Click here and then on 'podcast' if you want to hear about some of the major energies at play in the week ahead or here if you want to do a download for free over on itunes
Holy Matrix by Xported on worth1000
Ready to get clear and focused?! Mercury finally exits the Piscean sea where mental flow has been inspired yet foggy. Saturday he moves into Aries where thoughts will turn to personal and physical needs, ideas will become more dynamic with more passion, anger or motivation behind them. Words will be aggressive or filled with desire, and this will pour into sales, agreements, writing, and local activities as well.
Sweet Dreams by Phatpuppy
Before all this energy shifts at 10:37pm eastern we will be working through Saturday on the Moon's connections. She will make one final alignment to Mercury in Pisces in the morning so you will get one last big push to communicate about what you value or how you are handling income situations and it will play out around artistic interests such as film, music, painting, dance, poetry, sculpture, or spiritual pursuits such as meditation, yoga, magic, or psychic interests. Your private romantic needs may be part of the value or income question or there may be a hospital or other institution that is affecting this flow for you, addictions or time working behind the scenes, research and investigations as well could be the topic for you.
Zoe Moon Listening to Andromeda
The Moon will move into Gemini around 10:13am eastern adding more fuel to the communicative slant of this day. This will direct needs to talks, meetings, agreements, writing, sales, proposals, siblings, neighbors, vehicles, electronics, local activities, short trips, and flirtations. At 7:25pm eastern the Moon will square Neptune in Pisces asking us to access any issues we still feel involving romantic, spiritual, artistic, institutional, addictive, or research needs. This aspect also has the potential to inspire so if you can choose go for ways to express yourself here.
Raffaello Sanzio art
Mercury moves into Aries at 10:37pm eastern and clarity should follow. You may decide on the spot that you are ready to do something about it now. Cool. You have from now through May 1st to focus the talks and decisions on you, your body, image, brand, identity, and personal goals. You are now officially in territory that favors bold thinking, courageous words, passionate declarations, and airing of angry issues (so you may hear of a few yourself-go easy on this stuff if you can). More than anything Mercury here is going to go straight to the heart of the matter, no more beating around the bush, it's a say what you mean and mean what you say kind of transit.
The Seesaw by Joseph Mortimer Lichtenauer
Sunday the Gemini Moon continues to carry the communications and transportation needs forward, focusing you on siblings and neighbors, vehicles and electronics, writing and sales, talks and meetings, short trips and local activities. Today she makes 4 classical aspects. The first is an adjustment to Saturn asking that you get serious about commitments, endings, structures, responsibilities, and limits, making an adjust around some big financial matter, sexual need, divorce, triangle, or goal. The second is a dance with Uranus that holds some positive mojo for you, asking that you shake things up a bit, try something different, express originality, or respond to some news or information that is not the norm but could really be exciting or awaken you on some new level. The third is an adjustment to Pluto which means adjusting to third party situations, feelings of being in control, shared resources, life and death situations, divorce, or sexual needs and the goal, career or authority figure (boss, parent, judge, etc) in the mix. Since Saturn and Pluto are in mutual reception and both adjusting today you can see how they are carrying each other's themes forward so really doing what you can to adapt around changes and commitments here will go a long way. The fourth and final aspect is to Jupiter when the Moon sits down with the giant planet of expansion, protection, beliefs, and luck to take something you hear, decide, write, sign, sell, or say to a bigger level. You may be involving Jupiter ruled themes in this so look to legal channels, foreign interests or travel plans, educational interests, media, marketing, or publishing needs, religious beliefs, politics, or weddings to color the new direction here.
If you are ready to delve into your own stars with Zoe you can email for dates and rates for a private reading here
The WEEKLY FORECAST will be up on Sunday evening, pop back by for a look at what is ahead!
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