Mercury will go Direct on April 4th. This Retrograde took us back through our personal needs, body image, identity issues, passions, and anger through Aries and dropped us then backtracking through our secrets, hidden agendas and issues, addictions, choices affecting isolation or retreat, artistic interests, spiritual needs, clandestine affairs, research, development, dealings with institutions, and investigations of Pisces. You should now have some clear sense of what you want, what is to be left behind and what you figured out should take you into fresh new territory now. You have an all clear with agreements, decision making, writing projects, and meetings as well as with electronics and transportation needs after today.
The annual Retrograde of Pluto begins on the 10th and will last until September 17/18th. Pluto is in the sign of Capricorn where he continues to help us deconstruct and rebuild in areas of business, ambition, career, status, leadership, authority, reputation, fame, and goals. The Retrograde period will ease some of this powerful transformative energy for a while and help us to all go within and catch up with the new sense of empowerment we have earned up to this point. This is a good time to look at how your ability to work within triangles to reach goals, how your sexuality plays into what you go after or achieve, how divorce has or will affect ambitions or status, and how all major financial matters are going for you. Take the Retrograde to assess this and when Pluto goes Direct again in the fall you will be in a stronger position to storm ahead through this life changing energy.
Mars is the other personal planet like Mercury that has been Retrograde and he finally goes Direct on the 13th very late in the evening EST so you will not truly feel his rejoining forward movement until the 14th onward. Mars has taken us back over work, health and pet issues or interests to let us rework things and address any anger or passions that worked their way into those situations. You now will see things begin to move ahead again on the work front, with co-workers, employees, services, health, pets, passion, action, and motivating efforts!
Last October 13th (2011) the Sun sat with Saturn by degree to begin a cycle round the zodiac and on the 15th of April he comes half way. This turning point or opposition is about coming face to face with a person over commitment, ambition, endings, leadership, and the needs of the relationship. It will point out where you are or need to be with a romantic, marriage or business partner, representative, competitor, or opponent. It falls within the degrees of May’s Venus Retrograde so you will be revisiting what goes on now next month. It’s a time to be serious about it all. It is also the last day that Mercury is in Pisces so thoughts may be a bit cloudy, romantic, depressed, weepy, isolated, or decisions may have strong Karmic overtones.
The Sun moves into Taurus on the 19th to kick off a 30 day cycle where our values will be in the spotlight and we will be pouring our physical energy or personal touches into making money and dealing with possessions. The NEW MOON in TAURUS follows close behind on the 21st and gives us our strongest 2 week window to seed new money making ventures, begin something that aligns more closely with our values and put new options into play regarding possessions or acquisitions.
The 25th may be a day of note as Mercury in the warrior/passion sign of Aries squares the intense lord of the underworld, Pluto. You may notice that some heavy decision is being pushed upon you or that news comes in that is intense or you may be entering talks or meetings that are powerful and all about big financial resources, sexual attractions or issues, reproduction, or divorce. Because Pluto is recently Retrograde and Mercury is recently Direct there is some part of this that you are working through internally and it may just play out like that as you come to some new decision that is a game changer.
April will take you into a new Love/Income cycle that is going to focus on your local neighborhood or exchanges that occur through short trips to nearby places. You will see more meetings, talks, writing, and agreements coming into play that open up potential for love or ways to make money as well and this all starts on the 3rd with Venus moving into Gemini. This is the sign of duality so there is a strong possibility that with each new idea, opportunity or meeting you get two chances or two distinct roads you could take. This is a beneficial time for women neighbors, sisters, and agreements you make with them.
Mercury goes Direct on the 4th and you are finally done rethinking and revisiting past ideas, decisions, and people or situations tied to film, music, art, spiritual interests, addictions, hospitals, retreats, research, investigations, clandestine affairs, and development. You can now move ahead with or without the past and begin to make new headway in these areas. If you’ve waited to sign contracts or purchase electronics, you are in the clear after today.
The FULL MOON in Libra occurs on the 6th in your opposite sign so there is some big peak with a romantic, marriage or business partner, agent, attorney, specialist, expert, advocate, competitor, or opponent. This is about reaching a goal, achievements, celebrations, or endings.
Pluto Retrogrades on the 10th in your career Midheaven so the big upheavals slow for a time and you get that inner energy or period of catching up to where you find yourself on the career front, with bosses, authority figures, reputation, ambition, and goals. Take a look at where you are in any triangles, power plays, financial matters with banks or other individuals, sexual attractions playing out here, or ways divorce is affecting status or performance. You can take a breath and find your footing now.
Mars goes Direct on the 13th and since this is your personal ruler you will definitely be breathing a sigh of relief. It has been a long haul dealing with past health issues, work matters, services, pets, and any co-workers or employees since January. If you have felt like all you have done is attend to reworking things or releasing them, this day marks the new starting to open up again and potential for fresh starts with new jobs, co-workers, organizational skills, health interests, and pets. If any passion or anger has been bottled up associated with these themes or people tied to them, expect it to come to the top now.
The 15th is your turning point with a partner, representative or opponent over any serious matters you have been working through since last October. Look at where you find yourself and ask those Saturn in Libra questions, “Do I need to commit more or do I need more commitment from them?” “Do I want to end it or is something finally ending that has felt burdensome or limiting?” “Do we need to structure something, face restrictions or cement it on more solid ground?” and “Are my needs being met, is this the identity I want with this person, is my body under duress or are my physical needs being met?”
Mercury enters your sign on the 16th which is another one of those powerful shifts for you. This is going to give you your voice back. If you have felt like people just weren’t hearing you or if you have had to train your thoughts or comments on some isolated, behind the scenes activities or process, this is about saying exactly what you think, asking for what you need and making some choices in the weeks ahead that are all about you. You could get news today or soon about something very important to you since the energy is now opening back up.
The Sun moves into Taurus on the 19th and lights up your income zone for the next 30 days. This means you will be much more physically active at making money or in pursuit of income opportunities and that you may be putting your image or brand into this or amping up your personal style to match what you do for a living. The NEW MOON in Taurus comes on the 21st so use the 2 weeks that follow as your strongest window to find new money making opportunities or deal with possessions or acquisitions.
You may have a conversation or get news on the 25th that is intense and deals with some big financial goal, an authority figure, boss, your career ambitions, a sexual or reproductive goal, or something pertaining to the divorce proceedings. This is due to motivate you in new directions and show you if there is any new way to approach third party involvement or make big changes to help put you personally on more solid ground. If you would like to take a closer look at how these new energies will affect you personally, contact Zoe for a private reading based on your unique astrological configurations 818-613-6067 or email
Your ruling energy is going to exit your sign in April and move into Gemini. This occurs on the 3rd and will open up some money making opportunities for you, especially with women or involving beauty, photography, art, artistry, and your ideas. Because this is a dual sign you may begin two different income producing opportunities at the same time or have two distinctly different ideas about how the situation should progress or over the amount of money earned/spent. This is a time to speak your heart and trust your inner voice in decisions you make about earning money and values.
Mercury goes Direct on the 4th and you are finally ready to have that talk, make the decision, sign the agreement, write the proposal or story, take the meeting, or share the idea with the friend or group, over the internet or astrology, about an aspiration or charity, or involving your independence or freedom. If you have felt like there has been a communication breakdown or things have been slow or backtracking in any of these areas, you will now see them start to move ahead again. You are in the all clear after today to sign contracts, purchase electronics or vehicles, and make new choices.
The FULL MOON in LIBRA occurs on the 6th and brings a big peak for you with a work project or job, a co-worker or employee, a service or organizational matter, a health issue or health regime, or with a pet or other animal interest. This is a time of culmination, celebration, achievement, or endings in these areas and at least one significant relationship is coloring what occurs here.
Pluto Retrogrades on the 10th and will continue to backtrack through September 17/18th. This is about the upheavals and changes that have been occurring in areas of legal matters, higher education, travel, with people at a distance or foreign interests, import/export, media, marketing, publishing, ceremonies, and beliefs. You will now have some time to catch up with the transformations that have occurred through these realms and get a bit of a breather before the next set of changes come along. Look at how your sexual attractions, ambitions, financially shared interests, divorce issues, and career track have been affected or are affecting the above areas and do any inner work you feel you need to towards self-empowerment during this phase.
Mars finally goes Direct on the 13th late in the evening after being Retrograde since January. This means you are done retracing past passions, anger or actions over true love, with lovers, over children, or involving creative projects. You are now ready to make a move, do something new or charge passionately into some new direction with a lover, child or creative venture. This brings way more dynamic energy into the scene and any slow-downs or reversals will now straighten out in proper form.
Take note of what occurs on the 15th with any relationships that play out over work, co-workers, employees, services, health, or pets. You started a serious one year Karmic effort with someone back in October 2011 and this is your turning point or opposition so you will want to get serious about commitments or endings and look at how your needs in some artistic, film, or music project, clandestine romance, research project, spiritual pursuit, addiction you are dealing with, hospital or other institutional interest, or developmental project are being handled. What serious step are you ready to take here?
Mercury moves into Aries on the 16th and you begin to have more talks or meetings behind closed doors or your thinking becomes more strategic, you focus your thoughts on research or development of a project, the artistic merits or spiritual value, any secret romance that is going on behind closed doors, or on some investigation or addiction in the weeks ahead. This is a time when your mind is more inspired and imaginative but it can also be a time when there is some foggy thinking or Karmic decisions that move you into territories beyond your norm so pay attention to what you say or agree to during this phase.
The Sun moves into Taurus on the 19th and casts his rays upon your needs over the next 30 days. This is a time when you will be pouring more physical energy and personal drive into what you want for yourself, into any new work-outs or image makeovers, taking care of your physical issues through doctors or other practitioners that can help, and doing anything that puts you out front with identity needs or branding. The NEW MOON in Taurus on the 21st brings your best 2 week period to launch new name, identity, brand, image, body, or ego needs.
The talks or news on the 25th will be intense and powerful and focus in on legal matters, travel, media, ceremonies, marketing, education, publishing, or beliefs. Something big is on the table here and involves outside parties, finances or sexual attractions. Your thoughts on the matter are going to be somewhat Karmic and may come at you out of nowhere (seemingly) because this has ties into past lifetimes and what you communicate or hear may be about something being brought forward from then or being balanced in some new way. Let this push you for a new level of personal empowerment as you look at what needs to come next. If you would like to take a closer look at how these new energies will affect you personally, contact Zoe for a private reading based on your unique astrological configurations 818-613-6067 or email
Here it comes Gemini, Venus is on her way to your sign on the 3rd and she is going to spend quite the extended stay here so you get it just right. What does this mean? Well, she is going to help you to attract love and income more easily, help you to smooth things out with others through the charm that will now be flowing through you at a higher level, and she is going to Retrograde in May in your sign so she is going to give you a do-over with anything you miss or mess up along the way so smile pretty, this is going to be sweet. This phase is great for getting your photos done, getting a makeover or new wardrobe or for doing nice things for yourself.
Mercury goes Direct on the 4th in your Midheaven and this is good news as well for you because you have had a slow-down or retracing your steps period over the last weeks in all communications, agreements, writing, decisions, ideas, and local activities tied to your career, boss, authority figures, your goals and ambitions, reputation, and fame. Now you are ready to make some new choices or write something up, sign it or make a move after having rethought what you wanted. After today you are in the all clear to purchase electronics or vehicles or sign documents again.
The FULL MOON in LIBRA is bringing a big peak for you with a lover, child or creative project. This is about a big culmination when you may achieve some goal in love or celebrate with your lover over something or you could be ending a love affair now. It can be about a child being recognized or celebrating their achievements or some project you have been working on for children finally wrapping up, or it can be about that big creative endeavor that you’ve been in the thick of that now wraps up or you achieve your goal with it and celebrate. Something serious with a significant person will color what occurs for you now.
Pluto Retrogrades on the 10th and will be in Retrograde through September 17/18th. This means that the big upheavals or changes that you’ve been going through sexually, reproductively, in divorce, or over some major financial matter will now slow a bit and you can catch up to where you find yourself. This is a time of inner processing and personal empowerment, look at how you are handling triangles or third party scenarios, power struggles, control, and change.
Mars finally goes Direct late on the 13th and you are now ready to start to move ahead on home related issues. You have been backtracking or dealing with slow-downs involving home, moves, real estate deals, roommates, family, and security needs since January and during this phase you were able to look at any past passions, anger or actions to see what could be reworked. Now you are ready to push ahead and make things happen.
Watch what occurs on the 15th between you and someone important because this marks the halfway point in the relationship over things that began last October. You have been working through a new level of mastery and testing in the area of true love, creative projects or children with them or through them. Today you will be looking at how your needs or ambitions in a friendship, group, online, with astrology, or charities is balanced. Ask if you want to commit more or want a commitment from them or if it’s time to end things. Do you need to set limits or take more responsibility or cement something on more solid foundations?
Mercury moves into Aries on the 16th and your thoughts go to all things social. This will be several weeks with more talks, meetings, writing, and agreements involving friends and groups, the internet, astrology, charities, and aspirations. You may hear news of something new going on, meet and make some new friends during this phase and more or less just find that you are receiving more invitations to social gatherings and sharing more ideas with close pals.
The Sun moves into Taurus on the 19th to start a 30 day cycle that illuminates your Karmic and hidden/mysterious part of your life. This will be where you will want to pour most of your physical energy and step up to take the lead on things. Look to areas involving film, music, art, spiritual interests, psychic abilities, magic, hidden agendas and strategies, research, investigations, clandestine romance, dealing with addictions, hospitals, prisons, or other institutions, retreating and recharging your batteries, and doing any development on projects. The TAURUS NEW MOON comes on the 21st and gives you your strongest 2 week window to launch new projects or start new connections in these areas so be proactive.
Watch the 25th as an important day for talks, decisions, news, or agreements. You will be dealing with a friend, group, the internet, astrology, or a charity in this and there is something intense involved here that is about a sexual attraction, divorce proceeding or some third party or outside financial interest. Whatever comes up is going to help you see what needs to change, how things are shared, if there is any way to empower yourself in the situation, and what choices you need to make next. If you would like to take a closer look at how these new energies will affect you personally, contact Zoe for a private reading based on your unique astrological configurations 818-613-6067 or email
Venus is about to enter the Karmic, secret and mysterious part of your life on Arpil 3rd and she is going to stay there for an extended period due to her impending Retrograde that will take place here in May. This is going to mean that you are going to have more love or potential to make money coming through film, music, the arts, spiritual or psychic abilities or pursuits, clandestine romances, Karmic connections, research, investigations and development, dealing with addictions, hospitals or other institutions, and through magical, imaginative communications. You may move into a period where you are keeping what you are doing quiet or hidden for some reason as you let it grow unseen by others. You will be revisiting or revising in May so head into it for the long haul.
Mercury goes Direct on the 4th and you are finally ready to make some decisions, sign contracts, write, meet, or talk about new ideas involving travel, foreign interests, import/export, media, publishing, marketing, higher education, ceremonies, or legal matters. It’s time to decide what from the past stays and what goes and you now have the greenlight to purchase electronics, vehicles or sign contracts after today.
The FULL MOON in LIBRA occurs on the 6th and brings a peak around home matters, moves, real estate deals, roommates, family, or security needs. This is about something you have been working on culminating, any achievements or recognition here, celebrations occurring, or wrapping things up and ending them in these areas. A serious relationship is coloring what occurs here.
Pluto Retrogrades from April 10th through September 17/18th. This means that any big upheavals or changes you have been going through with romantic, marriage or business partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, competitors, or opponents involving shared finances, sexual attractions or issues, reproduction, triangles, power struggles, control issues, or divorce will now ease and you get this time to catch up to where you find yourself. It’s a time of inner work and personal transformation so listen to your inner desires and look for ways to share yourself with others without giving yourself over to them completely.
Mars finally goes Direct on the 13th after taking you back over the past since January. This has been a time of looking at past passions, anger or actions playing out through short trips, local activities, writing, agreements, siblings, neighbors, vehicles, electronics, or decisions. You may have had to revisit the words you spoke or the choices you made and now you are ready to move ahead again. It’s up to you what you take with you from the past and what you leave behind.
Watch what comes up for you on the 15th with someone significant. This is a serious moment as it is the midpoint of a journey that began last October with someone over the home, a move, a real estate matter, family need, roommate situation, or security need. You need to look at your goals, reputation, ambitions, career, status, and leadership and ask if your needs are being met here, if you need to step up and go for what you want, if you should commit more, ask for commitment, or end something, or if you need to set more limits, take more responsibility, or cement something on more solid foundations.
Mercury moves into Aries on the 16th and your thoughts turn to career, the boss, authority figures, dad, your ambitions and goals, reputation, and fame. You will be thinking and talking about what you wish to achieve, and writing, signing contracts, meeting, and making decisions about these topics in the weeks ahead. You may get news now about some goal you set or an offer could cross your desk as those in positions to help you have been watching your progress and want you on their team.
The Sun moves into Taurus on the 19th and lights up your social arena in the 30 days ahead. This means you will likely be more physically active and personal invested in your friendships, group activities, internet projects, astrology, charities, and aspirations during this phase. It’s time to take the lead or be recognized here. The NEW MOON in TAURUS occurs on the 21st and is your strongest 2 week window to seed new ventures with friends or groups, online or with astrology or charities, and to make new friends or launch new goals here.
Take note of the 25th when a powerful conversation, offer, bit of news, decision, or agreement comes to bear involving career, goals, ambitions, reputation, the boss, authority figures, fame, or status. There is something intense here involving a partner, agent, attorney, specialist, competitor, or opponent. What comes up is meant to help you to see what needs to be done, what needs to change, how the third party situation or power struggle, financial interest or sexual attraction is coloring the big picture. Be sure to express your needs. If you would like to take a closer look at how these new energies will affect you personally, contact Zoe for a private reading based on your unique astrological configurations 818-613-6067 or email
April starts off with Venus moving into your social arena on the 3rd and kicking off a longer than normal cycle for you here over the weeks ahead. This is going to help you to attract the love you desire through friends and social networking, in group activities, online or working on internet projects, through astrology or charities, and it is also going to help you attract income through the same avenues. This is where you charm others, where things smooth out, where you can enjoy yourself more easily, so expect to bask in the attention and enjoy this transit. Venus will Retrograde through these areas in May so you will be revisiting what goes on now up ahead.
Mercury goes Direct on the 4th and you are now ready to make decisions, write, sign agreements, have talks or meetings, and share ideas involving loans, debt, inheritance, commissions, royalties, bankruptcy, alimony, child support, taxes, insurance, a partner’s money, as well as moving forward now on divorce issues, sexual attractions or issues, and reproductive needs. You have had plenty of time to rework or revisit the past in these areas so you should feel ready to move ahead now with whatever you would like to carry forward into new territory.
The FULL MOON in LIBRA On the 6th is bringing a peak moment with a sibling, neighbor, move, vehicle, electronic, short trip, local activity, writing project, agreement, decision, or talk. This is about a culmination as you celebrate, achieve, are recognized, or wrap something up and end it. A significant person is involved in this in some serious way.
Pluto Retrogrades on the 10th through September 17/18th so you are now going to see the big upheavals or changes slow down at work, with the pursuit of work, in organizational or clean up, with analytical efforts, the details, a service you provide, with co-workers, employees, health matters, and pets. You are now on a more inward journey to catch up with where you find yourself and to seek ways of empowering yourself at this level.
Mars finally goes Direct after being Retrograde since January of this year so you will now see money flow start to move ahead again and this has to be a good thing. You’ve had plenty of time to rework past income issues, to revisit past ways of earning or people involved in the past, to look at your spending and rework anything having to do with possessions or acquisitions. Now you should be ready to motivate on new opportunities and share your passions in earning money.
Pay attention to the person you are dealing with on the 15th as this marks a turning point in one significant relationship over things that kicked in last October. For you this is about a serious decision, proposal, offer, agreement, writing project, local activity, move, or short trip, or it has something to do with a sibling, neighbor, vehicle, or idea. As you face this you need to be serious about your needs, your responsibilities and take the lead here over anything you are being asked to do involving legal, ceremonial, travel, media, marketing, publishing, publicity, or educational matters. Do you want to commit more or do you want more commitment from them or do you wish to end something? Can you structure this, set limits or take on more responsibility or do you walk away?
Mercury moves into Aries on the 16th and focuses your thoughts on travel plans, foreign interests, people at a distance, import/export, education, ceremonies, law, media, publishing, and marketing in the weeks ahead. This is a dynamic time when you can get into talks or meetings, share your thoughts or ideas with passion, take on the world, fight the good fight, and motivate to achieve here.
The Sun moves into Taurus on the 19th and lights up your career Midheaven for the next 30 days. This is where you will be pouring most of your physical energy and personal touches, where you will step up and be seen, take the lead and show ambitions and skills. It is your time to shine on the career front, with bosses or other authority figures, through reputation and fame, and with any major life goals or ambitions. The TAURUS NEW MOON occurs on the 21st and offers you your strongest 2 week window to launch new business, career moves, get a new boss or become one yourself, and in any way seed in these areas for the future.
You may get news or have an intense talk, meeting or agreement on the table on the 25th that involves legal, travel, media, publishing, marketing, ceremonial, or educational matters. Whichever direction this takes it will point out just what needs to change or is changing at work, with work efforts, co-workers, employees, services, or with health or pets. Look at how you are sharing, dealing with third parties, the outside financial resources, sexual attractions or issues, and any divorce issues, power plays or obsessions in the mix. What do you need? If you would like to take a closer look at how these new energies will affect you personally, contact Zoe for a private reading based on your unique astrological configurations 818-613-6067 or email
April will open up with Venus moving into your career Midheaven on the 3rd where she plans to stay over an extended period of time ahead. This is an amazing transit for you that bodes well for attracting love or income through your higher profile, leadership abilities, what you are doing on the career front or with major goals or ambitions, through the boss or other authority figures or power people that can help you, and it may cast a positive light on your reputation and even fame. You can more or less charm your way into the position you desire and things should smooth out here for a while. Venus will Retrograde in May so you will be revisiting all of this then to rework things on some level so keep an open mind. Women should be more beneficial for you during this period.
Mercury goes Direct on the 4th and you are finally ready to make some decisions about a romantic, marriage or business partner, agent, attorney, specialist, expert, advocate, competitor, or opponent. You have had plenty of time to revisit past ideas or agreements here, to rework what you needed to rework, to reconnect with those from the past or release those that were not meant to move forward with you. Now you have the green light to sign agreements and move ahead on what you know.
The FULL MOON in LIBRA occurs on the 6th and brings an income matter to a peak for you. This is about a culmination regarding income, possessions, acquisitions, or something involving your value system and it is a time of celebration, achievement, recognition, or wrapping things up and ending them. A serious relationship will color this moment for you.
Pluto Retrogrades on the 10th and all the upheavals and changes that you have gone through in the area of true love, with children or in creative projects will finally slow down and you will get a breather from now through September 17/18th. This period is about catching up with where you find yourself, doing any inner transformational work, and looking at how triangles, power plays, obsessions, control issues, outside financial resources or interests, divorce, or sexual attractions or issues have colored this for you. How can you empower yourself through better understanding of all this?
Mars finally goes Direct late on the 13th in your sign after being Retrograde since January and this should feel like you are finally coming out again with your normal energy and motivation. This has been an important time for you to reconnect with yourself, to better understand what motivates you to act, how your desires and passions contribute to your identity, what you might want to do to align yourself with someone that better fits your emerging persona, and it should have helped you to work on yourself, your body, image, and personal needs during this transit and get back in touch with any past anger that could have been blocking you. Now you are ready to move forward again, refreshed and better aware of what you want to go after.
Pay attention to the person that is showing up on the 15th in your life attached to your income, spending or possessions. This is an important day as you come to the turning point with someone over finances in a cycle that began back in October last year. Look at how your sexual attractions or issues, divorce needs, triangles, obsessions, control issues, and any loans, debt, commissions, settlements, or other big outside financial resources are coloring where you stand now with them and your earnings. Do you want to commit more or want more from them or do you want to end something? Can you structure things, set limits or take on more responsibility or do you walk away?
Mercury moves into Aries on the 16th and thoughts turn to high finance, the debt you have or the loans and investments coming in, the backers or inheritance, the taxes or insurance, alimony or child support, the partner’s money, bankruptcy, commissions, royalties, or any sexual attractions, issues, reproductive needs, or divorce issues on the table. In the weeks ahead you will be more passionate and aggressive in these areas, more motivated to make things happen, more anger or irritable if you feel stressed, and willing to fight for what you believe in.
The Sun moves into Taurus on the 19th and lights up your ninth house for the next 30 days. This is going to put you in the spotlight in media, marketing, publishing, travel, foreign interests, higher education, legal matters, ceremonies, and adventure. You will likely be physically involved in these topics more now or personally invested in them as you take the lead, step up and allow your image or identity to be involved in these themes. The NEW MOON in TAURUS on the 21st is your strongest 2 week window to seed new ventures in these areas so focus on this time to buy your plane ticket or hop the plane, set up your import/export, sign up for classes, sign the contracts or get into court, walk down the aisle, or get into any media, marketing or publishing ventures.
There will be a powerful conversation or news coming in on the 25th regarding the loan, debt, investments coming in, the backers or inheritance, the taxes or insurance, alimony or child support, the partner’s money, bankruptcy, commissions, royalties, or any sexual attractions, issues, reproductive needs, or divorce issues. Whatever topic shows up for your attention today there will be some intense transformation or change attached that will play out through a creative venture, lover or love interest, recreational interest, or child. You can expect it to show you exactly what is evolving here and help you decide what you want to do next. If you would like to take a closer look at how these new energies will affect you personally, contact Zoe for a private reading based on your unique astrological configurations 818-613-6067 or email
Your ruling energy is going to move into Gemini on the 3rd of April where she will travel for an extended period of time due to her impending Retrograde here in May. This means you have the energy of attraction helping you bring love or income your way through travel, with foreign people or interests, through import/export, media, publishing, marketing, publicity, higher education, ceremonies, and legal matters in the weeks ahead. This is about charming your way in and bringing what you desire to you in easier ways and about smoothing things out in these areas. Women may help you greatly during this period in these interests as well.
Mercury goes Direct on the 4th and you are finally ready to move ahead in new ways at work, with services, co-workers, employees, organizational needs, detail oriented approaches, health needs, and pets or other animal interests. You have had plenty of slowed down, reworking or releasing going on here involving past decisions, agreements, writing, or ideas and now you should have a better idea about what you need to move ahead. You are in the all clear after today to sign agreements or purchase electronics or vehicles for work, health or pets.
The FULL MOON on the 6th is in your sign so something big is culminating for you at this point. This may be about a celebration or achievement that is very personal to you or has some tie to your physical condition, image or identity, or it can be about an ending as you wrap things up. A serious relationship is in some way coloring this moment for you.
Pluto Retrogrades from April 10th through September 17/18th so all the upheaval and change that you have been moving through tied to home, a move, a property matter, real estate deal, family, mom, roommates, or your sense of security will now slow and give you some breathing room. You can catch up to where you find yourself and look at how the control issues, power struggles, triangle involved, outside financial interest, sexuality, or divorce energy has colored this experience for you and ask yourself what you can do to work on yourself to transform and empower yourself in these areas.
Mars finally goes Direct late on the 13th after being Retrograde since January. This has been a long Retrograde that slowed things down and made you go back into the past to address passions, anger and actions tied to film, music, art, talent, spiritual interests, psychic abilities, magic, dreams, clandestine affairs, addictions, self-sabotaging tendencies, hidden enemies or agendas, strategies, research, investigations, hospitals, retreats, isolation, depression, and developmental stages on projects. It has been a Karmic Retrograde for Libra, one of dynamic clearing out of past life cobwebs and now you should have a better idea of the actions you wish to take moving forward in these areas, what goes with you and what you leave behind. More than that, things will again pick up in these areas for you.
Pay attention to who shows up on the 15th is a pivotal person in romantic or business partnership, as representative or represented, or in competition or as an opponent. This is a turning point in at least one serious relationship issue that began back in October of last year and you can now look at your own needs, any limits or restrictions you feel, the responsibilities or leadership involved, any ambitions or goals in the mix, and ask whether you want more commitment or an ending. Can you structure things differently or cement them permanently or are you ready to walk?
Mercury moves into Aries on the 16th and thoughts turn to these partners, agents, attorneys, experts, advocates, specialists, competitors, and opponents in the weeks ahead. You will find you are in more talks and meetings, sharing more ideas, writing, looking at contracts, taking more short trips or out in the local scene more, due to these people and there will be more passion and/or anger behind the words shared or decisions made as well as more motivation to make things happen.
The Sun moves into Taurus on the 19th where he will light up your financial interests, divorce issues and sexual attractions or issues over the next 30 days. It will be more likely that you are pouring yourself physically into these interests and getting personally involved in stepping up and leading the way here. The TAURUS NEW MOON on the 21st is your strongest 2 week window to launch new financial interests, go after the loan or investor, get the mortgage or settlement, put new things into action with the inheritance, bankruptcy, alimony, child support, commissions, royalties, taxes, insurance needs, or partner’s money. It is also about meeting some new sexual interest, doing something new about sexual or reproductive issues, and any divorce proceedings that need to be handled.
A powerful or intense conversation or bit of news is coming your way on the 25th regarding the finances, divorce or sexual interest and this is going to show you exactly what needs to change or is changing in the way of true love, creative projects or kids. Look at how things are being shared, any third party interests, power struggles, power players, control issues, shared financial interests, sexual or divorce matters, and what you wish to transform here. You should have a clear idea now what is evolving and where you should go from here. If you would like to take a closer look at how these new energies will affect you personally, contact Zoe for a private reading based on your unique astrological configurations 818-613-6067 or email
Venus is going to dance her way into your eighth house on April 3rd where she plans to stay for an extended period of time due to her impending Retrograde here in May. This means that you will have more ability to attract love and income through eighth house matters and things should smooth out here even though you will be revisiting the topics up in May. What does this mean for you? Things should ease up and smooth out concerning loans, debt, inheritance, bankruptcy, alimony, child support, insurance matters, taxes, commissions, royalties, settlements, divorce proceedings, and any sexual attractions or issues in the weeks ahead. Love may blossom through these interests or efforts and income should come your way. Women will be more beneficial in these areas as well during this time.
Mercury goes Direct on the 4th and you are now ready to make new decisions, sign agreements, take meetings, have talks, and write things up concerning creative projects, kids and true love. You have had plenty of slow-downs and revisiting of past people, ideas or situations so that you could reconnect or release here and now you should have a clearer idea about what you want moving forward. You have the green light to start new here after today.
The FULL MOON in LIBRA occurs on the 6th and brings a culmination around some Karmic experience or connection, a film, music or artistic effort, a hospital need or addiction, a clandestine affair or isolating experience, a research project, investigation or developmental stage of a project, or a spiritual, psychic or magical interest. This is about celebrations, achievements, recognition, or endings as you wrap things up and a at least one serious, significant person is going to color what occurs.
Pluto, your ruling energy, Retrogrades on the 10th and will stay in this motion through September 17/18th. This means that the major upheaval or changes that you have been experiencing on the learning curve, writing project, with agreements, talks, speaking roles, decisions, in the local arenas, through short trips, with vehicles, electronics, siblings, and neighbors, is going to slow down and you are going to get some breathing room here as you catch up to where you find yourself. You now have some inner work to do regarding how obsessions, power plays, triangles, control issues, shared financial aspects, divorce, or sexual attractions or issues have colored all of this and you should look at this period as one to self empower and transform based on what you discover.
Mars finally goes Direct on the 13th after being Retrograde since January. This has been a long period of revisiting and reworking or releasing past passions, anger and actions involving friends, social networking, aspirations, group affiliations, internet interests, astrology, and charities. You may not have had much forward motion in new areas here during this Retrograde because it was important to rework things already in motion. Now the dynamic energy is going to kick back in and you should see things start to take off again in new ways.
Pay attention to who shows up on the 15th in some serious way regarding Karmic connections, film, music, art, spiritual interests, addictions, hospitals, retreat, self-sabotage, magic, psychic abilities, clandestine affairs, depression, or dreams. You began some effort back in October of 2011 and today you reach the turning point with them so look closely at your needs or leadership, ambition or goals pertaining to work, health and pets. Do you want to commit more or do you want more commitment from them or do you want things to end? Can you structure things, set limits, cement them, or are you ready to walk away?
Mercury moves into Aries on the 16th and thoughts turn to work, jobs, details, organization, analytical thinking, services provided, health, and pets in the weeks ahead. You will be meeting and talking more about these topics, making decisions, writing, signing agreements, and getting out there locally or taking more short trips due to interests here. You may feel more passionate or angry and irritable in these areas as well and ready to fight the good fight so watch your choice of words, it can be a great time to motivate and engage others passionately as long as it doesn’t turn to warring words.
The Sun moves into Taurus on the 19th and lights up your relationship zone over the next 30 days. This is where you will be stepping up, taking on more physically or getting into the mix personally over your needs, ambitions, identity, image, and ego drives regarding partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, experts, advocates, competitors, or opponents. The TAURUS NEW MOON comes on the 21st and is your strongest 2 week window to seed new ventures with these people or start new partnerships, sign up new agents or attorneys, or take some new approach to the competition.
You can expect a very intense conversation, decision or bit of news on the 25th that will focus in on work, co-workers, employees, health, or pets and show you what needs to change or is changing in the agreement, writing, decision, talk, local arena, or tied to a brother, sister, neighbor, move, vehicle, or idea. Look at how you are sharing, any control issues or obsessions, third party situations, the big financial picture, divorce, and/or sexual attractions, issues or reproductive needs influencing all of this. You should have a much better understanding of what comes next after today. If you would like to take a closer look at how these new energies will affect you personally, contact Zoe for a private reading based on your unique astrological configurations 818-613-6067 or email
April begins with Venus moving into your relationship zone on the 3rd where she will tour for many weeks due to her impending Retrograde here mid-May. This means that you are going to see things smooth out with romantic, marriage and business partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, competitors, and opponents, that you should be able to attract love or income through them and that you will be able to charm them or be charmed by them over the course of this transit. Women should benefit you in representation or partnership during this phase and if you enter this period without a partner, representative or other significant person you desire it should help you find someone just right.
Mercury goes Direct on the 4th and you are finally ready to make a decision, sign an agreement, have the talk or meeting, or share the idea regarding home, a move, a real estate deal, property matter, family interest, roommate, renovation, or security need. You have had plenty of time to revisit or rework thinking here and go over past decisions, agreements, writing, and ideas and now you should know what you think and what comes next. You have a green light to sign documents, purchase electronics or vehicles again as well.
The FULL MOON in LIBRA brings a peak moment around an aspiration, friend, group affiliation, social networking event, internet project or interest, astrological or charitable interest, or independent venture or cause. This is about culminating moments here that arise in celebration, achievement, recognition, or wrapping things up and ending them. Some serious relationship will color this experience or emotional high point.
Pluto Retrogrades on the 10th and will stay this way through September 17/18th. This means that the upheaval and change you have been experiencing around your income, spending, acquisitions, or possessions is now going to ease and give you some breathing room during this period. You get to catch up to where you find yourself and should use this period for inner work, looking at how sharing, control, obsession, power, shared finances or debt, divorce, or sexual attractions, issues or reproductive needs have influenced your earnings. Do you need to transform or empower in some way?
Mars finally goes Direct on the 13th after being Retrograde since January which is great news for your career, big goals, reputation, fame, or dealings with bosses, dad or other authority figures. You have seen things slowed down here or a time of reworking past passions, anger issues or actions in these areas and now the dynamic energy is going to start moving you forward again. You should find you are again motivated to make things happen and those in power over you should be ready to push ahead as well.
Pay attention to the person you are dealing with on the 15th because you are at a turning point with someone important that began back in October last year and involves a friend, group, internet, astrology, or charity interest. You should look at your ambitions and leadership in areas of creative projects, love and with kids and ask whether you are interested in more commitment or ending something going on, if there is a way to structure ambitions, set limits, cement things, or wrap them up and move on.
Mercury moves into Aries on the 16th and thoughts turn to creative efforts and interests, recreational activities, true love, and children in the weeks ahead. You could meet someone new that fits one or more of these bills, make a decision, write, or sign an agreement pertaining to these topics or you could be in more talks or meetings about creative efforts, love and kids now. It’s a time to express passions, talk out anger and motivate through choices you can make that move you forward.
The Sun moves into Taurus on the 19th and shines alight on work, health and pets over the next 30 days. You will find that you are more personally involved at work, in the quest for a job, in auditions or interviews, with co-workers, employees, or offering your services, as well as in healthy new physical interests, dealing with doctors or trainers, diets or gyms, and anything involving animals now. The NEW MOON in TAURUS on the 21st gives you your strongest 2 week window to seed new ventures at work, with new jobs, co-workers, employees, health matters, and pets so be proactive.
There is likely to be a very intense or powerful talk or bit of news or decision coming your way on the 25th regarding a lover or love interest, child or creative project. Look at what needs to change or is changing involving income or possessions. Ask if you are sharing things here, if there is a power struggle, obsession, control issue, outside debt or other major financial matter affecting feelings, if divorce or sexual interests are coloring what is going on, and what you want to transform here. You should have a much better idea of where you are and what you want after today. If you would like to take a closer look at how these new energies will affect you personally, contact Zoe for a private reading based on your unique astrological configurations 818-613-6067 or email
April opens with Venus moving into the arena of work, health and pets on the 3rd where she will be working on attracting love and income, helping you to connect through values, learn and communicate in smoother ways from now through August 7th. This is an extended period since Venus is typically in a sign around 5 weeks, she stays longer due to her Retrograde here that begins mid-May. So, all that said, you know that you are going to have her beneficial energy at your side to help you on the job, in pursuit of work, with co-workers and employees, getting health together and with your animal interests so prepare to find ways to earn more or more easily and to attract love through healthy lifestyle, working out, in the gym, on the job, walking the dog, or caring for animals.
Mercury goes Direct on the 4th and you are now ready to make an important decision, write something or put writing projects forward, sign documents or negotiate contracts, see things begin to move ahead for brothers, sisters or neighbors, make a move, purchase a vehicle or electronic need, get more active locally or in short trips, and have the talks you’ve been thinking through.
The FULL MOON in LIBRA occurs on the 6th and brings a big goal or ambition to a peak or a career matter to a head, a boss or other authority figure may be celebrated or exiting the picture, or you could have fame find you or your reputation peak in some way. This is a time of achievements and recognition so you could be awarded some acknowledgement by your colleagues or superiors, or you could be ending one career or career project as you wrap things up. At least one serious relationship will color this moment for you.
Pluto Retrogrades on the 10th and will remain in Retrograde through September 17/18th. This occurs in your sign so the personal and physical upheaval and changes that you have been going through or dealing with will slow now and you will have this period to catch up to where you find yourself. It’s a period of inner working on a transformational level so you may need to get your head around your new look or physical condition or be fine tuning your brand, identity or image during this period. Look at how your sexuality, divorce issues or any shared financial matters are coloring all of this for you and be willing to work on self-empowerment and deeper understandings during this phase.
Mars finally goes Direct on the 13th just before Midnight so as of the 14th you have forward motion starting to pick back up after months of slow-downs and revisiting/reworking of any legal matters, higher educational interests, marketing, media, publishing, or publicity needs, travel plans, import/export, dealings with people at a distance, and reflection on beliefs. You should be ready to dive in, motivate and express passion for these areas again and meet with new adventures moving forward.
Note who you are dealing with on the 15th as this marks an important turning point with someone you are relating to on the career front or with some big goal. This is about something serious that began to come together as a goal back in October 2011 and now you see exactly where you are with them. Your needs at home, with family, mom, roommates, or in some property or real estate interest will be part of the mix here and you should be asking yourself how you would like to progress with this person, do you commit to something or wrap it up and end it? Do you need more structure or to set limits or are you ready to cement things long term?
Mercury moves into Aries on the 16th and thoughts turn to home, moves, mom, roommates, family, security, real estate, and anything else affecting your foundations in the weeks ahead. This is an active time when you will think, talk, meet, write, and deal with contracts more aggressively, shine your passion, fight the good fight, and motivate on ideas you have. If you’ve been mulling something over about a direction to take, now you will want to act on it or at least let those involved know your intentions.
The Sun moves into Taurus on the 19th and lights up your house of true love, children and creative endeavors for the next 30 days. This is a period when you will feel like getting physically into the mix or personally involved with lovers or the pursuit of love, with anything involving your children or kids project, expressing your creative talents, and diving into recreational activities to have some fun. The TAURUS NEW MOON on the 21st offers you your strongest 2 week window for new ventures in these areas of the year so take steps to introduce yourself to any places or people that can add to these parts of your life and if you wish to begin something new, do it now.
You can expect some powerful or intense conversation or news to arrive on the 25th that involves home, real estate, mom, family, roommates, or moves. You may be making a decision now, hearing about something you need to respond to, signing documents, writing something up, or meeting about any of this but it is big. In some way you are going to be personally or physically affected by all of it and your needs, identity, image, or brand will be involved at some level. Think about how you wish to transform a situation, empower yourself, make any changes that you can, or deal with the big financial, sexual or divorce issue that is coloring it all. You should have a more clear idea about what is coming after this day. If you would like to take a closer look at how these new energies will affect you personally, contact Zoe for a private reading based on your unique astrological configurations 818-613-6067 or email
Get ready for April to really rock your socks in the area of true love or with creative projects and kids Aquarius! Venus moves into these arenas on the 3rd and instead of spending the usual 5 weeks touring here she is setting up camp until August 7th. You have every reason to believe that if you are without a love interest now, that will a little effort putting yourself out there you will find someone very attractive to you and that if you would like to add to a current love affair or smooth things out with a lover that this will help you to do so. You should be able to attract love or money through your creative efforts as well and see things go well for your children.
Mercury goes Direct on the 4th and you are finally ready to make a decision, sign documents, write, take the meeting, share the idea, or have the talk/hear the news about income. If things have been slowed down, this forward movement will help you to start earning again and if you have been trying to decide about what to do with a possessions or acquisition you should have a better idea now about what direction you wish to take. You are in the all clear after today to sign documents, purchase vehicles or electronics and start fresh.
Pluto Retrogrades on the 10th and will remain in this motion until September 17/18th. This means that all the upheaval and change you have been going through with Karmic relationships, research, investigations, hospitals, addictions, secret affairs, film, music or other artistic interests, spiritual pursuits, psychic or magical interests, or development of some project will now slow or ease for you. This period is about you catching up to where you find yourself and about any inner work you want to do in these areas to heal, regenerate, and go deeper. Look at self-empowerment here and how your sexual attractions, divorce or shared financial interests are coloring the choices that have been made in these areas up until now so that you have a better understanding of what you are doing. This house is notoriously unconscious so the moves made tend to go on past life draws or deeper needs, the more you tend to understanding it now the better in the fall when you begin to move ahead again.
Mars finally goes Direct on the 13th and after months of backtracking, slow-downs and revisiting or reworking the matters tied to divorce, loans, debt, inheritance, bankruptcy, alimony, child support, insurance, taxes, settlements, or sexual interests or issues, you are now ready to see things begin to move ahead. It has been a time of looking at any passions or anger that got you here and deciding which actions you wish to leave in the past and what actions you are now ready to take. Here you go.
Take note of the person that you are dealing with on the 15th as you are at a turning point with someone serious over something that started back in October 2011. This is about a legal matter, ceremony, travel plan, foreign interest, import/export need, media, marketing, publishing, or publicity matter, higher education, or a belief. Your needs locally or involving your ideas, writing, contracts/agreements, or a big decision are part of this and you should be looking at whether or not to commit to something/someone or whether you are ready to end things. Can you structure it, cement it, set limits, or walk away?
Mercury moves into Aries on the 16th and thoughts turn to the local scene or more short trips you are going to engage in, to brothers, sisters, neighbors, vehicles, purchasing or working on electronics, the talks and meetings you are interested in having, writing projects, and agreements in the weeks ahead. This is a dynamic energy that will sharpen your mind and help you to bring your passion to your words and help you to fight the good fight if need be.
The Sun moves into Taurus on the 19th and lights up this part of your chart for the next 30 days. This puts you in the spotlight at home, with a move, real estate deal, roommate, family, or mom during this period and will help you to step up, get physically more involved or personally interested in what is going on. The TAURUS NEW MOON on the 21st is your strongest 2 week window to launch new projects at home, buy or sell real estate, start that move or any new family or roommate interest, and make a fresh start around your foundations in life.
There will be a powerful or intense decision, talk, meeting, or news that comes about on the 25th and this may take you by surprise or expose a secret, it could be about a brother or sister or neighbor, your vehicle, or it could have to do with a hospital, addiction, hidden affair, film, music or art project, research project, investigation, psychic or magical interest, or spiritual matter. It is most likely a Karmic eye-opener for you or someone else as your mind wraps around exactly what it is you want to do next, how any shared sexual, divorce or financial interest is coloring these areas for you and if you wish to go deeper or transform the situation completely. If you would like to take a closer look at how these new energies will affect you personally, contact Zoe for a private reading based on your unique astrological configurations 818-613-6067 or email
Venus moves into your home arena on the 3rd of April where she is going to take up shop through August 7th. This is an extended stay since she usually breezes through in about 5 weeks so you know that the home, real estate, roommates, family, and any moves will be where you have her beneficial influence. She is going to help you to attract love here, earn money more easily, and to smooth things out that have been askew. A woman may enter the picture through one or more of these areas that is very good for you as well. If you are looking for love, ask family members for introductions or invite the date for a home cooked meal.
Mercury goes Direct on the 4th and you are finally ready to move forward on something personal to you. This Retrograde has affected you personally or physically so you may have been rethinking your image, body needs, identity, or some other close issue and now you should have a better idea about what you need. If you have felt like it was slow going or if you have been waiting to hear news about something you went to deal with then you should be happy about things starting to come through now.
The FULL MOON in LIBRA arrives on the 6th and brings a peak moment to a sexual attraction or issue, a reproductive need, a divorce, or some matter involving loans, debt, mortgages, inheritance, insurance, taxes, settlements, bankruptcy, alimony, child support, commissions, royalties, a partner’s money, or any other outside financial situation. This is about a culmination of energy as you achieve the goal, celebrate, are recognized in one or more of these areas, or end something. A serious relationship with a partner, representative or opponent will color this moment for you.
Pluto goes Retrograde on the 10th and will be in this motion through September 17/18th. This means that all the upheaval and change you have been dealing with involving a friend, group affiliation, the internet, astrology, a charity, or your aspirations will slow down or ease up during this period. It is your time to catch up to where you find yourself and to do the inner work necessary to reclaim your personal empowerment or to transform some part of the situation within you. Look at how sex, death, divorce, or some big financial matter has colored this for you and work on sharing and going deeper into your understanding of the underpinnings that brought you here.
Mars finally goes Direct on the 13th after months of slow-downs or backtracking over past passion, anger or actions involving partners, agents, attorneys, specialists, advocates, experts, competitors, or opponents. You should have had time to revisit or rework things, and either reconnect with past people or release them and any anger associated with actions past. Now you will see things start to move ahead again, you should be ready to motivate and reach out to the ones you need at this point.
Pay attention to who you are dealing with on the 15th as you are at the midpoint of something that began back in October 2011 and it involves something serious with big financial matters, a divorce, a death, a reproductive matter, or a sexual attraction or issue. In this your needs to make money, feel valued and deal with possessions or acquisitions has been on the line and now you need to decide if you want to commit more or need more commitment from them or if you are ready to end something. Can you structure things differently, set limits, cement things long term, or do you need to walk away?
Mercury moves into Aries on the 16th and thoughts turn to making money, possessions, and values in the weeks ahead. This is a good time to write a proposal, pitch a money making idea, sign contracts to earn money or settle some possession, or to meet with others, audition, interview, or talk things out. You should have more passion behind your words and the ability to fight for what’s right if it involves your money, values or things at this point.
The Sun moves into Taurus on the 19th and lights up this part of your chart for the next 30 days. This puts you in the spotlight as the communicator and helps you to step up as a speaker, in talks, meetings, for writing projects or negotiations, pitches, over agreements, as well as putting you out there in a more physical way in your local environment, short trips, with siblings, neighbors, or over vehicles and transportation needs. The TAURUS NEW MOON on the 21st is your strongest 2 week period of the year to initiate new launches in these areas so motivate now to start fresh.
Powerful or intense news or decisions come on the 25th regarding your income, possessions or values. You may be in talks, hear news, have a meeting, sign or deal with documents, audition, interview, or in some other way communicate over the money or values now but there is something heavy here involving a friend, group, the internet, astrology, a charity, or your aspirations. Look at how some shared financial matter, divorce, death, or sexual interest has colored what is going on right now and if the sharing involved needs to be addressed. Ask yourself what you can change or transform and how you can self-empower in this situation. You should have a much clearer idea about what is needed after this communication occurs. If you would like to take a closer look at how these new energies will affect you personally, contact Zoe for a private reading based on your unique astrological configurations 818-613-6067 or email
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ZOE MOON ASTROLOGY COPYRIGHT 2011 ALL RIGHTS RESERVEDThursday nights at 5pm pacific/8pm eastern on CBS Radio:
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ZOE MOON ASTROLOGY COPYRIGHT 2011 ALL RIGHTS RESERVEDThursday nights at 5pm pacific/8pm eastern on CBS Radio:
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