competition today but there is lots of positive action around the home or with the family. Private readings give you even more information and they are tailored to your unique birth pattern. To learn more about rates and dates for your own reading with Zoe email
Don't short-change yourself this week Leo, it may seem like all you are doing is working or working towards work, or that your days are filled with paperwork, details, organization, health needs, or the animals you are tending, but...this week is a whopper for you to really make it count so that the rest of your year manifests the way you would like it in these matters. MONDAY and TUESDAY provides you with the information you need or the offers, talks, meetings, writing, agreements, sales, or decisions that will help you forward your aims in these matters. Tuesday into WEDNESDAY will begin to show you the challenges or obstacles to overcome or this period will begin to amp things up and you will be more driven. Expect that legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, political, religious, or wedding needs will flavor what happens here. Wednesday may bring something your way completely out of the blue and you will need to jump in there and field what comes so keep a bit of energy for this wild card. THURSDAY and FRIDAY stand out as your days to shine. Both hold positive energy around your leadership, fame, ambition, goals, career, or how higher ups perceive you or come to your aid. Again, it is the work, details, paperwork, people you hire or work with, health focus, or animal interests that spur this on. Mercury moves into Aquarius on SATURDAY so thoughts will begin to turn to relationships. To this end you may begin to think about your romantic or business partner, agent, attorney, specialists, clients, competitors, or other key players. Make plans since by next week's end you will see some opportunities opening up. SATURDAY again thrusts you out there on the work, health, animal, or paperwork topic. Today is impressive since it ties in so powerfully to who you are and what you can cement at home, with real estate, family, a parent, roommate, move, or renovation, make the connection. SUNDAY is more social so look to friends, the internet, gatherings, or other ways to share. You will first need to make any last tweaks to the work or health, paperwork or pets, but then there is a positive opening to what you do out there locally, on a short trip, writing, meeting up, or just talking and sharing ideas. Private readings give you even more information and they are tailored to your unique birth pattern. To learn more about rates and dates for your own reading with Zoe email
So you have vaulted into the New Year with powerful changes and fresh starts that are pushing you out there on creative levels, with projects or interests that open this up for you, on matters pertaining to your love life or with your lover, with children, or in recreational outlets. It is what you do now, this week, that will set the tone for how things unfold in these matters for the next 6 months, possibly longer. So, what can you do to further what you've begun, how can you develop things along the line towards what you wish to manifest? MONDAY and TUESDAY are your best days to field offers or propose, to take meetings or have talks, to write, sign agreements, make sales, take short trips, or come to a decision about what you want. Tuesday into WEDNESDAY will begin to show you what obstacles you have to overcome or this period will amp things up and motivate you to do more. You can expect it to touch on your sex life, divorce needs, shared financial resources with other people or institutions, mortality issues, birth, or reproductive needs. WEDNESDAY will also motivate you over earning money, possessions or purchases as you go for something big. THURSDAY and FRIDAY will turn attention to the travel, foreign, legal, educational, media, marketing, publishing, political, religious, or wedding needs. Both days hold promise, especially if this ties in with the lover, love life, children, creative projects, or recreational interests. SATURDAY Mercury moves into Aquarius and thoughts turn to your job, co-workers, people you hire, paperwork, the details, organization, clean-up, health, or animals. You should start to make plans since by next week's end you will have some opportunities arriving in these areas. Today is also very powerful for what you cement with the lover, kids, creative venture, or pursuit of fun, get in there and make it count. SUNDAY will be about goals, career, a parent, boss, judge, or other authority in the mix. Make some adjustments where love, kids, creativity, or fun are concerned and then get ready to do something involving income, possessions or purchases, all good. Private readings give you even more information and they are tailored to your unique birth pattern. To learn more about rates and dates for your own reading with Zoe email
So you have had some time to motivate about where you live or who you live with, what's going on in the home or with real estate needs, how you interact with family, parents or roommates, what you need to feel secure, how you wish to deal with childhood issues or history, and now you enter week 2 of the new year. I can't impress upon you enough how important it is that you push for what you want in these areas now. What you seed the rest of this week and how you develop what you've set in motion already will determine a great deal of what comes the first half of this year. MONDAY and TUESDAY are your best days to meet, talk, write, deal with agreements, sales, offers, short trips, or decisions regarding these themes. If you need to deal with possessions or the money flow in this matter, do it Monday. Tuesday into WEDNESDAY will begin to show you any obstacles to overcome or will challenge you to do more regarding the home, property, parent, move, renovation, roommate, or family. Both days will involve a partner, agent, attorney, specialist, client, competitor, or other key person as you figure this out. THURSDAY and FRIDAY turn attention to the financial situation, sex life, divorce, or third party. Both days this is going to play out in league with your home, real estate needs, etc, so look for ways to get inspired. Mercury moves into Aquarius on SATURDAY and thoughts turn to creative interests, love, children, or recreation. Make your plans since by this time next week you will have seen a few opportunities open up. Today is also important at home, with family, parents, roommates, real estate, moves, or renovations. You are center stage in this and the aspects speak of promise around commitments, structures or endings that solidify something involving income, possessions or purchases, so make money from home, wtih family, roommates, or real estate, pack up possessions or make purchases for your space or parent, all good. SUNDAY gives you some time to figure out legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, publishing, or wedding plans. Make a bit of an adjustment around yesterday's themes and then get ready to dive in and do something to move these matters ahead. Private readings give you even more information and they are tailored to your unique birth pattern. To learn more about rates and dates for your own reading with Zoe email
The communications that exalt you are the communications that will challenge you, and it is in your ideas that your future resides, so...exactly how much have you pushed to introduce new themes or take things to the next level regarding your thoughts, writing, agreements, meetings, talks, speaking roles, interviews, auditions, pitches, proposals, offers, and decisions? The week ahead is formidable and so very important to your year ahead in these matters so pull up the big girl/boy panties and push for what you want now. MONDAY and TUESDAY are your best days for easy access or brilliant direction. The more you show up with leadership abilities or ambition, the better. Expect a creative moment on Monday or something sweet with a child or your love life. Tuesday into WEDNESDAY will show you any obstacles you need to overcome or help you ramp up ambitions regarding the work involved, the paperwork, your health, the animals, or anyone you can work with or hire to help. Wednesday also sparks your passion or anger and lets it play out behind closed doors as you go for something big involving travel, foreign people or interests, legal matters, educational pursuits, media, or weddings. THURSDAY and FRIDAY turn your attention to key relationships. Both days are positive for what you do with or about partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, clients, competitors, or other players. Meet with them, write, pitch, sign agreements, make sales, talk it out, field offers or proposals, or take that short trip. SATURDAY Mercury moves into Aquarius and thoughts turn to home, real estate matters, family, parents, roommates, moves, history, childhood, security needs, or renovations. Begin making plans now since by next week's end you should see some opportunity arriving around these themes. Saturday is also good for putting yourself into the mix with the writers, siblings, neighbors, on a short trip or in a community activity, over your vehicles, electronics, proposals, ideas, meetings, talks, interviews, auditions, and choices. You can seriously cement something one way or the other by showing up. SUNDAY brings a leaning towards sexual interests, divorce proceedings or the financial picture. A bit of negotiating or rethinking can help but it's what you do behind closed doors that gets you there. Private readings give you even more information and they are tailored to your unique birth pattern. To learn more about rates and dates for your own reading with Zoe email
So what have you started with the aim of making money or increasing earnings? Or have you been cultivating some way to take current income to the next phase? How have you amped up what's going on with possessions, purchases, gifts, or your sense of value in the world? Whatever has begun to hold merit in these areas, know this, the week ahead is extremely important for you with these topics and will set the tone for the next 6 months or more so get moving! MONDAY and TUESDAY are your best days for talks, meetings, agreements, writing, sales, offers, and decisions about these matters. Monday may help you from home or tie in with family, a move, real estate, or other root interests. Tuesday into WEDNESDAY will point out the obstacles you need to overcome or amp up another level of ambition that motivates you more. You will need to look at creative projects or interests, the children, your lover/love life, or recreational needs as you move ahead. Wednesday will also amp up action around aspirations, your need for freedom, something original, or with your friends, a group, a charity, or online. It might be a big day for raising money or dealing with financial resources in the mix. THURSDAY and FRIDAY will help you with work, health, pets, paperwork, or anyone you work with or hire. Both days are positive for what you do here and the money flow or purchases, possessions and sense of value. SATURDAY Mercury moves into Aquarius and thoughts turn to causes, ideals, inventions, writing, reading, learning, siblings, sales, offers, agreements, meetings, interviews, auditions, short trips, neighbors, vehicles, electronics, and decisions. Make plans now since around the end of next week you will see some opportunities arise in these areas. The rest of today will put you in the spotlight making money, purchases or dealing with possessions. It's a great day for the imagination or work done behind the scenes on these matters. SUNDAY will be about your partner, rep, client, specialist, competitor, or other relationship. Make adjustments regarding money, possessions or purchases and then embrace what you have going on socially involving this person. Private readings give you even more information and they are tailored to your unique birth pattern. To learn more about rates and dates for your own reading with Zoe email
So what have you started up or moved forward pertaining to your own needs, your body, leadership, image, brand, name/identity, or title so far this year? Would it impress you if I said that the efforts you make this week will be some of the most powerful of the year to help you launch in new ways or to see improvements over the next 6 months? Well, it is that important so figure out what you can develop or further this week and do it, even small steps pay off up ahead. MONDAY and TUESDAY are your best days to voice it, pitch it, ask for it, write it, sign it, negotiate it, sell it, or decide it. Did I leave out any 'its'? If you need to involve a friend, group or utilize the internet in this matter dig in Monday. Tuesday into WEDNESDAY amps things up for you, showing you the obstacles you need to overcome or motivating you to push harder for your new identity or personal needs and both days this will involve home, real estate, family, parents, roommates, moves, or renovations. By Wednesday you will be taking action on the career front or towards that goal and pushing big time with regards to the partner, rep, client, specialist, competitor, or other key person. THURSDAY and FRIDAY turn attention to fun, kids, creative projects, or your love life. Both days hold promise in these areas, let me put it this way, again, what do you want? It's powerful and dreamy so get inspired and make it count. SATURDAY Mercury moves into Aquarius and thoughts turn to making money, purchases, possessions, and how you feel about your values. Make your plans now since by next week's end you should see some opportunities opening up. Today also is all over you, your presence in the situation, body, image, brand, ego, needs, identity/name, or title. You can cement something with the friend, group, internet, astrology, charity, aspiration, freedom, original concept, or invention one way or the other and it seems to benefit you. SUNDAY is about the health, work, paperwork, or pets. Make any adjustments needed and then jump into the goals you have set, this looks good. Private readings give you even more information and they are tailored to your unique birth pattern. To learn more about rates and dates for your own reading with Zoe email
Week number 2 is power-housing you out there over romantic getaways, retreats, hospitals, dealing with addictions, strategies, investigations, meditation, yoga, film, music, magic, intuition, art, efforts you make behind the scenes, in development, or through a focus on isolating yourself to come to some inner truth. It is what you do this week about these matters that sets the stage for your next 6 months. MONDAY and TUESDAY are your best days to meet, talk, field offers, sign agreements, make sales, write, or come to some conclusions about these matters. Tuesday into WEDNESDAY will point out any obstacles you have to overcome or will challenge you to motivate even more on these matters and this comes through information you receive or what you express to others. Wednesday will also set you in motion over a trip, visitor, legal matter, media or marketing interest, wedding plans, or educational pursuit. THURSDAY and FRIDAY focus on home, real estate, family, renovations, roommates, moves, or parents. Both days are favorable for these matters and again will flow with what you are doing behind the scenes, romantically, spiritually, artistically, or in recuperation or research. SATURDAY Mercury moves into your sign so thoughts will tend to turn to your own needs, your body, image, name/identity, title, brand, or goals. Make plans now since by the end of next week there will be some opportunities arising for you. The rest of today will amp up your presence on the romantic getaway, with the film, music or art interest, your spiritual pursuits, hospital needs, research, or investigations. You are in a position here to cement some goal or further career, reputation or what you are doing involving an authority figure. SUNDAY is about your love life, kids, creative projects, or fun. Make any adjustments and then get ready to enjoy this through actions you take on a legal, travel, wedding, educational, or media interest. Private readings give you even more information and they are tailored to your unique birth pattern. To learn more about rates and dates for your own reading with Zoe email
Hopefully you have taken the first week of 2014 to set your aspirations high, to move forward with friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, your freedom, inventions, original ideas, a party, event, social networking, or breaking out of a rut. It will be in this week ahead that you take things as far out as you feel you should in these areas so that they can blossom over the next 6 months. MONDAY and TUESDAY will be your best days to talk, meet, field offers, write, sign agreements, make sales, or come to decisions about these matters. Any legal, travel, educational, media, or wedding needs should be addressed on Monday. Tuesday into WEDNESDAY will bring income, possessions or purchases to the fore when it comes to your aspirations, friends, groups, online interests, charities, causes, gatherings, etc, and this period will show you any obstacles you need to overcome or motivate you to do more to further your ideals. Wednesday will also push you over sexual, reproductive, mortality, divorce, or big financial matters as you look at how things are getting bigger in the love life, with the kids, a creative project, or your recreational outlets. THURSDAY and FRIDAY will be about talks, meetings, writing, agreements, sales, siblings, neighbors, short trips, community, vehicles, electronics, offers, or decisions. Both days favor what you do here tied to the friends, aspiration, group, internet, astrology, charity, freedom, invention, or cause. SATURDAY Mercury moves into Aquarius and thoughts turn to retreat, rest, research, film, music, art, meditation, yoga, magic, psychic abilities, hospitals, healing, Karma, addictions, romantic getaways, and development. Make plans in these areas now since by the end of next week there should be some opportunities in these matters. Today is also powerful for your friends, groups, gatherings, the internet, astrology, charities, or aspirations because it puts you there in the mix and links you positively to anything involving them/that and the wedding, trip, visit, legal matter, educational pursuit, media, marketing, broadcasting, publishing, politics, or religion. SUNDAY turns your attention to the home, real estate deals, moves, renovations, family, parent, or roommate. Make any adjustments necessary and then get busy doing something tied to these themes and your divorce, sexual needs, reproductive interests, a mortality issue, or the financial outlook, it seems you can make things happen. Private readings give you even more information and they are tailored to your unique birth pattern. To learn more about rates and dates for your own reading with Zoe email
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