On Monday he makes a solid, supportive trine to Retrograde Saturn which is your cue to discuss things about the past or come to terms over subjects with people involved in ongoing developments that tie in with your aspirations or affect you socially. Mercury then exits Aquarius where he has been pushing you to think about that social involvement, internet project, astrological interest, friendship, group need, or charity, and he moves into Pisces where in the weeks ahead he will be focusing thoughts and talks on film, music, fine art, spiritual interests, hospitals, addictions, research and development, and Karmic connections.
Wednesday brings harmony in the legal process, with the travel plans or trip, involving anyone you are dealing with at a distance, any educational needs, media, marketing, publishing, or publicity matters, and your efforts at adventure. Love and money matters will most likely call your attention into these areas. Venus squares Pluto so obsession, lust, power, control, triangles, and intense needs involving love or money and someone in a heavy weight position will be felt. You may deal with authority figures in this, tackle career goals, or go after some ambitious move but it’s a powerful day out there due to this combo. Any life and death moments turn a corner today.
Thursday brings lucky talks or ideas to the table that may benefit you financially. If you need to sign an agreement do it today. If you need to pitch an idea this is the best you have this week for getting it heard. Partners, representatives, friends, groups, and the internet should all fall into line as you move towards travel, legal, media, or educational needs.
Friday the Moon moves into Capricorn and helps focus ambitions and career. Positive energy is around making money, spending, talks about film, music, art, spiritual interests, secret romances, hospitals, research, or development. You may see a breakthrough on the career front as a change opens new doors or your ambitions may evolve a bit or an authority figure lends a hand. The only challenge in todays energy pattern comes from Venus out of sorts in Aries so issues around self-love or beauty, image or identity, or some personal spending you have done seem to be the only stumbling block. Don’t let it drag you down!
Your ruling energy won’t be pushing you until the coming weekend so you are going to get into the Mercury themed week with the rest of the signs, entering into more local activities or taking a short trip, amping up talks and meetings, dealing with agreements, writing, or vehicles, and sharing ideas.
Monday this allows for something solid with any social situation you may be talking about or committing to, look at ways to come to terms with someone over what you need, set the agreement in stone or walk away, it’s all good. Once Mercury moves into Pisces you are turning your thinking to what you need to do behind the scenes, in research, investigations, your artistic talents, film, music or fine art, spiritual interests, and any secret love affairs.
Tuesday or late Monday night brings this home for you as you see a new beginning opening up in the interaction going on here. It’s mystical or highly imaginative, it has the glossy, filmy magic to it and you are in the first stages of defining what you will be doing so ask questions, meet with people, and research. Some obstacles present themselves to be overcome with the commissions or other financial aspect and the legal, travel, media, or educational aspect of the situation. Again, keep communications open and LISTEN so you get the best outcome.
Wednesday brings lovely flow for you over personal needs being met financially or in love and this stems from that legal, media, educational, or travel need being alined. There is a major aspect between Venus and Pluto today that will feel powerful, intense and put you face to face with a big goal, career matter, fame, an authority figure that you are answering to, or an ambition. Push yourself to make the changes you should make right now.
Thursday is all about some lucky talks or agreements that will benefit your income or bottom line financially. If you need to initiate these talks then do so now. The legal, travel, educational, or media matter is wide open to you today, step up on the social scene, involve friends, groups, connect, let your aspirations take you, and cement something with a partner, representative or other advocate that has your back.
Friday the Moon moves into Capricorn and brings your attention to your career or a boss, ambition, goal, fame, or reputation. Again the income making opportunity is high and talks or agreements you come to in private should benefit you especially if there is film, music, art, spirituality, hospitals, dealing with addictions, or research and investigations in the mix. The Venus square means you are worried about your image, personal needs, identity, brand, or physical duration today, the answer is yes you can do this, so stop torturing yourself. If you would like to know more about your own personal energy pattern/chart and what is influencing you now and up ahead schedule a private reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com
Your ruling energy is going to tangle with Pluto mid-week over legal, travel, educational, media, publishing, political, or religious matters so use the first couple days to get your ducks in a row and organize your ideas.
Monday brings the chance to solidify or structure something through your efforts, work, with co-workers, employees, services, paperwork, critical thinking, health, or pets that can help you reach an important, long term goal. Talk things out with those in charge or on the career front, look at agreements and sign them today if possible, pitch an idea or write something up. Mercury then moves into Pisces where your thinking and communications will turn to focus on aspirations, friends, social networking, groups, astrology, charities, and the internet in the weeks ahead.
Tuesday or late Monday night Mercury sits with Pisces in his new position there to bring some real new beginning for you with something magical, inspiring, Karmic, intuitive, and involving that friend, group, internet, astrology, or charity interest. You may hear news that sends you, have an idea that is truing inspiring, compose something magnificent or write something spiritual, it’s a new road opening. The squares from the Moon in both signs today means you can look at obstacles around partners, agents, attorneys, opponents, and any needs you have involving sex, attractions, divorce, or shared financial needs. You again should talk or write things up that challenge you here so you can move ahead.
Wednesday is the big Venus/Pluto square bringing you into a situation involving legal matters, travel plans, media, marketing, publishing, education, or with a person at a distance that is going to be intense. This may take the form of a big push over the finances in question here or bring divorce issues or a sexual attraction or chemistry, obsession, or a triangle to the fore. Whatever is going on behind the scenes, in private, in secret, strategically, with some clandestine affair, film, music, art, spiritual, institutional, or addictive matter is part of the mix. Step it up, you can make headway today, it’s just about major change.
Thursday brings lucky talks or agreements involving friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, or aspirations. Somewhere in this is a break for you or a way to get yourself or your brand out there in a bigger way. You should be feeling pretty good due to what is occurring with the divorce, sex or finances today as you see opportunities to reach your goals, take charge and cement something on the work front, in health or over animal needs.
Friday the Moon moves into Capricorn and brings emotional attention to legal, travel, media, and educational needs with some pretty good aspects involved now. You should be able to align yourself here in positive ways and communicate your social interests, with friends, groups, over the internet, involving astrology or charities, or meet up, write, and sign agreements involving these people and scenarios. The only challenge today is regarding a woman that you are secretly involved with or that is hiding something from you at present, stay with the positive energy and work on bringing this to light some other day. If you would like to know more about your own personal energy pattern/chart and what is influencing you now and up ahead schedule a private reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com
Your ruling energy is all over the place in the week ahead so you can expect to be your full Gemini self chatting up others, running here and there, meeting people, writing, sharing ideas, taking short trips, and hearing news or making decisions that launch you forward.
Monday this is going to help you to open up or make a decision about a trip, legal matter, media or marketing idea, publishing opportunity, educational interest, political or religious pursuit, or ceremony. You can cement something with a creative project, lover, love interest, or child through these realms so be proactive in talking about these things, writing them up, making a choice, or signing documents. Mercury then moves into Pisces where your thoughts will turn to career, reputation, fame, ambitions, goals, and authority figures over the next weeks.
Tuesday or late Monday you will feel Mercury coming to sit with Neptune in his new placement in Pisces. This is big as it is your rulers major event with this mystical, magical energy. This is all about some big new beginning on the career front or with a major goal, direction, ambition, fame, or authority figure and it is coming through the idea you have, writing you do, agreement you sign, decision you make, meeting or talk you have, news that comes in, or some short trip you take. Concentrate on the artistic, spiritual or romantic part of this and tune into your inner voice, trusting that destiny is taking a hand in what is coming about. The squares from the Moon today in both of her positions mean there are obstacles to overcome at present. Look at how your work, health, care of animals, and relationship with partner, representatives or competitors should be dealt with and get moving on this.
Wednesday brings some support in your relationships with partners or representatives or shows you the way to reach them but the Venus/Pluto square is kicking things into overdrive on another front. For you this is about some intense, powerful, sexual attraction or issue, an obsession, control issue, triangle, divorce issue, or shared financial matter such as an inheritance, bankruptcy, alimony or child support matter, insurance claim, settlement, tax situation, commission, or partner’s money. Something going on in the social scene, with a friend, group, internet or charity situation is playing into this for you. Look at how you are dealing with love or income today as it relates to these subjects and if you should work something out with a woman in the picture.
Thursday brings some lucky talks or meetings that go on behind closed doors and benefit you in reaching a goal. You may see this play out as news about career or ambitions that set things in motion or talks and decisions with someone in charge or famous that puts you in a better position. Relationships are in beautiful energy today with open doors to connect through media, educational, legal, travel, publishing, or marketing means. Some of you may be proposing or walking down the aisle today. You can cement something in love, with kids or over a creative project with another person so look at ways to get serious.
Friday the Moon moves into Capricorn and brings your emotional needs around sex, intimacy, divorce, or major financial matters. There is luck again going on in what you do behind the scenes and talks, writing, agreements, or meetings that will benefit your goals or career, reputation or fame. The only obstacle today is around that friend, group, internet, astrology, charity, or social interest. Look at how the woman there is being affected or if you are approaching love or income from the right perspective. If you would like to know more about your own personal energy pattern/chart and what is influencing you now and up ahead schedule a private reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com
Your ruling energy is moving through focus on love and creativity the first couple days of this week, into work and health needs mid-week and onto relationship interests by weeks end so plan accordingly.
Monday brings a powerful alignment that is geared to help you cement agreements, decisions, or have talks and meetings that bring solid results regarding the financial interests, divorce or sexual interests and what is going on long term at home, with a move, a real estate deal, family, or roommates. This energy is good for signing papers, writing and organizing at home as well. Mercury then moves into Pisces and puts your thoughts on travel, media, publishing, marketing, education, and legal matters in the weeks ahead.
Tuesday or late Monday night you will feel the Mercury/Neptune embrace in the powerful new position in Pisces that Neptune holds. This is very magical and rather destined when it comes to decisions, news, talks, writing, and agreements involving people at a distance, travel, import/export, media, marketing, publishing, publicity, education, and legal matters. You have a fresh start on something here, take it. If you need to open dialogue focus on the artistry, romance or spiritual aspects and follow up on hunches. The squares to the Moon today will definitely be felt by you as you deal with issues arising over love, kids, creative direction, and the finances, and the work, health or pet needs that are surrounding you now.
Wednesday is great for feelings about the work and for emotional needs being met in health or with pets. The Venus/Pluto square is exact today and is very intense and powerful regarding a romantic or business partner, agent, attorney, competitor, or opponent and the career agenda, boss, authority figure, ambition, goal, reputation, or fame factor. This can bring about deep love/lust attractions or triangles that should be dealt with, issues over control and shared financial matters, dealings with a woman in charge, obstacles to be surmounted in divorce, and a need to look at how you are reaching for love or making money at present. Change is in the air, you may use this energy to push doors open or need to step up to tackle obstacles.
Thursday brings lucky opportunities through friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, or social networking. This may mean making decisions, writing, hearing news, or meeting with others over legal, travel, media, marketing, or educational ideas. The work and health matters are under positive stars offering you a chance to share in some financial matter or step up in some powerful way while cementing something at home.
Friday the Moon moves into Capricorn and pulls your emotional attention to partners, representatives and other important relationships. There is ongoing luck and happiness with these people through social venues, over the internet or astrology projects, charities, or in groups. Powerful transformations are occurring and the decisions or talks you have again involving a trip, legal, media, marketing, or educational matter will open doors. The only challenge today comes from the square to Venus which brings up something on the career front or with a female boss/authority figure and the love or money here, work through it. If you would like to know more about your own personal energy pattern/chart and what is influencing you now and up ahead schedule a private reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com
Your ruler may be under minor emotional duress on in the first part of the week over home/relationship matters but take it in stride as you are moving towards important, long term or solid commitments or positive endings by Saturday.
Monday brings up the talks, news or agreements that will lay the foundation for Saturdays next stage with a partner, agent, attorney, specialist, advocate, or other important person. If you are asked to sign something today there is every reason to believe it would be a good time to do so. It’s about getting serious and deciding what goes and what stays, perhaps who goes and who stays. Mercury then moves into Pisces where your thoughts will turn to sex, divorce and high financial matters over the weeks ahead.
Tuesday or late Monday night you will feel the Mercury/Neptune embrace occurring for the first time in Pisces. This brings inspiration, new beginnings, imagination, fantasy, ideas and meetings, that wrap around that sexual attraction or reproductive question, the divorce, or the loan, inheritance, bankruptcy, commissions, royalty, settlement, alimony, child support, insurance, taxes, or other financial interest. You are painting some new idea here that is magical and somewhat destined, listen to your inner knowing now and if you are trying to pitch financial backers on an artistic project, spiritual idea or institutional (hospital) matter then this is your time. Anyone you meet Monday or Tuesday may hold some kind of spell on you romantically, see what happens. The Moon’s squares today mean some challenges to be met over home, relationships, creative projects, kids, love and sex, divorce, and how you will deal with this financial interest so step up ready to tackle what comes.
Wednesday is in flow for the love or creative interests. The Venus/Pluto square is intense and going to be about heavy changes or powerful triangles involving your work, health or services. There is a legal, travel, ceremonial, educational, media, marketing, or publishing angle to what you are dealing with on the work or health front. With these energies you could be experiencing some strong sexual attraction/triangle playing out in these areas, that reproductive or divorce issue threading its way through it or the way the money is being shared/called upon triggering the issues you face. You can let this drive you forward as you attempt to share or go deeper, just watch for passions and power struggles and keep it focused.
Thursday brings lucky talks or news about the career, a boss or authority figure, fame or a big goal you have or it lets you reach a big goal over that sexual attraction, reproductive need, divorce, or big financial matter so open up the lines of communication! You are also in a pretty great position within creative projects, recreational activities, with or for children, or in love today. This lets you shine in partnerships or through the efforts of representatives (or gives you the keys to represent someone creative), and it helps you to make long term, positive decisions and talk, meet, or sign agreements that support your needs.
Friday the Moon moves into Capricorn and brings your emotional needs towards work, health and animals. You can reach goals, expand on the career front and impress the higher ups in your work world as well as have some positive talks or meetings about the money/work/health situation or the pet/divorce issue. Big change is on tap, think new beginnings in these areas. The only challenge seems to stem from the woman over the travel, legal, ceremonial, educational, media, or marketing matter so take it in stride when feeling out how love or income is affected. If you would like to know more about your own personal energy pattern/chart and what is influencing you now and up ahead schedule a private reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com
Your ruling energy is quite active this week so you can expect to be in overdrive with talks and meetings, writing and agreements, new ideas and perhaps a short trip or added local activities.
Monday brings strong potential for a solid money making/work situation to evolve. Open talks, write up the proposal, sign agreements, meet and pitch ideas, it’s looking very ambitious and structured and good. You also have a powerful tool to find health solutions or deal with animal needs involving the money you earn or spend today so set it in motion. Once Mercury moves into Pisces your thoughts will turn to relationships with romantic and business partners, agents, attorneys, or competitors in the weeks ahead.
Tuesday or late Monday night you will feel the Mercury/Neptune embrace that happens for the first time in Neptune’s new placement in Pisces. This is about magical, imaginative, romantic, artistic, or spiritual interests with those partners, representatives or other significant people and the decisions you make, talks or meetings you have, writing or agreements you engage in, or short trips you take. There is something destined about what is unfolding so tune into your inner voice and follow what is unfolding. If for any reason you get alarm bells going off pay attention because there is always the possibility of Neptune’s deceptive or illusionary influence behind the connection, your instincts are more powerful now in relationships so follow them. The squares that the Moon makes today help you see any challenges over ideas at work or regarding health or pets and the home/partner/representative needs.
Wednesday brings a good flow at home or with property matters and family. The Venus/Pluto square is intense and brings powerful attractions, power plays, triangles, control issues, obsessions, and deep shared interests to the fore over love, kids or creative projects and the sexual chemistry, divorce issues or big financially shared needs. Look at the third party situations that are making themselves known to you today and use the square to push forward the financial/creative axis or the love/sex axis or the divorce/children axis by getting real about the way you feel and what you need.
Thursday brings luck for you on the legal front, with foreign interests, travel, people at a distance, media, marketing, publishing, and educational interests and these tie into the news, decisions, talks, and meetings you have with partners, agents, attorneys, or other significant people. You may sign agreements or write something as well. You should be feeling good about home, family and security needs today as opportunity puts you center stage at work or over a service you offer, and helps you on the health fronts and with animals as well as with personal income, sweet!
Friday the moon moves into fellow earth sign, Capricorn, and brings your emotional needs to love, kids or creativity. You can find happiness and beneficial growth with loved ones or creative matters through travel, media, education, and legal moves today. Talks with partner and representatives should benefit you as well. Things are changing and evolving in powerful new directions. The only challenge arising today seems to come from shared financial matters, inheritance, debt, or some other outside resource, a sexual issue or divorce matter. Do what you can to address how love or income is affected by this. If you would like to know more about your own personal energy pattern/chart and what is influencing you now and up ahead schedule a private reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com
Your ruler is building to a major Venus/Pluto square mid-week when issues with a partner, agent, attorney, or other significant person will come to a peak and push you for changes at home, with a property matter, real estate deal, roommate, family matter, or over your sense of security. Know this will be the turning point.
Monday is about solid talks, meetings, news, agreements, or decisions involving you and a creative project, lover or child. This is under positive stars and all about commitments, long term structured matters and endings at the right time. It’s a good day to pitch ideas, write or sign agreements over creative projects or for kids. Mercury then moves into Pisces and your thoughts turn to work, health and animals in the weeks ahead.
Tuesday or late Monday night Mercury and Neptune embrace for the first time in Pisces and you may get news about the work project, co-worker, employee, service, health, or pets, or find that you are incredibly inspired or triggered over film, music, art, spiritual pursuits, research, investigations, institutions, or hidden strategies that are playing into the work, health or pet matter. It’s magical at this moment, if you are feeling the muse, follow it and trust your instincts. Squares with the Moon bring challenges to your attention regarding income and the creative project or loved one and the talks or agreements at work, with health or pets so you can deal with what needs addressing.
Wednesday is all about the Venus/Pluto square involving your ruler so expect to be looking at issues involving the love or money with the partner, agent, attorney, manager, producer, advocate, or competitor, and getting serious about what needs to change or evolve at home, with a property matter, move, renovation, roommate, or other living situation, or with family and security needs. The Moon is aiding you emotionally to open up talks or bring up agreements.
Thursday brings great opportunity to talk or come to terms over work, health or pet needs and the money that is shared or some divorce or sexual interest. You are in the spotlight on the creative front or with love and kids today and should be able to pitch ideas, meet, talk, write, or sign agreements that benefit you long term.
Friday the Moon moves into Capricorn and brings an emotional focus to home or property matters. You are under a good influence here with the financials, sexy connections you share at home, or in divorce proceedings dealing with property. Talk or meet about work, health and pet needs as you continue to make or deal with changes and fresh starts at home or with property, it’s all good. The only challenge today seems to stem from the love or money and a partner, agent, attorney, or other relationship. See if you can look at what is needed at home or for your own sense of security and then approach it with a view of overcoming obstacles. If you would like to know more about your own personal energy pattern/chart and what is influencing you now and up ahead schedule a private reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com
Your ruler is dancing with the Moon at the weeks beginning and moving to a square with Venus by mid-week before coming back to the same point in the sky as the Moon by week’s end so you will be put through your paces over an agreement, decision, writing project, meeting, talk, or news.
Monday gives you the opportunity to speak your truth or negotiate issues under positive stars. There is also a positive flow between the matters involving home, family, real estate, and security to what you are cementing long term behind closed doors now. If you need to sign contracts or pitch an idea involving these themes, this aspect supports the commitments and endings. Mercury then moves into Pisces and your thoughts turn to creative projects, kids and love over the weeks ahead.
Tuesday or late Monday night Mercury meets with Neptune for the first time in Pisces bringing some magic encounter, news or talks involving true love or some idea or inspiration on a creative level or for kids. This is all about artistic values and talents, romance, spiritual pursuits, and destiny intertwining with your new direction and ideas in love and with creative possibilities. Follow your gut. The Moon squares from both positions showing you any issues you need to address at home or with family and any income/spending issues you are facing. This may prod you to talk it out about the creative project, love interest or child.
Wednesday is in better flow for money making. The Venus/Pluto square is bringing things to a head in powerful ways over the talks or agreements involving work, co-workers, employees, services, health, or pets. This is about news coming in, writing, agreements, or decisions. You need to look at how the finances are flowing at work or through work related situations, how reproductive organs/sexual issues/health matters are going, if you need to address finances/health matters, or tend to animals in some other way. Attractions can be overpowering as can obsessions, control issues, and hidden agendas. Use the square to power forward for solutions in these areas.
Thursday brings good news, talks or agreements with creative projects, kids and lovers opening doors through partners, agents, specialists, and attorneys. You can step up on the home front or with family and make money, you can also cement something monetary through efforts behind the scenes, in film, music, the arts, spiritual pursuits, hospitals, dealing with addictions, research, or investigations.
Friday the Moon moves into Capricorn and pulls emotional focus to the talks and writing projects, meetings and agreements before you. The energy is pretty great for connecting with partners, representatives or dealing with competitors as well as opening a door to true love, for kids or with creative projects. Be proactive, keep the lines of communications open and write or sign agreements today. The only challenge comes from a female at work or involved with your health or animals, see if you can address love or money issues with her. If you would like to know more about your own personal energy pattern/chart and what is influencing you now and up ahead schedule a private reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com
Your ruling energy is bound to make you happy later this week as news or agreements come through involving your work, health or animals so keep the focus on your goals.
Monday opens up talks, brings news, helps you with agreements or meetings, or benefits your writing in big aspirational ways or tied to friends, groups, the internet, astrology, or charity interests. This is about ambitious ideas or something that is going to be beneficial long term so open up about what you would like to commit to or end. Mercury then moves into Pisces and thoughts turn to home, family, real estate, roommates, moves, mom, and security needs in the weeks ahead.
Tuesday or late Monday night you will feel the Mercury/Neptune embrace as they come together for the first time in Pisces. This is magical with a touch of Destiny regarding the idea, news or decision about the home, move, real estate, family, or roommate situation. It’s about new beginnings that will stem from romantic, artistic or spiritual evolvement on the home front and you should trust your inner voice now about all living situations since you are being drawn towards your fate. The squares from the Moon will show you any issues you should address with issues going on behind the scenes, in secret or involving some hidden issue, and any personal or physical needs you have at home that you feel are not being met or should change.
Wednesday is good for your own personal and physical comfort and feelings, however, the Venus/Pluto square is exact today and this is intense. This is about looking at the huge income issue, spending or what is going on with possessions or values with the kids, lover or creative project. You may have an offer that arrives that brings its own special money issues or feel that there is too much money going out instead of coming in, or find that third party interests are pushing you to make a choice about direction. Attractions and power issue can thread through all of this so use the square to ride through to solutions.
Thursday brings good news or talks about home or real estate, family or roommates and opens up positive growth opportunity or happiness through work, organization, services, health, and animal interests. You can step up in a writing project or over an agreement, pitch ideas, meet or talk things out, take on a speaking role, all good. There is also positive energy around what you cement with friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, or other social interests today, commit or end things under positive stars.
Friday the Moon moves into Capricorn and you are aligned to make money, work opens up, opportunities abound, you can come up with good ideas about home, moves, family, roommates, or real estate that should also benefit you financially, and this day puts you on the road to nice changes in income if you are proactive. The only challenge in the mix comes from Venus over love, kids or the creative input so be willing to address the love or money matter here. If you would like to know more about your own personal energy pattern/chart and what is influencing you now and up ahead schedule a private reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com
Your ruling energy is making nice this week with potential to cement long term goals at the beginning and end of the week so keep the focus.
Monday the changes you make involving friends, groups, the internet, astrology, or charities benefit. There is an important talk, bit of news, agreement, meeting, or writing project that opens up for you today involving income and career or big goals. Keep the lines of communications open and don’t be afraid to commit or end something long term under these positive stars. If you need to ask for more money from the boss or pitch a money making idea or have been waiting on a check to come through this looks good. Mercury then moves into Pisces and thoughts turn to local activities, short trips, writing, agreements, ideas, decisions, siblings, neighbors, vehicles, and electronics in the weeks ahead.
Tuesday or late Monday night you will feel the Mercury/Neptune embrace in the sign of Pisces for the first time and romantic meetings or talks open the door to some new beginning, news of artistic or spiritual pursuits comes in, you come up with some amazing idea or inspiration, an agreement or decision about an institution such as a hospital or something concerning an addiction or hidden issue comes forward, or you finally see something that changes everything. It’s a time of magic and Destiny so tune in and trust your inner voice, you are so aligned with spirit right now. The Moon squares will show you any challenges you must address with friends, groups, the internet, and income as well as any of the talks or needs you must truly get clear about.
Wednesday that deep alignment you have emotionally is going to help you with some of the intensities of the day so when things get heated you should zen in just a bit and breathe before responding. Venus and Pluto square today so it is intense over home, real estate, family, mom, moves, roommates, or security needs. This can be about sexual attractions, obsessions, control issues, triangles, big financial needs, a divorce in the mix, or the love or income flow. Yeah, it’s intense. You can use the square to ride this situation forward towards the change or evolvement you wish to see.
Thursday brings really beneficial opportunities with love, lovers, kids, and creative projects. Again it’s about the news, talks, meetings, decisions, or agreements in these areas so open up. There’s a big happiness or prosperity quotient in the mix. You are also in a great position today to earn money and reach goals, advance on the career front or cement something with the boss or another authority figure. It’s all good.
Friday the Moon moves into your sign and makes nice with the luck and expansion occurring with love, kids and creative projects so expect to feel pretty good in these areas. You can meet, talk, write, sign agreements, and make real progress on a personal or physical level, push your brand, tackle image or identity needs, all good. The only challenge today comes from a woman and the home, family or real estate matter so look at how income or love is flowing here and then face it. If you would like to know more about your own personal energy pattern/chart and what is influencing you now and up ahead schedule a private reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com
Your ruler is giving you the week off, saving up for the weekend when he will be making nice over agreements, meetings and decisions so head into your week with an open mind as per usual, it seems to be in flow for you now.
Monday is your day to have the talk, meet, write, sign agreements, or ask for what you need with a legal matter, travel plans or with someone at a distance, with any import/export or foreign interest, educational matters, media, marketing or publishing interests, or ceremonies. You can cement something long term through commitments or endings under positive stars. Mercury moves into Pisces and thoughts turn to making money over the weeks ahead.
Tuesday or late Monday night you will feel the embrace between Mercury and Neptune as they meet for the first time in Pisces and magic happens. This is about some inspiration or idea you come up with to make money or news that comes through about something artistic, spiritual, romantic, or tied to institutions, research, or investigations that opens up money making opportunities. You are aligned with the muse and should trust your imagination and intuition now. Sign agreements, pitch ideas or write, it’s all good. The squares from the Moon will show you where challenges should be addressed involving goals, reputation, fame, career, authority figures, and any social aspects from friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, or aspirations as you look at that money making idea, jump in there.
Wednesday is good for the social connections so you must have done something right yesterday with friends, groups, internet, astrology, or charity interests. The Venus/Pluto square is intense for everyone today and for you this is going to bring up some powerful issue that you talk out, meet about, hear news over, write about, face agreements or decisions, and get real about the romantic, artistic or spiritual needs tied to sex, shared financial interests or the divorce. It’s mighty and will feel like full-out obsessions or power/control struggles and lustful attractions, deep breath before embarking on this day.
Thursday is opening up opportunity to make money at home or through real estate, roommates, family, or moves. You can spend here as well under lucky stars. There is also great energy behind your social connections today so gear it up with your friends or groups, work on the internet or astrology project, help the charity, and cement things legally, with travel plans, media, marketing, publishing, or educational interests. It’s solid and good for commitments or endings.
Friday the Moon moves into Capricorn and you feel like hiding out or pulling back behind closed doors to do things at home and engage in talks about making money. This is under very positive stars so research, rest, delve into your artistic side, spiritual pursuits, and spend time with your lover at home since these seem to inspire prosperous moments. Venus is the only energy giving you any issue so you may have to communicate about the love or income feelings and feel stressed or have to deal with a woman over contracts or local activities (possibly a sister’s or neighbors issues) and this will require some patience. If you would like to know more about your own personal energy pattern/chart and what is influencing you now and up ahead schedule a private reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com
Your ruler is most active in the first couple days of the week with a focus on you, your image, identity, physical needs, or desires so get ready to step it up.
Monday the talks or news you hear is tied to film, music, the arts, spiritual interests, romantic ideals, secrets, research, investigations, hospitals, addictions, or something going on behind closed doors. You are in a great position to take this information or idea, agreement or decision to a solid, long term solution involving big money, divorce or a sexual attraction. Do you want to commit or end something, today is your day. Mercury then moves into your sign and your thoughts turn to yourself, your brand, name, image, body, or identity in the weeks ahead.
Tuesday or late Monday night Mercury will meet with Neptune for the first time in Pisces and you will know, get your idea, hear the news, make the decision, write, sign the contract, or meet and talk about something that is going to put you on the path towards your artistic, spiritual or romantic truth. Tune into your needs, listen to that inner voice, connect with your muse, you are supposed to be communicating from some magical, Destined place within about who you are and what you wish to do now. The squares from the Moon are going to show you the challenges you must address over legal, travel, media, marketing, or educational matters and the goals, career or boss/authority figure in the mix.
Wednesday you are in a better position with career, goals, boss, or reputation. The Venus/Pluto square is very intense and is going to play out over powerful changes, intense attractions or financial issues, life and death topics, or divorce issues involving a friend, group, internet project, astrology or charity interest, or aspiration. The money you make or made, any personal spending, or possessions are part of the scenario as well. So, look at how obsessions, control, triangles, power, and these topics above all fit in your particular drama today and then face the woman or the love or income issue and do what you can to make the changes to evolve the situation.
Thursday brings lucky energy around talks, agreements, meetings, writing, short trips, siblings, neighbors, vehicles, electronics, and decisions you make so keep communications flowing, answer emails and calls, and get out there. You are in a great position around goals or career, reputations and fame, or any major ambition as well. You can step it up here artistically, spiritually or romantically or find ways to research, investigate, deal with institutions, or strategies, you have the energy behind you. Cementing something with a loan, bankruptcy, inheritance, mortgage, settlement, commission, or any other big financial matter is possible. Get serious and do what it takes to commit or end what is going on.
Friday the Moon moves into Capricorn and emotions move to social interests, friendships, group activities, internet or astrology interests, charities, and aspirations. It’s a great day to meet, talk, write, or sign agreements over the above people or situations. You can really express yourself and should find some doors opening through these connections. The only challenge today involves Venus so making money or the amount you earn is in the mix again with a woman, face what you need to with her and move on. If you would like to know more about your own personal energy pattern/chart and what is influencing you now and up ahead schedule a private reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com
ZOE MOON ASTROLOGY COPYRIGHT 2011 ALL RIGHTS RESERVEDThursday nights at 5pm pacific/8pm eastern on CBS Radio: http://sky.radio.com/shows/the-zoe-moon-astrology-show
Listen to past shows on itunes: http://itunes.apple.com/ug/podcast/the-zoe-moon-astrology-show/id411444258
Follow the page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/ZOE-MOON-ASTROLOGY/210004136062?ref=mf
Sign up for the Astro Site: http://www.zoemoon.ning.com/
ZOE MOON ASTROLOGY COPYRIGHT 2011 ALL RIGHTS RESERVEDThursday nights at 5pm pacific/8pm eastern on CBS Radio: http://sky.radio.com/shows/the-zoe-moon-astrology-show
Listen to past shows on itunes: http://itunes.apple.com/ug/podcast/the-zoe-moon-astrology-show/id411444258
Follow the page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/ZOE-MOON-ASTROLOGY/210004136062?ref=mf
Sign up for the Astro Site: http://www.zoemoon.ning.com/

ZOE MOON ASTROLOGY COPYRIGHT 2011 ALL RIGHTS RESERVEDThursday nights at 5pm pacific/8pm eastern on CBS Radio: http://sky.radio.com/shows/the-zoe-moon-astrology-show
Listen to past shows on itunes: http://itunes.apple.com/ug/podcast/the-zoe-moon-astrology-show/id411444258
Follow the page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/ZOE-MOON-ASTROLOGY/210004136062?ref=mf
Sign up for the Astro Site: http://www.zoemoon.ning.com/
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