MONDAY and THURSDAY this week will bring adaptation around home, a parent, move, renovation, real estate deal, the family, or roommate, and the expansion taking place, a visit or trip, some legal matter, educational pursuit, media need, or wedding plan. Both days favor communications so ask for what you need, listen to them, make or field offers, deal with agreements or sales, and involve siblings, modes of transportation, electronics, neighbors, or ideas as they present themselves.
TUESDAY is the FULL MOON in Gemini. This means something comes to a peak now, it is wrapping up, ending, or there are achievements, celebrations or recognition. Gemini rules our choices, meetings, talks, offers, interviews, auditions, siblings, neighbors, transportation, electronics, moves, neighborhood activities, short trips, proposals, writing, speaking roles, ideas, and decisions. Expect a climax in some or all of these areas by today.
Uranus goes Direct on TUESDAY as well. This is a turnabout of the energy that brings sudden changes, excitement, spontaneity, shock, surprise, shake-ups, and brilliant insights. It is about our freedom. It is about what is original within each of us and how we navigate through social parameters. It rules our friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, inventions, perversions, social networking, revolution, and causes. It has been slowed down or aimed at the past for months. It has been at work on some inner rebellious awakening, helping you work through what you need in the above topics. It has asked that you look at changes you would like to make to your body, image, brand, name, identity, or personal goals. NOW, it starts to shift and move forward, with that shift you will feel yourself ready to step into that new version of yourself and take it forward, events now will illustrate what that may be for you.
WEDNESDAY the Cancer Moon activates the Uranus/Pluto square so you will be tested right off the bat with this new direction, oh yay, thank you universe. So step up, what do you need to change or do differently when it comes to home, family, a parent, real estate, a move, renovation, or roommate? How does the new version of you handle this? Can the goal be evolved or the power people in charge dealt with differently?
THURSDAY is covered up above with Mondays forecast.
FRIDAY will turn attention to what you want to do creatively or with kids, for fun or in the name of love. The energy is pretty wonderous so look around at who you would like to involve in this, a partner, rep, client, specialist, or some other key player, then get out there and do it.
SATURDAY the Sun moves into Capricorn marking the WINTER SOLSTICE. This puts a spotlight on Capricorn themes for the next 30 days and asks that you step up and be more of a leader, shine your ambitions, go for your goals, step it up on the career front, do what you can for parents, with the boss, or some other authority, launch your business, take on responsibilities, and get real about life choices.
Venus Retrogrades on SATURDAY as well. This is the 2nd energy changing direction this week and begins a backwards journey into all things Venusian. This Retrograde is going to last until January 31st so you have 5 plus weeks to get it right, look at it as your do-over when it comes to love, women, income, jealousy, and beauty. Is there someone from the past you need to connect with to release something here or to try again? Is there something within yourself that you can purge or hone in better ways so you have a better shot at some of these topics next February when the energy is going forward again? Things in current motion in these areas ARE SLOWING DOWN now so don't force it, don't let frustrations hurt what is good here, it is this way for everyone and there is a reason for the need to fix something or tweak it in some way so take the time to do so.
SUNDAY put any final adaptations on the Venus theme and then move onto Virgo territory: organize, clean, work, tend to animals, work on health, be of service to others, tackle the paperwork, hire help, work in unison with others, simplify. The day holds lots of good energy around these themes. If you need to connect with someone at an institution like a hospital, prison or spa, you may work on that or if there is someone who can help you with research, investigations, film, music, art, meditation, yoga, magic, or psychic abilities, it's a good day for this as well.
You are going to need to be willing to give and take around home, family, a parent, move, renovation, real estate deal, or roommate situation this week. MONDAY and THURSDAY stand out as days to adjust around something big going on or to give and take around legal, travel, educational, visitor, media, marketing, or wedding plans in the mix. TUESDAY brings the FULL MOON climax around a talk, offer, agreement, sale, sibling, neighbor, vehicle, electronic, writing project, move, meeting, proposal, community activity, short trip, or decision. This is when things come through, wrap up, end, or are celebrated. Uranus goes Direct today and you are ready to reinvent yourself, do it your way, head in some new direction, break out of your rut or free of something, or do it differently when it comes to your image, body, identity, or personal goals. WEDNESDAY will push you into this new direction/change pretty intensely as you handle what is going on at home, with a parent, move, renovation, real estate deal, roommate situation, or the family. FRIDAY gets you back into fun, the kids, your love life, or creative interests and puts you there with or through another person, such as an agent, partner, attorney, specialist, or other player, all good. SATURDAY the Sun moves into Capricorn and puts you out there on the career front, with the boss, parent or other authority figure, or stepping up with responsibilities, notoriety, achievements, or personal goals over the next 30 days. Venus Retrogrades today in the same area bringing back a woman from the past or seeing a current one exit, giving you a do-over with love or income and helping you use the next 5 weeks to revisit, revise, release, or reclaim what you can here. Again this may tie into career, the parent, boss, personal goal, or reputation. SUNDAY any adjustments necessary will be brought up involving creativity, the kids or your lover. The rest of the day brings you tons of good energy around work, organization, health, paperwork, and pets, so tend to the details! For more in-depth information based on your unique birth chart you can email Zoe at for rates and dates to set up a private reading and get a glimpse into what is in store for you up ahead!
MONDAY and THURSDAY will focus you in on loans, interest, taxes, settlements, insurance, investments, commissions, alimony, child support, or any other financial resource that is pending and it will ask that you make adjustments regarding the agreements, decisions, meetings, offers, sales, writing, or talks. If you find that you are not drawn into the financial side of the 8th house then you may see these 2 days ask for adjustments involving sex, reproduction, mortality issues, birth, or divorce. TUESDAY is the FULL MOON in your income and possessions zone. This means something is coming to a peak for you around these matters so look for endings, achievements, celebrations, or something coming through. It may also focus on a purchase or gift. Uranus goes Direct today so this brings a shift around what has been going on behind the scenes, with a hospital, period of isolation or retreat, something artistic, spiritual or romantic, or with research and development. You are now ready to break out in some new way and do it differently or try something outside the box. WEDNESDAY will test that theory by pushing you in these areas and with decisions or talks. It will tie into some big expansion taking place or something in the legal, travel, educational, media, or wedding arena. FRIDAY gives you lots of good energy at home, with real estate, renovations, moves, family, a parent, or roommates so get in there and do it, details are important. SATURDAY the Sun moves into Capricorn, a sign that meshes wonderfully with yours, and for the next 30 days you will want to step up, take the lead and shine your light when it comes to personal growth, leadership, and your travel plans, legal needs, educational pursuits, wedding plans, media, marketing or publishing needs, political views, or religious beliefs. Venus Retrogrades in this sign today as well and this marks a period over the next 5 weeks to backtrack with a woman over these themes or wrap up something love or income related that ties into these themes. You may have someone from the past come back around tied to these matters for another go at things or to release something still hanging over your head. The slowdown is to help you figure it out. SUNDAY wrap up any last adjustments here and then head into some fun with your lover, the kids or on a creative project, all good. For more in-depth information based on your unique birth chart you can email Zoe at for rates and dates to set up a private reading and get a glimpse into what is in store for you up ahead!
MONDAY and THURSDAY will focus in on a key person and the income, possessions, gifts, or purchases for you so look to the partner, agent, attorney, specialist, clients, or other player in the mix and then work at adapting around what is needed. TUESDAY is the FULL MOON in your sign! This is a peak time of the year for you when things are coming through, wrapping up, hitting a high, ending, or celebrated, and it focuses on you and your needs. It may be you are in the spotlight now, your body reaches some peak, your image is out there, your identity is changing in some way (proposal, divorce, new title?), or you are reaching some goal. Uranus goes Direct today as well which means some new excitement and awakening around your aspirations, with your friends, groups, the internet, a party or event, astrology, charities, or your freedom. It's time to move ahead on original ideas and spontaneous moments in these areas. WEDNESDAY will test that as things amp up and bring your sense of value into the equation or again focus on income, possessions, a gift, or purchase. FRIDAY is a great day for doing things on creative projects, with the kids or with your lover/or in the name of love. Make it social, amp it up online or with friends, at parties or gatherings, and open up the communications, all good. SATURDAY the Sun moves into your deepest part of the chart so for the next 30 days you will be stepping up and taking the lead in financial matters, with sexual interests, over mortality issues, a birth, your reproductive needs, or a divorce. You are in the spotlight now in all third party situations and should not avoid going deeper. Venus Retrogrades in these areas today so you may find that over the next 5 weeks a female from the past is coming back around tied to these themes or that you have a current one exit the picture. You will be looking at love and income needs as they relate to these themes and tying up any loose ends. SUNDAY make any last adjustments on this and then move into what you can do at home, with family, a parent, move, renovation, real estate deal, or roommate, there is some imaginative energy flow with another person here. For more in-depth information based on your unique birth chart you can email Zoe at for rates and dates to set up a private reading and get a glimpse into what is in store for you up ahead!
MONDAY and THURSDAY are important when it comes to a job, organizing, details, the paperwork, a health matter, or the pets. Both days will point out what still needs doing here and ask that you make some personal or physical adjustments in the matter. TUESDAY is the FULL MOON in your mystical 12th house. This ends a period of isolation or retreat, brings a climax around any film, music or art projects/interests, some high point to a spiritual journey or practice, an ending or celebration with a romantic union that is private, secret or clandestine, things wrapping up or coming through with a hospital or other institution, some climax with an addiction or bad habit, or some peak with an otherworldly phenomenon. Uranus goes Direct today so you will see that there is an awakening around the career, a personal goal, your reputation, fame, a parent, boss, or other authority figure, or some ambitions you are nurturing. You are ready to head off into new, exciting and different territory now, breaking out of the past. WEDNESDAY will test this for you as things get intense around you, your physical or personal needs, goals, parent, career, boss, and any one-on-one relationships with partners, clients, reps, specialists, or competition. FRIDAY is a great day to make money, concentrate on possessions, purchases or gifts, and to amp things up at home, with real estate, family, a parent, roommate, move, or renovation. SATURDAY the Sun moves into Capricorn which puts a spotlight on relationships for the next 30 days. This is your time to stand out and pour more personal or physical energy into partnerships, with agents, attorneys, specialists, clients, the competition, or other key players. Venus Retrogrades today in the same areas so you may have a past female relationship turn back up or a relationship from the past based on love or income coming back around. You may have a current relationship exit the scene. It's your do-over to get it right and tie up loose ends. SUNDAY make any adjustments here involving income, gifts, possessions, or purchases. Then move onto some nice meetings, talks, offers, writing, agreements, short trips, or sales involving them. You may get inspired over legal, travel, educational, media, or wedding interests. For more in-depth information based on your unique birth chart you can email Zoe at for rates and dates to set up a private reading and get a glimpse into what is in store for you up ahead!
MONDAY and THURSDAY are going to ask that you look at the job, health, paperwork, or pets and make some personal or physical adjustment to the mix. Open up and talk about it, field questions, work on agreements, sales, writing, or decisions. TUESDAY is the FULL MOON bringing a peak moment for you around an aspiration, with friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, a party or gathering, social networking, or your freedom. This is when things come through, wrap up, end, or are celebrated. Uranus goes Direct today so you can expect some surprises or changes around legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, publishing, political, religious, or wedding needs as you are now ready to move into new and exciting territory over the months ahead. WEDNESDAY will test this for you as it pushes you into it and shows you the work, health, paperwork, or animal needs involved and what is going on behind the scenes. FRIDAY is a great day for you personally or physically. It opens things up locally or for a short trip, is good for interaction with siblings, neighbors, over vehicles, electronics, writing, agreements, sales, or talks and those legal, travel, educational, media, or wedding interests. SATURDAY the Sun moves into Capricorn where the spotlight will now be on you on the job, doing or looking for work, with health interests, paperwork, pets, people you hire, services rendered, or co-workers. You will pour more personal and physical energy here and take the lead. Venus Retrogrades in the same arena today and will take you back over any past love interests, income opportunities or females tied to these themes for a do-over. You may have a current person exit in these areas, whichever way it goes it's your chance to tidy up and get things right. SUNDAY make any last adjustments to the matter and then turn attention to making money, purchases or possessions. It's a great day for what you can do here. For more in-depth information based on your unique birth chart you can email Zoe at for rates and dates to set up a private reading and get a glimpse into what is in store for you up ahead!
MONDAY and THURSDAY are important for making decisions or working out details over home, moves, real estate deals, renovations, roommates, family, or parents, look at how this ties into your aspirations or what is going on with a friend, group, the internet, some cause, or your freedom here. Make adjustments both days, do you need legal help? The friend may provide it or the internet, is there a visitor coming or a trip to be planned that will affect things, again the social aspect is where you go. TUESDAY is the FULL MOON and a peak for you with a major goal, your career, a boss, parent, judge, your reputation, fame, or some achievement. This is when things come through, wrap up, end, or are celebrated. Uranus goes Direct today so you are ready to shake things up again and try something different or break away and it will play out through some big financial matter like over an inheritance, with a bankruptcy, loan, settlement, investment, insurance policy, tax situation, your commissions, alimony, child support, or some other financial matter, or you will do it through personal situations involving sex, divorce, reproduction, mortality issues, or birth. WEDNESDAY tests this by throwing you into it full force and pushing you towards aspirations or through that friendship, group, internet, charity, or your need for freedom, while evolving what's going on with the lover, child or creative project. FRIDAY is good for pulling back and tackling any possessions, purchases or money making venture. Go for it. SATURDAY the Sun moves into fellow earth sign, Capricorn, and kicks off a 30 day cycle aimed at pushing you into the lead and getting you to bring more personal or physical energy to your love life, creative projects, the kids, or some recreational venture. Venus Retrogrades today in the same areas so you may have a female from the past returning over these matters or a current one exiting. You may also have past love or income needs tied to creativity, a lover or child coming back for review as well. It's your do-over, use it to tie up loose ends and get it right. SUNDAY make any adjustments here and then move onto some real positive alignments over what you do for fun, in love, with kids, or creatively and involve partners, reps, clients, specialists, or other key players, all good. For more in-depth information based on your unique birth chart you can email Zoe at for rates and dates to set up a private reading and get a glimpse into what is in store for you up ahead!
MONDAY and THURSDAY will focus on talks, offers, agreements, sales, siblings, short trips, transportation, electronics, writing, meetings, ideas, and decisions. Both days will ask that you make adjustments here relating to the career, boss, judge, parent, or some personal goal. TUESDAY is the FULL MOON bringing a peak for you with a legal matter, educational pursuit, wedding plan, media, marketing or publishing interest, political or religious ideal, trip, visitor, foreign interest, or growth opportunity. This is when things come through, wrap up, end, or are celebrated. Uranus goes Direct today and you are now ready to break free, try something new and exciting, or change things up when it comes to a partner, agent, attorney, specialist, competitor, opponent, client, or other key relationship. WEDNESDAY will test you over this as things amp up and you push for goals to be met or deal with career matters, a parent, boss, home, real estate deal, move, renovation, family matter, roommate situation, or reputation in the mix. FRIDAY is good for social interests, time with friends, online, with astrology, charities, causes, ideals, group activities, and today those key relationships will fit nicely into the mix, go for it. SATURDAY the Sun moves into Capricorn and kicks off a 30 day cycle geared at you pouring more personal and physical energy on the home, with family, moves, renovations, real estate deals, a parent, or roommates. Venus Retrogrades today in the same areas so over the next 5 weeks you will be heading back into the past over these themes with a female or pertaining to love or income needs. It's your do-over so whoever/whatever comes back from the past or in your current situation exits, take the time to get it right. SUNDAY make any adjustments here and then move into focus on what you can do to rest, research, engage your artistic, romantic or spiritual side, and if you need to deal with institutions you can do that as well. For more in-depth information based on your unique birth chart you can email Zoe at for rates and dates to set up a private reading and get a glimpse into what is in store for you up ahead!
MONDAY and THURSDAY are for talks, meetings, news, offers, agreements, sales, writing, or decisions focused on income, possessions or purchases. Both days are asking for adjustments here around the legal, travel, educational, media, publishing, marketing, or wedding plans in the mix. TUESDAY is the FULL MOON and a climax for you regarding a loan, debt, inheritance, bankruptcy, the alimony, child support, taxes, insurance, settlement, investments, partner's money, commissions, or some other financial resource. If you are not involved in some big deal here then it will fall in the personal side of your 8th house which means a peak around a sexual need, divorce, reproductive matter, death/mortality issue, or birth. This is when things come through, wrap up, end, or are celebrated. Uranus goes Direct today so you are awakening around health needs, work, paperwork, and pets, ready to see change or try something different, break free, or reinvent yourself. WEDNESDAY will test this as things get intense in at least one of these areas and bring in a focus on what is expanding or any legal, travel, educational, media, or wedding plans involved in the matter. FRIDAY is a good day for career, goals, reaching power people, dealing with parents, the boss, or furthering your ambitions through what you do behind the scenes, in research, art, film, music, development, dealings with hospitals, or with some spiritual path or romantic getaway. Some good energy around those changes at work, with health, paperwork, or pets as well. SATURDAY the Sun moves into Capricorn and puts a spotlight on you for the next 30 days over ideas, talks, meetings, writing, agreements, sales, siblings, neighbors, moves, vehicles, electronics, short trips, community activity, and decisions. You will be pouring more personal and physical energy here and your name, identity or brand may also be affected by these themes. Venus Retrogrades here today as well so you will have a do-over in these areas pertaining to love, a woman or income. Look at these themes to reconnect with the past or release it, to let current matters slow so you get it right. SUNDAY make any adjustments and then dive into social interests; the friends, groups, parties, internet, astrology, charities, networking, or aspirations, it looks fun and positive. For more in-depth information based on your unique birth chart you can email Zoe at for rates and dates to set up a private reading and get a glimpse into what is in store for you up ahead!
MONDAY and THURSDAY focus on you and any financial matters, sexual interests, divorce proceedings, life/death scenarios, or births that affect you, your body, image, identity, or personal needs. Both days will ask that you make some adjustments to see the growth you wish to see here. TUESDAY is the FULL MOON and it brings a peak for you with a partner, agent, attorney, client, specialist, rival, competitor, opponent, or other key relationship. This is when things come through, wrap up, end, or are celebrated. Uranus goes Direct today as well so there is a shift around the energy of excitement, change and different ways of going about things and it is focused on your love life, kids, creative projects, and recreational interests, time to shake things up! WEDNESDAY will test this as it takes things deeper and gets you in there over sex, reproduction, divorce, third party situations, financial matters, mortality issues, or births, and has you deal with your sense of value, income, possessions, or purchases. FRIDAY is a good day for legal, travel, educational, media, or wedding plans and will kick you into some nice social moments or gear things up with the lovers, kids or creative pursuits. SATURDAY the Sun moves into Capricorn and puts a spotlight on your income, possessions, value, and purchases over the next 30 days. This is where you will be pouring more personal and physical energy and where you should take the lead. Venus Retrogrades on the same day in the same areas so you will be journeying back into the past to connect with a woman or releasing, reclaiming or reworking the love or money energy here. Things will slow down so you can get it right, current situations may change during this process. SUNDAY make any adjustments to this matter and then turn your focus to goals, career, the boss, parent or other authority figure, or something about reputation or fame. You are in a good position to make money or deal with possessions/purchases and get inspired at home or over family matters, moves, real estate deals, or renovations. For more in-depth information based on your unique birth chart you can email Zoe at for rates and dates to set up a private reading and get a glimpse into what is in store for you up ahead!
MONDAY and THURSDAY will focus on talks or writing, agreements or sales, that go on behind the scenes, are focused on research, development, artistry, institutions, spiritual interests, or some romantic connection. Whichever topic you find yourself in both days will aim this at a partner, agent, attorney, specialist, clients, competition, or other key players and ask that you make some adjustments regarding the legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, or wedding direction of things. TUESDAY is the FULL MOON and it brings a climax for you around a job, co-worker, employee, the paperwork, a health matter, animals, services, or something organizational. This is when things peak, come through, wrap up, end, or are celebrated. Uranus goes Direct after months in slowed down Retrograde and this means you are ready to set off in some new direction or shake things up and try something different when it comes to your home, real estate, family, a parent, roommate, move, or renovation. This gets put to the test on WEDNESDAY as things get intense here and you are fielding things with that partner, rep, client, specialist, competitor, or other player and doing what it takes to empower yourself through change. FRIDAY is a good day for anything financial you pour yourself into or on a personal level for what you do sexually, about divorce or reproductive needs. Goals can be met in any of it today and lots of excitement plays out at home or over those real estate matters, moves, renovations, or the family. SATURDAY the Sun moves into your sign marking the Winter Solstice and kicking off a 30 day cycle that is focusing in on you, your body, image, brand, identity, title, name, and personal goals. This is your turn to stand out, take the lead and be noticed, make it count. On the same day Venus Retrogrades in your sign leading you back into the past over the next 5 weeks to work out anything love, income, beauty, or female related. It's your do-over, get it right, reconnect, release, reclaim, rework, see what is still there and what you are ready to leave behind. You may feel the urge to abandon some current situation with a focus on these themes, if so make sure you've given it lots of thought since this period is one of process and things will again change come Feb 1st, a time when you should know what it is you are doing with all the above. SUNDAY make any adjustments to these themes and then move your attention to legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, religious, wedding, or expansive interests. The day holds lots of promise here. For more in-depth information based on your unique birth chart you can email Zoe at for rates and dates to set up a private reading and get a glimpse into what is in store for you up ahead!
MONDAY and THURSDAY will focus in on an aspiration or your friend, group, the internet, astrology, a charity, your freedom, an invention, or something different you want to do. Both days this will key in on making adjustments at work or in pursuit of work, with co-workers, people you hire, paperwork, or a health or animal matter. TUESDAY is the FULL MOON and a peak for you in your love life, with a lover or the quest for love, with children, a creative project, or some recreational activity. This is when things come to a head, come through, wrap up, end, or are celebrated. Uranus, your ruler, goes Direct today after many months in Retrograde and this means some sudden change of mind or news that surprises you, an offer or proposal, agreement or sale, writing or speaking role, short trip or community matter, sibling or neighbor, vehicle or electronic need, or big decision is about to awaken and set off in some liberating or original direction. WEDNESDAY will put this to the test as things go deep about one of these themes and you are pushed over work, health, paperwork, or pets and what is going on behind the scenes. FRIDAY is good for relationships in personal or business life and doing what you need to do about legal, travel, media, wedding, or educational pursuits. SATURDAY the Sun moves into Capricorn and kicks off a 30 day cycle that puts you in the spotlight behind the scenes, in planning or strategies, with research or investigations, in retreat or rest, at hospitals, spas or other institutions, with art, film or music, magic, psychic or spiritual pursuits, or involved with some romantic getaway or clandestine romance. You should take the lead, pour more personal or physical energy into what is going on and look at how your identity, name, brand, or body can stand out here. Venus Retrogrades on the same day in the same sign so you are heading back into the past in these ways to reclaim or release love, women or income matters. It's your do-over, make it count. You may have a current situation exit or slow down as part of the process so you can get it right by Feb 1st. SUNDAY make any other adjustments to this matter and then turn your focus to financial, sexual or divorce themes. The day holds promise here. For more in-depth information based on your unique birth chart you can email Zoe at for rates and dates to set up a private reading and get a glimpse into what is in store for you up ahead!
MONDAY and THURSDAY will focus in on some goal, career momentum, or authority/power person in the mix like a boss, parent or judge, and ask that you get in there and deal with any adjustments involving the growth here around true love, creative projects, the kids, or recreational needs. Look at any legal, media, wedding, travel, educational, publishing, or expansive concepts you can adapt around this matter. TUESDAY is the FULL MOON bringing a peak for you at home, with a move, real estate, renovations, roommates, family, a parent, or your security needs. This is when things come through, wrap up, end, or are celebrated. Uranus goes Direct today after months in backwards motion so you are ready for shaking things up and trying new things when it comes to income, possessions, purchases, or gifts, something today may highlight this for you! WEDNESDAY tests this new excitement as things get intense and you are pushing for something big in love, with creative prospects, the kids, or your fun zone, and working things out around the party, friend, group, internet, astrology, charity, or your freedom. FRIDAY is good for your job, health, pets, or paperwork, and can motivate you to go deeper, deal with shared or third party situations, any commissions or outside resources, or delve into the personal side of sex, reproduction or divorce. SATURDAY the Sun moves into Capricorn for 30 days and puts a spotlight on your aspirations, friends, groups, internet, social networking, parties, events, freedom, inventions, astrology, charities, or causes. This is your time to take the lead here, stand out and go for it. Venus Retrogrades on the same day in the same areas so a woman from the past is coming back around or you are revisiting past love or income needs via these social avenues. You may see a current situation exit during this process and things slow down so you can embrace your do-over to reclaim, release or rework things and get them right. SUNDAY make any adjustments to these matters and then move your focus to your partner, reps, clients, specialists, or other key relationships. Today is great for what you can get into the flow via these people. For more in-depth information based on your unique birth chart you can email Zoe at for rates and dates to set up a private reading and get a glimpse into what is in store for you up ahead!
CHECK OUT some of the GROOVY MAGAZINES and SITES that feature Zoe's horoscopes or support Zoe's efforts (in alphabetical order):
Beauty Under Cover
Bellesprit Magazine
The Cosmic Path
Manchester Gossip
Northwest Woman's Magazine
Out Impact Magazine
Quik Impressions
Sugarhigh and Lovestoned
Universal Film Magazine
Vicki Abelson's Women Who Write
Yahoo! Shine
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