To order Zoe Moon’s 2012 Calendar, go here:
The Week is over brimming with opportunities, sweet :)
Tuesday the opportunity is between the Sun and Neptune and playing out over the needs that you have personally or physically in legal matters, travel, education, media, publishing, marketing, or ceremonies, and artistic, dreamy, spiritual, or romantic ideals with friends, or involving groups, the internet, astrology, charities, or aspirations. Venus exits the serious sign of Capricorn today and moves into Aquarius so we all embark on a new income and love cycle that will now focus more on social situations, friendships, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, and aspirations. The square going on between her and Jupiter means you are pushing for something big here today that may involve income.
Wednesday the opportunity is between Venus and Uranus and playing out over something exciting, a change, something new or spontaneous, or brilliant, involving a friend, group, the internet, astrology, charities, or aspirations and you! The opportunity is also coming between the Moon and Mars and will play out over action taken for work, at work, with co-workers, employees, services, health, or animals and the powerful feelings that come through. Things could get sexy today or you may find some positive way to deal with a big financial matter or the divorce.
Thursday is SOLAR. This means that you will be quite personally or physically into something that means something to you. The Sun enters Capricorn and marks the Winter Solstice at 12:30am EST so you west coasters will feel this late on Wednesday night. This puts a spotlight on ambitions, father, authority figures, career, goals, fame, and reputation. The trine to Jupiter opens up a positive and very big flow to make money here, this is lucky so let this take you where it will. The Sun will finally square Uranus so there is a surprise coming in all of this that will mean you acting on your toes, spinning on the dime, reacting to change or surprise in the mix at some point.
Friday the Sagittarius Moon squares Mars so emotions are wrapped up in that media, marketing, travel, publishing, educational, ceremonial, or legal matter while Mars pushes the work, health or animal need. We are in the dark of the Moon today so it may feel a bit still or frustrated if you push too hard here, just breathe, this energy can help you get a lot done if you just keep the focus and take one task at a time, organize, simplify, and go for it.
ARIES: (Readings call 818-613-6067 or email )
ORDER YOUR 2012 CALENDAR filled with Zoe’s astrological information for your sign here:
Monday gives you a chance to stand out in a media, publishing, marketing, legal, travel, ceremonial, or educational matter. The partner, representative or competitor is in a positive energy flow to this so connect, cement, get serious, or wrap things up.
Tuesday Venus moves into your social sphere giving you the charm and magnetism on the social scene. Expect to have things flow more easily and smoothly with friends, the internet projects, astrology, charities, group affiliations, and for love or income to come through these channels in the weeks ahead. Opportunity today involves the media, publishing, marketing, legal, travel, ceremonial, or educational matter again but today there is something with the friend, group, internet, astrology, or charity in the mix. You may spend big or try for a big income interest.
Wednesday the opportunity is putting you into something new or exciting, spontaneous or inventive with the friend, group, internet, astrology, or charity, all good. Your ruler is going to motivate you at work, to pursue work, do things with co-workers or employees, to push services, get active with health needs or animals, and to achieve something that makes you feel good about the shared financial, intimate or divorce matter.
Thursday the Sun moves into your Midheaven and opens up a 30 day cycle that puts you into the spotlight with career, goals, authority figures, bosses, dad, ambitions, reputation, and/or fame. Step up and be the leader you were born to be! There is great opportunity today to make money through stepping up. You will likely have some last minute surprise or change so just go into the day with the idea that you will go with what comes.
Friday is the dark of the Moon and a time when you will be thinking about how you feel about that trip, person far away, the legal matter, ceremony, media, marketing or publishing need, or educational issue. Mars will push you to do the work, deal with the health matter, pets, co-worker, employees, services, or organization in an effort to feel better about what is going on. So for example if you are dealing with a health issue and some lawsuit or legal wrangling over it, you will feel the push to do something about it today. Whatever combination fits your situation above, know that you are going to have more energy behind it starting tomorrow.
TAURUS: (Readings call 818-613-6067 or email )
ORDER YOUR 2012 CALENDAR filled with Zoe’s astrological information for your sign here:
Monday brings an opportunity for you to step into some intimate/sexual matter, divorce or big financial interest. You can get serious about the work, health or pets and how they affect or are affected in this by committing more or severing ties, all under positive stars.
Tuesday allows you to enter an easier time on the career front, with bosses or other authority figures, to attract the income you need through ambitious efforts with more ease, and to put any goals you may have involving a woman or love out there in the weeks ahead. Sex, divorce or shared financial matters are again in the opportunity here. It just seems that this is a big thing for you, your image, identity or personal needs are going to change in some big way.
Wednesday is about that big goal involving a woman, love, income, or career and an opportunity to do something different. Mars is in the mix bringing some real energy to the love, passion, relationship, actions you take with representatives or partners, creative opportunities, or anything involving kids, all good!
Thursday the Sun moves into your house of the higher mind so you enter a 30 day cycle of stepping up and putting yourself physically or personally into the mix through legal moves, travel, media, publishing, marketing, education, or ceremonies. Again your identity may evolve due to this, your may step up and become a leader here or make your needs heard. There is something big in this for you that lucks quite lucky. Changes going on behind the scenes or with anyone working against your aims will shake it up a bit today so just plan on tackling the surprises when they arrive.
Friday is about feelings you have regarding sharing, sexual attractions, divorce, or big financial interests. Pushing that creative project or feeling frustrated or angry over a love interest or child may come into play so pace yourself. You are in the dark of the Moon and real movement begins tomorrow.
GEMINI: (Readings call 818-613-6067 or email )
ORDER YOUR 2012 CALENDAR filled with Zoe’s astrological information for your sign here:
Monday puts you into the spotlight with a partner, agent, attorney, specialist, or competitor and allows you the opportunity to cement something long term, get serious or end something with a lover, about love, regarding children, or a creative project. It benefits you to step up.
Tuesday Venus moves into your ninth house and begins a cycle that will bring easier going in legal, travel, ceremonial, media, marketing, publishing, or educational matters. You can attract the love or money you need here more readily, smooth things out, and may become more involved with a woman in one of these areas over the weeks ahead in some beneficial way. Partnering or gaining representation in one or more of these areas is on the table today.
Wednesday the travel, media, publishing, marketing, educational, legal, or ceremonial need meets with opportunity involving friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, or some big aspiration you have, be open to change or new ways of doing things, all good. You may also have an opportunity to do something at home, with a move, real estate deal, family, or mom, that makes you feel good about the work, health or pets.
Thursday the Sun moves into the deeply shared areas of life and will put you in the spotlight here over the next 30 days so expect to step up with loans, settlements, inheritance, bankruptcies, insurance, taxes, alimony, child support, commissions, royalties, a partner’s money, divorce, or sexual attractions, intimacy or reproduction. Something big is going on here that is behind the scenes or in development. Be aware that surprises or changes come today via a friend, group, the internet, astrology, charities, or some aspiration.
Friday is about how you feel about a partner, representative or competitor and what you are doing at home, with a move, real estate deal, family matter, or mom. You may feel like pushing things, just remember that you are in the dark of the Moon and real action begins tomorrow.
CANCER: (Readings call 818-613-6067 or email )
ORDER YOUR 2012 CALENDAR filled with Zoe’s astrological information for your sign here:
Monday puts you in the spotlight at work, with health needs or animals. You have an opportunity at home or with any real estate, family or roommate situation here to get serious, commit or wrap things up, all good.
Tuesday Venus moves into your deeply shared area of the chart so you will see things smooth out with the big financial picture, your sexual attractions or issues, and divorce if that affects you. A woman may enter the picture that benefits your aims in one of these areas or you may see things smooth out and an ability to attract more love or income through these shared arenas. Today the work situation, health or animals are again benefiting as you push some big social interest or internet matter.
Wednesday the opportunity is involving that big financial matter, sex or divorce need again but today it leads to some surprises or changes on the career front, with a boss or authority figure, fame, reputation, or goals that will surprise and benefit you. The talks or meetings you have today or the offer you get will stimulate lots of action and passion and tie into the love, kids or creative project, all good.
Thursday the Sun moves into your relationship zone and the next 30 days will be focused on who you are with a partner, agent, attorney, specialist, competitor, or opponent as you take the lead or your image, identity or needs are focused upon. There is something big in this for you today that ties in with a social occasion, internet, astrology, charity, group activity or affiliation, or friendship under positive stars. You will be dealing with some surprise or last minute changes tonight on the career front or with a goal so be flexible, it may shake you up a bit.
Friday is about passionate talks or decisions that come into play over work, health or pets. You may feel frustrated, motivated, angry, or challenged but remember that whatever you are pushing, real movement begins tomorrow.
LEO: (Readings call 818-613-6067 or email )
ORDER YOUR 2012 CALENDAR filled with Zoe’s astrological information for your sign here:
Monday puts you in the spotlight with a lover, love interest, child, children’s interest, or creative endeavor. The opportunity is great for you to commit to something solid and serious, to hear of something important, or to commit to long term writing, agreements, decisions, or local activities here. If you wrap something up now it as well benefits you.
Tuesday Venus moves into your relationship zone and you will see things smooth out with a partner, agent, attorney, specialist, or competition in the weeks ahead. A woman may enter the scene now that becomes a partner or representative or that helps you in these areas or you may see that you are attracting love or income more readily through these people now. Today there is opportunity for real, dreamy love, creative interests or children through these people. Big goals drive the entire matter.
Wednesday brings more opportunity for love or income interests with a partner or representative but today it involves surprise or new interests with legal, media, publishing, marketing, travel, educational, or ceremonial interests. Making money and getting in the groove at home are also part of the day, all good.
Thursday the Sun moves into Capricorn and kicks off a 30 day cycle that puts you in the spotlight at work, in pursuit of work, with co-workers, employees or services that you provide, with any health goals or needs, and with pets, the environment or animals. You will be more active, get noticed and put your needs out there now and today there is some lucky connection with the boss, authority figure, career goal, ambition, or reputation that will aid you. Surprise or change to legal, travel, media, or educational matters may need some adjustment.
Friday feelings about the love, kids or creative project will push buttons over the money being spent or earned. This may motivate you to do something about making money or just frustrate or anger you a bit about where you are in the situation. Just remember that real action begins tomorrow.
VIRGO: (Readings call 818-613-6067 or email )
ORDER YOUR 2012 CALENDAR filled with Zoe’s astrological information for your sign here:
Monday puts you in the spotlight over a property matter, home, a move, family, or mom. You will be committing or getting serious about something involving your values or income in this and the energy benefits you to commit to something long term or end something that has been affecting this for you.
Tuesday Venus moves into your work interests, health needs and animal interest for the weeks ahead so you will see things smooth out here, find you can attract income more easily through these areas and that a woman may enter the picture to help organize, work, heal, or deal with animals in some beneficial way. Today this opens up for you at home and you are under way to something big involving legal, travel, educational, media, marketing, publishing, or ceremonial needs.
Wednesday the opportunities to get work done, land work, deal with co-workers or employees, health needs or pets will tie in with some big financially shared topic like a settlement, commission, inheritance, tax or insurance issue, partner’s money or other outside resource, or it will tie in with attractions, intimacy or divorce proceedings in some beneficial way. Mars is going to amp your passions or get you active.
Thursday the Sun moves into your true love, kids and creative ventures arena so you will find you are in the spotlight over the next 30 day cycle in love, the pursuit of love, with children or their projects, and stepping up as a creative individual. Your image, identity or personal needs will be more vital now in these areas and today there is something lucky and positive in the mix for you here with legal, travel, media, publishing, marketing, educational, or ceremonial pursuits. Sex, divorce or some shared financial matter will be a wild card that you must contend with today.
Friday feelings about home, moves, real estate, family, or mom may trigger some frustrations, anger or push you to motivate more. Just remember real action begins tomorrow.
LIBRA: (Readings call 818-613-6067 or email )
ORDER YOUR 2012 CALENDAR filled with Zoe’s astrological information for your sign here:
Monday is an opportunity for you to speak, write, sign agreements, do something locally, with a sibling, neighbor, vehicle, or electronic that benefits, put yourself, your image, identity, or needs out there, commit or end something under positive stars in this today.
Tuesday Venus moves into your house of true love, creative projects and kids so the next weeks will smooth out in these areas, help you attract the love or income you need tied to these areas and may bring a woman into the mix that is beneficial to your aims here. Today this involves a meeting, talks, news, writing, siblings, local activities, or agreements that should go well.
Wednesday the opportunity involve some surprise or new things with a partner, agent, attorney, specialist or other significant person and love, kids or creative projects. You will be motivated to do things behind the scenes that make you feel good about the money.
Thursday the Sun enters your home base for the next 30 days so you will be stepping up at home, with a move, real estate deal, mom, family matters, or security needs and playing a bigger role. Today this means you can align some big financial matter, sexual attraction or divorce issue to benefit your aims. The partner, representative or competitor is going to throw you a wild card so be prepared to deal with this as it drops.
Friday is about feelings welling up over a brother, sister, local activity, news you hear, an agreement, writing, short trip, vehicle, or meeting. You may feel like hiding out or acting out in some secret or covert manner, careful with not self-sabotaging today, the real forward push comes tomorrow. If you find you are pushing yourself hard behind the scenes today, step back a bit and breathe.
SCORPIO: (Readings call 818-613-6067 or email )
ORDER YOUR 2012 CALENDAR filled with Zoe’s astrological information for your sign here:
Monday offers you an opportunity to make money, step up and take the lead and either commit to something in development, involving film, music, the arts, spiritual interests, hospitals, institutions, tackling addictions, or research, or draw your line in the sand.
Tuesday Venus moves into your home base and over the next few weeks will help you smooth things out there or with real estate, family, mom, roommates, moves, or security needs. You may attract love or income through these areas or a woman may enter the picture that benefits you here. Today this means income again but a need to deal with a partner, rep or competitor.
Wednesday is an opportunity at home or with real estate, moves, family, mom, or security but today it involves surprises or changes to work, efforts, organizing, health, or pets in the mix. Your efforts with friends, groups, the internet, astrology, or charities will benefit you as well today.
Thursday the Sun enters your local arena and will light things up for you over the next 30 day cycle around local activities, short trips, neighbors, siblings, vehicles, writing, agreements, meetings, talks, and ideas. You will be taking the lead or stepping up in some way now and today that means something big with a partner, agent, attorney, specialist, or other significant person. Changes at work, with health or animals may surprise you or bring last minute shifts.
Friday feelings about money will propel your day as making a living or what you have spent comes under the gun. Expect this to be directly tied to an aspiration, friend, group, the internet, astrology, or charity and most likely push your buttons. Tomorrow brings new action forward so pace yourself.
SAGITTARIUS: (Readings call 818-613-6067 or email )
ORDER YOUR 2012 CALENDAR filled with Zoe’s astrological information for your sign here:
Monday is a stellar day for you to step up and be noticed for who you are or your special abilities. This will happen with friends, a group affiliation or activity, the internet, astrology, charities, and in pursuit of your aspirations. You can commit to something serious here now or wrap things up, all good.
Tuesday Venus moves into your communications zone which means you will be in more talks, hear news, write, look at agreements or decisions, in the weeks ahead involving love or income. This will smooth things out quite a bit an help you attract what you desire. You may see a female enter the picture in some beneficial way now as well. Today the opportunity is for you so open up, get out there locally, mix it up for love or money.
Wednesday the opportunity is with excitement and surprises that surround true love, kids and creative projects. It is your time to meet up, talk, hear good news, write, sign agreements, do local activities, make short trips, and share ideas that boost these areas of life. Single Sages may meet someone quite attractive while out and about. Mars gives you lots of action on the career front or with a passionate goal, all good.
Thursday the Sun moves into your income zone to shine a light here over the next 30 days which means you will be out there more making money or pursuing new income, launching a business, or garnering achievements or recognition. Today there is luck in this money scenario through big projects at work, services you provide, efforts at organizing, healthy approaches or involvement with animals or environment. Love, kids or creative matters are a wild card, a bit of a surprise.
Friday feelings about who you are or what you need are in the mix and directly relating to that boss, authority figure, career matter, business, goal, reputation, fame, or father. You may feel stressed or motivated but remember tomorrow real forward motion kicks back in.
CAPRICORN: (Readings call 818-613-6067 or email )
ORDER YOUR 2012 CALENDAR filled with Zoe’s astrological information for your sign here:
Monday puts you in the spotlight on some effort going on behind the scenes, in development or research, retreat or artistry and the serious movement you can get with a boss, authority figure, career goal, ambition, reputation, or fame. Commit more or wrap things up, it’s all good.
Tuesday Venus enters your income zone where she will help to smooth things out over the next weeks and help you attract what you need more easily. Love may flourish around income matters as well or a woman may enter the scene that is beneficial to your monetary gains. Today there is opportunity in this again through efforts going on behind the scenes or in development. Something is growing with love, kids or creative interests but at its own peculiar way.
Wednesday brings more opportunity to make money but today it comes from surprises or change at home, with real estate, mom, family, roommates, or moves. There is also opportunity to travel, tackle legal matters, ceremonies, media, marketing, publishing, or educational interests under positive stars.
Thursday the Sun moves into your sign and will tour here for the next 30 days. This is your time to shine. Your needs will be more out there and you will be willing to step up and go after what you want. Today this is tied very luckily to true love, children or creative projects. A surprise or change at home, with real estate, family, mom, or roommates will require some last minute pivoting on your part.
Friday Mars will push you over the legal matter, trip, media, marketing, publishing, ceremonies, or educational needs. This may motivate or frustrate as you feel like hiding out or dealing with something going on behind closed doors. Remember real forward motion kicks in again tomorrow.
AQUARIUS: (Readings call 818-613-6067 or email )
ORDER YOUR 2012 CALENDAR filled with Zoe’s astrological information for your sign here:
Monday puts you in the spotlight with friends, a group, the internet, astrology, aspirations, a social occasion, or charity. There is opportunity for you here with something you commit to or end legally, in travel, import/export, media, publishing, marketing, education, or ceremonies.
Tuesday Venus moves into your sign and will make you the flavor of the month where love is concerned or where attracting income or shining your beauty is in play. You have more charm now and today this means an opportunity with that friend, group, the internet, astrology, charities, or aspirations. Something big is on the home front as well or maybe it’s about a move, roommate, family, real estate deal, or mom.
Wednesday the opportunity comes via news, agreements, decisions, writing, short trips, siblings, neighbors, moves, vehicles, electronics, or local activities. Mars is giving you more drive and passion to sex it up, handle the divorce or deal with those big money matters, all good.
Thursday the Sun moves into your hidden part of the chart and you begin a 30 day cycle where you may retreat more from the world, rest up, contemplate, do your inner work, research, investigate, hole up in a clandestine affair, deal with hospitals, prisons or other institutions, addictions or self-sabotaging tendencies, or get into some spiritual or artistic project. You will be in the spotlight here or pouring more vital energy, dealing with image or identity or physical needs. Today this leads to good things at home or with real estate, family, moves, or mom.
Friday Mars will motivate or frustrate over sex, divorce or shared financial matters and may have you feeling stressed over aspirations or dealing with something involving a social interest, friend, group, internet, astrology or charity project. Remember real forward motion begins tomorrow.
PISCES: (Readings call 818-613-6067 or email )
ORDER YOUR 2012 CALENDAR filled with Zoe’s astrological information for your sign here:
Monday you are in the spotlight on the career front, with reputation, fame, father, authority figures, ambitions, or goals. You will find you have an opportunity to cement something or end it under positive stars that involves a big financial matter, divorce or sexual attraction or issue here.
Tuesday Venus enters the hidden part of your chart and will smooth things out over the next few weeks with hidden enemies, research, investigations, addictions, hospitals, prisons, music, film, art, spiritual needs, self-sabotaging, or clandestine affairs. You may attract more love or income through efforts here or a woman may enter the picture that helps you in one of these areas. Today there is opportunity on the career front or with a big goal through following your intuition in one or more of these areas.
Wednesday brings more opportunity in these behind the scenes, mystical, imaginative or institutional placements but today it ties in with some surprise or excitement around making money. You will be motivated with the partner, representative or other significant person over legal, media, publishing, marketing, educational, ceremonial, or travel matters, all good.
Thursday the Sun moves into your social realm where it will cast a spotlight on you over the next 30 days with friends, groups, the internet, astrology, charities, social occasions or networking, and aspirations. You should step up, take the lead and find your image, identity or needs are being recognized now. Today this may mean an invitation, news, writing, an agreement, decision, meeting, talk, or idea that benefits. Some wild card is in the mix around your income today, be ready to field last minute changes or surprises.
Friday Mars will motivate or frustrate you with a partner, agent, attorney, specialist, competitor, or opponent over the goal, ambition, career, authority figure, reputation, or fame. Remember that tomorrow is when real forward motion begins again.
ZOE MOON ASTROLOGY COPYRIGHT 2011 ALL RIGHTS RESERVEDThursday nights at 5pm pacific/8pm eastern on CBS Radio:
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ZOE MOON ASTROLOGY COPYRIGHT 2011 ALL RIGHTS RESERVEDThursday nights at 5pm pacific/8pm eastern on CBS Radio:
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