H A P P Y N E W Y E A R 2012 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We made it, here we are entering the year 2012 this weekend and the world is still in one piece! 2012 promises to be a year of massive change and evolution as well as a year of great hope and growth opportunities.
If you would like to follow along with daily aspects, your monthly forecasts and those of your friends and families, the major planetary actions, retrogrades and eclipse cycles, and the more than 200 inspirational quotes and 14 amazing art works from the stars of tomorrow, then get your order in for the 2012 Calendar where all of this and more is offered within the pages: http://astrologyscopes.com/
ORDER YOUR 2012 CALENDAR HERE: http://astrologyscopes.com
This NEW YEARS WEEKEND is powerful in that it is ruled by an Aries Moon that will sit down with Uranus and then square Pluto on New Year’s Eve day/night. So Mars is influencing emotional needs meaning you and everyone else will be feeling a determination to get their own needs met and this Moon is so frictional that it will likely be igniting passions and/or anger out there. With Uranus there is excitement, surprise, changes you didn’t anticipate, and more electrical chemistry. With Pluto there are deep connections, power struggles, sexual attractions, triangles, secrets, and more chemistry. So, weigh your day/night well, you know the people/person you will be interacting with, should you take a more passive approach or do the avoidance thing around volatile types or is there heat building between you and another that is about to send fireworks off for the rest of us to see this evening?! One thing for certain, with this energy combo, you will be on your toes, driven, motivated, feeling sparks flying and either enduring that as frustration or anger or diving into it as all out lust.
In the wee hours of Saturday night/early Sunday morning, Mercury will square Mars. Yeah, volatile. So Mercury rules our minds and the decisions we make, what happens out on the road and with vehicles, and any paperwork, meetings or talks going down and it is in the sign of legal matters, religious or political beliefs, media, education, and travel. So under a square to Mars you MUST NOT DRINK AND DRIVE (not that you ever should but under this combo you could go down hard if you do). You should also be aware that again with a square this is frictional energy so you could be hopelessly attracted to someone with worldly views that intrigue you or you could really piss someone off by going off on some drunken bent about your political or religious view, or you could tell off that officer that pulls you over. I’m giving you the heads up so that as the evening progresses you see it coming if someone tries to egg you on in a debate when you are really socializing to have fun and ring in a new year. I am also hoping you share with your friends that it is a night to use caution on the roads, even if you do designate a driver there could be others out there not so responsible tonight so be cautious.
Sunday the Aries Moon will dance with Venus so you may meet someone at a party Saturday night that you are drawn to or you may just see opportunity today to share the love. The Moon will inconjunct Mars so at some point you will feel pushed and pulled to tackle a pile up of work or to organize something when you’d rather do something else. For those of you that over indulge, this aspect will let you know you took your body a bit too far last night. Finally the Moon will trine Mercury bringing some pleasant talks or meetings and giving you the energy to plan that trip, deal with the legal, media, marketing, educational, ceremonial, or adventurous interest in a positive way.
I know the above sounds like I’m being your mom a bit on this Holiday Weekend and trust me, many times these squares can be very fun since they push us and spark passion over topics, so many of you may have a wildly delightful celebration filled with lots of sex at the end of the evening, jolly good show! I just want you to be armed with the knowledge that these squares also bring those accidents or run-ins with unpredictable moments and since so many drink on a night like this YOU should have it in the back of your mind to be cautious so you have a GREAT NEW YEAR CELEBRATION!
ALL SIGNS: I have written some personal resolutions for each sign to say out loud as they enter this new year based on what is coming up for your sign! Of course you can still resolve to end hunger and create world peace or anything else that you want but these are about what is going on with your energy :) Hope you enjoy them, much love to you all!
ARIES: (Schedule your 2012 reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
In the year 2012 my New Year’s Resolutions as the great and courageous sign of Aries are:
To remain open to the personal and physical changes that began in 2011 and are to continue to help me reinvent myself in 2012. I vow to be daring and experimental, to step outside of the box and lead my own life forward as a trail-blazer in some way. I am going to try new approaches to getting healthy, be spontaneous and not hold myself back when my ideas are far ahead of the crowd. I am going to trust that the universe has endowed me with this lightning bolt energy because I am ready to be the conductor for others. I may decide to radically change my image or identity to suit my evolving ego needs. I vow to look at the bigger picture where my career and biggest goals are involved since I know I am under the most powerful energy of change and empowerment here. I will learn new ways to deal within dynamics that involve more than one person or possibly another person and an institution combined on the career front or with important ambitions. I will seek out backers or deal with banks in ways that help me achieve my goal and I will deconstruct and rebuild my reputation if necessary based on the new freedoms I am allowing myself. I will remain open to sudden fame or opportunity and view it as a gift from above. I resolve to let the universe eliminate anything on the career front or with worn-out goals that are not best suited to my growth and prosperity. I will look very seriously at how my relationships are working/not working and put in every bit of effort I can with partners, representatives and how I deal with competition or opponents in the first 10 months of the year. I will embrace the fact that this is one of the most important periods of my life to master a new level of relating with others and that the work and effort I put into myself and any current dynamics in relationship will set my life up for more supportive connections for the next 29 year cycle. I vow to get to the bottom of any relationship issues this year and if I need representation I will seek counsel now. Lastly, I resolve to look for ways to earn a living that make me happy or bring in more money in the first 6 months of the year since I know I have more luck here than I have in 12 years. In the second half of the year I will follow the luck I have in writing, with agreements, in local activities, moves, with siblings, neighbors, electronics, or vehicles and look for ways to grow and find happiness here.
TAURUS: (Schedule your 2012 reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
In the year 2012 my New Year’s Resolutions as the strong and sensual sign of Taurus are:
To be completely open to the excitement, shock and change that continues to shake my world up and do what it can to awaken me from a period of life that is now passing from view. I vow to try new kinds of music, film or art, to open my mind to new spiritual interests or people, and to take at least one retreat this year to clear my soul and reconnect with the most original parts of myself. I will rebel against old worn-out ways of self-sabotaging or leaning on addictive behaviors. I will change the way I approach secrets and romance. I resolve to embrace the new level of empowerment that is coming into view for me through travel and connecting with people that are far away from my home base, or that comes through going back to school, getting credentialed or teaching, learning about the legal system, the media or ways to market my business. I will learn how to work within triangles in these areas so that I can deal with people and institutions successfully and I will learn to share power/money/intimacy through these outlets this year. I vow to be my most serious about relationships that evolve regarding my work, health or animals. I know this is bringing some of the most important relationships of my life and that the tests and challenges that I master now at leading my way in one-on-one dynamics with others on the job, with my services, around any health needs or for my pets will set up the way things are balanced in the next 29 year cycle. I will set limits, commit or end things here as I have no time to play around. Lastly, I will bath in the glow of the amazing luck cycle that I am currently experiencing and allow good things to come to me because I deserve personal happiness and I have the potential for great success. I know this is the biggest growth spurt I will have for 12 years and that the cosmos has my back if I am willing to step up to the plate, do what I need to do about my image, identity (married, single, doctor, lawyer, whatever title fits), my body, and my needs. I know I have this luck in the first 6 months on a super strong level so I will push for what I want during this time. In the last 6 months of the year my luck begins to open up big income opportunities and I will plan for these and pursue them with all I have.
GEMINI: (Schedule your 2012 reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
In the year 2012 my New Year’s Resolutions as the knowledgeable and flirtatious sign of Gemini are:
To be spontaneous and open to new and exciting changes that are available to me through the friendships I make or the friends I have now, the groups I join or form, social networking, the internet, astrology, charities, and pursuing my biggest dreams and aspirations. I will be willing to step out front of the crowd and trail-blaze a bit in these areas of life or to awaken new ideas and be inventive and original through these people or mediums. I will continue to completely overhaul my life when it comes to my ability to express and receive true intimacy. I will empower myself through sexual alchemy and work through deeply ingrained issues around sexual power or triangles that in any way hamper my success intimately. I will face any reproductive changes that are occurring or need to occur and will also face divorce if that is the only solution to my current experience. I will also find ways to transform my life through dealing with banking institutions or other people’s money and learn how to traverse all outside resources in an ongoing attempt to find a better balance between income and loans, debt, or other financial issues. I vow to spend the first 10 months in a very serious attempt to get real about love, kids or my creative abilities. I will commit or end things, structure my life in these areas and learn to master a new level of creativity or love. Lastly I will take advantage of the growth opportunities that are open to me through development and strategizing between now and June. I will look for ways to prosper or find happiness in time alone, behind the scenes, with one private lover, through film, music and the arts, in my spiritual pursuits, or through opportunities with institutions. In the second half of the year I anticipate great personal growth and luck and vow to accept the good things that are about to enter my life then.
CANCER: (Schedule your 2012 reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
In the year 2012 my New Year’s Resolutions as the nurturing and protective sign of Cancer are:
I resolve to be an originator on the career front this year. I vow to be open to any shake-ups, changes or inventive new ways to trail-blaze in my career or with any big ambitions or goals. I will Step outside the box and allow what is occurring to awaken my life on all levels. I will be open to non-conventional bosses or power people that want to show me new ways to achieve. I resolve to continue to transform my life through relationships this year by deconstructing and rebuilding my partnerships in romance, marriage or business, my relationships with agents, attorneys, or other representatives, and my way of dealing with competitors or opponents. I will delve more deeply into intimacy, power structures (how I express my own and how I give power away), and look at triangles or third party situations involving these people with an eye on how I can allow for vulnerability instead of the protection of withdrawing into my shell. I resolve to get very serious through commitments or ending situations that are about my home, the need for a home, real estate deals, the people I live with, my family, my mother, any move I may want to make, and my security needs in the first 10 months of the year. I know this is the most important time of a 29 year cycle to master a new level of responsibility and ambition here so I will meet each challenge and get real about what is happening. Lastly, I will embrace the growth opportunities, luck and happiness that is available to me through friends, social networking, the internet, astrology, group affiliations, charities, and the pursuit of my dreams and aspirations in the first 6 months of the year. I will stretch myself in ways that open my life up to better things. In the last 6 months I will allow luck and prosperity to expand my life through film, music, art, spiritual pursuits, development of projects behind the scenes, private romance, retreats, and any dealings with hospitals or other institutions.
LEO: (Schedule your 2012 reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
In the year 2012 my New Year’s Resolutions as the creative and dramatic sign of Leo are:
To continue to shake things up, make changes, try new things, innovate or invent, through media, publishing, marketing, travel, foreign interests, law, higher education, or ceremonies. I will let the excitement awaken my inner child and trail-blaze in these areas by trusting my own visionary ideas even if they seem radical or completely outside the box at first. To this end I may hop a plane to Machu Pichu, self-publish a tell-all book about spaghetti, start an import/export business, invent a new marketing tool or start a new vlog, sign contracts on some far out ambition or walk down the aisle dressed like superman/woman, go back to school or start teaching, and in any way come alive again through changes in these areas. I will continue to deconstruct and rebuild in more powerful ways my work, the services I provide, my health, and my connection with helping animals. I will learn to deal with third party situations on the job or with my health or pets, look at how I empower myself or give power away, deal with intimacy or sexual chemistry with co-workers or employees, look at any reproductive health needs, and learn to approach financial institutions or people to help make my goals here happen. I vow to get serious about my writing, the way I approach contracts, my speaking roles, how I ask for what I need, my relationship to siblings or neighbors, my cars and electronics, and my ideas in the first 10 months of the year. I will commit more of myself or end things but I will get real and look for ways to master new levels of responsibility or leadership in these areas. Lastly I will embrace the luck and prosperous opportunities that the universe is diligently trying to send my way via career, bosses, ambitions, leadership, fame, and reputation in the first 6 months of the year knowing I have more opportunity to grow than I have in the last 12 years. The last 6 months I vow to open up and spread my wings through social networking, the internet, astrology, charities, friendships, and group affiliations and to seek happiness and prosperity here.
VIRGO: (Schedule your 2012 reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
In the year 2012 my New Year’s Resolutions as the environmental, health conscious and service oriented sign of Virgo are:
To continue to shake things up, make changes, do things outside the box, or trail-blaze in matters requiring outside financial backing, dealing with loans, debt, inheritance, insurance or tax matters, settlements, alimony, child support, bankruptcy, commissions, royalties, a partner’s money, or any other outside resource. I vow to experiment and follow my own independent way through divorce or sexually, awakening a new level of intimacy that in some way feels visionary, radical or completely freeing. I resolve to continue to deconstruct and rebuild how I love, my relationship with my lover, my approach to new love interests, my idea of love, how I deal with children, and all of my creative talents and pursuits. I will look at how I am empowered and how I give power away, how I utilize triangles or put third parties in between true love or creative expression, and how I can now go so much more deeply into true intimacy with a love interest through vulnerability or reach a new level of creativity through exposing the raw side of what I have to offer. I will get serious about making money. I will get real about limits or responsibility and take the first 10 months of the year to really commit or end something involving how I make my living or the income I generate with an eye on mastering a new level of responsibility or ambition. I will be willing to work harder to create the income situation I want knowing that this is the biggest test in 29 years and I can ace it through diligence and new levels of leadership. Lastly, I vow to embrace the luck and protection, happiness and prosperity that is available to me in the first 6 months of the year through legal matters, media, publishing, marketing, publicity, travel, import/export, foreign interests, ceremonies, or higher education. I will look for growth opportunities here. In the last 6 months I will do what I can to expand my career or launch a new business as luck follows me here for the best time of a 12 year cycle.
LIBRA: (Schedule your 2012 reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
In the year 2012 my New Year’s Resolutions as the balanced and relationship oriented sign of Libra are:
To continue to free my life and awaken myself through shake-ups, changes, innovations, and excitement in my romantic or business partnerships, with agents, attorneys or other representatives, and with competitors or opponents. I will be spontaneous and independent and allow for the other person’s unique expression or personal space and I will let the people entering my life in these personal relationship dynamics show me new sides of myself as well as new ways to relate. I will continue to deconstruct and rebuild my home situation by making heavy changes to the home itself, real estate deals or moves, roommate situations or family interests, getting involved in property interests like building management or inspection, or dealing with mom or security needs. I will look at how I empower myself here or give my power away, how outside financial interests are at play and any triangles that arise over property or home that can teach me about the deepest part of myself. I will move into the New Year knowing it’s may last year of Saturn transiting my sign for 29 years. I will embrace Saturn’s last tests by getting real about who I am, growing up or taking on more responsibility, being a leader, taking care of my body or physical issues, make choices about my image or identity, and make the commitments or ending things accordingly. I will master a new level of personal authority and ambition. Lastly, I will embrace my lucky stars through pursuing growth in the first 6 months of the year through other people’s money, banking institutions, backers, investors, and through divorce or sexual attractions. In the last 6 months I will move into a huge luck cycle where I will do my best to expand through travel, media, publishing, marketing, legal matters, ceremonies, and higher education.
SCORPIO: (Schedule your 2012 reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
In the year 2012 my New Year’s Resolutions as the powerful and transformative sign of Scorpio are:
To continue to shake things up and trail-blaze through my work or services I want to provide, to be independent and original, to make changes, deal with sudden twists and turns, and to take on the role of awakener through my work. I vow to try new approaches to my health and to awaken some sleeping energy within my body so that my nervous system comes alive in a way that I have not yet experienced. I resolve to rebel against old ways of co-working or employing others, to innovate or invent and offer these inventions to society. I will look for ways to help animals or the environment this year. I will continue to deconstruct and rebuild the way I write or speak in roles that I land, looking for the next level of empowerment. I will seek outside financial interest in my writing or speaking roles, learn to deal with third party situations, and dig deeper to uncover the vulnerable side of life in my words to help empower others. I will step up to powerful contracts, make big changes with brothers, sisters or neighbors, and transform how I engage my local scene or neighborhood participation. I vow to get serious in the first 10 months of the year about limits, responsibilities and a new level of mastery and authority tied to film, music or the arts, my spiritual needs, how I handle secret romance, hospitals or other institutions, addictions, research, investigations, or this period of development on a project or ambition. I will commit more here or I will end things with an eye on graduating from this test period and not have to revisit it again for another 29 years. I will lead my life forward through structure and duty in these areas. Lastly, I will allow for the cosmos to continue to protect me, help me grow, find happiness, prosperity and luck through what is occurring with my romantic, marriage or business partnerships, with my agents, attorneys or other representatives, and with my connection with competitors or opponents in the first 6 months of the year. I will pursue expansion with these people. In the last 6 months I will find the luckiest growth in 12 years through outside financial backing or interests, sexual attractions, divorce, or reproductive interests and I will pursue my expansion here.
SAGITTARIUS: (Schedule your 2012 reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
In the year 2012 my New Year’s Resolutions as the adventurous and higher minded sign of Sagittarius are:
To shake things up, make changes, get excited, express my freedom and innovate in matters of the heart. I will be in the moment and allow for a great awakening with my lover or in pursuit or acceptance of love. I vow to define love on my own terms and to let love enter my life through people or situations that are unlike what I have known before. I vow to color outside the lines in my creative projects, to invent, trail-blaze and awaken a new level or creative possibility, to free myself or my style of creation and to go with the spontaneous ups and downs that are due to take me into new territory as a visionary. I resolve to change my life through children or let the changes they bring inspire me. I will get involved with a cause that helps kids or invent something for them. I will continue to deconstruct and rebuild the way I earn my living or the potential I have to generate income by looking at how I empower myself or how I give my power away, how I deal with third party situations, and how I handle debt, loans, investments, settlements, taxes, insurance, commissions, royalties, child support, alimony, inheritance, bankruptcy, my partner’s money, or any other outside resource. I vow to go deeper in an effort to understand what I truly value, how it affects my earnings and how I deal with my possessions. I will get serious in the first 10 months of the year about setting limits, making commitments, taking on more responsibility or leadership, and/or ending things involving friends, a group or groups, the internet, astrology, charities, social networking, and my own aspirations in life. I will master a new level of authority through testing myself in these areas or dealing with the obstacles that present themselves. Lastly, I will embrace the growth opportunities that surround my work life, health and animal interests through June this year. I will pursue expansion, happiness and prosperity here. In the last 6 months of the year I will equally pursue growth and luck through romantic, marriage or business partnerships, representation, or new ways of dealing with the competition.
CAPRICORN: (Schedule your 2012 reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
In the year 2012 my New Year’s Resolutions as the ambitious and leadership sign of Capricorn are:
To shake things up, make changes, deal with new ways of doing things, and trail-blaze regarding my home, real estate, my family or relationship with mom, my roommate situation, any moves I deem necessary, and any property interests I might get behind. I will allow an awakening to occur here that brings out a new excitement and I will let go of anything that is pushed at me as a mandatory change here knowing it is meant to shift now to free something. I will continue to empower myself on a personal and physical level in the year ahead by going deeper into who I really am and who I am evolving into as well as looking at how true intimacy must start with myself and knowing myself at this root level. I will transform my looks, my body, my image, and possibly my identity through a new title (married, single, doctor, lawyer, student, etc) or branding my name or image for business. I will spend the first 10 months of the year with a very serious and ambitious approach to my career, reputation, goals, and leadership. I will commit to more here or end things, I will set limits and take on more responsibilities, I will deal with bosses or other authority figures, and master a new level of leadership by the end of this time period. I will strive to achieve and structure my life around these efforts. Lastly, I will embrace the huge growth and luck opportunity that will take me through the first half of this year by way of falling deeply, passionately in love, doing something big with a current lover, clearing out any bad love mojo from the past to protect your love experience moving forward, and to find happiness and prosperity through love in general. I will also pursue expansion on the creative front and look for ways to prosper and be happy creatively as well as open up opportunities for children. In the second half of the year I will see this growth and prosperity move into my work opportunities and health or animal interests and I will pursue happiness and prosperity there.
AQUARIUS: (Schedule your 2012 reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
In the year 2012 my New Year’s Resolutions as the visionary and change oriented sign of Aquarius are:
To continue to shake things up, make or deal with changes, innovate, and trail-blaze in my relationships with my brothers, sisters, neighbors, or neighborhood, through moves, with vehicles, electronics, writing, the agreements I sign, decisions I make, speaking roles I take, or ideas I have. I will revolutionize my life here and be open to a great mental awakening that is occurring for me. I will be courageous in taking my unique and outside the box ideas to the public and will make choices that continue to help me understand a new freedom in life. I vow to continue to deconstruct and rebuild the parts of my life associated with clandestine affairs, hospitals, addictions, film, music or the arts, spiritual interests, research, investigations, or development. I will look at how I empower myself or give my power away in these areas and for ways to go deeper and transform them. I will make efforts to understand how sex, divorce, triangles, or big financial interests are in some way tied into these areas and how again my personal power is linked to metamorphosis here. I will eliminate what must be eliminated. I resolve to get serious about legal issues, travel, people at a distance, import/export, ceremonies, education, media, publishing, or marketing in the first 10 months of the year. I will set limits, commit more of myself or end things through these avenues. I will structure my life here and lead myself forward and I will master a new level of personal authority through facing any tests that come in these areas. Lastly, I will head into the year knowing that I have great luck and the potential for prosperity or happiness tied to my home, a move, a real estate deal, property interests, renovations, roommates, family, or mom. I will spend the first 6 months looking for growth opportunities here and will expand where I can. In the last 6 months I will begin one of the luckiest times of 12 years to find true love, take current love to a great new level, to have children or do something big with your children, or to have a breakthrough creatively, and to this end I will get out there and help it all along.
PISCES: (Schedule your 2012 reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
In the year 2012 my New Year’s Resolutions as the Karmic and spiritual sign of Pisces are:
To continue to shake things up, deal with or make changes, be spontaneous, trail-blaze, and take an independent, maverick approach to making money, handling possessions or spending. I will allow the universe to awaken something visionary within me that will lend itself to something innovate in earning. I will make money from inventions or original ideas. I will embrace people or situations unlike those that I am used to within my money making circle. I will continue to deconstruct and rebuild my friendships, group affiliations, internet, astrological or charitable interests, and my personal aspirations in life. I will look at how I am empowered by these people or situations and how I give my power away. I will go more deeply into how I relate here, I will allow for vulnerability and check in with any financial, sexual or divorce issues that may in some way color these connections. I will learn to share on a more profound level. I will spend the first 10 months getting very serious about a big financial issue such as a loan, debt, inheritance, settlement, bankruptcy, alimony, child support, taxes, insurance, commissions, royalties, or a partner’s money and I will either set limits, commit more of myself or end things. I will be willing to test myself here and master a new level of personal authority. I will do the same with my sexual attractions or issues, reproductive needs or divorce. I will grow up and make choices that will change the way the next 29 year cycle plays out. Lastly, I will embrace the lucky opportunities and growth potential that will be available to me in the first 6 months of the year through writing, signing agreements, meetings, talks, ideas, short trips, local neighborhood activities, the neighbors, my siblings, dealings with vehicles or electronics, or big decisions I make. I will look for happiness and prosperity through these places. In the last 6 months I will open up to the protection, luck and expansion that is going to occur with my home, living situation, move, real estate deal or interest, roommate, family, or mom.
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Zoe Moon
ZOE MOON ASTROLOGY COPYRIGHT 2011 ALL RIGHTS RESERVEDThursday nights at 5pm pacific/8pm eastern on CBS Radio: http://sky.radio.com/shows/the-zoe-moon-astrology-show
Listen to past shows on itunes: http://itunes.apple.com/ug/podcast/the-zoe-moon-astrology-show/id411444258
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ZOE MOON ASTROLOGY COPYRIGHT 2011 ALL RIGHTS RESERVEDThursday nights at 5pm pacific/8pm eastern on CBS Radio: http://sky.radio.com/shows/the-zoe-moon-astrology-show
Listen to past shows on itunes: http://itunes.apple.com/ug/podcast/the-zoe-moon-astrology-show/id411444258
Follow the page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/ZOE-MOON-ASTROLOGY/210004136062?ref=mf
Sign up for the Astro Site: http://www.zoemoon.ning.com/
This NEW YEARS WEEKEND is powerful in that it is ruled by an Aries Moon that will sit down with Uranus and then square Pluto on New Year’s Eve day/night. So Mars is influencing emotional needs meaning you and everyone else will be feeling a determination to get their own needs met and this Moon is so frictional that it will likely be igniting passions and/or anger out there. With Uranus there is excitement, surprise, changes you didn’t anticipate, and more electrical chemistry. With Pluto there are deep connections, power struggles, sexual attractions, triangles, secrets, and more chemistry. So, weigh your day/night well, you know the people/person you will be interacting with, should you take a more passive approach or do the avoidance thing around volatile types or is there heat building between you and another that is about to send fireworks off for the rest of us to see this evening?! One thing for certain, with this energy combo, you will be on your toes, driven, motivated, feeling sparks flying and either enduring that as frustration or anger or diving into it as all out lust.
In the wee hours of Saturday night/early Sunday morning, Mercury will square Mars. Yeah, volatile. So Mercury rules our minds and the decisions we make, what happens out on the road and with vehicles, and any paperwork, meetings or talks going down and it is in the sign of legal matters, religious or political beliefs, media, education, and travel. So under a square to Mars you MUST NOT DRINK AND DRIVE (not that you ever should but under this combo you could go down hard if you do). You should also be aware that again with a square this is frictional energy so you could be hopelessly attracted to someone with worldly views that intrigue you or you could really piss someone off by going off on some drunken bent about your political or religious view, or you could tell off that officer that pulls you over. I’m giving you the heads up so that as the evening progresses you see it coming if someone tries to egg you on in a debate when you are really socializing to have fun and ring in a new year. I am also hoping you share with your friends that it is a night to use caution on the roads, even if you do designate a driver there could be others out there not so responsible tonight so be cautious.
Sunday the Aries Moon will dance with Venus so you may meet someone at a party Saturday night that you are drawn to or you may just see opportunity today to share the love. The Moon will inconjunct Mars so at some point you will feel pushed and pulled to tackle a pile up of work or to organize something when you’d rather do something else. For those of you that over indulge, this aspect will let you know you took your body a bit too far last night. Finally the Moon will trine Mercury bringing some pleasant talks or meetings and giving you the energy to plan that trip, deal with the legal, media, marketing, educational, ceremonial, or adventurous interest in a positive way.
I know the above sounds like I’m being your mom a bit on this Holiday Weekend and trust me, many times these squares can be very fun since they push us and spark passion over topics, so many of you may have a wildly delightful celebration filled with lots of sex at the end of the evening, jolly good show! I just want you to be armed with the knowledge that these squares also bring those accidents or run-ins with unpredictable moments and since so many drink on a night like this YOU should have it in the back of your mind to be cautious so you have a GREAT NEW YEAR CELEBRATION!
ALL SIGNS: I have written some personal resolutions for each sign to say out loud as they enter this new year based on what is coming up for your sign! Of course you can still resolve to end hunger and create world peace or anything else that you want but these are about what is going on with your energy :) Hope you enjoy them, much love to you all!
ARIES: (Schedule your 2012 reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
In the year 2012 my New Year’s Resolutions as the great and courageous sign of Aries are:
To remain open to the personal and physical changes that began in 2011 and are to continue to help me reinvent myself in 2012. I vow to be daring and experimental, to step outside of the box and lead my own life forward as a trail-blazer in some way. I am going to try new approaches to getting healthy, be spontaneous and not hold myself back when my ideas are far ahead of the crowd. I am going to trust that the universe has endowed me with this lightning bolt energy because I am ready to be the conductor for others. I may decide to radically change my image or identity to suit my evolving ego needs. I vow to look at the bigger picture where my career and biggest goals are involved since I know I am under the most powerful energy of change and empowerment here. I will learn new ways to deal within dynamics that involve more than one person or possibly another person and an institution combined on the career front or with important ambitions. I will seek out backers or deal with banks in ways that help me achieve my goal and I will deconstruct and rebuild my reputation if necessary based on the new freedoms I am allowing myself. I will remain open to sudden fame or opportunity and view it as a gift from above. I resolve to let the universe eliminate anything on the career front or with worn-out goals that are not best suited to my growth and prosperity. I will look very seriously at how my relationships are working/not working and put in every bit of effort I can with partners, representatives and how I deal with competition or opponents in the first 10 months of the year. I will embrace the fact that this is one of the most important periods of my life to master a new level of relating with others and that the work and effort I put into myself and any current dynamics in relationship will set my life up for more supportive connections for the next 29 year cycle. I vow to get to the bottom of any relationship issues this year and if I need representation I will seek counsel now. Lastly, I resolve to look for ways to earn a living that make me happy or bring in more money in the first 6 months of the year since I know I have more luck here than I have in 12 years. In the second half of the year I will follow the luck I have in writing, with agreements, in local activities, moves, with siblings, neighbors, electronics, or vehicles and look for ways to grow and find happiness here.
TAURUS: (Schedule your 2012 reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
In the year 2012 my New Year’s Resolutions as the strong and sensual sign of Taurus are:
To be completely open to the excitement, shock and change that continues to shake my world up and do what it can to awaken me from a period of life that is now passing from view. I vow to try new kinds of music, film or art, to open my mind to new spiritual interests or people, and to take at least one retreat this year to clear my soul and reconnect with the most original parts of myself. I will rebel against old worn-out ways of self-sabotaging or leaning on addictive behaviors. I will change the way I approach secrets and romance. I resolve to embrace the new level of empowerment that is coming into view for me through travel and connecting with people that are far away from my home base, or that comes through going back to school, getting credentialed or teaching, learning about the legal system, the media or ways to market my business. I will learn how to work within triangles in these areas so that I can deal with people and institutions successfully and I will learn to share power/money/intimacy through these outlets this year. I vow to be my most serious about relationships that evolve regarding my work, health or animals. I know this is bringing some of the most important relationships of my life and that the tests and challenges that I master now at leading my way in one-on-one dynamics with others on the job, with my services, around any health needs or for my pets will set up the way things are balanced in the next 29 year cycle. I will set limits, commit or end things here as I have no time to play around. Lastly, I will bath in the glow of the amazing luck cycle that I am currently experiencing and allow good things to come to me because I deserve personal happiness and I have the potential for great success. I know this is the biggest growth spurt I will have for 12 years and that the cosmos has my back if I am willing to step up to the plate, do what I need to do about my image, identity (married, single, doctor, lawyer, whatever title fits), my body, and my needs. I know I have this luck in the first 6 months on a super strong level so I will push for what I want during this time. In the last 6 months of the year my luck begins to open up big income opportunities and I will plan for these and pursue them with all I have.
GEMINI: (Schedule your 2012 reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
In the year 2012 my New Year’s Resolutions as the knowledgeable and flirtatious sign of Gemini are:
To be spontaneous and open to new and exciting changes that are available to me through the friendships I make or the friends I have now, the groups I join or form, social networking, the internet, astrology, charities, and pursuing my biggest dreams and aspirations. I will be willing to step out front of the crowd and trail-blaze a bit in these areas of life or to awaken new ideas and be inventive and original through these people or mediums. I will continue to completely overhaul my life when it comes to my ability to express and receive true intimacy. I will empower myself through sexual alchemy and work through deeply ingrained issues around sexual power or triangles that in any way hamper my success intimately. I will face any reproductive changes that are occurring or need to occur and will also face divorce if that is the only solution to my current experience. I will also find ways to transform my life through dealing with banking institutions or other people’s money and learn how to traverse all outside resources in an ongoing attempt to find a better balance between income and loans, debt, or other financial issues. I vow to spend the first 10 months in a very serious attempt to get real about love, kids or my creative abilities. I will commit or end things, structure my life in these areas and learn to master a new level of creativity or love. Lastly I will take advantage of the growth opportunities that are open to me through development and strategizing between now and June. I will look for ways to prosper or find happiness in time alone, behind the scenes, with one private lover, through film, music and the arts, in my spiritual pursuits, or through opportunities with institutions. In the second half of the year I anticipate great personal growth and luck and vow to accept the good things that are about to enter my life then.
CANCER: (Schedule your 2012 reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
In the year 2012 my New Year’s Resolutions as the nurturing and protective sign of Cancer are:
I resolve to be an originator on the career front this year. I vow to be open to any shake-ups, changes or inventive new ways to trail-blaze in my career or with any big ambitions or goals. I will Step outside the box and allow what is occurring to awaken my life on all levels. I will be open to non-conventional bosses or power people that want to show me new ways to achieve. I resolve to continue to transform my life through relationships this year by deconstructing and rebuilding my partnerships in romance, marriage or business, my relationships with agents, attorneys, or other representatives, and my way of dealing with competitors or opponents. I will delve more deeply into intimacy, power structures (how I express my own and how I give power away), and look at triangles or third party situations involving these people with an eye on how I can allow for vulnerability instead of the protection of withdrawing into my shell. I resolve to get very serious through commitments or ending situations that are about my home, the need for a home, real estate deals, the people I live with, my family, my mother, any move I may want to make, and my security needs in the first 10 months of the year. I know this is the most important time of a 29 year cycle to master a new level of responsibility and ambition here so I will meet each challenge and get real about what is happening. Lastly, I will embrace the growth opportunities, luck and happiness that is available to me through friends, social networking, the internet, astrology, group affiliations, charities, and the pursuit of my dreams and aspirations in the first 6 months of the year. I will stretch myself in ways that open my life up to better things. In the last 6 months I will allow luck and prosperity to expand my life through film, music, art, spiritual pursuits, development of projects behind the scenes, private romance, retreats, and any dealings with hospitals or other institutions.
LEO: (Schedule your 2012 reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
In the year 2012 my New Year’s Resolutions as the creative and dramatic sign of Leo are:
To continue to shake things up, make changes, try new things, innovate or invent, through media, publishing, marketing, travel, foreign interests, law, higher education, or ceremonies. I will let the excitement awaken my inner child and trail-blaze in these areas by trusting my own visionary ideas even if they seem radical or completely outside the box at first. To this end I may hop a plane to Machu Pichu, self-publish a tell-all book about spaghetti, start an import/export business, invent a new marketing tool or start a new vlog, sign contracts on some far out ambition or walk down the aisle dressed like superman/woman, go back to school or start teaching, and in any way come alive again through changes in these areas. I will continue to deconstruct and rebuild in more powerful ways my work, the services I provide, my health, and my connection with helping animals. I will learn to deal with third party situations on the job or with my health or pets, look at how I empower myself or give power away, deal with intimacy or sexual chemistry with co-workers or employees, look at any reproductive health needs, and learn to approach financial institutions or people to help make my goals here happen. I vow to get serious about my writing, the way I approach contracts, my speaking roles, how I ask for what I need, my relationship to siblings or neighbors, my cars and electronics, and my ideas in the first 10 months of the year. I will commit more of myself or end things but I will get real and look for ways to master new levels of responsibility or leadership in these areas. Lastly I will embrace the luck and prosperous opportunities that the universe is diligently trying to send my way via career, bosses, ambitions, leadership, fame, and reputation in the first 6 months of the year knowing I have more opportunity to grow than I have in the last 12 years. The last 6 months I vow to open up and spread my wings through social networking, the internet, astrology, charities, friendships, and group affiliations and to seek happiness and prosperity here.
VIRGO: (Schedule your 2012 reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
In the year 2012 my New Year’s Resolutions as the environmental, health conscious and service oriented sign of Virgo are:
To continue to shake things up, make changes, do things outside the box, or trail-blaze in matters requiring outside financial backing, dealing with loans, debt, inheritance, insurance or tax matters, settlements, alimony, child support, bankruptcy, commissions, royalties, a partner’s money, or any other outside resource. I vow to experiment and follow my own independent way through divorce or sexually, awakening a new level of intimacy that in some way feels visionary, radical or completely freeing. I resolve to continue to deconstruct and rebuild how I love, my relationship with my lover, my approach to new love interests, my idea of love, how I deal with children, and all of my creative talents and pursuits. I will look at how I am empowered and how I give power away, how I utilize triangles or put third parties in between true love or creative expression, and how I can now go so much more deeply into true intimacy with a love interest through vulnerability or reach a new level of creativity through exposing the raw side of what I have to offer. I will get serious about making money. I will get real about limits or responsibility and take the first 10 months of the year to really commit or end something involving how I make my living or the income I generate with an eye on mastering a new level of responsibility or ambition. I will be willing to work harder to create the income situation I want knowing that this is the biggest test in 29 years and I can ace it through diligence and new levels of leadership. Lastly, I vow to embrace the luck and protection, happiness and prosperity that is available to me in the first 6 months of the year through legal matters, media, publishing, marketing, publicity, travel, import/export, foreign interests, ceremonies, or higher education. I will look for growth opportunities here. In the last 6 months I will do what I can to expand my career or launch a new business as luck follows me here for the best time of a 12 year cycle.
LIBRA: (Schedule your 2012 reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
In the year 2012 my New Year’s Resolutions as the balanced and relationship oriented sign of Libra are:
To continue to free my life and awaken myself through shake-ups, changes, innovations, and excitement in my romantic or business partnerships, with agents, attorneys or other representatives, and with competitors or opponents. I will be spontaneous and independent and allow for the other person’s unique expression or personal space and I will let the people entering my life in these personal relationship dynamics show me new sides of myself as well as new ways to relate. I will continue to deconstruct and rebuild my home situation by making heavy changes to the home itself, real estate deals or moves, roommate situations or family interests, getting involved in property interests like building management or inspection, or dealing with mom or security needs. I will look at how I empower myself here or give my power away, how outside financial interests are at play and any triangles that arise over property or home that can teach me about the deepest part of myself. I will move into the New Year knowing it’s may last year of Saturn transiting my sign for 29 years. I will embrace Saturn’s last tests by getting real about who I am, growing up or taking on more responsibility, being a leader, taking care of my body or physical issues, make choices about my image or identity, and make the commitments or ending things accordingly. I will master a new level of personal authority and ambition. Lastly, I will embrace my lucky stars through pursuing growth in the first 6 months of the year through other people’s money, banking institutions, backers, investors, and through divorce or sexual attractions. In the last 6 months I will move into a huge luck cycle where I will do my best to expand through travel, media, publishing, marketing, legal matters, ceremonies, and higher education.
SCORPIO: (Schedule your 2012 reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
In the year 2012 my New Year’s Resolutions as the powerful and transformative sign of Scorpio are:
To continue to shake things up and trail-blaze through my work or services I want to provide, to be independent and original, to make changes, deal with sudden twists and turns, and to take on the role of awakener through my work. I vow to try new approaches to my health and to awaken some sleeping energy within my body so that my nervous system comes alive in a way that I have not yet experienced. I resolve to rebel against old ways of co-working or employing others, to innovate or invent and offer these inventions to society. I will look for ways to help animals or the environment this year. I will continue to deconstruct and rebuild the way I write or speak in roles that I land, looking for the next level of empowerment. I will seek outside financial interest in my writing or speaking roles, learn to deal with third party situations, and dig deeper to uncover the vulnerable side of life in my words to help empower others. I will step up to powerful contracts, make big changes with brothers, sisters or neighbors, and transform how I engage my local scene or neighborhood participation. I vow to get serious in the first 10 months of the year about limits, responsibilities and a new level of mastery and authority tied to film, music or the arts, my spiritual needs, how I handle secret romance, hospitals or other institutions, addictions, research, investigations, or this period of development on a project or ambition. I will commit more here or I will end things with an eye on graduating from this test period and not have to revisit it again for another 29 years. I will lead my life forward through structure and duty in these areas. Lastly, I will allow for the cosmos to continue to protect me, help me grow, find happiness, prosperity and luck through what is occurring with my romantic, marriage or business partnerships, with my agents, attorneys or other representatives, and with my connection with competitors or opponents in the first 6 months of the year. I will pursue expansion with these people. In the last 6 months I will find the luckiest growth in 12 years through outside financial backing or interests, sexual attractions, divorce, or reproductive interests and I will pursue my expansion here.
SAGITTARIUS: (Schedule your 2012 reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
In the year 2012 my New Year’s Resolutions as the adventurous and higher minded sign of Sagittarius are:
To shake things up, make changes, get excited, express my freedom and innovate in matters of the heart. I will be in the moment and allow for a great awakening with my lover or in pursuit or acceptance of love. I vow to define love on my own terms and to let love enter my life through people or situations that are unlike what I have known before. I vow to color outside the lines in my creative projects, to invent, trail-blaze and awaken a new level or creative possibility, to free myself or my style of creation and to go with the spontaneous ups and downs that are due to take me into new territory as a visionary. I resolve to change my life through children or let the changes they bring inspire me. I will get involved with a cause that helps kids or invent something for them. I will continue to deconstruct and rebuild the way I earn my living or the potential I have to generate income by looking at how I empower myself or how I give my power away, how I deal with third party situations, and how I handle debt, loans, investments, settlements, taxes, insurance, commissions, royalties, child support, alimony, inheritance, bankruptcy, my partner’s money, or any other outside resource. I vow to go deeper in an effort to understand what I truly value, how it affects my earnings and how I deal with my possessions. I will get serious in the first 10 months of the year about setting limits, making commitments, taking on more responsibility or leadership, and/or ending things involving friends, a group or groups, the internet, astrology, charities, social networking, and my own aspirations in life. I will master a new level of authority through testing myself in these areas or dealing with the obstacles that present themselves. Lastly, I will embrace the growth opportunities that surround my work life, health and animal interests through June this year. I will pursue expansion, happiness and prosperity here. In the last 6 months of the year I will equally pursue growth and luck through romantic, marriage or business partnerships, representation, or new ways of dealing with the competition.
CAPRICORN: (Schedule your 2012 reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
In the year 2012 my New Year’s Resolutions as the ambitious and leadership sign of Capricorn are:
To shake things up, make changes, deal with new ways of doing things, and trail-blaze regarding my home, real estate, my family or relationship with mom, my roommate situation, any moves I deem necessary, and any property interests I might get behind. I will allow an awakening to occur here that brings out a new excitement and I will let go of anything that is pushed at me as a mandatory change here knowing it is meant to shift now to free something. I will continue to empower myself on a personal and physical level in the year ahead by going deeper into who I really am and who I am evolving into as well as looking at how true intimacy must start with myself and knowing myself at this root level. I will transform my looks, my body, my image, and possibly my identity through a new title (married, single, doctor, lawyer, student, etc) or branding my name or image for business. I will spend the first 10 months of the year with a very serious and ambitious approach to my career, reputation, goals, and leadership. I will commit to more here or end things, I will set limits and take on more responsibilities, I will deal with bosses or other authority figures, and master a new level of leadership by the end of this time period. I will strive to achieve and structure my life around these efforts. Lastly, I will embrace the huge growth and luck opportunity that will take me through the first half of this year by way of falling deeply, passionately in love, doing something big with a current lover, clearing out any bad love mojo from the past to protect your love experience moving forward, and to find happiness and prosperity through love in general. I will also pursue expansion on the creative front and look for ways to prosper and be happy creatively as well as open up opportunities for children. In the second half of the year I will see this growth and prosperity move into my work opportunities and health or animal interests and I will pursue happiness and prosperity there.
AQUARIUS: (Schedule your 2012 reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
In the year 2012 my New Year’s Resolutions as the visionary and change oriented sign of Aquarius are:
To continue to shake things up, make or deal with changes, innovate, and trail-blaze in my relationships with my brothers, sisters, neighbors, or neighborhood, through moves, with vehicles, electronics, writing, the agreements I sign, decisions I make, speaking roles I take, or ideas I have. I will revolutionize my life here and be open to a great mental awakening that is occurring for me. I will be courageous in taking my unique and outside the box ideas to the public and will make choices that continue to help me understand a new freedom in life. I vow to continue to deconstruct and rebuild the parts of my life associated with clandestine affairs, hospitals, addictions, film, music or the arts, spiritual interests, research, investigations, or development. I will look at how I empower myself or give my power away in these areas and for ways to go deeper and transform them. I will make efforts to understand how sex, divorce, triangles, or big financial interests are in some way tied into these areas and how again my personal power is linked to metamorphosis here. I will eliminate what must be eliminated. I resolve to get serious about legal issues, travel, people at a distance, import/export, ceremonies, education, media, publishing, or marketing in the first 10 months of the year. I will set limits, commit more of myself or end things through these avenues. I will structure my life here and lead myself forward and I will master a new level of personal authority through facing any tests that come in these areas. Lastly, I will head into the year knowing that I have great luck and the potential for prosperity or happiness tied to my home, a move, a real estate deal, property interests, renovations, roommates, family, or mom. I will spend the first 6 months looking for growth opportunities here and will expand where I can. In the last 6 months I will begin one of the luckiest times of 12 years to find true love, take current love to a great new level, to have children or do something big with your children, or to have a breakthrough creatively, and to this end I will get out there and help it all along.
PISCES: (Schedule your 2012 reading with Zoe 818-613-6067 or email zoemoonastrology@gmail.com )
In the year 2012 my New Year’s Resolutions as the Karmic and spiritual sign of Pisces are:
To continue to shake things up, deal with or make changes, be spontaneous, trail-blaze, and take an independent, maverick approach to making money, handling possessions or spending. I will allow the universe to awaken something visionary within me that will lend itself to something innovate in earning. I will make money from inventions or original ideas. I will embrace people or situations unlike those that I am used to within my money making circle. I will continue to deconstruct and rebuild my friendships, group affiliations, internet, astrological or charitable interests, and my personal aspirations in life. I will look at how I am empowered by these people or situations and how I give my power away. I will go more deeply into how I relate here, I will allow for vulnerability and check in with any financial, sexual or divorce issues that may in some way color these connections. I will learn to share on a more profound level. I will spend the first 10 months getting very serious about a big financial issue such as a loan, debt, inheritance, settlement, bankruptcy, alimony, child support, taxes, insurance, commissions, royalties, or a partner’s money and I will either set limits, commit more of myself or end things. I will be willing to test myself here and master a new level of personal authority. I will do the same with my sexual attractions or issues, reproductive needs or divorce. I will grow up and make choices that will change the way the next 29 year cycle plays out. Lastly, I will embrace the lucky opportunities and growth potential that will be available to me in the first 6 months of the year through writing, signing agreements, meetings, talks, ideas, short trips, local neighborhood activities, the neighbors, my siblings, dealings with vehicles or electronics, or big decisions I make. I will look for happiness and prosperity through these places. In the last 6 months I will open up to the protection, luck and expansion that is going to occur with my home, living situation, move, real estate deal or interest, roommate, family, or mom.
HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Zoe Moon
ZOE MOON ASTROLOGY COPYRIGHT 2011 ALL RIGHTS RESERVEDThursday nights at 5pm pacific/8pm eastern on CBS Radio: http://sky.radio.com/shows/the-zoe-moon-astrology-show
Listen to past shows on itunes: http://itunes.apple.com/ug/podcast/the-zoe-moon-astrology-show/id411444258
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ZOE MOON ASTROLOGY COPYRIGHT 2011 ALL RIGHTS RESERVEDThursday nights at 5pm pacific/8pm eastern on CBS Radio: http://sky.radio.com/shows/the-zoe-moon-astrology-show
Listen to past shows on itunes: http://itunes.apple.com/ug/podcast/the-zoe-moon-astrology-show/id411444258
Follow the page: http://www.facebook.com/pages/ZOE-MOON-ASTROLOGY/210004136062?ref=mf
Sign up for the Astro Site: http://www.zoemoon.ning.com/
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