Hold onto your backside Nelly, all those slow-downs and missed communications you've been dealing with so far in this crazy Mercury Retrograde shift gears this week under the New Moon on Monday and the Mid-Point on Tuesday. This means that you are now going to see some action on the home front, with that property matter, your family issues or interests, the parental unit, your roommate situation, the move, renovation, or security need that you've been banging your head against these last weeks. Yep, there is still stuff from the past to work on here but it WILL begin to move ahead. You have 2 bold weeks to launch in new directions or take things to the next level so dive in.
Saturn, the planet of tests, mastery, leadership, limits, loss, ambition, commitments, and endings, stations to go Direct on Monday as well. This means that you are also ready to see some forward motion when it comes to the loan or investment, the insurance policies or taxes, your commissions or royalties, the alimony or child support payments, your divorce or sex life, an inheritance or bankruptcy, your partner's money, or any third party situations you are working through. This is slow and steady energy that has been giving you a bit of a respite since February but is now ready to see you GET REAL and choose a course of action in these arenas. The energy is moving forward over the months ahead so you can start now and see it cement situations. Expect to see any obstacles or issues on Tuesday and find some opportunities on Friday.
Tuesday is the Mercury Retrograde Mid-Point. This is usually the tilting point in your story so see if you can make a choice today or if one is being made for you and what still needs to be reworked or revisited so you are in the clear with it by July 20th. Again, this is in the area of the New Moon so your home, property, family, roommate situation, move, or renovation and the agreements, writing, sales, meetings, talks, and decisions over them will be what it's about.
Wednesday and Thursday will call out your creative energy and get you shaking things up with projects. These days are good for love or fun and anything you want to do involving kids as well. Wednesday brings new influences and fresh starts with women or money opportunities in the mix, while Thursday gets your passions going and helps you motivate out there locally or in talks, meetings, pitches, proposals, writing, sales, or agreements.
Friday and Saturday have a proactive alignment that will give you all the juice you need to make things happen on the home front or with property. This is really about any paperwork you need to tackle, the organization, your work load piling up or a job you are doing there, getting health aligned to your environment, or anything you are doing for the animals here. You can widen the scope on these days to include family, roommates, renovations, moves, or anything else that gets you in there over the details and opening things up. Yes, yes you can.
Sunday the Libra Moon takes over and is all crankity with the other planets. This may mean relationship issues arising with partners, reps, clients, competitors, or others, OR it will just amp up the motivational energy involving these peeps and play out over home, moves, real estate, family, roommate, or security needs and your goals or dealings with authority figures in the mix. It won't be a quiet day, that for sure!
The general flow of energy for each sign has just given you a big heads up about what will be moving or stuck for you as you look ahead but a private reading that looks into your unique birth chart and all of the varying alignments there will blow your mind! If you're ready to take that journey and go deeper than the Sun sign horoscope then email Zoe for rates and dates for your own personal reading at zoemoonastrology@gmail.com
Don't fret so much about all that is transpiring for you on the home front, with renovations, moves, real estate deals, family, roommates, or your parents this week because it is SUPPOSED to be amped up and changing for you.
Monday it starts to move ahead because you see what you are dealing with now and know what you need to do. You have 2 strong weeks to set things in motion with these topics so start now. If the roommate left or gave notice, post your ads, if your parent asked for help, you can start looking around for who best to consult, if you decided to move then look for realtors or hire movers, if you need to fix some problem in the home call in your workers, etc. Going to past people you've used or opportunities you saw listed will probably be your best bet now.
Saturn goes Direct on Monday as well. This is going to get you moving ahead on commitments or endings, ambitions or limits, and play out over finances, divorce or sex/reproductive life. So if you need a loan or to file bankruptcy it is time to get it together, if you've been waiting on a settlement or inheritance it starts to move, the investments begin to show movement, the alimony or child support can be structured, the insurance or taxes can be dealt with, commissions or royalties come through or end, you get the idea. Knowing that movement is again possible you can do what you need to on your end. This will also move the divorce to the next level or help you get serious about sexual needs or reproduction.
Tuesday is the Mid-Point of the Mercury Retrograde and usually stands for a turning point for you to turn the corner from learning what it was going to be about to doing something to move it ahead. Again it is about your home, roommates, family, real estate deals, renovations, moves, or a parent. The Leo Moon will spark creative juices or push you to do something regarding love or children but it runs into Saturn going Direct now so you will have your first challenge involving the sex life, reproduction, divorce, or finances today.
Wednesday and Thursday are going to put you in better stay with your kids, creative projects or love life. These days are good for motivating, putting yourself into the mix and expressing your love or passions. You should find ways to talk things out, come to terms or share ideas as well as ways to initiate making money creatively if you are so inclined. For single Aries there may be someone special out and about on Thursday so say hello. For partnered Aries you may want to plan a short jaunt or talk with your lover, it looks positive.
Friday and Saturday turn attention to your efforts on the home front or work you are doing from home, any renovations or organization, clean-up or de-cluttering. These days support efforts to organize your paperwork or deal with paperwork involving real estate or roommates, get information out about your home, organize a move or get movers signed up, hire your renovators or a cleaning company, get healthy with family or by setting up some work-out space, or by spending some time with or on your pets. Both days hold an incredible amount of energy in these areas so get busy. Friday may offer some financial opportunities or potential for furthering your intimate life or divorce as well. Saturday your ruler, Mars, moves into Cancer giving you all the added push you will need to motivate at home, over roommates, family, a parent, real estate deals, moves, or renovations.
Sunday is another story. Today will focus in on one person; a romantic or business partner, client, rep, specialist, competitor, or other key player. The connection with them ties into a major push at home or with moves, real estate, family, a parent, roommate, renovation, or security need. It seems something big is going on today so you will have to make it happen or deal with issues if it doesn't. It will also push third party situations and goals or career matters so expect to be quite busy today. The general flow of energy for each sign has just given you a big heads up about what will be moving or stuck for you as you look ahead but a private reading that looks into your unique birth chart and all of the varying alignments there will blow your mind! If you're ready to take that journey and go deeper than the Sun sign horoscope then email Zoe for rates and dates for your own personal reading at zoemoonastrology@gmail.com
Have you been on the fence for a while now over a move, sale, agreement, writing project, vehicle, sibling, neighbor, or electronic need? Don't fret it Taurus, come Monday it all begins to now move ahead. You have 2 strong weeks with the New Moon energy today to take things to the next level here so belly up to the bar and begin the process! The past is still part of it so you may have lots to wrap up as you set off on this next chapter. It's possible that property, family, renovations, or home will color what is going on, again you've figured out what is in or out, it's time to move ahead.
Monday not only gets these topics moving again but brings the Direct motion of Saturn after being Retrograde since February! Saturn is about your key relationships and therefore in at work in your marriage or business partnerships, with agents, attorneys, clients, specialists, competitors, and any other key players in life. Saturn has been asking that you get prepared to make long term commitments or sever ties for good, that you look at ambitions or limits, structure things, and in all of this take into consideration the shared financial picture and needs, divorce proceedings, third party situations, and your sex life. SO...now Saturn is moving again you ARE ready to get real about which way you will go with these people and they will be ready to commit or end things with you regarding these financial, sexual or divorce themes. To this end start the process moving with them.
Since the New Moon is about agreements, sales, meetings, writing, and decisions and Saturn is bringing the key people over financial terms, divorce or your sex/reproductive life, you can see how this week is really going to stand apart as one where these topics advance. Tuesday as the Mercury Retrograde Mid-Point will be your turning point. You know what is going on now and are ready to do what it takes. Today will bring up any issues that are going to arise with that key person and what is going on at home, with a property matter, move, renovation, real estate deal, roommate, family matter, or parent, so get serious about what you can do.
Wednesday and Thursday will turn attention to that property matter and focus you in on the income or love, dealing with the woman here, and making any changes or adapting to shifts in the process through efforts behind the scenes. These days will not only be important for property but again, for home, family, moves, renovations, a parent, roommates, and security. Focus on Thursday for strong pushes over money flow in these areas.
Friday and Saturday should be fun with a capital 'F' or you will find that you can throw yourself into something creative, time with your lover or in the pursuit of love, or doing things with or for the kids. Both days hold positive energy around local activities or making some short trips over these themes. You can delve into creative writing or penning your intentions in love, signing agreements on behalf of the kids, pushing sales through that impact your love life, creative flow or kids, proposing, or even doing what you can to express your passions or anger under temperate stars. If you are moving or want to do something with siblings, neighbors, vehicles, or electronics, it should also help propel the creative project or further what you are doing with the kids or lover. With Mars entering your local arena on Saturday to tour here in the weeks ahead you can expect for lots more short trips and neighborhood activity, motivating over moves, vehicles, writing, sales, and agreements. A younger male may be entering the fray to join in or push you in these areas.
Sunday turns your attention to the job, paperwork, health matters, or animals. The day is stacked with frictional energy so you will either be frustrated over something here and dealing with issues as they arise or you will be hyped up and motivated to make things happen. Organizing, cleaning up or clearing out, hiring people to help, pursuing work or doing things with co-workers, going through paperwork, motivating over your work-out or pushing yourself physically, and doing what needs doing for your pets will spur your day on. It will put you out there, into a move or dealing with transportation, electronics, vehicles, and any legal issues, travel plans, wedding needs, media or marketing directions, or educational goals. The general flow of energy for each sign has just given you a big heads up about what will be moving or stuck for you as you look ahead but a private reading that looks into your unique birth chart and all of the varying alignments there will blow your mind! If you're ready to take that journey and go deeper than the Sun sign horoscope then email Zoe for rates and dates for your own personal reading at zoemoonastrology@gmail.com
Is it that you want to make money doing something different or you want to make more money than you already are earning? Is it about being valued for what you contribute and wanting to do something to turn that in a new direction? Or have you been trying to decide or are you waiting to hear about what is going on with a possessions or acquisition? Well, dear Gemini, this week it starts to move ahead and that is because you now have 2 powerful weeks thanks to the New Moon on Monday that are propelling you into new territory or to the next level in these matters.
Not only will the doors open and what has been stuck loosen up now with earnings, values and possessions, but Saturn is going Direct on Monday as well! You have been in slowed down territory since February with Saturn when it comes to your job, paperwork, co-workers, and people you hire to help you. You have had time to decide what you needed to do about financial planning or outside resources and the paper trail here or people that could help you with this, how commissions or insurance, taxes or other resources were flowing on the job or needed to be dealt with out of work, and now Saturn is moving ahead and you will see these things start to move as well. Saturn is also picking back up when it comes to your pets or your health so if you are ready to commit to transforming something here then put it into play now.
Since Tuesday is the Mercury Retrograde Mid-Point you should have figured out what stays and what goes and be ready to do something today about the income, possession, acquisition, or values. You will see your first real issue involving work, co-workers, employees, paperwork, health, or pets today so get serious about tending to it so you can see results.
Wednesday and Thursday will get you super busy out there locally or in short trips, with a move or your vehicles, writing or dealing with agreements, on sales or with siblings or neighbors. Both days will be highly communicative so decisions and talks will be important and the flow is positive. Wednesday this may involve friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, or your aspirations while Thursday will amp you up in passionate or motivated ways, getting you moving and sassy.
Friday and Saturday turn your attention to your home and plans you have here. This may extend to real estate deals, property matters, renovations, moves, family matters, roommates, or a parent. Both days hold opportunity to earn money or deal with opportunities that involve acquisitions or possessions here. So look for ways to earn from home or through property or family, with roommates or deal with the move and your possessions. Mars moving into your income zone on Saturday will be gearing you up big time over the weeks ahead to do what it takes to further your income so you might as well amp it up now!
Sunday will key in on your love life, kids or creative projects. Today this is going to run into frictional energy so this may spark all kinds of motivation in these areas or frustrate you as you run into obstacles you must overcome. It involves your income motivation and the outside or joint financial resources. For some there will be divorce or sexual energy in the mix as well. The general flow of energy for each sign has just given you a big heads up about what will be moving or stuck for you as you look ahead but a private reading that looks into your unique birth chart and all of the varying alignments there will blow your mind! If you're ready to take that journey and go deeper than the Sun sign horoscope then email Zoe for rates and dates for your own personal reading at zoemoonastrology@gmail.com
You have had time now to figure out what is going on with your body or image, your brand or identity, and what your personal needs are through the Mercury Retrograde and a lot of this has to do with what's going on with your family, home, a move, real estate deal, roommate situation, parent, renovation, or your security needs. Now, as of Monday, the New Moon is going to offer you 2 weeks of actual movement so that you can take it to the next level so use the time wisely to wrap up any last tidbits and set things in motion.
Saturn has been Retrograde since February and on Monday he as well is kicking back into gear and moving Direct. This means that slow-downs and issues you've been mulling over involving the commitments, endings, limits, shared financials, sexual, or divorce needs tied to your lover/love life or affecting children or involving your creative projects will as well get a renewed boost to move to the next level. So expect this week to put you in a serious frame around what you want to get real about with your love life, children or creative projects and how the money, sex or divorce will impact these serious choices.
Tuesday is the Mercury Retrograde Mid-Point and the turning point for you in that cycle so expect it to mark the stage when you have figured out what it is you are letting go of and what you are choosing to take forward with you when it comes to your name, needs, body, image, identity, brand, or personal goals. You will see your first challenge arrive today regarding your lover, child or creative project and it will focus on income or an acquisition or possession so take it seriously and look for ways to work through it.
Wednesday and Thursday will turn attention to the income, possessions and acquisitions. Both days will be full of opportunity to move this forward. Wednesday aligns positively with goals or authority figures, adjustments with key people and smooth sailing when bringing the charm or dealing with women. Thursday motivates you behind the scenes or puts you at a hospital, in research, an artistic project, spiritual pursuit, or romance that motivates you in the right direction.
Friday and Saturday will amp up communications, transportation, local activities, writing, sales, agreements, meetings, and interaction with brothers, sisters or neighbors. Both days hold opportunity here with Friday bringing in creative outlets, love, kids, partners, reps, clients, and other key people under positive stars, while Saturday adds more mojo behind what you do or how you stand out. Mars enters your sign on Saturday so in the weeks ahead you will be more driven and may see more need for passion and an occasional need to deal with anger issues. Today is just opens doors and helps you pursue your needs.
Sunday will focus on the home, parent, family, roommate, move, renovation, real estate deal, or security need. Expect it to be an intense day in these areas, involve partners, reps, clients, competition, specialists, and some big changes that you are either trying to meet head on or are pushing for yourself. It's going to be busy. The general flow of energy for each sign has just given you a big heads up about what will be moving or stuck for you as you look ahead but a private reading that looks into your unique birth chart and all of the varying alignments there will blow your mind! If you're ready to take that journey and go deeper than the Sun sign horoscope then email Zoe for rates and dates for your own personal reading at zoemoonastrology@gmail.com
A big shift begins this week and it has several places in your life that you may feel it so let's look at these. You may begin the week feeling like you are ready to come out of hiding or re-enter the outside world on some level. It may be that you have been trying to fine-tune a film, music, poetry, art, or dance project and are ready to launch forward in some new way. Your connections with a hospital or other institution may have been the topic of your focus and now you are ready to move ahead with it. An addiction or bad habit may have held your attention and you are prepared to do what you can now to move past it. There may be a clandestine romance or time in retreat romantically that has held your attention and now you are ready to move that forward in a new way. Or you may have been focused on research, meditation, investigations, yoga, magic, psychic interests, or dreams and now are ready to open some new doors there. Starting Monday you have 2 powerful weeks to launch here so take hold of your goals and move.
Saturn has been Retrograde since February and he as well is shifting in the sky on Monday as he prepares to move Direct. This begins movement again for you when it comes to your home, real estate deals, renovations, roommate situation, property matters, family, a parent, move, or your security needs. If things have been stuck or slowed down when it comes to loans, debt, insurance, settlements, investments, taxes, commissions, inheritance, bankruptcy, alimony, child support, divorce, or sexual/reproductive needs in these areas then you now will be able to take it to the next level here. Look at commitments, endings, limits, structures, and dealings with people in charge to move ahead.
Tuesday is the Mercury Retrograde Mid-Point so you are officially at the half-way mark and turning point with decisions about film, music, art, research, investigations, hospitals, addictions, retreat, clandestine romance, yoga, meditation, magic, psychic interests, or Karmic matters. There should be a way now to move ahead on what you have decided, in what stays and what goes. You will get your first challenge today involving the home, family, move, real estate deal, parent, roommate, or renovation so put in the effort to deal with it seriously.
Wednesday and Thursday will turn your focus to your own needs. This may be about your body and seeing someone for better health or fitness, your image, hairstyle, wardrobe, head shots, something having to do with your name or identity, or your brand. Wednesday this aligns nicely with media, marketing, travel, education, law, weddings, and the love or money flow. You will need to make adjustments over paperwork, the job, health, or pets. Thursday it puts you into the mix with friends, social networking, the internet, astrology, charities, or group affiliations under opportune stars and motivates you.
Friday and Saturday will be about making money or dealing with acquisitions or possessions. Both days work well for you in these matters if you work behind the scenes or do something involving hospitals, research, investigations, film, music, art, spiritual pursuits, romance, or dreams. There's good energy with property or family on Friday as well as through work, people you work with, paperwork, health, and animal interests. Saturday Mars moves into these arenas of behind the scenes activities, artistic pursuits, spiritual interests, romance, hospitals, research, investigations, and development where he will amp things up and motivate you over the weeks ahead so plan on getting busy here.
Sunday will turn your attention to talks or meetings, local activities or neighbors, short trips or vehicles, siblings or electronics, writing, agreements, sales, and decisions. Today the energy is intense so expect to be lunging into this with vigor behind the scenes and to be willing to see through powerful changes when it comes to organization, the job, co-workers, employees, paperwork, health, or pets. It's a transformative day. The general flow of energy for each sign has just given you a big heads up about what will be moving or stuck for you as you look ahead but a private reading that looks into your unique birth chart and all of the varying alignments there will blow your mind! If you're ready to take that journey and go deeper than the Sun sign horoscope then email Zoe for rates and dates for your own personal reading at zoemoonastrology@gmail.com
It's either the big dream or aspiration that you've been reworking or putting the finishing touches on or it is tied into your friends, a group, the internet, astrology, a charity, social networking, a cause, or some radical freewheeling new direction that has held you in the place you are right now as the week begins. Monday this all starts to move ahead, the work you've done is ready to take you into new territory here so use the next 2 weeks to make it so, get out there and connect, pursue your dreams, and be open to new associates or friends coming your way that may hold the key to some of this for you.
Saturn has been Retrograde since February so you have also experienced some stagnation or slow-downs around agreements, writing, sales, brothers, sisters, neighbors, transportation matters, vehicles, electronics, proposals, offers, meetings, ideas, and decisions. It all begins to move to the next level over the months ahead and it starts on Monday with Saturn going Direct. This means it is now time to make commitments or choose endings, set limits, structure things, deal with authority figures, and be ambitious in these areas. It's likely that some shared financial matter, reproductive need or sexual attraction/issue, a divorce, or third party situation is coloring this for you so again, time to see things move ahead and time to get real about what you need to do.
Tuesday is the Mercury Retrograde Mid-Point and a turning point for you as you have wrapped up or made choices about what stays behind and what goes forward when it comes to those aspirations, friends, groups, internet, astrology, or charity needs, and your decisions. So again, launch forward on what you think you are ready to do now. You will come up against your first test with Saturn in forward motion today so expect to deal with the sibling, neighbor, sale, agreement, writing, meeting, talk, vehicles, electronics, local activities, move, short trips, or decision today and know that there is something involving a hidden aspect, hospital, prison or other institution, addiction, strategy, hidden enemy, artistic project, spiritual pursuit, clandestine romance, or Karmic matter influencing the moment.
Wednesday and Thursday will put you into this behind the scenes energy and focus you on the film, music, art, research, investigation, hospital, prison, addiction, hidden romance, strategy, or development on a project. Both days will hold potential for you in these areas with Wednesday opening up the stream to financial matters, sexual needs or divorce issues here and helping to smooth things over but not without a bit of an adjustment where kids, lovers or creativity is concerned. Thursday will motivate you and get you further towards your goals, on the career front or with the authority figure involved that can help.
Friday and Saturday will be time to your own needs, good days to put yourself first, tend to your health, body, image, or brand, and take care of anything that requires your name or leadership. Both days will involve aspirations, friends, groups, the internet, astrology, or charities for you and bring opportunity and open doors here so say yes to connections and ideas. Friday will add some serious and opportune meetings, sales, agreements, talks, or decisions and bring something powerful in your love life, with the kids or your creative project. Saturday Mars moves into your social arena so in the weeks ahead you can expect to get very busy with events, pals, groups, online, social networking, pursuing your dreams, with astrology, charities, or some cause. Mars adds passion to the mix and will stir up any anger issues that need to be addressed but overall gears you up and gets you busier here.
Sunday will be about making money or dealing with an acquisition or possession. The aspects today are very intense so expect to be pushing hard here when it comes to a major dream of yours or involving a friend, group, the internet, astrology, charities, or some gathering, and to be involved in something powerful or changing with your love life, children or creative project. It won't be boring. The general flow of energy for each sign has just given you a big heads up about what will be moving or stuck for you as you look ahead but a private reading that looks into your unique birth chart and all of the varying alignments there will blow your mind! If you're ready to take that journey and go deeper than the Sun sign horoscope then email Zoe for rates and dates for your own personal reading at zoemoonastrology@gmail.com
You've had enough time to figure out the career matter or deal with the boss, parent, judge or other power person, to review goals or ambitions, deal with reputation or your quest for fame, and tweak your leadership abilities. If you feel as if things are taking too long to move ahead in any of this, fret no longer. Starting Monday with the New Moon you are now in forward growth territory here and your best 2 weeks of the year have arrived to seed things or take them to the next level so be proactive. Obviously Mercury Retrograde is still in these arenas so you will be involving something or someone from the past as you move forward but more on that on Tuesday!
Saturn has been Retrograde since February so you have also been in somewhat of a holding pattern when it comes to your income, your possessions or some acquisition. It's been a time to rework things or catch up to where you found yourself so hopefully you did because as of Monday Saturn goes Direct and over the months ahead you will see movement again in these areas. Since Saturn is in Scorpio this will be colored by outside financial interests like loans, inheritance, insurance, taxes, commissions, settlements, investments, alimony, child support, partner's money, divorce, sexual attractions, reproductive needs, or third party situations. It's time to make commitments or mark endings, set limits or get ambitious, so take it seriously.
Tuesday is the Mercury Retrograde Mid-Point so you are now ready to turn the corner and leave some things or people behind while taking some forward when it comes to the career, goals, fame, reputation, leadership, boss, parent, judge, or ambitions. You will have your first test today involving income, possessions or acquisitions and the friend, group, internet, astrology, charity, or event so meet it head on and get serious about what you still need to handle here.
Wednesday and Thursday will turn your focus to your friends, groups, astrology, charities, the internet, social networking, gatherings, or events with some positive energy flow. Wednesday this will tie in nicely with partners, reps, clients, or other key people and go well where women, love or money are concerned. You will have to make an adjustment regarding home, real estate, family, roommates, moves, or renovations however. Thursday there will be lots of motivating forces tied to the legal, travel, media, marketing, publishing, educational, or wedding related themes involved and these look opportune so put some energy into it!
Friday and Saturday take you behind the scenes. These days may be good to rest and recharge batteries, research, investigate, deal with institutions, get into magic, psychic, yogic, or meditative practices, hole up with someone romantic, or work on film, music, art, or development. Both days will be good for you in these areas if you set goals or are working towards career needs, dealing with the boss, parent or other authority figure, or are taking the lead on something. Friday will give you added energy around making money and home or family matters. Saturday Mars moves into the career and goal part of your chart where he will give you added energy and motivation over the weeks ahead to make things happen to climb on board! Mars stirs passion and anger as well so take care around authorities.
Sunday the Moon moves into your sign and triggers lots of frictional energy that will spur you on when it comes to your body, brand, image, identity, needs, and your career, goals, reputation, fame, authority figures, or status. You will be dealing with changes or transformations around home, moves, renovations, real estate deals, roommates, family, or a parent as well. It won't be dull. The general flow of energy for each sign has just given you a big heads up about what will be moving or stuck for you as you look ahead but a private reading that looks into your unique birth chart and all of the varying alignments there will blow your mind! If you're ready to take that journey and go deeper than the Sun sign horoscope then email Zoe for rates and dates for your own personal reading at zoemoonastrology@gmail.com
Oh my has there been a whole lot of backtracking or slow-downs regarding a legal matter, a media, publishing, marketing, or broadcasting project, a trip, a visit from afar, some foreign interest, an import/export deal, wedding, or educational pursuit or need? Hopefully you have taken the time to work on what needed tweaking because as of Monday the New Moon is going to open up the doors for a 2 week period to move these topics to the next level in some way. This means you should be proactive to get the best out of the wave that is moving here. You will still have something or someone from the past involved due to Mercury Retrograde but it can now move forward.
Saturn has been Retrograde since February so you have dealt with some personal or physical slow-downs as well. Saturn in your sign thought you needed to cool your heals a bit when it came to the commitments or endings you had in mind regarding your name, identity, brand, body, image, or personal needs. Saturn in Scorpio is all about what you are getting real about when it comes to these commitments or endings through financially shared matters, sexual interests or issues, reproduction, divorce, and third party situations. As of this Monday Saturn goes Direct so you are now going to see movement here as well, you are ready to take the next step in your mastery and commitments, limits, ambitions, endings, and leadership over your own self.
Tuesday is the Mercury Retrograde Mid-Point so you are at the turning point when it comes to those choices involving the past people or situations in legal, travel, wedding, educational, political, religious, media, marketing, publishing, or broadcasting interests. You should be clear about now regarding who or what stays behind and who or what goes forward. You will see your first test today with Saturn Direct so expect to be dealing with something personal or physical and the goal, career, authority figure such as a boss, parent or judge, your reputation, status, fame, or ambitions. Get serious today about those commitments, endings, limits, structures, and the finances, divorce or sex.
Wednesday and Thursday will be about your career, goals, fame, or dealings with power people. Both days hold promise. Wednesday will tie in nicely with work opportunities, paperwork, health, animals, women, and making money but you will need to make an adjustment in at least one conversation, sale, agreement, writing project, or decision. Thursday will be motivational as you gear it up and move things forward with the finances, divorce or sex life. Opportunity beckons through actions taken, passions stirred or anger addressed in a proper way.
Friday and Saturday will be more social and help you when it comes to your aspirations, friends, groups, internet or astrology interests, charities, parties, or events. Both days tie in nicely to opportunities that are media, marketing, publishing, legal, educational, wedding, or travel related so see how you can thread that together for some positive outcome. Mars moves into these areas on Saturday so in the weeks ahead you are going to see a whole lot more action here and again the motivating forces can stir passions or bring anger issues to the surface over these themes as you move along.
Sunday is a good day to withdraw and rest or to do some research or work behind the scenes. You can take in a movie or work on film, get into something music or art related, do your investigation, meditate, do your yoga, tune into your magical or psychic interests, hole up with a romantic person behind closed doors, sleep the day away, dream, or develop that project a bit more. There will be some very intense energy associated with what you choose and it will play out over legal, travel, educational, media, publishing, marketing, or wedding needs and the agreements, meetings, short trips, local activities, sales, writing, or decisions in the mix. It won't be boring. The general flow of energy for each sign has just given you a big heads up about what will be moving or stuck for you as you look ahead but a private reading that looks into your unique birth chart and all of the varying alignments there will blow your mind! If you're ready to take that journey and go deeper than the Sun sign horoscope then email Zoe for rates and dates for your own personal reading at zoemoonastrology@gmail.com
You have had some time now to figure out what you wanted when it came to a sexual attraction or issue, reproductive matter, divorce, or the loan, inheritance, bankruptcy, investments, insurance, taxes, settlement, alimony, child support, commissions, royalties, or partner's money. Starting on Monday you are going to see these things start to move ahead. In fact the New Moon is giving you your best 2 week window to take things to the next level here so be proactive and know that with Mercury Retrograde something or someone from the past or that you already have in motion will be part of this forward growth.
Saturn has been Retrograde since February so you have had slow-downs or a lot of internal commitment around film, music, art, addictions, hospitals, research, investigations, a clandestine romance, meditation, yoga, magic, psychic interests, or development on a project. On Monday Saturn goes Direct and begins the process of taking things in these areas forward again. Look at commitments, endings, limits, ambitions, and structures and how the financials, sex or divorce are coloring what you need to see cement up ahead and then take your cue from the universe and move ahead in slow and steady fashion.
Tuesday is the Mercury Retrograde Mid-Point so you are at the turning point with backtracking, revising, releasing, reclaiming, and rethinking the sexual matter, reproductive need, divorce, third party situation, or big financial matter. Today you should be pretty clear about what it was you were meant to work on and what or who stays behind and what goes forward. You will get your first test today involving Saturn Direct so face anything head on regarding the artistic project, spiritual need, romantic liaison, hospital, addiction, research, investigation, or retreat and how things are going legally, with the media, marketing, publishing, education, wedding, or travel plans.
Wednesday and Thursday will turn your attention to those legal, travel, media, marketing, publishing, educational, or wedding needs. Both days offer you good energy here. Wednesday it will involve love, creative projects or the kids and smoother sailing with women. You will need to make an adjustment regarding income, possessions or an acquisition. Thursday it aligns positively with partners, reps, clients, or other key people so be proactive in what you do with them over these matters.
Friday and Saturday will turn to career, goals, fame, the boss, a parent, or other authority figure and put you out there somewhat. The days are both good when it comes to the opportunities financially or with the divorce or sex life. Mars moves into these areas on Saturday and in the weeks ahead will amp things up considerably when it comes to sex, divorce, reproduction, and any financial matter you are dealing with so you will have more mojo to make things happen and more passion to see it through but you will also need to watch out for anger issues arising over these themes.
Sunday will focus on your friend, group, the internet, astrology, a charity, party, event, social networking, or your aspiration. Today the energy here is intense and will push you regarding money, theirs and yours, as well as possibly spark something sexual or divorce oriented and bring about change or transformative situations. It will likely be a memorable day. The general flow of energy for each sign has just given you a big heads up about what will be moving or stuck for you as you look ahead but a private reading that looks into your unique birth chart and all of the varying alignments there will blow your mind! If you're ready to take that journey and go deeper than the Sun sign horoscope then email Zoe for rates and dates for your own personal reading at zoemoonastrology@gmail.com
Well, are you ready now to move on or ahead when it comes to your romantic or business partner, the agent or attorney, client or specialist, competitor or opponent? Is there something about where you live or how you handle property, family or roommates that is coloring this for you? Do you just want to feel rooted, secure and in the flow via this other person? Well, come Monday the New Moon is giving you the forward motion to plant some seeds that will grow here or to take things to that next level. You have the 2 strongest weeks of the year to do so, so don't sit the fence. If you've been waiting on them, again things begin to move over the next 2 weeks. Since Mercury Retrograde is here you will likely still be involving something or someone from the past or still need to wrap up a bit here to move ahead.
Saturn has been Retrograde since February so you have also been in a slow-down or holding pattern when it comes to your aspirations, friendships, group affiliations or activities, internet interests, astrological pursuits, charities, social networking, parties, events, and causes. As of Monday Saturn goes Direct and over the months ahead you will now be ready to move ahead in these arenas as well. It is about commitments or endings, limits or ambitions, and what you are doing here involving finances, your sex life or divorce. Slow and steady wins the race, so if you've been wanting to see a financial payoff from a friend or through the online business, get your groove back sexually by getting back out there with friends or at events and parties to mingle and meet someone, or join a group or find online counsel that can help you with divorce needs, these are some examples of how things can start to cement for you.
Tuesday is the Mercury Retrograde Mid-Point and a turning point for you as you should now know what or who you leave behind and what or who goes forward via romantic or business partners, reps, clients, specialists, competitors, and other key relationships. Start to put it in motion. You will find you are your first test with Saturn Direct today over the aspiration, friend, group, internet, astrology, charity, party, or networking. This will focus in on financials, divorce, sex, reproduction, or third party situations and you should face it head on and get serious about it.
Wednesday and Thursday will turn your attention to those sexual, divorce or financial matters but these days hold some good energy for you here. Wednesday will help you tie this into what you do at home or with real estate, a move or renovation, roommates or family, and smooth things out a bit when it comes to your income or the love. You will need to make a personal or physical adjustment at some point today so do give and take. Thursday it will help you motivate on the job or push something through via an employee or co-worker, the paperwork, your health interests, or what you are doing with the pets.
Friday and Saturday will focus on legal matters, travel plans or people at a distance, media, marketing or publishing needs, educational pursuits, or wedding plans. Both days hold positive alignment in these fields when you involve or focus on the partner, agent, attorney, specialist, client, or other key relationship. Mars moves into this relationship zone on Saturday where he will charge things up over the weeks ahead. This will either motivate you or your partner, rep, client, specialist, or other key player to move ahead on something or it will stir passions or help you get to the core of anger issues.
Sunday is about your career needs or personal goals. It may also involve your parent, boss or some other power person. The day is intense and will push you to motivate or react to the partner, agent, attorney, client, specialist, competition, or other significant person while making some major personal or physical changes or transformations. Get in there and make it happen. The general flow of energy for each sign has just given you a big heads up about what will be moving or stuck for you as you look ahead but a private reading that looks into your unique birth chart and all of the varying alignments there will blow your mind! If you're ready to take that journey and go deeper than the Sun sign horoscope then email Zoe for rates and dates for your own personal reading at zoemoonastrology@gmail.com
Arg, Aquarius, if you have had it up to here when it comes to the job, the job search, your co-workers, employees, paperwork, health, or pet situation, if you've been backtracking or reworking things, or if you have felt like things are at a stand still here, know that on Monday with the New Moon you will see things start to move ahead again. You can take it to the next level or open up brand new avenues for work, health, animals, or paperwork, get new people to help you or a new co-worker on the scene, or launch the diet or work-out to make a real difference. You have 2 powerful weeks to move on this and note that with Mercury Retrograde here you will likely be dealing with something from the past in this fresh start.
Saturn has been Retrograde since February and as a co-ruler to your sign you feel this somewhat energetically in the body besides feeling the slow-downs or issues around career, personal goals, reputation, fame, parents, bosses, judges, and ambitions. On Monday Saturn goes Direct so you will begin to see your energy come back and these areas of life move ahead again as well. This is about commitments and endings, ambitions and leadership, limits and how any financially shared matter, divorce or sexual issue is coloring your goals or advancement in life. Get serious about what you want or don't want and start to do something to cement things again.
Tuesday is the Mercury Retrograde Mid-Point and a turning point to you with the backtracking, revising, releasing, or reclaiming that has been going on over jobs, organization, cleaning, simplifying, paperwork, health interests or concerns, animals, and the environment. You should be clear today about what it was all about and what or who stays behind and what or who goes forward. You will have your first test with Saturn Direct today so whatever comes up with the career, goals, reputation, fame, parent, boss, judge, or other authority figure and involves the partner, agent, attorney, specialist, client, competitor, opponent, or other key player, you should get serious about it and face it head on.
Wednesday and Thursday will be about this key player so expect to focus on the romantic or business partner, rep, client, competitor, specialist, or other relationship. Both days hold opportunity, Wednesday will be about the talks, offers, sales, agreements, writing, speaking roles, proposals, short trips, local activities, and the love or money involved, while Thursday will be about what you do with or about the lover, child or creative project.
Friday and Saturday will focus more on sex, divorce or the big financial picture. Both days favor doing the paperwork or taking care of the job at hand, tending to health concerns or interests or spending time with your pets. Mars moves into these areas on Saturday so in the weeks ahead you will see much more happening on the job or in the quest for work, with organization, cleaning, paperwork, health, and animals. Passions stir as you are tending to the details but anger may arise over these matters as well so keep your cool.
Sunday is about the legal matter, wedding, educational pursuit, travel plans, media, marketing or publishing deal, and the intense energy around at least one of these themes. You will be motivated here to do something about the paperwork, job, health, animal, and make some changes to something going on behind closed doors. It's a big day. The general flow of energy for each sign has just given you a big heads up about what will be moving or stuck for you as you look ahead but a private reading that looks into your unique birth chart and all of the varying alignments there will blow your mind! If you're ready to take that journey and go deeper than the Sun sign horoscope then email Zoe for rates and dates for your own personal reading at zoemoonastrology@gmail.com
Are you feeling like you just have to see some forward movement when it comes to your child or what you are doing with kids, or is it over your love life or lover? Perhaps it is all about the creative project or creative needs you feel stirring within? Well, never fear, as of Monday the New Moon is going to push forward in these areas and you will see things start to evolve again. You have 2 strong weeks to initiate fresh starts or take things to the next level in these matters. Mercury Retrograde is busy here so something or someone from the past is involved whether that is about letting go, reworking, or reclaiming something as you move ahead.
Saturn has been Retrograde since February so there has been a hold or slow-down on media, marketing, publishing, educational, wedding, legal, and travel matters since then. You have been given more than enough time to figure out if you want to commit to something long term or end it in these areas and to look at how the sexual attraction or tension, divorce or shared financial resources were playing into it. Now, as of Monday as well, Saturn moves Direct. In the months ahead he will pick up steam here and you will see things moving again so look at it now, shall you make some commitments or endings, structure things, deal with limits, or get your ambitions and leadership up for the next round?
Tuesday is the Mercury Retrograde Mid-Point and your turning point on this journey. You should have some concept as of today what it's been about and what or who you want to carry forward and what or who stays behind. Again this is playing out over creative projects, true love, children, and recreational interests so turn the corner. You will meet with your first test of Saturn in Direct motion today so expect the legal, travel, educational, media, or wedding matter to be up front and to need to deal with what is happening or needs to happen with the paperwork, job, co-workers, employees, health, or animals in this matter. Face it head on and get serious.
Wednesday and Thursday will focus in on that work, health, pet, or paperwork need. These days hold potential for you with income on Wednesday and some smoothing out of the waters but with a need to make an adjustment with a friend, group, social event, internet matter, or charity. Thursday you will see lots of opportunity to do something at home or about the real estate, move, roommate, family, parent, renovation, or security needs under opportune stars.
Friday and Saturday will focus in on key relationships so expect to be in there with the romantic or business partner, agent, attorney, specialist, client, competitor, or other key player. Both days hold tons of potential here involving creative projects, true love, recreation, or children, so dive in. You may come to terms on something legal, travel, educational, marketing, media, publishing, or wedding themed with them on Friday and have a powerful change for the good with the friend, social occasion, internet, astrology, charity, or group. Saturday Mars moves into your love, child or creative field where he plans on making things happen over the weeks ahead. Mars will stir more passion as well as stir up anger issues if they exist here so take care with the feelings of others but do let it spur you forward in positive ways.
Sunday is going to be about sex, divorce or some major financial matter and it is going to be intense. It will push buttons with the lover, child or creative project and bring evolution through aspirations, friendships, group affiliations, the internet, astrology, charities, or social events. A powerful day indeed. The general flow of energy for each sign has just given you a big heads up about what will be moving or stuck for you as you look ahead but a private reading that looks into your unique birth chart and all of the varying alignments there will blow your mind! If you're ready to take that journey and go deeper than the Sun sign horoscope then email Zoe for rates and dates for your own personal reading at zoemoonastrology@gmail.com
CHECK OUT some of the GROOVY MAGAZINES and SITES that feature Zoe's horoscopes or support Zoe's efforts (in alphabetical order):
Beauty Under Cover
Bellesprit Magazine
The Cosmic Path
Manchester Gossip
Northwest Woman's Magazine
Out Impact Magazine
Quik Impressions
Sugarhigh and Lovestoned
Universal Film Magazine
Vicki Abelson's Women Who Write
Yahoo! Shine
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