So much of the theme in this last month has been about allowing us the opportunity to revisit the past in our lives and to rework the details, get the services set up in functionally supportive ways, to revisit any issues or needs with co-workers, employees or around our organizational skills. It has allowed us to go back and take care of any health needs that were still hanging around as well as to get real about what we needed to do so our environmental and animal concerns were working properly. That trend continues throughout March as Mars continues to Retrograde in critical, analytical Virgo and we reconnect, rework or release with people and situations here. Personal planets are felt personally and even if you feel as though these areas may be taking longer or playing out in a slower way, it is a gift from the universe that is closing out on April 13th so take advantage of the time to get it right.
Venus exits Aries and takes up residence in Taurus on the 5th, a placement she is far more comfortable traveling through and here she will turn our desires for love and money in a more earthy, sensual direction. This is going to be about enjoying the good things in life when it comes to love, needing to see a show of affection through fine wine, good food, trinkets and gifts, lusty lolling about with one another, and slow and steady sensuality. Money will be spent on solid, simple things or items of beauty and luxury. If you have been struggling to attract a way to earn money this transit can help you get the ball rolling.
Hands down the luckiest and most rewarding days of this month ahead are falling on the 13th and 14th when a series of configurations are going to align with Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Pluto in harmonious accord. This is going to bring a very powerful inflow of luck and expansion for you in areas of love or money and tied to past efforts or interests so if you would like to hit the mark, take note of these days and how it plays out for your sign in the detailed forecast below.
The Spring Equinox arrives on the 20th as the Sun moves into Aries where he will tour for the next 30 days. This puts a spotlight on personal and physical needs, goals, and actions, bringing more activity here and more leverage to go after what you will. The NEW MOON on the 22nd is also in ARIES and kicks off your 2 week window to seed new ventures or start fresh. This New Moon is going to conspire with Retrograde Mercury and Uranus so an idea, agreement, writing project, or decision from the past is part of the mix as will be something exciting, revolutionary, unique, independent, or changing going forward.
Mercury was the first one in this month and he is the last one out as he moves into Pisces on his Retrograde pathway back into the past on the 23rd. From now through April 4th your thoughts will turn to past films, music, art, romance, spiritual interests, hospitals, addictions, research, investigations, or development. This is a time to go within and the area this plays out in your chart will be where this past inspiration or artistic talent can be reworked or revisited.
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Your ruler continues to be Retrograde throughout the month of March so it is important for you to backtrack a bit and reclaim something on the work front, with a past work opportunity or some act you wish you would have made towards a work idea, co-worker or employee so that you can retweak it or release it. You also have this month to revisit past health needs or rework anything on behalf of your pets or other animal interests. Any projects or goals in these areas that seem to be slowed down are directly related to the need to analyze the details, organize, take action that you let slide here in the past or revisit those past people or situations to get it right.
Mercury enters your sign on the 2nd so right off the bat you have the communications energy helping you to ask for what you need, write up your plan, get agreements on the table, or ideas in motion. Let this placement help you to think about how you are treating your body, make any decisions about image, identity or personal needs and then express yourself about this with others or make the decision now to move on it.
Mercury will Retrograde on the 12th so even as we enter the month the shadow of the Retrograde may be felt by you and at this point when he Retrogrades decisions may turn around, you may change your mind or head off in a different direction, or something that was promised you may shift a bit for the duration of this cycle. You have from now through April 4th to rethink your position or needs, to look at how you were communicating or at any past agreements you made and decide if you should reevaluate these. Look at how you are presenting yourself, anything that needs to be written or met about regarding your brand, image or identity, and recommit yourself to past physical ideals if they would make you feel better, release current ones that are holding you back.
Venus moves into your income zone on the 5th where she is going to do so much more for you than she has been able to while she was in Aries. Here she is going to smooth things out around income, help you attract money in an easier fashion or make earning a living more glamorous for this period. She will bring women around you who benefit your bottom line financially and you may see a love connection happen while you are in the throes of earning money. This transit can spark a desire to spend on luxury items or objects of affection. It’s a good time to spend on photographs or make-overs.
The FULL MOON on the 8th is bringing a peak for you at work, over the search for work, with co-workers, employees, services, health matters, pets, or routine. This will be a time of achievements, celebrations or endings in these matters so you may get an award at work, finish the big project you were working on, finally find the job, or leave one, see a co-worker or employee exit or celebrate something for them, you could see a nagging health issue finally resolve or the diet could wind down, or the pet adoption could come through or an illness could run it’s course. Since your ruler is Retrograde in these arenas you may feel that the past is peaking here as well for you on some level as you wrap things up and hit any high notes.
There are a couple spectacular days this month falling on the 13-14th so take note of these on your calendar. The lucky planets Venus and Jupiter will be triggered both days in your house of earning money and Pluto will be triggered in the area of career, bosses, fame, reputation, and achievements. Retrograde Mars will join in the activities through work, efforts, organization, co-workers, employees, health, or pets and some past actions/people/situations, all wrapping up in a very pretty picture for you to achieve goals, make money, and produce in beneficial ways. If you are working these days will be high points on the job and if you are looking for work these days will help you land something or put you closer. If you are erring on the side of health or pets over work then these days can help you to achieve a goal and earn or spend in positive ways here.
The Spring Equinox is on the 20th and is the day that the Sun moves into Aries. This is a great energy boost for you as the Sun’s rays are now on what you do, your image, body, identity, and personal needs over the next 30 days. You are going to feel more alive and motivated to step up and take the lead on something close to you. Your goals are paramount at this time. The NEW MOON on the 22nd is in the same place and will give you the starter fuel to launch in new arenas over the next 2 weeks. This is an excellent time to begin a diet or work-out regime, to brand your company, put your image out there, meet new people, pitch yourself to others, get a make-over, new wardrobe or haircut, and to start fresh. This is the prime moment to create your vision board for the year ahead. Think about all you have experienced, learned and achieved since this time last year and then think about what you would like to create and express in the year ahead. Cut out your pictures and words from magazines and papers that tell the story of you in the following year and paste it together in some creative way. Hang this where you can see it so the visualization techniques it sparks can help you to manifest your best life in the year ahead! Both Retrograde Mercury and Uranus sit with this New Moon so some idea about yourself from the past is in the mix as well as some radical new approach or interest, shake things up!
Mercury backs into Pisces on the 23rd to take the rest of his Retrograde cycle through past film, music, art, spiritual interests, artistic or spiritual places or people, hospitals, addictions, research or investigations, clandestine affairs, and developmental projects from now through April 4th. If you had an idea that should be picked back up, reworked or released, if you wrote something that could be finished now in these areas, if you want to meet with someone or deal with agreements here, now is your time. It is a good cycle for going within, meditating, heading back to yoga, nature, a museum, theater, music or film studio, or to connect with people from the past that exposed you to these energies to see if there is something you should look at again. It is also a good time to align with the muse and download some interesting ideas from the other side. Is it time to have your personal chart reading with Zoe? To look more deeply into how this is all influencing you and your year ahead schedule now by calling 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com
Your ruling energy spends the first few days still trying to be felt and loved in Aries where she has felt more angry or aggressive than is comfortable. You may have felt as though you were in hiding when it came to love or that you were all wrapped up in some hidden agenda or secret affection. It’s possible you had a mountain of research or digging to do involving a loved one or that there was a hospital or addiction taking time up or an artistic pursuit was pulling your love or income needs to the max but come the 5th of this month this is all going to change. In the meantime, if you are still dealing with these themes take note that the 4th will be the day you come face to face with someone over the next round. At this point it will be important to set serious limits, end something or commit long term and the paperwork, work, health, or services will play a part in this story.
Once Venus moves into her sign on the 5th you will begin to feel just how much is changing as you become the charmed one of the zodiac for the next few weeks. This is a great time for you to shine the love light upon yourself, to pamper yourself, get the facial, make-over, new hair style, wardrobe, or photographs done. You can charm others more effectively and can attract love or money to you more easily than at other times. You may wish to spend on your brand or identity changes, or put some money behind getting into shape or taking care of other health issues. Overall it gives you a bit of flair and smooth sailing that should be noticeable in the way others are reacting to you again.
Mercury moved into Aries on the 2nd so your thinking this month is going to be focused in on that artistic project, the film, music, art, dance, poetry, sculpture, acting, directing, or development of a project. It will be on going within, meditating, doing yoga, taking a retreat, resting, recharging your energy, and trusting your intuition. It will be on anything you need to write or agree upon involving institutions, addictions, the arts, or investigations, and it will help you to think out strategies, talk out or make decisions about hidden desires or clandestine affairs, and meet in private on issues of importance.
Mercury will Retrograde on the 12th so you will be going back into the past over these themes in the weeks ahead. This is when forward new projections will slow down, communications could go awry or you could have some need to revisit past people or situations to rework, reconnect or release things. Again the focus is on artistic, spiritual, romantic, investigative, or research oriented needs, or with hospitals, prisons, retreats, addictions, and Karmic connections. Did you start an idea or writing project in one of these areas but left it incomplete? Was there an agreement from the past that you would like to rework or an idea you could repitch? Can you meet with someone from the past tied to these areas to see if you can pick something back up? Is it time for renegotiations? Have you changed your mind about what you want? If you do have any malfunctions with equipment or breakdowns with vehicles it will play out tied to these themes so take care when on the road or purchasing gadgets for these arenas.
The FULL MOON on the 8th brings a peak around a lover, love interest, child, or creative project. This is a high point of celebrations or achievements or it marks an ending as things are wrapped up. You may end a love relationship now or something you and your lover were doing wraps up, you may stop looking for love because you realize you aren’t ready or you already are love, or you could celebrate the love of your life finally being with you or some new idea that will bring you love. Your child may be the cause of your celebrations as he or she achieves some goal or is recognized for merit, you may see them wrap up some effort they have been working on, they may move out to head off to school, or you may give birth or decide you are done having children. Creative projects could finally get the greenlight or have their last bow on stage, the wrap party could be a major celebration or you could end a creative dry spell. Because this is the arena of the Mars Retrograde actions, passions and/or angers from the past will intertwine with these peaks and endings.
There are a couple of stellar days this month that you should take note of when your ruler, Venus, and Mars, Jupiter, and Pluto are all going to play together in wonderful alignments. This occurs on the 13th and 14th and will be a huge open door for you personally and physically to do something big. This is going to involve one or many of these themes: travel, import/export, foreign people or interests, legal matters, higher education (either taking or teaching a class), media, publishing, marketing, publicity, recreational interests, children, love, and creative pursuits and talents. Think about what you would like to do on these days in these areas and do them. The Mars energy is Retrograde so the past love, child or creative energy is part of the mix in this great time so see if you can rework, reconnect or release something here as part of the opportunity.
The Sun moves into Aries marking the Spring Equinox on the 20th and lights up the behind the scenes energy field for you over the next 30 days. The NEW MOON on the 22nd is in the same area and gives you 2 strong weeks to seed new ventures or start fresh in the same arenas. For you this is again the area of film, music, art, spiritual interests, romance, dealing with addictions, hospitals, prisons, retreats, investigations, research, and development. Both the Retrograde Mercury and Uranus will accompany this New Moon so there is some meeting, news, idea, decision, or agreement from the past tied into this new start as well as some big, exciting change or independent new road forward. Launch now to set the next year up in proper alignment. This is the prime moment to create your vision board for the year ahead. Think about all you have experienced, learned and achieved since this time last year and then think about what you would like to create and express in the year ahead. Cut out your pictures and words from magazines and papers that tell the story of you in the following year and paste it together in some creative way. Hang this where you can see it so the visualization techniques it sparks can help you to manifest your best life in the year ahead!
The last shift of energy this month occurs on the 23rd as Mercury backs into Pisces on his Retrograde journey and from now through April 4th focuses your thoughts and ideas on past social interests. This means that now you will revisit past friends, groups, internet interests or issues, astrology needs, charitable connections, aspirations, and social functions or networking to see if there is something you need to rework that was written or agreed upon, if you can repitch an idea, negotiate something, meet or talk things out, and make decisions to pick things back up or release them. People or situations from the past will pop back round now through these themes. Is it time to have your personal chart reading with Zoe? To look more deeply into how this is all influencing you and your year ahead schedule now by calling 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com
Your ruling energy, Mercury, is beginning to feel the impending Retrograde that arrives on the 12th this month. This means you enter the month with much of your thinking and interactions pivoting around friends, social invitations, group activities, internet interests and projects, astrology, charities, and your aspirations on the 2nd as Mercury moves into Aries but that as you get closer to this date you will see things slowing down or communications beginning to feel a bit out of whack here. It’s important that you are following through with everyone on a conscious level and keeping up with what is going on in these areas, be specific about your ideas and what you are writing, and follow up on talks and meetings to make certain that you were understood or that you understood what they needed.
On the 12th Mercury begins his Retrograde that will take you back into the past from now through April 4th and during this period you may want to pick up some past idea or writing project with a friend or over the internet, for a charity or astrology. You may be revisiting past friends or groups, reworking projects or releasing issues during this period as well. Offers that come back around through these people or situations are good to revisit or rework, just hold off on signing agreements on new social interests or with new friends or groups until after April 4th if you can wait. If you have technical breakdowns or vehicle malfunctions it will likely circle around these areas.
Venus is active in the first week of March as well when she pushes you to get real with someone on the 4th over social, astrology, charity, or internet interests, or your aspirations tied to love or making money. You will want to look at the creative side of the equation. There may also be some serious issue on the table involving love or children and some social/internet/charity interest. This day is about committing or ending something so that you can cement a way forward with or without the person and the love or income need.
On the 5th Venus moves into Taurus where she is going to be SO much more at home. In the weeks ahead this placement is going to help you to attract what you need behind the scenes, to embrace love with hidden desires or clandestine affairs, to pursue love or make money through film, music, art, spiritual interests, hospitals, helping those with addictions, research projects, investigations, or in development of some project. You can charm in these arenas and things should smooth out and flow more easily. The only pitfall here is that you may feel like spending to the point that is detrimental for you so take care about lavish tastes.
The FULL MOON on the 8th is bringing a peak to a home matter, move, real estate deal, living situation, family matter, interest involving mom, a roommate, or security need. This will mark an ending or a celebration or achievement. You may finally buy or sell the property, finish the renovation, wrap up the move, see a roommate move out or celebrate their achievement, have a big moment with your family or mom or see them finish some project or issue they have been dealing with, or a home business could hit a high point or turning point. Since the Mars Retrograde is active in this area some action, passion or anger issue tied to this may intertwine with the highs or endings.
There are two really amazing days arriving this month on the 13th and 14th so you should definitely take note of these on your calendar. This is a time when Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Pluto will all align across the Heavens forming a grand trine that occurs in to heighten talents and skills and bring about a very lucky, positive flow for you at an old home or place you used to live, with past people or situations involving home, real estate, moves, roommates, or family, and with big things opening up through what you do here in film, music, art, with spiritual interests, institutions, research, or development, that also brings you something powerful in a major financial arena, with a sexual attraction or over divorce interests. If you need to make something happen that promotes happiness or prosperity, brings love or money, gets it done and moves you forward, put it in play on these days.
The Sun enters Aries on the 20th marking the Spring Equinox and casting his spotlight on you for the next 30 days in some social context. This can put you out there and in the lead on the internet, with friends, groups, social networking, astrology, charities, or aspirations, will amp up your invitations to social events, and help you to lead yourself forward in some ambitious way. The NEW MOON is in the same arena on the 22nd giving you your 2 week window to seed new ventures with friends, groups, the internet, astrology, and charities and to meet new friends or associates that will take you forward here. Retrograde Mercury and Uranus both sit with this New Moon so the past will tie into this through ideas, agreements, decisions, or local activities as well as some exciting, new, independent, radical theme that threads through the social action. This is the prime moment to create your vision board for the year ahead. Think about all you have experienced, learned and achieved since this time last year and then think about what you would like to create and express in the year ahead. Cut out your pictures and words from magazines and papers that tell the story of you in the following year and paste it together in some creative way. Hang this where you can see it so the visualization techniques it sparks can help you to manifest your best life in the year ahead!
Mercury will Retrograde out of Aries and back into Pisces on the 23rd and spend from now through April 4th in this backwards motion here. This means that you will be retracing past career matters, revisiting past ambitions, goals, bosses, authority figures, reputation matters, and fame during this period to see if you wish to rework some idea or agreement, talk things out, reconnect with past people or situations, or release something to move forward. Is it time to have your personal chart reading with Zoe? To look more deeply into how this is all influencing you and your year ahead schedule now by calling 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com
There’s a very big decision on the table for you in the month of March, one that will define the direction you take in the years ahead, your career ambitions or goals, and the reputation you are building. Mars continues to Retrograde through the arena that guards your thinking so much of what is about to conspire is about revisiting the past, be that through going to some old neighborhood, rethinking a decision, talking or meeting with someone from the past, picking up an old writing project or idea to rework or repitch it, or reworking an agreement already in place.
On the 2nd Mercury moves into Aries and begins to put your thoughts on career and ambitions. You will be thinking about the goals you have, thinking about taking the next step towards achievements, you may be invited to step it up on a professional level, to speak in front of others, to communicate in a surrounding involving fame, or to lead your company forward on some matter. You may be thinking about a career move, promotion, advancement, or interacting more with the boss or other authority figures in the weeks ahead.
Mercury will Retrograde on the 12th in these areas so you may be seeing things slow down or go astray as it can get confusing here during this phase so double check all agreements, emails, phone calls, take notes in meetings, keep business numbers and cards in one place, and do follow-ups with everyone involved where necessary. From now through the end of the month you will be revisiting the past here so you may be connecting with a past boss or authority figure, picking up an old idea or writing project to rework it, renegotiating the contract with the boss, or see an old opportunity come back around for a second look. A current boss could exit the scene or you could see a reversal with current career matters so stay the course and don’t commit completely to anything new until April 4th has passed if you can wait it out successfully without losing ground. If you have to sign new agreements during this phase leave yourself a bit of wiggle room. It’s a cosmic do-over so ask yourself what you REALLY want because that is where the focus is really at, define what or who you want now by revisiting any issue, person or situation that can help you get clear on it, because rethinking, reconnecting or releasing is what it’s about with career, goals and ambitions now.
Venus will put you face to face with someone on the 4th to address the career, goal, home, security scenario. This is about you looking at the goal or career and how you feel the love or income situation here and then getting serious about security needs, home, moves, real estate deals, roommate situations, or family. Can you commit or end something to move ahead? On the 5th Venus moves into Taurus where she is vastly improved and ready to help you attract love and income through social networking, friends, group activities and affiliations, the internet, astrology, and charities. You are going to feel in demand as the love comes at you and invitations amp up. You can charm your way into just about any event now and should reach out to your associates and friends to help you earn money if there is a connection they can help you make. You may find that you are spending more on social occasions and friends as well, just watch your bottom line.
The FULL MOON is in Virgo on the 8th and will be bringing a peak around that decision, agreement, meeting, talk, short trip, writing project or opportunity, idea, or sibling, vehicle or neighbor. This is a high point for you with celebrations or achievements as you sign that contract, get the writing project wrapped up or green lit, come to your decision, or hear news of some award or recognition, offer or ending. You may be celebrating your brother or sisters achievements or big day, or something that has been going on with them finally wraps up, your neighbor could move away or win the lotto or you could end time in a certain neighborhood, you could pay off the car or win one or decide to junk it since it has seen its last days. Since Mars is Retrograde in this Full Moon arena some passion, action or anger from the past will play into the big moment, idea, decision, agreement, or talk.
There are 2 special days this month that are worthy of taking note of due to the luck, prosperity and happiness they could deliver for you. Venus, Mars, Jupiter, and Pluto will all come together in a Grand Trine of Harmony across the part of your chart associated with friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, aspirations, partnerships, representation, and meetings, talks, ideas, writing, agreements, and decisions. This is really big for you to bring that past interest into some lucky expansive matter and make changes, empower, and transform something you are aiming at in and through these realms. You should find that if you put yourself into the mix here that love or money, happiness or prosperity, could be well within your reach.
The Sun’s entry into Aries on the 20th marks the Spring Equinox and shines a light on your career Midheaven over the next 30 days. This puts you in the spotlight, pushes you to take the lead, get into the mix on ambitious projects, pursue goals and ambitions, and perhaps gain some recognition for your efforts. The NEW MOON is in this same arena on the 22nd and will give you 2 strong weeks to seed new career ventures, launch new business or pursue new goals. Both Mercury Retrograde and Uranus will sit with the New Moon so past ideas, agreements, writing, talks, meetings, or decisions will play into this new beginning along with something exciting, unique, independent, and changing coming into play. This is the prime moment to create your vision board for the year ahead. Think about all you have experienced, learned and achieved since this time last year and then think about what you would like to create and express in the year ahead. Cut out your pictures and words from magazines and papers that tell the story of you in the following year and paste it together in some creative way. Hang this where you can see it so the visualization techniques it sparks can help you to manifest your best life in the year ahead!
Mercury will Retrograde back into Pisces on the 23rd and spend from now through April 4th taking you back into the past through travel, with people at a distance, through foreign interests or people, import/export, media, publishing, marketing, publicity, higher education, or legal matters. You can revisit people or situations through these areas, reconnect, rework or release, deal with what was said or still needs to be said, look at what is in writing, what needs to be in writing, and any thoughts you have here that should be worked through. Changes or mix-ups can occur in these areas now so take care with documents, vehicles, electronics, and communications in these areas, double check flight plans, what’s written up for the marketing or media, what is published, the small print in legal documents, and any paperwork with the college or court. Is it time to have your personal chart reading with Zoe? To look more deeply into how this is all influencing you and your year ahead schedule now by calling 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com
The first week of March is still going to be putting you in the middle of financial affairs, going after loans or dealing with debt, handling the inheritance, bankruptcy, insurance claims, settlements, or taxes, it’s a time of stepping up for that promotion, attracting commissions or royalties, settling alimony or child support issues, or backing up your partner’s money situation. You may also being feeling quite sexual at this time or facing the opposite direction and working through divorce issues. Wrap this up in the first 8 days if possible, the rest of the month will focus more on travel, legal matters, education, or media, marketing and publishing interests with you in the spotlight here.
Mercury moves into Aries on the 2nd to begin to turn your thoughts to these new fields. You may make a decision today or in the days that follow to book that flight, sign contracts on some legal matter, submit writing for a media or publishing venture, or sign up for that class. You may feel a turning point here on the 4th as something serious comes into view and you have to look at how love or income will be affected or promoted by the choice you make.
Mercury will Retrograde on the 12th and at this time you will be heading back into the past a bit through the trips you make, the legal matters at hand, the ceremonies or adventures you are drawn to, any media, publishing or marketing interests, or educational opportunities that arise. This may bring people from the past back around through these avenues, or it may help you to rework past agreements or decisions made here, pick up an old writing project, contract or idea to rework it or it may help you to release issues tied to these areas. Watch for communications breakdowns or mechanical malfunctions tied to these areas, double check information. This Retrograde gives you from now through April 4th to reconnect and do what you will with past situations or people here.
Venus moves into Taurus on the 5th, a placement she is far more comfortable in and where she will help you to attract what you desire on the career front with more ease. You may see a female boss move in or some woman in a position of power able to help you reach a goal. It is a time when you pull more charm out in front of others and can go after ambitious agendas with more finesse and ease. It’s a good time to spend on things that help you reach goals as well.
The FULL MOON on the 8th is bringing an income matter to a peak. This may be a time when you get the big check, you get a raise or the alternate income source you were going after comes through or it can be a time when you wrap up once source of income in preparation for the next gig. If you have been fighting over a possession or trying to settle any issue with something you own, this will reach a peak as well.
Take note that the 13th and 14th are very special days this month, ones filled with luck and positive flow. For you this will be playing out on the social realm, through friends, parties, networking, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, aspirations, partners, agents, attorneys, and any talks, meetings, writing, agreements, short trips, or ideas in the mix. If there is an idea you had in the past that you would like to introduce now, this is the time, ditto past writing projects, agreements or local activities. There is luck, prosperity, happiness, and growth opportunity in all of this so find your groove and go.
The Sun moves into Aries on the 20th marking the Spring Equinox and throwing a light on your travel plans, educational interests, media, marketing, publishing, and legal interests in the next 30 days. This is where you will want to get physically into the mix, hop that plane, get into the classroom or courtroom, sign the documents, get in front of the camera or into the publishing deal, it’s all about your active leadership in these areas. The NEW MOON On the 22nd is in the same realm and gives you 2 strong weeks to seed your new ventures here, to start fresh, introduce new ideas or go new places. Mercury Retrograde and Uranus both sit with this New Moon so there is something from the past involved in the new start as well as something exciting and unusual, radical or all about making a change. This is the prime moment to create your vision board for the year ahead. Think about all you have experienced, learned and achieved since this time last year and then think about what you would like to create and express in the year ahead. Cut out your pictures and words from magazines and papers that tell the story of you in the following year and paste it together in some creative way. Hang this where you can see it so the visualization techniques it sparks can help you to manifest your best life in the year ahead!
Mercury backs into Pisces on the 23rd in his Retrograde cycle and will continue on here through April 4th so you will now begin to revisit past sexual interests, issues or reproductive needs, any past divorce issues, and any financial matters such as loans, debt, inheritance, bankruptcy, alimony, child support, taxes, insurance, settlements, commissions, or partner’s money. You should look at agreements, writing, ideas, and decisions here and see what you want to reconnect with, rework or release. Is it time to have your personal chart reading with Zoe? To look more deeply into how this is all influencing you and your year ahead schedule now by calling 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com
Your ruling energy moves into Aries on the 2nd and begins to take you into sexual attractions or issues so you can meet with others about these needs, it will take you into any divorce issues so you can look at agreements here, and it will focus you in on big money matters such as loans, debt, credit, inheritance, bankruptcy, insurance, taxes, alimony, child support, settlements, commissions, royalties, and partner’s money.
You may meet people or enter situations that help you to decide what you want to do going forward, get in touch with your own power and sense of control, look at how triangles are playing out in these areas and how best to work with others to reach goals here. Expect to have one important meeting or turning point with someone over the finances, sex or divorce issues on the 4th as you get serious about how your income needs must be addressed.
Mercury Retrogrades on the 12th so at this point you will see a reversal in the areas of shared financial resources, divorce or sexual matters or you will begin to go back into the past, retrace and rework issues, reconnect with past interests, people and situations tied to the sexual, monetary or divorce arenas, and see what you want to keep and what you wish to release. It’s a do-over so get in there with the details, the agreements, what needs to be written up, met about or talked over.
Venus moves into Taurus on the 5th at which time she will begin to operate with much more ease and flair and start helping you to attract what you need via legal agreements, travel plans, foreign interests, people at a distance, media, publishing, marketing, and higher education. It will be in these areas that you can attract the love or income you desire and where things will smooth out a great deal.
The FULL MOON on the 8th brings something very personal or physical to a peak for you. This is the Virgo Full Moon so you may see that you are reaching a goal in the physical sense through a diet or wrapping up an illness or surgery, you may be celebrating reaching a goal of being in better shape or more active. It may also be a time when your name, brand or identity is reaching a high point, there is recognition or you are wrapping up one form of identity for good such as married or single. Either way, something big should be cresting in your world about now.
The 13th and 14th are truly amazing energy days and should be noted as such so you can take advantage of all they promise. For you this is about luck and love or money flow coming through travel, foreign interests or people, import/export, media, marketing, publishing, ceremonies, or higher education, and it’s about powerful transformation occurring in the creative projects, with love/lovers or children, as well as something you are reconnecting with for yourself. Find a way to put yourself into this mix at this time for maximum results.
The Sun will enter Aries on the 20th and mark the Spring Equinox. This begins a 30 day cycle when you will be in the spotlight sexually, through financial resources you are working out with others or over divorce proceedings. You will be taking the lead, putting yourself physically or personally into the mix and going after what you want with more finesse. The NEW MOON on the 22nd highlights these same areas and gives you 2 strong weeks to start new financial ventures, sign the loan, get the backer, invest, settle the debt, get the inheritance, start the bankruptcy, get that first big commission check, start the divorce, or meet some sexy new partner or take your current relationship to new sexual heights. Mercury Retrograde and Uranus accompanies this new beginning so something from the past as well as some new and exciting approach is threaded through the fresh start. This is the prime moment to create your vision board for the year ahead. Think about all you have experienced, learned and achieved since this time last year and then think about what you would like to create and express in the year ahead. Cut out your pictures and words from magazines and papers that tell the story of you in the following year and paste it together in some creative way. Hang this where you can see it so the visualization techniques it sparks can help you to manifest your best life in the year ahead!
Mercury then backs into Pisces on his Retrograde journey on the 23rd and from now through April 4th you will be looking back at past relationships with romantic or business partners, agents, attorneys, or competitors. This period will help you address past decisions, agreements and have the talks or meetings to see if you can rework, reconnect or release things now. Is it time to have your personal chart reading with Zoe? To look more deeply into how this is all influencing you and your year ahead schedule now by calling 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com
Your ruling energy is going to be focusing you on relationships in the first week of March. This will give you plenty of energy behind attracting what you need be that love or income flow through your partnerships on a romantic or business level or through agents, attorneys, specialists, or other significant people. Things should be running smoother now so take advantage of this window to wrap things up. On the 4th you will be one on one with one of these people in some serious moment of commitment, long term effort or ending, depending on which way you are pushing it to go.
On the 5th your ruler moves into Taurus and will begin to help you focus on high finances the rest of this month with an ability to smooth out issues and attract what you need through loans, settlements, commissions, royalties, alimony, child support, insurance policies, tax matters, inheritance, bankruptcy, or a partner’s money. This area of focus also involves sexual attractions and divorce so here you should begin to see things flowing better for you and more of an ease in dealing with issues or attracting what you desire.
Mercury is going to also begin to focus energy on relationships starting on the 2nd of the month and he is all about talks, meetings, agreements, contracts, writing projects, decisions, and local activities involving your partners and representatives so once he is in this area you can get down to business with current partners or reps or reach out for new people for these places in your life.
Mercury is going to Retrograde here on the 12th so if you need to sign contracts this month try to do so as soon as you can into the month or hold out until April 4th when he finally goes Direct. During this Retrograde cycle you are being given a do-over to revisit past issues or people in these dynamics to see if you want to rework something, reconnect or release issues. You may see a current partner, agent, attorney, or competitor take their leave or one from the past return. If you are offered a contract with one of these past people or some situation from the past then you are ok to go ahead during this phase. Guard against communications breakdowns or mechanical glitches involving them since things can go askew.
The FULL MOON on the 8th brings a peak for you with some hidden agenda, secret affair, hospital, prison or other institutional matter, addiction, any artistic interest such as a film, music or art project, any spiritual interests such as meditation, yoga or psychic interests, a research project, investigation, or development period. This will be a time of reaching goals here, achievements, celebrations, or of wrapping things up and ending them.
The 13th and 14th are very special days this month and you should aim for these days if you are dealing with any financial matter, divorce issue, sexual attraction or issue, reproductive matter, and how the home, security needs, property responsibilities, family, roommates, or other foundational interests are affected. There is in this something tied to the research, investigation, film, music, art, spiritual interest, clandestine affair, development, or hidden agenda. You can combine any and all of the above and find ways to expand, and see luck, prosperity, happiness, and powerful change occur that benefits you as well as revisit past interests and get them right.
The Sun moves into Aries on the 20th and marks the Spring Equinox. This puts the spotlight on those relationships for the next 30 days so you should prepare to step up and lead your goals forward at this time through partnerships, representatives or representing others, and healthy competition. The NEW MOON is in this same arena on the 22nd and opens up 2 strong weeks to launch new partnerships or start something new with current partners, to launch new ventures with agents, attorneys, specialists, or advocates or to go after new representatives. Mercury Retrograde and Uranus will both sit with this New Moon so there is something from the past involved in this new growth as well as something exciting, unique, unusual, or changing involved. This is the prime moment to create your vision board for the year ahead. Think about all you have experienced, learned and achieved since this time last year and then think about what you would like to create and express in the year ahead. Cut out your pictures and words from magazines and papers that tell the story of you in the following year and paste it together in some creative way. Hang this where you can see it so the visualization techniques it sparks can help you to manifest your best life in the year ahead!
Mercury backs into Pisces on the 23rd in his Retrograde cycle and from here you will begin to turn your thinking to past work situations, co-workers, employees, services, health matters, and animal interests. This is your do-over here so look at decisions, agreements, writing, or talks you can revisit, rework or release in these areas from now through April 4th. Is it time to have your personal chart reading with Zoe? To look more deeply into how this is all influencing you and your year ahead schedule now by calling 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com
Your ruler is focused on writing, agreements, powerful ideas, deep connections, and what you are evolving on a local level, all of which has a financial, divorce or sexual connotation. Your co-ruler is Retrograde in your social house giving you a do-over with friends, groups, internet projects, astrology, and charities, take this time to finesse or rework things here.
Mercury moves into your work, health and animal arena on the 2nd and turns your thoughts to job hunting, perfecting a service you wish to provide, co-workers or employees, new health regimes or tackling health issues, and anything you can figure out for your pets or other animal interests. Look at meetings, talks, decisions, writing, and agreements here. Expect to be face to face with someone on the 4th over the health, work or pet situation and anything serious going on behind the scenes, at a hospital, with an addiction, in a film, music or other art arena, or in some research, investigation or spiritual interest. You may be committing to something or ending it now.
On the 12th Mercury will Retrograde in these same areas and you will begin to slow down any forward growth and instead begin to rework agreements, writing or decisions about work, with co-workers, employees, health, and animals in the weeks ahead. You may see someone exit the job or a past employee or co-worker return, a past job opportunity could come back around, some healthcare provider could return or you could revisit some old gym or hiking trail, a runaway animal could return or you could go back to a breeder for another animal.
Venus moves into Taurus on the 5th and will begin to help you attract what you need in partnerships or from representatives in the weeks ahead, she will help you to sign up new agents or attorneys, the business partner or marriage partner, smooth things out with love or money flow, and take things to new levels with current relationships. If you have been locking horns with a competitor or opponent this energy will help ease what is going on for this period.
The FULL MOON on the 8th brings a peak for you with a friend, group, social networking event, internet interest, astrological or charitable matter, or aspiration. This is about celebrating in these social arenas, reaching a goal or gaining some recognition, or wrapping something up and ending things through one of these means. There may be some work related event here or you will find that a lot of what occurs plays out over the details or organization in the mix.
The 13th and 14th are lining up to be the stellar days this month so take note of them for any big, lucky, happy, or prosperous interest you have with a romantic or business partner, agent, attorney, specialist, social occasion, friendship, group activity, internet, astrology or charity interest, and the talks, writing, agreements, or decisions in the mix. You can expand your horizons now or just have a great time, reconnect with past friends or groups or bring some big project out to others now.
The Sun moves into Aries on the 20th marking the Spring Equinox and putting a spotlight on your work, any efforts you make to land a job, your relationships with co-workers and employees, your health, and your pets. You have 30 days ahead where you will be more likely to pour yourself physically or personally into these areas. The NEW MOON on the 22nd is in the same areas so you now have 2 strong weeks to launch new services, pitch new job opportunities, get your health under new opportunities, and adopt new pets or start some new animal interest. Mercury Retrograde and Uranus sit with this New Moon so there is a past effort tied into the new beginning as well as something surprising, changing or unusual in the mix. This is the prime moment to create your vision board for the year ahead. Think about all you have experienced, learned and achieved since this time last year and then think about what you would like to create and express in the year ahead. Cut out your pictures and words from magazines and papers that tell the story of you in the following year and paste it together in some creative way. Hang this where you can see it so the visualization techniques it sparks can help you to manifest your best life in the year ahead!
Mercury then backs into Pisces on his Retrograde journey on the 23rd where you will now begin to revisit past lovers, love issues, love interests, children, kids issues or interests, creative projects, or people and situations from the past that offered creative opportunity. It’s your time to look at the decisions, agreements, writing, and meetings with others in these realms to see if you want to rework, reconnect or release anything. Watch for any communications breakdowns or malfunctions to play out through the same areas. Is it time to have your personal chart reading with Zoe? To look more deeply into how this is all influencing you and your year ahead schedule now by calling 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com
Your ruling energy continues to move through the work arena, any services you provide, your relationships with co-workers or employees, your health or your pets. This is about you evolving in these areas, seeking expansion and growth opportunities, finding some luck playing out for you and reaching for happiness.
Mercury will move into Aries on the 2nd and kick the month off for you with lovers, love interests, children, and creative projects. This will be the areas where you will focus your thoughts, meet others, write, come to terms, propose, or make decisions. If you are not in a love relationship this can be a time to meet new lovers. On the 4th you will be face to face with someone over the love, kids or creative project and getting serious about some social agenda or invitation, friend, group, internet interest, or some astrological or charitable matter. Look at ways to commit more or end things now.
Mercury begins his Retrograde on the 12th at which time things will slow down with new people and situations and you will go back into past issues or revisit past people over love, kids or creative projects. Some old affair could rekindle, you could have a current lover exit for the weeks ahead, a past project the child was involved in could come back around or a child could move out, or you could pick up an old creative idea and begin to rework it. It’s all about a do-over where you can reconnect, rework or release.
Venus moves into Taurus on the 5th and begins to help you attract a job, ease things on your current job scene, bring a female co-worker or employee that is beneficial to you, help you smooth things out on the health front, or with your animals. These areas are where love can spring up or where you will see an easier time earning money.
The FULL MOON on the 8th is bringing a career matter to a peak, marking a time of celebration or achievement on the career front or with a boss, or an ending on a big project or an entire career direction. Things hit a high point with authority figures, dad, reputation, and fame as well at this time.
You may want to note the 13th and 14th as stellar energy days for you at work, with co-workers or employees, services, health, pets, income, and any career needs, bosses, goals, ambitions, reputation, or fame. It is lucky in these realms, a great time for growth opportunities, prosperity, or happiness coming in now or being seeded for future growth. See if you can revisit the past a big with career matters or bosses and look for the big picture in all you aim for now.
The Sun moves into Aries on the 20th and marks the Spring Equinox, putting a spotlight on true love, kids and creativity over the next 30 days. This means you will now get physically into the mix or make it personal so expect to be spending time with a lover or out there in the pursuit of love, to be doing more with kids or to have children, and putting your image, brand or body into the creative efforts. The NEW MOON on the 22nd is highlighting the same arenas and gives you 2 strong weeks to seed new ventures creatively, to meet a new love interest or start some new project with your lover or child. Mercury Retrograde and Uranus are both attached to this New Moon so something from the past is in the mix as well as some new, exciting, unusual, or changing factor. This is the prime moment to create your vision board for the year ahead. Think about all you have experienced, learned and achieved since this time last year and then think about what you would like to create and express in the year ahead. Cut out your pictures and words from magazines and papers that tell the story of you in the following year and paste it together in some creative way. Hang this where you can see it so the visualization techniques it sparks can help you to manifest your best life in the year ahead!
Mercury then backs into Pisces on the 23rd and thoughts will turn to home, real estate, moves, family, roommates, or security needs between now and April 4th. This is your do-over here so go back to past homes or real estate deals, get involved with past people that were tied to these places or interests, and see if you can rework, reconnect or release here now. Is it time to have your personal chart reading with Zoe? To look more deeply into how this is all influencing you and your year ahead schedule now by calling 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com
Your ruler continues to put focus on serious career opportunities and goals, on taking charge or stepping up your leadership abilities, on being serious about ambitions, reputation, and dealings with authority figures, on relationships with father or father figures, and on any handling of fame. You are in a cycle of mastery in these areas.
Mercury moves into Aries on the 2nd and your thoughts will also focus on home, real estate, family, moves, roommates, or property matters. It is good to look at ideas, have talks or meetings, writing things up, pitch concepts, and sign documents regarding these themes now. You will be face to face with someone over serious matters involving home, real estate, moves, family, and the goals, career or authority figures on the 4th. This is about committing more or ending something.
Mercury Retrogrades on the 12th at which time you will begin to backtrack with home issues, past homes you visit, past real estate offers or issues, past roommates or family matters, and any reworking, reconnecting or releasing you wish to do with the agreements, decisions, writing, or ideas here. If things slow down with future interests in these areas its because you still need to tend some details from the past. Watch for communications breakdowns or malfunctions to play out over these arenas and double check facts and figures to be safe.
Venus moves into Taurus on the 5th where she will feel more at home and focus her ability to attract things to her side through true love, kids and creative projects. This means you will now have an easier time attracting love, taking love to a more lovely level, doing loving things with or for children, and attracting the income flow you want for the creative project. If you have been having issues in these areas this transit should smooth things out.
The FULL MOON on the 8th is bringing a peak around a trip, media, marketing or publishing matter, educational interest, ceremony, or legal matter. This is a time of achievements, celebrations and endings in these areas with an eye on the details and the efforts.
Mark the 13th and 14th as special days this month when you can reach for the stars and expand your world a bit through love, creativity, kids, your own image, identity, brand, or physical involvement, and any travel, media, marketing, publishing, educational, ceremonial, or legal interests from the past that take you forward. Look at any combo of these themes for something prosperous or happy making on these days.
The Sun moves into Aries and marks the Spring Equinox on the 20th, casting his spotlight on you at home, with real estate, moves, roommates, family, or security needs. You have 30 days ahead where you will be more physically or personally into the mix here so book the flight, hop the plane, get into the courtroom or classroom, sign up for the media or publishing venture, or walk down that aisle. The NEW MOON on the 22nd is in the same areas so you get your huge new 2 week beginning starting today to seed new project or opportunities, meet new people and start fresh. Mercury Retrograde and Uranus both sit with this New Moon so there will be something from the past involved as well as some new, exciting, changing, or surprising factor in the mix. This is the prime moment to create your vision board for the year ahead. Think about all you have experienced, learned and achieved since this time last year and then think about what you would like to create and express in the year ahead. Cut out your pictures and words from magazines and papers that tell the story of you in the following year and paste it together in some creative way. Hang this where you can see it so the visualization techniques it sparks can help you to manifest your best life in the year ahead!
Mercury then backs into Pisces where he will finish out his Retrograde cycle between now and April 4th. This means you now begin to think about what has or has not been said, talks or agreements from the past, past writing projects or ideas, and past issues or interests with brothers, sisters, neighbors, vehicles, or electronics. This is a do-over so reconnect, rework or release. Is it time to have your personal chart reading with Zoe? To look more deeply into how this is all influencing you and your year ahead schedule now by calling 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com
Your ruling energy is focusing you to make the changes you need in your thinking, asking you to walk your talk and put yourself out there in the way you truly see yourself. You have embarked upon a time of exciting change in the years ahead and the sooner you break free of the old chains that have bound you, the sooner you will see this exciting phase carry you to the places you have been dreaming about.
Mercury moves into this same arena on the 2nd to open up talks and help you share these new ideas. There will be opportunity to write or sign agreements, to get out there on the local scene or take a short trip, and to make some decisions based on the new paradigm. If you need to connect with brothers, sisters or neighbors, this period will open that door. Expect to have one important talk or meeting on the 4th when you will be facing a trip, person from far away, a legal matter, media or marketing interest, educational issue, publishing matter, or ceremony. This is about getting serious, committing to or ending something, so talk it out, sign up, write it up, or make that decision.
Mercury will Retrograde on the 12th and you will be going back into the past over agreements and decisions, you may be revisiting people from the past in old neighborhoods or through short trips, looking at old documents or running into the past through local activities. It’s a time to rework or release things in these areas as well as with siblings, over vehicles or electronic needs. Watch for communications breakdowns or technical malfunctions, hold off for a few weeks until the Retrograde is over on April 4th to purchase new cars or electronics if you can and take extra precaution out on the road.
Venus moves into Taurus on the 5th bringing smoother sailing to home matters, with roommates, family and mom, to real estate deals, renovations, moves, and remodels, and around your security needs. You will find it easier to attract the love or money flow at home or through property and family during this phase. A woman may play a more significant role here during this time. It’s a great time to entertain at home or to do some decorating.
The FULL MOON on the 8th brings a major financial matter to a peak. This can mean a loan being paid off, a commission check coming in, a bonus being paid, a mortgage paid off, a loan coming through, a bankruptcy or inheritance matter wrapping up, child support or alimony being settled, or celebrations or endings with some other outside resource. This Moon also rules divorce so you may be wrapping up the final papers now. Sexual attractions, sexual issues and reproduction needs will peak at this time as well so you may be reaching some goal or ending a connection at this point.
Mark the 13th and 14th as special days when big moments or happy times will out, they will be quite lucky or help you make a major move. Your home, a real estate matter, roommate, family, or security need, some shared financial resource, divorce, sexual interest, and behind the scenes activity will come together in a special way for you to give you growth opportunities so aim for these days to make it happen.
The Sun moves into Aries on the 20th marking the Spring Equinox and throwing a light on your ideas, agreements, writing, short trips, local activities, sibling and neighbor relationships, talks, meetings, and decisions over the next 30 days. This means that you will be physically or personally into these areas of life now and stepping up to lead the way. The NEW MOON on the 22nd is activating these same areas so you will have 2 strong weeks to initiate change, start new activities, meet new people, or come up with some fresh ideas, put your thinking cap on! Mercury Retrograde and Uranus are both involved with this New Moon so something from the past plays into new beginnings as well as a big change, surprise or exciting new approach. This is the prime moment to create your vision board for the year ahead. Think about all you have experienced, learned and achieved since this time last year and then think about what you would like to create and express in the year ahead. Cut out your pictures and words from magazines and papers that tell the story of you in the following year and paste it together in some creative way. Hang this where you can see it so the visualization techniques it sparks can help you to manifest your best life in the year ahead!
Mercury will back into Pisces on his Retrograde journey on the 23rd and from now through April 4th your thoughts will turn to past income or spending issues, any decisions or agreements you came to, writing or meetings involved, and any past possessions you want to revisit. It’s a time to rework past earning matters or release them so you can move ahead after the 4th of April. Double check paychecks during this phase and anything else tied to what you do for a living. If a current income situation slows down or ends at this time, trust the timing is about putting you into the next level up ahead. Is it time to have your personal chart reading with Zoe? To look more deeply into how this is all influencing you and your year ahead schedule now by calling 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com
Your ruler is spending the first full month working his magic in your sign and you should be starting to feel what kind of physical or personal affect this is having on your idea of self. Continue to find time to meditate or go within each day so you are getting clear on the small but magical voice that is asking to be heard. If you have been under the weather you may be experiencing the energetic shift and need to see a doctor to make certain there is no fluidic build-up in places there shouldn’t be.
Mercury moves into your income zone on the 2nd to begin focusing your thoughts on making a living and how much money you have to work with. This will give you more potential to get into talks or meetings about the money you earn, to sign contracts, write, or pitch ideas that benefit your bottom line financially, and to come up with some ideas that help you get ahead. You may hear news at this time of an opportunity to earn and should take it seriously. Expect to be face to face with someone on the 4th about the money situation, this is a serious day for committing yourself and dealing with whatever outside financial influence is affecting your earnings, or to end something going on that is in your way.
Mercury will Retrograde on the 12th at which time you will begin to go back into the past earning matters through paperwork, documents, agreements, writing, meetings, talks, news, or decisions and at this time you may be running into people from the past that played a part in your income or revisiting some past money making opportunities to see if you wish to rework it or release it. Watch for communications glitches, mechanical or technical breakdowns tied to the times you are earning or the paychecks. If you experience this phase as a slowing down of earned income then focus the time on rethinking something that can have a positive affect on earning up ahead.
Venus moves into Taurus on the 5th where she will be much happier and begin to help you attract love or money through your talks and meetings, any local activities you are involved in or by hitting the pavement in search of income opportunities or meeting new love at local haunts. You may get news now about a love or money opportunity, see a woman enter the picture that brings this your way, or that you are now in a time of more ease and smoother sailing around writing projects and agreements, siblings and neighbors.
The FULL MOON on the 8th is bringing a peak moment with a romantic or business partner, an agent, attorney, advocate, specialist, competitor, or opponent. This is a period of celebrations, achievements and endings so you may be celebrating something your partner does or something about your partnership itself, there can be a next level to the relationship achieved at this time or some sort of recognition, or if things are not going well you may decide to walk away. This particular Moon will focus attention on the details and any criticism in the mix so look at how the mechanics of the connection are working for you and make plans if necessary.
There are 2 very big days this month that fall on the 13th and 14th and will bring luck, growth opportunities, happiness, prosperity, and harmony through the talks, agreements, decisions, or writing and the friends, groups, internet, astrology, charities, and partners, agents, attorneys, or other significant relationships from the past. Look for ways to work within these paradigms on these days to expand your world in some positive way, the stars are behind you.
The Sun moves into Aries on the 20th and marks the Spring Equinox, lighting up your income zone for the next 30 days. This will be a time when you are stepping up, taking the lead, getting physically or personally into the mix of making money, tying your face, identity, brand, or body into making a living, and getting ambitious about your goals here. The NEW MOON on the 22nd is in the same arena so this gives you the 2 strongest weeks of the year to seed new income opportunities, to launch new money making ventures, make purchases that benefit your bottom line, and get a fresh start on something involving a possession of yours. Mercury Retrograde and Uranus are both involved in this New Moon so some decision, agreement, person, or situation from the past affects the new beginning and there will be some exciting surprise or change in store as well. This is the prime moment to create your vision board for the year ahead. Think about all you have experienced, learned and achieved since this time last year and then think about what you would like to create and express in the year ahead. Cut out your pictures and words from magazines and papers that tell the story of you in the following year and paste it together in some creative way. Hang this where you can see it so the visualization techniques it sparks can help you to manifest your best life in the year ahead!
Mercury will Retrograde back into Pisces on the 23rd and continue here through April 4th so at this time your visit into the past will begin to focus on your body, past decisions or opportunities you had involving how fit you are, what is going on with your health, your looks or image, any past people or situations that affect this for you, and possibly you will be revisiting a past identity like student, single, mom, or some other identity that suits you to rework or release. You are getting a do-over, who are you now, who were you then, what do you still want to work on? Is it time to have your personal chart reading with Zoe? To look more deeply into how this is all influencing you and your year ahead schedule now by calling 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com
ZOE MOON ASTROLOGY COPYRIGHT 2011 ALL RIGHTS RESERVEDThursday nights at 5pm pacific/8pm eastern on CBS Radio: http://sky.radio.com/shows/the-zoe-moon-astrology-show
Listen to past shows on itunes: http://itunes.apple.com/ug/podcast/the-zoe-moon-astrology-show/id411444258
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ZOE MOON ASTROLOGY COPYRIGHT 2011 ALL RIGHTS RESERVEDThursday nights at 5pm pacific/8pm eastern on CBS Radio: http://sky.radio.com/shows/the-zoe-moon-astrology-show
Listen to past shows on itunes: http://itunes.apple.com/ug/podcast/the-zoe-moon-astrology-show/id411444258
Follow the page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/ZOE-MOON-ASTROLOGY/210004136062?ref=mf
Sign up for the Astro Site: http://www.zoemoon.ning.com/

ZOE MOON ASTROLOGY COPYRIGHT 2011 ALL RIGHTS RESERVEDThursday nights at 5pm pacific/8pm eastern on CBS Radio: http://sky.radio.com/shows/the-zoe-moon-astrology-show
Listen to past shows on itunes: http://itunes.apple.com/ug/podcast/the-zoe-moon-astrology-show/id411444258
Follow the page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/ZOE-MOON-ASTROLOGY/210004136062?ref=mf
Sign up for the Astro Site: http://www.zoemoon.ning.com/