If you would like A PRIVATE READING looking at your personal information you can contact Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com
Leo Moon focuses our emotional energy on our lovers, need for love, our children, and our creative projects on Monday. There is alignment with the Lights so you should feel as though you have at least one of these boats in the water, it is just the talk or news you get that you weren’t planning on that may test you a bit. Keep your income in mind when dealing with any recreational, creative or love interests today.
When we look at astrological configurations we see the powerful, slow moving planets influencing global events and the arc of human consciousness and evolvement. It is the inner, faster moving bodies that influence our day to day connections, needs and issues. To that end I wish to talk about VENUS MOVING INTO GEMINI ON TUESDAY. Venus is the goddess of love. She rules over the heart, our romantic desires, when and how we fall for another, how we experience the sensation, and she also rules how we value ourselves and others, how mingling values with another works or does not work, how personal money flow is affected, and what we find beautiful or luxurious.
Typically, we experience Venus moving through a sign approximately every 5 weeks. The field of energy she tours colors the experience of her influence. So for example, when she is in Capricorn we are more serious about love, attracted to solid, older or more status conscious types, career and ambition may affect matters of the heart one way or another, and we want commitment or endings now. If love is not in the picture, this tour can feel lonely, isolated and depressing. When she moves through Cancer love has a more nurturing affect, we seek love in ways our mother shared it or in ways that compensate for what our mothers were unable to give. We want to stay home by a fire and share good food, snuggle under the covers and dream of family life. If love is nowhere in sight we might tend to finding it in a carton of Haagen-Dazs or box of bon-bons during this transit.
So, what do we have coming with Venus that made me want to write a separate article about her? On April 3rd she is going to move into Gemini but instead of journeying through this dual sign for 5 weeks she is going to set up camp here until August 7th! That is because she is going to Retrograde on May 15th through June27th between the 23rd and 7th degrees of Gemini, giving us a cosmic do-over or chance to rework something in love in the middle of all of this.
Gemini is the sign of the mind. This means that we are going to be given a chance in the course of the next 4 months to rethink love or begin thinking about love in a completely new way. We are going to learn to communicate what is in our hearts differently. We may be inspired to write about love or sign agreements binding us to another. If love has gone, we may sign agreements that help untangle the matter. Gemini is the ultimate flirt, things are about to get fun in the romance department. Gemini is a mutable sign which means it can go back and forth over matters so you may be in for some back and forth over who you love or what you want from love. The dual nature of the sign may mean that there are two suitors for your attention or two sides to your desire that you are learning about during this transit.
However, this is just the tip of the proverbial iceberg. The truth of why I am writing about Venus at this point is that something very powerful is about to happen. There is a rare configuration that occurs every 243 years when Venus travels across the face of the Sun. She does this in pairs, passing against the mighty rays of his Light twice before waiting another 243 years to resurface. The last pair made an appearance in 1874 and 1882. We happen to be around for this round! The first pass occurred on June 8, 2004. Think back to where you were in matters of the heart at this time. Did you think about it? No, really, take a minute and think about it, it’s important for you to see what the period has meant to you. The second pass occurs on June 5/6th, 2012. This occurs during Venus in Gemini and smack in the middle of the Venus Retrograde.
It is because of this intense and amazing period that this spring/summer is going to be one of the most important of your life to find love, release love, love again, love better, love deeper, start new in love, take love to the next level. It is on a personal level, the summer of love, in every sense of the phrase. Listed below in each sign’s weekly forecast will be the breakdown of where and how this will show up for you!
Thursday brings Libra Moon into play, opening some positive talks with significant people over love or money. Venus squares Neptune so the imagination is powerful here and there may be some dreamy aspects, artistic or spiritual needs, romantic ideals, or dealings with institutions that is not all together what it seems. This can be about overly heading into the clouds and the positive side of this aspect which pushes the muse and brings some amazing work from the frictional aspect or it can mean that you or the other party is not being clear, is confused or there is outright deception going on. Because of this cloudy aspect it is best not to make final decisions on things today if you can wait a day or two.
Friday is the FULL MOON in LIBRA and a peak or ending with a partner, agent, attorney, specialist, competitor, advocate, or opponent. This can bring some achievement or recognition, a celebration or an ending so seek equitable solutions, balance and harmony as best you can and embrace those that are important.
Monday is for creative flow, attention to the kids or lover with at least one talk about what’s really going on that is somehow a bit foggy and a look at how you can increase income flow or make a big purchase. Tuesday Venus moves into Gemini! Aries you will be learning something new about love, changing your mind about love, you will find love in your local arena, out at the coffee shop or post office, through introductions made by siblings or neighbors or through falling for your neighbor, on the short trips you take or while tending to vehicles or purchasing electronics, and you will be expressing your ideas about love, talking more about it, writing about it, or signing agreements binding you in love or releasing you from it during this powerful four month period. Wednesday Mercury goes Direct and you are ready to move ahead on decisions, news, talks, meetings, or agreements involving film, music, art, private romantic needs, hospitals, addictions, research, investigations, development, spiritual interests, and hidden agendas. Work, career and income are open doors for you today so deal with authority figures, reach for goals, and put in the efforts. Same goes for health needs or pets issues. Thursday brings inspiration in writing, agreements, short trips, with siblings, neighbors, or ideas and talks/meetings you have about the artistic, spiritual, romantic, or institutional interests. Just guard against embellishing the story or taking everything you hear today as gospel. Friday is the FULL MOON in Libra and a peak or ending with a partner, agent, attorney, specialist, or competitor. You will be celebrating them or the two of you or wrapping things up and ending them on some topic close to the two of you. READ your APRIL MONTHLY forecast here: http://zoemoonastrology.blogspot.com/2012/03/zoe-moon-astrology-april-monthly.html If you would like A PRIVATE READING looking at your personal information you can contact Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com
Monday is about home, any move or real estate deals, or family/roommate topics and any big stretch you may be contemplating here. You need to have a talk or make a decision involving a friend, the internet, or a group that means making some adjustments here. Tuesday VENUS moves into Gemini! Taurus you will be learning to value love in a different way, to align your values with the one you love, to seek love in others who share your values, to value yourself in a way that attracts another kind of love to you. You may be earning money when you meet the love of your life or find ways to make money with your love interest. You will see how the way you handle your personal income affects the quality of love in your life one way or another. You may invest in some possession such as a home to share or a car to get you back and forth to see your lover during this phase and objects of affection may be exchanged more easily. Today begins a powerful 4 month cycle in these arenas. Wednesday Mercury goes Direct and you are now ready to move ahead with something involving a friend, group, the internet, astrology, a charity, or a major aspiration in your life. You can now sign agreements, make the decision, purchase electronics or vehicles, or have the talks you’ve been waiting to have. There is an amazing alignment today with lovers, kids or creative interests so pursue adventure, legal matters, travel, education, or media interests here. Thursday is going to help you to deal with a woman at work over income in a positive way however there is something involving a friend or group and income that may feel inspiring or confusing and will not be completely clear today. Watch what you promise or what others promise you. Friday is the FULL MOON in Libra that is bringing a peak moment with someone over a work matter, co-worker, employee, health matter, or pet situation. You will see things hit a high point in these areas in celebrations, achievements or endings. READ your APRIL MONTHLY forecast here: http://zoemoonastrology.blogspot.com/2012/03/zoe-moon-astrology-april-monthly.html If you would like A PRIVATE READING looking at your personal information you can contact Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com
Monday is lining up to be a creative thinking day with talks or meetings involving love, the creative outlets or kids and some big social involvement, friends in the mix, group activities, internet interests, and energy going on behind the scenes, all good. You will have to make an adjustment around news or decisions involving career, a goal or your reputation at some point. Tuesday VENUS moves into your sign! Gemini you will be changing your identity during this process from married to single or vice versa or you will be changing how you view yourself due to the love that comes now. You will be learning to see your body differently or expressing your physical nature in love on a new level and your image may go through some adjustments to sync with your new love or to help you attract the love you desire. This is a huge 4 month period in the remaking of your heart, you will look closely at everything you do and attract many during this phase, releasing past behaviors that kept you from experiencing true love. Wednesday Mercury goes Direct and you are now ready to move ahead again on the career front, with bosses, authority figures, reputation, pursuit of fame, dad, and with any big ambitions or goals. You should be ready to make decisions, sign contracts, write, or pitch ideas. If you need to purchase electronics or vehicles this is all clear as well. Home matters and any big financial interests, sexual attractions or divorce issues should go well today, work behind closed doors to develop the best approach. Thursday is great for lovers, kids or creative projects but there is going to be an aspect affecting you and your career, reputation, ambitions, or goals that on the one hand is inspired and helps you to access the muse in genius ways, but on the other can bring some cloudy thinking or talks and decisions that are a bit confused or deceptive. Watch what you promise and what is promised to you. Friday is the FULL MOON in Libra and you are going to see a high point reached with a love affair or lover, a child or some project involving kids, a recreational interest, speculative venture, or your creative projects or talents. This is about a celebration, achievement or ending. READ your APRIL MONTHLY forecast here: http://zoemoonastrology.blogspot.com/2012/03/zoe-moon-astrology-april-monthly.html If you would like A PRIVATE READING looking at your personal information you can contact Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com
Monday is great for making money or dealing with possessions but you will need to deal with some legal aspect, travel plans, media, marketing, or educational matter and come to some common ground in your talks. There is also something involving a friend, group, the internet, astrology, or charities that could push you out there in bigger ways. Tuesday VENUS moves into Gemini! Cancer you will be meeting a Karmic past life soul mate or several during this phase, you may be releasing one as well. You will learn to love in this new phase through instinct or intuition, find a psychic connection with your lover, allow for more fantasy or imagination, learn about magic or spiritual pathways, experience artistry in new ways, and perhaps face addictions or issues with institutions. It is likely that you will want to keep love private, hidden, secret, or create a special world for just the two of you during this 4 month period that begins today. Mercury goes Direct on Wednesday and you are now ready to move ahead on ideas, decisions, talks, agreements, or meetings involving travel, people at a distance, import/export, higher education, legal matters, media, marketing, or publishing. You can also purchase electronics or deal with vehicles tied to these themes now. Today there is great energy behind talks or agreements with partners, agents, attorneys, or friends. Thursday is good for home interests, moves, real estate, or family matters. There is something going on in secret or behind the scenes today that involves legal matters, media, marketing, travel, or education that is either very inspiring and muse oriented or confusing and possibly deceptive so take care when agreeing to anything or in what you communicate yourself. Friday is the FULL MOON in Libra that is bringing a high point with a home matter, move, real estate deal, family member, roommate, or your sense of security. This is about a celebration, achievement or ending. READ your APRIL MONTHLY forecast here: http://zoemoonastrology.blogspot.com/2012/03/zoe-moon-astrology-april-monthly.html If you would like A PRIVATE READING looking at your personal information you can contact Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com
Monday is focusing on you, your image, needs and body with goo energy around legal, travel, media, or educational outlets. You may feel as though the boss is pushing you towards something big or that you must push a big career agenda further today, all good just don’t go too far over the top. There is a talk or news about sex, divorce or a big financial matter that will require some adjustments. Tuesday VENUS moves into Gemini! Leo you will be seeing love flower with a friend or a friend will introduce you to love, you will find love while participating in groups or for charities, see it take off online or while involved with astrology or internet projects, and your aspirations in love will reach a new level as you see a bigger picture and find that you are surrounded on all sides with potential to free yourself from some past issues and step independently into love in a unique way. You may buck traditional ideas of love during this period or find you are drawn to someone unlike any before. Today you enter this cycle that takes you through August 7th. Wednesday Mercury goes Direct and you are now ready to move ahead on sexual needs or issues, reproductive matters, the divorce, or any big financial matter such as a loan, bankruptcy, inheritance, insurance or tax matter, commission or royalty interest, alimony or child support, settlement, or partner’s financial condition. It’s now clear to sign documents, make your choices, purchase electronics or vehicles and have the talk. Today is amazing for you with income, work and career matters so aim high and go for what you want. Health and pet needs should also fare well. Thursday is going to bring positive talks or meetings with friends, groups, online, with astrology, or charities, especially favoring women. There is an aspect today that can bring amazing inspiration and the muse forward in matters pertaining to romance, artistry, hospitals, or spiritual interests and play out between the friend or group and the sexual interest, divorce or financial matter. However, this is dreamy, sometimes foggy and confusing or outright deceptive energy as well so take care in what you promise or are promised. Friday is the FULL MOON in Libra and a peak moment with a decision, talk, meeting, news, agreement, sibling, neighbor, short trip, local interest, vehicle, or move. Expect to be celebrating, achieving or ending things here. READ your APRIL MONTHLY forecast here: http://zoemoonastrology.blogspot.com/2012/03/zoe-moon-astrology-april-monthly.html If you would like A PRIVATE READING looking at your personal information you can contact Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com
Monday is about what you can do behind closed doors, in secret or through research and investigations, or on some artistic project, hidden romance or spiritual interest. Some of you will be dealing with hospitals or other institutions as well. You can align with the financial interest, attract sexually or deal with sexual issues, or tackle the divorce positively through these means but you do need to make some adjustment around talks or decisions involving partners, representatives or opponents. Tuesday VENUS moves into Gemini! Virgo love will become a major goal, or you and your current lover will set a goal to achieve together during this phase. You may meet your love interest while in pursuit of career objectives or fall for the boss or some other authority figure. You will find love is sparked around leadership, status or with someone older. You are going to be releasing any issues you have with father that are in some way affecting the love in your life or at the very least become more aware of these for the next chapter. You may fall for someone famous or whose reputation is well established or you may decide to set off on some career path that you share with your lover, all commencing today through August 7th. Wednesday Mercury goes Direct and you are now ready to make forward moves with the romantic or business partnership, the representation through agents, attorneys, specialists, advocates, or experts, or in dealings with competitors or opponents. You are in the all clear now to sign documents or purchase vehicles or electronics tied to these aims. There is great energy behind any love, creative or children’s needs you get involved with today as well as any legal, travel, educational, or media interests. Thursday is about positive energy around earning and career interests however there is an aspect involved that can bring great inspiration or genius as well as fog, confusion or deception and it will affect the career, boss, authority figure, or goal and the partnership, representation or opponent so focus and wait until you are certain before promising too much or taking things at face value. Friday is the FULL MOON in Libra bringing an income matter to a peak for you. This is about a high point in celebration, achievement or endings involving your income, a possession, acquisition, or something you value. READ your APRIL MONTHLY forecast here: http://zoemoonastrology.blogspot.com/2012/03/zoe-moon-astrology-april-monthly.html If you would like A PRIVATE READING looking at your personal information you can contact Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com
Monday is social for you and in positive alignment for any partners, representatives or other significant people that you are dealing with online, within group dynamics or in other social contexts. You may be pushing for some big financial interest with them today but you will need to make some adjustments in conversations or with agreements involving work, health or pets. Tuesday VENUS moves into Gemini! Libra love is going to come from world traveled, educated prospects or you will want to travel the world or explore with the one that arrives now. You may find love in the classroom or while teaching something yourself, it could arrive in the courtroom or while pursuing law in some other way, or it could arrive while involved in media, marketing, publishing, or publicity matters. There is great potential to walk down the aisle together or meet at a ceremony. This transit is about the next level of beliefs flowering due to your new understanding of love or the way this person helps shape new beliefs over the next 4 months. Wednesday Mercury goes Direct and you are now ready to moves ahead on work projects, the pursuit of work, with co-workers, employees, a service you provide, health matters, or animal needs. You have the all clear to sign documents, make decisions, purchase electronics or vehicles, that will aid you in these arenas. There is also great energy behind what you can pull off behind closed doors today that plays out against home, property, security, and a big financial matter, sexual attraction or divorce. Thursday brings good energy for you with a woman over travel, legal, media, or educational matters however there is an aspect that is on the one hand magical and inspiring but on the other can be confusing or deceptive. It plays out over work, health or pet matters so take that into consideration when figuring out the next legal, travel, educational, or media move. Don’t promise more than you can deliver and don’t take everything you hear at face value. Friday is the FULL MOON in your sign and a big peak for you personally. You can be achieving some big goal today, have your identity reach a peak, a physical need peak, an image or brand breakthrough, or see that you are either celebrating the goal or wrapping something up that is significant about yourself and ending it now. READ your APRIL MONTHLY forecast here: http://zoemoonastrology.blogspot.com/2012/03/zoe-moon-astrology-april-monthly.html If you would like A PRIVATE READING looking at your personal information you can contact Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com
Monday is focused on creative goals, career, reputation, fame, or ambitions with great energy behind you and your image and the work you do, any health or pet needs, and your services. You may be trying to do something big with a partner, representative or other significant person that is lucky if you watch about going too far over the top. You will need to make some adjustments in a talk or decision involving a creative project, lover or child today. Tuesday VENUS moves into Gemini! Scorpio love is arriving in the deepest part of your life and may arrive due to a divorce you are going through or play out while the love interest is divorcing. You could also find ways to deal with past divorce issues or ideas about divorce. It is going to open up an entire new layer of sexual experience for you that goes much deeper, is more intimate and allows for a sharing that is new and filled with learning and communications that please you. You may find love while doing something with a bank, investor, or other major financial matter or decide to go into something financial with the person you are falling in love with during this transit that begins today and takes you through August 7th. Wednesday Mercury goes Direct and you are ready to move ahead on a creative project, with a child or with a lover or in pursuit of love. You have had plenty of time to finesse or rework in these areas and now you are ready to make the decision, sign the documents, pitch the ideas, and have the talks and meetings. You are also in the all clear to purchase vehicles or electronics associated with these areas. Today is also great for social interaction and the powerful talks, ideas, decisions, and relationships that spring from them. Thursday is about what you are doing behind the scenes and the good things coming from a woman involving some big financial matter, divorce or sexual interest. There is an aspect today that can either bring magic and the muse to sexual, financial and divorce matters affecting love, kids or creative projects but it can also be confusing or deceptive so guard against promising too much or any promises that are made that seem too good to be true. Friday is the FULL MOON in Libra and a peak for you with what you have been developing behind the scenes, your time of retreat, any hospital or addictive matters, the film, music or other artistic interest, your spiritual pursuits, or a clandestine romance. This is about achieving goals, recognition, achievements, or endings here. READ your APRIL MONTHLY forecast here: http://zoemoonastrology.blogspot.com/2012/03/zoe-moon-astrology-april-monthly.html If you would like A PRIVATE READING looking at your personal information you can contact Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com
Monday brings good energy around travel, media, legal, and educational interests, especially where love or creative needs are concerned. You may be stretching yourself in some big way over work, health or pet interests, all good, just don’t go too far out on the limb. You will need to have a talk or make a decision involving home, moves, real estate, roommates, or family at some point today and deal with any finessing here. Tuesday VENUS moves into Gemini! Sagittarius love is about to godsmack you in the part of the chart associated with marriage. This is an incredible time for you to meet the love of your life and propose or walk down the aisle. It can mean that you decide to partner with your love interest in some business or that you fall for a business partner or it could mean that your business partner is responsible for introducing you to love. You may seek an attorney or other representative to deal with love’s interests during this phase or fall for your representative and this should introduce new balance and equity in relationship to love during this 4 month cycle. Wednesday Mercury goes Direct and you are now ready to move ahead on home matters, real estate deals, roommates, family needs, moves, or security needs. You have the green light to sign contracts, have the talks, make your decisions, or purchase electronics or vehicles associated with these themes. There is also great energy around career, goals, income and work expansion today, go for it. If you have a major ambition involving health or pets, this should be positive as well. Thursday is about social interests and a partner, representative or other significant person that should smooth out but there is one aspect in the mix today that can be either really inspiring and magical or confusing or deceptive and will play out at home, with real estate, roommates, family, or moves and that significant person. Watch for alcohol or substance abuses or any water damage or emotional issues and don’t promise more that you can deliver or take everything you hear as gospel today. Friday is the FULL MOON in Libra and brings a peak for you with a friend, group, the internet, astrology, or a charity. This is about a celebration, achievement or ending. READ your APRIL MONTHLY forecast here: http://zoemoonastrology.blogspot.com/2012/03/zoe-moon-astrology-april-monthly.html If you would like A PRIVATE READING looking at your personal information you can contact Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com
Monday is about sex, high finance or divorce interests and this should go well for you if home, real estate or moves are involved. There is something big you are going for in love, with creative ventures or kids today as well and this does have luck around it as long as you aren’t overextending yourself. You will need to have at least one talk or deal with one decision that stretches you here. Tuesday VENUS moves into Gemini! Capricorn love is about to blossom on the job or while in pursuit of work, with co-workers or employees or while out actively providing your services to others. You could fall for the gardener, hairdresser or anyone else that offers services to you as well. It is a time when health will bring love so jogging, hiking, time at the gym, at the organic market, or doctors’ office can open up the possibility or you may find that your current loves health is improving adding new spark to your life. Tending to animals will also be a place where love can arrive so look great while walking the dog or at the races. This phase moves you from today through August 7th. Mercury goes Direct on Wednesday and you are now ready to move ahead on agreements, some big decisions, any writing projects, what is occurring with brothers, sisters, neighbors, moves, vehicles, or electronics. The day is also great for legal, travel, media, or educational interests with positive alignment to your needs and any love, creative or children interests. Thursday is great for career and work however there is an aspect today that can bring imagination and magic to the talks or meetings involving work, health or pets but at the same time could be confusing or deceptive so keep it in mind when agreeing to things. Friday is the FULL MOON in Libra that brings a peak moment to career, goals, ambitions, fame, bosses, or with authority figures. This means you reach a high point, celebrate achievements, are recognized, or end something. READ your APRIL MONTHLY forecast here: http://zoemoonastrology.blogspot.com/2012/03/zoe-moon-astrology-april-monthly.html If you would like A PRIVATE READING looking at your personal information you can contact Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com
Monday is great for relationships with partners, representatives or dealings with competition if you show up in the meetings or talks, state your needs or put yourself more personally into the mix. You may be attempting something big at home, with a move, real estate interest, or family today and this looks good, just don’t bit off more than you can chew. You do need to have a talk or make a decision about some income matter that will require some adjustments with this important person. Tuesday VENUS moves into Gemini! Aquarius you are in for one of the most ultimate summers of your life in love as Venus is entering the house of true love for you. This is the kind of love you dream of, it is going to be fun, exciting, flirtatious, play out locally or through communications that go back and forth, and help you make it to the next level of the heart. You may see love blossom while at kid’s events or over the idea of children, it can come to you at recreational outlets or you will find much more time for recreational activities that lead towards better feelings in love, or it could arrive while you are doing some creative project or learning about creative abilities. The cycle begins today and takes you through August 7th so what are you waiting for!? Wednesday Mercury goes Direct and you are now ready to move ahead on the income matter or in some dealing with a possession or acquisition. You now have the green light to sign documents, have the talk or make the decision. There is also great energy around sex, divorce or shared financial interests today so look for ways to connect behind the scenes and expand in the home or through foundational interests. Thursday opens up some positive energy in love, with kids or a creative project through legal, media, travel, or educational avenues but there is a frictional aspect at play here so watch that you are being inspired about the income situation and not confused or deceived/deceptive, especially if a lover, child or creative prospect is what is driving you to make changes. Friday is the FULL MOON in Libra and you will see a legal matter, educational interest, media, marketing or publishing need, educational outlet, or ceremony reach a high point. This may be about achievements, celebrations or endings. READ your APRIL MONTHLY forecast here: http://zoemoonastrology.blogspot.com/2012/03/zoe-moon-astrology-april-monthly.html If you would like A PRIVATE READING looking at your personal information you can contact Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com
Monday is about work, health and pet needs for you with good energy around your ability to earn money or keep the money flow moving in positive directions. You may be making a very big decision today or reacting to big news, all good, just don’t go overboard. There is a need to make some personal or physical adjustments regarding your body or needs. Tuesday VENUS moves into Gemini! Pisces love is going to give you a better foundation in your life than what you have had, it is going to ground you, help you put down roots or feel as if you are part of a family. You will find that love blossoms at home or through a move you make to a different local during this phase. Love is also flowing around real estate ventures, renovations, remodels, home décor interests, or architecture. You may be introduced to love through a family member, mom may share something about love that leads you in the right direction, or a roommate may be key to what is about to happen. This cycle locks in today and takes you through August 7th. Wednesday Mercury goes Direct and you are now ready to moves ahead on a personal decision, make new choices with body or physical needs, new improvements with image or branding, or any ideas you have about who you are, your identity or ego needs. You have the green light to sign contracts or purchase/deal with electronics or vehicles that affect you personally. There is also great energy today for you through partners, agents, attorneys, experts, or specialists so have your talks or sign your agreements with them and look for ways to reach aspirations, connect socially, do things online, or work through groups. Thursday brings good energy at home, with real estate or moves and any financially shared interests, sexual attractions or divorce issues. There is a hard aspect in this that can either inspire and bring magic and the muse into the picture or add some confusion, addiction issues or outright deception so take care in dealings involving your needs and the home. Friday is the FULL MOON in Libra and a high point with a sexual attraction or issue, reproductive need, divorce, loan, debt, inheritance, bankruptcy, fine, settlement, tax, insurance matter, alimony or child support payment, commission, royalty, or any other outside financial interest. This is about celebrations, achievements or endings in these areas. READ your APRIL MONTHLY forecast here: http://zoemoonastrology.blogspot.com/2012/03/zoe-moon-astrology-april-monthly.html If you would like A PRIVATE READING looking at your personal information you can contact Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com
ZOE MOON ASTROLOGY COPYRIGHT 2011 ALL RIGHTS RESERVEDThursday nights at 5pm pacific/8pm eastern on CBS Radio: http://sky.radio.com/shows/the-zoe-moon-astrology-show
Listen to past shows on itunes: http://itunes.apple.com/ug/podcast/the-zoe-moon-astrology-show/id411444258
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ZOE MOON ASTROLOGY COPYRIGHT 2011 ALL RIGHTS RESERVEDThursday nights at 5pm pacific/8pm eastern on CBS Radio: http://sky.radio.com/shows/the-zoe-moon-astrology-show
Listen to past shows on itunes: http://itunes.apple.com/ug/podcast/the-zoe-moon-astrology-show/id411444258
Follow the page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/ZOE-MOON-ASTROLOGY/210004136062?ref=mf
Sign up for the Astro Site: http://www.zoemoon.ning.com/

ZOE MOON ASTROLOGY COPYRIGHT 2011 ALL RIGHTS RESERVEDThursday nights at 5pm pacific/8pm eastern on CBS Radio: http://sky.radio.com/shows/the-zoe-moon-astrology-show
Listen to past shows on itunes: http://itunes.apple.com/ug/podcast/the-zoe-moon-astrology-show/id411444258
Follow the page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/ZOE-MOON-ASTROLOGY/210004136062?ref=mf
Sign up for the Astro Site: http://www.zoemoon.ning.com/
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